Siemens Digital Industries SoftwareProduct realizationfacilitates a collaborativeapproachDriving profitability, reputation and moresuccessful execution of aerospace anddefense programsExecutive summaryAerospace and defense companies are being confronted by the twin challenges of unprecedented competitive pressure as well as understandablydemanding customers who are seeking greater accountability on programperformance. To compete successfully, aerospace companies need torethink their program execution strategies. To gain greater clarity on program decisions and their impact on cost, timing and quality, they mustmake manufacturing a core part of the program development
White paper Product realization facilitates a collaborative approachIntroductionIn the aerospace and defense industry, programs arebecoming more complex, bids are more challenging andcustomer priorities are changing. The need for newertechnologies, such as composites for more fuel-efficientaircraft, will continue to grow. Aerospace companiesalso have to manage regulatory requirements to makesure design and manufacturing practices are documented and traceable. The need for greater programperformance has never been so critical for aerospaceand defense companies. To win business in today’shighly competitive environment, aerospace companiesmust submit attractive bids that also include the demonstrated ability to deliver on program targets, requirements and production schedules. This is not an easytask and requires reinventing the way programs aremanaged from initial concept all the way throughdelivery.Siemens Digital Industries SoftwareAerospace and defense companies are trying to find amore efficient way to enhance collaboration betweendesign and manufacturing. The industry needs a processdriven product lifecycle management (PLM) approach toinclude manufacturing engineering in every aspect ofprogram development. This can drive profitability, reputation and prove the firm’s ability to drive successfulprogram execution.Siemens Digital Industries Software’s Product Realizationsolution for the aerospace and defense industry providesa process-driven approach to shift product and manufacturing decisions to early in the lifecycle so you can validate the manufacturing feasibility of aircraft systemsduring the design stage.2
White paper Product realization facilitates a collaborative approachThe changing global aerospaceand defense industryProgram complexitiesIncreasing program complexity is one of the reasonsmost aerospace companies suffer delays and financiallosses during the execution of major programs. Theissues arise because aerospace systems are becomingmore sophisticated and challenging. Large programs aremanaged on a global scale with original equipmentmanufacturers (OEMs) and suppliers finding it difficultto efficiently manage systems integration. Poor program management, shortages of skilled labor and lackof understanding of requirements are some of the keycontributing factors that lead to program failures. Also,aerospace customers are demanding greater innovationand fuel efficiency in products. With increasing regulation in greenhouse gas emissions, the need for lightermaterials and advanced propulsion techniques willcontinue to grow in the near future. All these issuesdrive product and program complexities and, therefore,new approaches to program execution strategies arenecessary to win in the current aerospace industryenvironment.Poor program performanceThe aerospace and defense industry is under a tremendous amount of change. A majority of those programsacross the industry are either over budget, late or both.Poor program performance will weigh heavily as newopportunities may be penalized based on past performance. There are a greater number of competitors bothforeign and domestic competing for a fewer number ofSiemens Digital Industries Softwareprograms. This makes winning or losing the next program even more important. Nowadays, aerospacedefense contractors are required to demonstrate costand risk mitigation abilities to win business. The advantage will also go to those who are nimble and opportunistic in recognizing changing defense priorities andpursuing the resultant opportunities. All these require afundamental change in terms of pursuing programs andmanufacturing strategies to operate profitably at lowerproduction rates. All elements of program cost, such asdirect labor, material and overhead, should be accurately predicted and managed to demonstrate programaffordability to government customers.Increasing global competitionThe global commercial aerospace sector is the keygrowth sector, and is driven by increased productiondemand at the platform level as well as for retrofitcomponents. Increasing passenger travel demand andthe replacement cycle of older generation aircraft willcontribute to the biggest growth in the aerospaceindustry. However, competition is intense with theentry of new, lower cost and more responsive providers,including the migration of companies from defense tocommercial markets. To win bids and deliver successfulprograms requires aerospace companies to maximizeresource utilization, aggressively pursue program bidsand make sound investment decisions in design andmanufacturing capabilities.3
