Know your Star Label &Make a Right ChoiceSession 2National Retailer Training ProgrammeBureau of Energy Efficiency1
What Star Label Says? More stars more savings Efficiency parameters Brand & Model details Technical Parameters Applicable dates of standard Manufacturing yearBureau of Energy Efficiency2
Star Label DescriptionMore StarsMore SavingsEfficiencyParameterWhen comparingsimilar sized productslook for more starsand save moneyLower ElectricityConsumption meanshigher savings.Sometimesefficiency is written(eg. AC), wherehigher is betterBureau of Energy Efficiency3
Star Label DescriptionLabel PeriodBrand & ModelLabel Period isperiod for whichstandard isapplicable. Standardare revised with time.Type of ApplianceBrandModelYear ofmanufacturingFrost Free Refrigerator2012Star 52016Star 3Bureau of Energy Efficiency4
Star Label Description Technical DetailsAir Conditioners (All)Refrigerators (All)Distribution TransformerGeysersWashing MachineInverterLED LampsDG SetTechnical parameterswith respect to theappliance typeApplicable standard& test conditions forthe appliance typeUnique CodeApplicableConditionsBureau of Energy Efficiency5
Other Type of LabelsMore StarsMore SavingsWhen comparingsimilar sizedproducts look formore stars andsave money Colour TelevisionLPG StoveUnique CodeApplicable standard& test conditions forthe appliance typeStar rating planTFLBureau of Energy EfficiencyApplicableConditions6
Other Type of Labels Agriculture Pump (All)DG Monoset PumpsUnique CodeMore StarsMore SavingsWhen comparingsimilar sizedproducts look formore stars andsave moneyTechnical DetailsTechnical parameterswith respect to theappliance typeApplicableConditionsApplicable standard& test conditions forthe appliance typeBureau of Energy Efficiency7
Other Type of Labels Ceiling FanInduction MotorsTechnical DetailsTechnical parameterswith respect to theappliance typeUnique CodeMore StarsMore SavingsWhen comparingsimilar sizedproducts look formore stars andsave moneyApplicableConditionsBureau of Energy EfficiencyApplicable standard& test conditions forthe appliance type8
Other Type of Labels Computers/LaptopsOffice EquipmentBureau of Energy Efficiency9
How to Check AuthenticitySTEP 1 Go to BEE officialwebsite & Click onSearch and Click on theequipment ofyour interestSTEP 3STEP 2 Check thespecification of theequipmentBureau of Energy Efficiency10
How to Check Authenticity Or Mobile App*Search “bee star label”Bureau of Energy Efficiency*Details in Session 311
1. Frost Free RefrigeratorMandatory ApplianceStandard: IS 15750:2006Section 14(b): S.O.182 dated12.01.2009Section 14 (a): S.O. 183 dated12.01.2009Regulation: No.2 /11(5)/03BEE dated 07.07.2009Star Labeling ParameterAnnual Energy ConsumptionLower is BetterBureau of Energy Efficiency12
1. Frost Free RefrigeratorStar Label ar 1Star 1Star 1Star 1Star 2Star 2Star 2Star 2Star 3Star 3Star 3Star 3Star 4Star 4Star 4Star 4Star 5Star 5Star 5Star 5Bureau of Energy Efficiency13
1. Frost Free RefrigeratorStarRatingBandCEC CriteriaStorageVolumeStar 1EnergyConsumptionStar 4118430041817112371 Star(0.286*Vadj tot nf 249) CEC (0.357*Vadj tot nf 311)2 Star(0.228*Vadj tot nf 199) CEC (0.286*Vadj tot nf 249)3 Star(0.183*Vadj tot nf 159) CEC (0.228*Vadj tot nf 199)4 Star(0.146*Vadj tot nf 127) CEC (0.183*Vadj tot nf 159)35043617812895 StarCEC (0.146*Vadj tot nf 127)40045418513424504721931395Total Adjusted Storage Volume for no frost(Vadj tot nf) fresh food storage volume 1.62*freezer storagevolumeBureau of Energy EfficiencyAssuming Rs 5 per kWh.Refrigerator under standardconditions14
