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RAVENROBINSON R44 RAVEN SERIESTheprovides excellent reliability, responsivehandling, and altitude performance, making the R44 ideal for private, business, and utilityapplications.A powder-coated steel-tube structure gives the R44 a rigid yet lightweight airframe,while the aerodynamic fuselage optimizes air speed and fuel economy. The R44 comfortably seats four adults, and passenger views are unobstructed due to the R44’s opencabin design. A low tail-rotor tip speed, heavy-duty muffler, and large cambered taildecrease flyover noise, resulting in a community friendly helicopter.RAVEN IEquipped with a Lycoming O-540 carbureted engine, the R44 Raven I offers performance and affordability. The Raven I features carburetor heat assist that enhances safetyand reduces pilot workload by automatically adjusting carburetor heat in response topower changes by the pilot.RAVEN IIThe high-performance R44 Raven II has a Lycoming IO-540 fuel injected, angle-valve,tuned-induction engine, which eliminates the need for carburetor heat. The standard28-volt electrical system ensures good starting performance in hot or cold weather andprovides additional electrical power for optional equipment.The low operating cost makes the R44 Raven Ian excellent flight trainer.CENTER-POSITIONED CYCLICRobinson’s center-positioned, teeteringT-bar cyclic makes it easy to enter andexit the cockpit. Left-seat flight controlsare removable.PISTOL-GRIP CYCLICErgonomic grips incorporate twoposition trigger switches for intercomand transmit. Pilot-side grip featuresbuttons for convenient switching ofCOM frequencies.R44 Raven II delivers increased altitude performance.R44 RAVEN I & II HELICOPTERS

OPTIONAL UPGRADESAIR CONDITIONINGPILOT’S AVIONICS CONSOLE places a GPSIFR TRAINERAvailable on the Raven II, the air conditioning system features front and rearvents which circulate cool air throughoutthe cabin.unit in an easy-to-see and reach position, minimizing time spent lookingdown. The console can accommodate aGPS, GPS/COM, or GPS/NAV/COM.A specially designed instrument flighttraining package to prepare and qualifyIFR pilots.To ensure maximum aircraft performance, the air conditioner compressorautomatically disengages when theengine nears full throttle. The air conditioning system weighs 33 pounds andhas a 12,000 Btu/hr cooling capacity.AVIONICSgray.COM radio and transponder are standard. A variety of Bendix/King and Garmin avionics upgrades are available.LEATHER SEATS available in tan, blue, andBOSE A20 AVIATION HEADSETS withactive noise reduction and Bluetoothcommunications interface.RAVEN II COCKPITShown with 7-hole instrument panel andoptional Pilot’s Avionics ConsoleShaded area indicatessilhouette of optional9-hole instrument panel

ROBINSON HELICOPTER COMPANYFEATURESSTORAGE under each seat allows forcarry-on bags, briefcases, and personalbelongings.Under-seat storage compartmentMAINTENANCE is simplified, requiringR44 Raven II Interior shown with optional leather seats.HYDRAULIC POWER CONTROLS eliminatestick shake and control forces, enablingprecise hovering and a smoother ride.AUTOMATIC CLUTCH ENGAGEMENTsimplifies the starting procedure andreduces the possibility of an overspeedduring startup.RPM GOVERNOR monitors engine speedand adjusts the throttle automatically tomaintain optimal RPM.VOICE-ACTIVATED INTERCOM eliminatesthe need to use intercom switches during doors-on flights. Floor and handintercom switches are included for doorsoff operations.XENON HID LANDING LIGHTS are standard on the Raven II and optional on theRaven I. Xenon High Intensity Discharge(HID) lights provide superior illumination.HID bulb life exceeds 2000 hours.TRI-HINGE ROTOR HUB eliminates laghinges, dampers, and hydraulic struts.Blades have a stainless steel spar atthe leading edge which resists erosion.Droop stops prevent excessive main rotor teetering while stopping or startingunder normal operating conditions.ROTOR BRAKE allows the pilot to stop therotor quickly, reducing shutdown timeand risk of injury to ground personneland passengers.AIR VENTS in the cabin provide fresh airfor pilot and passengers.only oil changes between 100 hourinspections. Main and tail rotor drivesystems use maintenance-free flexiblecouplings in place of universal jointsor gear couplings. Primary controls areactuated by push-pull tubes and bellcranks, eliminating cables and pulleys.Teflon-lined bearings eliminate periodiclubrication requirements.TIME-BETWEEN-OVERHAUL (TBO)Properly maintained, the R44 has anapproved engine and airframe TBO of2200 hours or 12 years. All life-limitedcomponents have approved servicelives of at least 2200 hours or 12 years.WORLDWIDE SERVICE is readily availablewith factory-trained technicians at morethan 400 Robinson-approved servicecenters throughout the world.WARRANTYAll R44s have a two-year or 1000-hourlimited aircraft warranty.R44 RAVEN I & II HELICOPTERS

