User Guide Bolero V - Phonak

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(V90/V70/V50/V30)User Guide

This user guide is valid for:Wireless modelsPhonak Bolero V90-MPhonak Bolero V90-PPhonak Bolero V90-SPPhonak Bolero V70-MPhonak Bolero V70-PPhonak Bolero V70-SPPhonak Bolero V50-MPhonak Bolero V50-PPhonak Bolero V50-SPPhonak Bolero V30-MPhonak Bolero V30-PPhonak Bolero V30-SPCE mark 52015

Your hearing aid detailsIf no box is checked and you do not know themodel of your hearing aid, please ask your hearingcare professional.Modelc Bolero V-Mc Bolero V-Pc Bolero V-SPBattery type3121313EarpieceDome or SlimTipClassic earmoldccYour hearing care professional:3

Your hearing aids have been developed byPhonak – the world leader in hearing solutions basedin Zurich, Switzerland.These premium products are the result of decades ofresearch and expertise and are designed to keep youconnected to the beauty of sound! We thank you formaking such a great choice and wish you many years oflistening pleasure.Please read the user guide carefully to make sure that youunderstand and get the best out of your hearing aids. Formore information about features and benefits, simplycontact your hearing care professional.Phonak – life is onwww.phonak.comDownload the Phonak Support AppTo have an individual and interactive user guidealways with you, download the Phonak Support Appon your mobile device. For more information pleasevisit:

ContentsYour hearing aid1. Quick guide2. Parts of the hearing aidUsing the hearing aid3. Left & right hearing aid markings4. On/Off5. Batteries6. Putting on the hearing aid7. Removing the hearing aid8. Push button9. Volume controlFurther Information10. Care and maintenance11. Wireless accessories12. Service and warranty13. Compliance information14. Information and description of symbols15. Troubleshooting16. Important safety information6810111214161819202326283236385

1. Quick guideLeft & right hearing aid markingsBlue marking for lefthearing aid.Red marking for righthearing aid.Bolero V-MBolero V-P, V-SPChanging batteriesBolero V-P & V-SPBolero V-M12Remove theOpen thesticker from the battery battery.63Place battery in thebattery door with the“ ” symbol facingupwards.

On/OffOnOffPush buttonThe push button on your hearingaid can have various functions.Volume controlBolero V-P and V-SP only:To increase the volume, press thevolume control upwards. To decreasethe volume, press the volume controldownwards.7

2. Parts of the hearing aidThe pictures below show the models described in this userguide. You can identify your personal model by: Checking “Your hearing aid details” on page 3. Or comparing your hearing aid with the followingshown models. Pay attention to the shape of thehearing aid and if a volume control is present.Possible earpieces for all modelsDome8SlimTipClassic earmold

Bolero V-MPush buttonTubeBattery doorEarpiece: Dome(detachable)AnchorBolero V-P & V-SPHook / sound outputPush buttonVolume controlBattery doorClassic earmold(detachable)9

3. Left & right hearing aid markingsThere is a red or blue marking to tell you if it is a leftor a right hearing aid.Blue markingfor lefthearing aid.Bolero V-M10Bolero V-P, V-SPRed markingfor righthearing aid.

4. On/OffThe battery door is also the on/off switch.1Closed battery door hearing aid is on2Open battery door hearing aid is offWhen you switch on the hearing aid you may heara start-up melody.11

5. BatteriesBolero V-P & V-SPBolero V-M12Remove thesticker fromthe newbattery.Open thebattery door.3Place battery in thebattery door with the“ ” symbol facingupwards.If it is difficult to close the battery door: Check thatthe battery is inserted correctly and the “ ” symbolis facing upwards. If the battery is not insertedcorrectly, the hearing aid will not work and thebattery door can be damaged.Low power: You will hear two beeps when the batteryis low. You will have approximately 30 minutes tochange the battery (this can vary, depending on thehearing aid settings and battery). We recommend thatyou always have a new battery on hand.12