2. Direct Cool RefrigeratorMandatory ApplianceStandard: IS 1476 (Part 1):2000Section 14(a): S.O.1899 dated26.05.2016Section 14 (b): S.O. 1898 dated26.05.2016Regulation:BEE/S&L/Ref/70/2016-17 dated07.07.2009Lower is BetterStar Labeling ParameterAnnual Energy ConsumptionBureau of Energy Efficiency15
2. Direct Cool RefrigeratorStar Label Up-gradation2015-20162017-2018Star 1Star 1Star 2Star 2Star 3Star 3Star 4Star 4Star 5Star 5Bureau of Energy Efficiency16
2. Direct Cool RefrigeratorStarRatingBandMinimum CEC1 Star0.264* Vadj tot dc 221 CEC 0.33*Vadj tot dc 2772 Star0.211* Vadj tot dc 177 CEC 0.264*Vadj tot dc 2213 Star0.169* Vadj tot dc 141 CEC 0.211*Vadj tot dc 1774 Star0.135* Vadj tot dc 113 CEC 0.169* Vadj tot dc 1415 StarCEC 0.135*Vadj tot dc 113Total Adjusted Storage Volume for no frost(Vadj tot dc) fresh food storage volume 1.31*freezer storagevolumeBureau of Energy EfficiencyStorageVolumeStar 1EnergyConsumptionStar 1541122Assuming Rs 5 per kWh.Refrigerator under standardconditions17
Energy Saving Tips for Refrigerator Allow the hot food to cool first, then put in the fridge. Do not overfill your refrigerator : Excessive loading of refrigerator,create trouble in the circulation of cold air inside. Set the refrigerator temperature as per need : Refrigerator set tolower than needed will increase your energy consumption by - 20 to25 %. Don’t open refrigerator door unnecessarily : Frequently openingof refrigerator door will increase energy consumption by 7%. Clean it regularly : By cleaning up the condenser coil, you canreduce energy consumption by approx. 5%. To get extra saving go for star labelled refrigerator: Old inefficientrefrigerators consumes as much as 40% more energy than a five starrated refrigerator.Bureau of Energy Efficiency18
3. Room Air ConditionerMandatory ApplianceSplit ACStandard: IS 1391:1992Section 14(b): S.O.180(E)dated 12.01.2009Section 14 (a): S.O. 181 (E)dated 12.01.2009Window ACRegulation: No.2 /11(5)/03BEE dated 06.07.2009Star Labeling ParameterEnergy Efficiency RatioHigher is BetterBureau of Energy Efficiency19
3. Room Air ConditionerStar Label Up-gradation for Split r 1Star 1Star 1Star 1Star 1Star 2Star 2Star 2Star 2Star 2Star 3Star 3Star 3Star 3Star 3Star 4Star 4Star 4Star 4Star 4Star 5Star 5Star 5Star 5Star 5Star Level2016-17Min EERMax EERStar 12.702.89Star 22.902.99Star 33.103.29Star 43.303.49of EnergyEfficiencyStarBureau53.50-20
3. Room Air ConditionerStar Label Up-gradation for Window AC2006-20132014-20152016-2017Star 1Star 1Star 1Star LevelStar 2Star 2Star 2Star 3Star 3Star 3Star 4Star 4Star 5Star 52016-17Min EERMax EERStar 12.502.69Star 22.702.89Star 32.903.09Star 4Star 43.103.29Star 5Star 53.30-Bureau of Energy Efficiency21
Energy & Cost Saving for 1.5 Ton SplitAir Conditioner at Different Star r(Watts)UnitsConsumption/DayPer Unit ElectricityChargeCost/Month(approx.)CostSavingper 053.55200148612414403000Note: Assuming 8 hours operation per day for five months in yearBureau of Energy Efficiency22
