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YEAR 11 IB TEXT AND STATIONERY LIST 2020.PLEASE NOTE THAT TEXTS USED IN YEAR 11 IB WILL CONTINUE TO BE USED IN YEAR 12 IB.@ 25.11.19SUBJECTBiologyTEXT REQUIREMENTS(Subject Specific)IB Biology Print and Online Course Book Pack :2014 editionAllott, A and Mindorff, D (2014)Qxford Unviersity PressISBN: 9780198307747Biozone IB Biology Student Workbook: 2014 Syllabus EditionBiozone IB Biology Model Answers: 2014 Syllabus EditionSTATIONERY REQUIREMENTS(Subject Specific)1 x Display Folder or1 x A4 2 Ring Binder with Plastic Sleeves1 x A4 Lecture Book 64 pages1 x USB Flash Drive1 x A5 Botany Book2 x A5 Exercise Books (96 page)2 x sets of 100 system cards (102 x 152mm)IB Study Guide Biology: 2014 EditionAndrew AllottOxfordISBN 978-019-8393511ChemistryEnglishEconomicsChemistry for the IB Diploma: Study Guide 2014 EditionGeoffrey NeussOxford University PressISBN-978-0-19-8393535Oxford IB Diploma Programme2014 Edition CHEMISTRY course companionSergey Bylikin, Gary Horner, Brian Murphy, David TarcyOxford University PressISBN: 9780198392125To be advised by teacher whenavailability of texts confirmed.IB Diploma ProgrammeIB Course Companion: Economics (2nd Edition)Oxford, 2011Authors: Jocelyn Blink& Ian DortonISBN:9780198390008Recommended Study GuideIB Study Guide: Economics For the IB Diploma 2ndEditionAuthor: Constantine ZiogasOxford University Press (2012)ISBN: 978-0-19-839001-51 x A4 Display Folder1 X A4 Ring Binder1 x pkt (20) A4 Plastic Sleeves1 x A4 Lecture Book 64 pages1 x USB Flash Drive1 x A4 Display Folder1 x A4 Notebook 64 pages1 x pack of 6 highlighters1 x A4 Lecture Book 64 pages1 x Display Folder (for handouts)OR1 x pkt of A4 Plastic Sleeves for Ring Binder1 x binder book or A4 refills1 x ring binder1 x USB Flash DriveExtended EssayExtended Essay Course Book: Oxford IB Diploma ProgrammeAuthor: Kosta LekanidesOxford University PressISBN: 978 019 08377764JapaneseiiTomo Senior Book with Reader ISBN 97814886241791 x A4 Exercise Book 64 pages1 x A4 Display FolderMathematics – Analysisand Approaches (SL/HL)To be advised by your teacher1 x Casio fx –CG20AU Graphics Calculator (asused in Year 10)2 x A4 Lecture Books 96 pagesCONT’D OVER/Page 1 of 2

Year 11 IB TEXT & STATIONERY LIST 2020 cont’dSUBJECTMusicTEXT REQUIREMENTS(Subject Specific)Music: An Appreciation (latest Edition)Roger KamienISBN: 9780078025204(students can purchase second hand editions)STATIONERY REQUIREMENTS(Subject Specific)1 x Manuscript Book1 x A4 Display Folder1 x A4 Lecture Book 64 pagesHeadphones (Generic)IB Music Revision Guide 3rd EditionRoger Paul. Anthem Press(NB: Text must be 3rd Edition)PhysicsPhysics 4th EditionGreg KerrIBID PressISBN: 97819219172191 x Display Folder1 x A4 1mm Graph Pad2 x A4 Lecture 64 page Book1 x pkt (20) A4 Plastic Sleeves1 x USB Flash DrivePhysics for the IB Diploma – Study Guide 2014 EditionTim KirkOxford University PressISBN 978-0-19-8393559PsychologyPearson Psychology for the IB Diploma (Book and E text Bundle) New2018ISBN-13: 9781292210995Author: Christos Halkiopoulos and Christian Bryan, Peter Giddens1 x A4 Ring Binder1 x pkt (20) A4 Plastic Sleeves1 x A4 Lecture Book 64 pages1 x USB Flash DriveIB Psychology Study Guide: Oxford IB Diploma Programme (New 2018)ISBN-13: 9780198398172Author: Alexey Popov and Jette HannibalSpanish Ab Initoa GCSE Spanish Revision Guide(Recommended self study text: Refer to your teacher foravailability/sourcing)2 x A4 Exercise Book 64 pages1 x small exercise book1 x A4 Display FolderTheory of KnowledgeTheory of Knowledge(Third Edition)Nicholas Alchin, Carolyn Henly (2014)Hodder Murray1 x A4 Exercise Book 64 pages)Visual ArtsIB Diploma Programme Visual Arts course companionOxford (2017)Author: Jason Paterson, Simon Poppy, Andrew VaughanISBN: 97801983779171 x A4 Blank Spiral Bound InvestigationWorkbookPLEASE NOTE: If a USB Flash Drive is required for more than (1) one subject it is acceptable to use the same USB Flash Drive for all subjects.The General Purpose Levy covers the cost of photocopying of subject notes, exam materials, some stationery and some excursion costs.Page 2 of 2

