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WAGGA RSL AND COMMERCIAL CLUB MONTHLY NEWSLETTERCOMMUNITYSouth Wagga RotaryKurrajong WaratahWagga Lake Run RideWagga RSL Sub BranchWagga Food Wine FestivalWagga Community BlitzSUPPORTINGOURCO M MUNITYAustralian War MemorialRiverina Conservatoriumof MusicWagga Wagga Cycling ClubSturt Public SchoolWagga School of ArtsKokoda YouthLeadership ChallengeApex South WaggaCOMMUNITY WELFARE SOCIAL SERVICESWar Widows Guild of AustraliaNSW LtdCancer Council NSW:Wagga Relay for LifeRoyal Far West: Caring forCountry KidsThe Forrest CentreHEALTHSPORTWagga Biggest Blokes LunchWagga Base HospitalProstate Cancer FoundationRiverina BluebellSpecial Medical ResearchWhite Ribbon BallCancerCouncilMen ofLeagueNSW:FoundationWagga Relay for LifeNSW Australian Clay TargetAssociationThe Forest CentreCountry Club Pro AmWagga Basketall AssociationCollingullie Glenfield ParkFootball/Netball ClubSouthern Sports AcademyTHESE ARE JUSTSOME OF OUR RECIPIENTSSUPPORTING THE COMMUNITYTHAT SUPPORTS USClubs and their local communities play an important role in eachothers success. Wagga RSL and Commercial Club is proud to supportthe community that supports us. Without the continued support ofour valued members we would not be able to provide the support wedo to many of our community partners. Your local clubs are workingin conjunction with ClubsNSW and Wagga City Council to provide thebest facilities, services and environments for members and theirguests. Over the last year, our club alone supported 138 communitygroups, gave 636 free room hires and donated more than 480,000.Some of the most recent recipients have included The Forrest Centre,Kurrajong Waratah, Cancer Council, Willans Hill and Riverina Bluebell.The Forrest Centre's 'Together We Care' campaign aims to raise a totalof 5 million to build a 10-bed Palliative Care Hospice includingsingle room accommodation spaces for families to gather andconsulting rooms for visiting doctors and other health professionals.The centre will be part of the 'Palliative Care Alliance' which includesMurrumbidgee Primary Health Network. Wagga RSL Club hascommitted to donating 120,000 over the next three years to assistthe redevelopment of the centre, providing respite and long-term endof life care to all residents within the region. These and many moreorganisations play a great role in our community and we are proud tobe able to assist them in their endeavours.East Wagga KooringalFootball/Netball ClubIt was great to be part of the ClubGrants presentation held at theRules Club on the 31st of August. The RSL, Commercial Club andRules Club presented more than 144,000 in funding to 19community groups. This is only a small amount of the contribution tothe community that our clubs make on an annual basis. The fundingprovided by the ClubGrants Scheme assists groups that may not havebeen able to secure financial assistance through other means thusenabling them to fulfil their projects to assist others, who are often ingreat need. It was pleasing to see so many of the recipients inattendance at the presentation and very moving to hear the realstories about what the funds will be spent on and the amazingimpact this will have in our community.Your club continues to understand the importance of communitysupport and we look forward to assisting many more worthy causesand community events in 2017 and beyond.

