TECHNOLOGYKonica Minolta Print Production. Superior Quality, Digital Economy.production
Professional.Konica Minolta color and B&W productionprinters offer superior performance and unsurpassed value forgraphics professionals – delivering the power to increase youroutput, reduce your costs and satisfy your clients. You’ll have digitalQuality.Konica Minolta’s unique ScreenEnhancing Active Digital (SEAD IV)system combines highly accurateexposure controls, precision pixelplacement and advanced screeningto achieve resolution equivalent to3,600 dpi. You’ll also have flexibleprocessing and image smoothingcontrol to match the needsof any customer file.color quality to rival offset prints, with advanced workflow and colormanagement tools for reducing costs and fine-tuning accuracy. Highspeeds, simple setup and long-run image stability increase yourefficiency. Inline finishing options get the job done right. Purpose-builtreliability stands up to rugged production demands, with integratedsoftware from leading graphic communication industry providers, ITsolutions and more – all from a professional partner you can count on.Color.Konica Minolta knows color. Ourbizhub PRESS professionals canbring you pro-quality digital color atup to 100 ppm – 5,000 impressionsor more per hour, through robustmonthly duty cycles that stand up tothe daily punishment of high-volumeproduction. Whether you’re doingsmall-lot jobs on tight turnaround orlong print runs with complex finishingrequirements, you’ll get them out thedoor on time – spectacular full-colorphoto books and product brochures,direct-mail flyers, colorful newsletters,graphics presentations and more.100908070CMYKMonochrome.Getting it done in B&W. Konica Minoltahigh-speed B&W digital presses leadthe industry in workhorse performance,high-resolution monochrome imagequality and flexible substrate handling –ideal for training and instruction manuals,transactional printing, corporate reports,on-demand book publishing and more.Purpose-built reliability and workhorseproduction output stands up to rigorouslong-run production, with cost-efficiencythat protects your bottom line.Embedded Control.Get the most from your bizhub PRESS.Konica Minolta’s internal image controllerwas developed in-house for powerful,affordable color management. JobCentro functionality lets you hold up to100 jobs in queue, editing pages and jobtickets with drag-and-drop ease – evenwithout special training. Color Centrotechnology lets you edit color with visibleadjustments on screen. You’ll haveall the color tools you need, includingcalibration, tone curve adjustmentwith before-and-after comparison,an expandable library of spot colors(Pantone, Toyo, DIC and HKS) and more.
Bindery.Pro-quality options for every need.Stapling and hole-punching.200-page saddle-stitch booklets.600-page perfect-bound books.6 folding options, including inlinegatefold. Inline GBC punching andring binding. A 5,000-sheet stackerwith rollaway cart can quickly moveyour finished output to offline bindery.We also offer near-line full-bleededge trimming and square folding.Alliances.Best-in-class partners on your team.Konica Minolta’s strategic partnershipswith production professionals like EFI,Kodak Creo, Watkiss, Tecnau, MGI,PageDNA, Xrite and others extend therange of capabilities we can offer you– another reason why production printprofessionals count on Konica Minoltafor all of their digital printing needs.6050External Control Options.Advanced color management tools.Fiery and Creo external image controloptions give graphics professionalsadvanced color management andproduction benefits. Fiery deliversimproved color performance andupgraded functions, including hotfolders, job batching, sample printingand more. Creo features advancedcolor profiling and destination profilesto spot colors, a complete PantoneGOE library, color sets, and fullintegration with Kodak Prinergy.4030And More.A wide array of specialty printers.As an example of our strategic alliances,we can provide printers for specializedwide-format print applications ingraphics, architecture, engineeringand construction – giving your shophigh-speed wide-format output,cut-sheet feeder options and fullyintegrated stacking and foldingcapabilities. The JETvarnish 3DS turnsregular printed jobs into high-marginspot UV jobs – or even higher margin3D embossing jobs. And now theiFOIL S is available, which offers digitalembossing and hot foil stamping.2010High-Volume Colorbizhub PRESS C1100bizhub PRESS C1085bizhub PRESS C71hcbizhub PRESS C1070bizhub PRESS C1070Pbizhub PRESS C1060bizhub PRO C1060LWide-Format ModelsSpecialty PrintingTechnical B&WEFI H1625 LEDKIP 770KIP 7170KIP 7770KIP 7970KIP 9900MGI JETvarnish 3DS iFOIL SDigital B&W Pressesbizhub PRESS 2250Pbizhub PRESS 1250bizhub PRESS 1250Pbizhub PRESS 1052bizhub PRO 1100Technical ColorKIP 800 SeriesKIP 940Graphics ProductionEFI H1625
