850 Basic English - Simplish

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850 Basic EnglishPitman’s New Era ShorthandLong Live Pitman’s Shorthand!This list is based on the Basic English 850 Words with a small numberof additional derivatives, mainly related pairs of shorthand outlines.SF short forms or short form derivativesCon contractions (never vocalised)Phrases are not vocalised.Pages are set out for printing for an A5 ring binder. Ring binder tabscan be printed from the PDF “Print Your Own Shorthand Notepad”.The words are given as real text on the end pages to enablesearching.This material is for shorthand learning only and is not suitable foracademic word frequency research.More free downloads d reading material, downloads and dictation p://pitmans-snippets.blogspot.co.ukRevised 23 January 2017The contents of this PDF, and all original material, images and downloads on thewebsites and Blogger sites are copyright Beryl L Pratt and are provided for personalnon-commercial study use only, and may not be republished in any form, or repostedonline, either in full or in part or edited. If you wish to share the content, please do soby a link to the appropriate page of the websites.

Pitman’s New Era Shorthand1850 Basic EnglishPitman’s New Era Shorthand2850 Basic English

Pitman’s New Era Shorthand3850 Basic EnglishPitman’s New Era Shorthand4850 Basic English

Pitman’s New Era Shorthand5850 Basic EnglishPitman’s New Era Shorthand6850 Basic English

Pitman’s New Era Shorthand7850 Basic EnglishPitman’s New Era Shorthand8850 Basic English

Pitman’s New Era Shorthand9850 Basic EnglishPitman’s New Era Shorthand10850 Basic English

Pitman’s New Era Shorthand11850 Basic EnglishPitman’s New Era Shorthand12850 Basic English

Pitman’s New Era Shorthand13850 Basic EnglishPitman’s New Era Shorthand14850 Basic English

Pitman’s New Era Shorthand15850 Basic EnglishPitman’s New Era Shorthand16850 Basic English

Pitman’s New Era Shorthand17850 Basic EnglishPitman’s New Era Shorthand18850 Basic English

Pitman’s New Era Shorthand19850 Basic EnglishPitman’s New Era Shorthand20850 Basic English

Pitman’s New Era Shorthand21850 Basic EnglishPitman’s New Era Shorthand22850 Basic English

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