SHOP LOCAL AND SAVE!Did you know you can use your club membership card to get discounts at over 90 Wagga stores?By shopping locally you are not only supporting our local businesses but you are also receivingsubstantial discounts.The Rewards Club logo on your membership card gives you ongoing access to amazing localdiscounts of up to 25% at selected businesses. To receive the Rewards Club offer, simply presentyour membership card prior to making a purchase and ask for the RewardsClub offer. Offers may change, exclude specials, gift cards and other offers.Additional conditions may apply. Offers are available at listed stores only.Feel free to pick up a brochure at either club that lists all the stores, theirdiscounts and conditions or visit waggarsl.com.auFACEBOOK MEMBERS DRAWCongratulations to Russell Baird who won 3,900 in ourFacebook Members Draw in September.We are giving you the chance to win up to 10,000 cash! Foryour chance to win simply be a member of our club and like ourFacebook page prior to the draw taking place. The draw startsat 1,000 and jackpots by 100 for every unclaimed draw until 10,000 is reached. Once claimed, the draw resets to 1,000.You only have 24 hours to get to the Wagga RSL Club to claimyour prize so remember to check our Facebook page everyMonday and Wednesday at 11am to see if you are our winner!Like us today at facebook.com/WaggaRSLLTPS/17/14780WAGGA RSL & COMMERCIAL CLUBSHOP LOCALAND SAVEWITH OUR REWARDS CLUB PROGRAMOUTDOORS & BEYOND 20% OFF HIRE GEARWAGGA CYCLE CENTRE 15% OFF STOREWIDEJUST CUTS 10% OFF HAIRDRESSING & PRODUCTSWAGGA BOWLING & ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE 7 GAMES*CARDHOLDERS ONLYNEMO’S FISH & CHIPS 10% OFFTAMMY’S THAI KITCHEN 15% OFF TOTAL BILL**LIMIT 20 OFF PER BILLLOOT COUNTRY HOMEWARES 15% OFF STOREWIDECHAMPS FLOWERS & HAMPERS 20% OFF STOREWIDE**EXCLUDES INTERFLORA & TELEFLORAPLUS MORE DISCOUNTS! REWARDSCLUB.COM.AUCONDITIONS APPLYWIN AeGtahwcaayeBSimply provide us with your updated email address and mobilefor your chance to win a week’s holiday at one of three waterfrontresorts on the NSW coast.Winners drawn Saturday 16th December from 7pmWIN EVERY WEEK IN OUR NEW FRIDAYLUCKY MEMBERS DRAWWe are now giving you the chance to win 1,000in loyalty points every Friday! For your chance towin, simply be a member of our club and be ateither the Wagga RSL or Commercial Clubbetween 7pm and 10pm.One winner will be drawn and if the prize is notclaimed within four minutes, a second membernumber is drawn. If that member doesn't claimtheir prize within four minutes, the member withthe closest membership number present at eitherclub will be the winner.LTPS/17/15140Be sure to be at your club for your chance to win!KENO LOYALTY REWARDS WINNERS!Congratulations to Dorothy Star and Barb Scanlan who won a 50 Keno voucher each for simply playing Keno in our clubs.Our Keno loyalty card now gives players the chance to be rewarded forplaying Keno. Simply ask our friendly staff for a loyalty card and thenbe sure to get it stamped every time you spend a minimum of 10 on Keno at Wagga RSL orCommercial Club. Once all eight boxes are stamped, fill out your details on the back and placeit in the specially marked barrel. Drawn on the last day of each month!Think! About your choices.Call Gambling Help 1800 858 858, gamblinghelp.nsw.gov.auWAGGA RSL NEXUS CARDThe Wagga RSL Nexus Prepaid Eftpos Card has beencreated to give members the freedom to spend theirreward points that they earn with the club at anymerchant in Australia that accepts eftpos (subject tomerchant discretion). Members may also load their ownfunds onto the card for additional or higher valuepurchases. Though there is no ATM withdrawal facility onthe card, cardholders are able to spend the availablebalance on the card using eftpos terminals acrossAustralia, subject to merchant discretion.The Nexus Card is a reloadable, prepaid card. There are nocredit checks required, and the card is not linked to yourpersonal bank accounts. It's a totally prepaid solution. Inaddition, as a cardholder you'll be eligible to gain access tospecial promotions and activities at Wagga RSL andCommercial Clubs. Terms and conditions apply.WAGGA RSL0000000 000 0000 0 000 0 0000GOODTHRUELECTRONICcard0 0 /0 0USE ONLYASK THENEXUS TEAMFOR DETAILSTODAY!Use your Nexus Card at over 400,000 eftpos devices across Australia Pay bills Eat out at restaurants Save for a holiday Exclusive access to Nexus promotionsReduces the need to carry cash Choose where you want to shop Free balance checks andtransaction history online at waggarsl.com.auTerms and conditions and fees apply to the use of your card.Minimum and maximum transfer amounts may apply. Refer to the PDS.Gobsmacked Loyalty Pty Ltd ABN 60 098 218 216 (AFSL 444609) is the issuer of the Card.The PDS is available and can be obtained online at www.waggarsl.com.au. You shouldconsider the PDS in deciding whether or not to acquire or keep the card. Wagga RSL Club Ltdis responsible for the Nexus program and promotions and the conversion of reward points tomonetary value. Refer to Wagga RSL Club Ltd reward promotions and program terms andconditions.

