J. Sterling Morton High School District 201

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J. Sterling Morton High School District 201The School Board of District 201 believes that student behaviors in schoolshould reflect good citizenship and self-discipline. Students need tocontribute to their own success.SCHOOL DIRECTORYIf at any time the school can assist you, please feel free to contact theappropriate person listed below. The school number is (708) 222-5700.District OfficesSuperintendent708-780-2800 x5712Human Resources708-780-2800 x5714Business Office708-780-2800 x5706Curriculum708-780-2800 x5304Food Service708-780-4000 x2343Special Education708-780-2800 x5030Building Contact 222-3080x4011Principal780-4000x2318780-4100x 3010863-7900 x1214Deanof Students780-4000x 2226780-4100x 3730863-7900 x1124NACounselors’Office780-4000x 2232780-4100x 3025863-7900 x1137222-3080x4029HealthServices780-4000x 2213780-4100x 3613863-7900 x1212NAAttendanceOffice780-4000x 2328780-4100x 3040863-7900 x1122222-3080x4020AthleticOfficeTruancyOfficer 418780-4100x3046

J. STERLING MORTON HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 201Signature PageStudent Name:Student’s Counselor:Student I.D. Number: I acknowledge that I have received a copy of the Morton HighSchools’ Student Code of Conduct Rules and that I amresponsible for complying with its contents/rules. I understandthat my obligation is to abide by these rules. It is my obligationto seek clarity/guidance from my Dean or Counselor whennecessary. I agree to follow the Lab Safety Rules (pg. 87) for students asoutlined in the Student Handbook. These rules state, in part, thata violation of the Lab Safety rules may result in disciplinaryconsequences that may include an out-of-school suspension, awithdrawal from class, or a request for an expulsion hearing. I agree to abide by the Internet Policy (pg. 95) and sign theWaiver Form before being permitted access to the Internet. I will complete the Extra-Curricular Code of Conduct Formprior to participating in any extra-curricular activity. I acknowledge that I read the foregoing rules and agree toabide by them. I understand that the possible consequences thatmay arise from my violation of these rules may include an out-ofschool suspension, withdrawal from class or a request for anexpulsion hearing.(Student Signature)(Date)TO BE SIGNED AND RETURNED TO YOUR DEAN OROTHER ADMINISTRATORStudent Handbook2

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J. STERLING MORTON HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 2012017-2018 SCHOOL YEARLAB SAFETY RULESSTUDENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: I acknowledge that I read the foregoingrules and agree to abide by them. I understand that the possible consequences thatmay arise from my violation of these rules may include an out-of-school suspension,withdrawal from class or a request for an expulsion hearing.Print Student NameStudent Health Concerns:Student SignatureDate & ID#YesNoIf “YES”, please explain:Do you wear contact lenses:YesNoPlease list any allergies you have:PARENT/GUARDIAN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT:The undersigned parent(s) or guardian(s) acknowledge that they have read theforegoing rules and understand that a violation of these rules may result indisciplinary consequences that may include an out-of-school suspension, withdrawalfrom class or a request for an expulsion hearing. I/we further agree that I/we willmeet with the Assistant Principal to review and discuss any violation of these rulesthat have been referred to the Assistant Principal.Parent/Guardian SignatureDateCOMPLETE THIS FORM AND RETURN TO YOUR SCIENCE TEACHERStudent Handbook4

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(Date)RE: Denial of Military Recruiter Access to My Child’s InformationTo Whom It May Concern:As parent/guardian ofI do not give permission for J. Sterling Morton High School District 201 torelease any information regarding the above student to any branch of the U.S.Military.ORAs a student, I, , do notgive permission to J. Sterling Morton High School District 201 to release mypersonal information to any branch of the U.S. Military.I understand that once either the student or parent/guardian has signed thisform, only a parent/guardian may change it. I also understand that if I wantto make a change, the parent must notify the principal in writing that thisrequest is no longer in effect and that student information may be released tothe U.S. MilitaryStudent I.D. #:Campus:Daytime Phone #:Evening Phone #:(Signature of Student)(Signature of Parent)(Print Name)(Print Name)(Date)(Date)Student Handbook6

