Enter the future with IBM WebSphere Commerce Suite v9Gain more business value andavoid migration challenges
Contents01Now’s the time0304How we can help1302What’s new in WCS v9Enhanced customer experienceModernized platform04050605Let’s talk1403Been there, done thatOur migration experienceLessons learnedPre-migration checklist070809Other considerationsFollow these leading practices101112WebSphereCommerce v9
Now’s the timeIn January 2018, IBM released WebSphereCommerce Suite (WCS) v9. This newversion has features that can add morebusiness value including improvedcustomer experience, artificial intelligence(AI) capabilities for more personalizedmessages, and a modern cloud-readyarchitecture to accelerate delivery andlower total cost of ownership (TCO).0102If your organization is using WebSphereCommerce v7 or v8, chances are you’ll wantto upgrade to v9. The migration journey isunique to each organization based on thecustomizations and version of the existing IBMCommerce solution. So, how can you optimizethe upgrade path with minimal impact to yourbusiness—and realize value from the newcognitive platform?Through our own experience migrating fromv7 to v9—and by working in collaboration withIBM Labs—we have developed an efficientmigration approach and framework based onwhat we learned along the way.IBM WebSphere Commerce v9 Gain more business value and avoid migration challenges030405Tech tipIBM will discontinue supportfor WebSphere Commerce v7in April 2019.3
What’s new in WCS v9Version 9 is the next generation of WebSphere Commerce.WCS v9 combines a modern architecture and AI to helppersonalize your customers’ experiences at deeper levels—at the key decision points in their awareness journey—whiledelivering the integrated omnichannel experiences they expect.It provides scale, security, performance, and rich capabilitiescombined with the speed and flexibility of a cloud-ready microservices architecture. With v9 you can innovate more and deliverbetter business outcomes in less time.IBM WebSphere Commerce v9 Gain more business value and avoid migration challenges01020304054
What’s new in WCS v9For business users01Enhanced customer experienceWCS v9 allows you to create unique customer experiences online and in retail channels with meaningful offers,speed, and precision, while enabling your marketing and merchandising teams with AI insights.020304Modernizedarchitecture topower innovationShift time and money frommanaging and maintainingthe platform to innovatingand executing your businessstrategies.Commercecapabilities toenable omnichannelexperiencesDeliver connectedexperiences as customerstransition across digital andphysical channels to helpincrease conversion rates,average order values, andthe number of engagedcustomers.Artificial intelligencefor faster, moreinformed decisionsUse the cognitivecapabilities from IBMWatson to automate tasksand deliver insights—learning more over time—that help you create moreeffective engagementstrategies.IBM WebSphere Commerce v9 Gain more business value and avoid migration challengesReal-time inventoryavailability increasescustomer buyingoptionsUp-to-date inventory acrossonline and retail storesenables send-to-store, buyonline-reserve-in-store, andship-from-store options.Improved promotionmanagement helpsmeet sales goals05Marketers can create andbulk upload new promotionseasily. Offers can bedelivered across multiplechannels (mobile, web,email) and be presentedto customer servicerepresentatives to helpdrive sales.5
What’s new in WCS v9For technologists0102Modernized platformWCS v9 incorporates a micro-services modular architecture that can provide greater platform flexibility and scalability.0304Application isfederated intomultiple servers:transaction,utility, search,customization,and storeThis allows for moreflexibility in paralleldevelopment, as wellas horizontal scaling byfunction.Easier upgradeswith externalizedcustomization (xC)programming modelSeparating core componentsand customizations enablesgreater control in managingcustom extensions andsimplifies future upgrades.Streamline DevOpswith DockercontainersContainer technologycan simplify integration,reduce overhead, automatedeployment, acceleratedelivery, and moveapplications easily.IBM WebSphere Commerce v9 Gain more business value and avoid migration challengesEasier modificationof APIsSearch, configuration,crawling, and indexing canbe easier with RESTful APIs.Headlessarchitecture forstorefront flexibilityIntegrate front-end serviceswith SaaS model.Connect to Watsonwith out-of-thebox integrationcapabilities05Features include dynamicpricing, order management,content hub, configuration,customer analytics,campaign automation, andcommerce insight.6
Been there, done thatBefore you undertake migration, it helps to talk to others whohave already been down that road. Deloitte Digital is amongthe first few to successfully migrate one of our own technologysolutions, SalesDirect, from WCS v7 to v9 in the cloud.0102030405IBM WebSphere Commerce v9 Gain more business value and avoid migration challenges7
