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VOL. XXIX."A"DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, JULY 2!, 181)9." The Portland ]Truthful Advertising will Always Sell Honest Goods.' Is licat by test—10,000 cookH Bay BO.DELAYED BUYING? HE BEE HIVE.Put off Spring furniture buying so's to take in theAmos H. Van Horn, Ltd., July clearances ? Thenyour lucky time's arrived—we're chock full of bargains—you don't need to be plenty with cash, forwe give big credit, same as ever !Saturdays in July and August Closest! 12 noon, Open Friday Evenings.Annual JulyBargain SaleTHIRD WEEK OF BARGAIN WONDERS.Couldn't be better Ifljuilt to order—for" c o m f o r t . " Tillsgolden onk rocker,Antique oak Dcdroom eult—combinationwithstand—large dresser—27x80 mirror—worth 23. 2.19 17.75Chiffonier like this, oliiiouk, golden finish, full swell front,wdl carved drawers, 10 ordinarily, now 7.49Carpets Will Go At This Pace!Cotton Chain Ingrains for . . 27c. yd. I Extra Henvy ItiKrnlnn . . . . 87c.yd.All-wool Extra Super Ingrains D2c. yd. Kitru Heavy Urus&eli . . , . CCc. yd.Add half again as much to each price and you'll see whatall these weaves sold for in the Spring.Mattings—9c. yd., China; 15c. yd. and up forJapan."The National," 8.39The " National" Refrigerator is only one out of otherleaders—it's a 12 make—all parts removable and easilycleaned—built of hardwood—cast brass trimmings— 8.39special.Here arc striking instances of genuinely great moneysavings that will convince you. Year own interest is deeplyconcerned in a visit to this, New Jersey's greatest sale.Hundreds and hundreds of bargains as good and better.July Sale Kaskar Rugs—Wilton weave, 26x54, excelQOf lent patterns, reguh.r 1.39.Qftf*7 O v July sale,7OV/July Sale Window Shades—Good Holland fancy linenTJ*/, fringe, price should be 50c.'iCf*J J t July saleJJ July Sale Mattings—Japanese cotton warp mattings'JQf close, fine weave, high colors, novelty pat- Q p 7\ terns. Regular 39c, 45, 48cL/\*July Sale Hammocks—Woven macrema cord hamn yi mocks, pillow, spreader, deep colored. 1 n H. 0 4 Should be #i.7S. at1.04July Sale Curtaitlings—Scotch lace curtaining, 40I ft I inches wide, neat patterns. Should be 25c, \ (\[IMl atI LiJuly Sale Couch Covers—Full width and length, fringedt n top and bottom, Oriental colorings. 1 « j». 4 0 Should be 2.25. July sale .H-QJuly SalePortieres—TapestryPortieres,self-colored,0 QQ F r c n c h armiire weaves, heavy deep tassel ft flflU.30 fringe. Should be 4.98. July saleU.oOI—to reduce thln ll leathcrettecoiielito 7.98proves we're closing out the couclJ Hnea withu rUBli 1 Spring's patterns, but aB good t oou as the day tliey cauic. Some 40 otherludfl, a t well. The prettiest bed In the lot ntIIB price, braes rails and bratmornaments— 8 value, for 7.98 5.49No Agents or Branch Stores Anywhere.Summer StovcB ? Call and sec these marvelous ones in actual operation. " T h eAutomatic WlckleuB Blue Flame Cabinet Oil Stove M—"The Monarch "Vapor Stove"u rfhe insurauce GoBolene Stove " and others—very low priced.FREE DELIVERIES.MAIL ORDERS FILLED ON DAY OF'RECEIPT.Send for catalogue. Mall orders promptly filled. " Gash or credit."J qjN ! a r 1 l a c Sfc" Newark, M. J.707 to 721 Broad Street and 8 Cedar Street,NEWARK, N. J.Telephone 680. Oooils delivered Free to any part of State.CARFARE PAID TO OUT-OF-TOWN. BUYERS.QEWITT R. HUMMER.Heal Estate and Insurance Agent.Oltlco over The Goo. Richard's Co.'s StoreDOVER N. J .T)R. R. A. BENNETT, OOB. 0 0 L D AND OHKBTmiT BTB.DOVKR, N. J .S to 9 A, H.1 to 8 p. H.7 to 8 p. M.iSPECIAL attention gtwm to &1SEASSS ofWOMEN and 0H1LDREN,:Our GreatestTea and Coffee EffortFRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JULY 21st and 22d.A great many of Morris County's leading