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SECOND EDIT20NTelephone 365 Star Business OfficeVOLHONOLULU,XVIII.-.VI)NKKIAY, JULYHAWAII,o. 50901!!, 1IU0.BUT WONT M IX POLITICS AND PROHIBITIONisidistidii?fl YACHTVetlesen, chairman of thetranspacific yacht committee, received"cablo advices this morning from thecoast to the effect ttiat only thoSweetheart and Mollllou startedfrom San Pedro on Sunday.No reason is given for the othoryachts' dropping out or tho race at.tho last minute, tho local members ofthe yacht club being under thethat some misunderstandingarose over the supposed cntriqs.The Sweetheart fs a schooner verynearly as largo as the Hawaii, but isnot largo enough to race on equaltime allownce. The Hawaii will haveL.M".Ha-wai- t,8 HSssseEa3HaXllnirk--MBWTR1ESto allow her rivalthe long race.MaT fPIRATES SHELLEDTiml mailt hu mmIStAND RETALIATE BYTAKING FORTRESSseveral hours in"The yawl Mollllou entered by P. B.Smith is, 54 feet over an, 38 feet wa'' !ter llno( 14 feet beam and draws 8-(Associated Press Cable to The Star.)foot C Inches, being a keel boat. Hercrew consists of Louis Ward, commoHONGKONG, July 13 A Portuguese gunboat laden with troopsdore of the Aeolian Yacht Club, Wilhasu pirate settlement at Colowan, killing many in thebombardedliam Johnson, Prank Farmkoff, Wilstronghold.Inretaliation the Chinese have stormed and captured uFredliam Craig, Walter gfromreceipttheisofinC.Lnne.JohnSenatorFredericks and John Russell.Iseinforcenients have been sent from Macao.The Sweetheart will have as her to Congress Jonah Kuhio Knlnniantiole:San Francisco, July 1, 1910.crow, Fritz Whitney, Harry Hayard,My dear Mr. Lane:-- -1 have been invited 1o go home on the yachtBob Carter, Bill Jordan, Walterand a seaman named King. Cap- Hawaii by Captain Wilder, aud have concluded lo accept. I shall entain Lew B. Harris wlio sailed the joy the trip, and believe that it will benefit my health, which you knowLady Maud In the last race will be In fs by no means what it ought to be, and if I can help a liftle to get thecommand of the schooner.boat in first, so much the better.The onlv point against it is the vote on the liquor question to botaken on the (!th, but 1 have come to the conclusion that my beingthere is going to drive the election right into politics, and it will beRace LinesBro-mlc-kAIRSHIP EXPLODESAND FIVEused and handled only to get some advantage, one way or the other,for the regular elections in November.I allowed my name to go on the committee handling the temperance side of the fight, because on the temperance question I want to bealso believe that many ol the sawith temperance, not against it.loon men have forfeited all right to consideration by the way theyhave been handling their business, particularly among llawaiians, andI felt a vigorous protest of some kind was necessary. Personallywould be pleased to see every'riawniian cut liquor out altogether.They would be better off without it, but this is as far us my mind hasgone.You know I am not a teetotaler and not a nrohihUionisl, und Iwb.'tttylouy race lines. The day for thatcertainly want nohat the Hawaiinns as llawaiians do must be ain Haicau is pan.matter of free will and personal choice, but general laws reachingall races that curb the evils of liquor I will always help, and 1 am gladto hear that the liquor agitation has already cut out many saloonsmd shut oil the sale of the worst kind of Juniors. The present law isshowiny up well in these respects.However, as I have already said, I don t propose so far as I amconcerned, that the special election shall be used to do politics. Proper consideration of the rights ol (he liepublican party alone whichhas made no party declaration on the ssubjecr, would require thisfrom me. The cause of temperance itself