J. STERLING MORTON HIGH SCHOOLCandid Photograph Usage Form2017-2018 School YearI do not wish High School District 201 (J. Sterling Morton High School)Cook County, Illinois to use my child’s picture for non-profit informational,public relations or other appropriate purposes.Signature of Parent or Legal GuardianDatePlease list below children/wards enrolled at J. Sterling Morton High Schoolfor this school year:Print Name of Student(s) and ID Number(s)Please mail the completed form to:J. Sterling Morton High School District 201Office of the Superintendent5041 West 31st StreetCicero, Illinois 60804Student Handbook7

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TABLE OF CONTENTSSTUDENT HANDBOOKSchool Directory . 2Student Handbook Signature Page . 3Lab Safety Rules Signature . 5Denial of Military Recruiter Access Letter . 6Candid Photograph Usage Form . 7Parent Information . 12District Vision . 14Equal Educational Opportunities . 15Mustang Fight Song . 16Bell Schedule . 17Superintendent’s Message. 19Advanced Placement Course Offerings . 21Attendance Policy: Reporting an Absence . 22Attendance Policy: Explanation of Absence Codes . 23Tardy Policy . 24Academic Achievement . 24Grading Philosophy. 26Report Cards . 28Honor Roll . 28Graduation Requirements . 30Early Graduation . 31SAT Preparation. 31Student Volunteers . 31Right to Know . 32Student Records & Student Welfare . 33Waiver of Student Fees . 34Home and Hospital Instruction . 35Withdrawal & Transfer from School . 36Student Photographs . 36Textbook Procedures. 36Free & Reduced-Price Food Services . 38Release during School Hours . 39Agency & Police Interviews . 39Notification of Sex Offenders . 39Health & Dental Examinations, Immunizations & ExclusionOf Students. 40Vision & Hearing Screenings. 41Public Insurance Coverage. 42Visit to Health Services (Nurse’s Office) . 42Student Handbook9

TABLE OF CONTENTS (CON’T)Accidents and Injuries . 42Crisis Reports . 42Administering Medicines to Students . 43Communicable & Chronic Infectious Disease . 45Special Education Services . 46Section 504 Services . 46Medicaid Reimbursement . 46Special Education Referral & Evaluation Procedure . 48Child Find Activity Notice . 48Morton Alternative School Program Overview . 49MAS Exit Criteria . 49Service Learning . 50Social Services . 50Extracurricular Activities . 50Crisis Intervention Room . 51Student Assistance Programs . 52Drug Free/Violence Prevention School Programs . 52Assemblies . 53PBIS – Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports. 53C.A.R.E. Matrix . 53Operation Snowball. 54Peer Mediation/Conflict Resolution . 54Emergencies . 54School Phones . 54Federal Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act . 54Lunch Program. 55Student Rights and Responsibilities . 55Search & Seizure. 56Uniform Grievance Procedure . 57Surveillance Camera Use Notification . 59Student with Disabilities Behavior Intervention Policy . 60Student Code of Conduct . 61Student Discipline . 61Bus Conduct . 67Vandalism . 68Student Uniform Procedure. 69Harassment of Students Prohibited . 71Summary of Student Infractions . 73Interventions . 74Student Clubs & Activities . 78Mission. 78Student Handbook10

TABLE OF CONTENTS (CON’T)Suspension Procedures . 76Expulsion Procedures. 77Maintaining Student Discipline. 77Dance Policy . 79Dance Expectation . 79Student Fund-Raising Activities . 80National Honor Society . 80Extracurricular & Co-Curricular Activities. 78Conduct Code for Participants in Extracurricular Activities . 82Athletic Programs . 82Sports Offered . 84Location for Mustang Practices . 85Locations for Morton Competition . 86Driver Education . 88Restrictions on Publications & Written or Electronic Material. 89Field Trips . 90APPENDIX ALab Safety Rules . 91APPENDIX BExtra-Curricular Code of Conduct Form . 93APPENDIX CPhysical Education Dress Procedure . 97Locker Room Security . 98Safety/Care of Facilities . 99APPENDIX DComputer Use Policy . 100APPENDIX EStudent Residency .103School Calendar . . 105Student Handbook11

