innovative intelligent interactiveEmbroidery Software
Embroidery Software SolutionsWHAT TO LOOK FOR IN EMBROIDERY SOFTWARETrue Vector-Based EmbroideryTechnical LeadershipTop of the Line SupportEmbroidery from vectors is thequickest and easiest way to createembroidery and can reduce yourdigitizing time by more than half. Theability to convert artwork to stitchesquickly is a must for any embroiderer.Only Tajima DG/ML by Pulse uses truevector technology to preserve colorsand to create the fewest vector pointspossible for easy conversion to stitches.Drawing on over 25 years ofembroidery expertise, Pulse continuesto lead the market with innovative andunique features. Pulse software takesadvantage of the latest technologyincluding support for multiple-coreprocessors and full compatibility withthe latest Windows operating systems.Getting help when you need itis crucial to ensuring that yourbusiness runs smoothly. The Pulsesupport team is here to help with aNorth American toll-free number,e-mail support, online knowledgedatabases, Pulse community forumsand blogs, and training CDs.Professional AssociationsMicrosoft CerticationPulse works closely with TajimaIndustries, the leading manufacturerof embroidery machines. Being aCorel and Adobe Solution Partnershows that Tajima DG / ML by Pulseworks well with CorelDRAW andAdobe Illustrator to providetrue graphics support.Pulse was the rstembroidery companyever to receive theprestigious Microsoft certi cation over 9 yearsago. Tajima DG / ML by Pulse softwarewas awarded the prestigious Certi edfor Windows Vista logo and morerecently was certi ed for Windows 7.Only our software meets the rigorouscriteria set by Microsoft for this sealof approval. Pulse is committed tomaintaining compatibility with thelatest available operating systems.Superior Stitch QualityPulse leads the industry in stitchquality. Your business reputation andproductivity rely on the quality of yourwork, which is why we are committedto bringing you the higheststitch quality possible.AmbassadorFile Reader and ConverterAmbassador is a free, easy to use online software that allows you tochange design formats, resize designs, change colors, and more.A big advantage of using Tajima DG / ML by Pulse is thefree, easy-to-use Ambassador software application.Ambassador can be used by your customers to make minorchanges to the design themselves, without disruptingyour work ow, after the design has been delivered tothem. Using Ambassador, users can view Pulse .pxf lesas well as many popular industrial and home embroideryformats, so the design approval process is easy.Plus, users can easily re-size designs, change colors, cleanup short stitches, and convert designs to various industrialand home embroidery formats like .dst, .pes, .dsb, .sew,.exp, .hus, and more. Ambassador is built on the sameworld-class stitch engine as our top-of-the-line software,so you are assured of Pulse s world-class stitch quality.
Tajima DG/ML by PulseStart at any level and upgrade as yourbusiness grows. Each level includes all thefeatures of the levels below itMaestro: Ultimate Design CreationAdvanced VBE with automationand specialty embroideryALL LEVELS OF TAJIMA DG/ML BY PULSE SOFTWAREINCLUDE THE FOLLOWING ESSENTIAL FEATURES:Over 160 high-qualityclosest-point connectedembroidery fonts.Merge stock embroiderydesigns with advanced letteringand monogramming.Illustrator Extreme:Advanced Design CreationOne design window withoutlines and stitches usingthe powerful .pxf le format.Professional VBE with Drawing toolsand Vector importReading and writing of allpopular embroidery onal VBE with digitizing toolsComposer: Advanced Letteringand Outline EditingConvert Vectors intoembroidery with Draw FusionDirect connection to Tajima,Barudan, Brother, SWF, Toyota,and ZSK embroidery machines.Exclusive support for TajimaLAN-enabled embroiderymachines.Support for Tajima Bi-directionalserial communication andthe .tbf design format.Recipes: Customized settingsfor sewing on speci c fabrics.Editing tools: Resize,Rotate, and Skew.VBE: VECTOR BASED EMBROIDERYTajima DG/ML by Pulse has true VectorBased Embroidery. VBE supports Beziercurves, which allow creation of outlinesusing the least number of input points.This gives you greater control over theshape of your outlines and makes editingpainless. Drag the Bezier control handles toinstantly change the curve of your outlineswithout creating the shape over again.Take VBE to the next level and importvector les, or copy and paste vectors frompopular drawing applications like Adobe Illustrator and CorelDRAW while preservingoriginal vector points and colors. Instead ofpunching a design, the VBE environmentlets you convert images into embroideryinstantly with precision, speed, and ease.If you are an Adobe or Corel poweruser, ask your distributor about i2 forAdobe Illustrator