housekeepers already know the excellent quality of our famousTEAS and COFFEES, and maybe we ought to be satisfied with the enormous quantity we are selling, but we relore thoroughly introduce these goods in the homes oi Morris County. In order to do thisnot. We want to miwe will give FREEgUGENEJ. COOPER,worth of Star Coupons with everypound of MOCHA or JAVA COFFEE atATTORNEY AT LAW ANDMASTER AND SOLICITOR IN CnANOKBTOffice in the Tone Building,Ovwt J . A . LTON'B STORE,DOVER, N. J'.worth of Star Coupons with every pound ofTEA.» .17RED. H. DECKER, M. DPHYSICIAN AND BURGEONOffice on Blackwell street, oppositeMethodist Episcopal ChurchI 8:30 to 10:30 A. M.OMce hours-] 1:00 to 3.00 P. M. 6:30 to 8:00 l . ar.UOVKB,NEW JERSEYQEO. 0. CUMMINS, M. D.,BLA0KWELL STREET, NKAH WARRKSiYour choice Oolong, English Breakfast, Young Hyson or Mixed Teas at 50c. pound.Extra choice Oolong, English, Green or Mixed Teas at 60c. pound.We guarantee the above 1 eas and Coffees to be equal in quality to any in Dover.CENTS 1.00 WORTH OFPECK,STAMPS FREE.JERSEY POTATOES HIS 28DOVER, N. J.FINEST FRESHOur Own Brand Cocoa( 8:30 to 0:30 A. M.O m e i Houna i 1 to 2:30 r . « .17 to 8:30 r. M.orCORNED BRISKET18c box.Malarial Diseases and Rheumatism receiveBpeclal attention.BEEPJOHN DRUMMER'SELEGANT No. 0BROOM. 1 worth of stamps free.wortb SO cento n tOur Own Brand20c gallon. special for i O (Chocolateof stamps1-2 lb. cake 16c. 2 worth of stamps free 1.00 worthtreo.Bring your jugs. 1 worth of stamps free.FINESTSMOKEDSHOULDERS6c Ib.IT'S OUR TREAT.J and HAIR OUTTINO SALOONMANSION HOUSE.COB, BLAOKWEM. AND SUSSEX STREETSVery Best CiderorWMto VinegarWILD CHERRY EXTRACT 20c. size 10c.11 "IOC. "5C. 1.00 WORTH OF STAMPS FREE.50c.""""DOVER, W. J.The place has been entirely refitted in a neatmanner. Ladled' and Children HairCutting a specialty.FINEST ELfilK 6PP1EHI BUTTER 2DC. ID. 3IBS. [01S7G.J J. VREELAND,Po-mut Butterloc.Flaked Rice, packagelie.Maccaroni, importedgc.e Hi crock telly .23CBird Food, box5CFarina, very bestloc.Chili Sauce lioltie.'.;.ioc.6 lbs. Oatmeal17c. Assorted Puddine, package.loc.Uneeda Biscuit 4c. pkg.; Full Cream Cheese l i e . lb.; New York Smoked Shoulders (while they last) 6c. 11).CONTRACTOR. OAKI'ENTWe ANDNewels, solid or built u p . Stair rails of nil ill"' s l o M worked ready t o p u t u p . Mantota. o r a t eFitting! Architectural NWriirnlni;. Handon"JIR SawlUK Plans and BpeclllcaUons CurnlaJitu.Orace and shop, Illar" " " ' — 'PURE WINES AND LIQUORS. j[ARTIN LUTHER COX,COUNTY SUl'EHtNTENDBNTPure Port Wlno, B«HonPure Sherry Wine, uollon.,Monogram Pure Rye, loyaorsold.qt. Ji.oolPurc Rock anil Ry«.St. Jullen Claret, bottle 5 c. HjUaml Oln . . . . . . .Pure Rye Whiskey, B y « r « old, q t . . 75C. j , m a k « R u m . . " : " : :. 1.35 Qooil Rye Whiskey, qt5»c. Apple Whiskey. 1.1550cand75cqt.OF PUBLIC SCHOOLSOFnoi-BDAOKWKU. ST., DOVER, A. Herons : 0 A. H. to M M. every Saturday. A R T I N SCHIMMEL,MASON CONTRACTOR.All Iklnils ot Ifason Work and Jobbingpromptly attended to.43-1 y.L. Lehman & Co.Next to Post-Office TDover, N. J.The Dover ball tosKyrs go to \\ urrun countyto-murrow afternoon to takt* another full outof Washington.VOS&VL S. S. LYON'SHOUSE,Do 'JVutJj A b o u t a M u c h A d v e r t i s e dTJSAM, I'ltOnrJWOOKLYX,How Iu Iu[»im.Twelve victories, nix defeats and t«w tieGREATLYOUTCLASSED.Anuniu.4 in not dead. Ou tho contrary, hegames is the record of the Dover liiit-u liullvery much alivo and in the enjoyment ofJlub so far this season.larunn, T h i r d Ilimeman of T h e A l l Don't forgut tho «ariii ttctu-fiMi tho Tig.