PARENT INFORMATIONLocated on left hand side of Morton 201 website, Skyward is designed toallow parents access to school grades and attendance of their student. Eachparent is provided with a password and ID for their student. If you do nothave access to the internet you can come to the school and visit with theOperation’s office or the students’ Guidance Counselor to review neededinformation.There are two methods available to access the Internet site that will give youyour child’s information.1.The first method is to go to the District’s website atwww.morton201.org and click on Skyward in the leftpanel. Then click on the blue words “Click Here”.2.The second method is to type into your Internet addressline this address: https://skyweb1.jsmorton.org/WSSTUonce you have typed this into your address line, it can besaved as a “Favorite”, so you can use it again.When you reach the Skyward site, there will be blanks for entering yourLogin and Password. We have assigned a login name and a password to youso that you can have secure access to your child’s or children’s information.You may change your Password when you login, if you wish. Please keepyour login name and especially your password secure as they do give accessto confidential information about your child. We would also ask that, if youhave an email address, that you enter it and keep it updated in Family Access.If you have any questions about Family Access, or if you need your Loginand Password, please feel free to contact the Attendance Office at yourbuilding.Student Handbook12

Hay dos métodos disponibles para tener acceso a este sitio por el Internet,que le puede dar la información de su hijo/a.1.El primer método es a través de la página del Distrito, alwww.morton201.org y presione donde dice “Skyward”.Ahora presione donde dice “Click Here”.2.El segundo método es escribiendo en la línea de dirección deInternet la siguiente dirección:https://skyweb1.jsmorton.org/WSSTU. Una vez que hayaescrito lo anterior en la línea de dirección, la puede guardarcomo “Favorite”, para que la pueda utilizar de nuevo.Cuando haya tenido acceso a este sitio, encontrara espacios en blanco paraque Usted escriba su clave y contraseña. Nosotros le hemos asignado unaclave y contraseña para que pueda tener acceso seguro a la información desu hijo/a. Usted puede cambiar la contraseña cuando tenga acceso, si así lodesea. Por favor, mantenga su clave y especialmente su contraseña en unlugar seguro, puesto que esto le dará acceso a información confidencialsobre su hijo/a. También le pedimos que si Usted tiene una dirección decorreo electrónico, la añada a su información y la mantenga actualizada enel Acceso de Familia.Si Usted tiene cualquier pregunta acerca de Acceso de Familia, o necesita suClave o Contraseña, favor de contactar la oficina de Asistencia en suedificio.School MessengerAn automated call system to let parents know that their student is absent,school closing, or a school event.Student Handbook13

The information contained in this handbook reflects the current status of therules, practices, and procedures exercised by each campus of J. SterlingMorton High School District 201 and is subject to change. This is not acontract between the parent/guardian/student and school.The District Vision The curriculum is relevant to students and the community; ischallenging, integrated, comprehensive; and providesopportunities to develop the skills and knowledge foremployability and/or higher education. Instruction is student centered, using multiple and experientiallearning strategies and extends beyond the classroom. The students and staff make optimal use of currenttechnology. The staff is engaged in continuing professional development. The climate of J. Sterling Morton High Schools ischaracterized by the high morale and positive attitudes of staffand students, the value and respect given to each person. It isa safe and nurturing environment. Parents of J. Sterling Morton High School Students are wellinformed about the District’s mission and goals and are activecommunicators with each other, their children and allpersonnel of the District. Working partnerships are developed and shared; decisionmaking is cultivated between school, community and home. The District has sufficient resources to attain its mission.J. Sterling High School District 201 ensures equal educationalopportunities to all students, regardless of race, color, national origin,immigration status, age, sex, religion, or disability. Questions concerningthe above should be referred to the Building Principal.La Escuela Preparatoria del Distrito 201 asegura oportunidad educacionaligual para todos los estudiantes, sin importar raza, color, origen denacionalidad, estado de inmigración, edad, sexo, religión, o incapacidad,Si tiene preguntas llame al Director.Student Handbook14

Equal Educational OpportunitiesNo person shall be denied admission to any public school in the Morton HighSchool District 201 or be denied participation in, be denied the benefits of orbe discriminated against in any curricular, co-curricular, pupil services,recreational or other program or activity on the basis of: gender, race,religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parentalstatus, sexual orientation or disability.Oportunidades de Igualdad EducativaA ninguna persona sele Negará admissión a las escuelas publicas del Distritode educación superior 201, ni se le negará beneficios, ni sele descriminará, onegará su participación en actividades cocurriculares, servicios pupiles,recreasionales oh otros programas o actividades en las bases de género, raza,o religión, origen nacional, antepasados, creencias, embarazo, estado civil ode tutoria, orientación sexual, o dehabilidades.Student Handbook15