or CorelDRAW .Stitch-by-stitch editing.Printed worksheets with designinformation and bar codes.Exclusive Pulse Today webpage for access to articlesfrom industry experts andinformation from Pulse.Compatible and optimizedfor Windows 7.Draw Ribbon: Navigate througha realistic simulation of stitchesin a design and easily changedrawing speeds.Create print worksheets withbar codes and pull designsfrom the Design Spooler.Reduces operator error andincreases production e ciency.Multiple ThreadPalettes: Customizea single design foruse on di erentcolored fabrics bysaving it, in onele, with multiplethread palettes.Modern userinterface taking advantageof the latest technologyavailable, including auto hidingwindows when not in use,global view and tabbed designwindows for faster access.Compatibility with the latest PCo erings, including multiplecore processors, which meansincreased productivity andfaster stitch generation.Ability to customize and savemultiple workspaces for a trulypersonalized experience. Saveworkspaces for each designtype or digitizer in your shop.New Project Design Wizardallows users to create favouritecombinations of garmentrecipes, design start-stoplocations, digitizing presets,and machine formats thatcan be recalled for eachproject in a single click.New Tasks window toguide new users withstep-by-step instructions.
ComposerProfessional Design Creation: Advanced Lettering, OutlineEditing, Convert Vectors to Embroidery with Draw FusionCreate and add customized embroidered text in any shape and style tomerged design les for unlimited design possibilities. Use Draw Fusion toconvert vectors intelligently and interactively into exquisite embroidery.KEY FEATURESPulse FontsAdd Lettering to DesignsOver 160 expertly- kerned Satin embroideryfonts are included with the software. Thisincludes specialty fonts for monogrammingand run stitch fonts that can be used atsizes as small as 3mm. Many of the fontscontain extended character sets that appealto an international audience. Plus we havemany optional fonts available includingspecialty fonts for Sequin, Chenille, ShuttleHook, Rhinestone and Color Blended fonts.Merge designsand addlettering alongand baseline:straight, curved,vertical, arc,and circle, orbeautiful 3-lettermonograms with decorationsand frames. Edit text baselines to createunlimited possibilities for logo and designcreation. Select from a variety of Envelopesto create interesting text e ects.TrueType Fonts to SatinConvert readily-available TrueType fontsto satin, or to any available stitch type toinstantly expand your lettering options.Individual Letter EditingResize, rotate, and skew individualcharacters. Switch from straight toarc to circle baselines easily.Preview designson fabrics andgarmentsPreview nisheddesigns on fabricand garment piecesin the softwareand both you andyour customerswill appreciatethe bene ts.Draw FusionDraw Fusion combines the extensivedrawing capabilities of CorelDRAW andthe powerful stitch generation of TajimaDG/ML by Pulse in the same window- andprovides and interactive and dynamicdigitizing experience. Draw Fusionconverts Vector Artwork to Stitches in justone step by assigning stitch types andstitch directions automatically. Simply tabbetween the artwork in CorelDRAW andthe stitches in DG/ML - make changes toone, and the other is dynamically updated.Outline EditingResize outlines and the stitch count anddensity are recalculated automatically.Use parts of multiple stock embroiderydesigns to make new ones.ArtworkEmbroideryDesign ConnectionsApply trims between digitized segmentsbased on the distance between them.Automatically insert lock stitches aroundtrims, color changes and stops; thishelps automate the digitizing process.TemplatesGlobal View and Panning ModeQuickly create multiple les that use acommon design but require personalizedtext. Great for team jerseys and uniforms.AutoDigitizerSave time with these productivity tools.Easily navigate the design and zoominto speci c areas for a better look.This wizard automatically converts simpleartwork into embroidery by determiningthe appropriate stitch type, stitch direction,and sequence of embroidery. Great forquickly estimating stitch counts of designs.Draw Fusion needs CorelDRAW X2 or higher