-r.s ext:«llytit health. His present abiding place isKobe, Japan, and it in from tfilu faraway(Jollcu.ntGM, Hnsfilm a I.oir e u R o u t e and the Dover liall Club next Wednesl o r D o v e r - S o l i tnoli], oi tlio Stove day. Until teaiiin are coiifiiloiit nf winning village that he has sont out bis prize concop n.The story hns gone the rounds of tbeWoi-ks, I'tovoa u u Aceoptablo Sub- the gamo, or pretend to be, mi'I a good muAmerican newspaiMirs, and some credulousHtltuto—Only Sovon lunliiKH l*lnyod, test is expected.popple doubtloHs IwJieve that a merry war isThe Dover Tigers havo givat hopa-j ofi n 0110 of Wiilcli U'lio Homo Clubrtiging iu Kobe betweon the American ConSeoroH T w e l v e HiiiiH-InioroHtlnu Ho- "dumping" the Dover Base Hull Club next ;ul nnd tho merchanU of that city over thodnifsduy afternocm. A good umiie in i?xfact that tho former has scon iit to changeHiitnooftlio CliinioB IMnyotI t o J uto, ed, for the Tigurs urn no moan bulltlio locution of his business ofllces. Tho pubNoUifl, KtC.;iJayer«, and t h e Dover chih will tintliottvislied nUn-y WHS to tho following effect:Tbo Dover Base Hall Club dofeated tho All aU'd if good playinn con pruveut it.;OIIKU1 Lyon, hiilieving that " a jiublic olllce14OolleRint« team, of Brooklyn, on SaturdayA l " Hurnes, third IIHHBIIIUU of the All \H a private Kinip," ti[K u bi-s arrival a t hisafternoon by a score of IH to 4. Tbo visitors Collegiate team, broke his lug while nn Un« [ioBt of duty was not content with the heauwere greatly outclassed and, besides, wore way t o Dovor with his twiw on Kntunluy,Aftil white inarhhi jmlace in which lie foundhandicapped by tho lotu of their third base- The accident happened on the New York endthe olllcos of tho consulate located. I n adman, Albert Barnes, who broke his leg on the if the Brooklyn bridge. Darucs had justdition to tlio premise being too flue for aBrooklyn bridge when on his way to Dover alighted from one oar when he was utruclt bysimple American, they were too convenientwith the team, This accident delayed the another.for the persons having business BO that they missed the train they hadiy moving bis olllres to nn outbuilding instarted for and did not arrive in Dover uutilthoroar of bin private residence, a modestOur " F o r o l c i i C'ltizoiiB. '»o'clock. As thoy liad no substitutes withJapanesewickyup In the distant suburbs, tbeOur "foreign citlKena, "dospito that fiotmclient i t was necessary to got a third bosomauConsul could do away with l otu these objecwreaud Bchmehl was secured. He put up a if them are taking etiup fihota witli Mauserstionsandputmoney iu his purse. The changevery creditable game and certainly had tho at our soldier boys, seem to bo taking morewan made ins tauter, and then the troublekindly than before to American of the "bleachers."The figures of the Treasury Bureau of commenced. The Japanese local authoritiesIn tho first liming tho visitors were shutordered out tho town band in full uniformout add the home toani made four runs, Iu Statistics, just issued, indicate that theexports and formed iu skirmish lino in the vicinitythe next tuning the home players added two of this fiscal year, which ended last of tho wickyup. The indignant merchantsto their bcore and tho visitors again failed to noiith, will show a larger exportation to bud tho curfow tolled every thirty secondsnt:oru. In tho third, however, i t looked as if Hawaii and the Philippines than ever beforci ami mot in mass-meeting at tbe municipaltlie game was not to be so one-sided after all, aud larger to C uha and Puerto Hico than in any hall, from whence thoy proceeded in a bodyfor tlie visitors mado two ruue and shut out previous year except those in which tho re- to tho telegraph station and took turus inthe uome team uud the visitors' prospects ciprocity features of tho McKinloy law were firing oil' thirty-seven word cables to AdmiralTightened still more when In the fourth