Sau Ia Bodybuilding Vice President Pence To Visit American .

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Tui Atua: Impact ofclimate change inSamoa “evidencesa breakdown inour guardianship” Page 4GreenpeaceUSA 2017:Ranks Tri Marine4th in thegreen category Page 10CMYKFelanulanua’ilagona o leatunu’u efa’atatau i le fu’ao lenei tausaga Le LaliCongresswoman Aumua Amata and US Vice President Michael Pence discuss American Samoa issues in the U.S.Capitol. Pence will be stopping over in American Samoa this Sunday. The centerpiece of his visit is the dedication ofthe Veterans Administration outpatient clinic to the memory of the late Congressman Eni F.H. Faleomavaega, whopassed away in February at his home in Utah. See story below.[photo: Amata’s office]ONLINE @ SAMOANEWS.COMPAGO PAGO, AMERICAN SAMOADAILY CIRCULATION 7,000WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 2017 1.00Sau Ia Bodybuilding Vice President Pence toExpo and Competition visit American Samoafeatures “The Rhino”DEDICATION OF VA CLINIC CENTERPIECE OF VISITPago Pago, AS — Tuesday, April 18, 2017 Faleomavaega, who passed away in February at— Congresswoman Aumua Amata announces his home in Utah.that during his visit to the territory, this SundayThe Pence delegation, which will swife and two daughters, will arrive at Pagofit and healthy,” said goInternational Airport Sunday, April 23 andReid, President of the Sau IathememoryofthelateCongressmanEniF.H.(Continued on page 2)Bodybuilding Inc.The first day was last weekThursday, in which they heldan EXPO from 9- 5pm invitingothers who to discover newhealth, workout and nutritiontips from “The Rhino” himself.It was a free admission eventwhich had concession stands,fitness apparel, supplementsand contests on biggest guns,back, and pump your bodyweight challenge.EfferdingtoldSamoaNews he visited some highschools talking more aboutbodybuilding and how it canbetter the health of an individualstarting at a young age.A student of Tafuna HighSchool visited the EXPO onThursday and said to SamoaNews, “I always thoughtbodybuilding was for big guysbut now I know it’s for anyonein any kind of size, so I reallyenjoyed today’s event.”Then came the second day,which was the competition forNew Champion Aunese Tauinailoa of Aua and his sponsor Aaron Forsgren & family after winbodybuilding.ning the Sau Ia Bodybuilding Competition of 2017 held last Friday at the Gov. H. Rex Lee Audito(Continued on page 5) rium in Utulei.[Photo: EM]HE HOLDS TITLE OF “WORLD’SSTRONGEST BODYBUILDER”By Leiloa Ese MalalaSamoa News Staff WriterSCMYKau Ia BodybuildingInc. hosted a highlysuccessful two-dayevent last weekThursday and Friday featuringthe one and only IFBB ProBodybuilder and Powerlifter,who also holds the title of theWorld’s Strongest bodybuilder— Stan “The Rhino” Efferding.Stan Efferding is anAmerican IFBB professionalbodybuilder and a powerliftercompeting in the SouthernPowerlifting Federation. Hecurrently holds the all timeraw world powerlifting recordsin the 275 pound class and inthe squat without knee wraps.Due to his enormous physicalstrength, regularly competingin professional powerliftingcontests along his career inprofessionalcompetitivebodybuilding, Efferding isoften referred to as the “world’sstrongest bodybuilder”.“We decided to put thistogether to promote to thepeople of American Samoathe importance of being

Page 2samoa news, Wednesday, April 19, 2017Members of one of the JROTCtroops during the pass in review ofMonday’s parade for the 2017 FlagDay ceremony at Veterans MemorialStadium.[photo: AF] Vice President Pence to visit American Samoa will stay for an hour and a halfbefore departing for Honolulu.UponFaleomavaega’spassing, Amata introduced legislation after consultation withthe Governor and the concurrence of the President of theSenate and the Speaker of theHouse, to name the VA outpatient clinic in the former congressman’s honor. After speedypassage by both houses, President Donald Trump signed itinto law on March 31.AMERICAN SAMOA RUNAWAY &HOMELESS YOUTH SHELTER699-HELP(4357)ARE YOU UNDER 18 AND NEEDA PLACE TO STAY?DO YOU FEEL UNSAFE AT HOME?CALL 699-4357(HELP),MESSAGE us on Facebook (Pasefika Youth Project),or EMAIL contacts and information are strictlyCONFIDENTIAL.Remember to call 911 if you have an emergency.NOFOAGA SULUFA’I MO LE PUIPUIGA OFANAU TALAVOU A AMERIKA SAMOA699-HELP(4357)Afai e le i atoa lou 18 tausaga ae ua mana’omiase nofoaga malu puipuia e te fia sulufa’i iai.Ua lagona le le malu puipuia olou soifuaga i totonu o lou aiga?VALA’AU MAI! 699-4357(HELP)!Po o le fa’afeso’ota’i mai i le Facebook (Pasefika YouthProject) po’o le email faamatalaga ma fesootaiga uma, o le a malu puipuia.Ia manatua e valaau le 911 mo so’o se faalavelavefaafuasei e ono aafia ai le soifua maloloina o soo se tasi.