ContentsPageIntroduction.Roofing products and accessoriesWall and roof products1.2.3Product selector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Building Regulations - DuPont Tyvek solution.4.5TMBBA approvalsNon-ventilated or sealed? .Benefits of DuPont Tyvek sealed roof systemTM Agrément certificate coverageSupported applicationsEaves.Eaves.Parapet101112 - 13.DETAILING:78-9.Unsupported applicationsWind resistance.61414 - 20.21Valley.22Ridge.23Verge.24Abutment.Soil vent pipe.Chimney stack25.25.26.27Roof windowDormer24Adjoining existing constructions.28Below pitch applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28Metal roof systems.Fully supported rigid sheetProfiled metal sheet29.30 - 31.30 - 31Internal lining : DuPont AirGuard Control / DuPont AirGuard Reflective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 - 35DuPont AirGuard Smart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 - 37Specification notesFAQTM TM TM .38 - 40.41Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 - 44General notes.Technical support.4546Condensation risk analysis.46British/European Standards.47.49About DuPontContact information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . back cover
DuPont Tyvek membranes Providingprotection in constructionTM IntroductionThe DuPont Tyvek family of membranes has beendeveloped by DuPont to provide protection against thehazards associated with the construction and use ofbuildings; the principle hazards are:TM climatic conditionsrain, snow, hail, wind, ground moisture condensationoccurring on and within the building fabricProtection in constructionTyvek membranes are engineered for the purposesof providing protection to buildings and their occupantsfrom external climatic conditions and from the effectsof condensation. This technical manual contains detailedinformation specifically on the use of Tyvek membranesin pitched roof construction. By controlling themovements of heat, air and moisture through thebuilding envelope Tyvek membranes can make a majorcontribution to protecting the environment by improvingthe energy efficiency of buildings. only by conduction, but also by convection and radiation.The reduction of air leakage, the avoidance of damagingcondensation and the provision of thermal insulationmust all be considered together to ensure the protectionand wellbeing of the occupants and the long termprotection of the building fabric. To achieve the required internal conditions with optimumefficiency it is essential to consider air flow and moisturemovement together with all aspects of heat transfer, notTyvek roof underlays protect against precipitation,wind uplift, air infiltration, snow, dust and insectsTyvek vapour permeablemembranes protectagainst condensationDuPont AirGuard air& vapour controllayers (AVCLs) protectagainst convection heat lossTyvek Reflexprotects againstradiated heatgains andlossesTyvek wallmembranes protectagainst precipitation,air infiltration, dustand insectsFor information on Tyvek membranes for protection against external moisture and condensation please contact:01275 337667 (Option 1) 1
DuPont Tyvek product range and applicationsTM Roofing products: BBA certificates n 08/4548 and 90/2548DuPont Tyvek Supro/Supro PlusDuPont AirGuard ControlDuPont AirGuard ReflectiveMulti-purpose, heavyweight, reinforcedTyvek grade for use in all supported andunsupported pitched roof applications,including warm, hybrid and cold roofs.Also suitable for Scottish sarking boardsystems, low pitched metal roofs as wellas wall and floor applications.A dedicated air barrier with 100%airtightness and low vapour resistance.Primary function is to reduce convectiveheat losses through a roof, wall or floorelement, but will also provide highlyengineered vapour control to maintain a‘breathing’ system.Roll sizes: 1.5 m x 50 m.Lap: 100 mm.A 100% airtight vapour control layer (AVCL)with very high vapour resistance and lowemissivity reflective surface. Significantlyboosts thermal insulation in a buildingwhen used with a services void/battenspace. Suitable for warm and cold pitchedroofs, flat roofs, timber and metal framewalls and rainscreen cladding systems.Chlorine resistant.TM Roll sizes:1 m x 50 m and 1.5 m x 50 m.Horizontal lap: 150 mm.TM TM Metal roof breather membraneincorporating a supportive polypropylenedrainage mesh for use beneath all rigidsheet metal roof systems. Allowscondensate which can form beneathstainless steel, aluminium, copper andzinc roofs to drain away. Integral lap tapeprovided.Roll size: 1.5 m x 25 m.Horizontal lap: 100 mm (sealed).Tyvek Acrylic Tape Split liner Same