wfll be injured by allowingthe special election to take any such turn, but I have felt at liberty toexpress my personal sympathy and good will for the cause of temperance and to aid in the enforcement of the laws from that standpointand this I have already fully done.So I am making my plans to go on the Hawaii, and let us hope foronce that a Jonah on board will bring goodluck.Yours with aloha,KUniO.KILLEDLEICHLGEX, July Kl. A dirigible has met destruction while inflight through the explosion of a tank containing benzine. The aeronaut, tfrbsloeli, aud the crew of four men were killed.1KIWarrants have issued to tho variouscounties of the Territory, from theTerritorial auditor's office, for whatyap coming to the counties for thesix months period ended June 30.Oahu gets ?2C4,000, includingclean up; Hawaii gets ?114,000, 34,-00- 0?24,000 clean up; and Kauaigets 64,000, including 1C,000 cleanup: Maui's is not yet certain.The Federal folk bcnefltel by thecongressional Indulgence to the extent of having their salaries raised,have received their com under the'new scheme.U. S. District Attorney Breckong,for example, is now getting his wageson tho basis of tho advance from 3,-0to 4,000 a year.Marshal Hendry, likewise, is getting his on the basis of an increase from 2,500 tothough he earns more, considering the hard work he has to do. Thegovernor and the circuit judges, etals, also received pleasant souvenirsin the last mall. 3,-00-Wants Hisartner ToBe Fi redOne of the joint executors of theestate of Dang Young, deceased, petitions in circuit court for the removalof the other executor on tho groundthat his partner refuses to maRe anaccounting or to conduct the businessof the estate In the manner in whichit, should be handled.Chang Shal declares that Dang Poyremoved ?807 from the First NationalBank and has made no accountingAlso that heto the estate therefor.deposited certain money to his owncredit in the Bank of Hawaii; alsothat he has collected various estatemoneys for which he refuses to account.Judge Itoblnson orders Dang Poy toappear and explain on July 15.InsurancefeNo man has done his full dutyby his famjly unless ho carrieslife Insurance.All other forms of Investmentmay bo swept away. That aloneis sure.THE PRUDENTIALhas tho strength of GIbralter.INSURANCE DEPARTMENT.FLEET ORWDFLEETRumors relative to the Pacific flcotof cruisers and torpedo boats are stillbeing heard on all sides.It Is saidnow that the fleet will be here this.fall for at least three months, butAdmiral Rees has heard nothing of'flcially about it and none of the oflicers on the cruisers now In port seemto think that there Is any truth Mthe report.In spite of the official end of therumor, private letters have been recelved from the coast which indicatethat the navy department Is considering the feasibility of sending the shipshero for their winter maneuvers. Thepresence of nearly sixteen warships Inport for three months would mean ngreat deal to tho city n every way,In time, when Pearl Harbor Is opened as a navy yard, a largo numberof ships will bo hore prctlcall all thotime in addition to a station shipwhich will probably have a crow of atleast three hundred on board.A business man stated this morning that he bad received from afriend of his on ono of tho. cruisersthat tho fleet was coming here sometime in Soptembor and would remainfor at least three months.Chlot Clerk Hoenltz at tne naval statlon stated this afternon that AdmiralRees had received no official word"from Washington and ho doubted verymuch If tho fleet would bo hero,laws-whic-SAN PBAXCISCO, July 13. The Southern Pacific Uailwny haspaid 1S,000 line on IS counts for rebating, one hundred and fiftysimilar counts having been dismissed.9"00deal has practically been consumSteammated whereby the