Replacement batteryThis hearing aid requires zinc-air batteries. Identify thecorrect battery size (312 or 13) by: Checking “Your hearing aid details” on page 3. Checking the marking on the inner side of thebattery door. Checking the following table.ModelPhonak BoleroV-MV-P, V-SPZinc airbatterysizeColormarking 02ZD7000ZDPlease ensure you use the correct type of battery inyour hearing aids (zinc-air). Please also read chapter16.2 for further information on product safety.13

6. Putting on the hearing aid6.1 Putting on the hearing aid with classic earmold1Take the earmold up to your earand place the ear canal part intoyour ear canal.2Place the hearing aid behindyour ear.3Insert the upper part of theearmold into the upper part ofthe bowl of your ear.14

6.2 Putting on the hearing aid with dome or SlimTip1Place the hearing aid behindyour ear.2Insert the earpiece into yourear canal.3If there is an anchor attachedto the earpiece, tuck it into thebowl of your ear to secure yourhearing aid.15

7. Removing the hearing aid7.1 Removing the hearing aid with classic earmold1Lift the hearing aid above theupper part of your ear.2Grasp the earmold in your earand gently remove it.Please try to avoid gripping the tube to remove thehearing aid.16

7.2 Removing the hearing aid with dome or SlimTip1Pull on the bend of the tubeand remove the hearing aidfrom behind the ear.In very rare cases, your earpiece can remain in yourear canal when removing the hearing aid from theear. In the unlikely case that the earpiece does getstuck in your ear canal, it is strongly recommendedto see a medical specialist for safe removal.17

8. Push buttonThe push button on yourhearing aid can havevarious functions or isnot active. This dependson the programming ofthe hearing aid, which isindicated in yourindividual “Hearing aidinstructions”. Please askyour hearing careprofessional for thisprintout.18

9. Volume controlBolero V-P and V-SP only:To increase the volume,press the volume controlupwards. To decrease thevolume, press the volumecontrol downwards.The volume control canbe disabled by the hearingcare professional.19

10. Care and maintenanceDiligent and routine care of your hearing aid contributesto outstanding performance and a long service life.Please use the following specifications as a guideline. Forfurther information regarding product safety, seechapter 16.2.General informationBefore using hair spray or applying cosmetics, you shouldremove your hearing aid from your ear, because theseproducts may damage it.When you are not using your hearing aid, leave thebattery door open so that any moisture can evaporate.Make sure that you always completely dry your hearingaid after use. Store the hearing aid in a safe, dry andclean place.Your hearing aids are resistant to water, sweat and dustunder the following conditions:20

The battery door is fully closed. Ensure that no foreignobject such as hair is caught in the battery door when itis closed. After exposure to water, sweat or dust, the hearing aidis cleaned and dried. The hearing aid is used and maintained as described inthis user guide.Hearing aids with the design-integrated Rogerreceiver are also water resistant.Hearing aids with an audio shoe and Rogeruniversal receiver are not water resistant.Use of your hearing aid around water can restrictair flow to the batteries causing it to stop working.Should your hearing aid stop working after cominginto contact with water, refer to thetroubleshooting steps in chapter 15.21

DailyInspect the earmold (dome or SlimTip) and tube forearwax and moisture deposits. Clean the surfaces with alint-free cloth or use the small brush provided in thehearing aid hard case. Never use cleaning agents such ashousehold detergents, soap, etc. for cleaning your hearingaid. It is not recommended to rinse these parts with water,risk for lodging in the tube. If you need to clean yourhearing aid intensively, ask your hearing care professionalfor advice and information on filters or drying capsules.WeeklyClean the earmold (dome or SlimTip) with a soft, dampcloth or with a special cleaning cloth for hearing aids. Forfurther maintenance or cleaning instructions, please seeyour hearing care professional.MonthlyInspect your hearing tube for color changes, hardening, orcracks. In the case of such changes, the hearing tube hasto be replaced. Please see your hearing care professional.22

