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CONFINED SPACERescuePresented by:Safety Management GroupConfined Space RescuePlease Sign InTraining Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 20081

WELCOME!INTRODUCTIONSCraig Clark CHSTVince Plank CSPSafety First!Lets cover our EmergencyEvacuation Route for this facilityTraining Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 20082

CLASS OVERVIEW How to prepare for a confinedspace Training requirements for aCSR team Familiarization with availableCSR gear Hands on rescue evolutionsKEYS TO SUCCESS Actively Participate Ask Questions Have FunTraining Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 20083

FIRST!LETS ALL DO AN EXERCISE Lets see who?Can hold BREATH the longestEveryone Stand UpVince will time youSit Down when your out!Last man standing wins a prize!Why Did we do this exercise you ask ?According to 29 CFR 1910.146(k)(1) An employer who designates rescue andemergency services, pursuant to paragraph (d)(9)of this section, shall:(k)(1)(i) Evaluate a prospective rescuer's abilityto respond to a rescue summons in a TIMELYMANNER, considering the hazard(s).Training Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 20084

ScenarioYou have a permit required confined space that isactive. You are the Entry Supervisor and yourAttendant just notified you that your Entrant isunconscious and not responding.What have you done to prepare forthis situation?Training Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 20085

How long can You or the Victim hold yourbreath?QUESTIONS? Who do you normally list as your rescueteam on your permit? How long would it take the rescue teamto reach your confined space? Is the rescue team familiar with yourfacility and confined spaces?Training Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 20086

Questions? What protocol do you use if the rescueteam (i.e.) fire department is out on acall? Is the rescue team equipped for the typesof rescues required at your facility? Has the rescue team practiced rescues onyour spaces?What is the best Confined Space Rescue?14Training Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 20087

THE ONE THATNEVER HAPPENED! We achieve this by training planningand practice!HOW DO WE PREPARE FOR ACONFINED SPACE RESCUE?Training Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 20088


Confined Space EntryConfined SpaceRESCUEBefore Confined Space Entry Know what a Confined Space is?Be prepared for the Confined SpaceVerify the Safety of the Confined SpacePreparing for a RescueTraining Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 200810

Confined SpaceWHATS IN IT FOR ME? It may save your life, or a co-workers life OSHA requires confined space training{29CFR1926.21(b)(6)(i) & 1926.1200-1213& 29CFR1910.146} Many Companies require training on CSEbefore working at their site. Not includingCSR trainingPREPARATION“If you fail to Preparethen Prepare to Fail”Training Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 200811

Confined Space CriteriaDo you know what this is?Training Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 200812

CSR PREPARATION Identify Space– Appendix A Flow Chart is an aid– Permit Non Permit? Identify Hazard Types Identify employee or emergency rescueneeds Identify Rescue equipment Identify What training will be needed foreachCSR NOTIFICATION IF using Emergency Rescue Services, thefollowing must be done.– Contact must be made with Rescue team. Do you have their permission to list them on yourpermit? What is their response time if not on site?Training Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 200813

Lost in Translation Take, for example, the case of a welder whoentered a confined space from a small openingsome 20 feet off the ground via a scaffold. Asfar as the crew was concerned, therequirements for this permit-required confinedspace had been met: they had an attendant, anentrant and a supervisor; the space was clearlymarked as a confined space; the air was beingmonitored; the welder was wearing a harness;Lost in Translation a tag line, tripod and winch were in place; andthe crew had completed a confined spacepermit. The only remaining requirement wasthe rescue plan. The crew fulfilled thisrequirement as they were trained to do, and asthey'd always done in the past: They wrotedown “Call 9-1-1." Ultimately, it was a rescue plan that provedunable to save a life.Training Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 200814

Lost in Translation You see the welder was electrocuted in theconfined space and went into cardiac arrest.There was no way to remove him from thepipe chase – the crew couldn’t drag the largewelder over the elevated, horizontal pipes.They called 9-1-1, but a rescue couldn’t beperformed in a Timely Manner. As a result,the welder perished.They Failed to Prepare so theyPrepared to Fail!Training Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 200815

