Doctor’sPackMay 2019
ContentsGuidelines for the medical coverage of FEI events3PrintPerson Injury Report form for Medical Officers/Emergency6Print8PrintConcussion Recognition Tool 5 (CRT5)10PrintSport Concussion Assessment Tool 5 (SCAT5)11PrintChild SCAT519PrintFEI Concussion Return To Play Form27Printcare providers at FEI eventsConcussion Recognition and Management at FEI eventsThe term “athlete” used throughout this Doctor’s Pack applies equally to riders, drivers and vaulters2Contents
Guidelines for the medical coverage of FEI eventsin compliance with Article 109.10 GRsIntroductionThe minimum requirements for the medical coverage of FEI events are set out in article109.10, FEI General Regulations (GRs), as follows:10.1. Medical assistance:(i) the on-site presence of personnel trained in emergency medical care; and(ii) an appropriate medical emergency action plan for the evacuation,emergency treatment, and transport of injured athletes.To this effect, OCs must refer to the guidelines issued by the FEI and published on the FEI’swebsite for the medical coverage of FEI eventsPrint Section
The GuidelinesThese guidelines are only intended to assist organisers in the planning of their FEI events. Organisers aresole responsible for the planning of the medical coverage of their events.These guidelines do not constitute an exhaustive list of the medical considerations applicable to events,and are not a substitute to the national and/or any other legislation(s) applicable to the event. Theymust always be read in conjunction with such legislation as well as with any applicable provision in thecorresponding FEI Sport Rules.In order to plan for the medical coverage of their events in accordance with art. 109.10, GRs,organisers must comply with the following:1. All Disciplines are concernedIt must be accepted that all forms of horse riding involve an element of risk.2. Medical presence & level of expertise2.1 The requirements indicated below are a minimum which does not substitute toany applicable legislation and/or FEI Sport Rules provisions.2.2 The presence of personnel trained in emergency medical care must be ensuredthroughout the event, including during training.2.3 Healthcare professionals with expertise in trauma are recommended for allcompetitions (and in some disciplines are mandatory) but it is recognised that somecompetitions may be assessed as not requiring professional first aid support. Inthese cases, which should be justified and assessed conservatively, the minimumstandard for medical cover should be a person trained in first aid and holding arelevant and officially recognised certification.3. All equestrian venues must have first aid equipment available, at the minimum to a levelwhich complies with local legislation and any applicable FEI Sport Rules.4Guidelines for the medical coverage of FEI eventsPrint Section
4. The medical coverage plan4.1 The medical coverage plan must:Be decided prior to the event, taking professional advice when appropriate andcomplying with any applicable legislation,Take into account the numbers of athletes and spectators, the location ofthe venue and proximity to emergency medical facilities such as hospitals andambulance services - including usual response times.4.2 The medical coverage plan must include:The contact details of the designated providers of first aid,Procedure in the event of a serious injury,Details of the ambulance cover (on site or local emergency service) and localhospitals with emergency rooms.Any other applicable requirement(s) imposed by the applicable legislation and/or FEI Sport Rules1.This plan must be summarized in a document which should be available to the FEI if requested.1See in particular Annex D for Eventing5Guidelines for the medical coverage of FEI eventsPrint Section