ix operation.Dewoy at tho rate of 4.t)9 per word, implorThe exports to Cuba in the ten months end- ing him to rush the Oregon to Kobe to prolining they added another run to their score.AH doubt as to tbo result of the game was re- ing April 30,1899, were 50 per cent, in excess tect American interests from the outragemoved, however, when in their half of the of the correspond fng months of ISfi8, and perpetrated upon them by the American'ourtU the Dover hoys chalked up a total of more than, double those of the same mouths Consul, who was Aguinaldo in disguise,12 runs, every man making the round of the In the fiscal year 1897. To Puerto Itico thoWOULD NOT HE VICTIMIZED.bases before an out was made. Iu this exports are 38 per cent, in excess of the corinning AfuiiBon, SI, Rainey and Geager each responding months of last year, and to Ha- Tho facts are that when Consul Lyon ariado two runs. After this the gaino was waii the exports of the ten months are f 7 per rived a t his post at Osaka and Hiogo lie foundtlio ofllces of his consulate located in a very [levoiil of Interest.The visitors added cent in excess of those of 1898.To the Philippines, despite tho continuous ordinary building on the Concession, 1. e.,another run to their score In the seventh uudwar conditions, the exports are three tfmos as that part of tho city in which foreigners arethen tho game was called.much as hi the corresponding months of any allowed to have thoir business houses. TheTho scoro follows:preceding year. The total exports to Cuba, Concession occupies about as much ground asDOVER.n. mi. i'O. A. E Puerto Rico, Hawaii and tho Philippines in would ho taken up by a dozen ordinary cityClancy, !1 b. a 2 0 l 0 the full fiscal year which ended Juno 110,[piares in an American city. The buildingMunson, 2 1)reach about #0,000,000, ngainst 17,0WV was rented (not leased) from a person who&f. Itainey, B. S . . . . . . 2 2 28 0, 12 1 0 1 0 000 last year. These figures, of course, do not had it on a sublease from another person,Crowe, p, S 2 0 1 1 include any of the supplies eeut by the Gov- who leased it from the owner. The firstGeagor. c. 2 2 10 UJ. Kttluoy.l. f.11 0 0 ernment for its troops in the Islands, nor party leased It to the second party for a conSteiigliue, r. f,. IB 0 0 supplies sent by the Government to the Bullet- sideration. For a larger consideration theBtocuer, l b, 1 02 0 0 Ing Cubans. It is interesting to note that second party sub-leased to a third party, andiloyd, c. fthe exjtortatioiiB to Spain are approaching for a still larger consideration the third partyTotal18 16 31 R 1 their normal condition.rented a portion of tlie first floor to UncleH. 1111. I'O. A. KALT- COLLEGIATE.Ham, represented by Consul Lyon, the1Lee, 3 bamount of the lost named consideration being1 1McNeil, 1. fISOONTON.sufllcientto pay for the whole shooting match. 0 1 4 3 1Routhwick, c . . . ,A Christian Endeavor Social was held in and still leave a portion of the first floor and. 0 0 7 0 2J. Larry, l b . . .theFresbyteriauChapelTuesdayevening. 1 1 2 0 0AIoiuls, c. fthe entire upper story free for the occupancy. 0 0 1 2 2Mertz, s. sThe ltev. Dr. C. S. WoodrufT, of Dover, of some other tenant. Tfais was an exceed. 1 1 0 S 0 preached ia tbo M. E. Church lost Sunday.Huetber, ninglynice arrangement for the third party,.10100Dillmanii, r. f.The South Faterson baso ball club will play for it allowed him to play on " velvet," which. 