ENJOY YOUR CLUBSOCTOBER2017CELEBRATE MELBOURNE CUPWITH HIGH TEADON'T MISS OUT!Celebrate Melbourne Cup in styleat the Wagga RSL. Enjoy cakes,slices, finger sandwiches and acomplimentary glass of champagnein the lounge overlooking the MTC.11.00am to 3pm, 25 per person,bookings are essential, phone Dineon 6923 7237.CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS DAY ATTHE COMMERCIAL CLUBTreat the family this Christmas Day with a delicious seafood buffetluncheon at the Commercial Club! Enjoy a complimentary drink onarrival with a fantastic menu on offer with cold seafood, chilled deliselection, hot foods, carvery and salads, followed by a dessert buffet.Bookings are essential. To book your place, phone the CommercialClub on 6921 3012 or visit waggarsl.com.au to book online. Allbookings must be paid in full by September 30.Our normal Tuesday buffet will also be available in the bistro forlunch and dinner.12 noon, Christmas Day at the Commercial ClubAdults 120 Seniors 90 Under 12yrs 55 Under 5yrs freeA VERY KRANSKY CHRISTMASCOUNTRY MUSIC AT THECOMMERCIAL CLUBHave you thought about yourChristmas Party yet? The Kranskysisters are coming to the CommercialClub with their show, A Very KranskyChristmas.Cloistered in the old rickety familyhouse in their home town of Esk inQueensland, the musical sisters’traditional Christmas festivities haveuntil now been shrouded in secrecy.For this very special season they letyou into their world of egg nog,panty-hose and painted chokos.From Enya to Silent Night, Daft Punk to The Twelve Days Of Christmas,these dysfunctional sisters take family get-togethers to a new level.Come and join these off-the-wall siblings as they turn your Christmasinto a stuffed ham. With their unusual array of instruments from cheesegrater to toilet brush, tuba to musical saw, settle in for what could beyour kookiest Christmas party yet.Saturday 11th November from 8pm at the Commercial ClubTickets 44pp, available from the Commercial Club or online atwaggarsl.com.auRENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIPNOW FOR 2018For membership renewals, please see the doorperson in the foyer atWagga RSL during club hours or the Commercial Club during officehours. Online membership renewals are now available. To renewsimply visit waggarsl.com.au, click our 'join or renew' button andfollow the directions.Make sure you renew by 31st December 2017 to enjoy continuedbenefits. Please check that your membership details are correct,including your email and mobile.Country Music club have a big month planned for October with twofantastic shows. Don't miss Rene Diaz, back by popular demand onthe 15th of October, and welcome a newcomer to our shore, DennisMorgan, on the 29th of October. All welcome, tickets available at thedoor.FESTIVAL FUN POP UP FOODFOR THE KIDS BARS STALLSFIREWORKS LIVE MUSIC 7,000 MEMBERS DRAWLTPS PENDINGWAGGA RSLWIN A CAR IN OUR RAZZLEDAZZLE DRAW!Wagga RSL and Commerial Club are giving you the chance to win acar every month! The first Saturday of every month is our RazzleDazzle draw with the major prize a brand new Kia Picanto. Our drawnight has 30 prizes valued at 23,000 with all our usual prizesincluding TV's laptops, loyalty points and our major prize, a brandnew car! If you are the lucky winner of the car and claim your prizewithin four minutes, you will also receive a 500 petrol voucher!Congratulations to Helen Smallmon who was our latest winner,taking home the major prize, a brand new car, in our SeptemberRazzle Dazzle draw.Make sure you are at either club on the night of the draw for yourchance to win our bonus draw later in the evening. Our bonus drawnow give you the chance to win between 500 and ,2000 cash,with a spin of the chocolate wheel to see ifyou win the two grand!YEARS1947 - 2017Tickets will be on sale from 4pm onSaturday 7th October at either club.The draws kick off at 8pm.Goodluck!BEER OF THE MONTH*Show your memberhsip card for local