as standard Tyvek Acrylic Tapebut with split release backing liner forease of application into corners andaround window and door details. Roll sizes: 60mm x 25m,100mm x 25m.Tyvek Acrylic Tape Single-sided tape for sealing overlapsand making good around penetrations,pipes and windows. Recommendedfor DuPont AirGuard AVCLs, andsuitable for all Tyvek membranes.Made of Tyvek and acrylic adhesivefor durable and long lasting bonding.Lap: 100 mm.A 100% airtight vapour control layer withvariable vapour resistance which adapts tochanges in humidity. Particularly suitablefor damp wall elements where inbuiltmoisture needs to escape. Allows astructure to dry out into the buildingduring the summer, but behaves like atraditional VCL during winter. Suitable forroof, wall and floor systems in projects oflow to medium moisture classification.Roll size: 1.5m x 50 m.Lap: 100 mm.and most plastic products. TyvekButyl Tape is most effective whenused under compression, eg. under atimber batten and is recommended foruse at perimeters, chimneys, abutmentsand for sealing nail penetrations andaround electrical sockets. Roll sizes: 20mm x 30m and50mm x 30m. Double sided butyl based sealant,used to form a moisture and airtightseal between a Tyvek membraneor a DuPont AirGuard AVCL and mostcommonly used building materials. Theproduct is compatible with brickwork,blockwork, masonry, timber, metalworkTyvek Double-sided Tape TM A polypropylene reinforced air & vapourcontrol layer (AVCL) with a low emissivitysurface. The membrane is 100% airtight,has very high vapour resistance and whenused with a batten space will provide anextra thermal benefit.Roll size: 1.5m x 50 m.Lap: 100 mm.Tyvek UV Facade, but suitable forall Tyvek membranes. Roll sizes: 50mm x 25m.Tyvek FlexWrap NF A heavy duty stretchable & flexiblesealing tape made up of crimpedTyvek and a butyl adhesive.It provides excellent airtight &watertight adhesion to all Tyvek andAirguard membranes aroundcomplicated junctions, penetrations &corner details. Roll sizes: 75mm x 25m. TM Tyvek Metallised TapeTyvek Butyl Tape DuPont AirGuard Reflective E Roll sizes: 75mm x 25m. 2 Single-sided reflective tape for sealinglaps in Tyvek Reflex and DuPontAirGuard Reflective. Ideal for makinggood around penetrations, pipework,windows and doors. Made of metallisedTyvek and acrylic adhesive. Providesdurable and long-lasting bond oncecured.TM Roll size: 1.5m x 50 m.DuPont AirGuard SmartTMDuPont Tyvek MetalTM TM Double-sided acrylic tape ideal forsealing overlaps and bonding Tyvekmembranes to smooth surfaces.Excellent adhesion properties underextreme humidity conditions. Stronginitial tack. Recommended for Roll size: 150mm x 22.9mTyvek FlexWrap EZ This is a narrow width version ofTyvek Flexwrap NF - a highperformance, heavy duty adhesivetape. Its great flexibility, allowseffective and durable membranesealing at wall/floor junctions andaround many small and complicatedpenetration details - quick and easily. Roll size: 60mm x 10 m
Wall and floor products: BBA certificate: N 90/2548DuPont Tyvek HousewrapDuPont Tyvek StructureGuardStandard Tyvek breather membrane foruse in most timber/metal frame wallsystems. Lightweight, but strong and verywater resistant.Single layer Tyvek membrane with highwater resistance and exceptionalairtightness. Suitable for all wall systems,particularly commercial rainscreen systems.TM TM Roll sizes:1.4m x 100m and 2.8m x 100m.Horizontal lap: 100mm. TMRoll sizes:1.4 m x 100 m and 2.7 m x 100 m.Horizontal lap: 100 mm.DuPont Tyvek FirecurbHousewrapTM TMAs Tyvek Housewrap, but with improvedfire performance: Class B to EN 13501-1. Roll size: 1.5 x 50m, 3.0 x 50m.Horizontal lap: 100mm.TM Plain black (no logo), UV resistant breathermembrane for use behind open-jointed wallcladding. Superior strength, waterresistance, durability and airtightness.Tyvek UV Facade Plus has an integraladhesive lap tape to improve sealingcharacteristics. DuPont Tyvek ReflexTMDuPont Tyvek UV Facade/Facade Plus A vapour open wall membrane with ametallised low emissivity surface, whichreflects radiant heat in summer andreduces radiated heat loss in winter.Roll size: 2.8 x 50m.Horizontal lap: 100mm.Roll size: 1.5 x 50m, 3.0 x 50m.Horizontal lap: 100mm.DuPont Tyvek UV Facade TapeTM Black single-sided acrylic tape forsealing laps and penetrations inTyvek UV Facade.Roll size: 75mm x 25m.Product selector membrane applicationsDuPont Tyvek GradeTM WarmPitchedRoofsColdPitchedRoofsMetal dedtimberfloors DuPont Tyvek SuproTM DuPont Tyvek Supro PlusTM DuPont Tyvek MetalTM DuPont Tyvek HousewrapTM DuPont Tyvek StructureGuardTM TMDuPont Tyvek ReflexTM DuPont Tyvek UV FacadeTM DuPont Tyvek UV Facade PlusTM DuPont AirGuard ControlTM DuPont AirGuard SmartTM DuPont AirGuard ReflectiveTM DuPont AirGuard Reflective ETM Please note: DuPont AirGuard Control, Smart and DuPont AirGuard Reflective are for internal use onlyTM TM DuPont Tyvek membranes - Wall and floor applicationsAll Tyvek membranes and ancillary products for use in roof and wall applications available in the Tyvek construction membranerange are listed here. However, Tyvek membranes used in wall and floor applications are covered in a separate technical manual.TM 3
