Board Of Education Agenda January

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Board of Education Agenda ItemItem:O.Date:January 12, 2005Topic: Final review of Textbooks and Instructional Materials for State Adoption inMathematics, English and Literature, and Foreign LanguagePresenter: Dr. Beverly Thurston, Coordinator, History and Social Sciences andTextbook Adoption, Office of Middle and High School InstructionTelephone Number: 804-225-2893 E-Mail Address: beverly.thurston@doe.virginia.govOrigin:Topic presented for information only (no board action required)XBoard review required byState or federal law or regulationXBoard of Education regulationOther:XAction requested at this meetingAction requested at future meeting:Previous Review/Action:No previous board review/actionXPrevious review/actiondate October 28, 2004action First review of Textbooks and Instructional Materials for State Adoptionin Mathematics, English and Literature, and Foreign LanguageBackground Information:The Board of Education’s authority for approving textbooks and other instructional materials isprescribed in the Virginia Constitution and in the Code of Virginia. The Board of Education’sRegulations Governing Textbook Adoption 8VAC 20-220-30 specifies the types of materialsthat may be adopted.Only those materials which are designed to provide basic support for the instructionalprogram of a particular content area at an appropriate level will be adopted.“Basal textbook” or “basal instructional materials” are terms often used to describe the types ofmaterials described in 8VAC 20-220-30. These materials may be print and/or electronic.Teachers’ use of curricula and instructional materials that are aligned to the Standards ofLearning is a major factor contributing to student achievement of the standards.

At its March 27, 2002, meeting, the Board of Education adopted a resolution to allow theDepartment of Education to proceed with the review of textbooks and instructional materialsaccording to the established process. On March 29, 2002, the department postedSuperintendents’ Memorandum No. 15, which provided a textbook adoption schedule forstatewide adoptions through 2004-2005.Summary of Major Elements:In June 2004, committees of Virginia educators received K-12 mathematics, English andliterature, and foreign language textbooks and Standards of Learning textbook correlations frompublishers. Members of these committees conducted individual analyses of the materials prior tomeeting with the full committee. In July 2004, the committees convened in Richmond to reachconsensus on their reviews of the submitted materials. The consensus evaluations were sharedwith publishers, and publishers were given an opportunity to respond to the committees’ reviewsand recommendations. Requests by publishers for reconsideration were examined carefully priorto the list being submitted to the Board of Education for first review. The Department ofEducation has included a master list for all recommended and non-recommended textbooks thatwere reviewed. An additional book, Algebra and Trigonometry with Analytic Geometry with CDby Thomson Learning, has been added to the Algebra II with Trigonometry recommended list.The Algebra II review committee recommended this book, but it was inadvertently left off theinitial list.A 30-day public comment period began on October 29, 2004, immediately after the board’s firstreview of the list of materials. For K-12 mathematics textbooks there were three comments.One teacher commented that her division has a number of Spanish-speaking students for whommaterials in Spanish would be helpful. The remaining two comments were from a middle schoolthat currently uses Saxon mathematics textbooks. Both teachers spoke highly of the program atgrades 6 and 7 citing the repetitive nature of the program, its standardized format, and itsreadability.There were no public comments for English and literature and foreign language.Superintendent's Recommendation:The Superintendent of Public Instruction recommends that the Board of Education accept forfinal review and approve the attached list of textbooks and instructional materials recommendedfor state adoption.Impact on Resources:School divisions are provided funding through the Standards of Quality for the purchase oftextbooks and instructional materials. The Department of Education administers the stateadoption process. This responsibility can be absorbed by the agency’s existing resources at thistime. If the agency is required to absorb additional responsibilities related to this process, otherservices may be impacted.

Timetable for Further Review/Action:Upon approval, the Department of Education will publish the list of adopted instructionalmaterials with bid prices. In June 2005, the Department of Education will complete six-yearcontracts with publishers that will become effective July 1, 2005.