Person Injury Report FormPerson InformationFEI ID:Family Name:First Name:Is the person injured an athlete or FEI Official?Date of Injury://AthleteFEI OfficialTime of Injury::Where did the injury occur (competition or practise arena, other – please specify)?Was the person on foot or riding?/Description in general of the mechanism of the injury:Outline of ManagementSuspected InjuryTreated on siteReferred to hospitalConcussionAs determined following assessment with CRT5, SCAT5 or similar official protocol.Spinal InjuryFractureDislocationOther – please specify:Was the injury fatal (death)?//Medical Professional/First Aider InformationFull Name:Qualification:6Phone Number:Person Injury Report form for Medical Officers/Emergency care providers at FEI eventsPrint Form
Person Injury Report FormAdditional comments:Injury(ies) positions:7Person Injury Report form for Medical Officers/Emergency care providers at FEI eventsPrint Form
Concussionrecognition and management at FEI eventsForewordInternational events organisers (in conjunction with the Medical Officer or emergency careprovider appointed for the event) should always have a written injury management planincluding concussion. This plan should contain the following information:1. Designation of the medical provider or trained medical personnel who will be in charge ofthe care of concussed athletes (see point 2. below).2. Designation of a quiet area on site where concussed athletes may be taken foradditional evaluation.3. Plan for a mechanism of communication to the Ground Jury where concussion issuspected, using the procedure of the applicable rules.4. Plan for stabilization and evacuation of athletes with critical neurological injuries,including identification of the designated trauma center with neurological specialty care.All Medical Officers /emergency care providers must be familiar with the ConcussionRecognition Tool (CRT) included in the FEI’s Doctor’s Pack.Concussion recognition and management should follow the process described in theflowchart in page 2 of this document.In the flowchart, the term “medical personnel trained in concussion management” refers tomedical providers (physician/medical facility) or trained medical personnel who meet thefollowing minimum requirements:a) Familiarity with the latest International Concussion in Sport Group Guidelines;b) Familiarity with the current Concussion Recognition Tool (CRT) and SportConcussion Assessment Tool (SCAT) included in the FEI’s Doctor’s Pack;c) Ability to perform a basic neurologic exam;d) Completion of an online training module on concussion (i.e. “Heads Up forConcussion”, or equivalent).8Concussion recognition and management at FEI eventsPrint Section
Concussionrecognition and management processat FEI eventsFall or heavy impact/blowCall medical officer / personproviding emergency careConcussion suspected: 1If no medical personnel trainedin concussion managementis available on site:Medical officer or emergencycare person performs CRT5No concussion suspected: 2If medical personnel trained inconcussion managementis available on site:Athlete back to competition(sport specific rules permitting)Athlete to hospital31Event runs over one day:Event runs over several days:SCAT5 (or equivalentconcussion diagnosis protocol)SCAT5 (or equivalentconcussion diagnosis protocol)andandAthlete to hospital/privatedoctor for medical assessment3refer to hospital2 if concernsor monitor and reassess theathlete on next dayNo symptomsComplete FEI Return to Play Form(copy to TD/FJ)Symptoms persistAthlete to hospital3In all cases of suspected concussion:- GJ President must be informed- The Medical officer / person providing emergency care must complete a Person Injury Report form and hand itover to the Technical Delegate/Foreign Judge/Ground Jury President for follow up with the FEI.2Where the CRT5 assessment concludes that no concussion is suspected, this should be recorded on a PersonInjury Report form to be handed over to the Technical Delegate/Foreign Judge/Ground Jury President for follow upwith the FEI.3Any athlete diagnosed with concussion must have the FEI's Concussion Return to Play Form completed by anappropriate health care provider before they compete again in an FEI sanctioned event.9Concussion recognition and management process at FEI eventsPrint Section
