ROSTA Mounts in Timber IndustrySituation:In its product range, ROSTA hastensioning and suspension elementswhich are outstanding for the roughworking conditions in the timberindustry. Modern wood processingrequires high equipmentperformance and reliability – that’swhere ROSTA fits in.ROSTA offers endurance andperformance for yourequipment!These absolutely maintenance-freeelements are ideal for impactabsorption, shaker suspensions andbelt and chain tensioning.20071121 - Wood Industry
ROSTA Mounts in Timber IndustryLog and Board HandlingAutomated log handling assures thematerial supply of all downstreamprocesses. During conveying, sortingand positioning of logs violent impactforces occur.The ESL elements absorb highenergies and prevent structure andproduct from being damaged.Due to the simple and robustconstruction of the ROSTA elementsthey last typically for the lifetime of themachine.20071121 - Wood Industry
ROSTA Mounts in Timber IndustryLog Feeding to Sawmillor Wood ChipperFeed mechanism of sawmills andwood chippers have to cope withdifferent sizes and shapes of logsand are stressed by shock loads.Chain drives need a constanttensioning in order to distribute theforce over the length of the chain,thus to assure the longest possiblechain life.The ROSTA tensioner SE with itsprogressive characteristic anddampening qualities suits perfectfor this application.20071121 - Wood Industry
ROSTA Mounts in Timber IndustryWood Chipper DriveThis wood chipper is being fed withdifferent waste wood and rootstocks. Thepower draw of the motor fluctuates withthe peaks in workload and hardness ofthe wood.The harsh working conditions requiredfrequent belt changes due to beltoverstress and incorrect tensioning. Nowwith the ROSTA Motorbase in place anautomatic tensioning of the belt and acompensation of inertia peaks has beenachieved.20071121 - Wood Industry
ROSTA Mounts in Timber IndustryHold Downs and AligningRollers for Molding Cuttersand Edge Wrapping MachinesProgressive springcharacteristicDampening thus do notbounceHold downs with a ROSTAdesign are highly effective,simple and consist of thelowest number of partspossible.20071121 - Wood Industry
ROSTA Mounts in Timber IndustryEfficient Shaker Conveyors(single mass – crank driven)Shaker suspensions with ROSTAelements are fully maintenance freeand ensure a long lasting stable,silent and calm operation in a roughenvironment.Easy and cost saving assembly andaligning of rocker arms. Nobreakages, no wear, no downtime.Highly efficient single mass shakerconveyors for accelerations up to1.7 g and with ROSTA accumulatorsfor up to 2.2 g or trough lengthsabove 12m.20071121 - Wood Industry
ROSTA Mounts in Timber IndustrySmooth Shaker Conveyors(natural frequency shaker)For high acceleration forces or longtrough designs, shakers can beequipped with ROSTA accumulators.Resonance shaker with ROSTA runclose to its resonance frequency.They allow for high productivity byhaving a simple design and reducedenergy consumption.With ROSTA accumulators added tothe shaker design, operation ispossible for up to 2.2 g or troughlengths above 12m.20071121 - Wood Industry
ROSTA Mounts in Timber IndustryHigh Performance ShakerConveyors (2 mass)Extremely fast transport speeds askfor accelerations higher than 2.2 g.Therefore, reaction forces of thetrough have to be compensated.ROSTA’s double suspension rockersare built for high performanceconveyors with a two-mass system.The elements guarantee smooth andreliable operation at high speeds.A large number of internationalshaker equipment manufacturerstrust on ROSTA elements when itcomes to cost effectiveness,performance and endurance.20071121 - Wood Industry