CreatorProfessional Design Creation with VBE and Digitizing toolsWith the advanced lettering and outline editing features of Composer, plusprofessional design creation tools, Creator has everything a new embroidererneeds to be successful.KEY FEATURESAutoTraceRun stitch toolAutomatic AppliquéEasily convert imagesto Bezier curves andthen to any availablestitch type for rapiddesign creation.Supports adjustablecolor tolerance andhole recognitionfor precise results.Create outlines,lettering andborders with the runtool. Run stitch typesinclude Two-Ply, Bean,Half Bean (With Startand Stop beads for Run).Mix interestingfabrics withembroideryfor uniquecreations. AutomaticAppliqué creates the run,tack down, and border stitches for theshapes you draw. Use E-stitch or any ofthe available programmed runs as theborder style. Preview the nal appliquéresult with the actual fabric used inthe design, right on your screen.QuickDrawLoad and Manipulate imagesLoad images to use as a backdropfor easy digitizing.Create shapes quickly with this friendlydigitizing mode. Shapes retain theirBezier nature for easy editing.Segment AlignmentAlign segments verticallyand horizontally in onestep and save time.Satin PathCreate beautifulsatin stitches byde ning a shapeand assigningstitch directions.Satin stitcheslie beautifullyand catch thelight castinga luminous sheen on your embroidery.Perfect for embroidery lettering.Complex Fill, with HolesEasily create complex shapes withholes. The software intelligently placesstitches around void areas, preservingholes, and creating awless embroidery.Use any of the over 40 standard llpatterns for textured e ects.Cross-Stich WizardCross-stitch ToolCreate the look of hand-sewncross-stitch with ease.Convert artwork into beautiful crossstich designs that resemble hand-sewnembroidery. Use the wizard s step-by-stepinstructions to convert photographsand bitmap images into cross-stiches.Jagged EdgeAdd realism todesigns withJagged Edge.Perfect for blendingfur, feathers, and forcreating naturallooking e ects.Slice ToolSlice satin segments for greater controlover angle lines and stitch directionsof closed and di cult shapes.Email DesignAutomatically generate an e-mail witha .jpg image of the design, the .pxf and.dst les, and the design worksheet.Great way to send proofs to customers.Quotation EstimatorThis handy wizard uses design propertiesand user-de ned variables- like costper stitches, fabric cost, time per trims,machine set-up cost to compile aprintable design quotation for thecustomer. Included is a 3D rendering ofthe design on thechosen garment.
Illustrator ExtremeAdvanced Design Creation with VBE,Drawing tools and Vector ImportIllustrator provides several digitizing approaches, from traditional to more advancedtechniques, for creating premium embroidery. Special stitch e ects and advancedfeatures give you the tools you need to create beautiful embroidery.KEY FEATURESVector and TTF importSteil ToolDesign Catalog for the WebImport artwork or copy vectors fromAdobe Illustrator and CorelDRAW andpaste them directly into Tajima DG/ML byPulse while preserving the vector pointsand original colors. Quickly assign stitchtypes to segments. Import TrueType fontsas artwork and convert to any stitch type.Creates uniform widthsatin stitches. Greatfor creating outlinesand borders.Using a pre-created template and .jpg images,Design Catalog for the Web organizes designimages into HTML Web pages. Add the Webpages to your existing online store to reacha larger customer base with your designs.ProgrammedRuns & FillsCreate beautiful linear and ll e ects thatadd originality to your designs. includesover 185 programmed patterns, orcreate your own, for beautiful results.Image VectorizerTransform bitmap images into vector artworkalmost e ortlessly. Generate vectorizedimages from bitmaps, and then choose stitchtypes that best suit your design needs.Symbol ToolEasily select multiple segments ina design; create new designs easilyElements (names given to collections ofmultiple segments) make selecting partsof a design a breeze. Add one or moresegments to an Element, assign it a name,and then use the Element as you need.Select dozens or hundreds of individualsegments all in an instant! Elements retaintheir sewing order, so it is easy to pastethem into new design compositions.Save time and avoid repetitive tasks.Save commonly used shapes assymbols for use in all future designs.Includes 200 ready-to-use symbols.Contour StitchSpecial decorative e ect highlights curvesusing fewer stitches than a traditional ll.RemoveOverlap StitchesBranchingDigitize complex shapes without worryingabout sequencing. Multiple satin, steil, orrun segments are sequenced optimallyto reduce travel runs, jumps, and trims.Branched segments behave as one largesegment with one start and stop pointand continuous underlay throughout.Circular CopyRemove overlappingstitches to avoidlayering and costlyproduction issues.Copy any vector and reproduce it in a circularfashion. Save time and avoid copying and pastingSettings Paintereach shape manually. Easily create shapes withCopy settings from one segment to anotherrepetitive components such as ower petals orto avoid repetitive time consuming tasks.create a completely new composition.Automatic Text BordersInstantly and easily add a continuousborder around embroidery lettering inyour design. Choose to display the borderonly for a quick way to create outline text.