“I had hoped to have a WhiteHouse signing ceremony whileEni’s widow Hina was in Washington for his memorial service,but that was the week of all-dayand all-night healthcare negotiations between congressionalleaders and the President, sothere simply was no time available before the constitutionaltime limit for signature wouldhave expired. Nonetheless, Iwas pleased at least to be ableto announce at the memorialchurch service that the Presidentwould be signing the bill the following week,” Amata said.When the Vice Presidentarrives on Sunday, he will beonly the sixth White House dignitary to have visited the territory in its 117-year affiliationwith the United States.First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt visited in 1943 to liftthe people’s spirits during thePacific War; President LyndonJohnson, whose administrationfunded the hospital for which itsubsequently was named, visited once en route to New Zealand in October 1966.In January 1977, PresidentJimmy Carter sent his son Jeffand Jeff’s wife Annette to represent him at the inaugural ofPeter Tali Coleman as the territory’s first elected governor.The Carters reciprocated theSamoan hospitality by invitingAmata to have dinner in theWhite House family quarters inher next trip to Washington.In Washington, in February 1989, Governor Colemaninvited Vice President DanQuayle to visit American Samoain connection with his Pacifictrip to commemorate the WorldWar II Battle of the Coral Sea.The first vice president everto visit the territory, Mr. Quayle,who invited the Governor andMrs. Coleman to accompanyhim from Washington on AirForce Two, toured the islandand had lunch with the governorand other government dignitaries at Government Housebefore departing for Australiafour hours later.In November of that year,future Vice President DickCheney also stopped in PagoPago in his capacity as Secretary of Defense and in July oflast year, Joe Biden became thesecond sitting vice president tovisit here as part of a tour ofthe Pacific Rim. Although hedid not leave the airport, Bidentook time to leave the VIP areato greet and have photos takenwith members of the localpopulation.When he arrives, GovernorLolo Matalasi Moliga, Lt. Gov.Lemanu Peleti Palepoi SialegaMauga, Congresswoman Amataand other local dignitarieswill welcome Vice PresidentPence. The Governor will thenlead a traditional welcomingceremony.In addition to dedicating theclinic, the Vice President willreview the troops. In view oftime constraints and securityrequirements, all activities willbe held at the airport.The visit has come about atthe invitation of Amata, whowas a member of the Presidential Transition ExecutiveCommittee, which Mr. Pencechaired.A few weeks ago, aftera closed-door Capitol Hillmeeting with House Republicans, at which he unveiled hisplans for an Asia-Pacific trip,Amata pulled aside his chiefof staff to urge that the VicePresident add Pago Pago to hisitinerary after his meetings inSydney and the vice presidentquickly agreed.“It made perfect sense toinvite the vice president to dedicate the clinic, since the legisla-Continued from page 1tion naming this federal facilitywas signed less than a monthago,” explained Amata, “andbesides, Mike Pence came toknow Eni because they servedtogether in Congress.”Amata herself first met theVice President during her service on the House leadershipstaff at the House RepublicanConference, which Pence laterchaired before running for Governor of Indiana.“I am really looking forwardto the Vice President’s visit,”said Amata, “so he can visualize what we are all about andget a real sense of our isolationfrom the rest of the country. Thevice president being PresidentTrump’s principal liaison withthe House of Representatives, Iam hoping to enlist him to joinme in explaining to my colleagues why our federal assistance is a vital lifeline.”Amata concluded, “The vicepresident has graciously invitedme to join his delegation aboardAir Force Two for the trip toHonolulu,” noting that Mr.Pence also would be reviewingtroops there and meeting withtop military commanders beforereturning to the Mainland.BACKGROUNDSamoa News reminds thatduring V.P. Quayle’s visit inApril 1989 to American Samoahis opening remarks includedthis now well-known quote,“You all look like happy campersto me. Happy campers you are,happy campers you have been,and, as far as I am concerned,happy campers you will alwaysbe.” American Samoans at thetime found it highly amusing,while many also believed it tobe condescending and insulting.Quayle was known for hisverbal gaffes, during his vicepresidency, and was VP to President George H.W. Bush from1989 to 1993.