ROSTA Mounts in Timber IndustryLong Lasting Gyratory-SifterSuspensionsFree standing or hanging sifters areoperated in dusty and sometimesabrasive environments – thesuspensions have to be heavy duty!AK-mounts from ROSTA have provenreliable and efficient for hanging sifterdesigns as well as for demanding freestanding, crank driven applications.No lubrication is needed. Thecardanic joints from ROSTA arefriction and maintenance free.Vibrations and shocks are beingabsorbed by this unique universaljoint design.20071121 - Wood Industry
ROSTA Mounts in Timber IndustrySelf Tensioning Drive Systemsfor Friction-Belt TransmissionsAutomatic compensation of v-beltelongation. Assuring optimum forcetransmission over the entire life spanof the belts.The ROSTA motor base controls thestarting torque and avoids belt overstretching. Shocks and vibrations arebeing absorbed.The customer benefits from reducedmachine down time, a maintenancefree tensioning system and quickand easy belt replacement.ROSTA leads to cost saving!20071121 - Wood Industry
ROSTA mounts in Wood IndustryCustomer benefits in applying ROSTA rubber suspensions on woodprocessing equipment: Wide assortment of standardized devices, available fromstock (complete torque- and size gradation) very long lifespan, rugged design, built for the woodindustry weatherproof design, highly corrosion-resistant andresistant to dust and dirt– no maintenance or lubrication required20071121 - Wood Industry
ROSTA Mounts in Wood IndustryMarket leaders count on ROSTA:Germany, D-57647 HirtscheidGermany, D-57642 AlpenrodGermany, D-56472 DreisbachItaly, 31047 Ponte di PiaveGermany, D-88212 RavensburgItaly, 38087 - RonconeFrance, 51300 HAUSSIGNEMONTAustralia, Lismore NSW 248020071121 - Wood Industry
The ROSTA motor base controls the starting torque and avoids belt over-stretching. Shocks and vibrations are being absorbed. The customer benefits from reduced machine down time, a maintenance free tensioning system and quick and easy belt replacement. ROSTA leads to cost
ROSTA U Application Handbook 83 MOTOR BASES Automatic compensation of belt elongation Slippage-free transmission. ROSTA U Application Handbook 84 Motorbases for belt drives. ROSTA U Application Handbook 85. ROSTA U Application Handbook 86 Motorbases for belt Vibration-free installations of motor test arrangements, compressors, etc. long lasting maintenance-free absorbing solid-borne noise ROSTA Anti- vibration Mounts highly elastical and fully tearproof vibration dampers based on torsional rubber pivots Tearproof suspensions of ha
N6 Technical Guide Timber Curtain Wall Timber Curtain Wall Technical Guide N7 Timber Curtain Wall Detail Timber Curtain Wall Corner Detail Curtain Wall CL to CL 34 7/8" [887mm] Glass 33 7/8" [861mm] CL to CL 34 7/8" [887mm] Glass 33 7/8" [861mm] F.S. Timber to Timber 103 11/16" [2634mm] Outside Dimension 111 3/8" [2829mm]
Timber service life design - Design Guide for Durability 06. Timber-framed Construction - Sacrificial Timber Construction Joint 07. Plywood Box Beam Construction for Detached Housing 08. Stairs, Balustrades and Handrails Class 1 Buildings - Construction 09. Timber Flooring - Design Guide for Installation 10. Timber Windows and Doors 11.
Bases de Motor Tabla de selección de las Bases de Motor ROSTA según el tamaño del motor IEC NEMA Base de motor tipo Ver en Diseño estándar Tamaño del motor P [kW] 1000 min–1 6-polos P [kW] 1500 min–1 4 polos Tamaño del motor P [HP] 1200 min–1 6-polos P [HP] 1800
elementos elásticos ROSTA a lograr su éxito internacional. Esto fue seguido por las bases de motor y los antivibrantes, que ahora se han convertido en imprescindibles para la construcción de maquinaria en general. Los elementos elásticos ROSTA también dejarán su hue
base moteur oscillante Contactez ROSTA Instructions de montage pour les bases moteurs oscillantes MB 27 et MB 38 1 Déterminer la position idéale de la base moteur oscillante. 5.8 Bases moteurs oscillantes Bases
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