Inter-IslanNavigation Company becomes ownerof tho equipment of tho marine railway and owner of tho leases of thorailway and land upon which It stands.This property and leases have formany years belonged to tho SorensonEstata and James Lyle, doing business as Sorenson & Lyic.Particulars of tiio deal cannot bogiven this afternoon for the reasonthat the papers are still In the handsof tho attorneys.It is understood.however, that the Inter Island company will assumo charge of tho prodperty very soon, andwill operate1,WJ,lC fUnei'alf t,,e IatcKiSKtlwnrd costeof monoy, as well as showing lncreas- u oiici-- aim Kuiiemiiy ucuer operation. Tho Sonoma and Ventura areeach 400 feet In length, and theirlengthening to tho extent of forty feeting steamers, the Sonoma and Ventura, have been laid up In Idleness Inthe upper bay for tho last three yearsor since they were-takeoff tho Sydney route as a result of tho Australiansubsidy having expired.It Is now proposed according to thestory told by" people close to theSpreckels Interests, to rebuild theand Ventura and place them ontho Sydney, Auckland and San Francisco route, with a third steamer tobe furnished by Sir James Mills fromtho Union company's fleet, and tofloperato a strong lino between heroEfforts would, otand the colonics.course, bo mado to secure a subsidy,but the line, with the traffic arrangement with tho Union Steamship Com-pantho largest concern of Its kindIn Australia, would bo expected to return a profit oven without any government subsidy.Under the plans, as reported, thetwo Spreckels liners, which have beenmaintained In good order, will boBuy Marine RailwayA'Tn,yat Honolulu with a liner bound for luiifjuicncu rorty feet and Riinniiertapparatus, and other-wisthis city. Ho nrrangod while here for withbrought, up to date.an Interchange of passengers on hisThe relino and tho Matson steamers, and cent test of oil ns fuel in the Sierra,also conferred with the officials of the sister ship of the Sonoma and VenOceanic company, whose two remain- tura, has shown a wonderful savingMaynter-Islan- tf000DX'itfor tho present, at least on formerlines.A prominent Inter-Islanman saidthis afternoon"Tho Inter-IslanSteam Navigation Company nas reach,ed a position where a raarlno railwayis an essential part of Its business.So important is our business to thelocal railway, that tne railway itselfwas built to conform to tho size andTho timeneeds of our steamers.has now come when wo stiould andmust, as a business proposition, owna dry dock; and It is for that reasonthat tho negotiations with Sorenson JiLyle have been made."dd(ContinuedcmPage Eight.)NEW RICE MILL.Th9 K. Yamamoto Rico Mill, is tholargest as well as tho finest In theIslands. All machinery Is of tho verylatest pattern.Tho famous TenguRico Is cleaned at this mill, With thelarge cleaning capacity they are ableto handle considerable out-sldparticular work wnich thoy guarantee.o 4 ShoeA homo for tho feet not aPrison.Wo have them in all leathersboth In high and low.Especially good for offico menand clerks.TAGAIN TO ANTIPODESAVOID ALL DANGERSis a dangerous disoaseChamberlain's Colie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Romedy hasin nlnousedbean successfullyepidemicsof dysentery.It hasnever been known to fall. It Ib equallyvaluablo for children and adultB, andwhen reduced with wntor and swootFor saleonod it fs pleasant to take.by all dealers, Bonson, SmithII agents for Hawaii.,DysenteryHawaiiani.rUMsrUUm.1MlTrustCo., Ltd.fe---run oircou1.:but canbo cured.SAN FRANCISCO, Jnly 3.As are-sult of tho recent visit or Sir JamesMills, prosldent of tho Union Steamship Company of Now Zealand, to thiscity a few weeks ago, thero Is said tobo a strong probability mat tho Spreckels stoamors Vontura and Sonomamay again lo placed In