1 20 2 3Bchmehl, it bthe Boouton team at Boonton Saturday after- he continued to do until the first and secondTotal4 0 18 11 12noon.parties got jcalouB a n d notified tho thirdA concert was given lost night in the Boou- party that after April 1, on which date allHCOUK BY INNfNGS. .tonOperaIIOUBO,underthedirectionofMissbets were to bo declared olt (the variousAll Collegiate0 0 2 1 0 0 1—4leases ending), the rates would be raised for] ovor4 2 0 13 0 0 x—18 Belle P. Nosh, of Boouton.A game of base ball will bo pluyed tomor- all they were worth. As Consul Lyon wasBases stolen—Clancy, Munson (2), Crowe (2),nenger, J. Hainey. Stengline, Stecher (2), row a t 3 p. m , on the West Boonton grounds, playlug tbe limit fixed by Uncle Sam, i t beLloyd (2), ATonds. Struct out—By Crowe / i ;by Huethor 1. Fused balls— Bouthwick 1. betweeu the High School nine niid a picked hooved him to hustle or draw on his ownpile, which latter lie very naturally declinedTwo base hlts-Mtmson, M, Itainey, Btengline, nine,Lee, Routhwick, Bchmetii. First base on ballsA uew fountain, to he erected by the Boon- to do. So he hustled most effectively, and to—On* Huother fi ; off Crowe 1. Umpire—J. ton Improvement Society, has been ordered. the horror and rage of the other parties conMcCarthy. Time of game—One bour andAll fiuhseriljors to tho ftutd are rcquesto I to cerned, succeeded in getting a three years'thirty minutes.sent! in tbo amount fiulwcrilied to Mrs. T. C, lease on the finest premises in Kobe, viz., theBoone, president of tho society.Shikiu mansion, a beautiful and commodiousHKSUMR OK GAMKB TO DATE.The Dover Baso Ball Club's record to dateTho Booutou Common Council bold a structure erected by a Chinese millionaire inis twelve games won, six lost', and two ties. Bpecial meeting on Wednesday night to con- a part of the city immediately adjofniup; the1The dato, name of opposing nine and score of sider complaints that had been made against Concession atululioutflveniinutos walk from.some of tho drinking places in town. The the old quarters. This place has been theeach game Is here givon :matter was left in tbe hands of tho License pride of the city for years, and since theVICTORIES.death of the Celestial magnate many enviousApril ii3—Dover VB. All Collegiate4 fi Committee for investigationWork was begun last week on one of the oyes have been cast longingly toward thoMay 0—Dover vs. Alerts1H 0" 2O-Doverv8.ManuattauvilIe12 8 new buildings to bo erected for tho McEwan palatial building aud its beautiful gardens.27—Dover vs. Newton5 4JunoS—Dover VB. Olympic3 2 Brothers' Company, at "Whippany. The!tDID NOT CONSULT POO UA.II.10-Dover vs. Washington13 0 structure ia a n extension 80x100 feet to the117—Dover vs. Little Falls13 S Hanorer machine room. Hoplor & Grimes,Consul Lyon made one mistake, however—134— Dover vs. Mizpah18 2 of BoontoQ, are the carpenters.hofailedto ask the permission of the editorJuly 4 l*. M.—Dover vs. Morris Plains. 8 2" 8— Dover vs. Bay Ridge5 8 Louis L. Fountain, a former citizen oi of the daily paper in Kobe, who used tbo10—Dover vs. Cuhan X Giants. (I 2 Boonton, died at Heading, Pa., on Thursday columns of his paper t o show the public his15-Dover vs. All Collegiate18 4 of last week. His remains were brought to displeasure The public laughed; ConsulBoonton on Saturday. Tlio funeral took place *yon said nothing, b u t continued to sawDKFttATH.Mar 10—Cuban X Giauta vs. Dover. 0 0 Sunday afternoon, from tbe residence oC hit wood, and one day, to tho amazement of Foo" :«)—Murray Hill vs. Dover8 ',1son, Ellis H. Fountain, on Myrtle avenue. 13ah, actually moved. Poo Bah foamed a tJuno 1—Morria Plains VB. Dover.8 fi Tho Rev. Alexander MeKelvoy, pastor of thr tho mouth and filled columns of bfs paperJuly 1—Murray Hill vs. Dover. 5 3 RefomiFd Church, oflldated. Interment was.witli unpleasant things about tbe Consul and"4 A. sr.