Been there, done thatOur migration experience01Deloitte Digital’s SalesDirect is a plug-and-play cloud solution that offers a new approach to sales, service, and ordermanagement, especially for large, complex product and service bundles. Integrating with IBM Watson on a cognitiveplatform, SalesDirect helps simplify and amplify sales enablement, customer experience, and sales lift by addressinginformation gaps and service barriers.0203Here are some migration challenges we faced:0405CloudinstallationDatabasemigrationThere was limiteddocumentation forinstalling the platformon the cloud. Wedeveloped an IBM WCSv9 cloud blueprint tohelp accelerate the baseproduct install.The databasemigration tool haslimited documentationfor migrating EJBs to JPA.We manually migratedLogic and Finders.Migrating CMCcustomizations tov9 platformMoving our currentsearch platform topredictive searchManual migration wasneeded from OpenLaszloto DHTML, especially forUI changes on CMC.We manually migratedclassical attributes to theattribute dictionary.IBM WebSphere Commerce v9 Gain more business value and avoid migration challengesCustomizingtoolsThe OrganizationAdministration Consoleand associated changeswere manually migrated.8
Been there, done thatLessons learned01While every migration will be differentbased on the organization’s current solutionarchitecture and customizations, we learnedthat you can simplify and accelerate yourmigration journey by following three basicphases: plan, build, and migrate.We can help you plan and execute yourmigration journey, starting with a four-weekplanning and assessment phase.Three phases of the IBM WCS v9 switchover migration journey:0203PlanBuildMigrate Conduct migration workshopwith stakeholders tounderstand your currentWCS version, servers/infrastructure, content,assets, UI framework,search, customizations,and integrations. Build new low-levelenvironments (Dev & Test)with the latest version incloud or on-premise. Implement cutover strategy. Plan migration tasks. Review infrastructure goals. Create migration approach. Execute migration tasks in thedevelopment environment.(May need to upgrade to v7FEP8 before v9.)04 Check rollback plan. Migrate production databaseto runtime environment.05 Deploy migratedcode assets. Test and launch. Build scripts for DevOpsautomated processes. Deploy and test in lower levelenvironments. Deploy and test in stagingenvironment. Performance test.IBM WebSphere Commerce v9 Gain more business value and avoid migration challenges9
Been there, done thatPre-migration checklist01To get more value from your migration project, you should addressthese key questions during the planning or assessment phase: Should you migrate to cloud? If so, public,private, or hybrid? Do you use the Gift Center? Which version of WCS is in production now? Do you have integrations with enterpriseand legacy systems, such as your CRM, ERP,billing, or other platforms? What database do you use to storepersistent data? (IBM currently supportsDB2 and is working to extend support toothers in the future.) Which of these do you have in place:–– Customizations to Management Center?–– Customizations on the core platform?–– Solution architecture and usage of thelocal store?–– Usage of entity and session beans?–– Customer data migration needs?–– Search customizations? Do you have Sales Center extensions? Do you have scalability and high traffic spikes? Will there be training needs? Do you use content management solutionsto power your customer experience?IBM WebSphere Commerce v9 Gain more business value and avoid migration challenges0203Is now the timeto shift to cloud?While there are several ways to migratewithout disrupting current customertraffic, our experience has shown that aswitchover approach that incorporates cloudor managed hosting can be effective. Thisallows you to build the new environmentwith WCS v9 in the cloud while running theolder WCS version on your current platform.We can also implement WCS v9 on-prem.Other advantages may include:0405 Simpler technology platform generallymeans faster implementations Limited infrastructure overhead expense Easier access to innovations like AIand machine learning10
Been there, done thatOther considerations01WCS v9 doesn’t support IBM SalesCenter and IBM Gift CenterIf you use IBM Sales Center, the bestavailable alternative is IBM CustomerServices. The IBM Gift Center feature willneed to be re-implemented.Express Edition is notavailable with v9If you use Express Edition, you’ll need toupgrade to Professional or Enterprise Edition.Migration required for32-bit infrastructureCurrent platforms running on 32-bitinfrastructures must be migrated to thenew Docker containers.WCS v9 supports traditional andxC customization approachesUsing the traditional approach will requirerewriting the code in the new xC programmingmodel. There is no migration tool providedto support migration from traditionalcustomization to the xC programming model.Plan for trainingWCS v9 is a cognitive platform and youroperational team will need formal hands-ontraining to support the new platform.Tool customizationsDuring the discovery phase, analyze thecustomization to WCS framework andtools like Management Center, CommerceAccelerator, and Organization Administration.There may be manual effort involved tomigrate these customizations.IBM WebSphere Commerce v9 Gain more business value and avoid migration challenges020304Tech tip JPAs replace EJB entity bean attransaction server. The session EJBswill continue to exist in v9.05 WCS v9 starter store is written inJQuery store template. WebSphere Application Server (WAS) isreplaced with a Liberty server, providingbetter performance and faster scalingat a lower cost. The latest IBM Management Centerhas been converted from OpenLaszloto the Spring framework for easycustomization.11
