PUMP UP YOUR HEALTHWITH PRIMAL FUEL!Primal Fuel is one of my favorite creations because unlike mostother protein powders, it actually tastes great with nothing butwater. I’m not a big breakfast guy, so pretty much everymorning I gear up with a creative, nutritious blend of PrimalFuel. Some days I stick with the basics and simply add 1-2scoops of chocolate or vanilla fuel to 8 ounces of ice-cold water.But typically I like to turn my shake into a veritable flavor feastby adding raspberries, bananas, mangos—there’s just no end tothe tasty ingredients you can try! My daughter Devyn has evencome up with a Primal Fuel Pancake recipe that rocks.What I’ve discovered with all my blending is that getting yourhealth on track can be fun and easy—especially with thisperfect Primal/Paleo meal that helps you lose weight whilemaintaining lean muscle mass beat hunger with satisfying,healthy fat and satisfy your taste buds with all-natural, creamyand delicious ingredients.This Primal Fuel Recipes booklet features 21 scrumptiousPrimal Fuel concoctions that elevate low-carb eating tomaximum satisfaction. I hope you enjoy these convenient,timesaving and delectable recipes as much as I do! Onceyou’ve started experimenting, I’m certain you’ll come up withmasterpieces of your own. If you do, please share them withme and our Primal community by posting your favorites atMark’s Daily Apple.Until then, let the taste testing begin!MARK SISSONAUTHOR OF
BASIC INSTRUCTIONSThe recipes here combine additional healthy ingredientswith a basic Primal Fuel smoothie to create a wide varietyof shake flavors.For a basic Primal Fuel smoothie, shake or blend 2 scoops(44 g) of Primal Fuel with 1 - 1 ¼ cups of cold water,or ½ cup ice (about 5 ice cubes) and ½ cup of cold water.For all recipes with a stir icon, simply shake orstir the ingredients together.The ingredients in recipes with a blend icon willhave a better consistency if mixed in a blender.PRO-TIPMake your smoothies thick and rich by swapping out the1-1 ¼ cups cold water for ½ cup ice and ½ cup cold water
CHOCOLATECOCONUTPRIMAL FUELRECIPESCHOCOLATE RASPBERRY2 scoops (44 g) Chocolate Coconut Primal Fuel1 - 1 ¼ cups cold water (or ½ cup ice and ½ cup cold water)¼ – ½ cup fresh or frozen raspberriesRaspberries are the perfect blend of sweet and tangy, andare actually quite low in sugar. They’re loaded with solublefiber, excellent food for your gut flora to ferment into shortchain fatty acids. They also have vitamin C, manganese andan antioxidant called ellagic acid. Cheers to your health!
BANANA BREAD2 scoops (44 g) Chocolate Coconut Primal Fuel1 - 1 ¼ cups cold water (or ½ cup ice and ½ cup cold water)½ frozen or fresh banana½ teaspoon cinnamon06GREENS2 scoops (44 g) Chocolate Coconut Primal Fuel1 - 1 ¼ cups cold water (or ½ cup ice and ½ cup cold water)½ cup spinach
HAWAIIAN2 scoops (44 g) Chocolate Coconut Primal Fuel1 - 1 ¼ cups cold water (or ½ cup ice and ½ cup cold water)2 tablespoons macadamia or almond nut butter½ frozen or fresh bananaCHOCOLATE MINT2 scoops (44 g) Chocolate Coconut Primal Fuel1 - 1 ¼ cups cold water (or ½ cup ice and ½ cup cold water)Small handful fresh mint leaves09
RICH AND CREAMY2 scoops (44 g) Chocolate Coconut Primal Fuel1 - 1 ¼ cups cold water (or ½ cup ice and ½ cup cold water)½ cup whole fat plain yogurtHEART HEALTHY2 scoops (44 g) Chocolate Coconut Primal Fuel1 - 1 ¼ cups cold water (or ½ cup ice and ½ cup cold water)½ an avocado10
SPICY GINGER2 scoops (44 g) Chocolate Coconut Primal Fuel1 - 1 ¼ cups cold water (or ½ cup ice and ½ cup cold water)1 tablespoon grated fresh gingerMEXICAN CHOCOLATE2 scoops (44 g) Chocolate Coconut Primal Fuel1 - 1 ¼ cups cold water (or ½ cup ice and ½ cup cold water)1 teaspoon vanilla extract½ teaspoon cinnamon¼ teaspoon chili powder13
VANILLACOCONUTPRIMAL FUELRECIPESCHOCOLATE ALMOND2 scoops (44 g) Chocolate Coconut Primal Fuel½ cup almond milk½ cup water or ½ cup ice
BLUEBERRYCREAMSICLE2 scoops (44 g) Vanilla Coconut Primal Fuel1 - 1 ¼ cups cold water (or ½ cup ice and ½ cup cold water)¼ – ½ cup fresh or frozen blueberries2 scoops (44 g) Vanilla Coconut Primal Fuel1 - 1 ¼ cups cold water (or ½ cup ice and ½ cup cold water)1 tablespoon orange zest17
CREAMY AVOCADOPUMPKIN PIE2 scoops (44 g) Vanilla Coconut Primal Fuel1 - 1 ¼ cups cold water (or ½ cup ice and ½ cup cold water)½ an avocado2 tablespoons cultured sour cream2 scoops (44 g) Vanilla Coconut Primal Fuel1 - 1 ¼ cups cold water (or ½ cup ice and ½ cup cold water)¼ cup canned or freshly roasted pureed pumpkin½ teaspoon cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice18