discounts at over 90 Waggastores. Your 2018 membership card must have the Rewards Club logoon it to receive the discounts. This member benefit program has beena huge success over the last twelve months. We encourage you tosupport local businesses involved in the program and take advantageof the great discounts on offer.FROM 4.00PMPARTY ONTHE GREENSRenew your membership for your chance to win a week's holiday atone of three waterfront resorts on the NSW coast. Two holidays tobe won! Winners drawnSaturday 16th Decemberfrom 7pm.ONLY 20 FORFIVE YEARS! OR 5 FOR ONE YEARLOYALTYDISCOUNTS*STARTS 3RD OCTOBER1234WAGGA RSL CLUB 6921 3624 DOBBS ST, WAGGACOMMERCIAL CLUB 6921 3012 GURWOOD ST, WAGGAWAGGARSL.COM

WAGGA RSL COMMERCIAL CLUBGIFT CARDSGive your loved ones a Wagga RSL and Commercial Clubgift card to spend on food and drinks at either club.!WAGGA RSL RDCOMMERCIALCLUBGreat Gift Idea!CLUGE IFT Bnjoy CAGift cards are available for purchase from Wagga RSL Clubduring office hours.MORNING MELODIESJETT WILLIAMS11.30am, Tuesday 10th October at the Commercial ClubTickets 20 per person8.00pm, Thursday 19th October at the Commercial ClubTickets 49 per personExperience daytime entertainment with a delicious two courseluncheon at the Commercial Club. Entertainment by the talented ColMillington, taking you down memory lane with songs from the1950’s 60’s & 70’s.Tickets available from the Commercial Club, or online at waggarsl.com.auHank’s ‘lost’ daughter is heading Down Under She’s the lovechild– and only daughter – of late, great American country music iconHank Williams and she’s coming to Australia. The product of a briefrelationship between marriages with Hank and Nashville secretaryBobbie Webb Jett, Antha Belle Jett was born on January 6, 1953– five days after her father died. Jett’s story has all the ingredientsof a great country song – but for her, it’s real life.Williams, who is widely recognised as one of the most significantand influential American singer-songwriters of the 20th century,had a string of hits including Your Cheatin’ Heart, Kaw-Liga, Cold,Cold Heart and Take These Chains From My Heart. Ironically, amongthe tracks laid down at his final recording session in September1952 was the prophetic I’ll Never Get Out of This World Alive.All the while, Jett pursued her ambition of becoming a countrysinger like her dad, and has performed with his band members, theDrifting Cowboys, on a number of occasions singing his songs.This is Jett’s first visit to Australia and she’s keen to meet fans ofher father’s, and make some new friends herself in the land DownUnder.TUESDAY 10TH OCTOBERTickets available from the Commercial Club, or online at waggarsl.com.auGROOVEFACTORIE8.00pm, Thursday 26th October at the Commercial ClubLive and free in the main loungePaul McVicar celebrates Joe Cocker with the Groove Factorie.Performing the hits Cocker made famous including ‘Unchain MyHeart’, ‘Feelin Alright’ , ‘The Letter’ and the number one hit, ‘You CanLeave Your Hat On’. McVicar delivers his songs with “passion andenergy” and this free night of entertainment is sure to be a hit.LAST THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTHTHURSDAY 26TH OCTOBERTHURSDAY 19TH OCTOBERSOS - A TRIBUTE TOTHE MUSIC OF ABBA8.30pm, Friday 27th & Saturday 28th Octoberat the Commercial ClubLive and free in the main loungeSOS is a high energy ABBA show. Performing greatest hits from theSwedish super-group mixed with a selection of the hottest discotracks from the 70’s, SOS creates a show that takes audiences on awild ride back to the party decade where ABBA ruled the dancefloor!The music of ABBA lives on and on and on with SOSFRI 27TH & SAT 28TH OCTOBER