10Concussion Recognition Tool 5 (CRT5)Assessment for a spinalcord injury is critical. Do not attempt to move the player(other than required for airwaysupport) unless trained to so do.Do not remove a helmet orany other equipment unlesstrained to do so safely. Deterioratingconscious stateVomitingIncreasingly restless,agitated or combative Lying motionless onthe playing surfaceSlow to get up aftera direct or indirecthit to the head Blank or vacant look Concussion in Sport Group 2017Disorientation orconfusion, or an inabilityto respond appropriatelyto questions Visual clues that suggest possible concussion include:STEP 2: OBSERVABLE SIGNSFacial injury afterhead traumaBalance, gait difficulties,motor incoordination,stumbling, slowlaboured movementsIf there are no Red Flags, identification of possible concussion should proceed to the following steps:In all cases, the basic principlesof first aid (danger, response,airway, breathing, circulation)should be followed.Severe or increasingheadacheSeizure or convulsionLoss of consciousness Neck pain or tenderness Double vision Weakness or tingling/burning in arms or legs Remember: If there is concern after an injury including whether ANY of the following signs areobserved or complaints are reported then the player should be safely and immediatelyremoved from play/game/activity. If no licensed healthcare professional is available,call an ambulance for urgent medical assessment:STEP 1: RED FLAGS — CALL AN AMBULANCEHead impacts can be associated with serious and potentially fatal brain injuries. The Concussion Recognition Tool5 (CRT5) is to be used for the identification of suspected concussion. It is not designed to diagnose concussion.RECOGNISE & REMOVESupported byTo help identify concussion in children, adolescents and adultsCONCUSSION RECOGNITION TOOL 5 Nausea orvomitingDrowsinessDizziness Blurred vision“Don’t feel right”Fatigue orlow energy Sensitivityto noiseSensitivity to light “Who scored lastin this game?”“Which half is it now?” “What venue arewe at today?”Neck PainNervous oranxiousSadnessFeeling like“in a fog“Not drink alcohol.Not use recreational/ prescription drugs.Not be sent home by themselves. They need to be with a responsible adult.Not drive a motor vehicle until cleared to do so by a healthcare professional. Concussion in Sport Group 2017ANY ATHLETE WITH A SUSPECTED CONCUSSION SHOULD BEIMMEDIATELY REMOVED FROM PRACTICE OR PLAY AND SHOULDNOT RETURN TO ACTIVITY UNTIL ASSESSED MEDICALLY, EVENIF THE SYMPTOMS RESOLVEThe CRT5 may be freely copied in its current form for distribution to individuals, teams, groupsand organisations. Any revision and any reproduction in a digital form requires approval bythe Concussion in Sport Group. It should not be altered in any way, rebranded or sold forcommercial gain.Not be left alone initially (at least for the first 1-2 hours).“Did your team winthe last game?” Feeling sloweddownDifficultyremembering Difficultyconcentrating “What team did you playlast week/game?”More emotionalMore Irritable Athletes with suspected concussion should:Failure to answer any ofthese questions (modifiedappropriately for eachsport) correctly maysuggest a concussion:(IN ATHLETES OLDER THAN 12 YEARS)STEP 4: MEMORY ASSESSMENTBalance problems“Pressure in head” Headache STEP 3: SYMPTOMSBJSM Online First, published on April 28, 2017 as 10.1136/bjsports-2017-097508CRT5CRT5Print Section
SCAT5Downloaded from on May 8, 2017 - Published by group.bmj.comBJSM Online First, published on April 28, 2017 as 10.1136/bjsports-2017-097506SCAT5SCAT5SPORT CONCUSSION ASSESSMENT TOOL — 5TH EDITION DEVELOPED BY THE CONCUSSION IN SPORT GROUPFOR USE BY MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS ONLYsupported byPatient detailsName:DOB:Address:ID number:Examiner:Date of Injury:Time:WHAT IS THE SCAT5?Key pointsThe SCAT5 is a standardized tool for evaluating concussionsdesigned for use by physicians and licensed healthcareprofessionals1. The SCAT5 cannot be performed correctlyin less than 10 minutes. Any athlete with suspected concussion should be REMOVEDFROM PLAY, medically assessed and monitored fordeterioration. No athlete diagnosed with concussionshould be returned to play on the day of injury.If you are not a physician or licensed healthcare professional,please use the Concussion Recognition Tool 5 (CRT5). TheSCAT5 is to be used