White paper Product realization facilitates a collaborative approachStrategies for profitable growthThe implications of a changing customer base andprogram performance requirements will impact aerospace and defense industry practices in the upcomingyears. Aerospace companies must revisit their strategicimperatives to stay competitive and capture value.Cost containmentThe pressure on established providers to become dramatically more efficient at reducing costs while increasing production flexibility will be unrelenting. These costand flexibility needs include not only capabilities formanaging more build variations in production, but alsothe need to evaluate and adopt alternative or newmaterials and manufacturing processes to reduce costs.Today traditional cost management approaches are notenough, and in an era of growing demand for moreinnovation in the industry, just slashing the operationalcost is not a recipe for success. Good investment decisions should capture efficiencies from existingresources. This requires aerospace companies to perform a strategic evaluation of their cost structure. Theidea is to reduce cost drivers by proper program planning. Poor program management and late stage costbuildup are the most significant contributors to inefficiencies. Such cost drivers are completely avoidable.Aggressive program pursuitTo win business in today’s environment, contractorsneed to submit more attractive bids. Aerospace customers need to know that the program can be executedwithin budget, timing and performance requirements.This forces the industry to reinvent the way programproposals are pursued and bids are submitted. Winningbids are typically the ones that can prove that manufacturing capabilities exist to build the product as per thespecifications. Conversely, aerospace companies mustevaluate the program viability during the bid processand pursue only those that are profitable.Siemens Digital Industries SoftwareIn addition, the established reputation of programperformance is, and will continue to be, an essentialrequirement for a company to win new contracts. Astrategic approach to pursuing programs with earlyanalysis of manufacturing viability is critical for makingthe right investment decisions and winning larger andmore profitable contracts.Risk sharing with suppliersIn the aerospace industry, transfer of subsystem andcomponent development to suppliers is growing.Considering the growing number of smaller contracts,this is a critical risk mitigation strategy adopted by mostaerospace OEMs. Reliance on supplied parts helps tominimize capital investments, better manage inventorylevels as well as share research and development (R&D)costs. On the other hand, complexities in aerospacesystems present unique supplier integration challengesduring product development. Successful supplier collaboration requires product data and manufacturinginformation, such as 3D design data, quality parametersand any tooling information, to be seamlessly shared.The need to accurately trace part numbers and bill-ofmaterials (BOMs) for compliance and regulatoryrequirements brings additional challenges. Therefore,using integrated processes to enable co-development ofcomponents between OEMs and suppliers can significantly improve program profitability for all parties.4
White paper Product realization facilitates a collaborative approachKey enablers for drivingprogram execution excellenceIn order to contain cost, pursue bids more successfullyand drive program execution excellence, aerospace anddefense companies must embrace a more efficient wayto enable collaboration between design and manufacturing. The need to fully understand the manufacturingimplications of multiple design alternatives is animportant element of program success. Enabling earlyinvolvement of manufacturing engineering in theassessment of design alternatives, accurate planning foron-time project launch and effective communicationwith the shop floor are all examples of opportunities forcompanies to shift left the integration of the manufacturing definition in the product development process.With the shift-left strategy, the program team can makemanufacturing decisions concurrently with the evolvingaircraft design. Design and manufacturing gain earlyaccess to prerelease data so critical decisions are madein a collaborative manner. It is more efficient and costeffective when design and manufacturing engineers aregiven the opportunity to optimize program performancebefore investment decisions are locked in. The chartbelow shows that early in the lifecycle we have moreflexibility to change designs with less cost impact. Aswe move forward in the program lifecycle, it becomescost prohibitive to change decisions.Manufacturingplanning activitiesilitAbytochangeCost of changeI n v e s t menConceptDesignProgram teams that consider manufacturing early onare more likely to take advantage of new materials andtechnologies such as composites, additive manufacturing, near-net shape forming and complex parts machining. However, aerospace companies still struggle to finda solution that is capable of providing a single collaborative platform for conducting design, manufacturingplanning and production activities. Typically, design andmanufacturing applications are separate tools representing data in different constructs and, therefore,real-time collaboration is never achieved. Aerospacecompanies try to connect the disparate systems with adhoc integration modules, but that has been an inefficient approach.Therefore, the question is how can next-generation PLMsolutions for aerospace and defense help programteams collaborate more effectively during the productrealization process?Engineering releaseShift leftThe opportunity to optimize the product design notonly for performance but also for manufacturingrequirements can help the program team better controlunit costs, production rates and facilities planning forboth the aerospace company and its suppliers. Thisconsideration, or shift-left strategy, helps to reduce thenumber of program changes and ensures a smoothtransition from development to production.tPlanValidateBuildLaunchFigure 1: Shift left program decisions are a critical initiative for aerospacecompanies.Siemens Digital Industries Software5
