230CEFRCambridge English: Preliminary, also known as Preliminary EnglishTest (PET), i s at Level B1 of the Common European Frameworkof Reference for Languages (CEFR) published by the Councilof Europe.Cambridge English: Preliminary is accredited by Ofqual, the statutoryregulatory authority for external qualifications in England and itscounterparts in Wales and Northern Ireland; for more information,see www.ofqual.gov.ukProficient e English Language Assessment is part of the University of Cambridge. We develop and produce the most valuable range ofqualifications for learners and teachers of English in the world. Over 5 million people in 130 countries take our exams every year. Aroundthe world over 20,000 universities, employers, government ministries and other organisations rely on our exams and qualifications asproof of English language ability. Cambridge English exams are backed by the work of the largest dedicated research team of any Englishlanguage test provider.Cambridge English Language Assessment – a not-for-profit organisation.Basic userCambridge EnglishLanguage Assessment1 Hills RoadCambridgeCB1 2EUUnited KingdomB2B1Independent user180A2130120A1110All details are correct at the time of going to print in June 2016.100Below*8523988460* UCLES 2016 CE/3512/6Y06A19080Handbook for teachersfor exams from 2016
Quick overviewWhat level is the exam?Cambridge English: Preliminary is targeted atLevel B1, which is intermediate on the CEFRscale. At this level users can:understand factual informationand show awareness of opinions,attitudes and mood in both spokenand written English.It can be used as proof of a candidate’s abilityto use English to communicate with nativespeakers for everyday purposes.PAPER 1: Reading and Writing1 hour 30 minsReading:Writing: FIVE PARTS, each with one or more texts and a setof questionsTHREE PARTS, including: Texts range from very short notices to longeradapted-authentic texts One communicative task of 35–45 words Covers a range of reading skills, from word up towhole-text levelPAPER 2: Listeningabout 36 minsThe bestteachersnever stoplearning One task focusing on vocabulary and grammar One longer piece (choice between an informalletter or a story) of about 100 wordsPAPER 3: Speaking10–12 minsFIVE PARTS, ingsrecordingsanda setaofandsetquestionsof questionsTWO PARTS, covering interaction FOURdifferent with theexaminer andwith another candidateinteractionpatterns Texts may be monologues or dialogues based onauthentic situations Tests are taken in pairs, or sometimes a group ofthreeofthreeskills ona range of Covers a range of listening skills,includingeveryday topicsidentifyingkey information and identifying attitudeand opinionCandidatesanswer shortquestionsabout speakingthemselves Includesansweringquestions,andask andanswerquestionsabout expressingfactual nonatlengthabouta picture,discussing,personal andinformationopinionsrespondingImprove your teaching every day atwww.CambridgeEnglishTeacher.org
How touse thishandbookContentsAbout the exam2PAPER 1:This handbook is also availableelectronically. There are links in thehandbook which will take you straightto related pages if you want to find outmore. For example, you can read aboutPart 1 of the Reading and Writingpaper in the Tasks section, then clickon the link to take you straight to asample Part 1 task.Reading and WritingTasks7Preparing learners8Sample paper and assessment18TasksThe Tasks pages give informationabout the exam format and what istested in each part of the paper.PAPER 2:ListeningPreparing learnersThe Preparing learners pages giveinformation and advice about whatteachers can do to prepare theirlearners for the exam. There arealso links to useful websites to findadditional materials. You’ll findsuggested exam strategies to helplearners perform to the best of theirability on the day.Sample paper and assessmentThe Sample paper and assessmentsection includes a sample paper foreach of the four components as wellas an answer key for the Readingand Listening components. For theWriting and Speaking papers, thereis information about the assessmentcriteria and example answers for youto refer to or use with your learners.Tasks37Preparing learners38Sample paper and assessment44PAPER 3:SpeakingTasks52Preparing learners53Sample paper and assessment58Preliminary About the exam1