11. Wireless accessories11.1 Connecting to audio sources and remote controlA range of Phonak accessories are available for you to usewith your hearing aid.Phonak RemoteMic***Cell phonePhonak streaming device*Phonak EasyCallwith cell phoneMP3 Player/Audio source**Phonak PilotOneremote controlPhonak DECT phonePhonak TVLink connected to TV* The Phonak ComPilot with neckloop or ComPilot Air with clip to attach to clothing. They alsohave basic remote control functionalities. For advanced control they can be used with thePhonak RemoteControl App.** Audio sources (e.g. MP3 Player, computer, laptop, tablet) can be connected to the streamingdevice via Bluetooth or audio cable.*** Clipped onto the speaker’s clothing for better understanding over distance.23

11.2 Communication in noise and over distanceThe Roger portfolio provides an outstanding microphoneperformance to help you better understand in noise andover distance. With Roger you can benefit from: understanding every word in a noisy situation e.g.restaurants, public areas and over distance discreet design speech transmission directly to your hearing aids withattached receiver or via your body-worn receiver24

Behind-the-ear receiver optionMicrophone*Body-worn receiver option* Some Roger microphones also support input from audiosources via Bluetooth or cable.Bluetooth is a registered trademark owned by theBluetooth SIG, Inc.25

12. Service and warrantyLocal warrantyPlease ask the hearing care professional, where youpurchased your hearing aid, about the terms of thelocal warranty.International warrantyPhonak offers a one year limited internationalwarranty, valid starting from the date of purchase.This limited warranty covers manufacturing andmaterial defects in the hearing aid itself, but notaccessories such as batteries, tubes, earmolds andexternal receivers. The warranty only comes intoforce if a proof of purchase is shown.The international warranty does not affect any legalrights that you might have under applicable nationallegislation governing sale of consumer goods.26

Warranty limitationThis warranty does not cover damage from improperhandling or care, exposure to chemicals or undue stress.Damage caused by third parties or non-authorized servicecenters renders the warranty null and void. This warrantydoes not include any services performed by a hearing careprofessional in their office.Serial number(left side):Authorized hearing careprofessional (stamp/signature):Serial number(right side):Date of purchase:27

13. Compliance informationEurope:Declaration of ConformityHereby Phonak AG declares that this Phonak productmeets the requirements of the Medical Devices Directive93/42/EEC as well as the Radio and TelecommunicationsTerminal Equipment Directive 1999/5/EC. The full text ofthe Declaration of Conformity can be obtained from themanufacturer or the local Phonak representative whoseaddress can be taken from the list on worldwide locations).Australia/New Zealand:Indicates a device’s compliance with applicableRadio Spectrum Management’s (RSM) andAustralian Communications and Media Authority(ACMA) regulatory arrangements for the legal salein New Zealand and Australia.The compliance label R-NZ is for radio productssupplied in the New Zealand market underconformity level A1.28

The wireless models listed on page 2 arecertified under:Phonak Bolero V-MUSACanadaFCC ID: KWC-WHSBTEMIC: 2262A-WHSBTEMPhonak Bolero V-PUSACanadaFCC ID: KWC-WHSBTEPIC: 2262A-WHSBTEPPhonak Bolero V-SPUSACanadaFCC ID: KWC-WHSBTESPIC: 2262A-WHSBTESP29

Notice 1:This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules andwith RSS-210 of Industry Canada. Operation is subject tothe following two conditions:1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and2) this device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesired operation.Notice 2:Changes or modifications made to this device notexpressly approved by Phonak may void the FCCauthorization to operate this device.Notice 3:This device has been tested and found to comply withthe limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15of the FCC Rules and ICES-003 of Industry Canada.These limits are designed to provide reasonable protectionagainst harmful interference in a residential installation.This device generates, uses and can radiate radiofrequency energy and, if not installed and used inaccordance with the instructions, may cause harmfulinterference to radio communications. However, there is30

no guarantee that interference will not occur in aparticular installation. If this device does cause harmfulinterference to radio or television reception, which can bedetermined by turning the equipment off and on, the useris encouraged to try to correct the interference by one ormore of the following measures: Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the deviceand receiver. Connect the device into an outlet on a circuitdifferent from that to which the receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TVtechnician for help.31