operation ontho route connecting Now Zealandand Australia with San Francisco. Thostatement that tho Oceanic orSpreck-ols- ,company js to join with tho UnionSteamship Company In tho establishment of a now lino la not denied byofficials of thoOceai.'c company,though thoy docllno to mako any com.ments on tho report. The story, how-ovocomas from a high sourco.Sir Jamoe Mills, lately arrived herefrom the Autlppdos, having cqnnactodr,PflWIlERAbsolutely PureTho only baking powdermado with Royal GrapoCream of TartareManufacturer'sShoe Co., Ltd.,1051 Fort St., - Honoluludo Alum, Ho lime Phosphatef! .-fws5k,V.I';.tlmmis:-

TUBTWOSTAR,HAWAIIANWEDNESDAY,JULY13, 1010.11TIDES, SUN AND MOON.Oceanic Steamship CompanySierra SEPT.S627OCT. 1821C. A. Lino leavesConnects at Honolulu with C. A. Line for Sydney.28 days.overy10and8,Jan.Australiaflonolulu foren routeArrives In Honolulu a week In ndvanco of C. a. Line steamerto Sydney.RATES from Honolulu to San Francisco First Class, 65 ; Roundrower1fiJfe Go-- gLtd,GENERAL AGENTS.fICanadian-Australi-W,Royal Mail Steamship Coan5d SlSs ttVlot.ru.FOR FIJI AND AUSTRALIA.Calls4B. O. Honolulunrl.b.r.Theo.am.f.aa.Vl.112 12.015.200:155i2oli:45e--II '2 101:10138:101.2 10:022:603.02 5T.11:021'. M.8:301.13:214 5715 11:571.3 .9:104:000:52 5:280:410 30 M.101.5 10:5!)4:378:03 6:28 0:441:031.75:20SM1:371:1127(0:45,5 270.115:28 0:41Times of the tide aro taken fromtho U. S. Coast ana Geodetic SurveyThe tides at Kahuiul andtables.HIlo occur about one hour earlierthan at Honolulu. Honolulu standardtime is 10 hours 30 minutes slowerthan Greenwich time, being that oftho meridian of 157 degrees 30 mlns.The time whistle blows at 1:30 p.m.,which is tho samo as GreenwichThe sun and0 hours 0 minutes.moon aro for local time. for the wholegroup.Q.Shippingr::::::aSSSu::::::::::KAT SUVA,7:3SQ28:53FOR VANCOUVER.111PortX(Government Vessels.)Kukui, U. S. L. H. T., Carriger.U. S. S. Cleveland, Rodman, Manilaat Vanning Island.CALLING1.0S1.117FOB PARTICULARS, APPLY TOSJ27:3111Family Room, extra.?no.5nfleHuS PiMiss A. Harrington, Miss Mary Soxton,13tU, Miss Lydla McStockor, P. B McStockorDr. C. B. Cooper, Dr. Baldwin, F.Klamp, J. N. S. Williams, Mrs. Wll23 Hams, Miss Klamp, Miss McCarthy,Miss Edith Mayor, Miss Guppy, A. D,.Castro, Win, Walsh, L. Abrams, Mrs,Abrams, F. N. Payne, C. W. Mncfarlano. Miss E. F. Mist, Mrs. II. M. Mist,SetsPer O S. S. Slorra, for San Fran10:80cisco, July 20. Mr. and Mrs. S. E.11:20 Scheellne, J. H. Flddes, J. P. Erdman,Mrs. S. M. Ncedham, Miss Needham,11:57 Hiss Harbaugh, Miss M. T. Kluegel, 11W. Robinson R. P, Drako, E. P. Letson,iW. G. Irwin, Miss T. Fahy, G. Bush,12AvTrip,0:5211SEPT.SEPT.OCT. 12H1tpi017717 XT. a.AUG. 16AUG. 5 AUG. 10AUG. 26 AUG. 313020IS s3 SoSS 553ARRIVE S. P,JULY 26LEAVE HON.ARRIVE HON.JULY 15 JULY 20P.S.First quarter of tho moon, JulyVOYAGES.FIJI, ON BOTH UP AND DOWNJuaeDavies & Co., Ltd., Geu'l Agents21.U. S. S. Chattanooga, McDonald, Manila, June 21.U. S. R. C. Thetis, from cruise, July11.Pacific Mail Steamship Co.Toyo Kisen Kaisha S. S. Co.'nd Leavewill CM at HONOLULUStumers of the above Companiesbelow:mentionedDatestheaboutoronthis PortLEAVE HONOLULU FOR S P.LEAVE HONOLULU FOR OR.ENLJuly .4JULY 12 MONGOLIArHINAJULY 3018 TENYO MARUJULYMANOHUMA.AUG. 7JULY 26 KOREACHIYO MAItUAUG. 20AUG. 2 NIPPON MAItU7arAAUG. 28AUG. 15 SIBERIAMONGOLIA23 CHINA3AUG.SEPT.MAItUTENYO1029 MANCHURIAAUG.SEPT.KOREASEPT. 17SEPT. 13 CHIYO MARUNIPPON MARU'19 ASIASEPT. 24SEPT.SIBERIAOCT. S20SBPTMONGOLIACHINAOCT. 153 TENYO MARUOCT.MANCHURIAOCT. 22OCT. 11 KOREACHIYO MARU'NOV. 5OCT. 18 NIPPON MARUASIA3, i,.TORFURTHER INFORMATION APPLY TOH. HACKFELD ft CO.W,11Schedule, 1910Matson NavigationSANCo.'sAND HONOLULU.FRANCISCODIRECT SERVICE BETWEENU. S. S. Prometheus, from San Francisco, July 11.