About Cambridge EnglishLanguage AssessmentCambridge English: Preliminary is developed by CambridgeEnglish Language Assessment, part of the Universityof Cambridge.We are one of three major exam boards which form theCambridge Assessment Group (Cambridge Assessment).More than 8 million Cambridge Assessment exams aretaken in over 160 countries around the world every year.The world’s most valuable range ofEnglish qualificationsCambridge English Language Assessment offers the world’sleading range of qualifications for learners and teachers ofEnglish. Over 5 million Cambridge English exams are takeneach year in more than 130 countries.We offer assessments across the full spectrum of languageability – for general communication, and for professionaland academic purposes. All of our exams are aligned tothe principles and approach of the Common EuropeanFramework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).To find out more about Cambridge English exams and theCEFR, go toCambridge Assessment: the trading name for theUniversity of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES)Proficient userA range of exams to meet different needsProficiency(CPE)C2Independent TS75Basic userDepartments of the UniversityCambridge Englishwww.cambridgeenglish.org/exams/cefrCommon European Framework of Reference (CEFR)One of the oldest universities in the worldand one of the largest in the United KingdomFirst(FCE) ary(PET) C)Flyers(YLE Flyers)Key (KET)for A1Movers(YLE Movers)A1Starters(YLE Starters)Departments (exam boards)Key features of Cambridge English examsCambridge English LanguageAssessmentCambridge English exams:Provider of the world’s mostvaluable range of qualifications forlearners and teachers of English are based on realistic tasks and situations – preparingfor their exam gives learners real-life language skills accurately and consistently test all four language skills –reading, writing, listening and speaking encourage positive learning experiences, andseek to achieve a positive impact on teachingwherever possible are as fair as possible to all candidates, whatever theirnational, ethnic and linguistic background, genderor disability.Cambridge InternationalExaminationsThe world’s largest provider ofinternational education programmesand qualifications for 5 to 19 year oldsOCR: Oxford Cambridge and RSAExaminationsOxford Cambridge and RSA2One of the UK’s leading providersof qualificationsPreliminary About the exam
Proven qualityWho recognises the exam?Our commitment to providing exams of the highest possiblequality is underpinned by an extensive programme ofresearch and evaluation. Question papers are produced andpretested using rigorous procedures to ensure accuracyand fairness, and the marking and grading of our exams iscontinuously monitored for consistency. More details canbe found in our publication Principles of Good Practice, whichcan be downloaded free fromThe Cambridge English: Preliminary certificate is recognisedaround the world as proof of intermediate level Englishskills for industrial, administrative and service-basedemployment. It is also accepted by a wide range ofeducational institutions for study purposes. The CambridgeEnglish range of exams is recognised by more than 20,000institutions and employers. For more information aboutrecognition go english.org/recognitionCambridge English: Preliminary – anoverviewWhat level is the exam?Cambridge English: Preliminary is an intermediate levelqualification in practical everyday English language skills. Itfollows on as a progression from Cambridge English: Key andgives learners confidence to study for taking higher levelCambridge English exams such as Cambridge English: First.Cambridge English: Preliminary is targeted at Level B1 onthe CEFR.Achieving a certificate at this intermediate level proves thata candidate has mastered the basics in English and now haspractical language skills for everyday use.Exam formatsCambridge English: Preliminary can be taken as either apaper-based or computer-based exam.Who is the exam for?Cambridge English: Preliminary is aimed at learners who wantto show they can: read simple textbooks and articles in English write letters and emails on everyday subjects understand factual information show awareness of opinions and mood in spoken andwritten English.Preliminary About the exam3
What can candidates do at Level B1?About the examThe Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE) hasresearched what language learners can typically do at eachCEFR level. They have described each level of ability usingCan Do statements, with examples taken from everydaylife. Cambridge English Language Assessment, as one of thefounding members of ALTE, uses this framework to ensureits exams reflect real-life language skills.Cambridge English: Preliminary is a rigorous and thoroughtest of English at Level B1. It covers all four language skills –reading, writing, listening and speaking.Typical abilitiesReading and WritingListening and SpeakingOverallgeneral abilityCAN understand routineinformation and articles.CAN understand straightforwardinstructions or publicannouncements.CAN write letters or make noteson familiar or predictable matters. CAN express simple opinionson abstract/cultural matters in alimited way.Social & TouristCAN understand factual articlesin newspapers, routine lettersfrom hotels and letters expressingpersonal opinions.CAN write letters on a limitedrange of predictable topicsrelated to personal experience.WorkCAN understand the generalmeaning