samoa news, Wednesday, April 19, 2017 Page 3ATTENTION!!STARTING MAY 1STNew Champion Aunese Tauinailoa of Aua and his sponsor Aaron Forsgren & family afterwinning the Sau Ia Bodybuilding Competition of 2017 held last Friday at the Gov. H. Rex LeeAuditorium in Utulei.[Photo: EM]Senate rearrangesconfirmation hearings fornominees to ASG boardsby Fili SagapoluteleSamoa News CorrespondentSenate President GaoteoteTofau Palaie has rearrangedconfirmation hearings for thegovernor’s nominees to ASGboards, with the plan to endthe special session tomorrow,Thursday, as the House iswaiting for the Senate to complete its work.Late last week, Gov. LoloMatalasi Moliga called a special session, which commencedyesterday and is not to lastmore than 5 calendar days. Andthe Senate scheduled yesterdaymorning two separate confirmation hearings for the Immigration Board and the Board ofRegistration for ProfessionalSurveyors, with communication sent to the Governor’sOffice last week about yesterday’s confirmation hearings.Several senators voiced concerns that not all of the nominated board members showedup at yesterday’s confirmationhearings and questioned as towhether the governor is awarethat nominees were no shows,yet the special session wascalled by the governor.Sen. Tuaolo Manaia Frueanbelieves there is a breakdownin communication between thenominees and the Governor’sOffice. For example, Tuaolosaid he was just informed by anominee to the Board of Registration for Professional Surveyors of being contacted bythe Governor’s Office yesterdaymorning about the hearing, butthe nominee was already at hisjob, in his work clothes.At Fono hearings, bothChambers have a strict dresscode when witnesses appearto testify — for example, menmust wear ties.For the board for Professional Surveyors, the only nominee that was able to make thehearing was Taulapapa WilliamSword, who told senators thathe was just informed yesterdaymorning about the confirmationhearing and rushed over to theSenate.Luckily, he said, he residesclose to town and was able tomake it to the hearing.Thereafter the committeedecided to postpone the hearinguntil later this week to givetime to all nominees to attendthe next scheduled hearing,which is now set for tomorrowmorning.The communication policyfor Fono hearings is that allrequests for ASG witnesses —including directors and nominees to boards — are sent bythe Fono to the Governor’sOffice, which then contacts therequested individuals about thedate and time of Fono hearings.SENATE SESSIONDuring yesterday’s Senatesession, senators confirmed allfive nominees for the Immigration Board. They are:Gloria Ausage, Tago Ativalu, Togotogo Poto Sotoa,Fanene Edda Wyberki and Sen.Fa’amausili Mau Mau Jr.Sen. Tuiagamoa Tavai,chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said the othertwo board members nominees,Frank Gaisoa and Rep. GafatasiAfalava, were off island.Last week, the Houseconfirmed Ausage, Ativalu,Togotogo and Fanene. ForFa’amausili, he is scheduledfor confirmation today in theHouse.Gaoteote informed senatorsyesterday that the governorcalled the special session andcommunicationsregardingscheduled confirmation hearings were promptly sent to theadministration.However, he says that if onlyone nominee shows up, such asin the case of the Board of Surveyors, the hearing should stillproceed.(Continued on page 6)ALL REGISTRARNOTICES WILL BE 60Did you know thatNAPA SAMOA willchange your car batteryfor FREE when youpurchase from us?Bring in your old battery and get 18 offthe price of your new battery!We will also:Add freon to your car AC after purchasing FOR FREEChange car battery after purchasing FOR FREEChange your light bulbs after purchasing FOR FREEIssue a quote on Special Orders FOR FREECall us today for Quality Napa Auto Parts.We also special order Engines and Windshields.NAPA SAMOA699-NAPA/6272