October2.30pm Calamity Kitty From 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500!1MON11am Facebook Members Draw 4pm Grab a Wish 6.30pm - 11pm Triple PointsFrom 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500!10am - 4pm Triple Points 11am Facebook Members Draw 1pm Bingo7.15pm Bingo From 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500!2TUES10am - 11pm ALL DAY TRIPLE POINTS 5pm - 10pm Tuesday BonusFrom 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500!5pm - 11pm Triple Points 7.15pm Bingo/CASH HOUSIE From 8pm LuckyMembers Draw - win 2,500!3WED11am Facebook Members Draw 3.30pm Grab a Wish 6.30pm - 11pm TriplePoints From 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500!10.30am Wish Gift 11am Facebook Members Draw 11.30am Bingo6pm Raffle 7.15pm Bingo From 8pm Lucky Members Draw410am - 2.30pm Triple Points 2.30pm Calamity KittyFrom 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500! 10.30pm 500 Jackpot!11.30am Bingo From 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500!5From 6pm Raffle - over 2,500 in prizes! 7pm Live Entertainment: Nathan Lamont7pm - 10pm Friday Lucky Members Draw - must be won!11.30am Bingo 2.30pm Wish Gift From 6.00pm Raffle - over 2,500 in prizes!7pm - 10pm Friday Lucky Members Draw - must be won!6SATFrom 4.00pm Razzle Dazzle 6.30pm Live Entertainment: Amanda LongFrom 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500!From 4.00pm Razzle Dazzle 6.30pm Live Entertainment: R&RFrom 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500!7SUN2.30pm Calamity Kitty From 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500!5pm Wish Gift 6.00pm Raffle - over 1,300 in prizes!From 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500!8MON11am Facebook Members Draw 4pm Grab a Wish 6.30pm - 11pm Triple PointsFrom 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500!10am - 4pm Triple Points 11am Morning Melodies 11am Facebook Members Draw1pm Bingo 7.15pm Bingo From 8pm Lucky Members Draw9TUES10am - 11pm ALL DAY TRIPLE POINTS 5pm - 10pm Tuesday BonusFrom 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500!5pm - 11pm Triple Points 7.15pm Bingo/CASH HOUSIE From 8pm LuckyMembers Draw - win 2,500!10WED11am Facebook Members Draw 3.30pm Grab a Wish 6.30pm - 11pm TriplePoints From 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500!10.30am Wish Gift 11am Facebook Members Draw 11.30am Bingo6pm Raffle 7.15pm Bingo From 8pm Lucky Members Draw1110am - 2.30pm Triple Points 2.30pm Calamity KittyFrom 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500! 10.30pm 500 Jackpot!11.30am Bingo From 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500!12From 6pm Raffle - over 2,500 in prizes! 7pm Live Entertainment: Rebecca Hennessy7pm - 10pm Friday Lucky Members Draw - must be won!11.30am Bingo 2.30pm Wish Gift From 6.00pm Raffle - over 2,500 in prizes!7pm - 10pm Friday Lucky Members Draw - must be won!137.30pm Live Entertainment: Rhythm ExpressFrom 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500!From 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500!142.30pm Calamity Kitty From 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500!2pm Country Music Club 5pm Wish Gift 6.00pm Raffle - over 1,300 in prizes!From 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500!15MON11am Facebook Members Draw 4pm Grab a Wish 6.30pm - 11pm Triple PointsFrom 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500!10am - 4pm Triple Points 11am Facebook Members Draw 1pm Bingo7.15pm Bingo From 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500!16TUES10am - 11pm ALL DAY TRIPLE POINTS 5pm - 10pm Tuesday BonusFrom 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500!5pm - 11pm Triple Points 7.15pm Bingo/CASH HOUSIE From 8pm LuckyMembers Draw - win 2,500!17WED11am Facebook Members Draw 3.30pm Grab a Wish 6.30pm - 11pm TriplePoints From 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500!10.30am Wish Gift 11am Facebook Members Draw 11.30am Bingo6pm Raffle 7.15pm Bingo From 8pm Lucky Members Draw1810am - 2.30pm Triple Points 2.30pm Calamity KittyFrom 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500! 