4. Cassette Type Air Conditioner Included in the same category in Jan 2016 as of Split Air ConditionersMandatory ApplianceStandard: IS 1391:1992Section 14(b): S.O.180(E)dated 12.01.2009Section 14 (a): S.0.3543(E)dated 30.12.2015Regulation: No.2 /11(5)/03BEE dated 06.07.2009Star Labeling ParameterEnergy Efficiency RatioBureau of Energy Efficiency23
5. Inverter Type Air ConditionerStar LevelMinISEERMaxISEERStar 13.103.29Star 23.303.49Star 33.503.99Star 44.004.49Star 54.50-Voluntary ApplianceStandard: IS 1391:1992ISO 16358-1: 2013Star Labeling ParameterIndian Seasonal EnergyEfficiency Ratio (ISEER)Bureau of Energy Efficiency24
5. Inverter Type Air Conditioner How to compare Inverter Split with Normal fixed speed split AC EER value is equivalent to ISEER Annual Energy Consumption with ISEER methodology is available of Energy Efficiency25
Energy Saving Tips for AC Set the room temperature between 25 C to 27 C. When a hot day is expected, turn on the air conditioner early ratherthan wait until the building becomes hot. Adjust air conditioner louvres towards the ceiling (as cool air falls). Have your unit serviced regularly, and keep filters clean. Install your air conditioner on the shady side of the building and makesure the air flow around it isn’t obstructed. Always prefer a higher star rated air conditioner than a lower ratedone. Although higher rated air conditioners are a bit more costly thanlower rated ones, but the energy conservation that they provide willact as a profitable investment in the long run.Bureau of Energy Efficiency26
6. Colour TelevisionStandard: IEC 62301, IEC 62087Mandatory ApplianceSection 14(a): S.O.1897(E) dated26.05.2016Section 14 (b): S.O. 1896(E) 7dated 26.05.2016Lower is BetterStar Labeling ParameterAnnual Energy ConsumptionBureau of Energy Efficiency27
6. Colour Television2016-17LEDTV2016-17Bureau of Energy Efficiency28
Energy and Cost Saving of Colour TelevisionScreen Size(inches)Base StarAEC(kWh/year)5 Star Rs./year) @5 Rs. per unit(kWh)37 (LED)115744120537(LCD &Plasma TV2291478241032(CRT)289185104520Bureau of Energy Efficiency29
Energy Saving Tips for TV Replace your CRT & LCD TV with LED TV and save energy:Screen CRT TV LCD TV LED TVSizeAEC (1 AEC (1 AEC (5(inches) Star)Star)Star)Saving Saving Saving SavingAgainst Against Against AgainstCRT TV LCD TV CRT TV LCD TV32233289172561161165580 Turn the TV off from power plug when not in use. Turn the brightness down and use the power saving mode if available. Think about the size of screen – larger screens can consume moreelectricity than smaller screens.Bureau of Energy Efficiency30
7. Distribution TransformerMandatory ApplianceStandard: IS 1180, IS 2026and IS2500Section 14(a): S.O.4062 (E)dated 16.12.2016Section 14 (b): S.O. 184(E)dated 12.01.2009Regulation: No.2 /11(5)/03BEE dated 05.01.2010Lesser is BetterStar Labeling ParameterLoad LossBureau of Energy Efficiency31
7. Distribution TransformerTable 1 (Valid up to 30th June, 2017)RatingkVA1 Star2 Star3 Star4 Star5 StarMax.lossesat 50%(watts)Max.lossesat100%(watts)Max.lossesat 50%(watts)Max.lossesat100%(watts)Max.lossesat 50%(watts)Max.lossesat100%(watts)Max.lossesat 50%(watts)Max.lossesat100%(watts)Max.lossesat 0Bureau of Energy Efficiency32
Energy & Cost Saving for DTRating(KVA)Base Lossat 50%Loss for 5Star at 50%EnergySaving(kWh/year)Cost Saving(Rs./year) (Rs.5/unit)252901751007 50001007004352321 1160020011306704029 20150Bureau of Energy Efficiency33