K-12 MathematicsTextbooks and InstructionalMaterialsJanuary 12, 2005

Mathematics Textbooks and Instructional MaterialsVirginia Department of EducationRecommended ListJanuary 12, 2005CourseKindergarten –Grade 1PublisherWright GroupTitleGrowing withMathematics,Virginia Class BundleSet, Grades K-1Copyright2002NOTE: The majority of the K-1 Standards of Learning are covered in this series by the end ofgrade 1, although not necessarily at the grade level suggested by the standards.CourseKindergarten –Grade 2PublisherKendall/HuntTitleMath Trailblazers,2/e, Grades K-2Copyright2004NOTE: The majority of the K-2 Standards of Learning are covered in this series by the end ofgrade 2, although not necessarily at the grade level suggested by the standards.CourseKindergarten –Grade 3PublisherScott ForesmanTitleInvestigations inNumber, Data andSpaceCopyright2004NOTE: The majority of the K-3 Standards of Learning are covered in this series by the end ofgrade 3, although not necessarily at the grade level suggested by the standards.CourseKindergarten Grade 5PublisherHarcourt SchoolPublishersHoughton MifflinHoughton MifflinSaxonTitleHarcourt Math, K-5Virginia EditionHoughton MifflinMath, Levels K-5Houghton MifflinMath, Le vels K-5eMathBook CDROMSaxon MathCopyright20052005200520041

Mathematics Textbooks and Instructional MaterialsVirginia Department of EducationRecommended ListJanuary 12, 2005CourseKindergarten Grade 5 (continued)PublisherScott ForesmanWright GroupGrades 1-5Harcourt SchoolPublishersGrade 4Scott ForesmanGrade 6Glencoe/McGraw HillGlencoe/McGraw HillHolt, Rinehart andWinstonHolt, Rinehart andWinstonTitleScott ForesmanAddison WesleyMathematics,Virginia EditionEverydayMathematics,Virginia Class BundleSet, Grades K-5Harcourt Math, 1-5(electronic) VirginiaEditionInvestigations inNumber, Data andSpaceGlencoeMathematics:Applications andConcepts, VirginiaEdition, Course 1GlencoeMathematics:Applications andConcepts, VirginiaEdition, Course 1(online)Holt Virginia MiddleSchool Mathematics,Course 1Copyright2006Holt Virginia MiddleSchool Mathematics,Course 1, PremierOnline20042004200520042005200520042

Mathematics Textbooks and Instructional MaterialsVirginia Department of EducationRecommended ListJanuary 12, 2005CourseGrade 6 (continued)PublisherHoughton MifflinHoughton MifflinMcDougal LittellPrentice HallPrentice HallScott ForesmanWright GroupGrade 7Glencoe/McGraw HillGlencoe/McGraw HillGlencoe/McGraw HillGlencoe/McGraw HillTitleHoughton MifflinMathematics, Level 6Houghton MifflinMathematics, Level 6eMathBook CDROMMcDougal LittellMiddle SchoolMathematics, Course1Prentice HallMathematics, Course1Prentice HallMathematics, Course1 InteractiveTextbookScott Foresman/Addison WesleyMathematics,Virginia EditionEverydayMathematics,Virginia Bundle Set,Grade 6Mathematics:Applications andConcepts, VirginiaEdition, Course 2Mathematics:Applications andConcepts, VirginiaEdition, Course 2(online)Glencoe Pre-AlgebraCopyright2005Glencoe 5200520053

Mathematics Textbooks and Instructional MaterialsVirginia Department of EducationRecommended ListJanuary 12, 2005CourseGrade 7 (continued)PublisherHolt, Rinehart andWinstonHolt, Rinehart andWinstonMcDougal LittellMcDougal LittellPrentice HallPrentice HallPrentice HallGrade 8SaxonCORDCommunications, Inc.Glencoe/McGraw HillGlencoe/McGraw HillHolt, Rinehart andWinstonTitleHolt Middle SchoolMathematics, Course2Holt Middle SchoolMathematics, Course2 Premier OnlineMcDougal LittellMiddle SchoolMathematics, Course2McDougal Littell PreAlgebraPrentice HallConnectedMathematics, Grade 7Prentice HallMathematics, Course2Prentice HallMathematics, Course2 InteractiveTextbookSaxon Math 8/7Bridges to Algebraand Geometry, 2ndEditionMathematics:Applications andConcepts, VirginiaEdition, Course 3Mathematics:Applications andConcepts, VirginiaEdition, Course 3(online)Holt Middle SchoolMathematics, 042005200520044