for evaluating athletes aged 13 yearsand older. For children aged 12 years or younger, pleaseuse the Child SCAT5.Preseason SCAT5 baseline testing can be useful forinterpreting post-injury test scores, but is not required forthat purpose.Detailed instructions for use of the SCAT5 areprovided on page 7. Please read through these instructionscarefully before testing the athlete. Brief verbal instructionsfor each test are given in italics. The only equipment requiredfor the tester is a watch or timer.This tool may be freely copied in its current form for distribution to individuals, teams, groups and organizations.It should not be altered in any way, re-branded or sold forcommercial gain. Any revision, translation or reproductionin a digital form requires specific approval by the Concussion in Sport Group.Recognise and RemoveA head impact by either a direct blow or indirect transmissionof force can be associated with a serious and potentially fatalbrain injury. If there are significant concerns, including anyof the red flags listed in Box 1, then activation of emergencyprocedures and urgent transport to the nearest hospitalshould be arranged. If an athlete is suspected of having a concussion andmedical personnel are not immediately available, theathlete should be referred to a medical facility for urgentassessment. Athletes with suspected concussion should not drinkalcohol, use recreational drugs and should not drive a motorvehicle until cleared to do so by a medical professional. Concussion signs and symptoms evolve over time and itis important to consider repeat evaluation in the assessment of concussion. The diagnosis of a concussion is a clinical judgment,made by a medical professional. The SCAT5 should NOTbe used by itself to make, or exclude, the diagnosis ofconcussion. An athlete may have a concussion even iftheir SCAT5 is “normal”.Remember: The basic principles of first aid (danger, response, airway,breathing, circulation) should be followed. Do not attempt to move the athlete (other than that requiredfor airway management) unless trained to do so. Assessment for a spinal cord injury is a critical part of theinitial on-field assessment. Do not remove a helmet or any other equipment unlesstrained to do so safely. Concussion in Sport Group 201711SCAT5 Concussion in Sport Group 2017Sport Concussion Assessment Tool 5 (SCAT5)1Print SectionCopyright Article author (or their employer) 2017. Produced by BMJ Publishing Group Ltd underlicence.1
SCAT5Downloaded from on May 8, 2017 - Published by group.bmj.com1Name:IMMEDIATE OR ON-FIELD ASSESSMENTDOB:The following elements should be assessed for all athletes whoare suspected of having a concussion prior to proceeding to theneurocognitive assessment and ideally should be done on-field afterthe first first aid / emergency care priorities are completed.If any of the “Red Flags“ or observable signs are noted after a director indirect blow to the head, the athlete should be immediately andsafely removed from participation and evaluated by a physician orlicensed healthcare professional.Consideration of transportation to a medical facility should be atthe discretion of the physician or licensed healthcare professional.The GCS is important as a standard measure for all patients and canbe done serially if necessary in the event of deterioration in consciousstate. The Maddocks questions and cervical spine exam are criticalsteps of the immediate assessment; however, these do not need tobe done serially.STEP 1: RED FLAGSRED FLAGS: Neck pain ortenderness Double vision Weakness or tingling/burning in arms or legs Severe or increasingheadacheID number:Examiner:Date:STEP 4: EXAMINATIONGLASGOW COMA SCALE (GCS)3Time of assessmentDate of assessmentBest eye response (E)No eye opening111Eye opening in response to pain222Eye opening to speech333Eyes opening spontaneously444 Seizure or convulsionBest verbal response (V) Loss of consciousnessNo verbal response111 Deterioratingconscious stateIncomprehensible sounds222Inappropriate words333Confused444Oriented555No motor response111Extension to pain222Abnormal flexion to pain333Flexion / Withdrawal to pain444Localizes to