Update from 2012 India ProjectNortheast India has only recently lifted its restrictions on foreigners traveling within theirborders. In August, 2013, for the first time ever, a group of E.C. lay people will be able totravel to Northeast India to visit our E.C.C.I. churches, seminary and children s homes. Thepurpose of the trip will be to form relationships within our E.C. family and build a network ofsupport and interaction between our seminary in Myerstown, PA and our seminary inChurachandpur, Manipur. Although the Indian people are very capable of building the wallwe raised money for in 2012, our E.C. team will join with the Indian builders to weave aphysical reminder of our bond in Christ and in denomination. Several members of the U.S.team will be privileged to share credited and non-credited courses with E.C.C.I. seminarystudents, and several hundred pounds of books from our Myerstown Seminary Library will betransported across the ocean to be added to the library in Churachandpur. Please rememberto pray for our U.S. Team during the first two weeks of August, and for the ongoing allianceof support and friendship that will begin to form this summer.This is the proposed wall to be constructed in August, 2013.The 2012 VBS Project goal of 10,000 was met and exceeded.
2013 Mission Minded Kids VBS LessonsJapanObjectives for Japan VBS Lessons: review 2012 India VBS ProjectTo learn basic facts about JapanTo recognize the flag of JapanTo be introduced to Rev. Nabuo and Keiko Abe, the leaders of the EC church in JapanTo be introduced to our EC churches in JapanTo remember that the people in Japan need JesusTo participate in raising funds to help the Japanese children at the day care atSagamihara Grace ChapelLesson OverviewLesson 1: Review 2012 India VBS ProjectJapan: Basic facts about the country and flagIntroduce the day-care centerLesson 2: Review day care projectLearn why people in Japan need JesusLesson 3: Review day care projectIntroduce Rev. Abe and KeikoLesson 4: Kyodo Grace Church in TokyoSagamihara Grace ChapelLesson 5: Kobuchi House ChurchFuchinobe Community ChurchMaterials needed for the week: Power Point slide show either downloaded from GMCwebsite or on disc; the included picture of the flag or a real flag of Japan. Mount picturesand maps from all lessons on card stock paper for stability and set up equipment as neededto show power point pictures each day.
LESSON ONEJAPANHello and welcome to Vacation Bible School Missions moments. If you attended VBS last year, youmight remember that we were collecting money for a very special project. Does anyone rememberwhat that project was? (Allow students to recall, or remind students about the India Wall project.)(Show power point picture of proposed India Wall and give the included update.)This week we will be learning about a country that is about 6,700 miles from where we live. Thiscountry on the other side of the world is made up of many islands. Can anyone guess what country wewill be looking at this week? (That s right Japan). (Show Visual 1: map of the world with USA &Japan highlighted)This week we will be learning about what the Evangelical Congregational Church is doing in Japan.We will learn about the country and why these people need to hear about Jesus. All the offerings thatare collected this week will go to help a day care center that is located in the Sagamihara Grace ChapelE. C. Church. A day care center in Japan is the same as a day care center in America. It is a safe placewhere children are taken care of while their parents are at work. (Show Visual 2: children at the daycare center)But first we need to learn more about this country of Japan (Show Visual 3: map of Japan). Thecountry of Japan is in Asia and it is made up of mountainous islands. There are many volcanoes onthese islands. Since the whole country of Japan is surrounded by water, they eat lots of fish and theygrow lots of rice. Many other foods have to be brought into the country. If you put all the islandstogether, Japan would be about the size of the state of California here in the United States. The capitalcity of Japan is Tokyo. The city of Tokyo is very large and crowded. In fact, Tokyo is the largest cityin the world. Just in the greater Tokyo area there are 35 million people. In the whole state ofPennsylvania there are only 13 million people. (Show Visual 4: picture of the city of Tokyo).What language do you think the people of Japan speak? (That s right Japanese) When you sayhello in Japan you would bow to whoever you are talking to. The word for hello or good afternoon iskonnichiwa (as you say this bow before the students). Have the children repeat the word back toyou. The money that they use in Japan is called the Yen.Japan is called the Land of the Rising Sun and their flag is made to look like a sun. Let s look at theflag (Show Visual 5: picture of flag, or a real flag of Japan). As you can see the flag has a whitebackground to look like the sky and a red circle in the center to represent the sun.Tomorrow we will learn more about this Asian country of Japan and why they need Jesus. Rememberto bring in your offerings for the daycare center in Japan.