(Merchant 'essels.)Alden Besse. Am. Uk., Miller, SanPolro,May 18.Sheridan, from Honolulu for SanFrancisco, Ju,y 4.Sherman, ar. Honolulu from San Francisco, Jul 12.30.34;temperature58.M. N. S. S. LURL1NE, AT SEA,The S. S. Hyades of this lino sails from Seattle for Honolulu, DIRECT, on30 miles out en route Honolulu-Saor about July 10, 1910.Francisco); moderate N. E. windsjFor further particulars apply tcchoppy sea.GENERAL AGENTS.CASTLE & COOKE LTD.,."M. N. S. S. H1LONIAN, AT SEA.Left HIlo for San Francisco direct at6. p. m.American-Hawaiia- nnCo.FROM NEW YORK TO HONOLULU, via Tehuantepec, every siifthflay. Freight received at all times at the Company's Wharr, 41st Street,South Brooklyn.DIRECT:FROM 8EATTLE AND TACOMA TO HONOLULUJuly 25S. S. Virginian to sailAugust C.,S. S. Mexican to sailFor further information, apply toH HACKFELD & CO., LTD, Agents, Honolulu.C P. MORSE, General Freight Agent.'''VIOH -- D AG F GBAGGAGE, SHIPPING.8TORAGE, WOOB,8TRAKSF ER GO.LTDxa6 KING ST.FURNITURE AND. PIANO MOVINGPACKING,COAL.Firewood and CoalBest Grades Always On HandConcrete Brick, CrushedRock and SandHustacePeckPhone 295Go.63 Queen StreetrUGot tho most out of it.Vacationmoans rest for tho man and womanwho ib run down through too muchsociaty or too much business.Achange of occupation and a change ofscono re needed to bring one back toTIEIsnecessary to accomplish rosultsTho sulslno and tho hotel and Its envlronments act as a tonic and no onocan spend a week there without feelingTeachers attending thobenefitted.Bummr school nro afforded specialrates during tho summer.Square FootOr a trifle over for home sites of more thanone acre each, adjoining the celebratcl PukeleHomestead in PALOLO VALLEY, ten minutes'walk from the car line.These lots are adjoining the beautiful homes ofOwen Williams, WilliamA. Rideout, Charles J.Schoening, Edward F. Patten and others. Therear of these lots extends to the hill slopes, fromwhich grand views are to be, had. Correct soilfor all kinds of fruit.Let me show you this property.Pal-esto-FOREIGNthatLots In FruitvaleOne Cent PerLIp-plnco- 5ooper acre and up.,iMap in my window.Chas, S. DeskySI EAMERS"FORT STREETTABLEEXCLUSIVE PATTERNS IN HANDSOME GREYSEnglish and American Weaves.and style unequalled.STEAM ES TO ARRIVE.DuoNamefromRenee Rikmers, Ger, sp. Dan. from15 SierraSan FranciscoBremen, June 1.IS ManchuriaSan FranciscoMary E. Foster, Am. schr. Port Lud22 MaramaVictorialow, June 15.24 MongoliaYokohamaR. P. Rithet, Am. bk Drew, San25 Hongkong Maru .HongkongFrancisco June IS.2CChiyo MaruSan FranciscoA. F. Coats, Am. sch., Morris, Had- 30 Tenyo .MaruYokohama30.lock, JunoOmega, Am. sch. Nyman, Gray's HarSTEAMERS TO DEPART.bor, Juno 30.E3peda, Am. sch. from Gray's HarDepartForNamebor, July 1.' ' 'JulyGolden Shore, Am. sch., Aberdeen,17 Kiyo MaruHong KongJuly 4.IS ManchuriaYokomahaAlden, Nor., S. S. from Sydney, July19 MakuraVictoria9.20 WilhelmlnaSan FranciscoM. N. S. S. Wllhclmina, from San20 SierraSan FranciscoFrancisco, July 12.22 MaramaColonies24 MongoliaSan FranciscoTRANSPORT SERVICE.25 Hongkong Maru , . . .ValparaisoDix, ar. Seattle from Hon., May 14.26 Chlyo MaruYokohamaLogan from Honolulu, tor Manila, June30 Tenyo Maru . . . .San Francisco14."WIRELESS SPARKS."Sail for San Francisco.Arrive from San FranciscoO. S. S. SIERRA, AT SEA, JUy 12,July 20.'