Powerful.Print service providers face rising challenges – includinghard-to-please clients, rising costs and shrinking lead times. Withvalue-added features of bizhub PRESS equipment, you’ll be able todeliver the most exacting color quality. Beat the tightest productionschedules. Meet virtually any job specs. Handle the widest range ofsubstrates – running thick coated stock, duplexing on heavy paper,even printing tab pages and envelopes. With all the options you needto grow your business.GRACoL SPECIFITOCERTIFINST IOCAE DSYSTEMIDEStability.Inline sensing for long-run precision.Automatic density adjustment, improvedposition accuracy and enhanced frontto-back registration control combineto keep your output stable withoutoperator intervention. Real-time enginecalibration is done inline to stabilize colorvalues. Our enhanced color feedbacksystem measures both CMYK and RGBfor greater accuracy. The visible result:smoother edges, more legible text,and maximum color density withoutgranularity or moiré distortion.High Chroma.Amazingly rich, vibrant color. bizhub HighChroma, or “hc”, models use a specialcolor toner formula that goes beyond thereproduction capabilities of conventionaltoner. With High Chroma, your productionprint output can have rich, fluorescentvisuals. Colors become significantlybrighter and more vivid. Presentationsare more convincing. Packaging jumpsoff the shelf. And direct-mail campaignscome alive to pull higher response rates.ALL IANCECertification.Konica Minolta’s digital presses wereamong the first to receive the IDEAllianceDigital Press Certification, passing allrequirements for GRACol and G7 graybalance reproduction. G7 signifies a newlevel of color consistency – a specificcolorimetric definition of grayscalebalance in mid-range tones, weight andcontrast. From highlights to shadows,corporate colors, products and servicesreproduced on G7 certified systems willlook the same, be color-matched acrossmedia and on various substrates – evenin different locations.Experts.Helping you get there faster. For printproviders, attaining G7 Master Printerstatus can be an important next stepin growing your business – and KonicaMinolta has G7 experts available to helpyou bring your production facility to G7status. Our team includes specialistswho have completed the G7 ExpertTraining program and are experiencedin color management, proofing qualitycontrol, prepress, plate making and printprocesses in offset as well as digital print.
Strength.These are purpose-built professionals.Whichever bizhub PRESS or bizhub PROmodel you choose, you’ll have robustdesign combining a powerful iron boxtype chassis with long-lasting parts,heavy-duty metal paper trays andhigh-yield consumables. A manageableoverall footprint saves space on yourproduction floor.Color Care.Accurate, repeatable and easy.Konica Minolta’s Color Care Suite isa comprehensive color managementsolution for measuring, managing andcontrolling color output. Color Careenables you to maintain consistent,accurate color values withoutsubjective guesswork or complexmeasurements and manual settings.And our CurveCore option helps yougenerate gray balance curves thatmeet the G7 standard. Color Care is aCertified G7 system by ofilercatchMeasurement.Precision in the palm of your hand.Add the Konica Minolta FD-5Spectrodensitometer to your colorcontrol system, and you can measurecolor values more accurately on anysubstrate. The FD-9 is an automatedspectrophotometer that can be used tocalibrate, linearize and profile bizhubPRESS units. It has both IP and USBconnectability and can read a colorchart with 1,500 patches in about fourminutes – making profiling a bizhubPRESS simple, quick and easy. Andwith network capability, one FD-9can be used for multiple PRESSES.Brilliance.Color that surpasses offset printing.Konica Minolta’s next-generationSimitri HDE polymerized toner capturesan expanded color gamut for superioraccuracy. Deep blacks help colors pop.Improved magenta makes reds morevivid and enhanced electro-photographicproperties make skin-tones moreaccurate and natural. Our 3-dimensionalpolymer structure adheres moreprecisely to rough paper surfaces.And 10% higher overall percentageof pigment creates rich areas of solidcolor and a smooth, natural lusteron both glossy and matte stock.