14. Information and descriptionof symbolsWith the CE symbol, Phonak AG confirms thatthis Phonak product – including accessories– meets the requirements of the MedicalDevices Directive 93/42/EEC as well as theR&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC on radio andtelecommunications equipment. The numbersafter the CE symbol correspond to the code ofcertified institutions that were consulted underthe above-mentioned directives.This symbol indicates that the productsdescribed in these user instructions adhere tothe requirements for an applied part of Type Bof EN 60601-1. The surface of the hearing aid isspecified as an applied part of Type B.Indicates the medical device manufacturer, asdefined in EU Directive 93/42/EEC.32

During transportation keep dry.This symbol indicates that it is important forthe user to read and take into account therelevant information in these user guides.This symbol indicates that it is important forthe user to pay attention to the relevantwarning notices in these user guides.Important information for handling andproduct safety.OperatingconditionsThe product is designed such that it functionswithout problems or restrictions if used asintended, unless otherwise noted in theseuser guides.33

Temperature during transportationand storage: –20 to 60 Celsius(–4 to 140 Fahrenheit).Humidity during transportation: Up to 90%(non condensing).Humidity during storage: 0% to 70%, if not inuse. See instruction in chapter 16.2 regardingdrying the hearing aid after use.Atmospheric pressure: 200 hPA to 1500 hPaThe symbol with the crossed-out garbage binis to make you aware that this hearing aidmay not be thrown away as normalhousehold waste. Please dispose of old orunused hearing aids, at waste disposal sitesintended for electronic waste, or give yourhearing aid to your hearing care professionalfor disposal. Proper disposal protects theenvironment and health.34


15. TroubleshootingProblemHearing aid not functioningCausesFlat batteryBlocked speaker/earpieceBattery not inserted correctlyHearing aid switched offHearing aid whistlesHearing aid not inserted correctlyEarwax in ear canalHearing aid not loud enoughor distortedVolume too loudLow batterySpeaker/earpiece blockedVolume too lowPhysical hearing conditionhas changedHearing aid plays two beepsIndication for low batteryHearing aid switches on & off(intermittent)Moisture on battery orhearing aidIf the problem persists, contact you hearing careprofessional for assistance36

What to doChange battery (chapter 1 5)Clean speaker opening/earpieceInsert battery correctly (chapter 1 5)Switch hearing aid on by completely closing the battery door(chapter 4)Insert hearing aid correctly (chapter 6)Contact your ENT/GP or hearing care professionalDecrease volume (chapter 8 9)Change battery (chapter 1 5)Clean speaker opening/earpieceTurn volume up if volume control available (chapter 8 9)Contact you hearing care professionalChange battery within the next 30 minutes (chapter 1 5)Wipe battery and hearing aid with dry cloth37

6. Important safety informationPlease read the information on the following pages beforeusing your hearing aid.A hearing aid will not restore normal hearing and will notprevent or improve a hearing impairment resulting fromorganic conditions. Infrequent use of a hearing aid does notpermit a user to attain full benefit from it. The use of ahearing aid is only part of hearing habilitation and mayneed to be supplemented by auditory training andinstruction in lipreading.38

16.1 Hazard warningsThe intended use ofhearing aids is to amplifyand transmit sound to theears and herebycompensate for impairedhearing. The hearing aids(specially programmed foreach hearing loss) mustonly be used by theintended person. Theyshould not be used by anyother person as they coulddamage hearing.Changes or modificationsto the hearing aid thatwere not explicitlyapproved by Phonak arenot permitted. Suchchanges may damage yourear or the hearing aid.Do not use the hearingaids in explosive areas(mines or industrial areaswith danger of explosions,oxygen rich environmentsor areas where flammableanesthetics are handled).Hearing aid batteries aretoxic if they are swallowed!Keep out of reach ofchildren and mentallychallenged people or pets.If batteries are swallowed,consult your physicianimmediately!39

