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(HEaU/ll.RTIII.CIRCLE ----.;.----: . HCHWHAT TO BRING. For all-around mountain wear."loose-fitting clothes of wool or part wool are most suitable. Many guests-both men and women-favorblue denim, waist-high overalls, a wide brimmed hat,and a pair of stout, comfortable shoes or boots. Riding breeches are fine, too. A couple of sweaters anda windbreaker should also be in your wardrobe. Buckskin gloves and a bandana are advisable. For evening ,sports clothes, ordinary traveling clothes, or just"Western" clothes will do nicely. Some folks prefer thmore dressier trouser called Frontier Pants. You'll seebrightly colored shirts everywhere, but you won't seeany men with coats on in the dining room. This life isstrictly informal. If you're a trout fisherman. bringyour own outfit by all means., If you're not, we recommend waiting until you get out here before purchasing the necessary equipment, especially flys. Firearmsare permissible but may be used on game animals onlyin season. There's plenty of gophersfor those who enjoy shooting a 22.The Western Stores will be ableto take care of you on all of yourspecial clothing needs. We also havea few things at the Ranch TradingPost.BY CAR . , From the East or West, No. 10highway through Montana to Bozeman;Highway No. 191 from Bozeman southtowards West Yellowstone-bO miles, turnright on Taylors Fork-five miles to ranch.From the south-to West Yellowstone,either through Yellowstone Park or IdahoFalls. Idaho-then Highway No. 191, 33miles towards Bozeman-turn left on Tay.lors For -five miles to ranch.BY TRAIN . Northern Pacific to Bozeman;Milwaukee Road to Gallatin Gateway; orUnion Pacific to West Yellowstone.BY PLANE" . Northwest Airlines to Bozeman; Western Air Lines to West Yellowstone; or, hose who fly their own planeplease write for landing instruc ions, approaches, e c.OlE . Our sta ion wagon will pick you upat Bozeman, Gallatin Ga eway, or WesYellows one upon reques .Summer season-May 20th 0 Odober Is.Big Game Hun ing season--Odober 15thto December 1st.A FEW THINGS YOU MIGHT LIKE TO KNOWRates are dependent upon number in party, length ofstay, and type of accommodations. All rates includemeals, cabins, horses. riding gear, and wrangler guideservice. Pack trips of two or three days duration arealso included. There is an extra charge for pick-upservice at station or airport. If you don't have yourown car, the ranch has facilities for trips to Yellowstone Park, Virginia City, and Morrison Cave.There is a registered nurse on duty during the guestseason.Telephone service connects the ranch to the outsideworld.Members of the "Dude Ranchers Ass'n." and the Bozeman Chamber of Commerce.The climate is invigorating at this 7000 foot altitude.The daily temperatures range well up into the eightiesand the evenings are always cool.Most of the food served is ranchraised with plenty of fresh vegetables, milk, and eggs. All meals areserved family style and nobodyleaves the table hungry. The cooksdelight in preparing some specialdish to your liking.

young t is to fin. your s ay b t during I'k to do es . Buck skin gloves and a bandana are advisable. For evening , sports clothes, ordinary traveling clothes, or just "Western" clothes will do nicely. Some folks prefer t

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