-Morris Plains va Dover U 2(I—Morris Plains vs. Dover11 7 in the Boonton cemetery. Tho deceased is his ofllces, and, failing to have that gentlosurvived by a wife, two sons and four daugh- niuu mobbed by tlio Kobeites, sent copies toTIB CIA&IES.ters.America. Ho is patiently waiting for theApril 20—Dover VB. Sidneys (U innings) 4 4The trial of M. M. Crano, a storekeeper of arrival of the Marino Band from WashingtonMay 30—Dover vs. Murray Hill (10 in.) 0 0Boonton,onachargeofobstructingSamueltohave Consul Lyon tried for manslaughterTho table below gives tho numbes of games,the runs, the bite, anil the errors made by 8. VatulrufF, of Deckortown, a Deputy State and condemned to penal servitude for life.each player who has taken part in four or Dairy Inspector, when about to make a tostIn tho mean time- tho Consul and his staffnore games. This Hat, however, does not in- of somo butter purchased at Mr. CranoV are comfortably Installed in their Imudsornostore a week ago, was to havo hoen hold In quarters and in daily receipt of congratula:luile the battery errors ;Pythian Hall on Wednesday, but tho cast tiona from morchants, shippers and visitingRKCOM) OK PLAVKnS.0ABIK3. 11UNH. HITS r.imoiiH was not called, on account of a defect in the Americans, and have yet to receive a single14drawing of the complaint. Mr. Crano gave protest from any sourco whatever. Not a. . 20ClancyIllIU4. HIJrowoIU10bonds to appear before the Grand Jury. Ex- person has been or Is being incpnvonlenced10. . SOGoager11)ISGovernorGeorge T. Worts and Newton S. by thochnugo; the United States baa a con142017tf. Bntney. . 20Kitchel, of Boontou, were on hand to look sulate that is a credit to tho nation, and8.11)J . Halney.21251178after Mr. Crane's side- of tlio cnise, while everybody is happy. That Is, everybody butLloyd511r Rtechor. . IllnJudge William I. Lewis, of Pntorson, nnd Poo Bah, and nobody minds him.— Washing'1Wllhelm. . 1111108Senator fowls Martin, of BUBSOX county, on fttst.McCarthy.'."."4were present on bobnlf of tho inspector.8MunsonDove.CIlESTKIl.During tho Beoson Crowo has pitched ami has struck out G3 men. SteelierMiss Nora Stout, of Parker, is visiting Missiias pitched in 0 games and has struck out 37Miss Mamie llosowaruo is visiting relatives Ada Young.a t Dover.Mrs. Anna E. Hedges spent Sunday atnen.G. H. Lyon, jr., has accepted a position at Plainfleld with her sons.Perhaps tho most remnrkablo record is thatSpriuglleld.if Lloyd, In centre field. Iu the seventeenMiss Faunie Jones, of Brooklyn, is thoFA number of poopJo from thin pkico ,«pguest of Sirs. Lotyfo Huff,b umes ho Las jiJayed lie has aceepfcod 33chances, all tiles, aud ho caught 37 of them. Sunday tit Echo Lako,Mrs. W. 13. Collls sprainod her ankle lastFifteen of these bo caught in two games,Humor tells of a wodding to ttilto plnco in week while playing tennis.olght in one ami sovon in another. Tho onetown the last of this month.Miss Warner, of Newark, is tho guost oCily ho muilod was In the game at MorrisMiss Maggie Sigler, of Dover, was iu town hpr sister, Mrs. W. E. Collis.PlainH. Most players would not have tried Saturday calling ou frlouds.MUs Anna Stolco is visttiug hor cousin,to got'thia ball, for it was a hard drive and t oThe BCIIOOI board of Hockaway township Miss Lizzie Heddon, oC i t tho player had to run backwards down meats tomorrow (Saturday).M-iss Amelia Dawson is entertaining Misstho hill which gives the Btato HospitalCalboun Orr, of Morrlstown, spout Batur Florenco Jones, of East Orange.grounds u poor centre and right with bfs family at this place.Mrs. Crosby and Mrs. Firth, of Now York,William Thomas, o Newark, spent Sun- aro stopping at the Pitnoy House.I1ASE HALL with his parents at this place.IJIMIOW Leek nud family, of Madison, aroTwelve ruiiH in one inning is tho record forWilliam May, formerly of this placo, vis- visiting Mr. Leek's parents in this placo.this year,ited our Sunday school on Sunday.Mr. nnd Mm. William