Been there, done thatFollow these leading practices0102Based on our own experience migrating to v9, we developed a set of leading practices: Use analytics to identify and migrateonly high-value features, rather than allcustom code developed over the years.New platforms often have built-in featuresthat can replace earlier customizations. Define an enhanced customerexperience early in the process toguide your migration. Plan and implement organizationalchange management approaches to gainemployee support and compliance. Create plans to address deprecated anddiscontinued features, APIs,and database tables. Verify that data meets migrationeligibility criteria. Conduct pre-migration testing to findand document any existing system defectsto avoid confusing pre-existing problemswith real migration issues. After migration,perform a full regression test in everyenvironment to uncover any new issues.IBM WebSphere Commerce v9 Gain more business value and avoid migration challenges Conduct pre- and post-migrationvalidation, including other applicationlevel components—such as bootstrap/configuration files, server configuration,code complexity, etc.—to help avoid errors. Prepare a backup and rollback plan.Just in case, develop a discovery phasebackup and rollback plan that’s preapproved by stakeholders.03040512
How we can help0102Here are some of the capabilities we can bring to the table:03Leaders inB2B and B2CcommercetransformationsWe understand theintricacies of B2B, B2C,punch-out, EDI models,channel partner, supplier,distributor, and resellerimplementations.CognitivecapabilitiesWe have built real-timepersonalization with Watsonpredictive search, enablingautomatic real-timerecommendations.Metrics onimprovementwith migrationWe have benchmarked siteperformance on the v9 stackat about 30 percent fasterthan the v7 stack.IBM WebSphere Commerce v9 Gain more business value and avoid migration challengesCloud migrationDigital diversityIBM recognitionThis upgrade provides theopportunity to migrate tocloud and improve yourDevOps processes. We canhelp you figure out effectivecloud patterns and driveprocess improvement acrossthe organization.Deloitte Digital is a creativedigital agency, born outof emerging technologies,creative, advertising,marketing, commerce,web, mobile, and customersolutions.Deloitte is designated byIBM as a Platinum-levelBusiness Partner. IBM seesDeloitte Digital as a partnerof choice.040513
Let’s talk0102While every migration is different, we’ve successfully completed migrations in as little as eightweeks. If you’re looking for deep technical migration experience combined with end-to-endcapabilities from strategy through implementation, we should talk.0304ContactsRam ChandelPrincipalDeloitte Consulting LLPrchandel@deloitte.comApurva PangamPrincipalDeloitte Consulting LLPapangam@deloitte.comIBM WebSphere Commerce v9 Gain more business value and avoid migration challengesPratyush NutalapatiSenior ManagerDeloitte Consulting LLPpnutalapati@deloitte.comVivek VermaManagerDeloitte Consulting LLPvivekverma@deloitte.com0514
About the Deloitte and IBM allianceFor almost 20 years, the Deloitte and IBM alliance has helped global enterprises address their toughestbusiness issues. This “smarter teaming” approach often results in better service and higher value forour joint clients. Our alliance offerings unite the depth and breadth of IBM’s technology portfolio withDeloitte’s practical, innovative solutions. By working together, we offer customized capabilities focusedon the business issues important to our clients.About DeloitteAs used in this document, “Deloitte” means Deloitte Consulting LLP, a subsidiary of Deloitte LLP. Pleasesee www.deloitte.com/us/about for a detailed description of our legal structure. Certain services maynot be available to attest clients under the rules and regulations of public accounting. This publicationcontains general information only and Deloitte is not, by means of this publication, renderingaccounting, business, financial, investment, legal, tax, or other professional advice or services.This publication is not a substitute for such professional advice or services, nor should it be used as abasis for any decision or action that may affect your business. Before making any decision or takingany action that may affect your business, you should consult a qualified professional advisor. Deloitteshall not be responsible for any loss sustained by any person who relies on this publication.Copyright 2018 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.
Aug 27, 2018 · IBM WebSphere Commerce v9 Gain more business value and avoid migration challenges 13 Here are some of the capabilities we can bring to the table: Leaders in B2B and B2C commerce transformations We understand the intricacies of B2B, B2C, punch-out, EDI models, channel partner, supplier,
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