MaestroUltimate Design Creation: Full featured VBE with AutomatedFeatures and Specialty Stitch E ectsMaestro is the most sophisticated embroidery design package available today.Advanced VBE functions, automated productivity enhancing features, and specialtystitch e ects provide the most powerful tools for creating breathtaking designs.KEY FEATURESAdvanced Automated FeaturesAuto Color BlendWave FillAutomated functions speed up designcreation. Auto Breakup slices complexsegments and applies stitch directionsto create perfect satin stitches. AutoSequence optimizes the sewing order of adesign based on user-de ned criteria. AutoStart/Stop sets closest-point connectionsand automatically places entry andexit points on all selected segments.Blend two stitchcolors together tocreate beautifule ects. Usegraduated densityto vary the stitchdensity acrossthe satin andll segments,creating a threedimensional e ect.Create the illusion of movement with theWave Fill e ect. Wave Fill followsthe direction lines of anycurves you draw.Turning & Elastic E ectsFur StitchFur Stitch creates multiple layers of ajagged satin stitch e ect that repeatsthrough the shape, e ectively mimickinganimal and bird fur. To manually replicatethe natural look of fur, a digitizer typicallyneeds to spend a lot of time to placestitches manually, and vary the stitchlength to create the randomness neededfor fur. But with the fur stitch, it is nowdone automatically in a single step.Create interestingstitch e ectswith Turning andElastic carves.With Turning, thecarved tile patternturns along theangle lines you specify. With Elastice ects, a single pattern is stretchedto t the width of the column.Fractal FillKeep stitch count low and watch asrandomly placed run stitches stylishlycover large areas of a design.E-StitchCascade stitchA series of concentric stitches that ll ashape along its contour, the cascade stitchis useful in designs where an aesthetic,hand sewn look is desired. Used with theprogrammed run, thecascade stitch createsa very textured ll.This stitch mimicsthe traditionalBlanket stitch thatfollows the pathof the letter Ealong a line or ashape. It is widelyused in appliquéand is also useful in creating embroiderydesigns like leaves, owers, and feathers.E-Stitch is also used as an edging arounda satin path or complex ll shape.Font CreatorConvert digitized characters into aready-to-use font and adjust baselinesand kerning as desired. Or, convert aTrueType font to an embroidery font,automatically using the baseline andkerning information from the TTF.Satin SwirlSingle anddual swirle ects add anon-traditionallook to satinstitches.Perfect for usewith cordingdesigns.Line Carving & Region CarvingAdd depth and realism to designs withthese fancy stitch e ects. Line Carvingis a great way to add 3-dimensionalityto designs while reducing stitchcounts. Use Region Carving to createa carved tile region that di ersfrom the carved ll background.Variable Stitch DensityCreate interesting e ects byde ning multiple densities in asingle satin or ll segment.