Process Automation.Reduce touches, improve productivity,increase profits. Konica Minolta’sgame-changing automation tool letsyou to offer your customers webenabled, menu-based order control ina fully automated production process.Each customer selects from a securemenu of the print products they need:flyers, brochures, marketing bulletins,newsletters and more. Digital storefrontsare fully integrated with your productioncycle, through job ticketing, printingand delivery – and you can increaseyour output and capacity withoutadding expense to your bottom line.Scanning.Copy, scan and store. Most bizhubPRESS models offer document copyand scanning capabilities to speed yourworkflow. Large color touchscreensprovide comprehensive user guides, withpull-down menus and point-and-clickcontrol for hands-on job managementat the machine. Our latest modelseven provide an on-screen papercatalog with data you can load andupdate via web-based or USB input.@Marketing Automation.Multi-channel marketing tools to growyour business. With support for print,email, web, text messaging, PURLs,QR codes and social media, EngageITXMedia gives you a fully integratedmarketing tool to broaden your reachand realize today’s hottest new mediaopportunities. Pull-down menus allowusers to create targeted campaigns.And plug-and-play templates are easy tocustomize, opening up new opportunitiesfor growth and additional offerProfitable.Profitable operation depends on more than print quality.You need a system enabling streamlined, automated workflows thatallow web job submission to reduce overall manufacturing costs. Onyour production floor, every bizhub PRESS professional is a perfectfit – small footprint, network integration and touchscreen operationwithout special training. And together with award-winning automationsolutions like EngageIT Automation, you’ll have 24/7 job input, jobticketing and a fully integrated production cycle.
Queue Management.The right printer for every job.Printgroove POD Queue helps youoptimize device management onyour print floor, recommending themost suitable output device basedon speed or cost and automaticallyforwarding jobs to the correct printer.Jobs can also be split up amongseparate devices for optimal speed andefficiency, then automatically mergedtogether in proper order for finishing.Partner Solutions.Integrated 3rd-party software. Allbizhub PRESS and bizhub PRO devicesprovide smooth integration with a widerange of 3rd-party production solutionsfor web-to-print, variable data andmore. You can personalize direct-mailflyers, advertising circulars, eventannouncements and billing statements,all in color at affordable costs – openingup new opportunities to serve yourcustomers and grow your business.Substrate Handling.The sizes you want, in the capacityyou need. With options, your bizhubPRESS and bizhub PRO equipmenthandles a wide range of sizes andweights – up to 13” x 19.2”, in paperstocks from 55 to 350 gsm. You’ll beable to load up to 13,500 sheets inmultiple paper trays. Air separation helpsboth thick and thin stocks move moreeasily. Humidification and de-curlingcapabilities keep jobs moving quicklyfor direct-to-bindery operations.Data Conversion.Handling any print stream. KonicaMinolta data conversion softwareportfolio includes industry-leadingapplications that enable you to receivemainframe and competitive print streamsand output PostScript streams to bizhubPRESS and bizhub PRO equipment.