If you feel pain in orbehind your ear, if it isinflamed or if skinirritation and acceleratedaccumulations of earwaxoccur, please check withyour hearing careprofessional or physician.In very rare cases, thedome can remain in yourear canal when removingthe hearing tube from theear. In the unlikely casethat the dome does getstuck in your ear canal, it isstrongly recommended tosee a physician for saferemoval.40Hearing programs in thedirectional microphonemode reduce backgroundnoises. Please be awarethat warning signals ornoises coming frombehind, e. g. cars, arepartially or entirelysuppressed.This hearing aid is not forchildren below 36 months.It contains small parts thatcan cause choking, ifswallowed by children.Keep out of reach ofchildren and mentallychallenged people or pets.If swallowed, consult aphysician or hospitalimmediately.

External devices may onlybe connected if they havebeen tested in accordancewith correspondingIECXXXXX standards. Onlyuse accessories approvedby Phonak AG, to avoid anyelectrical shock.that interference can alsobe caused by power lines,electrostatic discharge,airport metal detectors etc. Keep magnets (i.e. batteryhandling tool, EasyPhonemagnet, etc.) at least15 cm (6 inches) awayfrom the active implant.The following is onlyapplicable for persons withactive implantable medicaldevices (i.e. pacemakers,defibrillators, etc.): Keep the wireless hearingaid at least 15 cm(6 inches) away from theactive implant. If youexperience any interference,do not use the wirelesshearing aids and contactthe manufacturer of theactive implant. Please, note41

16.2 Information on product safetyPhonak hearing aids arewater resistant and notwaterproof. They aredesigned to withstandnormal activities andoccasional accidentalexposure to extremeconditions. Never immerseyour hearing aid in water!Phonak hearing aids are notspecifically designed forextended periods of watersubmersion on a continualbasis, that is worn inactivities such as swimmingor bathing. Always removeyour hearing aid beforethese activities, as thehearing aid containssensitive electronic parts.42Never wash themicrophone inputs. Doingso could cause it to lose itsspecial acoustic features.Protect your hearing aidfrom heat (never leave neara window or in the car).Never use a microwave orother heating devices todry your hearing aid. Askyour hearing careprofessional about suitabledrying methods.When you are not usingyour hearing aid, leave thebattery door open so thatany moisture can evaporate.Make sure that you alwayscompletely dry your

hearing aid after use. Storethe hearing aid in a safe,dry and clean place.Do not drop your hearingaid! Dropping onto a hardsurface can damage yourhearing aid.Always use new batteriesfor your hearing aid. Incase a battery is leaking,replace it immediately witha new one to avoid anyskin irritation. You canreturn used batteriesto your hearing careprofessional.The batteries used in thesehearing aids should notexceed 1.5 Volts. Please donot use silver-zinc or Li-ion(lithium-ion) rechargeablebatteries as these maycause severe damage toyour hearing aids. The tablein chapter 5 explainsexactly which type ofbattery your particularhearing aids require.Remove the battery ifyou are not using yourhearing aid for a longperiod of time.43

Special medical or dentalexamination includingradiation described below,may adversely affect thecorrect functioning of yourhearing aids. Remove andkeep them outside theexamination room/areabefore undergoing: Medical or dentalexamination with X-ray(also CT scan). Medical examinations withMRI/NMRI scans, generatingmagnetic fields. Hearing aids don’t need tobe removed when passingsecurity gates (airportsetc.). If X-ray is used at all,it will be in very low doses,and will not affect thehearing aids.44Do not use your hearingaid in areas whereelectronic equipmentis prohibited.



www.phonak.comYour hearing care professional:029-0361-02/V2.01/2016-02/cu Printed in Switzerland Phonak AG All rights reservedManufacturer:Phonak AGLaubisrütistrasse 28CH-8712 StäfaSwitzerland

Phonak Bolero V70-P Phonak Bolero V70-SP Phonak Bolero V50-M Phonak Bolero V50-P Phonak Bolero V50-SP Phonak Bolero V30-M Phonak Bolero V30-P Phonak Bolero V30-SP CE mark applied 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 This user guide is valid for: 3 Your hearing aid details Model c

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