of non-routine lettersand theoretical articles withinown work area.CAN identify the main topic of anews broadcast on TV if there is astrong visual element.CAN ask for information aboutaccommodation and travel.CAN follow a simplepresentation/demonstration.CAN offer advice to clients withinown job area on simple matters.CAN make reasonably accuratenotes at a meeting or seminarwhere the subject matter isfamiliar and predictable.StudyCAN understand mostinformation of a factual nature inhis/her study area.CAN understand instructions onclasses and assignments given bya teacher or lecturer.CAN take basic notes in a lecture.CAN take part in a seminar ortutorial using simple language.A thorough test of all areas of language abilityThere are three papers: detailed information on each testpaper is provided later in this handbook, but the overallfocus of each test is as follows:Reading and Writing: 1 hour 30 minutesCandidates need to be able to understand the mainpoints from signs, newspapers and magazines and usevocabulary and structure correctly.Listening: 30 minutes – approximatelyCandidates need to show they can follow andunderstand a range of spoken materials includingannouncements and discussions about everyday life.Speaking: 10–12 minutesCandidates take the Speaking test with anothercandidate or in a group of three. They are tested ontheir ability to take part in different types of interaction:with the examiner, with the other candidate andby themselves.Each of the three test components contributes to a profilewhich defines the candidates’ overall communicativelanguage ability at this level.Marks and resultsCambridge English: Preliminary gives detailed, meaningfulresults.Common EuropeanFramework ofReference inary230Proficient user220C2210200C1190Independent user180B2170Distinction160B1150MeritPassBasic user140A2130120A1110100BelowA14Preliminary About the exam9080Level A2
All candidates receive a Statement of Results. Candidateswhose performance ranges between CEFR Levels A2 and B2(Cambridge English Scale scores of 140–170) also receivea certificate.Distinction: Cambridge English Scale scores of 160–170Candidates sometimes show ability beyond Level B1. If acandidate achieves a Distinction in their exam, they willreceive the Preliminary English Test certificate statingthat they demonstrated ability at Level B2.Pass and Pass with Merit: Cambridge English Scalescores of 140–159If a candidate achieves a Pass or Pass with Merit in theirexam, they will receive the Preliminary English Testcertificate at Level B1.CEFR Level A2: Cambridge English Scale scores of120‑139If a candidate’s performance is below Level B1, but fallswithin Level A2, they will receive a Cambridge Englishcertificate stating that they demonstrated ability atLevel A2.Cambridge English Entry Level Certificate inESOL International (Entry 3) (Preliminary)*This is to certify thatAN EXAMPLEhas been awardedPass with Meritin thePreliminary English TestCouncil of Europe Level B1Overall Score 156Reading160Writing150Listening155Speaking158Date of Examination FEBRUARY 2016Statements of ResultsPlace of EntryCAMBRIDGEReference Number15BGB9615003The Statement of Results shows the candidate’s:*This level refers to the UK National Qualifications Framework Score on the Cambridge English Scale for theirperformance in each of the four language skills(reading, writing, listening and speaking). Score on the Cambridge English Scale for their overallperformance in the exam. This overall score is theaverage of their scores for the four skills. Grade. This is based on the candidate’s overall score. Level on the CEFR. This is also based on theoverall score.Saul NasséChief ExecutiveAccreditation Number 500/2414/0Date of issue 25/03/16Certificate number 0044441108Special circumstancesCambridge English exams are designed to be fair to all testtakers. For more information about special circumstances,go towww.cambridgeenglish.org/helpCertificatesExam supportThe certificate shows the candidate’s:Official Cambridge English exampreparation materials score on the Cambridge English Scale for each of thefour skills overall score on the Cambridge English Scale grade level on the CEFR level on the UK National Qualifications Framework(NQF).To support teachers and help learners prepare for theirexams, Cambridge English Language Assessment andCambridge University Press have developed a range ofofficial support materials including coursebooks andpractice tests. These official materials are available in bothprint and digital reliminary About the exam5
