Compatible Device List - Total-merchant-services

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CompatibleDevice ListSwiper Supported Devices (Retail)Android DevicesDevice NameCarrierAsus TransformerWi-FiHTC AmazeT-MobileHTC AriaAT&THTC Droid ErisVerizonHTC Droid Incredible 2VerizonHTC Droid Incredible (AMOLED)VerizonHTC Droid Incredible (SLCD)VerizonHTC EVO 4GSprintHTC EVO 4G LTESprintHTC EVO View 4GSprintHTC EVO Shift 4GSprintHTC EVO 3DSprintHTC G2T-MobileHTC G-SlateT-MobileHTC HeroSprintHTC Insprire 4GAT&THTC JetstreamAT&THTC MergeU.S. CellularHTC MyTouch 3GT-Mobile1

Device NameCarrierHTC MyTouch 3G SlideT-MobileHTC MyTouch 4GT-MobileHTC MyTouch 4G SlideT-MobileHTC One SAT&THTC One XAT&THTC Nexus OneAT&THTC Nexus OneT-MobileHTC RezoundVerizonHTC RhymeVerizonHTC Sensation 4GT-MobileHTC StatusAT&THTC ThunderboltVerizonHTC Wildfire ST-MobileHuawei Ascend 2 (M865)U.S. CellularKyocera EchoSprintKyocera MilanoSprintLenovo ThinkPadWi-FiLG AllyVerizonLG EnlightenVerizonLG G2XT-MobileLG G-SlateT-MobileLG LucidVerizonLG MarqueeSprintLG myTouch QT-MobileLG Optimus SSprintLG Optimus TT-MobileLG Optimus MMetro PCSLG Optimus VVirgin MobileLG PhoenixAT&TLG RevolutionVerizonLG ThrillAT&TLG ThriveAT&TLG Viper 4G LTESprint2

Device NameCarrierLG VortexVerizonMotorola AdmiralSprint/NextelMotorola Atrix 2AT&TMotorola BlurT-MobileMotorola Cliq 2T-MobileMotorola DefyT-MobileMotorola DroidVerizonMotorola Droid 2VerizonMotorola Droid 2 GlobalVerizonMotorola Droid 3VerizonMotorola Droid 4VerizonMotorola Droid BionicVerizonMotorola Droid ProVerizonMotorola Droid RazrVerizonMotorola Droid Razr MaxxVerizonMotorola Droid XVerizonMotorola Milestone XVerizonMotorola TriumphVirgin MobileMotorola Xoom 4G LTEVerizonMotorola Xoom Wi-FiWi-FiMotorola Droid XyboardWi-FiMotorola XPRTSprintSamsung Blaze 4GT-MobileSamsung CaptivateAT&TSamsung Captivate SlideAT&TSamsung Conqueror 4GSprintSamsung ContinuumVerizonSamsung Droid ChargeVerizonSamsung Epic 4G (Galaxy S)SprintSamsung Exhibit 2T-MobileSamsung ExhilarateAT&TSamsung Fascinate (Galaxy S)VerizonSamsung Fascinate (Galaxy S)C-Spire3

Device NameCarrierSamsung Galaxy NoteAT&TSamsung Galaxy S 2U.S. CellularSamsung Galaxy S 2 Epic 4G TouchSprintSamsung Galaxy S 2 SkyrocketAT&TSamsung Galaxy S 3VerizonSamsung Galaxy S 3T-MobileSamsung Galaxy S 3SprintSamsung Galaxy S 3AT&TSamsung Galaxy S 3U.S. CellularSamsung Galaxy TabSprintSamsung Galaxy TabVerizonSamsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 PlusWi-FiSamsung Galaxy Tab 7.7Wi-FiSamsung Galaxy Tab 10.1Wi-FiSamsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 LTEWi-FiSamsung GemVerizonSamsung IllusionVerizonSamsung Infuse 4GAT&TSamsung InterceptSprintSamsung Mesmerize (Galazxy S)U.S. CellularSamsung Nexus SAT&TSamsung Nexus S 4GSprintSamsung PrecedentStraight TalkSamsung PrecedentTracfoneSamsung PrevailBoost MobileSamsung ReplenishSprintSamsung Rugby SmartAT&TSamsung Sidekick 4GT-MobileSamsung StratosphereVerizonSamsung TransformSprintSamsung Transform UltraSprintSamsung Vibrant (Galaxy S)T-MobileSony Ericsson Xperia Play (CDMA)Verizon4

iPhone/Apple DevicesDevice NameCarrieriPadWi-FiiPad 2Wi-Fi or 3GiPad 3Wi-Fi or 3GiPhone 5AT&TiPhone 5SprintiPhone 5VerizoniPhone 4AT&TiPhone 4VerizoniPhone 4C-SpireiPhone 4S (GSM)AT&TiPhone 4S (CDMA)SprintiPhone 4S (CDMA)VerizoniPhone 3GAT&TiPhone 3GSAT&TiPod Touch - 3rd gen., OS3 Wi-FiBlackBerry DevicesDevice NameCarrierBold 9000AT&TBold 9650SprintBold 9650VerizonBold 9700T-MobileBold 9700AT&TBold 9780T-MobileCurve 3G 8520T-MobileCurve 3G 8520AT&TCurve 3G 8530SprintCurve 3G 8530VerizonCurve 3G 8530U.S. Cellular5

Device NameCarrierCurve 3G 9330VerizonCurve 3G 9330SprintStorm 2 9550VerizonTorch 9800AT&TTour 9630SprintTour 9630VerizonVirtual TerminalDevice NamePCApp Supported Devices (MOTO)Supported Device OS for App-only UsageSupported Operating SystemsApple iOS devices running 4.2 and upGoogle Android devices running 2.1 and upBlackBerry devices running OS 5 and up6

Verizon . Samsung Epic 4G (Galaxy S) Sprint . Samsung Exhibit 2 : T-Mobile . Samsung Exhilarate : AT&T . Samsung Fascinate (Galaxy S) Verizon . Samsung Fascinate (Galaxy S) C-Spire . 3 . 4 . Device Name. Carrier. Samsung Galaxy Note . AT&T . Samsung Galaxy S 2 . U.S. Cellu

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The Merchant must upload a 2020 tax clearance certificate preferably on the day of registration. MERCHANT AFFILIATION MEMBERSHIP Challenge: The Merchant uploaded the proof of merchant association / membership documents for . but you marked it as no. Rectification Action: If the merchant belongs to any association please tick the yes box.

Please sign at the Merchant Name line and complete the Merchant Name, Title, and Date. Page 10 - Merchant Services Agreement for SUB-MERCHANTS Please enter in Merchant Name. Page 11. Please enter in Merchant Name, Name, Title, Date, and Address. Please sign at Signature line. Please fax all pages to (888) 758-0587.

The Merchant using the Gateway's services Acquirer The bank or financial institution used by the Merchant. Customer A customer of the Merchant making a payment etc. Cardholder The person who owns the payment card, normally the Customer. Merchant Account An account on the Gateway mapped to an Acquirer issued account. You/your The Merchant or .

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Merchant Agreement and Merchant Program Guide . I. Acceptance of Cards 1.1 Honor Cards. The undersigned Merchant("Merchant")agrees to honor all valid Cards in the selected Card acceptance . will be paid by Bank or by one of Bank's affiliated financial institutions holding the Operating and/or Reserve ("Affiliate(s)")on the .