pain555Obeys commands666Does the athlete report that their neck is pain free at rest?YNIf there is NO neck pain at rest, does the athlete have a fullrange of ACTIVE pain free movement?YNIs the limb strength and sensation normal?YN Vomiting Increasingly restless,agitated or combativeBest motor response (M)STEP 2: OBSERVABLE SIGNSWitnessed Address:Observed on Video Lying motionless on the playing surfaceYNBalance / gait difficulties / motor incoordination: stumbling, slow /laboured movementsYNGlasgow Coma score (E V M)Disorientation or confusion, or an inability to respond appropriatelyto questionsYNBlank or vacant lookYNFacial injury after head traumaYNSTEP 3: MEMORY ASSESSMENTMADDOCKS QUESTIONS2“I am going to ask you a few questions, please listen carefully andgive your best effort. First, tell me what happened?”CERVICAL SPINE ASSESSMENTMark Y for correct answer / N for incorrectWhat venue are we at today?YNWhich half is it now?YNWho scored last in this match?YNWhat team did you play last week / game?YNDid your team win the last game?YNIn a patient who is not lucid or fullyconscious, a cervical spine injury shouldbe assumed until proven otherwise.Note: Appropriate sport-specific questions may be substituted. Concussion in Sport Group 2017212SCAT5 Concussion in Sport Group 2017Sport Concussion Assessment Tool 5 (SCAT5)2Print Section
SCAT5Downloaded from on May 8, 2017 - Published by group.bmj.comOFFICE OR OFF-FIELD ASSESSMENTPlease note that the neurocognitive assessment should be done in adistraction-free environment with the athlete in a resting state.Name:DOB:Address:STEP 1: ATHLETE BACKGROUNDID number:Examiner:Sport / team / school:Date:Date / time of injury:Years of education completed:2Age:Gender: M / F / OtherSTEP 2: SYMPTOM EVALUATIONDominant hand: left / neither / rightThe athlete should be given the symptom form and asked to read this instructionparagraph out loud then complete the symptom scale. For the baseline assessment,the athlete should rate his/her symptoms based on how he/she typically feels and forthe post injury assessment the athlete should rate their symptoms at this point in time.How many diagnosed concussions has theathlete had in the past?:Please Check: When was the most recent concussion?:Post-InjuryPlease hand the form to the athleteHow long was the recovery (time to being cleared to play)from the most recent concussion?:Baseline (days)noneHas the athlete ever been:Hospitalized for a head injury?Diagnosed / treated for headache disorder or migraines?Diagnosed with a learning disability / dyslexia?Diagnosed with ADD / ADHD?Diagnosed with depression, anxietyor other psychiatric disorder?YesYesYesYesYesCurrent medications? If yes, please �Pressure in head”0123456Neck Pain0123456Nausea or vomiting0123456Dizziness0123456Blurred vision0123456Balance problems0123456Sensitivity to light0123456Sensitivity to noise0123456Feeling slowed down0123456Feeling like “in a fog“0123456“Don’t feel right”0123456Difficulty concentrating0123456Difficulty remembering0123456Fatigue or low energy0123456Confusion0123456Drowsiness0123456More ervous or Anxious0123456Trouble falling asleep(if applicable)0123456of 22Total number of symptoms:Symptom severity score:of 132Do your symptoms get worse with physical activity?YNDo your symptoms get worse with mental activity?YNIf 100% is feeling perfectly normal, whatpercent of normal do you feel?If not 100%, why?Please hand form back to examiner Concussion in Sport Group 2017SCAT5 Concussion in Sport Group 201713Sport Concussion Assessment Tool 5 (SCAT5)3Print Section3