Clean Planet.Recycling made easier. Konica Minolta’sClean Planet program provides costfree recycling for all our consumables,including toner cartridges and bottles,imaging units, developer and drums– with prepaid shipping labels andcost-free packaging. We can evenarrange pickup from high-volume users.Environment.Protecting the planet is a top priority at Konica Minolta.As part of our worldwide Corporate Citizenship program, we pursue abroad array of environmental initiatives – eliminating pollutants, reducingenergy consumption, and creating products and solutions that help ourcustomers realize their own sustainability goals.Sustainability.A priority for every professional.Konica Minolta’s exclusive Simitri tonerformulation uses plant-based biomassmaterial to reduce environmentalimpact – and also fuses to paper atlower temperatures, saving energy asit improves your image. Our bizhubPRESS professionals make greateruse of recycled PC/ABS resins andbioplastics in construction.Eco Vision 2050.A vision for the future. WithKonica Minolta’s Eco Vision 2050, we’recommitted to a mid-century goal ofreducing CO2 emissions by 80% over2005 levels, minimizing greenhousegases that may contribute to globalwarming. We pursue that goal everyday – minimizing energy consumption,cutting pollution and using recycledmaterials in construction.PartnershipKonica Minolta can help give shape to your ideas and partner with you to achieve your corporate objectives.Contact us to realize opportunities in:Information ManagementEnterprise Content Management (ECM)Document ManagementAutomated Workflow SolutionsBusiness Process AutomationSecurity and ComplianceMobilityIT ServicesApplication ServicesCloud ServicesIT SecurityManaged IT ServicesIT Consulting & ProjectsTechnologyOffice Multifunction Business SolutionsCommercial and Production Printers3D PrintersWide Format PrintersLaptops, Desktops and Computer HardwareServers and Networking EquipmentManaged Print Services (MPS)Facilities Management 2016 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS U.S.A., INC. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. KONICA MINOLTA,the KONICA MINOLTA logo, Count on Konica Minolta, bizhub, bizhub PRO, bizhub PRESS, PageScope, and Giving Shape to Ideas are registered trademarks or trademarks of KONICA MINOLTA, INC.All other product and brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations. All features and functions described here may not be available on some products.Design & specifications are subject to change without notice.KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS U.S.A., INC.100 Williams Drive, Ramsey, New Jersey 07446CountOnKonicaMinolta.comItem #: PROPRINTBRO2/16 - S
bizhub PRESSC1085/C1100DATASHEETColour SRA3 digital pressUp to 5,192 pages per hourTo build up business by completing a wider range of high-volume jobs more efficiently in the fast-growing digital highprint-volume market, in-house printers and graphic communications providers need the highest performance availableon the market. Konica Minolta’s flagship models for digital colour on-demand printing reliably deliver the higher levelof image quality, productivity, and price competitiveness you need to satisfy your clients’ growing demands. And withvery fast 85/100 ppm, and equal high-speed printing for a wide range of paper weights, the bizhub PRESS C1085/C1100 achieve superior productivity fast – giving you more options to grow your business.COLOUR PRODUCTION PRINTING SYSTEM
DATASHEET bizhub PRESS C1085/C1100YOUR ADVANTAGES WITHTHE bizhub PRESS C1085/C1100HIGHEST RELIABILITYDURABLE PERFORMANCE– bizhub PRESS C1085– Up to 85 A4 pages per minute– Up to 4,413 A4 pages per hour– bizhub PRESS C1100– Up to 100 A4 pages per minute– Up to 5,192 A4 pages per hour– Long-life platform, long-lasting partsand consumables– Accurate front to back registration– Fusing-rolling mechanism– For prints with maximum efficiency– For lucrative short-run printingREADY-MADE PRINT PRODUCTS– 50-sheet booklet making with fronttrimming– Perfect binding for books of up to30 mm– 100-sheet stapling with cuttingmechanism– 102-sheet auto ring binding– For highest automation and enormousproductivity– For more profit in the print roomGEARED-UP FINISHING– Multi (GBC) punching and 2- & 4-holepunching– 6 different types of folding– Large stacking– Minimised human interaction– For optimised budgetsENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS– Reduced power consumption withSimitri HD E toner– Increased usage rate of recycledPC/ABS materials for reduction of CO₂emissions– For reduced environmental impact– Improved efficiency based on greenvalues
