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THEATRICAL SMOKE, FOG, AND HAZE TESTINGTIME AND DISTANCE GUIDELINESIn the absence of other information, theater-specific monitoring would be required to evaluate whethersmoke/fog/haze machines are being used in accordance with the peak exposure guidelines. Ramboll Environ(formerly ENVIRON) developed Time-and-Distance (T&D) Guidelines as an alternative to conducting theaterand production-specific monitoring. These T&D Guidelines were developed under conservative useassumptions (e.g., no on-stage activities or props that would enhance dispersion, cue release at breathingheight level). By following these T&D Guidelines, a production can use fog effects without having to conductits own stage-specific testing, provided the machines are used in accordance with manufacturer specifications,are well maintained, and are functioning properly. These T&D Guidelines have been approved by Actors'Equity Association and the Broadway League for use in productions that use theatrical smoke, fog and haze.The following tables describe the distance (with respect to the discharge point on the equipment) and lengthof time that concentrations exceeding the peak guidance levels would be expected to occur. Thus, byarranging the blocking and choreography such that an actor is not situated within the restricted areas duringthe times specified in these tables, actors should not receive exposures above the peak exposure guidelines.The Time and Distance Guidelines are applicable for one single cue from one machine/fluid combination at atime. If a production wants to use more than one cue and/or more than one machine/fluid simultaneously,production-specific testing will be necessary using the Calibration Factors list and the Air-Sampling Protocol.It should be noted that these T&D Guidelines may not be appropriate for all productions. Productions maywant to use different configurations for positioning the machines (e.g., different heights), provide enhancedon-stage ventilation, or generate fog for a longer or shorter period of time. In addition, many productionsmay have other stage-specific conditions (e.g., on-stage activities and props that enhance dispersion) thatwould allow actors to be present in areas that are restricted under these T&D Guidelines but which, in fact, donot exceed the guidance levels. In those cases, production-specific monitoring would be recommended todetermine whether peak exposure may occur.For more information, please contact:Alan Kao, PrincipalRamboll Environ US Corporation3 Carlisle Road, Suite 210Westford, MA nviron.comDisclaimer: These guidelines do not represent an endorsement of any equipment-fluid combination by Ramboll Environ.Please note that the use of fluids in machines other than those recommended by the manufacturer is subject to theequipment manufacturer’s terms and conditions.

THEATRICAL SMOKE, FOG, AND HAZE TESTINGTIME AND DISTANCE GUIDELINESPage 2 of 75INDEXTIME-AND-DISTANCE GUIDELINESManufacturerAmerican DJ(ADJ)MachineFog Fury 30007Froggy’s Fog Bog Fog Fluid7Froggy’s Fog Velocity Fluid7Froggy’s Fog Cryo Freeze Fluid7Froggy’s Fog Quick Blast Fluid7Froggy’s Fog Velocity Fluid7Froggy’s Fog Cryo Freeze Fluid7Froggy’s Fog Quick Blast Fluid71520 RGB UpshotFroggy’s Fog Quick Blast Fluid8DNG-200Froggy’s Fog Cryo Freeze9F-5/F-5D FazerFroggy’s Fog Faze Haze Fluid10ICEFroggy’s Fog Cryo Freeze11M-5Froggy’s Fog Backwood Bay Fluid12Froggy’s Fog Amusement Park Fluid12Froggy’s Fog Bog Fog Fluid12Froggy’s Fog Velocity Fluid12Froggy’s Fog Cryo Freeze Fluid12Froggy’s Fog Quick Blast Fluid12Froggy’s Fog Backwood Bay Fluid14Froggy’s Fog Amusement Park Fluid14Froggy’s Fog Bog Fog Fluid14Froggy’s Fog Velocity Fluid14Froggy’s Fog Cryo Freeze Fluid14Froggy’s Fog Quick Blast Fluid14Froggy’s Fog Bog Fog Fluid16Froggy’s Fog Velocity Fluid16Froggy’s Fog Cryo Freeze Fluid16Froggy’s Fog Quick Blast Fluid16Froggy’s Fog Backwood Bay Fluid17Froggy’s Fog Amusement Park Fluid17Froggy’s Fog Bog Fog Fluid17Froggy’s Fog Velocity Fluid17Froggy’s Fog Cryo Freeze Fluid17Froggy’s Fog Quick Blast Fluid17Froggy’s Fog Beam Splitter Fluid19M-8M-10X-515Z-350Updated: July 9, 2015PageFroggy’s Fog Backwood Bay FluidFog Storm 1700 HDAntariFluid