SCAT5Downloaded from on May 8, 2017 - Published by group.bmj.com3Name:STEP 3: COGNITIVE SCREENINGDOB:Standardised Assessment of Concussion (SAC)4Address:ORIENTATIONID number:Examiner:What month is it?01What is the date today?01What is the day of the week?01What year is it?01What time is it right now? (within 1 hour)01DIGITS BACKWARDSof 5Please circle the Digit list chosen (A, B, C, D, E, F). Administer at therate of one digit per second reading DOWN the selected column.Orientation scoreThe Immediate Memory component can be completed using thetraditional 5-word per trial list or optionally using 10-words per trialto minimise any ceiling effect. All 3 trials must be administered irrespective of the number correct on the first trial. Administer at the rateof one word per second.Please choose EITHER the 5 or 10 word list groups and circle the specific word list chosenfor this test.I am going to test your memory. I will read you a list of words and when I am done, repeatback as many words as you can remember, in any order. For Trials 2 & 3: I am going to repeatthe same list again. Repeat back as many words as you can remember in any order, even ifyou said the word before.Score (of 5)Alternate 5 word listsTrial 1 Trial 2 Trial CarpetCONCENTRATIONI am going to read a string of numbers and when I am done, you repeat them back to mein reverse order of how I read them to you. For example, if I say 7-1-9, you would say 9-1-7.IMMEDIATE MEMORYListDate:SaddleConcentration Number Lists (circle one)List AList BList 5-69-2-6-5-1-4YN1List DList EList ieFDollarHoneyMirrorSaddleAnchorImmediate Memory Scoreof 15Time that last trial was completedScore (of 10)ListAlternate 10 word listsTrial 1 Trial 2 Trial rHoneyMirrorSaddleDigits Score:of 4MONTHS IN REVERSE ORDERNow tell me the months of the year in reverse order. Start with the last month and go backward.So you’ll say December, November. Go ahead.Dec - Nov - Oct - Sept - Aug - Jul - Jun - May - Apr - Mar - Feb - JanAnchorImmediate Memory Score0 1Months Scoreof 1Concentration Total Score (Digits Months)of 5of 30Time that last trial was completed Concussion in Sport Group 2017414SCAT5 Concussion in Sport Group 2017Sport Concussion Assessment Tool 5 (SCAT5)4Print Section
SCAT5Downloaded from on May 8, 2017 - Published by group.bmj.com4Name:STEP 4: NEUROLOGICAL SCREENDOB:See the instruction sheet (page 7) for details oftest administration and scoring of the tests.Address:ID number:Can the patient read aloud (e.g. symptom checklist) and follow instructions without difficulty?YNDoes the patient have a full range of painfree PASSIVE cervical spine movement?YNWithout moving their head or neck, can the patient lookside-to-side and up-and-down without double vision?YNCan the patient perform the finger nosecoordination test normally?YNCan the patient perform tandem gait normally?YNExaminer:Date:5STEP 5: DELAYED RECALL:BALANCE EXAMINATIONThe delayed recall should be performed after 5 minutes haveelapsed since the end of the Immediate Recall section. Score 1pt. for each correct response.Modified Balance Error Scoring System (mBESS) testing5Which foot was tested(i.e. which is the non-dominant foot) Left RightDo you remember that list of words I read a few times earlier? Tell me as many wordsfrom the list as you can remember in any order.Testing surface (hard floor, field, etc.)Time StartedFootwear (shoes, barefoot, braces, tape, etc.)ConditionPlease record each word correctly recalled. Total score equals number of words recalled.ErrorsDouble leg stanceof 10Single leg stance (non-dominant foot)of 10Tandem stance (non-dominant foot at the back)of 10Total Errorsof 30Total number of words recalled accurately:of 5orof 106STEP 6: DECISIONDate and time of injury:Date & time of assessment:If the athlete is known to you prior to their injury, are they different from their usual self?Domain Yes No Unsure Not Applicable(If different, describe why in the clinical notes section)Symptomnumber (of 22)Concussion Diagnosed? Yes No Unsure Not ApplicableSymptom severityscore (of 132)If re-testing, has the athlete improved?Orientation (of 5)Immediate memory Yes No Unsure Not Applicableof 15of 15of 15of 30of 30of 30Concentration (of 5)Neuro normalName:Title:Balance errors (of 30)Delayed RecallI am a physician or licensed healthcare professional and I have personallyadministered or supervised the administration of this SCAT5.of 5of 5of 5of 10of 10of 10Registration number (if applicable):Date:SCORING ON THE SCAT5 SHOULD NOT BE USED AS A STAND-ALONEMETHOD TO DIAGNOSE CONCUSSION, MEASURE RECOVERY ORMAKE DECISIONS ABOUT AN ATHLETE’S READINESS TO RETURN TOCOMPETITION AFTER CONCUSSION. Concussion in Sport Group 2017SCAT5 Concussion in Sport Group 201715Sport Concussion Assessment Tool 5 (SCAT5)5Print Section5