LESSON TWOJAPANWelcome back to Vacation Bible School. Do you remember which country we are learning about thisweek? That s right Japan (Show Lesson One/Visual 3 the map of Japan)Does anyone remember what the offerings from this week will go toward? All the offerings that arecollected this week will go toward helping to improve the day care center at Sagamihara (Sah-gah-mihhah-rah) Grace Chapel. The day care is called Kohitsuji (Koe-it-sue-jee) Day Care program. Ourmoney will go to help put in bathrooms for the children and a ramp from the outside. (Show LessonTwo/ Visual 1: Children in the Day Care)The day care program at Sagamihara is a way to introduce boys and girls to Jesus and let them knowhow much Jesus loves them. It is a safe place where the children can go when their parents areworking or doing other things. They know the children will be well cared for. The center is open onTuesday and Thursday mornings. The children play and learn about Jesus. Once a month the moms ofthe children attend a Bible Study to learn about the Bible and about how to be good parents. Thesemoms do not know Jesus either.It takes a long time for Japanese people to understand Jesus great love for them. Why is it soimportant to know about Jesus and his love? (Give children an opportunity to answer.) God wantsall the people in the entire world to know that Jesus is God s Son and He was sent to earth to save allpeople from their sins. He was perfect and never sinned but he loves all the people of the world somuch that He died on the cross to make a way for us to go to Heaven. Through the power of God, Jesusrose from the dead and now He lives in Heaven. He wants all people to be part of his family, but inJapan most of the people, over 99%, don t know about Jesus. There are two main religions in Japan,Buddhism and Shinto. These two religions have many gods (Show Lesson 2/Visual 2: pictures oftemples) and they do not believe that Jesus is the One True God, who came to earth to save them fromtheir sins. Many Japanese will go to the temples and shrines out of habit, but most Japanese would saythey are not religious at all. Rev. Abe started the Day Care at his church because he is trying to teachthe little children and their mothers so that they can learn to follow Jesus early in their lives.The Bible says, Jesus said to them, I am the way, the truth and the life and no one can come to Godexcept through me. (Show Lesson 2/Visual 3: Bible verse, and read it together out loud.)The day care program is one way the Japanese Christians try to show Jesus love and teach others thatHe is the True way to life.
Jesus said, I amthe way, thetruth and the life,no man comes toGod exceptthrough me.John 14:6
LESSON THREEJAPANWelcome back to Vacation Bible School. What country we are learning about this week? That s rightJapan (Show Lesson 1/Visual 3: map of Japan) What are the monies that are collected from our offeringsgoing for? That s right to help make the day care center a better place for the children. (Show Lesson3/Visual 1: Story time at the Day Care)Tell the following story about Rev. Abe, changing necessary pronouns, or ask a guest to pretend he is Rev.Abe and tell the story in first person. (Show Lesson 3/Visual 2: Rev Abe and Keiko)Hello, my name is Rev. Nobuo Abe (No-boo-oh Ah-bay) and this is my wife Keiko (Kay-koe). Let me tell youa story about myself. I am the pastor and the field superintendent of the Evangelical Congregational work inJapan. I did not grow up in a Christian home, so as a child, I did not know about Jesus love for me or that Heis the Savior of the world. I did not learn about Jesus and the Bible until I was in college. The first time I heardabout God and Jesus was during a conversation about God creating the world and I found this very hard tobelieve because most people in Japan believe in Evolution. They think that all the earth and the animals cameinto being by themselves and I thought that God making the earth and all that is in it, sounded foolish. So Idecided to start to study this so I could understand better and debate that creation was not true. But as I startedto study I found out that Evolution was just a theory and not known as truth. I was completely shocked andembarrassed so I decided not to talk to Christians about this.After a year and half one of my Christian friends invited me to go to a church with him. I tried to think aboutexcuses to get out of going but I didn t have any so I went with an open mind. I enjoyed going to that churchvery much. Everyone was welcoming and I liked what the Bible said. I thought if I just read the Bible I willbecome a better person. But the more I read the Bible the more I realized I did not obey what was written in it.I discovered that the God of the Bible loved and forgave me even when I didn t obey his teachings. You see inJapan, most of the people do not even think about religion or they believe in many gods. They might think thatanything that has more power than a human being, be it a rock or a tree, could be a god. These gods are fearedby the people who believe in them because they think they can curse humans. There is no idea of a loving God.During the Christmas season I decided to ask Jesus into my life. I wanted to walk with this loving, forgivingGod. Matthew 11:28 says Come to me all you who are weary I will give you rest . I finally knew what thosewords meant. The Bible had changed my life. I knew that God loved me and He promised to be with me. Later,I attended a summer camp. I heard a message about the many, many people who need to know about Jesus. Atthat camp God asked me to be a pastor after graduating from the University. I worked at a company to earnmoney to go to seminary so I could study to be a pastor. It took 5 years to get through seminary because Iworked as a chaplain at a church s English school. God prepared me and provided a way for me to study inseminary. Now I am a pastor and the leader of the E.C. work in Japan. I give God all the praise for what Hehas done in my life.