DuPont Tyvek membranes: Pitched roof applicaTMRoofing underlayTyvek Supro and Tyvek Supro Plusare extremely durable flexible sheetmaterials for use as roofing underlaysin pitched roof construction. They canbe incorporated into all tiled or slatedpitched roofs, whether they benew-build or refurbishment projects.As a secondary water shedding layer aTyvek membrane will provide a barrierto minimize the wind load acting onthe slates and tiles and will adequatelyresist wind blown snow and dust fromentering the roof construction. Satisfying the BuildingRegulationsApproved Documents containpractical guidance on how to meetthe requirements of the BuildingRegulations. Part C covers Resistanceto moisture under C2.The requirement is as follows: Tyvek membranes are suitable foruse as roofing underlays as definedin BS5534:2014 and ICP2:2002. C2. The floors, walls and roof of thebuilding shall be designed andconstructed as to prevent the passageof moisture to the inside of the buildingor damage to the fabric of the building.b) precipitation and wind driven spray.Tyvek membranes are also suitablefor use in metal clad industrial roofs.c) interstitial and surface condensation;and,Insulation - Condensationd) spillage of water from or associatedwith sanitary fittings or fixedappliances.Tyvek membranes offer benefitsover traditional impermeable roofingunderlays by minimising the risk ofinterstitial condensation occurringwithin roof constructions:Protection from external moisture andcondensation will ensure the structuralperformance of a roof construction andthermal performance of the insulationwill not be compromised. Over the last 30 years or so, as wehave become more aware of the needto conserve energy, the required levelsof insulation within roofs havebecome greater. This has had theeffect of increasing the likelihood ofcondensation forming on the undersideof the roofing felt. Prior to theintroduction of modern vapourpermeable membranes, the only wayof reducing this risk was to introduceventilation openings in the roof toeffectively “change the air”. In orderto ensure that a sufficient amount ofventilation was provided to preventcondensation, Building Regulationsand Standards were amended.4Resistance to moistureDuPont Tyvek SolutionTM Tyvek is a vapour permeable materialwhich, as a Type LR roofing underlay(BS5250), will offer a low resistanceto the passage of vapour. During thewinter, when a bulding is heated andthe internal vapour pressure is high, aTyvek underlay will, by diffusion,allow water vapour within the roofspace to permeate through to thebatten space. Natural air movementthrough the joints of the roof coveringwill subsequently allow any moistureladen air to escape to atmosphere. The ability of a Tyvek underlay toprovide this function of condensationcontrol eliminates the need to ventilate any roof voids between theunderlay and the insulation.In every case during the design stageit is important to consider the entireroof element, from the interiordry-lining to the outer roof covering,to assess the capacity of the systemto control condensation.This is dependant on a number offactors, but from a fabric point of viewefficient external vapour release andinternal vapour control must beestablished. In accordance withSection 6 of Approved Document C,moisture transfer throughpenetrations and gaps in the internallining should be avoided.This requirement encourages us toaddress the airtightness of the ceilingand it’s ability to reduce convectivevapour and heat transfer. Methods forwhich are described in BS 9250:2007(Code of practice for design of theairtightness of ceilings in pitched roofs).Using a Tyvek underlay in conjunctionwith a suitable air & vapour controllayer (AVCL) will fulfil all therequirements for weather protection,condensation control and convectiveheat loss (airtightness), as well asmeeting the requirement of ApprovedDocument C2. Further information on internal air &vapour control can be found on page 8.Please refer to page 34 for theDuPont AirGuard range of AVCL’s.