SCAT5Downloaded from on May 8, 2017 - Published by group.bmj.comCLINICAL NOTES:Name:DOB:Address:ID number:Examiner:Date:CONCUSSION INJURY ADVICE(To be given to the person monitoring the concussed athlete)Clinic phone number:This patient has received an injury to the head. A careful medicalexamination has been carried out and no sign of any seriouscomplications has been found. Recovery time is variable acrossindividuals and the patient will need monitoring for a further period by a responsible adult. Your treating physician will provideguidance as to this timeframe.Patient’s name:If you notice any change in behaviour, vomiting, worsening headache, double vision or excessive drowsiness, please telephoneyour doctor or the nearest hospital emergency departmentimmediately.Healthcare Provider:Date / time of injury:Date / time of medical review:Other important points:Initial rest: Limit physical activity to routine daily activities (avoidexercise, training, sports) and limit activities such as school,work, and screen time to a level that does not worsen symptoms.1) Avoid alcohol Concussion in Sport Group 20172) Avoid prescription or non-prescription drugswithout medical supervision. Specifically:a) Avoid sleeping tabletsb) Do not use aspirin, anti-inflammatory medicationor stronger pain medications such as narcotics3) Do not drive until cleared by a healthcare professional.4) Return to play/sport requires clearanceby a healthcare professional.616Contact details or stampSCAT5 Concussion in Sport Group 2017Sport Concussion Assessment Tool 5 (SCAT5)6Print Section
SCAT5Downloaded from on May 8, 2017 - Published by group.bmj.comINSTRUCTIONSWords in Italics throughout the SCAT5 are the instructions given to the athlete by the clinicianSymptom ScaleThe time frame for symptoms should be based on the type of test being administered. At baseline it is advantageous to assess how an athlete “typically” feelswhereas during the acute/post-acute stage it is best to ask how the athlete feelsat the time of testing.The symptom scale should be completed by the athlete, not by the examiner. Insituations where the symptom scale is being completed after exercise, it shouldbe done in a resting state, generally by approximating his/her resting heart rate.For total number of symptoms, maximum possible is 22 except immediately postinjury, if sleep item is omitted, which then creates a maximum of 21.For Symptom severity score, add all scores in table, maximum possible is 22 x 6 132, except immediately post injury if sleep item is omitted, which then createsa maximum of 21x6 126.Immediate MemoryThe Immediate Memory component can be completed using the traditional 5-wordper trial list or, optionally, using 10-words per trial. The literature suggests thatthe Immediate Memory has a notable ceiling effect when a 5-word list is used. Insettings where this ceiling is prominent, the examiner may wish to make the taskmore difficult by incorporating two 5–word groups for a total of 10 words per trial.In this case, the maximum score per trial is 10 with a total trial maximum of 30.Choose one of the word lists (either 5 or 10). Then perform 3 trials of immediatememory using this error is recorded but the athlete should quickly return to the testing position, andcounting should resume once the athlete is set. Athletes that are unable to maintainthe testing procedure for a minimum of five seconds at the start are assigned thehighest possible score, ten, for that testing condition.OPTION: For further assessment, the same 3 stances can be performed on a surfaceof medium density foam (e.g., approximately 50cm x 40cm x 6cm).Balance testing – types of errors1. Hands lifted offiliac crest2. Opening eyes3. Step, stumble, or fall5. Lifting forefoot or heel4. Moving hip into 30degrees abduction6. Rem
The term “athlete” used throughout this Doctor’s Pack applies equally to riders, drivers and vaulters . Print Print Print Print Print Print Print. 2. Contents. . Lying motionless on the playing surface Slow to get up after a direct or indirect hit to the head
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