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CSCA0101 Computing BasicsCSCA0101COMPUTING BASICSChapter 8Malware1

CSCA0101 Computing BasicsMalware1. of MalwareTypes of MalwareHow Malware Spreads?How Can You Protect Computer?SymptomsAnti-Malware Program2

CSCA0101 Computing BasicsMalwareMalware Short for malicious software.A is software used or created to disrupt computeroperation, gather sensitive information, or gainaccess to private computer systems.It can appear in the form of code, scripts, activecontent, and other software.'Malware' is a general term used to refer to a varietyof forms of hostile, intrusive, or annoying software3

CSCA0101 Computing BasicsMalwareUsage of Malware Many early infectious programs, including the firstInternet Worm, were written as experiments or pranks. Today, malware is used primarily to steal sensitivepersonal, financial, or business information for thebenefit of others. Malware is sometimes used broadly againstgovernment or corporate websites to gather guardedinformation, or to disrupt their operation in general. However, malware is often used against individuals togain personal information such as social securitynumbers, bank or credit card numbers, and so on.4

CSCA0101 Computing BasicsMalwareTypes of Malware VirusesTrojan re5

CSCA0101 Computing BasicsMalwareTypes of MalwareViruses A program or piece of code that is loaded onto yourcomputer without your knowledge and runs againstyour wishes.Viruses can also replicate themselves.All computer viruses are manmade.Viruses copy themselves to other disks to spread toother computers.They can be merely annoying or they can be vastlydestructive to your files.6

CSCA0101 Computing BasicsMalwareTypes of MalwareViruses Examples of computer viruses are:– Macro virus– Boot virus– Logic Bomb virus– Directory virus– Resident virus7

CSCA0101 Computing BasicsMalwareTypes of MalwareTrojan Horses A Trojan Horse program has the appearance ofhaving a useful and desired function.A Trojan Horse neither replicates nor copies itself,but causes damage or compromises the security ofthe computer.A Trojan Horse must be sent by someone or carriedby another program and may arrive in the form of ajoke program or software of some sort.These are often used to capture your logins andpasswords.8

CSCA0101 Computing BasicsMalwareTypes of MalwareExample of Trojan Horses Remote access Trojans (RATs)Backdoor Trojans (backdoors)IRC Trojans (IRCbots)Keylogging Trojans.9

CSCA0101 Computing BasicsMalwareTypes of MalwareWorms A computer worm is a self-replicating computerprogram.It uses a network to send copies of itself to othernodes (computers on the network) and it may doso without any user intervention.It does not need to attach itself to an existingprogram.10

CSCA0101 Computing BasicsMalwareTypes of MalwareSpyware Spyware is a type of malware installed oncomputers that collects information about userswithout their knowledge.The presence of spyware is typically hidden fromthe user and can be difficult to detect.Spyware programs lurk on your computer to stealimportant information, like your passwords andlogins and other personal identification informationand then send it off to someone else.11

CSCA0101 Computing BasicsMalwareTypes of MalwareZombie Zombie programs takecontrol of your computerand use it and its Internetconnection to attack othercomputers or networks orto perform other criminalactivities.12

CSCA0101 Computing BasicsMalwareTypes of MalwarePhishing Phishing (pronounced like the word 'fishing') is amessage that tries to trick you into providinginformation like your social security number orbank account information or logon and passwordfor a web site.The message may claim that if you do not click onthe link in the message and log onto a financialweb site that your account will be blocked, or someother disaster.13

CSCA0101 Computing BasicsMalwareTypes of MalwarePhishing14

CSCA0101 Computing BasicsMalwareTypes of MalwareSpam Spam is email that you did not request and do notwant.One person's spam is another's useful newsletteror sale ad.Spam is a common way to spread viruses, trojans,and the like.15

CSCA0101 Computing BasicsMalwareTypes of MalwareSpam16

CSCA0101 Computing BasicsMalwareTypes of MalwareAdware Adware (short for advertising-supported software)is a type of malware that automatically deliversadvertisements.Common examples of adware include pop-up adson websites and advertisements that are displayedby software.Often times software and applications offer “free”versions that come bundled with adware.17

CSCA0101 Computing BasicsMalwareTypes of MalwareAdware18

CSCA0101 Computing BasicsMalwareTypes of MalwareRansomware Ransomware is a form of malware that essentiallyholds a computer system captive while demandinga ransom.The malware restricts user access to the computereither by encrypting files on the hard drive orlocking down the system and displaying messagesthat are intended to force the user to pay themalware creator to remove the restrictions andregain access to their computer.19