White paper Product realization facilitates a collaborative approachProduct Realization solution supportsprogram execution excellenceFor more successful program execution, the aerospaceand defense industry needs a process-driven PLMapproach to bring manufacturing engineering intoevery aspect of program development. This approachmust start early in concept evaluation and continue allthe way through production and delivery. When manufacturing is involved at every stage of the program andparticipates in decision making in an immersive way,the likelihood of program execution success increasesexponentially. Therefore, integrating design and manufacturing during product realization is critical for aerospace companies to execute programs on a global basis.The exhibit below describes a common approach toProduct Realization in the aerospace industry. Theintent is to include manufacturing at every stage of theprogram execution process. We can highlight key capabilities that the Product Realization solution provides forsupport at each stage.Program pursuit and planningPursuing program contracts efficiently is the most critical activity for aerospace companies. Rapid evaluationufacEngineei ldrin gPl nbutoelopldertud evdegangringmType certificateFCA, CDR, PDRtPre-type boardSRRaSDRenoPrgrConbui ldt tocepsuitpurndymtDeliver to l e a r nLibraries, templates,document specificationProductio n aDELIVERiverREQUIREMENTSdeplode lamPRRProductioncertificateBUILDBuild to/ planningCONCEPTAirworthiness certificatePCAFigure 2: Product Realization process for aerospace and defense.Siemens Digital Industries Softwareof different concept designs, validation of requirementsand estimating program profitability is critical for submitting winning bids. Consider if a firm’s manufacturingrequirements, such as quality, timing, cost, tooling andmaterials, are evaluated for each concept design; then itcan significantly improve bid quality. It gives customersthe confidence that program objectives can be met ontime and within budget. A solution must support thiscritical stage of program execution by providing thefollowing capabilities: Evaluate alternative manufacturing processes, toolingconcepts and quality schemes using a common environment for all manufacturing information Drive re-use of best practice processes, resourcelibraries and manufacturing expertise from previousprograms Perform simulation of different production alternativesand validate if the customer delivery schedule can beobtained while considering capital investments Perform early factory layout planning, throughputanalysis, tooling requirements and automation planning for concept viabilityThe objective of this stage is to provide programmanagement with answers on how manufacturing cansupport budget and schedule during the bidding process. Using a single environment for design and manufacturing process management, aerospace companiescan now evaluate design concepts and select the bestalternative that meets program design requirements,costs and schedules, thereby increasing the likelihood ofwinning the bid.Engineering manufacturing developmentOnce the program is awarded and the decision is madeto move forward with a particular design concept, it istime to begin detailed design of systems and subsystems, including manufacturing process definitions forbuilding the product. During the design-to-build phase,design and manufacturing engineers collaborate onprereleased data and perform design-for-manufacturability tradeoff studies to identify potential design as6
White paper Product realization facilitates a collaborative approachwell as process or tooling issues. At this stage of preliminary design review (PDR), close collaboration betweendesign and manufacturing ensures that released designdata is ready for manufacturing planning.The following plan-to-build phase is when detailedmanufacturing planning of fabrication and the assemblyprocess is performed in more detail. Aerospace companies define manufacturing BOMs, routings, numericalcontrol (NC) programs and other automation planning.A single integrated Product Realization environmentprovides a transition from design release to detailedmanufacturing planning with solutions capabilities thatenable you to: Provide a common environment to manage engineering as well as manufacturing BOMs, providing fullassociativity between design and manufacturinginformation Capture manufacturing impact due to design changesusing powerful search and accountability analysistools, enabling you to take the necessary correctivesteps in a transparent way Identify long-lead materials and components and alignpurchasing activities accordingly Configure 3D work instructions automatically basedon the exact process stepsProduction and deploymentWhen program execution reaches this stage, it is essential to enable a seamless transition from planning toshop-floor production. If data integrity is notPLM Integration of quality inspection using 3D design models, including coordinate-measuring machine (CMM)inspection programming, execution and analysissoftware Delivery of measured quality data from the shop floorin the same PLM platform. Support real-time collection, storage, management, reporting and analysis ofshop floor quality data Shop floor access to current and released computernumerical control (CNC) programs, drawings and3D models with browser-enabled applications. Thisensures correct manufacturing data is used on theshop floor when CNC programs are delivered directlyto the machine controllers.MESTechnical packageconfigured to a specificwork orderMBOM structure Execute work orders Shop floor interface Collect build dateDocumentsBOP structureSkill levelsWorkcenterEngineering designand releaseChangemaster Delivery of seamless 3D work instructions from PLM tomanufacturing execution systems (MES) with capabilities to capture markups and review feedback from theshop floor to planningAs built structureQuoting andestimatingItem/partmaster datamaintained, design intent can be missing from production and quality parameters. Therefore, an integratedenvironment is necessary at this stage of transition fromplanning to fabrication and assembly. This ensures thatas-designed, as-planned and as-built BOMs are consistent and reconciled. Managing planning and productionin a single environment reduces shop floor errors andensures traceability for the purposes of compliance andregulatory requirements. Solution capabilities needed inthis stage include:Planning / production ordersConfiguredMBOM and routingsCosting of parts and work centersERPWork ordersInventoryFigure 3: Leading practice, an integrated PLM-ERP-MES architecture.Siemens Digital Industries Software7