Let’s Take a Look at Response Time31Defining Response Time Reaction TimeContact TimeResponse TimeAssessment TimePreparation TimeRescue Time32Training Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 200816

Defining Response Time Reaction Time– Time between the entrant having a problem requiringrescue and the safety attendant’s recognition that theentrant has problem Contact Time– The time taken by the attendant to contact the rescueteam. Response Time– The time taken by the rescuers to arrive at the scene ofthe rescue after contact.33Defining Response Time Assessment Time– The time taken by a rescue team to size up the problem anddetermine the strategy to perform a safe, efficient rescue. Preparation Time– The time taken by a rescue team to set up for the rescue. Rescue Time– The time taken for the team to reach, treat, package, andevacuate the victim from the confined space.34Training Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 200817

How long can You hold your breath?PRACTICE TIME! The time a company should take to practiceand evaluate recue times and issues at theirproject or facility. This time is used to evaluate the rescue teamand inefficiencies‘.Training Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 200818

On May 4, 2015, OSHA issued a new standardfor construction work in confined spaces,which went into effective starting August 3,2015. Confined spaces can present physicaland atmospheric hazards that can be avoided ifthey are recognized and addressed prior toentering these spaces to perform work. Thenew standard, Subpart AA of 29 CFR 1926 willhelp prevent construction workers from beinghurt or killed by eliminating and isolatinghazards in confined spaces at constructionsites similar to the way workers in otherindustries are already protected.When in doubt use achecklist.Training Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 200819

The SMG Check ListSafety Management Group has developed thishandout for teams preparing for confinedspaces. This ensures that all identifiedconfined spaces are planned prior to entry.This is not all inclusive of items to cover butdoes serve as a great preparation tool.This does not take place of your PERMIT!This is pre permit planning.Training Requirements foryour Rescue TeamTraining Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 200820

Training Requirements CSERespirator/Fit TestAir MonitorFall protectionSupplied AirPPEHAZCOMLOTO CSR– Rescue Gear TripodsDavitRope accessHarnessSked/Half SkedRescue HarnessVentilatorsManliftTraining Requirements Recommend - creating a confined spacetraining matrix to ensure that all persons thatare entering a confined space; receive theproper training. Companies fail because all they see is theCSE&CSR requirement for training and losesight of the big picture.Training Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 200821

HINT Create a solid CSE & CSR training class thatencompasses all of this training into onepackage. IF they had some of the training it is alwaysgood to refresh. Just because it is your fire department, it doesnot exempt them from training.Recommend doingtraining annuallyRecommend practice andevaluation every six monthsTraining Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 200822

CSR Types There are 3 types of rescuetechniques: Non-entry Entry by others Entry by Trained employees from thecompanyNON ENTRY1. Non-entry – Rescuethat is conductedwithout entry into theconfined space. Thiscan be conducted bysuch means as a ropeor winch.Training Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 200823

CSR TYPES2.Entry by others– some companies do nothave trained personnelfor emergency rescue.They depend on othersto conduct emergencyrescues such as the FireDepartment or Standbycontract rescuecompanies.CSR TYPES Entry by otherscontinued – in this casethe Fire Departmentwould need:Training Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 2008 To be familiar with the types ofconfined spaces located in thefacility, the hazards they may encounter, the entry means into the confinedspaces, the types of rescue equipment toeffect a rescue and the types of PPE required for anypotential rescue.24

CSR TYPES Fire Departmentwould also need to benotified when an entryis taking place. You should exit if theycall and have a fire oranother emergencycall. This should be partof your CSE/CSRwritten plan.CSR TYPES3. Entry by Trainedemployees from thecompany – somecompanies have trainedpersonnel within thecompany to conductrescues. In this case: The team must have atleast one membercertified in CPR and firstaid, All members of the teammust be trained in thetechniques andequipment for specificconfined spaces. All members of the teammust be specially trainedin confined space rescuework,Training Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 200825