OptionsEnhance your software by adding featuresSpend less time digitizing and more time focusing on your customers and business.Thesetime-saving options produce high-quality embroidery with time to spare.SequinCreating sequin designs has never been easier. Simply Draw or Import Artworkand convert it to sequin. The Sequin tool allows you to digitize for sequin aseasily as you would for a running stitch. Gone are the days where you had todigitize sequins manually. With the automated Sequin tool, you can choosefrom over 12 di erent sequin styles. A variety of settings determine the sizeof sequin, the style for tack down and the overlap between adjacent sequins.You have complete control over your design- changing styles, spacing, oreven the size of sequin is quick and easy to do. Commands to activate thesequin attachment and jump commands are automatically added.Sequin FontsSequin enthusiasts will love our set of specially punchedSequin fonts, 2 block and 2 script fonts. Simply type theletters required and the sequin lettering is ready, just likeany embroidery fonts. Add automatic borders to createspecial e ects and rede ne your sequin lettering.Sequin FillSequin Fill is the only automated tool of its kindavailable in the market today. Sequin Fill takesthe outlines you draw, preserving holes, andautomatically and intelligently lls them with sequins.Use with Wave Fill for stunning sequin e ects.ChenilleArtistic PackWith the Chenille option, you can apply Lattice, Spiro,Moss or Chain walk to any segment and quickly trans form original artwork into creative Chenille embroidery.Automatic sequencing of Chains and Mosses for shapeswith holes minimizes travel stitches, so you have cleanerdesigns that run perfectly on machines. Automaticltering of stitches ensures that stitch angles are alwaysless than 60 degrees for optimal machine operation.This pack consists ofAutomatic Overlap, CustomCornering, Satin Swirl, AutoColor Blending, GraduatedDensity and ProgrammedRun Arrange. When addedto Illustrator Extreme, thispack allows you to createthe functionality of theprevious Artist Plus product.Taping, Cording and CoilingProgrammedRun ArrangeTaping, Cording and Coiling are unique embroiderye ects created using special embroidery headsavailable only on some Tajima machines.The embroidery head twists the upper thread andlower ber/yarn together to create the unique coilingstitch, and then attaches it on the fabric with stitches.Taping e ect is the attaching of fabric tape or yarnon fabric, creating a new type of embellishment.Tajima DG/ML by Pulse can easily create Coiling andtaping embroidery using just the simple Run stitch,and special machine commands to activate machinefunctions, thus saving hours of manual e ort. No moredetailed stitch editing to set up machine commandsnow you can do it in the outline mode itself.Create a pattern and varythe distribution of thepattern over a line. Basedon the parameters youselect, a single pattern willhave di erent distributionstyles over a line, resultingin brand new patternsthat are quite distinctfrom each other.
Color Change SequinStand out in the Sequin crowd by adding multiple sequins to your designs! Now,easily add up to 8 di erent sequins to a design with Tajima DG/ML by Pulses newColor Change Sequin (CCS) feature. Create designs with sequins of di erent colors,shapes and sizes, by overlapping them or placing them side by side by alternatingsingle, double and overlapping sequins the creative possibilities are endless!Draw a line and choose the pattern of sequins to apply based on theparameters created for each of the sequin feeds on the machine. The size,shape and color of each sequin can be independently set. Powerful editingcapabilities allow you to apply custom changes- change sequin drop type,move or delete sequins for quick results. Converting existing PXF singlesequin designs to CCS designs is a matter of minutes. Editing sequin patternsor creating new ones is simple using the Sequin pattern manager.Creating mixed media designs using multiple sequins and embroideryfor visually stunning results is easy with the CCS tool- choose any of thedi erent sequin types available using click-and-drop method or automaticconversion as you digitize. Quick, easy and incredibly e cient!Color Change Sequin FillCreate perspective and 3D e ects with mixed Sequin Fills in your designs.CCS Fill allows you to ll complex shapes easily with multiple sequins- whatwould otherwise be a tedious, laborious process is now a couple of mouseclicks- and your designs will be instantly lled with gorgeous sequins.Draw, trace artwork, or digitize on top of a bitmap image: once your shapeis ready, choose your color change sequin pattern, and the softwarewill ll the shape for you with multiple sequins. Apply a wave ll to thearea to create unique movement e ects for layered and alternatingsequins. Adjust the parameters of your Sequin Fill pattern on the Settingspage and you are ready to create Color Change Sequin designs!Head GroupingSewing very large designs on your Tajima machines? Make your multi-head machineexible using the new Head Grouping feature to tackle a variety of large Schi itype embroidery projects like curtains, tablecloths, bedcovers, sarees, etc.Head Grouping is a new way of sewing very large designs on certain Tajimamachines. The Head Grouping Manager software assigns each of theindividual heads to sew out a di erent part of the design, allowing you toeciently sew a wide design on the machine. Merge the elds and needlesof 2-4 machine heads to increase the total width and colors of a design.Head Grouping makes light work of a labor intensive task by allowingyou to assign sections of a design to di erent heads, and automaticallycontrolling which heads sew which parts of a design.Creating uniforms containing individual names with a common logo is nowsuper easy using Head Group Manager. Save time and eliminate errors bysetting up large embroidery projects in minutes instead of hours!