.July 12 WilhelmlnaWilhelmlnaAugust 9 8 p. m. 870 miles out (en route to HoJuly 21 LurlinoKevadannolulu); moderate N. E. winds; moderAugust 3August 17LurlIneWilhelmlnaate sea; cloudy weather; barometerSteamshipAustin White, Mrs. Wm. Aboy, MissGrasso, J. S. Marrow, Miss E. Fair-- Iweather, Mrs. N. B. Emerson, Miss S.C. Sterrett, Mrs. F. BBurt Miss B. E.Meier, E. It. Alexander, A. W. Emerson,Mrs. Sturtevant, Miss Jary, .Mrs. L.Baldwin, Miss N. Burt, Miss Ryan, C.A. Mcintosh, R. E. Bond, R. E. Mist,jo. S. Brown, I. Rubenstcin, C. H.F. B. Withlngton, A. P. Dredge,.Major Riley, Mrs. and Miss Woofer, W.L. Fletcher, W. Simpson, Miss, E.Miss M. Clark, Misses B. and A.Goldsmith, Mrs. Bluim, Mr. and Mrs.Sturtevant, Miss Plnkerton, Mrs.L. Hornlngsburgor, Capt. FosteriJas. McCandless, Mrs. M. B. Noble,Mrs. J. S. Childs, Mrs. W. A Anderson,J. H. Sehnack, C. P. Jenkins, M. Brod-ricMrs. Jno. Dyer, Miss L. Aholo,Miss N. F. Ellison, Mrs. Geo. Martin,W. Kassollen, W. Heastand, Mr. andMrs. ,G. A. Becker, J. It. Farley, P.Farley, Mr. and Mrs. W. Cannon, Mrs.F. Lee, Miss Lee, Mrs. C. A. Belton,Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Simpson, Mrs. Oliver and son, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Hay-en- ,Mrs J. Winter, Miss C. M. MacDon-ald- ,Missv M. Anderson, E. H. Brown,'Ir. Walker, M. Brooke-Smith- .At Halelwa ono may hnvo allnormal.SUMMER VACATION.W. W. AHANAWhen your vacation comes go camping. Go If you have never tried it before, go if you have tried It a dozentimes.Camp In the woods. Any dead limbsfalling won't hit you. Any trees blowing down will blow the other wa.y.Mosquitoes don't really" bite. It's al'imagination.Camp on the shores of a lake. Handy for fishing. No fish there, but nan-,dff some should come along. Youalso want to see the shimmer of themoonlight on the water. Won't bo anyshimmers or moon, but that won't beyour fault.Lake handy to bathe in. Don'lThey can bemind n fewpulled off with a pair of pincers.Seek the solitudes. The farther youaro from a ijostoilice the longer tho interval between your wife's letters ordering you to come home at once.Have the roof of your shanty madeof waterproof canvas. Then all therain that comes down to earth for twoweeks will be sure to como in.Pina or spruce boughs for beds. Aromatic, you know, and they containbugs. Don't miss anything, even thearomatic bugs.The sugar, coffee and flour shouldbe kept whero they will mix In caseof rain. You can thus have your coffee cako without further preparation.If you wake up at midnight, nnd seta frisky little animal in tho door ofthe shanty, try and hit him with aIf you succeed there will beclub.more aroma around all you want.Cold In the head? Of course, butyou never did have the swell-heahalf enough.Rheumatics? They don't amount toshucks.All of tho crowd mad and techy?That's a more nothing.JNo ftsli no 'gftmo no .bathing.no sun no moon no noiuing dui rammeals and everybodyandJawing. Oh, that's because you didn'thit tho rglht place. You should havegone to tho other ono!yPASSENGERS.' Departed.Per S. S. Llrllne, for San Francisco,July 12. A. H. Anderson, Albert S.Baker, Miss O. S. Bartlett, E. F. Bishop, Miss T. R. Cabral, B. E. Clark,Miss B. lark, Hugh Coke, Mrs. HughCoke and five children, Mrs. A. B. ColHe, Miss Violet Cowan, Miss A. WDeas, Miss M. Dunn, Sister Efhrem, J.K. Farley, Robert Farley, Mrs. LouiseFralne, Miss It. Gesell, Miss C. Gesell,Mrs. J. J. Green, Miss M. Green, MissC. Herrick, Leon Honlgsberger, Dr. H,Horden, Geo. Hubble, Mrs. Geo. ubbleand two children, Miss Edith Hunter,M. Ida, F. Lothr, Mrs. Loehr and fourchildren, Mrs. B. T. Mills, Mrs. EmilyNelson and Infant, Miss Rose Peck andchild, Wr. Schumann, W. L.Schowalter, Mrs. A. M. Scott, John Spencer,Mrs. John Spencer, Mis Una Smith,Miss Mabel Sunter, Sister Suzanna, E,Walsh, W. J.West, Otto WIx, WilliamWood, Fuza Yatsutake.BooKOd to uepart.Per ctr. Mauna Loa, for Kona andKau ports, July 15. Miss L. Hosmer,A. E. Lorimer, Mrs. S. C. Allen andarty, Miss Massey, Miss Wallace, MrsR. Wallace, Mrs. P. Hoogs.Per. M. N. S. 3. Wilhelmlna, for SanFrancisco, July 20.' Miss B. Henriques, Mrs. Henrlquos, Miss HutchlnEon, Mrs. Helen Slemscn, Miss AliceDavis, Miss Pansy, G. Roberts, MissNora To ner, Miss von Tempsky, Mrs,Dora von