CTE Standards UnpackingMedical TerminologyCourse: Medical TerminologyCourse Description: Communication in the ever expanding health care industry is alanguage unto itself. Medical Terminology consists of learning medically precisepronunciations, word clues, and terminology specific to human anatomy, physiology,disease, diagnosis and treatment. This medically integrated knowledge will be valuablefor all levels of health care providers and members of the health care team. MedicalTerminology is recommended for students in all health science pathways.Career Cluster: Health SciencePrerequisites: NoneProgram of Study Application: Medical Terminology is a second cluster course in theHealth Science career cluster. Completion of Medical Terminology prepares a student toparticipate in Health Science Careers II and/or a pathway courses in any of the HealthScience pathways: Biotech Research and Development, Therapeutic Services, HealthInformatics, Diagnostics or Support Services.INDICATOR #MT 1: Build and interpret medical terminology.SUB-INDICATOR 1.1 (Webb Level: 1 Recall): Decipher and create medical termsusing word roots, prefixes, and suffixes.SUB-INDICATOR 1.2 (Webb Level: 1 Recall): Demonstrate the importance, andpractice the correct spelling, of medical terminology.SUB-INDICATOR 1.3 (Webb Level: 2 Skill/Concept): Communicatepatient/residents’ care information utilizing medical terminology.Knowledge (Factual):Understand (Conceptual): Do (Application):-Prefix, suffix, and word-Importance of placement of -Practice building androotsword parts within a termtaking apart medicalterms-Spelling of medical-Importance of spellingtermsmedical terms especially-Role playwith similar termscommunicating in-Communicationsituations playing bothtechniques appropriate-Value of communicationthe resident and stafffor healthcarewith patients and residents member usingin terms they canappropriate medical-Medical terminologyunderstandterminologyword building rulesBenchmarks:Students will be assessed on their ability to: Demonstrate understanding of medical terminology by successfullycompleting assessments Write documentation utilizing appropriate medical terminology
Academic ConnectionsELA Literacy and/or Math StandardSample Performance Task Aligned to(if applicable, Science and/or Socialthe Academic Standard(s):Studies Standard):L.9-10.4.3 Consult general andspecialized reference materials (e.g.,dictionaries, glossaries, thesauruses),both print and digital, to find thepronunciation of a word or determine orclarify its precise meaning, its part ofspeech, its etymology, or its standardusage.-Given a set of terms, analyze prefixes,suffixes, and roots to determinemeaning. Conversely, given a specificmeanings build a term using prefixes,suffixes, and roots.W.9-10.1.4 Establish and maintain aformal style and objective tone whileattending to the norms and conventionsof the discipline in which they arewriting.-Write sample documentation utilizingappropriate medical terminologyINDICATOR #MT 2: Demonstrate use of medical terminology in relation to thehuman body.SUB-INDICATOR 2.1 (Webb Level: 2 Skill/Concept): Utilize medical terminologyassociated with the human body and medical healthcare treatment.SUB-INDICATOR 2.2 (Webb Level: 2 Skill/Concept): Understand body planes,directional terms, quadrants, and cavities using medical terminology.Knowledge (Factual):Understand (Conceptual): Do (Application):-Anatomy, physiology,-Importance of correct-Practice basicand pathophysiologyapplication of medical terms documentation usingmedical terms and-Body planes, directions, -Value of knowing locations verbalizingquadrants, and cavitiesof planes, directions,appropriatelyquadrants, and cavities-Create models applyingthe planes, directions,quadrants, and cavities
Benchmarks:Students will be assessed on their ability to: Document in a mock medical record utilizing appropriate medicalterminology. Demonstrate knowledge of planes, directions, quadrants, and cavities bysuccessfully completing assessments.Academic ConnectionsELA Literacy and/or Math StandardSample Performance Task Aligned to(if applicable, Science and/or Socialthe Academic Standard(s):Studies Standard):5.G.A.2 Represent real world andmathematical problems by graphingpoints in the first quadrant of thecoordinate plane, and interpretcoordinate values of points in thecontext of the situation.-Create a graphical model of theabdominal quadrants and regions usingthe umbilicus as the origin of thecoordinate plane.W.9-10.1.4 Establish and maintain aformal style and objective tone whileattending to the norms and conventionsof the discipline in which they arewriting.-Document in a mock medical recordutilizing appropriate medicalterminology.INDICATOR #MT 3: Utilize medical terminology to identify and interpret signsand symptoms of diseases and disorders.SUB-INDICATOR 3.1 (Webb Level: 2 Skill/Concept): Utilize medical terminology tocompare and contrast symptoms of diseases and disorders.SUB-INDICATOR 3.2 (Webb Level: 2 Skill/Concept): Utilize medical terminologypertaining to diagnosis and treatment of diseases and disorders inpatients/residents.Knowledge (Factual):Understand (Conceptual): Do (Application):-Signs and symptoms of-How the parts of a medical -Review sample progressdiseases and disordersterm are used to identifynotes to analyze medicallocation, amount, color,terminology terms to-Anatomy, physiology,procedure, and otherdecipher thepathophysiologyrelevant information of adocumentationdisease or disorder-Medical terminology-Analyze large medical-Importance of dissecting aterms by dissecting themmedical term to identify itsinto their word parts