RAVENSPECIFICATIONSSPECIFICATIONSTANDARD INSTRUMENTSRAVEN IRAVEN IILycoming O-540carburetedLycoming IO-540fuel injected66Max Gross Weight2400 lb2500 lbApproximate Empty Weight(including oil & std avionics)1450 lb1510 lbStandard Fuel (29.5 gal)177 lb177 lbAuxiliary Fuel (17.0 gal)102 lb102 lbPassengers and Baggagewith Standard Fuel773 lb813 lbCruise Speedup to 113 kts (130 mph)up to 117 kts (135 mph) Max Range (no reserve)approx 300 nm (350 sm)approx 300 nm (350 sm)WARNING LIGHTSHover Ceiling IGE @ Gross Weight6400 ft8950 ftHover Ceiling OGE @ 2300 lb4000 ft7500 ftover 1000 fpmover 1000 fpmMax Operating Altitude14,000 ft14,000 ft7-Hole Instrument Panelstandardstandard14V28VEngine TypeCylindersRate of ClimbElectrical SystemDIMENSIONSApply to both Raven I and Raven IIROBINSON HELICOPTER COMPANY Airspeed indicatorAltimeter (in-Hg)Rotor/engine dual tachometerManifold pressure gageVertical speed indicatorMagnetic compassCylinder head temperature gageOil temperature & pressure gagesFuel quantity gagesAmmeterCarburetor temperature gage (Raven I)Quartz clockDigital OAT gage/voltmeterHourmeterAlt low voltageLow fuelLow oil pressureLow rotor RPM (light and horn)Main gearbox temperatureMain gearbox chipTail gearbox chipEngine fireRotor brake engagedStarter engagedClutch actuatorGovernor offSTANDARD EQUIPMENT Anti-collision lightDual landing lightsNavigation, panel, and map lightsAuxiliary fuel systemCabin heater and defoggerCarbon monoxide detectorDoor locksFloor and hand intercom switchesPilot-side adjustable pedalsTinted windscreen and windowsBelly hardpointTow cart adapterOil filter and engine oil quick drainGround handling wheelsRotor blade tie downsWindshield coverRobinson travel bag

CLIPPERROBINSON R44 CLIPPER SERIESTheare Ravens equipped with seaworthyfloats and corrosion protection for over-water operations. The Clipper’s low center-ofgravity provides excellent stability on water, and the float design enables safe emergency water landings and takeoffs. Special ground-handling wheels are included witheach Clipper.FIXED-UTILITY FLOATSAvailable for both the Clipper I and Clipper II, fixed-utility floats add approximately50 pounds to the aircraft’s empty weight. Fixed-utility floats remain fully inflated andreduce cruise speed by approximately ten knots.R44 Clipper II, with pop-out floats stowed,on a residential rooftop helipad.POP-OUT FLOATSAvailable only on the Clipper II, pop-out floats have the same buoyancy as fixed-utilityfloats. The compact, low profile design minimizes the floats’ impact on the helicopter’scruise speed and makes it easy to get in and out of the helicopter. Pop-out floats add 65pounds to the helicopter’s empty weight and, when not inflated, stow in snug sleevesalong the skid tubes. A trigger on the collective deploys the floats, which inflate from acompressed helium-filled, carbon-fiber tank located under the left front seat.QUALITY MANUFACTURINGTo ensure the highest quality, Robinsonmanufactures, assembles, inspects andflight tests all of its helicopters at itsTorrance, California factory. The facilityfeatures state of the art equipment including computer numerically controlled(CNC) machining centers, electrical discharge machines (EDM), and water jetand laser cutting machines. Coordinatemeasuring machines (CMM) capable ofchecking dimensional tolerances within3 microns or 120 millionths of an inchare used to inspect precision machinedparts. This level of accuracy is essentialto the design and fabrication of interchangeable parts.R44 Clipper I shown shipboard with optional rotorblade supports and frame tie-down lugs.Robinson’s 617,000 square foot facility.To maximize efficiency and productivity,a large percentage of parts are manufactured in-house allowing the company tobetter control costs, eliminate delays andensure the best possible quality.Flight testCNC machining centersROBINSON HELICOPTER COMPANY2901 Airport Drive Torrance, CA 90505 USAPhone: 310-539-0508 Fax: 310-539-5198www.robinsonheli.com Robinson Helicopter Company. Robinson and R44 are registered trademarks of Robinson Helicopter Company. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are copyright of their respective companies. (rev. C)

The low operating cost makes the R44 Raven I an excellent flight trainer. R44 Raven II delivers increased altitude performance. AIR CONDITIONING Available on the Raven II, the air condi-tioning system features front and

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