Emergency Rescue If a rescue is required, the rescue service must close off the area, getauthorized entrants out of the space and perform first aid whenneeded.It is best to use a retrieval system to bring the employee out of thespace. Never enter the space without proper training and unless it isnecessary.Authorized entrants should wear harnesses connected to the retrievalline. The retrieval equipment must be in place before employees enterthe permit space.TYPES ofGEARSET UPTraining Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 200826

Rescue Equipment Confined Space Rescue can require a number of types ofequipment to effectively and safely perform a rescue. Let’s take a look at some of the equipment that can beused in confined space rescues.53Ropes Used for– Primary tool in technicalrescue Vary in construction,material and size Most common in C.S.54– ½ inch, strength 9,000 lbs.– Static kernmantle (lowstretch)– Dynamic kernmantle (highstretch)Training Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 200827

Harness Used for– Fall protection– Confined space rescue Most common in C.S.– Flat nylon webbing– Full body– Point of attachment in thecenter of the back at shoulderlevel55Tripods Used for– Access to vertical entry Most common in C.S.– 9-foot height or greater56Training Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 200828

Winches Used for– Assist with tripods Most common in C.S.– Retractable designated fornon-entry rescue– Certified as a primarylowering device57Ventilation Systems Ventilate, eliminate,or control the space’satmospheric hazards Blind or disconnectand cap all inputlines so that nohazardous materialscan enter the space58Training Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 200829

Lockout Tagout When entrancecovers are removed,guard the openingimmediately Remember, you mayhave to beauthorized toperform lockouttagout, dependingon company policy.59SCBA Units60 SCBA (SelfContained BreathingApparatus) – may berequired to enter someconfined spaces or toperform a rescue. There are specialguidelines that mustbe followed prior towearing an SCBA.Training Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 200830

SCBA Wearer Requirements In order to wear a SCBAa rescuer would have toprovide a RespiratorClearance or PhysicianApproval prior to wearinga SCBA. After the RespiratorClearance the Rescuerwould have to be Fit61Tested for the SCBAUnit.Rescue Equipment As you can see, there are numerous types of rescueequipment that is available to assist with rescues. Each confined space must be evaluated to determine whattype of equipment is required to perform a rescue should itbecome necessary. If outside resources, such as the Fire Department, areutilized to perform confined space rescues, the agencyshould be given access to your facility to enable them to:– Be aware of the types of confined spaces you have– Determine the types of equipment and rescue techniques theywill need to perform a rescue62Training Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 200831

Confined SpaceDavit ArmConfined SpaceVehicle-Mounted DavitTraining Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 200832

Confined SpaceWall Mount SupportConfined SpaceHorizontal Retrieval SupportTraining Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 200833

Combination ofrescue gear thatcreates a rescuedevice that utilizedmulti anchor pointsystems.Training Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 200834

Confined SpaceGENERAL REQUIREMENTS – EMPLOYER Employer must identify confined spaces Post warnings to prevent unauthorized entry (such as“Danger – PRCS – Do Not Enter” per 1926.1203(b)(1) Develop a written program for entry per 1926.1204 Develop alternative procedures for permit spaces thatcannot be entered Re-evaluate / reclassify spaces as necessary Establish provisions for contractors, includingnotification of hazardsThis new standard has some affect on thefollowing. Crawl Space and Attics Pits Sewer systemsSee OSHA fact sheets defining these changesTraining Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 200835

Meat and PotatoesConfined SpaceRESCUE PROCEDURE CHARTTraining Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 200836

Commanding the ConfinedSpace Rescue73If you are part of a rescue team at your facility, youmust be familiar with your rescue plan. Let’sdiscuss some key points associated with a rescueplan and points that need to be considered to keeprescuers safe. A confined space rescue will still have roles thatmust be filled during the rescue. A Rescue Team will have an Incident CommandSupervisor.Roles Remember that the same roles apply in a confinedspace rescue that apply to a normal confinedspace entry. Entry Supervisor Attendant Entrant, Primary Entrant, Standby With a confined space rescue, there is anadditional role that is assigned Incident Commander74Training Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 200837