Tempsky, W. O. Franklin,Paul do la Vercno, Prof. V. Thompson,Robert Mist, F. B. Braden, J. T. McCarthy, Mrs. H. Johnson, Mrs. D. G. CurSWIFT.ran, Miss L. C. Sterrett, Mrs. H. RsawHoaxa carpenter drive 125IGurrey,A.OR.Perry, Mrs.Mrs. H.Sullivan, Mrs. B. Hansen, Miss F. Ship, nails in a minute today.Joax Wonder ho wasn't arrestedman, Miss O. A. Arnold, Miss M. Cook,Miss B. Dutot, Miss L. Glrvin, Mrs. J, for fast driving.W. Girv'n; Mrs. A. Pi Knight, MissAlice Thompson, Mis3 N. T. Ellison,Flhe Job Printlni. Star Offiu'e.dhalf-cooke- d62 South Kina"StrtMAKE YOURTHE JOYS OF CAMPING.blood-sucker-Made to your order withBy filling the lunch basket with HELNZ 57 VARIETIESof good things. Full assortment of HEINZ dainties just received, such as. India Relish, Sweet and Dill Pickles, BakedBeans, Tomato Soup, Tomato Catsup, Apple Butter, etc.Ask your grocer for them.Yat Hing StoreT.1 Pneuiuveu irom TTjxing ana ltiver to Hotel, near Bethel.kSwell Lines Gent's FurnishingsShirts, Collars, Socks, Underwear, Ties, Suspenders, etc.Ladies' Shirt Waits, ?1.25.Petticoats, Night Gowns, Corset Covers, only one of each pattern.Ocean View TractAN IDEAL PLACE' TO LIVE.Artesian Water, nich Elevation. TCWvio T,5iriiaClimate, Paved Streets, Koko Head Breeze, Sufficient Rainfall. Excel.iuui ouii, Miniuuui uuu jieaiimui, uoou .Location, Pureni:i.i.iOur fixed prices are ?u00 lor corner lots and M00 for inside lntsize 75ft x lOOtt. or 11.250 sn. ft. each. Our forms nro asn ci. ,iand 10.00 per month on each lot. Call up telephone 059 and make anappointment with one of our representatives.?aimuki Land Co., Ltd.,MAIN OFFICBRANCH OFFTmrjKING AND FORT STREETSWAIALAEPHONE 059&KOKO HEAD AVS"Your Credit Is Good""YOUR CASH WILL DO BETTER"In Furniture, Wire Mattresses, Iron Beds, Etc., Etc.HONOLULU WIRE BED CO., LTD.,Kapiolani BlockCor. King andJAIakea Sts.

wjitTHH HAWAIIANAMUSEMENTS.TOM SHARP, The PainterNew OrpheumElite BuildingfjPCTAFT 1 IN THESATISFIEBIGGEST HIT OP THE SEASON!ma510EMONEY GETTERTHRE3JULY 13, 1810.vA(Phono 660.)Casino Musical Comedy Co.WEDNESDAY,I tHAKr1J'Phone 397STAR,myWJB--lAOSigns Of All Kinds. ScenicWork Decorating, GrainingPaper Hanging, Etc., Etc.CALIFORNIA FLEA HOLDS WORLDPARKERHEADEDRECORD.PARI!LAST NIGHT OF"The Three Twins"Every line a laugh.Only two more performances.Thursday, Friday, Saturday"The General's Dilemma"Prices,25c, 50c, 75c.Matinee, Saturday 25c.BaseballHonolulu Athletic Park1old-time-HATPINPIERCES BRAINOFa steep hill when the team becamefrightened and ran away. Half wayNEW MANCHURIAN TREATY.women wereBOONE. Pa. July 2 A largo hat down the hill bothWASHINGTON, July 13. The pro pin penetrated four Inches into tho thrown to the ground, Sirs. MacDonlift-oJ. A. C. vs. U. S. M. C.ceedlngs of the Manchunan conven brain of Mrs. Peter MacDonald yes ald striking on her head. Whenpin yO. C. ALUMNI vs. WASEDA tlon, held for the purpose of settlingSimpson, was thrown penetrated the brain. Tho two womentho differences between Russia and Mrs. Andrew In runaway.wore brought to an hospital here. ItbuggyaafromJapan, were mado public last night.The two women were driving down Is believed that both are fatally hurtThe official news was presented toSecretary of State Knox by tho Russlan and Japanese ambassadors.P. A. C. vs. J. A. C.Tho treaty Is tho shortest ono InC. A. C. vs. WASEDA modern times.It contains 237 wordsIt is a reiteration of the intentionof tho two nations to maintain the75C50c, 25c status quo in Manchuria and to coADMISSIONoperate In increasing and Improvingthe facilities for railway traffic.Box Tlan for Season Tickets at ChamHUGHES GETS ADVICE.ber's Drug CoOYSTER BAY. July 13. GovernorHughes ot New York was here yesterday and held a conference with Colonel Roosevelt. Their conversation wasHOTEL STREETnot made known.WOMAN.Saturday, July 