THEATRICAL SMOKE, FOG, AND HAZE TESTINGTIME AND DISTANCE GUIDELINESPage 3 of 75INDEXTIME-AND-DISTANCE GUIDELINESManufacturerBarco/High EndSystemsMachineF-100FluidPageAtmosphere Cold Flow Formula20Atmosphere HQ Formula20Atmosphere Stage Formula20Atmosphere HQ Formula20Atmosphere Stage Formula20Froggy’s Fog Backwood Bay21Froggy’s Fog Amusement Park Fluid21Froggy’s Fog Bog Fog Fluid21Froggy’s Fog Velocity Fluid21Froggy’s Fog Cryo Freeze Fluid21Froggy’s Fog Quick Blast Fluid21Froggy’s Fog Backwood Bay23Froggy’s Fog Amusement Park Fluid23Froggy’s Fog Bog Fog Fluid23Froggy’s Fog Velocity Fluid23Froggy’s Fog Cryo Freeze Fluid23Froggy’s Fog Quick Blast Fluid23Froggy’s Fog Techno Fluid23AmHaze IIFroggy’s Fog Faze Haze Fluid25GeyserFroggy’s Fog Quick Blast Fluid26AquaMaxOrganic Haze Fluid27Fantasy FX spray canFantasy FX Professional Haze28HazeMaxVapor Haze Fluid28ePufferD-1500 Electronic Cigare-Liquid29FireBaseSG-1300Froggy’s Fog Training Smoke FR Fluid –Fire Rescue Formula30Froggy’s Fog Training Smoke XD Fluid –Extreme Density30Froggy’s Fog Training Smoke Q Fluid –Quick Dissipating30Froggy’s Fog Training Smoke FR Fluid –Fire Rescue Formula31Froggy’s Fog Training Smoke XD Fluid –Extreme Density31Froggy’s Fog Training Smoke FR Fluid –Fire Rescue Formula32Froggy’s Fog Training Smoke XD Fluid –Extreme Density32FQ-100Blue HazeEntertainment(BHE)ChauvetCITC15501800 FlexSG-2600SG-M1500Updated: July 9, 2015

THEATRICAL SMOKE, FOG, AND HAZE TESTINGTIME AND DISTANCE GUIDELINESPage 4 of 75INDEXTIME-AND-DISTANCE GUIDELINESManufacturerMachine32Froggy’s Fog Training Smoke FR Fluid –Fire Rescue Formula33Froggy’s Fog Training Smoke XD Fluid –Extreme Density33Froggy’s Fog Training Smoke Q Fluid –Quick Dissipating33Froggy’s Fog Training Smoke XD Fluid –Extreme Density34Froggy’s Fog Training Smoke Q Fluid –Quick Dissipating34Froggy’s Fog Backwood Bay Fluid35Froggy’s Fog Amusement Park Fluid35Froggy’s Fog Bog Fog Fluid35Froggy’s Fog Velocity Fluid35Froggy’s Fog Cryo Freeze Fluid35Froggy’s Fog Quick Blast Fluid35Froggy’s Fog Backwood Bay Fluid37Froggy’s Fog Bog Fog Fluid37Froggy’s Fog Faze Haze Fluid38base hazer liquid Fluid38Opti Mist RangerMini Mist Canister39MVSFroggy’s Fog Neutronic Haze Fluid39Neutron XSFroggy’s Fog Neutronic Haze Fluid40Cryo-FogCryo-Fog Fluid41Power TinyTiny-Fluid41Tiny-Fogger/Tiny F07,Tiny-Compact/Tiny C07Tiny-Fluid42Tiny FXTiny-Fluid42Tiny STiny-Fluid43Unique 2.1Unique-Fluid43Viper NTQuick-Fog Fluid44Viper NTRegular-Fog Fluid45Viper NTSlow-Fog Fluid46K-1Froggy’s Fog K-razy Haze Fluid47Magnum 2000Froggy’s Fog Backwood Bay Fluid48Froggy’s Fog Bog Fog Fluid48SG-M3000Base ClassicBase High Power 220VBase Hazer ProLe MaitreLook SolutionsMartinUpdated: July 9, 2015PageFroggy’s Fog Training Smoke Q Fluid –Quick DissipatingSG-M1800hazebaseFluid