Page 4samoa news, Wednesday, April 19, 2017Youth members of the Catholic Church during the traditional ‘siva sasa’ performance at yesterday’s 2017 Flag Day celebration at Veterans Memorial Stadium.Letter to the Editor“LDS YOUTH”Dear Editor,This year’s Flag Day theme “Tupulaga Mo Taeao” sends astrong message to the youth of Amerika Samoa of how preciousthey are and why we as leaders need to mold and prepare them forthe task ahead and embrace the future.FAAFETAI ma FAAMALO to the youth of EFKAS, Catholic,and Methodist churches for all the hard work and efforts put intotheir faafiafiaga of dancing and singing. It was indeed very enjoyable to watch, listen, and learn.However, I am concerned, wondering why the Mormon youthdid not participate. Apparently, no invitation was sent out to theleaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, commonly known as the “Mormons” for their youth to participate inthis year’s Flag Day faafiafiagas.It is interesting that ASG had dedicated this year’s flag daycelebrations to honor youth from all religious backgrounds andwalk of life. Yet, the Mormon youth, who are active participantsin numerous community gatherings and activities were visiblyabsent and excluded from this important youth event.I am aware that our government is financially struggling andtrying to find ways to save money and cut spending. However, itwas easily noticeable that only the youth groups from the threedominant religions participated while others like the Mormonyouth were excluded. No doubt that the Mormon youth wouldhave been very excited to do it as a free service for the people ofTutuila and Manu’a.As is commonly known, the Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints gladly renders free services and promptly lends helpinghands wherever and whenever it is needed. ASG has benefitedfrom Mormon youth services throughout the years, and theseyoungsters would have welcomed the opportunity to collaborateand interact with youth from other religious faiths, had they havebeen invited!Faafetai tele and have a great week Amerika Samoa!Fiatele AionoLETTERS TO THE EDITORSamoa News welcomes and encouragesLetters to the Editor. Please send them to ouremail news.newsroom@samoatelco.comBox 909, Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799.Contact us by Telephone at (684) 633-5599Contact us by Fax at (684) 633-4864or by Email at news@samoanews.comNormal business hours are Mon. thru Fri. 8am to 5pm.Permission to reproduce editorial and/or advertisements, inwhole or in part, is required. Please address such requests to thePublisher at the address provided above.[photo: AF]Tui Atua: Impact of climatechange in Samoa “evidences abreakdown in our guardianship”faasinomaga our tuaoiby Samoa News staffIn his Flag Day address, on Monday, SamoaHead of State Tui Atua Tupua Tamasese Efispoke of the impact of climate change on Samoaand the Pacific region and also shared some of histraditional knowledge of the palolo rising, whichoccurs in October and November, seven daysafter a full moon. However, many elder Samoanshave noticed over the years that this Samoan delicacy is not in abundance compared to years ago;and some elders believe that the lack of palolo isbecause people are selling it.Tui Atua was given the honor of delivering theFlag Day address for this year’s 117 Flag Day ceremony at Veterans Memorial Stadium. He saysthe impact of climate change “on our Samoa” andthe Pacific “evidences a breakdown in our guardianship, responsibilities over kin, over what isdone, over what is our faasinomaga (our Samoanidentities) and our tuaoi (cultural boundaries).He recalled, “There was a ‘sa o manuvao’or ritual performances acknowledging sacredboundaries between people and the forest.”In those days, he said, ‘all ritual. was paid to‘manuvao’ before a tree could be cut, before landcould be cleared” but those sacred boundaries“have today been sadly forgotten and rejected.”“A breakdown in relation between people andnature is further emphasized when we considerchanges to our fishing culture and the loss of traditional fishing knowledge and its associates,”he said and cited for example, the annual palolorising.“We used to know when the palolo would rise,by reading the appearance of the moon. Whenthey rose, we would ritually welcome them bychanting ‘fanau mai, fanau mai — be born, beborn’,” Tui Atua explained. “Our ancestors knewthat in the act of rising, the palolo were alsobirthing. This was evident by the lingering of theirpalolo chant.”And he asked, “But how did our ancestorsknow when the palolo would rise or that thepalolo were actually giving birth?”He responded, “They knew through carefuland active observation. They knew by watchingand counting lunar movements and noticing howseasonal clocks work in the natural world. Theyknew because they took time to converse withnature and with God.”