Fry 1000 Instant Words: Free Flash Cards And Word Lists .

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Fry 1000 Instant Words:Free Flash Cards and Word Lists For TeachersFry 1000 Instant Words Bulletin Board Display Banner and 26 Letter CardsThe Fry 1000 Instant Words are a list of the most common words used for teaching reading, writing, and spelling.These high frequency words should be recognized instantly by readers.Dr. Edward B. Fry's Instant Words (which are often referred to as the "Fry Words") are the most common words used inEnglish ranked in order of frequency.In 1996, Dr. Fry expanded on Dolch's sight word lists and research and published a book titled "Fry 1000 Instant Words." In hisresearch, Dr. Fry found the following results: 25 words make up approximately 1/3 of all items published. 100 words comprise approximately 1/2 of all of the words found in publications. 300 words make up approximately 65% of all written material.Over half of every newspaper article, textbook, children's story, and novel is composed of these 300 words. It is difficult towrite a sentence without using several of the first 300 words in the Fry 1000 Instant Words List. Consequently, students needto be able to read the first 300 Instant Words without a moment's hesitation.Do not bother copying these 3 lists. You will be able to download free copies of these lists, plus 7 additional lists that are notshown (words 301 - 1000), using the free download links that are found later on this page.In addition to these 10 free lists of Fry's sight words, I have created 1000 color coded flashcards for all of the Fry 1000Instant Words.Elementary school teachers and parents can use the free download links that are found later on this page to download freecopies of 1000 color coded flashcards for all of the Fry 1000 Instant Words!

Above: Fry 1000 Instant Words - Fry's First 100 Sight WordsAbove: Fry 1000 Instant Words - Fry's Second 100 Sight Words

Above: Fry 1000 Instant Words - Fry's Third 100 Sight WordsLater on this page, you will find free download links for elementary school teachers and parentsfor all of my free teaching resources for the Fry 1000 Instant Words (free flashcards and word lists).The Fry 1000 Instant Words have been arranged in the order of frequency in which they occur in printed material.A list of 100 Fry Picture Nouns were developed to supplement the Fry 1000 Instant Words.Later on this page, you will also find a download link for a free set of Fry's Picture Nouns Flashcards and word lists.After Fry developed his word lists, he worked to inspire young children to memorize these sight words to jump-start thereading process. The Fry 1000 Instant Words and lists are widely used today and highly respected by both teachers andparents.Many of the Fry 1000 Instant Words are difficult to portray with pictures or hard to sound out through phonics methods.Therefore, these words must be learned as sight words and they must be quickly recognized in order to achieve readingfluency.Once children have learned and memorized these basic sight words, they read more fluently and with greatercomprehension. It is recommended that: The First 100 words should be mastered by Grade 1. The Second 100 Words should be mastered by Grade 2. The Third 100 Words should be mastered by Grade 3. The remaining lists (words 301 - 1000) should be mastered in Grades 4 - 5.I have divided this list into ten groups of one-hundred words each. Below you will findfree download links for these 10 setsof free Fry Flashcards and word lists. I have divided the Fry 1000 Instant Words into 10 sets of teaching resources. There is an 11th set of flashcards for Fry's 100 Picture Nouns. I have designed my flashcards so that the print is large and easily read, and so that theflashcards fit into traditional pocket charts. Each set of Fry 1000 Instant Words flashcards has a different color border around it.

I have placed a small number in the top right hand corner of each flash card, indicating theorder in which that word appears in Fry's list. For the 100 Fry Nouns, I have included a colorful picture cue on each flashcard.Example: Free Flashcards For List #4(Fry 1000 Instant Words: Sight words 301 - 324 are shown.)2. Numbered list of 100 Fry sight wordsExample: Free Numbered List For Set #3(Fry 1000 Instant Words: Sight words 201 - 300 are shown.)3. Assessment page with a placefor the student's name, date, and scoreExample: Free Teacher Assessment Worksheet For Set #3(Fry 1000 Instant Words: Sight words 201 - 300 are shown.)

4. 100 words divided into fivegroups of words for students to learnExample: Set #3 divided into 5 groups (A - E) of 20 words(Fry 1000 Instant Words: Sight words 201 - 300 are shown.)5. 100 words divided into tengroups of words for students to learnExample: Set #3 divided into 10 groups (A - J) of 10 words(Fry 1000 Instant Words: Sight words 201 - 300 are shown.)6. Set of 100 Fry Picture Nouns:Word List and Flashcards