16dSunday, July 17NEWDon-Empire TheaterAEROPLANETONIGHT1TONIGHTIIN WAR.ATLANTIC CITY, July 13. Usingoranges as mimic bomus, Glen CurtissIn the opinion of experts lias demonstrated the utility of the aeroplane towreck battleship and fortifications.World Famous"Vest Pocket Comedy Trio"Musical Comedians22 CHANGES A WEEKCOMMONS15c, 10c, 5'.AdmissionPASSWOMAN'S SUFFRAGESaprano Soloist From Keith's.though the bill was expected to pass.reFavorite Irish Dialect After tho balloting tho bill which means that it will not be votedDESMOND SISTERS,upon finally till next year.Dances. Songs andTHOMPSON,YOUNG AVIATOR FALLS.Singer.CARL WALLNER,ST. LOUIS, Missouri, July 13.German Comedian.yHoward GUI, an amateur aviator,J. V. GIBSON,150 feet from a machine otfellSong and Dance.his own constructlow. He was seriousCUNHA'S ORCHESTRAly If not fatally injured.andMOTION PICTURES.5c, 10c, 15c.AdmissionHenry mLeading GrocerGARDNER,Novelty TheaterCor. Nuuanu and Pauahl Sts.wwmymawtfAND LEOTAECCENTRIC DANCING.ANDCOMEDYMOTIONA naval man told me the other daythat Admiral Luelen Young is not likely to get a command afloat because ofa feud which went back to tho tlmowhen Young was captain of the portof Havana and General Leonard WoodM. D was the military commandant.Tho two had a falling out, and President Roosevelt, ns might have beenexpected, sided with tho uniformedmedico. Never since that time, hastho Admiral had much of a chance atsea; and only the aid of politicalfriends kept him from being promaturely retired before his turn camo tobe Admiral.His enemies could notkeep the flag rank from him, but theyhave sequestered him at tho Pensa-col- aNavy Yard, where there is nothing doing and never will bo. W. G. S.In SI F. Chronicle.SINGINGPICTURES.A CLEAN HOUSE ANDPau ka HanaARE FAST FRIENDS.BUYRegal Shoes5EVERY MAN HIS OWN DOCTOR.In a great many of the common IllsDrinkof llfo tho nverage man with a fewMAY'S OLD KONA COFFEE.reliablo remedies at hand can bo JustBest In tho Market.ns successful In relieving tho suffererHENRY MAY & CO.ns a renowned practitioner.Enu rPhone 22.gency remedies should be always athand. Many times doctors' bills havrbeen saved bv havlnir n. hottln nfClmmborlaln's. Colic, Cholera nndSPECIAL NOTICE.Diarrhoea Romedy In tho home.NoMountain King Mining & Milling Co. doctor can prescrlbo a bettor romedyTho last payment of subscriptions for for colic or diarrhoea. For salo by alltho new Is&uo of tho stock of the Com- dealers, Benson, Smith & Co., agontspany will be duo on July 11, 1910.for Hawaii.A. J. CAMPBELL,Sp. Agt. Mountain King M. & M, Co.fine Job Prlntmr, mar unciofHawaiian Fertilizer Company, Ltd.The annual meeting of stockholdersof the Hawaiian Fertilizer Company,Limited, will bo held at tho offtco ofC. Brewer & Company, Limited, Honolulu, T. H on Monday, tho 18th dayof July, 1910, at 2 o'clock p. m.J. WATERHOUSE,Secretary, Hawaiian Fertilizer Co. Ltd,NOTICE.The annual meeting of the stockholders of McCabe, Hamilton & RennyCo., Ltd., will bo held at the office oftho company, numbor 20 Queen Streeton Friday, July 15th 1910 at 3 o'clockp, in.CHAS. BON,Secretary.Honolulu July 7, 1910.WASHINGTON, July 2. S. C. Ridgeway Jr., a civil employe of tho Philippino Government, committed sulcldo In CERTIFICATE OF TREASURER.Manila yesterday, according to advicesD. L. CONKLING. Treasurer otreceived at tho War' Department. Ho theI, Territoryof Hawaii, do hereby cerwas a native of Baltimo

dore of the Aeolian Yacht Club, Wil-liam Johnson, Prank Farmkoff, Wil-liam Craig, Walter Scflroeder, Fred Fredericks and John Russell. The Sweetheart will have as her crow, Fritz Whitney, Harry Hayard, Bob Carter, Bill Jordan, Walter Bro-mlc- k and a seaman named King. Cap-tain Lew B. Harris

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