Mathematics Textbooks and Instructional MaterialsVirginia Department of EducationRecommended ListJanuary 12, 2005CourseGrade 8 (continued)PublisherHolt, Rinehart andWinstonHolt, Rinehart andWinstonMcDougal LittellMcDougal LittellPrentice HallPrentice HallPrentice HallPrentice HallAlgebra ICORDCommunications, Inc.Glencoe/McGraw HillGlencoe/McGraw HillGlencoe/McGraw HillGlencoe/McGraw HillTitleHolt Middle SchoolMathematics, Course3 Premier OnlineVirginia Holt PreAlgebraMcDougal LittellMiddle SchoolMathematics, Course3McDougal Littell PreAlgebraPrentice HallMathematics, Course3Prentice HallMathematics, Course3 InteractiveTextbookPrentice HallMathematics PreAlgebra, VirginiaEditionPrentice HallMathematics PreAlgebra, VirginiaEdition InteractiveTextbookAlgebra bra I, VirginiaEdition2005Algebra I, VirginiaEdition (online)Algebra: Conceptsand Applications,Volumes 1 and 2Algebra: Conceptsand Applications,Volumes 1 and 2(online)2005200520055

Mathematics Textbooks and Instructional MaterialsVirginia Department of EducationRecommended ListJanuary 12, 2005CourseAlgebra I(continued)PublisherHolt, Rinehart, &WinstonKey Curriculum Press2004Algebra I: Conceptsand SkillsAlgebra I, VirginiaEditionAlgebra I, VirginiaEdition InteractiveTextbookAlgebra I2004Algebra: Conceptsand Applications,Volumes 1 and 2Algebra: Conceptsand Applications,Volumes 1 and 2(online)Algebra I: Conceptsand Skills, Volumes Iand II2005CORDCommunications, Inc.Glencoe/McGraw HillGeometry2004Glencoe Geometry2005Glencoe/McGraw HillGlencoe Geometry(online)Glencoe Geometry:Concepts andApplications,Virginia Edition2005McDougal LittellPrentice HallPrentice HallCORDCommunications, Inc.Glencoe/McGraw HillGlencoe/McGraw HillMcDougal LittellGeometryCopyright2004Discovering Algebra:An InvestigativeApproachAlgebra IMcDougal LittellAlgebra I, Parts 1and 2TitleHolt Algebra IGlencoe/McGraw Hill20042006200620042005200420056

Mathematics Textbooks and Instructional MaterialsVirginia Department of EducationRecommended ListJanuary 12, aw HillHolt, Rinehart andWinstonKey Curriculum PressMcDougal LittellMcDougal LittellPrentice HallPrentice HallGeometry, Parts 1and 2Glencoe/McGraw HillGlencoe/McGraw HillMcDougal LittellMcDougal LittellAlgebra IIGlencoe/McGraw HallGlencoe/McGraw HallMcDougal LittellHolt, Rinehart, andWinstonPrentice HallTitleGlencoe Geometry:Concepts andApplications,Virginia Edition(online)Holt GeometryCopyright2005DiscoveringGeometry: AnInvestigativeApproachGeometryGeometry: Conceptsand SkillsGeometry, VirginiaEditionGeometry, VirginiaEdition InteractiveTextbookGlencoe Geometry:Concepts andApplications,Virginia EditionGlencoe Geometry:Concepts andApplications,Virginia Edition(online)Geometry2004Geometry: Conceptsand SkillsGlencoe Algebra 22003Glencoe Algebra 2(online)Algebra 22005Algebra 22004Algebra 2, 4200520047

Mathematics Textbooks and Instructional MaterialsVirginia Department of EducationRecommended ListJanuary 12, 2005CourseAlgebra II(continued)PublisherPrentice HallAlgebra II andTrigonometryMcDougall LittellThomson LearningAlgebra1/Geometry(3-year sequence)Glencoe/McGraw HillTitleAlgebra 2, VirginiaEdition InteractiveTextbookMcDougall LittellAlgebra 2Copyright2006Algebra andTrigonometry withAnalytic Geometryand CDContemporaryMathematics inContext Courses 1-32002200420038