LESSON FOURJAPANWelcome to day four of Vacation Bible School. What country have we been studying this week?(That s right Japan) (Show Lesson 1/Visual 3: map of Japan) And what are the monies that we arecollecting going for? (The day care center at Sagamihara, to help put in new bathrooms and aramp.) (Show Lesson 4/Visual 1: Day Care Picnic)Today we are going to learn about some of the Evangelical Congregational churches that are in Japan.There are only four of them so it won t be too hard to remember them. We will look at just two ofthem today.The first church is Sagamihara Grace Chapel. This is the church that Rev. Nobuo Abe pastors.Remember we met him yesterday? (Show Lesson 4/Visual 2: Sagamihara Church) What does thischurch look like? (Let children answer A house) If you think it looks like a house that is because itis a house. It is called a house church because Rev. Nobuo and Keiko live upstairs, that is their home,and in the downstairs is where they have church and the day care. Buildings in Japan are veryexpensive so this way they save money by living above the church. This house church is in aneighborhood near a train station so the people ride the train and then walk from the station to thechurch. There are about 50 people that come to this church.The second church we are going to look at is in Tokyo, it is called Kyodo Grace. (Kyo-dough) (ShowLesson 4/Visual 3: Kyodo Church and Pastor). This church is not a house church. It meets in abuilding that costs over 1 million dollars. This church also has about 50 people coming to it. Rev.Ken Sudo (Sue-dough) is the pastor of this church and they have a choir and a stained glass window inthis church in the middle of Tokyo. (Show Lesson 4/Visual 4: Worship Service at Kyodo Grace).They worship the One True Living God just like we do in our church. The only difference is that ifyou went into this church you would not understand anything because their service is all in Japanese.We should pray for Rev. Abe and Rev. Sudo and their families as they try to introduce many morepeople to Jesus. End in prayer for the work in Japan and for Rev. Abe and Rev. Sudo.
SagamiharaGrace ChapelRev. Nobuo and Keiko Abe pastor at Sagamihara Grace Chapel.
Kyodo Grace E. C. ChurchRev. Ken Sudo pastors at Kyodo Grace Church.
A Worship Service at Kyodo Grace Church.
LESSON FIVEJAPANWelcome to our last day of Vacation Bible School. As you know we have been studying about Japan.Let s do a little review. Japan is a land made up of many islands. It is called the Land of the RisingSun . We are collecting money for what project? (The Day Care Center at Sagamihara GraceChapel; to put in new bathrooms and a ramp.) Here is another picture of the children. (ShowLesson 5/Visual 1: Children with Bubbles) Can someone tell me who the leader of the EC church is inJapan? (Rev. Nobuo Abe) Yesterday we looked at two of our Japanese E.C. churches. Today we willlook at the other two churches.The third church that is working in Japan is the Kobuchi (Koe-boo-chi) House Church. (Show Lesson5/Visual 2: Kobuchi House Church). This church is in a neighborhood of 20,000 people and there areno other churches in this area. Does anyone remember what a house church is? (A house church is achurch that meets in a house. The pastor lives upstairs and the church meets on the bottomfloor.) This church was started by Mr. & Mrs. Arita (the couple standing in the picture). He is aretired engineer and he was so concerned about his neighbors knowing about Jesus that he built thishouse with his own money. There are three floors in their house. Mr. & Mrs. Arita live on the top twofloors and the church meets in the bottom floor. There are about 15 people that come to this church tolearn about Jesus.The last E.C. church in Japan is the newest Church. It was only planted in 2010. This church is reallyclose to a train station in the Fuchinobe (Foo-chee-no-bee) area of Tokyo. (Show Lesson 5/Visual 3:Fucinobe Community Church). This church meets in a different kind of a building. It meets in a roomin a clinic. Does anyone know what a clinic is? (It is like a doctor s office.) This church is pastoredby Rev. Tomoyuki & Jessica Abe. Tomo is Rev. Nobuo Abe s son and Jessica, his wife, is fromFrance. Rev. Tomo and Jessica are trying to share Jesus with many of the young adults that live in thisarea. The building is close to the train station and a couple of universities. (Show Lesson 5/Visual 4:Train Station and Worship Service). There are about 25 people that are coming to this church. Tomoand Jessica have Bible studies for teenagers and sometime Jessica teaches French cooking lessons toneighbors. They use all of the gifts God has given them to share Jesus with the people of Japan.Finish your time together by praying for the four E.C. churches in Japan and their pastors and families.Pray that many Japanese men, women, boys, and girls will learn about Jesus and his love.
FuchinobeTrainStationRev. Tomoyuki Abe pastor of the Fuchinobe Community Church.
2013 Mission Minded Kids VBS Lessons Japan Objectives for Japan VBS Lessons: 1. To review 2012 India VBS Project 2. To learn basic facts about Japan 3. To recognize the flag of Japan 4. To be introduced to Rev. Nabuo and Keiko Abe, the leaders of the EC church in Japan 5. To be i
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