Table 2 (Effective from 1st July, 2017 onwards)up to 200 kVA ratingStandard Losses in watts up to 11 KV ClassStar 1Rating(kVA)Star 2Star 3Star 4Star 550 Percent.Load100 Percent.Load50 Percent.Load100 Percent.Load50 Percent.Load100 Percent.Load50 Percent.Load100 Percent.Load50 Percent. 06702100603191154317394881582Bureau of Energy Efficiency34
Table 3 (Effective from 1st July, 2017 onwards)for rating 200kVAStandard losses in watts up to 11 KV Class (For ratings above 200 kVA)Rating(kVA)PerCent.ImpedanceStar 150 PerCent.Load100 PerCent.LoadStar 250 PerCent.Load100 PerCent.LoadStar 350 PerCent.Load100 PerCent.LoadStar 450 PerCent.Load100 PerCent.LoadStar 550 PerCent.Load100 500566016554543015659520914813”;Bureau of Energy Efficiency35
8. Electric Water Heater (Geyser)Mandatory ApplianceStandard: IS 2082Section 14(a): S.O. 2902(E)Dated 7.9.2016Section 14 (b): S.O. 2901(E)dated 7.9.2016Regulation: No.BEE/S&L/Waterheater/3/2015-16Lesser is BetterStar Labeling ParameterStanding LossBureau of Energy Efficiency36
8. Electric Water Heater (Geyser)validity (30th June, 2017)Bureau of Energy Efficiency37
Energy Saving CalculationOperation per year 2.5 hr./day for 100 daysCapacity(KVA)Basestandinglosses(kWh/hr)5 st Saving(Rs. 5 0.962112560Bureau of Energy Efficiency38
9. Tubular Fluorescent LightStandard: IS 2418:1997Mandatory ApplianceSection 14(a): S.O.179(E)dated 16.01.2009Section 14 (b): S.O. 178(E)dated 16.01.2009Regulation: No.2 /11(5)/03BEE dated 05.01.2010Higher is BetterBureau of Energy EfficiencyStar Labeling ParameterLumens per Watt39
Energy Saving Calculation of TFLExample: Rated Power Consumption 36 W5 Star Energy performance 92 lm/WattLight output in terms of Lumens 36*92 3312 lmBase Star Energy Performance 61 lm/WattBase power for the same light output 3312/61 54WEnergy Saving (54-36)*1200 /1000 22 kWh/yearAssumption: 1200 hours of operation for full yearRated PowerConsumption(W)Energy Saved(kWh/year)Monetary Saving(Rs./year) with 5 rupees per kWh3622110Bureau of Energy Efficiency40
10. LED LampsStar Rating Plan – Voluntary Phase(validity up to 31 Dec 2017)Voluntary ApplianceSelf ballasted non directionalgeneral service LED lamps forgeneral lighting services thatwork on single phase a.c supplyup to and including 250 V, 50HzStandard:IS 16102:2012- Part 1 &2, IS16106:2012 & IS 14700 (Part3/sec2):1999Star RatingRated LuminousEfficacy (lm/watt)Remarks1 star 68 & 79freezed2 star 79 & 903 star 90 & 1054 star 105 & 1205 star 120Bureau of Energy Efficiency41
Energy Saving Calculation of LEDExample: Rated Power Consumption 9 W5 Star Energy performance 120 lm/WattLumen maintenance 120*9 1080 lmBase Star Energy Performance 79 lm/WattBase power required for the same lumen maintenance 1080/79 14WEnergy Saving (14-9)*1200 /1000 6 kWh/yearCapacity (W)9Energy Saving(kWh/year)Monetary Saving(Rs./year) with 5 rupees per kWh630Bureau of Energy Efficiency42