“There is an old adage which says, e le la’a leuto i le maina — a floater cannot intrude on thefunction of the sea — and, e le sopo foi le samii le lau eleele — the sea cannot encroach on theboundaries of the land,” he said.“The adage reminds us, that in everything,there are sacred boundaries,” he said, and wenton to point out that the “biggest problem facingour families, villages and churches and government today, is the crossing of boundaries or ‘sopotuaoi’.”See yesterday’s Samoa news edition for otherdetails from Tui Atua’s address. OSINI FALEATASI INC. RESERVES ALL RIGHTS.dba Samoa News publishes Monday to Friday, except for some local and federal holidays.Send correspondences to: OF, dba Samoa News, Box 909, Pago Pago, Am. Samoa 96799.Telephone at (684) 633-5599 Fax at (684) 633-4864Email advertisements to ads@samoanews.comEmail the newsroom at news@samoanews.comNormal business hours are Mon. thru Fri. 8am to 5pm.Permission to reproduce editorial and/or advertisements, in whole or in part, is required. Pleaseaddress such requests to the Publisher at the address provided above.Please visit for weekend updates.

samoa news, Wednesday, April 19, 2017 Page 5 Sau Ia Bodybuilding Expo Continued from page 1Thereweredifferentdivisions for males, which inthe first two divisions a youngman sponsored by Zeeks Treats,Jonah Tauafa won overall, anda division for women whichwas won by Lautiti Manuma ofNuuuli. Then the last divisionAunese Tauinaola of Auawon the Sau Ia BodybuildingChampion of 2017.Tauinaola told Samoa Newsin an interview, “I do thisbecause it’s good for my bodyand my health. It helps me tolive longer and to live a happylife and I know it can help otherstoo. God has directed me to thispath because it’s better thandoing drugs and any other badthings kids turn to now-days.”He added, “Thank you tomy sponsor and great supportAaron Forsgren and his family,I wouldn’t have done it withouttheir help because they tooknow how important it is to livea healthy lifestyle.”Jonah Tauafa told SamoaNews, “I do this because I enjoyit and I love it and anyone canfeel the same way too if theyjust try it.” This is the thirdyear Sau Ia Bodybuilding Inc.hosted the event. Their goalis promote it to the island tohelp fight the lifestyle diseasesthat are occurring on islandsuch as diabetes, obesity, heartproblems, etc.“We organized this to helpour people of American Samoa.OriginEnergyWe want to promote thatbodybuilding is one of the greatways to fight those diseases. Thisis why we have Stan here too asan example to better explain howbodybuilding works and whyit’s important to live a healthylifestyle,” said Reid.“The Rhino” was featured atthe competition where he wasable to speak to the audience ofhis experience in bodybuildingand concluded with a pose off.The Sau Ia Bodybuildingorganization found him throughhis wife, who is a Samoan.Efferding is a motivationalspeaker and writer, teachinghealth, exercise and nutrition.He told Samoa News, “Ispeak about health becausewhen you are involved withit, it’s a good motivation todo bodybuilding or any othersport you are into. More of theelderly are dying from obesityat a young age and this reallycan help prevent it.”His wife added, “I didn’tknow fitness until I met myhusband, because growing up ina Samoan environment no onetalks about fitness and health.Now I feel great with myself.”According to “The Rhino”being able to be a bodybuilderyou have to eat a healthy diet,exercise regularly.”He said, “if you are someonewho drinks 4 sodas a day, andthen you end up drinking twosodas, that’s progress. If youPresident and Organizer of the Sau Ia Bodybuilding Inc, Peter Reid and Sala Mcmoore after the two[Photo: EM]day bodybuilding event held last Thursday and Friday at the Lee Auditorium in Utulei.INTO BODYBUILDING.”The couple concluded bythanking Peter Reid and SalaMcMoore (Vice President ofSau Ia Bodybuilding Inc.) forhaving them on island andorganizing an amazing eventbecause of their concern for theare someone who sits at homeall day then ends up going for