What Is In VBS

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What Do I Getin the VBS Manual?

FAQ’S about VBSAre these materials fundamental?Can our Teens help?Yes. You will love this program.The old-time Gospel is presentedEach day children learn truthsfrom God’s Word such as Salvationthrough Jesus Christ, obedience toGod’s Word, repentance for sin, andthe forgiveness of God.Yes! Teens can help with skits,verse games, songs, puppets, sittingwith children and other areas. Somechurches even use these materialswith teen groups as a mission outreach.We believe God uses the Bibleto speak to young hearts. Emphasisis placed on Scripture memorizationwith the aid of fun games and skits.The King James Version is used inall materials.Do the children get anything to takehome?In what size church does this program run best?Any size. This program has beenused successfully in small and largechurches across the USA. Size doesnot matter.What is the Age and Time Frame?These materials are geared forkindergarten to 6th grade students.The entire program runs about 21/2 hours without crafts and 3hours with crafts. An evening program can be condensed to 11/2- 2hours. Crafts are optional and notincluded.We provide the name of a craftsource if you choose to buy crafts.Yes. Copyready Fun Sheetsare provided to give to the childrendaily. Fun Sheets include a synopsisof the Bible story, the memory verse,and fun games.Do you use visuals with the Biblestories?These lessons do not rely onstagnant, old-fashioned flash cardsto convey the story. Instead, inmany of the stories we use the children to act out certain scenes. Thechildren are eager to help and thismethod firmly embeds the story intothe memory of each in attendance.You will need a dynamic storyteller who can use their voice andbody to portray the stories. You willbe amazed at how a well-told storycan rivet the attention of the entireaudience. (We include info on storytelling and working with children onthe platform.)

Pick a FormatWE RECOMMEND A PLATFORM VBSA platform run VBS uses onemain teacher who tells the story fromthe platform to all the children at thesame time. This format allows you touse only one teacher instead of several.You will need an experiencedstoryteller and there are areas forother teens and adults to help withsongs, skits, etc.It can be done! A good storytellershould have no problem keeping the attention of the children. And most churches find they really love this format.Opening AssemblyWelcome/Prayer/PledgesSongsOffering ContestRules SkitBible Memory Time (with puppet)Crafts & RefreshmentsClosing AssemblySongSecondary StorySongBible story/InvitationHighlights/PrizesOR CHOOSE CLASSES INSTEADSome churches wish to use amore traditional approach to VBS. Souse classes if you choose.Simply copy the Bible lessonsand other materials you want theteachers to use. You can open withthe group together for songs, thepuppet skit, offering, and then splitup for classes, crafts, and refreshments.Use the format that works bestfor your church.Opening AssemblyWelcome/Prayer/PledgesSongsOffering ContestRules SkitBible Memory Time (with puppet)Class Time, Crafts, & RefreshmentsClosing AssemblySongSecondary StoryHighlights/Prizes

What Do I Get In The VBS Manual?The ProgramEverything you need to run the platform program is included in the manual. We tell you how to use the materials and then give you the materials.You get: Bible Stories, Story Outlines, Daily Theme Skits, Original ThemeSong and Scripture Songs, Bible Memory Verse Games or puppet skits andmore.Storytelling TipsWe want to help you to be a dynamic Bible teacher so we have includedinstructions on storytelling.You get a course on Storytelling basics (Speech is our specialty!) And tipson working with children on the platform.Copy Ready MaterialsEverything you need for this program is included. You can reproduce anything in our manual, even our color posters. We let you know how to figurewhat you will need and a when you will need it.A few items included are: Free Tickets, Registration Cards, Decision Cards,Postcards, Prayer Reminder Cards, Fliers, Song Music, Transparency Copy,Worker’s Information, Attendance Forms, Certificate Of Attendance, FunSheets, and more. Art work is professionally done.General Director’s GuideCheck lists keep you on target and let you know what needs to be done.Everything from advertising to worker’s meetings is discussed to help you conduct an effective VBS.You get helpful information on Advertising, Budgeting, Enlisting Workers,Worker’s Meetings, Worker’s Training Information, and more.Worker’s InformationEach worker’s job is described in depth. Helpful hints are given to eachworker on sheets that you hand out in the Worker’s meeting.

List Of Everything You GetSection OneThe ProgramYou get everything you needto run the platform program.Storyteller Check ListMeetings At A GlancePlatform Program OverviewWorking With Platform HelpersWelcome/Prayer/PledgesSong Time IdeasOffering Time IdeasFun SkitsRule Time SkitsMemory Verse Puppet SkitsSecondary StoriesDaily Bible StoriesPrize Time IdeasInvitation TimeStorytelling TechniquesSection TwoThe General DirectorYou get everything you needto organize and run a VBS.General Director DutiesGeneral Director Check ListMeetings At A GlanceWorkers InformationGeneral FormatBudget DecisionsAdvertisingTaking The OfferingAttendance PrizesVisitor ContestWorking With The StorytellerEnlisting VBS WorkersInstructing WorkersSafety Training SessionCounselor Training SessionWorking With ChildrenSection ThreeThe WorkersYou get a description of eachworker’s job.The SecretaryDecorationsRegistrationThe BankerGroupsRefreshmentsNursery HelpersThe PianistCraft sources.Section FourThe SecretaryYou get an explanation ofeach form and a list of whatto copy. Everything is reproducible.We also offer a CD for an additional cost which has allthis on it.Secretary Check ListDuties Of The SecretaryMaster Copy ListForms to be copied:Schedule of EventsDecoration LeaderDecoraton HelperRegistration LeaderRegistration HelperNursery HelperRefreshment LeaderRefreshment HelperGroup LeaderAttendance TakerGroup HelperCraft LeaderCraft HelperBankerBanker’s ChartPianistPianist ChartSong LeaderMemory Verse LeaderMemory Verse HelperMemory Verse ListMemory Verse SkitsRules HelperRules SkitsThe Seconday StoryAll SkitsOffering CaptainInvitation LearderInvitation HelperPrayer Reminder cardsFree Tickets,Registration CardsPost CardsDaily Attendance FormDecision CardParent’s Invitation LetterSalvation Follow-Up Letter10 Fun SheetsCertificate of AttendanceSection FiveThe BonusExtra Ideas For VBSDaily Time ScheduleWhat If I Want Classes?Materials for ClosingProgramCopyready AdvertisingMaterialsOther Copyready MaterialsScales PatternSimplify Your VBSSong bookSheet music for original songsis included.You get copy tomake transparencies for eachsong.You also get original music forthe daily memory verses andcopy to make transparencies.These Scripture songs are agreat way to hide God’s Wordinto children’s hearts.

FAQ’S about VBS Can our Teens help? Yes! Teens can help with skits, verse games, songs, puppets, sitting with children and other areas. Some churches even use these materials with teen groups as a mission out-reach. Do the children get anything to take home? Yes. Copyrea

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