THEATRICAL SMOKE, FOG, AND HAZE TESTINGTIME AND DISTANCE GUIDELINESPage 5 of 75INDEXTIME-AND-DISTANCE GUIDELINESManufacturerMachineFluidPageFroggy’s Fog Velocity Fluid48Froggy’s Fog Cryo Freeze Fluid48Froggy’s Fog Quick Blast Fluid48Froggy’s Fog Velocity Fluid50Froggy’s Fog Cryo Freeze Fluid50Froggy’s Fog Quick Blast Fluid50Froggy’s Fog Backwood Bay Fluid51Froggy’s Fog Bog Fog Fluid51Froggy’s Fog Velocity Fluid51Froggy’s Fog Cryo Freeze Fluid51Froggy’s Fog Quick Blast Fluid51Atmosphere APSMDG Neutral Fluid53MAX 3000 APSMDG Neutral Fluid53Mini MaxMDG Dense Fluid53New Rule FXElectronic Actor CigarettePropCartridge Fluid54Pure SmokeElectronic CigaretteElectronic Cigarette Flavors55Reel EFXDF-50Diffusion Fluid56Froggy’s Fog DaFiddy Fluid – Oil BasedHaze56Froggy’s Fog Backwood Bay Fluid57Froggy’s Fog Amusement Park Fluid57Froggy’s Fog Bog Fog Fluid57Froggy’s Fog Velocity Fluid57Froggy’s Fog Cryo Freeze Fluid57Froggy’s Fog Quick Blast Fluid57Clear Fog Fluid59Rosco Fog Fluid59Light Fog Fluid59Stage & Studio Fluid59Rosco Fog Fluid60Stage & Studio Fluid60Rosco Fog Fluid61Stage & Studio Fluid61Clear Fog Fluid62Rosco Fog Fluid62Light Fog Fluid62ZR-33ZR-44MDG FogGeneratorsRobeRoscoLaboratoriesFog 1550 FT1500 / 16001750Alpha 900Delta 3000Updated: July 9, 2015

THEATRICAL SMOKE, FOG, AND HAZE TESTINGTIME AND DISTANCE GUIDELINESPage 6 of 75INDEXTIME-AND-DISTANCE GUIDELINESManufacturerMachineFluidPageStage & Studio Fluid62Delta HazerDelta Hazer Fluid63Mini-VRosco Fog Fluid63Stage & Studio Fluid64Rosco Fog Fluid64Stage & Studio Fluid64V-HazerV-Hazer Fluid65VapourRosco Fog Fluid66Stage & Studio Fluid67Rosco Fog Fluid68Stage & Studio Fluid69PF-1000Vapour PlusSmoke In StyleElectronic Pipe PropFeelLife E-Liquid70Ultratec SpecialEffectsG100Extra Quick Dissipating Fluid71Quick Dissipating Fluid71Director’s Choice Fluid71Extra Quick Dissipating Fluid71Molecular Fog Fluid71Quick Dissipating Fluid71Director’s Choice Fluid71Froggy’s Fog Backwood Bay72Froggy’s Fog Amusement Park Fluid72Froggy’s Fog Bog Fog72Froggy’s Fog Velocity72Froggy’s Fog Cryo Freeze72Froggy’s Fog Quick Blast72LSG MKII-PFI 9DMolecular Fog Fluid74Radiance HazerNeutron/Luminous 7 Haze Fluid75Froggy’s Fog Neutronic Haze Fluid75G150G3000Updated: July 9, 2015