tionsBBA ApprovalsIn order to determine the risk ofcondensation in non-ventilatedpitched roof constructions usingTyvek as the roofing underlay, theBritish Board of Agrément (BBA)conducted a long term researchprogramme. The exhaustive researchcovered a wide range of pitchedroofs, typical to the UK, varying inpitch from 12.5 to 70 , in differentlocations throughout the country,using various roof coverings. Thetests were conducted over twowinter periods and data collated andassessed using sophisticatedcomputer modelling. More than 100cases were analysed using readingstaken from sites in Wiltshire andGlasgow, which were selected toreflect the prevailing weatherpatterns in these regions. The results from the research werevery successful, with insignificantamounts of condensation recorded,especially in the sealed roofsystems. The results were furtherverified by additional measured datathat had been gathered from otherprevious site monitoring.Not surprisingly, the BBA grantedapproval in the form of certificate08/4548 for the use of Tyvekmembranes in non - ventilated andsealed cold pitched roofs. Together with the warm roofapprovals granted originally in 1991and most significantly in 1994 and2004, DuPont now have universalapproval for the use of Tyvekmembranes in pitched roofconstructions. Non-ventilated vs ventilatedBBA certificate 08/4548 states thatwith Tyvek , “the risk of condensationis equivalent to, or less than, thatattending current conventionallyventilated cold roof systems.”The certificate also states thatTyvek membranes may be used in“dwellings of any conventional planand of any size.” This documentationis sufficient to satisfy currentlegislative requirements: BuildingRegulations Approved Document C2. The solution of ventilating roofconstructions in order to preventexcessive condensation beneathimpermeable underlays is oftenregarded as “the traditional way”of meeting the regulations. However,traditional methods of constructionand practices are often supercededby more efficient and effectivesolutions. From an energy conservationperspective, introducing cold externalair into roofs can be to the detrimentof the construction by: reducing the effectiveness offibrous insulation. promoting warm air leakage fromthe building into the roof space. Increasing air infiltration into theheated building. Introducing dirt, dust and insectsinto the roof construction. Introducing external moisture ladenair into the construction.A non-ventilated Tyvek system willnot only prevent excessivecondensation, as required, but willalso offer substantial gains in energyefficiency by reducing these factors. 5
Non-ventilated or Sealed roofs?DuPont currently promote two methods of application for Tyvek membranes in pitched roof construction. This reflectsthe in-depth research that DuPont has undertaken to ascertain the most effective ways of not only controlling condensation,but also improving energy efficiency in roof construction. Extensive monitoring of test houses incorporating Tyvekmembranes at the BRE’s test facilities also confirm the benefits of using Tyvek non-ventilated and sealed roof systems. Non-ventilated roofsNon-ventilated systemsRoofs with no provision for airflow beneath the underlay willbe more energy efficient than conventional, ventilated roofs.This is where a Tyvek membrane is laid over the roof,parallel to the eaves, as in traditional practice. A horizontallap of 150mm minimum is maintained between eachconsecutive Tyvek run. No ventilation is incorporatedat eaves or ridge.Sealed roofsRoofs with no airflow beneath the underlay and with all airleakage paths sealed will be more energy-efficient thannon-ventilated roofs and will provide a higher degreeof comfort.Results from tests carried out on the non-ventilatedsystems showed this to be an efficient form ofconstruction. However, further improvements wereindicated in tests carried out on the sealed roofs. Sealed roof systemsA Tyvek membrane is laid over the roof in a taut condition,parallel to the eaves and counter battened. A horizontal lapof 150mm minimum is maintained between eachconsecutive Tyvek run. All membrane laps, junctions, pipepenetrations, rooflights and perimeters are sealed with anappropriate sealing tape. No ventilation is incorporated ateaves or ridge. Fig. 3 - An infrared thermography was carried out on two UK matchedpair houses at BRE Watford to corroborate the test findings.6