a10-minute walk, that’s progress.It takes time for it, becauseonce you take one step at a timeand become more disciplinedand consistent, you are creatinga healthy lifestyle — so GETpeople of American Samoa.For more information tolearn more about the world’sstrongest bodybuilderStan“The Rhino” Efferding you canfind him on Facebook or watchhis work, sessions and speecheson youtube.!SPECIALSDAYFLAGSPEND YOUR TAX REFUNDS WISELYMARCH 13THuntil 30, 2017AtORIGIN ENERGY the LPGAS ExpertsOutdoor Cooking, Family Faalavelave, Large Gatherings or Indoor Cooking!Talk to us for theright gas adviceOur specialistgas technicians providesafe, reliable installationDid you know?When you buyOrigin gray tanks,You save money .and get more gas.Lpg-2burner gas cookerw/-reg&hose setWAS: 77.05 NOW: 70.00AMANA (30inch)Lpgas Four burner’s oven.WAS: 710.00 NOW: 570.00(incl free installation, delivery, 1yr warranty)Lpg-single hi pressure wokauto and manual ignitionSingle Cast Iron incl reg&hose setWAS:111.10 NOW: 94.50WAS: 28.00 NOW: 26.002Burner Gas Cooker incl reg&hose setWAS: 43.00 NOW: 40.85AMANA (30inch)Lpgas Four burner’s stove.WAS: 673.00 NOW: 545.00(incl free installation, delivery, 1yr warranty)RINNAI: LPGHot Water Heater 5.5ltrSUPER SALENOW: 237.00(Incl free installations)RINNAI: LPGHot Water Heater 10ltrSUPER SALENOW: 361.00(Incl free installations)Happy Flag Day American SamoaCALL into origin energy gas showroom at tafuna industrial park 699-9740

Page 6samoa news, Wednesday, April 19, 2017CMYKCMYKFront row, standing on stage at Veterans Memorial Stadium during raising of the United States and American Samoa flags at Monday’s 2017 Flag Day ceremony[l-r] Mrs. Cynthia Malala Moliga, Gov. Lolo Matalasi Moliga, Samoa Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi, Interior Department’s Acting Assistant Secretary forInsular Areas Nikolao Pula and Lt. Gov. Lemanu Peleti Mauga.[photo: AF]In Loving Memory ofOUR MOTHER, GRANDMOTHER, GREAT-GRANDMOTHER, SISTER, SAUMAY 3, 1944 SUNSET: MARCH 31, 2017Matthew 11: 28-39“Come to me, all you who areweary and burdened, and Iwill give you rest. Take my yokeupon you and learn from me,for I am gentle and humble inheart, and you will find rest foryour souls. For my yoke is easyand my burden is light.”FUNERAL PROGRAMFriday, April 21, 20178:00 am8:30 am10:00 am11:30 am1:00 pmShort Prayer Service at the LBJ Hospital Chapel in FagaaluMary’s body will then be taken directly to the St Joseph’s Co-Cathedral Catholic Churchin FagatogoFamily Service and ViewingRequeim MassAfter the Final Commendation at the Cathedral, Mary’s body will be taken to theFanene Family Guest House in Lalopu’a, Pago Pago, for her family’s final farewellBurial at Lalopu’a, at her final resting place alongside her Husband and ParentsFa’afetai Tele Lava,Afioga Fanene Morris Scanlan and Family, Alaivanu Ralph & Mary Taufa’asau’s ChildrenAT THE REQUEST OF THE FAMILY, THERE IS NO FA’ASAMOA Senate Continued from page 3He said the Senate can nothold up its work just becausewitnesses don’t show up.Additionally, the 72-hourrequirement for the Fononotice to the governor’s officefor witnesses to testify iswaived when it comes to thespecial session.Gaoteote then announcedthe new schedule for confirmation hearings, with theLBJ board at 8a.m. today, followed 30-minutes later withthe Board of Higher Education and at 9a.m. the ASGEmployees Retirement Board.LBJ board nominees aresubject to Senate confirmationonly. And only two membersare being nominated becausethe terms of the other members have not expired yet.The new nominee is thegovernor’s executive assistant,Iulogologo Joseph Pereira,who replaces previous boardmember Filifa’atali MichaelFuiava, currently the Agriculture Department director.The governor has renominatedRep. Faimealelei AnthonyAllen for another term.Then on Thursday, onlytwo Senate confirmation hearings are scheduled, the Scholarship Board and Board ofProfessional Surveyors — arealso subject to Senate confirmation only.With these changes made,Gaoteote said the special session is now scheduled to endtomorrow.He added that the Househas completed its confirmation process for all boardssubmitted by the governor,but is awaiting the outcome ofthe Senate’s decision beforeclosing the special session.