CREAMY ALMONDVANILLA LATTE2 scoops (44 g) Vanilla Coconut Primal Fuel1 - 1 ¼ cups cold water (or ½ cup ice and ½ cup cold water)2 tablespoons almond butter2 scoops (44 g) Vanilla Coconut Primal Fuel½ cup ice½ cup coffee or espresso21
EGG NOG2 scoops (44 g) Vanilla Coconut Primal Fuel1 - 1 ¼ cups cold water (or ½ cup ice and ½ cup cold water)1 teaspoon cinnamon¼ teaspoon nutmeg1 raw organic cage-free egg yolk (optional)BERRY GREEN2 scoops (44 g) Vanilla Coconut Primal Fuel1 - 1 ¼ cups cold water (or ½ cup ice and ½ cup cold water)Small handful of greens like spinach, mache or kale¼ cup mixed berries22
VANILLA CHOCOLATESWIRL2 scoops (44 g) Vanilla Coconut Primal Fuel (or 1 scoop VanillaCoconut Fuel plus 1 scoop Chocolate Coconut Fuel)1 - 1 ¼ cups cold water (or ½ cup ice and ½ cup cold water)1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powderSPICED2 scoops (44 g) Vanilla Coconut Primal Fuel1 - 1 ¼ cups cold water (or ½ cup ice and ½ cup cold water)¼ teaspoon turmeric½ teaspoon cardamom25
PANCAKES2 scoops Vanilla Coconut Primal Fuel1 whole (mashed banana)1 eggDash of nutmeg and/or cinnamonCoconut oil (for cooking)DIRECTIONSMix ingredients together, starting with mashed banana.Add water, coconut water or coconut milk to the batterif it is too thick.Next, melt coconut oil over medium heat in a griddle panor skillet. Working in batches, pour or ladle the pancake batteronto the griddle. Let the pancake cook about 2 minutesa side or until browned.PRO-TIPMix things up! Try adding a handful of blueberries to the batterfor an extra-special primal treat.
HIGH ONPROTEIN,LOW ONSUGARNEWLOOK!SAME GREATTASTE!Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake20 Grams of the Highest BiologicalValue Protein Per Serving9 Grams Of Delicious Fat From CoconutUnder 2 Grams of Sugar and No HFCS6 Grams of Prebiotic FiberSHOP 88-774-6259
with a basic Primal Fuel smoothie to create a wide variety of shake flavors. For a basic Primal Fuel smoothie, shake or blend 2 scoops (44 g) of Primal Fuel with 1 - 1 ¼ cups of cold water, or ½ cup ice (about 5 ice cubes) and ½ cup of cold water. For all recipes with a stir icon, simply shake or stir the ingredients together.
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The Primal Blueprint 21-Day Total Body Transformation: Unabridged recording of the entire book, 5.5 hours in dura-tion. The Primal Connection: Unabridged re-cording of the entire book, 6 hours in duration. Digital Books Digital copies in PDF format of five popu-lar Primal Blueprint
BEEF Primal Cut Weight Range Guide PRIMAL CARCASE - PRIMAL CUT WEIGHT RANGES CUT * H.A.M. NO. 160-180kg 180-220kg 220-260kg 260-300kg This information is to be used as a GUIDE ONLY. * H.A.M. - Handbook of Australian Meat Reference Cut Item and Code Number. GUIDE TO CARCASE BODY YIELD PRIMAL CUTS ACCOUNT FOR : 60% TRIMMINGS :
Relations between Primal and Dual If the primal problem is Maximize ctx subject to Ax b, x ‚ 0 then the dual is Minimize bty subject to Aty ‚ c (and y unrestricted) Easy fact: If x is feasible for the primal, and y is feasible for the dual, then ctx bty So (primal optimal) (dual optimal) (Weak Duali
THE PRImAL FAT bURNER mEAL PLAN AND RECIPES 205 LUNCH: Thai Salad with Spicy Dressing DINNER: Cumin Pork Stir-Fry, Primal Cauliflower Fried Rice DAY 10 BREAKFAST: Primal Breakfast "Fondue" with coconut oil or Primal Gaucho Chimichurri LUNCH: Amazing Coconut Thai Soup DINNER: Carnitas Salad DAY 11 BREAKFAST: Breakfast Sausage Patty with Sautéed Greens, 2 to 3
8 The Primal Blueprint 21-Day Total Body Transformation e 284-page Primal Blueprint (released in September 2009) took three years of research and writing, and over 30 years of immersion in the world of diet, fitness, performance nutrition, and elite athletics.
It is imperative that before beginning any diet or exercise program, including any aspect of Primal Blueprint Fitness or Primal Blueprint programs, you receive full medical clearance from a licensed physician. Author and publisher claim no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or al- .
A Reader’s Guide to Contemporary Literary Theoryis a classic introduction to the ever-evolving field of modern literary theory, now expanded and updated in its fifth edition. This book presents the full range of positions and movements in contemporary literary theory. It organises the theories into clearly defined sections and presents them in an accessible and lucid style. Students are .