MUSTANG FIGHT SONG(Revised 1985)Stand up and fight, Stand for the Right.Keep Morton’s banner ever bright.We score again, and in the endWe’ll win the game and fame for JSM.So when it’s done, when we have won;Our team will still be Champion – MORTON!Let’s hear some spirit, raise your voiceFor dear old JSMFight! Fight! Victory in every game! Win! Win!Echoing the Morton Name!SCHOOL SONG: MORTONIA(Revised 1985)In JSM we have a school,A school for you and all;With Morton spirit back on us,We’ll do our best or fall!With cheer and songs,We’ll rally round,With courage and with mightFor the honor of the Morton name,Mustangs will stand and fight!Stand for the right and trueAnd all that’s best for JSM!Fight, fight for every game,Morton’s honor to defend.RAH! RAH! RAH! Hail Morton SpiritAnd let the Mustang banner flyFor well fight! With a vim!That is dead sure to win! For Morton HighATHELTIC WEBSITE:http://www.athletics2000.com/morton/or follow us on Twitter @mortonathleticsStudent Handbook16

2017-2018 Bell Schedule0123A3B4A4B5A5B6706:55 a.m. – 7:55 a.m.08:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.9:05 a.m. – 10:05 a.m.10:10 a.m. – 10:40 a.m.10:45 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.11:20 a.m. – 11:50 a.m.11:55 a.m. – 12:25 p.m.12:30 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.1:05 p.m. – 1:35 p.m.1:40 p.m. – 2:40 p.m.2:45 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.Half Day Bell Schedule0123 A/B4 A/B5 A/B607:24 a.m. – 07:55 a.m.08:00 a.m. – 08:31 a.m.08:36 a.m. – 9:07 a.m.09:12 a.m. – 09:43 a.m.09:48 a.m. – 10:19 a.m.10:24 a.m. – 10:55 a.m.11:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.Student day ends at 11:30 a.m.Staff meetings from 1:00 p.m. until 3:30 p.m.Late Start Schedule0PLC12345ABABAB6Prep/Work with StudentsStudent Handbook07:05 a.m. – 7:55 a.m.08:00 a.m. – 08:50 a.m.09:00 a.m. – 09:50 a.m.09:55 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.10:50 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.11:20 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.11:50 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.12:20 p.m. – 12:45 p.m.12:50 p.m. – 1:15 p.m.1:20 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.1:50 p.m. – 2:40 p.m.2:45 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.17

This handbook is provided to J. S. Morton students and their families in orderto acquaint them with District 201 School Board policies, rules, regulations,procedures, and other relevant information. It has been developed to helppromote student progress as well as in the interest of modeling appropriateschool government.For the most up to date policies, the Board of Education Policy Manualis located on the school’s website, www.morton201.org, click on “Boardof Education”, scroll down on the right side of the page and select“Board Policy Manual”. Policies are subject to change.Throughout the Student Handbook, Board of Education (BOE) policieswill be referred to as: Example: FUNDRAISING (BOE Policy #7:325)Student Handbook18

Superintendent’s Message:In pursuit of excellence, we dedicate ourselves to providing educationalexperiences that challenge, engage, and empower our students to beproductive members of the global community. Our commitment to excellencerequires that our students develop the knowledge, skills, attitudes, andbehaviors necessary for today’s rapidly changing world.AdvancedPlacement courses offered at J.S. Morton HSD 201 provide our students withthe greatest opportunity to do just that.The Advanced Placement Program at J.S. Morton HSD 201 guides andnurtures students as they strive to become responsible citizens. Excellence,the standard against which we measure our students and ourselves, isreflected most visibly in the thought, expression, and intellectual exchangethat occur daily in our AP Classes. To this end, J.S. Morton HSD 201commits itself to fostering an atmosphere conducive to intellectual inquiry,innovation, enhanced self-esteem, mutual respect, and caring among all in theschool community.Student clubs engage in team building, service and fundraising activities thatfulfill the mission of each organization. Clubs also partake in differentactivities outside of school that allow them to interact with fellow conferenceschools in competitions and other student led activities.By providing access to high quality activities that extend learning beyond theclassroom, the clubs and activities offered at JS Morton HSD 201 developleadership qualities in our students. Participation in these groups helps tostrengthen bonds and develop friendships based on common interests. Thegoal for students and parents is often times getting good grades, but gradesalone do not guarantee success, by providing service learning opportunitiesthat build on students’ interests and talents, we are able to encourage andsupport students through their High School years. Throughout yourexperience at JS Morton HSD 201, we ask that you investigate the manyopportunities.Accessing scholarships is often enhanced by participating in a program ofchallenge, provided the student is also involved in community and schoolbased extra-curricular activities. Notwithstanding these motivators, the bestreason for a student to enter into a program of challenge is the opportunity tolearn more about a subject area that the student is interested in, and be in aclassroom with like-minded students. This powerful learning environment isfurther complemented by a teaching staff that is highly experienced anddedicated to the provision of educational enrichment.Student Handbook19