samoa news, Wednesday, April 19, 2017 Page 7CMYKFront row, standing on stage at Veterans Memorial Stadium during the raising of the United States and American Samoa flags at Monday’s 2017 Flag Day ceremony.[l-r] Catholic Deacon Malaki A. Timu o le the Holy Family Parish Fatuoaiga, Chief Justice Michael Kruse and Masiofo Filifilia Tamasese with Samoa Head of State TuiAtua Tupua Tamasese Efi, who delivered the Flag Day keynote speech.[photo: AF]CMYK

Page 8samoa news, Wednesday, April 19, 2017PresidentDonald Trump,GOP facereferendum inGeorgia; Demsaim for upsetALPHARETTA, Ga. (AP)— Republicans are biddingto prevent a major upset in aconservative Georgia congressional district where Democrats stoked by opposition toPresident Donald Trump haverallied behind a candidate whohas raised a shocking amount ofmoney for a special election.Tuesday’s jungle-style primary lumps all 18 candidateson one ballot and is expectedto be more competitive thanRepublicans’ single-digit vic-tory in Kansas last week thatalso tested both parties’ strategies for the 2018 midterm elections with Trump in the WhiteHouse.Trumpunderperformedother Republicans in the suburban Atlanta district, anaffluent, well-educated swathfilled with the kind of votersDemocrats need if they hope toreclaim a House majority nextyear.Republicans essentially concede that Democrat Jon Ossoff,The post election dominoes of President Donald Trumps administration picks and a CaliforniaDemocratic appointment have created five openings in the U.S. House of Representatives, includingin the 6th Congressional District in suburban Atlanta. Eighteen candidates, including the ones seenin this compilation of campaign advertisements, are running in a special election on Tuesday, April18, 2017. Democrats believe they have a shot, based on Trumps underperformance and the earlyfundraising success of Jon Ossoff.(AP Photo/Alex Sanz)a former congressional staffer,will lead Tuesday’s voting.That leaves 11 Republican candidates hoping the 30-year-oldinvestigative filmmaker fails toreach a majority. If he doesn’t,Ossoff and the top GOP votegetter would meet in a June 20AMERICAN SAMOA LEGAL AID, INC.Letialua Building, Second FloorP.O. Box 5984Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799Telephone: 684-633-3300 Fax: 684-633-3303EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: PART-TIME STAFF ATTORNEYThe American Samoa Legal Aid, Inc. (ASLA) is seeking employment of one part-time staff attorney for our nonprofit law firm that provides free civil legal services to low-income residents of American Samoa.About the Position:ASLA is interested in an attorney with legal experience in Home Foreclosure Defense and Domestic Violence.Experience in the following areas will be considered: Debt Collection Defense, Guardianship, Divorce/ChildSupport, Social Security, Healthcare, Public Benefits, Employment, Immigration, Disability, Civil Rights, Worker’sCompensation, and Veterans Benefits.Responsibilities: Provide effective legal advice and representation of ASLA clients. Perform work assigned by the Executive Director. Comply with Legal Services Corporation regulations in 45 CFR Part 1600 et. seq. Adhere to ASLA Board and Office policies. Allowed to do private practice while working part-time for ASLA. Articulate ASLA’s mission in the legal community, judiciary, government, nonprofit organizations and thecommunity at large.Requirements: Admitted or being admitted to practice law in American Samoa. Possess the highest ethical standards. Five years experien

Bodybuilding Inc. The first day was last week Thursday, in which they held an EXPO from 9- 5pm inviting others who to discover new health, workout and nutrition tips from “The Rhino” himself. It was a free admission event which had concession stands, fitness apparel, supplements

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