FontsTajima DG/ML by Pulse o ers an extensive collection of professionalquality embroidery fonts. Whether you are adding lettering to anexisting design or digitizing a corporate logo, with hundreds ofexquisite fonts to choose from, you are sure nd perfect font for any job.Each Pulse font has been expertly digitized using beautiful satinstitches to create awless lettering. Fonts are scalable and include amyriad of special and international characters so they can be easilycustomized for any design. Here is a preview of some of our fonts:Block fontsLanguage fontsSerif fontsFancy fontsMonogram fontsSmall fontsImage fontsOutline fontsSpecialty fontsScript fontsTwo Color fontsColor Blend fontsNot all fonts are included with your software. Some fonts are optional. Please contact your distributor for additional informationExclusive Supportfor LAN-Enabled TajimaEmbroidery MachinesThis series of embroiderymachines plugs directly into alocal area network (LAN)simplifying the networking processeven further. No more serial or parallelports, baud rates, or cumbersomeinstallation processes. Just connectit to your existing LAN, and senddesigns to the Design Spoolerqueue. Add, delete, and orderdesigns in the queue, then senddesigns to any of the LAN-enabledTajima machines in your eet.Bar coding technology and TBF formatNetworking the machines saves you time, givingyou less machine downtime as the color sequenceinformation, using TBF format, can be sentautomatically to the machine. Less downtime formanaging needles means the machine can berunning longer, making more money for you.LAN connections are availablethrough machine licensing.Using Bar codes can make the process even faster.Bar codes can be used to pull a design from thedesign queue of TajimaDG/ML by Pulse, or froma folder on a computer shard drive, or form aLibrarian design serverthis saves time and alsoreduces operator errors.
Create embroidery INSIDE popular graphic programsA revolutionary new software plug in that lets you create embroidery inside CorelDRAW / Adobe Illustrator graphicprograms. Draw or open a vector le, assign a stitch e ect, adjust embroidery parameters, and you re ready to sew the designon the embroidery machine.Embroidery i2 works on both the MAC (Intel based MAC and Adobe Illustrator only) and PC. Creates amazing embroidery,and the stitch quality is awless. Has a short learning curve, so you re ready to embroider sooner. And, you don t have tostruggle with independent software packages or be bothered by vector compatibility issues.Embroidery i2 for is perfect for screenprinters, creative professionals, promotional product companies and digitizers.A familiar interface,an intuitive way to workDraw your shapesand apply any stitch you likeThe days of having to struggle with a strangenew environment and a separate softwareapplication to create embroidery are over.With Embroidery i2, you ll work right insideAdobe Illustrator or CorelDRAW you llhave special palettes that help createembroidery from vector art, and just likethe special e ects and textures that you canapply to your drawings, you can now applyembroidery stitches. There are garmentrecipes to help you along, so you don t haveto guess the parameters needed to sew onpique, silks, eece, jacket backs, etc. All insidean interface that you know and love.Draw in Adobe Illustrator /CorelDRAW likeyou normallywould, and assignstitches to quicklycreate a beautifulembroidery design. Converting a non-vectorle to embroidery is also possible: createvectors by tracing manually or automaticallyover the shape. Then, apply stitches: Steil,Satin, Complex Fill, Cross Stitch, Runs,Programmed Runs and lls, Carved llsand more. to create amazing embroidery.Change your mind as often as youd like,experimenting with the di erent stitchtypes till you have just what you want.Editing powerEmbroidery i2 CorelDRAW interfaceMerge embroiderydesigns with letteringAdding text to existing designs is a greatway to personalize your embroideryprojects. With over 125 specially digitizedembroidery fonts included in Embroidery i2,plus hundreds of TTFs that can be convertedquickly into any stitch type, includingsatin stitches, you are limited only by yourimagination. Go forth and create.Slice satin stitches without slicing theoriginal outline with the virtual slice tool.This fantastic feature allows you to properlydirection the satin stitches without alteringthe shape. Edit beads easily- whether you reworking with start stop beads, directionbeads or the beads