As Superintendent of J.S. Morton High School District 201, I encourage youto accept the Advanced Placement challenge in order to not only to achieveacademic excellence, but also to attain exceptional preparation for postsecondary studies.Sincerely,Dr. Michael KuzniewskiSuperintendent of SchoolsStudent Handbook20

2017-2018ADVANCED PLACEMENT COURSE OFFERINGSAP English Language &CompositionAP English Literature &CompositionAP Calculus AB & BCAP StatisticsAP European HistoryAP MicroeconomicsAP PsychologyAP US HistoryAP BiologyAP World HistoryStudent HandbookAP Physics 1 and 2AP ChemistryAP Environmental ScienceAP Spanish LanguageAP Spanish LiteratureAP FrenchAP Art StudioAP Digital Photo 2DAP Government & Politics21

ATTENDANCE POLICYReporting a Student’s AbsencesIf a student is going to miss any portion of the school day, a parent orguardian must call the school to report the absence within 24 hours of theabsence.If a student is going to arrive late, a parent/guardian must notify the school byleaving a message on the absence line.If a student is going to report to school on time but leave early, theparent/guardian must call to request a Home Pass. This will allow the studentto leave the building before the official end of the school day.Unreported absences are considered “unexcused” absences. Students withunexcused absences will be assigned to a parent conference with the TruantOfficer.Alt SchoolMorton EastMorton FCMorton lishEspañolEnglish/EspañolEnglishEspañolWhen leaving a message on the Attendance Voicemail system, clearly andslowly state: The student’s nameI.D. numberDate of absenceReason for absenceName of the parent/guardian callingalong with a daytime phone numberwhere the parent/guardian can bereached.Personal Telephone CallsStudents will not be called to the telephone during the school day except inan emergency. Only messages of an urgent nature will be delivered duringthe school day. Students may not use the District’s telephone except in caseof illness or with permission of a teacher or other staff member, and withDean’s approval.Student Handbook22

MORTON ATTENDANCE POLICYExplanation of Absence CodesEach Building Principal, with the Superintendent’s approval, shall establishrules and guidelines for excused, unexcused, and pre-arranged absences.The rules and guidelines shall be included in the Parent/Student Handbookand shall be distributed to all students and their parents or guardians.If a student accrues 10 or more of any of the absences listed below, thestudent may be removed from class if he/she has a failing grade:U . Unexcused absenceE . Reported Excused (parent called in to report absence)S . Suspension, out-of-schoolW . TruantP . Home Pass (Parent authorized student to leave schoolearly)The following types of absences do not count against a student for theacademic attendance reporting process, but they do count against perfectattendance.M . Medical Appointment (out-of-school)J. Court DateB . Bereavement (funeral)O . Family EmergencyG . Religious ObservationThe following types of absences do not count against a student for theacademic attendance reporting process nor for Perfect Attendance standing.L . LAC (in-school detention) or study hallA . Administrative (participated in an official/in-schoolactivity)F . Field TripD . College DayI . Infirmary/Health Clinic or Nurse’s Office visit (in-school)UV .Uniform ViolationTardies do not count aga

East West Freshman Center Alternative School Principal 780-4000 x2318 780-4100 x 3010 863-7900 x1214 222-3080 x4011 Dean of Students 780-4000 x 2226 . Located on left hand side of Morton 201 website, Skyward is designed to allow parents access to

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