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91-7971338898ADT We "ADT Industries" are the leading Wholesale Trader andExporter of a wide range of Waterproofing Chemicals, Free FlowNon Shrink Grout, Concrete Repair Mortar, SuperplasticizerAdmixture, Bonding Agent etc.

About UsEstablished in the year 2019, in Navi Mumbai (Maharashtra, India), we, “ADT Industries”, are areckoned firm engaged in Wholesale Trader and Exporter a superior range of WaterproofingChemicals, Free Flow Non Shrink Grout, Concrete Repair Mortar, Superplasticizer Admixture,Bonding Agent and many more. These chemicals are widely used on walls of swimming pool,basement and bathroom before plaster. The offered chemicals are processed using superior qualitychemicals compounds that are procured from the trustworthy vendors of the industry. Ourprofessionals process these chemicals using sophisticated technology in complete compliance withthe universally accepted norms of quality. Our chemicals are highly appreciated by our clients for theireffectiveness, purity, long shelf life and accurate composition. In addition to this, our clients can availthese products in various packing options as per their requirements.Under the guidance of our Proprietor, “Mr. Abhijeet Gupta”, we have positioned ourselves in theforemost names of this domain. Owing to his rich industry experience and sharp business acumen,we have been able to meet specific needs of clients in an efficient manner.For more information, please le.html

Products & ServicesWATERPROOFING CHEMICALSSika Topseal 109 ElastocemCHRYSO TapelasticSika Top Seal 107 2 PackAcrylic CementitiousWaterproofing Coating SystemDr Fixit 301 Pidicrete URP

Shaliurethane BTDWaterproofing MembraneDr. Fixit Newcoat AcrylicWaterproof CoatingSika Cool CoatDr. Fixit Raincoat ExteriorWaterproof CoatingProducts & ServicesELASTOMERIC WATERPROOFING COATING

Products & ServicesCONCRETE REPAIR MORTARSikatop 122 F PolymerModified Repair MortarSunmix Repair PolymerModified MortarSika Epoxy Repair KitExcem MC 40 Pre-mixedFlowable Micro Concrete

Products & ServicesFREE FLOW NON SHRINK GROUTSika Grout-214 InCementitious GroutChryso Excem V1 CementGroutChryso Struco Cement GroutSikadur 53 UF GroutingCompound

Conplast WL IntegralWaterproofing CompoundResikon LWP Liquid IntegralWaterproofing CompoundConplast X421IC IntegralWaterproofing LiquidConplast WL IntegralWaterproofing LiquidProducts & ServicesINTEGRAL WATERPROOFING ADMIXTURES

Products & ServicesEPOXY BONDING AGENTFosroc Nitobond Ep EpoxyBonding AgentSikadur 32 Epoxy BondingAgentDr. Fixit Epoxy Bonding AgentSikadur 32 LP Epoxy ResinBonding Agent

Products & ServicesBONDING AGENTZydex Cold Bond BondingAgentResikon 400 Modified ArylicPolymerPolyalk Ep Bonding AgentsFosroc Nitobond Sbr PolymerBonding Aid

Products & ServicesSUPERPLASTICISER ADMIXTUREAuramix 300 PC AdvancedLow Viscosity PlasticiserSika ViscoCrete 5231 NS HighEfficient SuperplasticizerSikaPlast 4202 NS HighEfficient SuperplasticizerSikament 4101NS Admixture

Products & ServicesCRACK FILLERSDr. Fixit Crack X PasteDr. Fixit Crack X Shrink FreeRenderoc CS Sealing CrackResikon Flexi Seal CrackFiller

Products & ServicesCURING COMPOUNDConcure WB Water BasedCuring CompoundConcure1315 Concrete CureCompoundConcure LP 90 PolymerBased Film Forming CuringAgentDr Fixit Concrete Guard

Products & ServicesJOINT SEALANTSika Polysulphide SealantNitoseal PU 40 One PartBuilding SealantDr. Fixit Polyurethane JointSealantFOSROC Thioflex 600Polymer Sealant

Products & ServicesCORROSION INHIBITORSunanda Polyalk CP 293Bipolar Concrete PenetratingCorrosion Inhibiting AdmixtureNitoprime Zincrich EpoxyResin Based PrimerRustoff 100 Rust RemoverCum PassivatorMasteremaco P 130 TwoComponent Epoxy Based ZincRich Primer For Steel

Products & ServicesFLUID MICRO CONCRETESunanda Polycrete A MicroConcreteChryso Excem MC 40 PreMixed Flowable MicroConcreteChryso Excem MC60 HighStrength Pre-mixed FlowableMicro ConcreteDr. Fixit Micro Concrete

Products & ServicesTILE ADHESIVESika Ceram Grey TileAdhesivesZydex Zycofix FlexibleWaterproof BondingFosroc Nitotile GTA PolymerTile AdhesiveFosroc Nitotile MPA TileAdhesives

Products & ServicesWATERPROOF MEMBRANESWP Shield-104 P AppModified BituminousMembranesSika WP Shield 103 PM AppModified BituminousMembranesDr. Fixit Torchshield AP31604160 Polymer ModifiedMembranesDr. Fixit Samshield XL SBSSelf Adhesive Membrane

10 CWA Crystalline IntegralWaterproofing Concrete andMortarKrystalline CementitiousWaterproof CoatingDr. Fixit Polyplus CP ConcreteWaterproofing TreatmentDr. Fixit Polyplus CP AdmixIntegral ConcreteWaterproofing AdmixtureProducts & ServicesCRYSTALLINE WATERPROOFING CHEMICAL

Products & ServicesINJECTION GROUTSika Injection-101H FlexibleWater Reactive Pur-injectionFoamDr. Fixit Epoxy Injection GroutDr. Fixit 229 PU FoamInjectionSika Injection 202 INPermanent Watertight Sealing

Products & ServicesRUST REMOVERResikon RSK RustPreventivesFosroc ReebaklensSunanda Rusticide RustRemover And PassivatorFosroc Reebaklens RRCleaning and Etching Agent

Products & ServicesWATER REPELLANT COATINGZydex Zycosil MaxOrganosilane ReactiveWaterproofingSika Cool Coat PrimerNitocote SN 522 Non StainingWater RepellentZydex Zycosil WaterproofingSimplified

Products & ServicesTILE GROUTDr. Fixit Fevimate TGSika Tilogrout Ready To UseTile AdhesiveEpoxy Tilogrout Grout For TileJointingCemcon Grout 60 Non ShrinkFree Flow Grout

Products & ServicesFLOOR HARDNERSikafloor Chapdur GreyCement Concrete HardenerPiditop 333 Non Metallic FloorHardenerMasterTop 410 HighPerformance NonmetallicAggregate Surface HardenerBronco Build Smart CemconFloor Top

FactsheetYear of Establishment: 2019Nature of Business: Exporter and Wholesale TraderTotal Number of Employees: Upto 10 People

CONTACT USADT IndustriesContact Person: Abhijeet Gupta27, Hilton Center, Near Vijay Sales, Sector-11, CBD BelapurNavi Mumbai - 400614, Maharashtra, India es/

INJECTION GROUT Sika Injection-101H Flexible Water Reactive Pur-injection Foam Dr. Fixit Epoxy Injection Grout Dr. Fixit 229 PU Foam Injection Sika Injection 202 IN Permanent

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