Mathematics Textbooks and Instructional MaterialsVirginia Department of EducationNot Recommended ListJanuary 12, 2005CourseGrade 2PublisherWright GroupGrade 3Kendall/HuntWright GroupGrade 4Kendall/HuntWright GroupGrade 5Kendall/HuntScott ForesmanWright GroupGrade 6Holt, Rinehart andWinstonPrentice HallSaxonGrade 7Grade 8Holt, Rinehart andWinstonHolt, Rinehart andWinstonPrentice HallSaxonAlgebra ISaxonTitleGrowing withMathematics,Virginia ClassBundle Set, Grade 2Math Trailblazers,2/e, Grade 3Growing withMathematics,Virginia ClassBundle Set, Grade 3Math Trailblazers,2/e, Grade 4Growing withMathematicsVirginia ClassBundle Set, Grade 4Math Trailblazers,2/e, Grade 5Investigations inNumber, Data andSpaceGrowing withMathematics,Virginia ClassBundle Set, Grade 5Mathematics inContextConnectedMathematicsProgram, Grade 6Saxon Math 042004Mathematics inContext, Grade 7Mathematics inContext, Grade 8ConnectedMathematicsProgram, Grade 8Algebra 1/22003Algebra I: AnIncrementalDevelopment20032003200420049

Mathematics Textbooks and Instructional MaterialsVirginia Department of EducationNot Recommended ListJanuary 12, 2005CourseAlgebra I, Parts 1and 2Algebra IIPublisherIt’s About illKey CurriculumPressSaxonAlgebra II withTrigonometryThomson LearningTitleMath Connections,1A and 1BCopyright2000ContemporaryMathematics inContextDiscoveringAdvanced Algebra:An InvestigativeApproachAlgebra 2: AnIncrementalDevelopmentAlgebra withTrigonometry forCollege Students200320042003200210

6-12 English and LiteratureTextbooks and InstructionalMaterialsJanuary 12, 2005

English Textbooks and Instructional MaterialsVirginia Department of EducationRecommended ListJanuary 12, 2005Grade Level/StrandSixth Grade/LiteraturePublisherEMC ParadigmHolt, Rinehartand WinstonMcDougalLittellMcDougalLittellPrentice HallSixth Grade/BundlesLiterature withWriting(2 books perbundle)Sixth Grade/ReadingSixth Grade/EnglishHolt, Rinehart,and WinstonPrentice HallGlobe FearonGreat SourceEducationScott ForesmanHolt, Rinehart,and WinstonMcDougalLittellPrentice HallPrentice HallPrentice HallTitleThe EMC Masterpiece Series,Literature and the Language Arts,Discovering LiteratureElements of Literature, IntroductoryCourseCopyright20032005Bridges to Literature, Level I2002The Language of Literature, Grade 6Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes,Copper, Student EditionElements of Literature, IntroductoryCourseandElements of Language, IntroductoryCourseTimeless Voices, Timeless Themes,CopperandWriting and Grammar Communicationin ActionBe a Better Reader, Level C2004/200220052005/200420052003Reader’s Handbook2002Scott Foresman Reading 2004, PupilEditionElements of Language, IntroductoryCourseLanguage Network, Grade 6200420042004/2001Writing and Grammar Communicationin Action, Copper, Student Edition2004Writing and Grammar Communicationin Action, Copper, Handbook, Grade 62004Writing and Grammar Communicationin Action, Copper, Interactive Text20041

English Textbooks and Instructional MaterialsVirginia Department of EducationRecommended ListJanuary 12, 2005Grade Level/StrandSeventh Grade/LiteraturePublisherEMC ParadigmHolt, Rinehartand WinstonMcDougalLittellMcDougalLittellPrentice HallSeventh Grade/BundlesLiterature withWriting(2 books perbundle)Holt, Rinehart,and WinstonSeventh Grade/ReadingGlobe FearonSeventh Grade/EnglishPrentice HallGreat SourceEducationHolt, Rinehart,and WinstonMcDougalLittellPrentice HallPrentice HallPrentice HallTitleThe EMC Masterpiece Series,Literature and the Language Arts,Discovering LiteratureElements of Literature, First CourseCopyright20032005Bridges to Literature, Level II2002The Language of Literature, Grade 7Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes,Bronze Student EditionElements of Literature, First CourseandElements of Language, First Course,Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes,BronzeandWriting and Grammar Communicationin ActionBe a Better Reader, Level D2004/200220052005/200420052003Reader’s Handbook2002Elements of Language, First Course2004Language Network, Grade 72004/2001Writing and Grammar Communicationin Action, Bronze, Student Edition2004Writing and Grammar Communicationin Action, Bronze, Handbook, Grade 72004Writing and Grammar Communicationin Action, Bronze, Interactive Text20042