(Incident Commander)IC Priorities A Confined Space Rescue Scene will have a Incident Commander.The priorities of the IC are mainly: safetySafety of the victimAssessment of the situationType of RescueDevelopment of the rescue planGeneral public control and safetyMust keep in mind that 60% offatalities are would be rescuers751. Responder Safety Assessment of the situation and confined space––––What PPE will be requiredObtain air monitoring samplesAssess hazardsCharacteristics of space Hazard Mitigation76 Avoid the hazardRemove the hazardControl the hazardUse personal protective equipmentTraining Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 200838

2. Safety of the Victim Is the victim conscious?Is the Victim unconscious?Will medical attention be required?Will medical personnel need to be notified?What type of rescue equipment will berequired to safely remove the victim? Is there a timeline associated with the rescue77because of the condition of the victim?3. Assessment of the Situation Hazards Present AtmosphericEnergy SourcesEntrapmentFallFire / ExplosionHazardous Material Hazard Mitigation78 Risks associated with the rescue Length of time to implement any hazard controlsTraining Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 200839

3. Assessment of the Situation Distance required for rescue Rescue Problem within Capabilities of theDepartment / Team794. Type of Rescue Offensive ( rescue) lives at riskComplexity of the rescueHazards are known and controllableResources are available for the rescueIncident stabilization prompt andprobable Defensive ( body recovery ) life probability of victimComplexity of the rescueHazardous conditions still existResources available or unavailableStabilization unlikely80Training Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 200840

5. Development of the Rescue Plan Survival time of the victim Confined Space Characteristics 81 TypeFunctionConfigurationConstructionSizeEntry Points (size, number, location)Assignment of rolesSufficient Personnel (numbers, experience, training)Appropriate equipment, Apparatus, MaterialCommunication & Communication EquipmentInteragency Coordination5. Development of the Rescue Plan Ventilation of space Monitoring of space Air supply forrescuer’s if required Control of all sourcesof energy andengulfment hazards Including LOTO,Blocking, etc.82Training Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 200841

5. Development of the Rescue Plan Rigging - willneed to determinethe types of rescueequipment needed. Slings Rescue Basket Ropes Victim Stabilizers Winche/s836. General Public Control and Safety Perimeter Control – Depending on type ofsituation: May need policeBarrier tape, ropes, barricadesControlling trafficLimiting access to the rescue area to assignedpersonnel84Training Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 200842

Rapid Intervention Team Provides safetybackup Dressed in samePPE as entry, readyto go Cannot be assignedto another taskduring the rescue85Patient Handling During Training Elaborate patient packaging techniquesare outside the scope of this course. Each site should design andpractice an approach as part oftheir overall rescue plan. Our primary focus will be onextrication skills. For safety reasons, we will seek tominimize the amount of manual patienthandling.86Training Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 200843

After the Rescue Debrief Re-supply Documentation Post incident analysis87F-A-I-L-U-R-E 88Failure to understand the environmentAdditional medical issues not consideredInadequate rescue skillsLack of teamwork or training and experienceUnderestimating the logistics of the incidentRescue verse recovery mode not consideredEquipment not masteredTraining Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 200844

What’s Next?What do you need to doonce you get back toyour facility?89Next Steps If you are part of a rescue Team: 90Obtain a physician’s approval or clearance to wear a SCBA.Get fit tested.Know your rescue plan.Become familiar with the confined spaces that you have in yourfacility.Know what equipment will be necessary for each Confined Space,should a rescue be necessary.Know the hazards associated with each confined space.Know how to eliminate the hazards associated with the confinedspaces.Practice, practice, practiceRetrain when new confined spaces are added or when somethingregarding an existing confined space changes.Training Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 200845

Confined SpaceEntry Rescue Most difficult and risky Requires training, equipment and coordinationof effortsRescue ReviewLet’s look at some CSRequipment set ups and rescuescenariosTraining Modules/NEW POWER POINTS 060104/Confined Space/CSE 200846

the rescue after contact. 33 Defining Response Time Assessment Time – The time taken by a rescue team to size up the problem and determine the strategy to perform a safe, efficient rescue. Preparation Time – The time taken by a rescue team to set up for the rescue. Rescue

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