Support for teachersFacebookThe Teaching English section of our website provides userfriendly, free resources for all teachers preparing for ourexams. It includes:Learners joining our lively Facebook community canget tips, take part in quizzes and talk to other Englishlanguage learners.General information – handbooks for teachers,sample papers.Detailed exam information – format, timing, number ofquestions, task types, mark scheme of each paper.Advice for teachers – developing students’ skills andpreparing them for the exam.Downloadable lessons – a lesson for every part ofevery paper.Teaching qualifications – a comprehensive range ofqualifications for new teachers and career developmentfor more experienced teachers.Seminars and webinars – a wide range of exam-specificseminars and live and recorded webinars for both newand experienced teachers.Teacher development – resources to support teachersin their Continuing Professional ishCambridge English TeacherCambridge English Teacher is the professional membershipthat supports teaching excellence.It offers teachers continuous professional development;online courses; access to ELT experts and otherprofessionals, and opportunities for sharing best practiceand networking. Everything is online, so is available anytime,anywhere. Cambridge English Teacher is provided byCambridge University Press and Cambridge English, worldleaders in English language teaching and assessment.Join as a teacher, or find out about InstitutionalMembership atwww.CambridgeEnglishTeacher.orgSupport for candidatesWe provide learners with a wealth of exam resources andpreparation materials throughout our website, includingexam advice, sample papers, candidate guides, games andonline learning h6Preliminary About the examwww.facebook.com/CambridgeEnglishRegistering candidates for an examExam entries must be made through an authorisedCambridge English examination centre.Centre staff have all the latest information about our exams,and can provide you with: details of entry procedures copies of the exam regulations exam dates current fees more information about Cambridge English: Preliminaryand other Cambridge English exams.We have more than 2,800 centres in over 130 countries– all are required to meet our high standards of examadministration, integrity, security and customer service. Findyour nearest centre atwww.cambridgeenglish.org/centresearchFurther informationIf your local authorised exam centre is unable to answeryour question, please contact our helpdesk:www.cambridgeenglish.org/help
PAPER 1:Reading and Writing1 hour 30 minsTasksNumber ofquestionsNumber ofmarks152ReadingPartTask typeWhat do candidates have to do?53-optionmultiple choiceRead five real-world notices,messages and other short texts for themain message.55MatchingMatch five descriptions of people toeight short texts on a particular topic,showing detailed comprehension.31010True/falseScan a longer factual text forspecific information.4554-optionmultiple choiceRead a longer text for detailedcomprehension, gist, inference andglobal meaning; as well as writer’sattitude, opinion and purpose.510104-option multiplechoice clozeRead a factual or narrative text andchoose the correct vocabulary andgrammatical items to complete gaps.3535 (weightedto 25)155SentencetransformationsComplete sentences to rewrite fiveoriginal sentences so that the meaningis the same, but a different structuralpattern is used. They must use no morethan three words to complete theirsentences.215Shortcommunicativemessage, e.g.postcard, email,note etc.Write between 35 and 45 words,communicating three content pointsgiven in the task.3120 (weightedto 15)Choice betweenan informal letteror a storyWrite about 100 words, answering thequestion of their choosing. Candidatesare assessed using four subscales:Content, Communicative Achievement,Organisation and ritingwriting Tasks7
Preparing learnersAdvice for teachersWriters use the grammatical syllabus and the vocabulary list when preparingtasks so they are suitable for learners at B1 level, the level of Cambridge English:Preliminary.Learners can getmore informationfrom the Informationfor candidates guide.Whenever possible, the texts used in the Reading paper are adapted fromauthentic reading texts. They may include: notices and signs (Part 1) packaging information (Part 1) notes, emails, cards, text messages, postcards (all Reading and Writing tasks) newspapers and magazines (Parts 2, 3, 4) simplified encyclopaedias and other non-fiction books (Parts 3, 5) brochures and leaflets (Parts 2, 3) websites (Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).Teachers may need to adapt texts to make them suitable for B1-level learners.The vocabulary list and the language specifications can help teachers to identifysuitable language areas. The vocabulary list is updated annually.noticeReadingEducational sites on the webPart 1ALet'
Cambridge English: Preliminary – an overview Cambridge English: Preliminary is an intermediate level qualification in practical everyday English language skills. It follows on as a progression from Cambridge English: Key and gives learners confidence to study for taking higher level Cambridge English exams such as Cambridge English: First.
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