THEATRICAL SMOKE, FOG, AND HAZE TESTINGTIME AND DISTANCE GUIDELINESPage 7 of 75AMERICAN DJ SUPPLY, INC.TIME-AND-DISTANCE GUIDELINESFog Fury 3000Time (in sec) After Which Air Concentrations AreBelow Guidance Level (40 mg/m3)5 ft10 ft15 ft20 ft25 ftMachineSettingReleaseDuration(sec)Froggy’s FogBackwood Bay FluidFull55040404030Full155040404030Froggy’s Fog Bog FogFluidFull580604000Full151301301304030Froggy’s Fog VelocityFluidFull52020000Full1530303000Froggy’s Fog CryoFreeze FluidFull52020000Full1530303000Froggy’s Fog QuickBlast FluidFull52020000Full1530303000FluidReference: Calibration Factors and Time-And-Distance Guidelines for Use of Theatrical Fog Equipment: Bog Fog/Krazy Haze/Training Smoke XD, Backwood Bay/Faze Haze/Training Smoke FR, Velocity/Cryo Freeze/QuickBlast/Training Smoke Q, Techno Fog/Beam Splitter, Neutronic Haze, DaFiddy, Swamp Juice 2009 Formula, Light Fog,prepared by ENVIRON International Corporation for Froggy’s Fog, November 2014.FluidFroggy’s Fog VelocityFluidFroggy’s Fog CryoFreeze FluidFroggy’s Fog QuickBlast FluidTIME-AND-DISTANCE GUIDELINESFog Storm 1700 HD with Froggy’s Fog Velocity FluidTime (in sec) After Which Air Concentrations Are BelowReleaseGuidance Level (40 mg/m3)Duration(secs)Machine Setting5 ft10 ft15 ft20 ft25 00015Full20202020030*Full202020200*Machine does not run continuously for longer than 30 seconds.Note: Pump in machine was not factory-issued. Performance may vary from factory-issued machine.Reference: Calibration Factors and Time-And-Distance Guidelines for Use of Theatrical Fog Equipment: Bog Fog/K-razyHaze/Training Smoke XD, Backwood Bay/Faze Haze/Training Smoke FR, Velocity/Cryo Freeze/Quick Blast/TrainingSmoke Q, Techno Fog/Beam Splitter, Neutronic Haze, DaFiddy, Swamp Juice 2009 Formula, Light Fog, prepared byENVIRON International Corporation for Froggy’s Fog, October 2014.Updated: July 9, 2015

THEATRICAL SMOKE, FOG, AND HAZE TESTINGTIME AND DISTANCE GUIDELINESPage 8 of TANCE GUIDELINES1520 RGB Upshot with Froggy’s Fog Quick Blast FluidTime (in sec) After Which Air Concentrations Are BelowGuidance Level (40 mg/m3)Machine Setting5 ft10 ft15 ft20 ft25 0303020*Machine pulses after 20 secondsReference: Calibration Factors and Time-And-Distance Guidelines for Use of Theatrical FogEquipment: Bog Fog/K-razy Haze/Training Smoke XD, Backwood Bay/Faze Haze/Training Smoke FR,Velocity/Cryo Freeze/Quick Blast/Training Smoke Q, Techno Fog/Beam Splitter, Neutronic Haze,DaFiddy, Swamp Juice 2009 Formula, Light Fog, prepared by ENVIRON International Corporation forFroggy’s Fog, October 2014.Updated: July 9, 2015

THEATRICAL SMOKE, FOG, AND HAZE TESTINGTIME AND DISTANCE GUIDELINESPage 9 of TANCE GUIDELINESDNG-200 with Froggy’s Fog Cryo Freeze FluidTime (in sec) After Which Air Concentrations AreReleaseBelow Guidance Level (40 mg/m3)Duration(secs)Machine Setting5 ft8 ft12 ft 16 ft 20 w0000060Low00000120Low00000*Machine takes 10 seconds to release fog after turned on†Machine shuts off after 100 0030Low00060Low000120Low000**All concentrations are measured at same horizontal distancemachine (approximately 6 feet).*Machine takes 10 seconds to release fog after turned on†Machine shuts off after 100 seconds00000000000from00000000000Reference: Calibration Factors and Time-And-Distance Guidelines for Use of Theatrical Fog Equipment:Bog Fog/K-razy Haze/Training Smoke XD, Backwood Bay/Faze Haze/Training Smoke FR, Velocity/CryoFreeze/Quick Blast/Training Smoke Q, Techno Fog/Beam Splitter, Neutronic Haze, DaFiddy, Swamp Juice2009 Formula, Light Fog, prepared by ENVIRON International Corporation for Froggy’s Fog, October 2014.Updated: July 9, 2015