Abbey, of Newark,A lawn sociftl was held in tho yard of thoaro visiting Mr. Abbey 'smother In thla placo.Crowe was too much for tho visitors onM. E. Church on Stiturduy evening.Mr. and Mi's. Shawgor, of Morristown,Saturday.Jfanton took a fall out of Little Falls to tho Edward Stout, of Newark, is spending a spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Asa Berry,of this place.few days with big parents at this place.tuno of 0 to 5 on Saturday aftornoon.Thomas IIHor, of Ilocltaway, spent Sunday5 is3 Sadfo Vau Arstlnlo is spending a weekSteelier baa twice shut out the W fishing to iwith his father, Silas Hiler, of. this place.with her brother, John Van Arsdalo, ofbane ball club and to-morrow ho is to do iMis3 LIKZIO Key hoe, of Mt. Hope-, span Morristown.again.Sundny with Miss Koso Culligan, of thlsplncoJtr. and Mrs. Goorgo Mulford,of Hohokon,It is r e t r i e d that Connolly, catcher of Uu Charles Rood nail Ills hrlilo, of NoivarJ.", Imvomovod to Chester and nro living withState Hospital Kk-M Club, has resigned hi s K nt Sunday with Mrs. Hood's pnioutg n Mrs, Mulford'tt mother.position.this place.Tlio funeral of T. Perry Bkollongor, ofHchmchl put up mi excellent gamo on Sat- Mrs, Augustus Mun»ou nnd her dnughtei Morristown, a former resilient of this placo,urday iifUirnonn for onu who has had HO littl Miss Addle, nvo ppondhiR a few weeks t\ was held from tho Congregational Church onIjako Hopatcong,VIOLKT.Tuesday, tho Uov, Chnrlos Wood ofllciatlugtrnctico.L. S. Plaut & Co.Amos H. Van Horn, Ltd. 12 Market St.,LOW PRICES—EAS5T TERMS.Note first name "Amos."DOVER, 1 8 ; ALL COLLEGIATES, 4.NO. 35r

T H E IRON ERA, DOVER, N. J. J U L Y 2l, 1899.2HIU'I I A U V .i M r .-. .A\( :PEOPLE WHO KNOW : i - r irLtt. t -v aIk, "ii Kridu f .lt .f ; ,- pa;ti.1 t : , c[a;. i' 1 ; - «ii i a " -l :A» i "A- l U t.»mri.itu-l i r,.iIUwPOWDEB.-f l.airt«-'i ?rVi-tiMakes the food more delicious and wholesome ac rce that Life Insur- ;IIT.1 t h a t tlit: qi' - .ii nft wii.iu i- iiWSOLVi LY P U R EU. ir.l h f. J u l y l-i.ftl" imr.Mi-nrtLum. N . ' . « 'lii-t'fiitli" M i i a a « ' . "I *.*"[.aruly-i-.itifl - is s i m p l y t " s*-]cci tl- *1llrih-i: ie v - r u t i t - r inii'l'- In?-S5r plan of poliuy iswhichb'-st adaptrtltninhter.A t tin* ajit- " f iFI«AN1IKH!«.: tlirir n c n l s a m i to t J«- .Mr a n d Mrs. Cnarles K. M.u-r-. .f Oakland.-. u»-e entertaining fi:i - i i i - lim.- Mi .pontli.:t:tcrnmuIra Skiunt-r a n d Mrs. J.ilm i"a.!i; Htil *m. ftii-t i.irai)f;e.ia m o u n t which t h r yi .i a m ! hiThey nilWe «ert- i'tiny ar-.tind u -haft u t;.illMrs. J o h n Martin lias V«-ti huviuy a l ort : ak't'.f tif y t «! .rough —i c a n a/Ton! u [rut ;ish) ::u-li1i:MrtHill at lSu-1.1 1-akt-. in M-.rri ? - utny. New of ht?r In iu»e n wly rix.f li]? fii.l(iiitMjmnb -r tifty-iiiut-af.urn i n i l t t ' . l b y J i i d i - Vi-t iutiJ in default of J«-r«ry. The boy* i:avi c. utif \ p t'J t-at theirn;ni'--tor to p v e U.: 1 f-.T .l.-Ul'U'MrIraKaudtfrson,of(U-rmjuiValley. P for pr'-iniums.I h':Tbesine iiii'1 '- t,-. a u d who had \rv -u Uiigiii.-b- diunerrf. Th cuiukeof dynainit- \i&-sl.»lvK" n.—v tmitil.l r- -iwho L- here for severa) vit-i-t; . ami her Us-farly mu»L.--ifor tbe condition uf the r t «hi j a i ! H r a l ni'iuth:- alr*a-iy. M r .rrud ntialprilirii-san:ug fmui th* hatt«rrr.l r -'k U low. \ \ i,-t«p. Mrs. \V. L. Morgan. H I I * ! n : * r - l.ut-ul--'»rJ«'tlygui-! ! t!:;it v o l itoiJ put on r.:*(U the iinn.i:tig)sxtt-l (iffvrviJ C" p a j ' t h e iiu*- i/ tLt- l o a r dHead Committee e n i lusjtvinun Va I ley a n d return mi«y uf ia t to ctipuge in t(.tatlapt(-(i to nearly alluid reiiii: lhe o -t . and tbe t - a r d v- t-dContract to IK; nidile afterFailing ii, which had l-«-n diM-.v*:re.l Ly Maj.rj lu* .iT. Failingin t h k Ii- i»*-n. d a f a r tin two county paitrv ut le« emit tht- i-.