White paper Product realization facilitates a collaborative approachThe aerospace and defenseProduct Realization solution fromSiemens Digital Industries SoftwareSiemens Digital Industries Software provides ProductRealization, an integrated, industry process-focusedsolution for aerospace manufacturing. ProductRealization is used in a single environment that bringstogether manufacturing processes to coincide with thedesign (concept to execution) to reduce the number ofcostly late changes and failures during the build cycle ofa program. The early and concurrent involvement ofmanufacturing engineering in assessing design alternatives (shift left) drives accurate planning for on-timeproject launch and effective communication with theshop floor. By leveraging 3D design and simulationtechnology during the early phases of product design,alternatives can be efficiently managed to predict bettermanufacturing costs and durations.Siemens Digital Industries Software8
White paper Product realization facilitates a collaborative approachConclusionAerospace and defense companies are facing significantcompetitive pressure due to shrinking margins and adeclining number of new programs. Furthermore, aerospace customers are becoming more demanding andseeking greater accountability on program performance. To compete and maintain profitability, aerospace companies need to rethink their PLM strategies.To gain greater clarity on program decisions and theirimpact on cost, timing and quality, aerospace companies must make manufacturing an integral part of theprogram development process.Manufacturing must be involved from the very earlystages of concept development to ensure bids are submitted based on sound information. Once the programSiemens Digital Industries Softwareis awarded, design and manufacturing teams mustclosely collaborate so program requirements can beachieved during production. Last but not the least, aerospace companies must strive to integrate planning toolswith shop-floor applications. This will ensure as-builtinformation matches as-designed and as-planned data.Siemens Digital Industries Software’s Product Realizationsolution for the aerospace and defense industry providesa process-driven approach to shift product and manufacturing decisions to early in the lifecycle to validate themanufacturing feasibility of aircraft systems during thedesign stage.9
Siemens Digital Industries SoftwareHeadquartersGranite Park One5800 Granite ParkwaySuite 600Plano, TX 75024USA 1 972 987 3000AmericasGranite Park One5800 Granite ParkwaySuite 600Plano, TX 75024USA 1 314 264 8499About Siemens Digital Industries SoftwareSiemens Digital Industries Software is drivingtransformation to enable a digital enterprise whereengineering, manufacturing and electronics designmeet tomorrow. Our solutions help companies of allsizes create and leverage digital twins that provideorganizations with new insights, opportunities andlevels of automation to drive innovation. For moreinformation on Siemens Digital Industries Softwareproducts and services, visit follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook andInstagram. Siemens Digital Industries Software –Where today meets tomorrow.EuropeStephenson HouseSir William Siemens SquareFrimley, CamberleySurrey, GU16 8QD 44 (0) 1276 413200Asia-PacificUnit 901-902, 9/FTower B, Manulife Financial Centre223-231 Wai Yip Street, Kwun TongKowloon, Hong Kong 852 2230 2020 Siemens. A list of relevant Siemens trademarks can be found here. Other trademarksbelong to their respective owners.47423-C9 2/20 N10
Product Realization in the aerospace industry. The intent is to include manufacturing at every stage of the program execution process. We can highlight key capa-bilities that the Product Realization solution provides for support at each stage. Program pursuit
product realization process have been shown to meet random vibration requirements within both non-operational and operational modes. Similarly, life cycle testing has shown discriminators built using the A-PRIMED product realization process exhibited life cycles that far surpass the Performance obtained from earlier product realization efforts.Cited by: 1Publish Year: 1995Author: C. Forsythe, M.R. Ashby, G.L. Benavides, K.V. Diegert, R.E. J
The focus of this research study was to analyze the product realization cycle, which is the process of creating, refining, manufacturing, and mass-producing a product that both fulfills customer needs and maximizes profit. This was done by utilizing the product realization life cycle to generate a
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Collectively make tawbah to Allāh S so that you may acquire falāḥ [of this world and the Hereafter]. (24:31) The one who repents also becomes the beloved of Allāh S, Âَْ Èِﺑاﻮَّﺘﻟاَّﺐُّ ßُِ çﻪَّٰﻠﻟانَّاِ Verily, Allāh S loves those who are most repenting. (2:22
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