DATASHEET bizhub PRESS C1085/C1100HIGH-END PRINT CONTROL– Flexible choice of controller technology:EFI , CREO or proprietary KonicaMinolta controller– Integration into hybrid workflows– For intuitive operation– Saves time and moneyEASE OF USE– Automated real-time enginecalibration– Simple paper catalogue settings– Operator Replaceable UnitManagement (ORUM)– For maximum ease of operation– Frees operators for other jobsSOPHISTICATED MEDIA HANDLING– Air-suction feeding technology– Up to 13,890 sheets paper inputcapacity– Up to 9 paper input trays– For enhanced overall productivity– For extreme cost savingsCOMPREHENSIVE MEDIA PROCESSINGPERFECT IMAGE QUALITY– S.E.A.D. IV technology and 1,200 x1,200 dpi x 8 bit resolution (equivalentto 1,200 x 3,600 dpi)– Simitri HD E toner technology– Automatic image density controltechnology– For new print applications– For growing your business– Up to 350 gsm paper weight insimplex & duplex printing– Reliable thin paper feeding throughair-blow fusing separation– Mechanical decurling– Optional inter-cooler curl eliminator– For highly flexible print products– To stand out from the competition
DATASHEET bizhub PRESS C1085/C1100Recommended configurationsTechnical specificationsSYSTEM SPECIFICATIONSPaper weightDuplex unitPaper sizesMaximum image areaPaper input capacityPaper output capacityMain unit dimensions (W x D x H)Main unit weight1,200 x 1,200 dpi x 8 bit1,200 x 3,600 dpi equivalent55–350 gsmNon-stack type; 55–350 gsm330 x 487 mm321 x 480 mmMax.: 13,890 sheetsMax.: 13,600 sheets900 x 950 x 1,319 mm430 kgPRODUCTIVITYScan formats42 opm600 x 600 dpiTWAIN scan; Scan-to-HDD; Scan-to-FTP;Scan-to-SMB; Scan-to-eMailTIFF (single and multi page); PDFCOPIER SPECIFICATIONS*GradationsMagnificationMutliple copies256 gradations25–400%; in 0.1% steps1–9,999ACCESSORIESbizhub PRESS C1100A4 - max. per minuteA3 - max. per minuteSRA3 - max. per minuteA4 - max. per hourA3 - max. per hourSRA3 - max. per hour100 ppm53 ppm50 ppm5,192 pph2,762 pph2,581 pphbizhub PRESS C1085A4 - max. per minuteA3 - max. per minuteSRA3 - max. per minuteA4 - max. per hourA3 - max. per hourSRA3 - max. per hour85 ppm46 ppm43 ppm4,413 pph2,399 pph2,243 pphCONTROLLERExternal EFI Fiery ControllerExternal EFI Fiery ControllerExternal CREO ControllerExternal CREO ControllerInternal Konica Minolta own controllerScan speed A4Scan resolutionScan modesWorking tableAir suction paper feed unitAir suction paper feed unit with ADFHeating unit for PF-707/8Relay unitHumidification unitMulti (GBC) punching unitRelay unitAuto ring binding unitFolding and punching unitStacking unitBooklet making unitPerfect binding unitStapling unitSaddle stitch kit for FS-532Punch kit for FS-532Post inserter for 22PI-502IC-308IC-310IC-309IC-312IC-602* Requires PF-708ResolutionSCANNER SPECIFICATIONS*Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe GmbH Europaallee 17 30855 Langenhagen Germany www.konicaminolta.eu07/2014–– All specifications refer to A4-size paper of 80 gsm quality.–– The support and availability of the listed specifications and functionalities varies depending on operating systems, applications and network protocols as well as network and system configurations.–– The stated life expectancy of each consumable is based on specific operating conditions such as page coverage for a particular page size (5% coverage of A4).The actual life of each consumable will vary depending on use and other printing variables including page coverage, page size, media type, continuous or intermittent printing, ambient temperature and humidity.–– Some of the product illustrations contain optional accessories.–– Specifications and accessories are based on the information available at the time of printing and are subject to change without notice.–– Konica Minolta does not warrant that any prices or specifications mentioned will be error-free.–– All brand and product names may be registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders and are hereby acknowledged.