THEATRICAL SMOKE, FOG, AND HAZE TESTINGTIME AND DISTANCE GUIDELINESPage 10 of 75ANTARITIME AND DISTANCE GUIDELINESF-5/F-5D Fazer with Froggy’s Fog Faze Haze FluidTime (in sec) After Which Air Concentrations Are Below GuidanceRelease DurationLevel (40 mg/m3)(secs)Machine Setting5 ft10 ft15 ft20 ft25 ft30Fan 1001000000060Fan 10010010101000120Fan 1001001010100030Fan 100650000060Fan 1006500000120Fan 100650000030Fan 100250000060Fan 1002500000120Fan 100250000030Fan 501001010100060Fan 5010020202000120Fan 501002020200030Fan 50651010100060Fan 506510101000120Fan 50651010100030Fan 201003030300060Fan 2010030303000120Fan 201003030300030Fan 20653030300060Fan 206530303000120Fan 206530303000Reference: Calibration Factors and Time-And-Distance Guidelines for Use of Theatrical Fog Equipment:Bog Fog/K-razy Haze/Training Smoke XD, Backwood Bay/Faze Haze/Training Smoke FR, Velocity/CryoFreeze/Quick Blast/Training Smoke Q, Techno Fog/Beam Splitter, Neutronic Haze, DaFiddy, Swamp Juice2009 Formula, Light Fog, prepared by ENVIRON International Corporation for Froggy’s Fog, October 2014.Updated: July 9, 2015

THEATRICAL SMOKE, FOG, AND HAZE TESTINGTIME AND DISTANCE GUIDELINESPage 11 of TANCE GUIDELINESICE with Froggy’s Fog Cryo Freeze FluidTime (in sec) After Which Air Concentrations Are BelowReleaseGuidance Level (40 mg/m3)Duration(secs)Machine Setting5 ft8 ft12 ft16 ft20 0060†Med00000120‡Med00000*Machine does not have visible output at low setting†Machine turns off for 10 seconds during run‡Machine turns off for 30 seconds total during l concentrations are measured at same horizontal distance from machine(approximately 6 feet).*Machine does not have visible output at low setting†Machine runs off for 10 seconds during run‡Machine turns off for 30 seconds total during run000000Reference: Calibration Factors and Time-And-Distance Guidelines for Use of Theatrical Fog Equipment: Bog Fog/Krazy Haze/Training Smoke XD, Backwood Bay/Faze Haze/Training Smoke FR, Velocity/Cryo Freeze/QuickBlast/Training Smoke Q, Techno Fog/Beam Splitter, Neutronic Haze, DaFiddy, Swamp Juice 2009 Formula, Light Fog,prepared by ENVIRON International Corporation for Froggy’s Fog, October 2014.Updated: July 9, 2015

THEATRICAL SMOKE, FOG, AND HAZE TESTINGTIME AND DISTANCE GUIDELINESPage 12 of 75ANTARIFluidFroggy’s FogBackwood Bay FluidTIME-AND-DISTANCE GUIDELINESM-5Time (in sec) After Which Air Concentrations AreReleaseMachineBelow Guidance Level (40 mg/m3)DurationSetting(sec)5 ft10 ft15 ft20 ft25 530†60†60706070606050500102560500000*Machine shuts off after 20 seconds†Machine runs at reduced output volume after 15 secondsFroggy’s FogAmusement ParkFluidFroggy’s Fog BogFogFroggy’s 0606006060*Machine shuts off after 20 seconds†Machine runs at reduced output volume after 15 60200000*Machine shuts off after 20 secondsFroggy’s Fog CryoFreeze Machine shuts off after 20 seconds1005201001520Updated: July 9, 2015