Benefits of DuPont Tyvek sealed roof systemTM Tyvek non-ventilated roofs will significantly reduce the likelihood of condensation, have less air leakage and are moreenergy efficient than conventionally ventilated roofs. However, they are still subject to air infiltration at laps, perimetersand penetrations. Air movement through those gaps can result in significant heat losses. Adopting the Tyvek sealed roofsystem will not only reduce the risk of condensation, but will also minimise the heat losses caused by air infiltration. Fig. 4(())Eliminating air movement substantially improves energy efficiencyDuPont Tyvek Sealed Roof System was extensivelyresearched during early studies by the BRE and VTT.Further tests were carried out by the BBA for thepurposes of independent accreditation. The followingresults and conclusions were achieved:TM a signifi cant reduction in air leakageThese test results are indicative of the followingenergy savings: a 3.2kWh saving in energy consumption per day a 700kWh saving in energy consumption over a fullheating season 25% saving in heat lost through the roof whencompared to a typical ventilated system a 135kg reduction in CO2 emissions over a full heatingseason If correct and thorough sealing work is carriedout to the roof construction further improvements in energysavings can be made: an air leakage rate as low as 2ach. 4.2kWh saving in energy consumption per day* a 7.1% reduction in overall energy consumption 927kWh saving in energy consumption over a fullheating season* 179kg reduction in CO2 emissions over a full heating season* Air leakage rate as low as 1.7ach*.* Data obtained from additional tests after extensive sealing work was carried out.Please note: It is of benefi t to recognise the importance of making internal linings convection tight when consideringthe need to reduce uncontrolled air leakage. This is particularly relevant for the purposes of complying with the airpermeability requirements of Approved Document L.The conditions of BBA certificate 08/4548 should be referred to when sealing work is to be carried out.With a lower risk of condensation in comparison with a standard roof using a traditional felt underlay and a ventilated loft space.In addition to this the BBA have concluded: “In conventionally ventilated roof constructions energy loss by ventilationcan account for up to 25% of the total heat lost through the roof. The Tyvek non-ventilated roof system will substantiallyreduce this mechanism of heat loss.” To gain maximum benefit an air & vapour control layer (AVCL) should be installed above the ceiling. DuPont AirGuardControl, Reflective and Smart are available for this purpose.TM 7
Agrément certificate coverageAgrément certificate coverageTMBBA certificate 08/4548 state that Tyvek underlays aresuitable for use in dwellings. Due to the wide range ofconditions that they offer, dwellings are used by the BBAfor the purposes of assessing product performance. Thetest environments include appropriate temperature andhumidity levels which prevail within bathrooms andkitchens. It is generally accepted that the majority ofcommercial and industrial buildings will present saferconditions within which the membrane is to perform. Anoffice for instance will generally have lower temperatureand humidity levels than a domestic dwelling. Tyvekmembranes can therefore be incorporated into domestic,industrial and commercial specifications. Previouscertification was restricted, in that the BBA approved theuse of Tyvek membranes only in roofs of simple planrectangular shapes. Certification now allows for typical roofdetailing such as lean-to roofs, valleys, dormers andScottish boarded roofs. Certificate 08/4548 approves theuse of Tyvek membranes in both warm and cold pitchedroof construction. These are categorised according to thepositioning of the insulation: Cold roofs (Fig. 5)This is where the insulation is installed at joist level with acold loft - space ( attic) between the insulation and roofingunderlay. In the main, quilt insulation is laid between andover ceiling joists.Warm roofs (Fig. 6)This is where the insulation is installed at rafter level usingrigid and/or semi rigid insulation. The insulation wouldideally be positioned in a continuous layer above the raftersso that the roof structure is situated in a “warm”environment. However, certain roof specifications canresult in the insulation being installed over rafters, betweenrafters or under rafters. With increasing thermalrequirements it is quite common for a combination of theseoptions to be employed.Room in the roof applications (Fig. 7)The BBA have assessed room in the roof applicationsas included in Agrément certificate 08/4548. Tyvekmembranes may therefore be installed into this formof construction without ventilation at eaves or ridge. Roomin the roof constructions very often incorporatea combination of both warm and cold roof constructions,employing varying types of insulation. Cold roof areasusually include “vapour open” fibrous insulation suchas mineral wool quilt, whereas the sloping ceiling areasinclude closed cell or foil backed rigid board insulants,of which the majority are highly vapour resistant.This variation in vapour resistance can result in animbalance in vapour drive. To equalise the internal vapour 8resistances