CSCA0101 Computing BasicsMalwareHow Malware Spreads? Malware is a program that must be triggered orsomehow executed before it can infect your computersystem and spread to others. Here are some examples on how malware isdistributed:a) Social networkb) Pirated softwarec) Removable mediad) Emailse) Websites20

CSCA0101 Computing BasicsMalwareDamages1. Data Loss Many viruses and Trojans will attempt to delete filesor wipe hard drives when activated, but even if youcatch the infection early, you may have to deleteinfected files.21

CSCA0101 Computing BasicsMalwareDamages2. Account Theft Many types of malware include keylogger functions,designed to steal accounts and passwords from theirtargets. This can give the malware author access to any ofthe user's online accounts, including email serversfrom which the hacker can launch new attacks.22

CSCA0101 Computing BasicsMalwareDamages3. Botnets Many types of malware also subvert control over theuser's computer, turning it into a "bot" or "zombie." Hackers build networks of these commandeeredcomputers, using their combined processing powerfor tasks like cracking password files or sending outbulk emails.23

CSCA0101 Computing BasicsMalwareDamages4. Financial Losses If a hacker gains access to a credit card or bankaccount via a keylogger, he can then use thatinformation to run up charges or drain the account. Given the popularity of online banking and billpayment services, a hacker who manages to secretea keylogger on a user's system for a full month maygain access to the user's entire financial portfolio,allowing him to do as much damage as possible in asingle attack.24

CSCA0101 Computing BasicsMalwareHow Can You Protect Your Computer? Install protection software.Practice caution when working with files fromunknown or questionable sources.Do not open e-mail if you do not recognize thesender.Download files only from reputable Internet sites.Install firewall.Scan your hard drive for viruses monthly.25

CSCA0101 Computing BasicsMalwareSymptoms Increased CPU usageSlow computer or web browser speedsProblems connecting to networksFreezing or crashingModified or deleted filesAppearance of strange files, programs, or desktopiconsPrograms running, turning off, or reconfiguringthemselves (malware will often reconfigure or turnoff antivirus and firewall programs)26

CSCA0101 Computing BasicsMalwareSymptoms Strange computer behaviorEmails/messages being sent automatically andwithout user’s knowledge (a friend receives astrange email from you that you did not send)There seems to be a lot of network activity whenyou are not using the networkThe available memory on your computer is lowerthan it should bePrograms or files appear or disappear without yourknowledgeFile names are changed27

CSCA0101 Computing BasicsMalwareAnti-Malware Program Anti-Malware program is used to prevent, detect,and remove computer viruses, worms, trojan horsesand any other type of malware. Examples of Anti-Malware program:– Antivirus program– Anti-spyware program– Anti-spam program– Firewall28

CSCA0101 Computing BasicsMalwareAntivirus Program “Antivirus" is protective software designed to defendyour computer against malicious software.In order to be an effective defense, the antivirussoftware needs to run in the background at all times,and should be kept updated so it recognizes newversions of malicious software.29

CSCA0101 Computing BasicsMalwareExamples of Antivirus Program Norton AntivirusAVGKasperskyAvast!PC-CilinMcAffeeAvira30

CSCA0101 Computing BasicsMalwareAnti-Spyware Program Anti-spyware program is a type of program designedto prevent and detect unwanted spyware programinstallations and to remove those programs ifinstalled. Examples of Anti-spyware program:– Spyware Doctor– AVG Anti-spyware– STOPzilla– Spysweeper31

CSCA0101 Computing BasicsMalwareAnti-Spam Program Anti-spam software tries to identify useless ordangerous messages for you.32

CSCA0101 Computing BasicsMalwareFirewall A firewall blocks attempts to access your files over anetwork or internet connection.That will block incoming attacks.Your computer can become infected through shareddisks or even from another computer on thenetwork.So you need to monitor what your computer isputting out over the network or internet also.33

– Macro virus – Boot virus – Logic Bomb virus – Directory virus – Resident virus. CSCA0101 Computing Basics 8 Malware Types of Malware . – AVG Anti-spyware – STOPzilla – Spysweeper. CSCA0101 Computing Basics 32 Malware Anti-Spam

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