-T?.classes of pL-oj»I(*.t'slahliohnifiit ui.d*-! t h a tKnos U. I udd. an old p r j - U T on theTbe factory of William Hartley A S»ms- nFrwdiulder TruxcH, in t"rt*-h: M*r Whitehead stiiU-1 that theup t n t h r tinif nf his rt-ni'»val toPacific ioa.-t-s in the liftit- a :ui a vettraii of Hartley, is Iwiug raised mi thr fmiudatiuii-us-ion, saiJ that it «u ut » WRITEn* H- u-v C.:utnittef would be ready t "iHu Mis it iniin -( ? »u liabitf,ilhtherj/tetiithamiisaJ»i «rve.i»ti trt-tvu ofanyone otulii i;uii tract U terftiidfr, tmuorHlilf, uj'i ij;lit and lioiiNew Jen*y \"uluuteei . We ivereal) auxious provementfi. The building i- Ifiug «-oii-iilt-r ; tt g i t ruad ill rej air unit-.- bo o uU f u r w r «!1 at hi- - u o t i u i the Ihjard a lj. urnt*i to for gold ami our tht-me HII gold. Finally ably enlarged to*- the iucrea.- *l.l-viuusly anet a aiu "U Thuri'day. July v.the Major said: " Boys. y cating ]i»pJtJi'.s in his life, hut did use Utba -c)bring in m y business of the tirtn.l«-rk Kvci-rit j.rt-r -uied the following mind the Little GoldenMan." What :"Mr. and Mrs. James S, S**ab have sent out until he was in tht mi ht-jrht"*-! »r linya.-kt J ! F r e e t i o M e r Bart!«.- '. n I f iiske4 severu], " D-J you mean :i live gold ranis of invitation to tht nmrri»t;e uf tbeir }tar.uf ag*?, A great Iinvrof uaturt', he l e- t JOHN F. URVDliN, President.LH5LIH U. WARD, Vice Preildent. 51-laiD. &aid that tue pre nt of 1Ex p.HalA allgold ;" ' Yes,"answere*l tbeMajor, daughter, Miss Lillian Srals. U) .Mr Silas tamt iutiniattly ucijuaiiitftl with all birds' nr. Highly U ' lng roads in rtjiair wasEDOAR II. VVAltD, 2d V. Pres't anil Counsel.F0KUE3T P. DKVDCN, Sec'y. i lii I 'hair, eye* and fle.-h.' I)n tell us al out Sliller, to take place at thrir (mine (in Thui - and insects and greatly (-ujoyeii u dtij's llnhIjut t h a t inasmuch a u p ard of *4.'" of i Chatham.him,"' all demanded, in subjunctive I.MVJ tones day. July -'7.inp. He was alwitys a {treat p lt- triau and 1tbe #10,i«m fmul f- r rcm-l e[iair tm«lalrva.lvC. R. BALL, l;sq., Suj)erlnlendent, 7 Bunk Building, Dover, N. J. ],*'44 -)y nttlkeil from -Meudhnin t lieSchuylerleft mVrhlaytovisitlair to a.Ioi t tin?" i n the winter of USuand '61 we organize*! a for several days with friends atliigh Bridge. luwn, aciiftaiice nf tt-n ruiles, in pielereuceplan proi"? l l " hiiii.train of rough miners from the San BernarThe Ladies' Aid Society connected with to taking tbe staye. He was also an advoFrt-tiholtier Pair r tuple move.1 that the 1 Madisondino mi lies and elsewhere in California, mort the M. E. Church held it? regular meeting cate nf early hours and was in the hubit offurther t-ou uU-ratwn of tb« matter 1«? in Infi- Morn-tiring at nine o'clock and rising at flof them from Texas ami Arkansaw, Bnd the witb Mrs. Martin R. Hildebrant on Wednesnitely pcwtponfl anJ altb ugh Frt-*h.Mer ' Fir t U'ftri .107.40 men elected your humble servant captain day afternoon last audirasi eely eiitt-rtaiiitd ln*fnre, up tn nuhin i Km h of lib, .ieaib.Hoagland iuierp*;« l a suggi-stiou to th& ; S-tMii-l U'ard liJT.40HiT.40 and promised to obey order?;. Our train was with refreshments by the b' t*; "Ward. MT.4UMr. Kin»ty co t hist vote for Andreweffect that the matter be refern-1 M Ihf Ii Tliird'JTPI.IUKounh War.l. J-"il Hiell healed with shooting irons and a year'sfe

July Sale Kaskar Rugs—Wilton weave, 26x54, excel-QOf lent patterns, reguh.r 1.39. Qftf* 7Ov July sale , 7OV/ July Sale Window Shades—Good Holland fancy linen TJ*/, fringe, price should be 50c. 'iCf* JJt July sale JJ July Sale Mattings—Japanese cotton warp mattings 'JQf close,

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