bizhub PRESS C1100 bizhub PRESS C1085 bizhub PRESS C71hc bizhub PRESS C1070 bizhub PRESS C1070P bizhub PRESS C1060 bizhub PRO C1060L Digital B&W Presses bizhub PRESS 2250P bizhub PRESS 1250 bizhub PRESS 1250P bizhub PRESS 1052 bizhub PRO 1100 Bindery. Pro-quality options for every need. Sta
bizhub C754/C754e/C654/C654e . KONICA MINOLTA C754SeriesFAX . . KONICA MINOLTA 754SeriesPCL . KONICA MINOLTA 754SeriesPS . KONICA MINOLTA 754SeriesXPS . bizhub C554/C554e/C454/C454e . KONICA MINOLTA C554SeriesFAX . KONICA MINOLTA C554SeriesPCL . KONICA MINOLTA C554SeriesPS . . KONICA MINOLTA C3850 Series XPS . bizhub 4750/4050 . KONICA .
73916367 Konica Minolta Bizhub C203 C253 C353 Field Service Parts Guide Manual Bizhub 751. Konica Minolta Bizhub C220 C280 C360 parts catalog. Safety warnings [1] modifications not authorized by konica minolta business KONICA MINOLTA brand products are extensively Page 4/8 1002008
KONICA MINOLTA Di2510/3510 6. KONICA MINOLTA Di2510/3510 Upper Picker Finger W/Spring 4030-5716-02 4030-5717-01 CET7103 5Pcs KONICA MINOLTA Di2510/3510 Pickup/Feed Roller-PU 4030-3005-01 CET7017 1Pc KONICA MINOLTA Di2510/3510 Paper Separation Roller-PU 4030-0151-01 CET7148 1Pc KONICA MINOLTA Bizhub Pro 951 Upper
minolta c3110 admin password reset, konica minolta c35 admin password reset, konica minolta c360 reset admin password, konica minolta bizhub c458 reset admin password Apr 8, 2021 — Page 5: Security Security To ensure the best possible performance and ef- fective use of the machine, read this
Use Printing Framework to print Emails from an external application. An external application must be used to open Emails when using the Android version of the Konica Minolta Mobile Print App. Open the email you wish to print from a browser or Email application. Select [Konica Minolta Mobile Print] as an output From the menu, tap destination .
Ensure that your Konica-Minolta device supports OpenAPI 2.3.1 or later with OpenAPI 3.1 or later is recommended. Ensure that the Konica Minolta device is connected to the network. Have available the network name or IP address of Konica-Minolta device. It is recommended that the device be configured with a static IP address.
HID Reader (AU-201H): To install and get the reader to work on a Konica Minolta device, a Loadable driver must be installed. This loadable driver is device dependent and also provided by Konica Minolta. Other ID Devices: Please contact Kofax Support. The Konica Minolta device must be configured to use ID device.
The Unified Client for Konica Minolta supports Konica Minolta, Develop, and Olivetti devices that supports the iOption/OpenAPI framework with the Chromium browser and supports medium and large operation panel screen sizes. The following Konica Minolta bizhub MFP and SFP devices are supported: IT5 devices with function level 4.2 or .