10.30pm 500 Jackpot!11.30am Bingo From 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500!8.00pm Jett Williams19From 6.00pm Raffle 7.00pm Live Entertainment: Jacinta Tooze7pm - 10pm Friday Lucky Members Draw - must be won!11.30am Bingo 2.30pm Wish Gift From 6.00pm Raffle - over 2,500 in prizes!7-10pm Friday Lucky Members Draw - must be won!207.30pm Live Entertainment: MoonshineFrom 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500!From 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500!212.30pm Calamity Kitty From 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500!5pm Wish Gift 6.00pm Raffle - over 1,300 in prizes!From 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500!22MON11am Facebook Members Draw 4pm Grab a Wish 6.30pm - 11pm Triple PointsFrom 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500!10am - 4pm Triple Points 11am Facebook Members Draw 1pm Bingo7.15pm Bingo From 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500!23TUES10am - 11pm ALL DAY TRIPLE POINTS 5pm - 10pm Tuesday BonusFrom 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500!5pm - 11pm Triple Points 7.15pm Bingo/CASH HOUSIEFrom 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500!24WED11am Facebook Members Draw 3.30pm Grab a Wish 6.30pm - 11pm TriplePoints From 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500!10.30am Wish Gift 11am Facebook Members Draw 11.30am Bingo6pm Raffle 7.15pm Bingo From 8pm Lucky Members Draw2510am - 2.30pm Triple Points 2.30pm Calamity KittyFrom 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500! 10.30pm 500 Jackpot!11.30am Bingo 8pm Live Entertainment: Groove Factorie - CC Main LoungeFrom 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500!26From 6.00pm Raffle 7.00pm Live Entertainment: Daniel Tooze7pm - 10pm Friday Lucky Members Draw - must be won!11.30am Bingo 2.30pm Wish Gift From 6.00pm Raffle - over 2,500 in prizes!7-10pm Friday Lucky Members Draw - must be won! 8.30pm SOS ABBA Tribute277.30pm Live Entertainment: Josh McKellarFrom 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500!From 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500! 8.30pm SOS ABBA Tribute282.30pm Calamity Kitty From 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500!2pm Country Music Club 5pm Wish Gift 6.00pm Raffle - over 1,300 in prizes!From 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500!29MON11am Facebook Members Draw 4pm Grab a Wish 6.30pm - 11pm Triple PointsFrom 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500!10am - 4pm Triple Points 11am Facebook Members Draw 1pm Bingo7.15pm Bingo From 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500!30TUES10am - 11pm ALL DAY TRIPLE POINTS 5pm - 10pm Tuesday BonusFrom 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500!5pm - 11pm Triple Points 7.15pm Bingo/CASH HOUSIEFrom 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500!31THUFRIRAZZLEDAZZLECOMMERCIAL CLUB5pm Wish Gift 6.00pm Raffle - over 1,300 in prizes!From 8pm Lucky Members Draw - win 2,500!SUNFACEBOOKDRAWWAGGA RSLTHUFRISATSUNTHUFRISATSUNTHUFRISATSUNCOMING EVENTS4th November Razzle Dazzle: Tickets on sale from 4pm11th November A Very Kransky Christmas: Tickets available online at waggarsl.com.au17th November 70th Birthday Celebrations: From 4pm at Wagga RSL ClubFollow us on social media to keep up to date with what’s happening at your club.Wish Gift/Tuesday Bonus/Calamity Kitty/ 500 Jackpot LTPS/17/01939 Facebook Members Draw LTPS/17/14780LMD LTPS/17/15054 Friday Lucky Members Draw LTPS/17/15140 Grab A Wish LTPS/17/15087*Printed by Chambers LLIAMSGROOVEFACTORIEABBA TRIBUTETWO NIGHTS!

50 Keno voucher each for simply playing Keno in our clubs. Our Keno loyalty card now gives players the chance to be rewarded for playing Keno. Simply ask our friendly staff for a loyalty card and then be sure to get it stamped every time you spend a minimum of 10 on Keno at Wagga RSL or Commercial Club.

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