Energy Saving Tips for Lighting Look for lumens, not Watts - Buy the light bulb that gives off theamount of light you need. Higher lumens mean brighter light. Dirty tube lights and bulbs absorb 50 percent of the light so dust themregularly Use natural lighting during the day. Turn off lights when not in use.PowerLight output PowerPower Replace yourconsumedold incandescentfromconsuconsumenergy:Incandesce mption by CFLsed by(W) fornt bulb (lm)byLEDs (5Incand same light Star) foroutputescentsamebulblight(W)output80060156 -7EnergyCostEnergyCostbulbs,CFL’swithLEDand save SavingSavingSavingSavingagainstagainstcompared comparedCFLswith CFLsIncandewithscent (kWh/year) Incandesc (Rs./year)bulbent bulb (Rs. 5/kWh)(kWh/ye(Rs./year)(ar)Rs. 5/kWh) 64Bureau of Energy Efficiency 10 320 5043
11. Induction MotorsVoluntary ApplianceStandard: IS 12615Star RatingMotor Efficiency Class1 Star IE2 & IE2( )2 Star IE2( ) & IE33 Star IE3 & IE3( )4 Star IE3( ) & IE3( )5 Star IE3( )IE2 & IE3 values are based on IS 12615:2011IE 2( ) is the intermediate value between IE2 & IE3IE 3( ) is the intermediate value between IE3 & IE3( )IE 3( ) is the value equivalent to IE4 values based on guideline given in IEC 60034-31IE 2 values specified in ISBureau12615:2011would beminimum entry level for labellingof EnergyEfficiency44
12. Agriculture Pump SetsVoluntary ApplianceStandard:Openwell: IS 14220Mono-set Pump: IS 9079Submersible Pump: IS 8034Star RatingPerformance Factor1 star 1.00 & 1.052 star 1.05 & 1.103 star 1.10 & 1.154 star 1.15 & 1.205 star 1.20Bureau of Energy Efficiency45
Energy Saving Calculation forSubmersible Pump SetExample: Head 73 mDischarge 6.67 lps, Stage 7, Rating 7.5kWBIS efficiency (i.e 1 star efficiency) 43.66%Power consumption (Base) (73*6.67*9.81)/(1000*(43.66/100)) 11 kW5 Star efficiency 1.2*43.66 52.39%Power consumed by 5 star energy efficient pump (73*6.67*9.81)/(1000*(52.39/100)) 9kWEnergy Saving (11-9)*4*200 1600 kWh/yearCost Saving (Rs. 5/unit) 1600*5 8000 Rs./yearHead(meter) owerPowerConsumpt Consumption for 1ion for 5Star (kW) Star (kW)11917.514.58.77.3Bureau of Energy ving(Rs. /Year)800012000560046
14. Ceiling FansVoluntary ApplianceStandard: IS 374Star Rating Index Calculation for CeilingFansStar RatingService Value for CeilingFans1 star 3.2 to 3.42 star 3.4 to 3.63 star 3.6 to 3.84 star 3.8 to 4.05 star 4.0Bureau of Energy Efficiency47
Energy & Cost Saving for Ceiling FanExample: Air Delivery 220 cubic meter/minuteService value (Base Star) 3.2Power consumption (Base Star) 220/3.2 69W5 star power consumption 220/4 55WOperation: 12 hours a day, for 300 days.Energy Saving (69-55)*12*300/1000 51 kWh/yearCost Saving (Rs. 5/unit) 51*5 255Air Delivery(cmm)Base Power5 Star PowerConsumption Consumption(W)(W)EnergySaving(kWh/year)Cost 55Bureau of Energy Efficiency48
14. LPG StovesVoluntary ApplianceStandard: IS 4246StarRatingThermal Efficiency1 Star 68% & 72%2 Star 72% & 75%3 Star 75% & 78%4 Star 78% & 81%5 Star 81%Bureau of Energy Efficiency49
15. Washing Machines Under AbeyanceBureau of Energy Efficiency50
16. Computer (Laptop/Notebook)Voluntary ApplianceStandard: ENERGY STARversion 6.1Bureau of Energy Efficiency51
17. Ballast (Choke)Voluntary ApplianceStandard:Electromagnetic: IS 1534Electronic: IS 13021Bureau of Energy Efficiency52
18. Printer/Scanner/MFDsVoluntary ApplianceSingle Phase Office Equipment namelycopiers, printers, fax machines, scanners &multi function devices for office automationStandard:Energy Star specificationBureau of Energy Efficiency53
