Super Sculpt Series
!!See your physician before starting any exercise or nutritionprogram. Prior to starting, you should discuss all nutritional changeswith your physician or a registered dietician. If you are taking anymedications, you must talk to your physician before starting anyexercise program. If you experience any lightheadedness, dizziness,or shortness of breath while exercising, stop and consult aphysician.!These recommendations are not medical guidelines. This book isfor educational purposes only. You must consult your physicianprior to starting this program or if you have any medical conditionor injury that contraindicates physical activity. This program isdesigned for healthy individuals 18 years and older only.!All forms of exercise pose some inherent risks. It is advisable thatreaders to take full responsibility for their safety and know theirlimits. The exercises and dietary programs in this book are notintended as a substitute for any exercise routine or treatment ordietary regimen that may have been prescribed by your physician.!Don’t perform any exercise unless you have been shown the propertechnique by a certified personal trainer. Don’t perform anyexercise without proper instruction. Always do a warm-up prior toyour workout session and end with a stretching cool downsegment.!!!!!!!!Bikini Belly Super SculptDisclaimer
!!You will only get positive results from this program if you are performing theexercises correctly.Here are a few tips for you to maximize your results:!1. Check with your doctor before starting any new exercise or dietprogram.!2. It may be necessary to consult a trainer if you are unsure of how to doany of the exercises.Do NOT do exercises that you don’t understand how to do.!3. If something ‘hurts’ do not do it. You must understand the differencebetween muscle fatigue and injury. Always error on the side of caution ifyou feel pain.!4. This program has the potential to be used with those new to fitness aswell as those that are very fit. Start off conservatively and increaseintensity as you go.!5. We can ‘do it all’; however, we may need an extra day of rest betweenworkouts so feel free to take a day of active rest between workouts ifyou aren’t up to the workout. Active rest is an activity that is low intensitycalorie burning in nature such as walking.6.!Use proper exercise form and train conservatively in all workouts.!7. Always start with the easier alternative exercises if appropriate, even ifyou have exercised in the past. The new exercises, and new style ofmovements will cause muscle soreness even from workouts you think"look easy".8.!Do NOT do interval training more than 4 times per week.!9. Do NOT the skip a warm-up, as well, take a few minutes to cool thebody down.!10. If you have an injury, get medical attention to rehabilitate your injurybefore starting an exercise program.Bikini Belly Super SculptSafety First
!!My Bikini Belly Super Sculpt Series!Are you ready to sculpt your belly even FASTER? It’s easier thanyou think .!Here’s the plan !You’re going to add an additional 4-6 minutes to ANY of theMy Bikini Belly main workouts and do either the Super Sculpt#1 or Super Sculpt #2 workout as a ‘finisher’.!(Don’t worry, even with the Super Sculpt finisher added, yourworkout would NOT be long enough to elicit a response fromthe evil belly fat storing hormone, cortisol.)!Super Sculpt #3 is a perfect workout to fit in once a week toblast your core with the perfect concentrated dose of corecrushing exercises and metabolism boosting intervals.!Now to FULLY MAXIMIZE the effectiveness of these workouts,you’ll want to be following the My Bikini Belly Diet. There’s asaying ‘Ab’s are made in the kitchen’ and to a certain extentthat’s true.!When you fuel your bikini belly body with the right ingredients,you’ll see results FASTER and feel more energized than ever.!If you haven’t already, you can get it HERE!!Bikini Belly Super SculptWelcome!
!!!This is a timed set.!Set your timer for 20/10 for 8 sets:!1A - Shoe touch 20 sec1B - Floor leg raise 10 secRepeat for 4 sets!Then do:!2A – Sit out 20 sec2B – Front plank 10 secRepeat for 4 sets!!!!!!!!!!!Bikini Belly Super SculptSuper Sculpt #1
!!!!!This is an AMRAP set. AMRAP means ‘as manyrounds as possible’.!So you’ll do each exercise on the list andrepeat the entire list as many times as you canin 4 minutes.! Full Body Extensions - 20 repsPushups - 5 repsBurpees - 10 repsRest 20 seconds!!!!!!!!!!!!!Bikini Belly Super SculptSuper Sculpt #2
!This is a timed set. Do 40 seconds of work with 10seconds rest.!1. Burpees (full body extensions or squat jumps)2. Side plank3. Side plank other side4. Stationary sprint – high knees5. Spider crawl6. Leg climber7. Leg climber other side8. Mountain climber9. Squat jump10.Plank11.Woodchopper12.Woodchopper other side13.Skater14.Bird dog15.Bird dog other side16.Burpee (full body extensions or squat jumps)!*There are lots of exercises here so it’s important toreview the video/exercise descriptions and have aprint out right beside you while training so you don’ttake extra rest.Bikini Belly Super SculptSuper Sculpt #3
My Bikini Belly main workouts and do either the Super Sculpt #1 or Super Sculpt #2 workout as a ‘finisher’. ! (Don’t worry, even with the Super Sculpt finisher added, your workout would NOT be long enough to elicit a response from the evil belly fat storing hormone, cortisol.) ! Sup
6 WEEK FIT BODY SCULPT 3 I am so excited to share this new program I created, . or close to an ideal weight, and are ready for a new focus. You need a new goal; you need to kick your workouts up a . Lindsey. 6 WEEK FIT BODY SCULPT 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS FIT BODY SCULPT 08 FIT TEST 13 22 26 NUTRITION WORKOUTS FAQS.
The Bikini Chef Diet Feel Great. Boost Energy. Lose Weight! A Bikini Body - Easy as 1, 2, 3! Table of Contents Introduction - Everyone Can Be A Bikini Chef page 4 Part I. Playing The Dieting Game Chapter 1. The Non-Diet "Diet" Foods page 10 Chapter 2. How The Bikini Chef Diet Can Work For You page 12 Part II.
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The Bikini Body Training Company Pty Ltd I began my study in 2008 at the Australian Institute of Fitness. Upon completing the AIF Master Trainer course, I began working at a female-only personal training centre in Adelaide, South Australia. Soon after, I started my own business called The Bikini Body Training Company Pty Ltd. and from there it .
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x body fat percentage. This will give you your body fat in pounds. Then subtract your body weight in pounds from your weight to get your lean body weight in pounds. This pound of body weight. y s wher these goals. a ou r y ch The Bikini Body Program Example: 200 lbs. x 35% BF 70 lbs. 200 lbs - 70 lbs 130 lbs. LBM 2.
reading is to read each day for at minimum 30 minutes. Please turn in all assignments to your child’s teacher in the fall. May you have a blessed, restful, relaxing, enjoyable and fun-filled summer! Sincerely, Thomas Schroeder & Vicki Flournoy Second Grade Summer Learning Packet. DEAR FAMILY, As many of you are planning for your summer activities for your children, we want you to remember .