meaningBenchmarks:Students will be assessed on their ability to: Identify word parts of medical terms and their meanings Write a paper that determines a diagnosis by interpreting the signs andsymptoms and by using proper medical terminologyAcademic ConnectionsELA Literacy and/or Math StandardSample Performance Task Aligned to(if applicable, Science and/or Socialthe Academic Standard(s):Studies Standard):11-12.L.6 Acquire and use accuratelygeneral academic and domain-specificwords and phrases, sufficient forreading, writing, speaking, and listeningat the college and career readiness level;demonstrate independence in gatheringvocabulary knowledge whenconsidering a word or phrase importantto comprehension or expression.-Write a paper that determines adiagnosis by interpreting the signs andsymptoms and by using proper medicalterminology11-12.L.4 Determine or clarify themeaning of unknown and multiplemeaning words and phrases based ongrades 11–12 reading and content,choosing flexibly from a range ofstrategies.-Identify word parts of medical termsand their meaningsAdditional Resources Quizlet Flashcard Practice of Medical minology-350-flash-cards/ Med9cal Terminology - http://www.online-medical-dictionary.org/
List of Common Medical Abbreviations and Acronyms :http://www.medicinenet.com/common medical abbreviations and terms/article.html Medical Terminology Quiz - -games/MISC002/medical-terminology-quiz.htmlThe Clinician's Ultimate Reference - http://www.globalrph.com/medterm.htm Translation Directory ssary328.php Health Occupations for Today and Tomorrow-Careers www.healthcareers.sd.gov
Medical Terminology Course: Medical Terminology Course Description: Communication in the ever expanding health care industry is a language unto itself. Medical Terminology consists of learning medically precise pronunciations, word clues, and terminology specific to human anatomy, physiology, disease, diagnosis and treatment.
12 Summer Data -410 CTE Attendance: * Collected only in the summer submission. * 410 Attendance requires the student has a valid CTE Indicator code on the 101 record. * Each student enrolled for more than two hours in a valid CTE course must have a 410 record. * "V" Codes: * V1 45-89 ave. minutes per day in a CTE course * V2 90-149 ave. minutes per day in a CTE course
CTE standards and 13 states and two territories have state-approved postsecondary standards. Only two states and one territory have CTE standards that are fully aligned between secondary and postsecondary systems. X The majority of states have the authority to adopt both secondary and postsecondary CTE standards, although most
New York State Work Experience Requirements by CTE Title SECTION C. BECOMING A CTE TEACHER C1. CTE Resume Example C2. The CTE Hiring Process C3. Applying for Salary Increase SECTION D. APPLYING FOR A CTE TEACHING CERTIFICATION D1. Steps to Applying for a Trans-A Certificate with NYSED D2. Trans-A Requirements for All NYS Teacher Applicants D3.
CTE Overview 3 CTE Department Contacts 4 Career Pathways 2015-2016 5 CTE Course List 2015-2016 6 CTE Curriculum & Resources 8 Professional Development Requirements 9 CTE Advisory Board 14 Career Cluster Coordinator Guidelines 15 Career & Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs) & Sponsorship 18 Certification Reporting 23
Virginia includes CTE courses within 16 career clusters, each with multiple pathways designed by the school divisions. For example, the Health Science career cluster may include pathways for therapeutic services, biotechnology, or diagnostic services. CTE credential. A CTE credential certifies that a student has mastered specific CTE content.
CTE Standards Unpacking Broadcast Technology Course: Broadcast Technology Course Description: Broadcast Technology explores the ever-changing world of television, radio, enter
CTE Standards Unpacking Nutrition and Wellness Course: Nutrition and Wellness Course Description: Nutrition and Wellness educates students to make healthy lifestyle choices for personal, family, and career success across the lifespan. Topics include the impact of technology on nutrition, food choices, wellness and stress
Layout of the Book The Substance Abuse & Recovery Workbook is designed to be used either independently or as part of an integrated curriculum. You may administer one of the assessments and the journaling exercises