Example: Free Numbered List For Fry's 100 Picture NounsExample: Fry 100 Picture Nouns Flashcards(Fry 1000 Instant Words: Fry picture nouns 1 - 12 are shown.) FREE: Fry's First 100 Word List and Free Flashcards FREE: Fry's Second 100 Word List and Free Flashcards FREE: Fry's Third 100 Word List and Free Flashcards FREE: Fry's Fourth 100 Word List and Free FlashcardsFREE: Fry's Fourth 100 Word List and Free Flashcards (UK Version) FREE: Fry's Fifth 100 Word List and Free Flashcards FREE: Fry's Sixth 100 Word List and Free FlashcardsFREE: Fry's Sixth 100 Word List and Free Flashcards (UK Version) FREE: Fry's Seventh 100 Word List and Free Flashcards FREE: Fry's Eighth 100 Word List and Free FlashcardsFREE: Fry's Eighth 100 Word List and Free Flashcards (UK Version) FREE: Fry's Ninth 100 Word List and Free Flashcards FREE: Fry's Tenth 100 Word List and Free Flashcards FREE: Fry's 100 Picture Nouns List and Free FlashcardsShare this page with your students' parents:If you are using these free Fry 1000 Instant Words teaching resources with your students, please feel free to give yourstudents' parents the address of this webpage (shown below) so that they can print flashcards for their child to practice withat 00-Instant-Words.html

On the right, you will find a photograph of me outside of my classroom.I hope that you have found these free Fry 1000 Instant Words teaching resources useful in helping your students to learn toread these high frequency sight words.I designed these flashcards for some of my own students who were not native English speakers that were experiencingdifficulty in reading high frequency words with fluency.I wanted to share these Fry 1000 Instant Words resources with other teachers for free in hopes that the time that I spentdeveloping these flashcards would be more beneficial by reaching even more children who were having difficulty in reading.I received the following letter from a teacher who found that these free Fry flashcards helped a middle school student whowas struggling with reading.Name: MonicaSubject/Grade: Instructional Coach - Middle School LevelFrom: Colorado, United StatesDate: February 2010Comment: Thank you so much for your website, and for providing free teaching resources (when so many sites are asking for ).You saved the day for a young bilingual 7th grader who is struggling to read. He looked at me and said, "If people would havejust let me practice at my speed, I could get better at this", which broke my heart. His teachers have been looking for answers,but their prescriptive programs weren't working. When we handed our young man the Fry 1000 instant words on flashcards(THANKS! to your website), and he realized he would be able to read 65% of his textbooks once he had them mastered, hismotivation was electric.Again, I can't thank you enough for having the flashcards ready to use and download. If I (we) had needed to create them, itcould have been several days or weeks before he had them in his hands. I am an instructional coach at several schools andhave access to hundreds of teacher email accounts. As soon as I finish this note, they'll all be getting an email from me with yourlink.Thank you again for your marvelous websiteand caring about teachers and kids.MonicaLearning to Spell theFry 1000 Instant Words:After children have mastered reading the Fry 1000 Instant Words at each level, it would be beneficial for them to learn how tospell these words, as they are also the most common words that students use in their own writing.The Dolch Sight Words are a list of the most frequently used words in the English language. These sight words make up 50 to70 percent of any general text. The Dolch list was developed by Edward William Dolch, PhD. in 1948 and published in his book"Problems in Reading."I have also created free teaching resources, word lists, and flashcards for Dolch's Sight Words for elementary schoolteachers to download for free to use with their students.If you are interested in viewingthe spelling teaching resources orthe Dolch sight words that are available onUnique Teaching Resources, click on the links below:Go to Spelling Teaching Resources PageGo to Dolch Sight Words Page

Using Fun Book Report Projects ToEngage Your Students In Reading:Learning to read the Fry 1000 Instant Words will certainly help pave the way for your students to become proficient readers.But, the #1 way for children to become successful readers is for them to love reading books!Do you use fun book report projects as a way to engage your students in reading and responding to literature?If you answered "no" to this question, then you have found the right place to find unique book report templates and projects!My students love completing the fun book report projects that I have designed. They are always eager to begin reading theirnext books so that they can start working on their next reading response projects.One of the best compliments that I hear each year from parents is that their son or daughter now enjoys readingbooks.Many parents have shared with me that their child now has a love for literature due to the fun book report projects thathe or she completed in my class during that school year.Your students will find these uniquely shaped book report projects fun and challenging to complete.The writing responses are different for each book report set and are related to the project's shape and theme.The book report projects that I have created come in a variety of different shapes, sizes, and themes. Below you will findexamples of some of my uniquely shaped project templates.If you are interested in viewing all of the book report projects thatare available on Unique Teaching Resources, click on the link below:

The Fry 1000 Instant Words are a list of the most common words used for teaching reading, writing, and spelling. These high frequency words should be recognized instantly by readers. Dr. Edward B. Fry's Instant Words (which are often referred to as the "Fry Words") are the most common words used in

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