19. Diesel Engine Mono-set PumpVoluntary ApplianceDiesel Engine Driven monosetpumps within the range of 2 HPto 10 HPStandard:IS 11501:1986Star RatingSpecific fuel consumption (SFC) in g/h/m/l/s wrtSFC max1 star 0.90 SFCmax to 1.00 SFCmax2 star 0.80 SFCmax to 0.90 SFCmax3 star 0.70 SFCmax to 0.80 SFCmax4 star 0.60 SFCmax to 0.70 SFCmax5 star 0.60 SFCmaxBureau of Energy Efficiency54
20. Solid State InverterVoluntary ApplianceSolid State Inverters with output rating between 250 kVA to2000 kVA run from storage batteries of 12 Volts Direct CurrentSourceStandard:IS 13314:1992Rating Plan for Solid State Inverters run from storagebatteries (12 V DC) valid up to 31 Dec 2016StarRatingEnergy Efficiency (DC to AC)1 star83 % up to & including 85%2 starAbove 85% up to & including 87%3 starAbove 87% up to & including 89%4 starAbove 89% up to & including 91%5 starAbove 91%Bureau of Energy Efficiency55
21. Diesel GeneratorVoluntary ApplianceSingle/ 3 phase DG sets up to 19 kW ratings are covered underthe S&L programStar LevelSpecific FuelConsumption (SFC)in g/kWh1 star 302 & 3362 star 272 & 3023 star 245 & 2724 star 220 & 2455 star 220Standard:IS 10000, IS 10001, IS 13364& IS 4889: 1968Bureau of Energy Efficiency56
Thank You for Your Kind AttentionBureau of Energy Efficiency57
Star 1 Star 2 Star 3 Star 4 Star 5 2012-2013 Star 1 Star 2 Star 3 Star 4 Star 5 2014-2015 Star 1 Star 2 Star 3 Star 4 Star 5 2016-2017 Star 1 Star 2 Star 3 Star 4 Star 5 Star Label Up-gradation for Split AC 2018-2019 Star 1 Star 2 Star 3 Star 4 Star 5 Star Level Min EER Max EER Star 1 2.70 2.89 Star 2 2.90 2.99 Star 3 3.10 3.29 Star 4 3.30 3.49 .
1. Suppose star B is twice as far away as star A. A. Star B has 4 times the parallax angle of star A. B. Star B has 2 times the parallax angle of star A. C. Both stars have the same parallax angle. D.Star A has 2 times the parallax angle of star B. E. Star A has 4 times the parallax angle of star B.
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A-Star comparison table A-Star 328PB Micro A-Star 32U4 Micro A-Star 32U4 Mini ULV A-Star 32U4 Mini LV A-Star 32U4 Mini SV A-Star 32U4 Prime LV A-Star 32U4
1. Airport Hotel 3-5 star 2. Beach Hotel 3-5 star 3. Boutique Hotel 4-5 star 4. Business Hotel 1-5 star 5. City Hotel 1-5 star 6. Convention Hotel 1-5 star 7. Family Hotel 3-5 star 8. Resort Hotel 3-5 star 9. Apartment Hotel 1-5 star Designators are awarded after the hotel has met the requirements of the respective designators.
6 1 128377-07190 label,loose parts 1 7 2 128377-07400 label,danger 2 8 2 128377-07420 label,danger 1 9 2 128377-07450 label,caution 1 10 2 128377-07460 label,caution 1 11 1 129670-07520 label, bso2 1 12 1 196630-12980 label 1 13 1 177073-02431 label 1 (c)copy rights yanmar co.,ltd an
Observe label. Lannate LV 0.75-3.0 pints 0 roots, 10 tops Observe label. Lannate SP 0.25-1.0 pound 0 roots, 10 tops Observe label. SpinTor 2SC 3.0-6.0 ounces 3 Observe label. Vegetable weevils Carbaryl 50WP 0.5 pound 3 Observe label. Malathion 5EC 1.0 pint 7 Observe label. Malathion 25WP 2.5 pounds 7 Observe label. Armyworms,
Will I get a label for each vehicle? As the label is tagge d to the qualified label holder (i.e. the driver or passenger with physical disability), only one label will be issued. The Class 1 label is strictly non-transferable while the Class 2 label is only transferable between the two re
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