that control the slicelines you havecomplete control overstitch placement. Tellthe angle lines whereyou want them to gosimply drag the linesto the new location,and the stitches willobey your command.Embroidery i2 givesyou all the editingpower you need tomake beautiful designsrun perfectly on theembroidery machine.Control your embroiderySettings that let you sew perfectly are allavailable at your ngertips in Embroidery i2.Control pull compensation so yourembroidery does not stretch the fabric,add underlay to stabilize surfaces to sewon, change density or stitch length easily.Fills and more llsFill stitches cover large areas with texturedpatterns, keeping the overall stitch count(and cost) low. Often chosen for theirtextures- they can mimic animal fur, snakeskin, paved roads, brickwork- lls are veryimportant to embroidery. We give you over22 standard lls, 135 carved lls and over 150programmed lls so you can create uniquetextures with thread.Never ending fontsCreate outstanding embroidery letteringwith over 125 specially digitized embroideryfonts that are included in Embroidery i2.These fonts are professionally digitized,closest-point connected and sew perfectlyleft to right, right to left and center out.Plus, you can convert any TTF intoembroidery, giving you instant accessto hundreds of fonts that can be used topersonalize embroidery.With Embroidery i2, you have everything you need to create perfect embroidery-whether it is simple text, corporate logos or stunning fashion
Tajima Librarian by PulseDigital Asset Management Solutions for your BusinessSuccessful embroidery businesses recognize the need to or
Embroidery Software Solutions. True Vector-Based Embroidery Embroidery from vectors is the quickest and easiest way to create embroidery and can reduce your digitizing time by more than half. The ability to convert
Computer aided embroidery and designing - Semester 1 Module 2 - Computerized Embroidery Reviewed and updated on: 01st November 2019 Version 1.1 NIMI Question Bank Page 3 of 11 18 : What is the name of embroidery machine? A: Single head Embroidery machine B: Sequin embroidery machine C: Multi head embroidery machine D: Cording embroidery machine
Fringe Embroidery Specially-digitized fringe embroidery designs add an unexpected layer of texture and depth to your projects. Follow these instructions to find three different ways to add fringe to your embroidery. Project Needs & Notes: - Fringe embroidery design - Medium-weight (2.5 ounce) cutaway stabilizer - Water-soluble thread (optional)
May 03, 2020 · 2. Embroidery 2.1. Arabic alphabet improved (b70, b79) The Arabic alphabet has been improved to create words. 2.2. Pictograms added in embroidery design selection (b70, b79) Pictograms have been added in the embroidery design selection to show designs with special effects (Freestanding lace, Appliqué, Fringe embroidery, CutWork Design)
stone wash, enzyme wash, peached finish, burn-outs and bio polished. All over printing as well as yarn dyed knitted fabrics. Embroidery techniques like chelline embroidery, felt embroidery, chain stitch embroidery, twill and zari embroidery. Printing techniques such as high de
Sewing thread Embroidery thread BERNINA 880 Sewing Machine Embroidery foot no. 26 Open embroidery foot no.20C Straightstitch plate Medium embroidery hoop Instructions for sewing bracelet Embroidery designs used: Exotic Rainforest BE10730, colours 2 and 3
Chenille embroidery and standard embroidery have been brought together in one embroidery machine. A chenille embroidery head is coupled with a standard embroidery head in a pair (available up to 15 pairs). TCMX-601 Single-head model, using the same technologies as the multi-head models. Space-saving and best suited for small lot production .
Dual Function Series Embroidery Machine is a high-performing embroidery machine, since it works as much as two embroidery machines. It has a touch-screen type Operation Box as shown in [Fig. 1.1-1]. The OP Box can be folded and fixed with the panel on the back. It is not required to attach the OP Box to the embroidery machine, so that it can be
Investigating Chemistry through Inquiry 11 - 1 S PRELIMINARY ACTIVITY FOR . Beer’s Law Investigations . Guided Inquiry Version . The primary objective of this Preliminary Activity is to determine the concentration of an unknown copper (II) sulfate solution. You will use a Colorimeter (a side view is shown in Figure 1). In this device, red light from the LED light source will pass through the .