English Textbooks and Instructional MaterialsVirginia Department of EducationRecommended ListJanuary 12, 2005Grade Level/StrandEighth Grade/LiteraturePublisherTitleEMC ParadigmThe EMC Masterpiece Series,Literature and the Language Arts,Discovering LiteratureElements of Literature, Second CourseHolt, Rinehartand WinstonMcDougalLittellMcDougalLittellPrentice HallEighth Grade/BundlesLiterature withWriting(2 books perbundle)Holt, Rinehart,and WinstonEighth Grade/ReadingGlobe FearonEighth Grade/EnglishPrentice HallGreat SourceEducationPeoplesPublishingHolt, Rinehart,and WinstonMcDougalLittellPrentice HallPrentice HallPrentice HallCopyright20032005Bridges to Literature, Level III2002The Language of Literature, Grade 8Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes,Silver Student EditionElements of Literature, Second CourseandElements of Language, Second CourseTimeless Voices, Timeless Themes,SilverandWriting and Grammar Communicationin ActionBe a Better Reader, Level E2004/200220052005/200420052003Reader’s Handbook2002Measuring Up to the VirginiaStandards of Learning Level HElements of Language, Second Course2004Language Network, Grade 820042004/2001Writing and Grammar Communicationin Action, Silver, Student Edition2004Writing and Grammar Communicationin Action, Silver, Handbook, Grade 82004Writing and Grammar Communicationin Action, Silver, Interactive Text20043

English Textbooks and Instructional MaterialsVirginia Department of EducationRecommended ListJanuary 12, 2005Grade Level/StrandNinth Grade/LiteraturePublisherEMC ParadigmHolt, Rinehartand WinstonMcDougalLittellPrentice HallNinth Grade/Bundles ofLiterature withWriting(2 books perbundle)Holt, Rinehart,and WinstonNinth Grade/EnglishGreat SourceEducationHolt, Rinehart,and WinstonMcDougalLittellPrentice HallPrentice HallPrentice HallPrentice HallThomsonLearningTitleThe EMC Masterpiece Series,Literature and the Language Arts,Experiencing LiteratureElements of Literature Third CourseCopyright20032005The Language of Literature, Grade 9Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes,Gold Student EditionElements of Literature, Fourth CourseandElements of Language, Third CourseTimeless Vo ices, Timeless Themes,GoldandWriting and Grammar Communicationin ActionWriter’s INCElements of Language, Third CourseLanguage Network, Grade 9Writing and Grammar Communicationin Action, Gold, Student EditionWriting and Grammar Communicationin Action, Gold, Handbook, Grade 9Writing and Grammar Communicationin Action, Gold, Interactive TextHodges Harbrace Handbook 2005200420044

English Textbooks and Instructional MaterialsVirginia Department of EducationRecommended ListJanuary 12, 2005Grade Level/StrandTenth Grade/LiteraturePublisherTitleEMC ParadigmThe EMC Masterpiece Series,Literature and the Language Arts,Understanding LiteratureElements of Literature, Fourth CourseHolt, Rinehartand WinstonMcDougalLittellPrentice HallPrentice HallTenth Grade/BundlesLiterature withWriting(2 books perbundle)Holt, Rinehart,and WinstonPrentice HallPrentice HallTenth Grade/EnglishGreat SourceEducationHolt, Rinehart,and WinstonMcDougalLittellPrentice HallPrentice HallPrentice HallThomsonLearningCopyright20032005The Language of Literature, WorldLiteratureTimeless Voices, Timeless Themes,Platinum Student EditionTimeless Voices, Timeless Themes,World Masterpieces, Student EditionElements of Litera

McDougal Littell Algebra I 2004 McDougal Littell Algebra I: Concepts and Skills 2004 Prentice Hall Algebra I, Virginia Edition 2006 Algebra I (continued) Prentice Hall Algebra I, Virginia Edition Interactive Textbook 2006 CORD Communications, Inc. Algebra I 2004 Glencoe/McGraw Hill Algebra: Concepts and Applications, Volumes 1 and 2 2005

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