throughout the construction it is recommendedthat a AVCL such as DuPont AirGuard Control, Smart orDuPont AirGuard Reflective be installed beneath the“vapour open” quilt insulation.TM Air & Vapour Control Layers (AVCL’s).As the requirements of Approved Document L tighten andfabric thermal performance levels increase, heattransmission into a cold roof space by conduction will bereduced. In a cold pitched roof this will result in a loweroperating temperature within the loft space, which couldpotentially increase the probability of interstitialcondensation occurring. However, in a normal domesticenvironment of 20 C at 60% RH the expected quantity ofvapour should egress the building safely and efficiently viatrickle vents and other internal ventilation measures. TheTyvek underlay can be relied upon to diffuse any normallevels of vapour that migrates into the roof construction tooutside atmosphere. There may however be circumstances where the internalair will contain a higher level of moisture than the systemcan efficiently manage. Excessive humidity levels can begenerated by swimming pools for example or when a newbuilding is undergoing a period of drying-out during a winterseason. As heat will displace air in an upwards trend, themajority of vapour will migrate into the roof void. Coldvapour resistant surfaces such as structural steelwork andvapour impermeable (Type HR) underlays are at great riskfrom a build-up of condensate even when properlyventilated. Similarly, vapour can also potentially condenseon vapour permeable (Type LR) underlays (such as TyvekSupro) if moisture in the air is excessive. This is most likelyto happen whilst the building is drying out. Once the moisture levels within the building havedecreased, so too will the risk of conden
Tyvek Metallised Tape Single-sided reflective tape for sealing laps in Tyvek Reflex and DuPontTM AirGuard Reflective. Ideal for making good around penetrations, pipework, windows and doors. Made of metallised Tyvek and acrylic adhesive. Provides durable and long-lasting bond once cured. Roll siz
Fundamentals of Protection Protection System – A complete arrangement of equipment that fulfills the protection requirements Protection Equipment – A collection of devices excluding CT, CB etc Protection Scheme – A collection of protection equipment providing a defined function. 34! Zones of Protection
the classic textbooks (Providing Executive Protection & Providing Executive Protection Vol. II) on the subject and have operated the Executive Protection Institute since 1978. The Executive Protection Institute is the first school to consider Personal Protection as a new pro-fessional career and continues to teach worldwide.
Protection and Control of EHV Capacitor Banks Standard 2.1.1 699B protection relay The 699B protection relay shall consist of: (a) phase overcurrent protection and earth fault protection sensitive to the fundamental frequency current; (b) phase harmonic overload protection –where the phase current is proportional to the voltage across the .
Minimum standards for child protection in humanitarian action Standards to mainstream child protection in other humanitarian sectors 163 Standard 19 Economic recovery and child protection DGH Standard 20 Education and child protection DHE Standard 21 Health and child protection DIL Standard 22 Nutrition and child protection DIG Standard 23 Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH)
1910.28 - Duty to Have Fall Protection and Falling Object Protection. Work on low-slope roofs Fall protection for (less than 6 ft.) from the edge. Fall protection for (6 ft. to less than 15 ft.) from the edge. Fall protection for (15 ft. or more) from the edge. Designated Area -Warning line, being used in a Fall Protection Plan
Motor Protection system. 365. Motor Protection. Protection and Control. The 239 is a digital motor protection system designed for three phase AC motors and associated mechanical equipment. Advanced protection features include: thermal overload. This function calculates the thermal capacity used by the motor during different stages of the motor .
Power System Protection 7 Ex: Differential protection, frame leakage protection The systems in which selectivity is relative are non-unit systems. Ex: current time graded protection, distance protection. 1.7 Basic Principle of Operation of Protective relay Each relay in a protection scheme performs a certain function and responds in a given
Contents Product Selection 1 Overview/Applications 2 Operating Programs 3 Communication 4 Overcurrent Protection 5 Distance Protection 6 Line Differential Protection 7 Transformer Differential Protection 8 Busbar Differential Protection 9 Relays for Various Protection Applications 10 Generator Protection 11 Substation Automation 12 Relay Communication Equipment 13 Test Equipment and Accessories 14