Progress Book WorldABN: 78 083 194 84315-17 Hammett Street Currajong 4812Ph: 4725 Grammar SchoolYear 11 International Baccalaureate2020 OrderSTATIONERY REQUIREMENTSSTUDENTS NAME:Qty111111221121111111111112Item DescriptionIB Biology:Display Book A4ORRing Binder 2D A4 25mmA4 Sheet Protectors (Pack of 10)A4 Exercise Book 64 pageUSB Flash Drive (8GB)Botany Book A5 96 pageExercise Book A5 96 pageSystem Cards (100 pack) (102 x 152mm)IB Chemistry:Display Book A4Ring Binder 2D A4 25mmA4 Sheet Protectors (Pack of 10)A4 Exercise Book 64 pageUSB Flash Drive (8GB)IB English:Display Book A4A4 Exercise Book 64 pageHighlighters (6 Pack)IB Economics:USB Flash Drive (8GB)A4 Exercise Book 64 pageDisplay Book A4 (for handouts)ORA4 Sheet Protectors (Pack of 10) - for Ring BinderRing Binder 2D A4 25mm(Plus one of the options below)A4 Binder Book 64 pageORA4 Reinforced Refills (100 Sheets)IB JapaneseA4 Exercise Book 64 pageDisplay Book A4IB Mathematics - Analysis & Approaches SL/HL:Casio fx CG20AU Graphincs Calculator (as used in Yr 10)A4 Exercise Book 96 pageYear 11 IBPrice EachTotal 1.90 4.95 1.00 1.40 12.95 1.35 1.05 6.95 2.10 13.90 1.90 4.95 1.00 1.40 12.95 2.00 1.90 1.40 8.75 12.95 1.40 1.90 1.00 4.95 1.40 3.50 1.40 1.90 220.00 1.50 3.00Page.1

STUDENTS NAME:Qty111111212121121111Item DescriptionIB Music:A4 Music Manuscript Paper (Tear Off)Display Book A4Ear Bud HeadphonesA4 Exercise Book 64 pageIB Physics:Display Book A4A4 1mm Graph PadA4 Exercise Book 64 pageUSB Flash Drive (8GB)A4 Sheet Protectors (10 Pack)IB Psychology:Ring Binder 2D A4 25mmA4 Sheet Protectors (10 Pack)A4 Exercise Book 64 pageUSB Flash Drive (8GB)IB Spanish Ab Inito:A4 Exercise Book 64 pageExercise Book A5 48 pageDisplay Book A4IB Theory of Knowledge:A4 Exercise Book 64 pageIB Visual Arts:A4 Visual Art DiaryPrice EachTotal 15.50 1.90 9.95 1.40 1.90 4.00 1.40 12.95 1.00 4.95 1.00 1.40 12.95 1.40 0.75 1.90 2.80 2.00 2.00 2.80 1.40 8.95TotalIf a USB Flash Drive is required for more then (1) subject it isacceptable to use the same USB Flash Drive for all subjectsYear 11 IBPage.2

Progress Book WorldABN: 78 083 194 84315-17 Hammett Street Currajong 4812Ph: 4725 Grammar SchoolYear 11 International Baccalaureate2020 BOOKLISTFIRST NAME :SURNAME:BOARDER:YESNOSUBJECTS(Please Circle)ISBNTEXTPRICEIB Biology9780198307747 IB Biology Course Book (Print Online) 134.95IB Biology9781927173930 Biozone IB Biology Student Workbook 49.95IB Biology9781927173947 Biozone IB Biology Model Answers 12.95IB Biology9780198393511 Biology for the IB Diploma - IB Study Guide 63.95IB Chemistry9780198393535 Chemistry for the IB Diploma - IB Study Guide 63.95IB Chemistry9780198392125 Chemistry Course Companion Oxford IB Diploma 101.95IB Economics9780198390008 Economics Course Companion Oxford IB Diploma 83.95IB EconomicsEconomics for the IB Diploma - Study Guide9780198390015(Recommended) 63.95IB Extended Essay9780198377764 Extended Essay Course Book - Oxford IB Diploma 64.95IB Japanese9781488624179 iiTomo Senior Book with Reader 61.95QTYIB EnglishIB Mathematics Analysis &Approaches (SL/HL)To Be Advised by your TeacherIB MusicIB PhysicsIB PhysicsMusic: An Appreciation (12th Edition)(Students can purchase secondhand editions)9781783088669 IB Music Revision Guide (3rd Edition)9781921917219 Physics (4th Edition)9780198393559 Physics for the IB Diploma - Study GuideIB Psychology9781292210995 Pearson Psychology for the IB Diploma (Book Ebook) 85.95IB Psychology9780198398172 Psychology for the IB Diploma - Study Guide 52.95IB Music9781259892707 34.99 107.95 63.95A GCSE Spanish Revision Guide (Recommended self studytext: Refer to your teacher for availability/sourcing)IB Spanish Ab InitoIB Theory ofKnowledgeIB Visual Arts 169.959781471804151 Theory of Knowledge (3rd Edition) 90.959780198377917 Visusal Arts Course Companion - Oxford IB Diploma 57.95TOTALBoarder's pre-packs will be available at the school on 24/01/2020.Day student pre-packs can be collected at your convenience.Payment Options: - Visa- BankcardMastercardName:.-Cheque - (Please Circle one)Contact No:.Year 11 IBPage.1


IB Biology 9780198307747 IB Biology Course Book (Print Online) 134.95 IB Biology 9781927173930 Biozone IB Biology Student Workbook 49.95 IB Biology 9781927173947 Biozone IB Biology Model Answers 12.95 IB Biology 9780198393511 Biology for the IB Diploma - IB Study Guide 63.95

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