THEATRICAL SMOKE, FOG, AND HAZE TESTINGTIME AND DISTANCE GUIDELINESPage 13 of 75ANTARIFluidFroggy’s Fog QuickBlast FluidTIME-AND-DISTANCE GUIDELINESM-5Time (in sec) After Which Air Concentrations AreReleaseMachineBelow Guidance Level (40 mg/m3)DurationSetting(sec)5 ft10 ft15 ft20 ft25 ft10030*20202010065656525153060601002020*Machine shuts off after 20 seconds1010200000000000000Reference: Calibration Factors and Time-And-Distance Guidelines for Use of Theatrical Fog Equipment: Bog Fog/Krazy Haze/Training Smoke XD, Backwood Bay/Faze Haze/Training Smoke FR, Velocity/Cryo Freeze/QuickBlast/Training Smoke Q, Techno Fog/Beam Splitter, Neutronic Haze, DaFiddy, Swamp Juice 2009 Formula, LightFog, prepared by ENVIRON International Corporation for Froggy’s Fog, November 2014.Updated: July 9, 2015

THEATRICAL SMOKE, FOG, AND HAZE TESTINGTIME AND DISTANCE GUIDELINESPage 14 of 75ANTARIFluidFroggy’s FogBackwood Bay FluidTIME-AND-DISTANCE GUIDELINESM-8Time (in sec) After Which Air Concentrations AreReleaseMachineBelow Guidance Level (40 mg/m3)DurationSetting(sec)5 ft10 ft15 ft20 ft25 05050LowLow60†120†60706070606060605050*Machine shuts off after 52 seconds†Machine pulses every 5 seconds at low settingFroggy’s FogAmusement Machine shuts off after 52 seconds†Machine pulses every 5 seconds at low settingFroggy’s Fog BogFog 60606060LowLow60120†11011011011010100000*Machine shuts off after 40 seconds†Machine shuts off after 90 secondsFroggy’s FogVelocity 100000Low6030300Low12030300*Machine runs at reduced output volume after 10 seconds†Machine runs at reduced output volume after 20 seconds‡Machine shuts off after 49 secondsUpdated: July 9, 2015

THEATRICAL SMOKE, FOG, AND HAZE TESTINGTIME AND DISTANCE GUIDELINESPage 15 of 75ANTARIFluidFroggy’s Fog CryoFreeze FluidTIME-AND-DISTANCE GUIDELINESM-8Time (in sec) After Which Air Concentrations AreReleaseMachineBelow Guidance Level (40 mg/m3)DurationSetting(sec)5 ft10 ft15 ft20 ft25 w12030300*Machine runs at reduced output volume after 10 seconds†Machine runs at reduced output volume after 20 seconds‡Machine shuts off after 49 €™s Fog QuickBlast 000000*Machine runs at reduced output volume after 10 seconds†Machine runs at reduced output volume after 20 seconds‡Machine shuts off after 49 secondsReference: Calibration Factors and Time-And-Distance Guidelines for Use of Theatrical Fog Equipment: Bog Fog/Krazy Haze/Training Smoke XD, Backwood Bay/Faze Haze/Training Smoke FR, Velocity/Cryo Freeze/QuickBlast/Training Smoke Q, Techno Fog/Beam Splitter, Neutronic Haze, DaFiddy, Swamp Juice 2009 Formula, LightFog, prepared by ENVIRON International Corporation for Froggy’s Fog, November 2014.Updated: July 9, 2015

THEATRICAL SMOKE, FOG, AND HAZE TESTINGTIME AND DISTANCE GUIDELINESPage 16 of 75ANTARIFluidFroggy’s Fog BogFog FluidTIME-AND-DISTANCE GUIDELINESM-10Time (in sec) After Which Air Concentrations AreReleaseMachineBelow Guidance Level (40 mg/m3)DurationSetting(sec)5 ft10 ft15 ft20 ft25 0606025%25%601206060030000000*Machine shuts off after 48 secondsFroggy’s FogVelocity FluidFroggy’s Fog CryoFreeze FluidFroggy’s Fog QuickBlast 0000025%25%601200000000000Reference: Calibration Factors and Time-And-Distance Guidelines for Use of Theatrical Fog Equipment: Bog Fog/Krazy Haze/Training Smoke XD, Backwood Bay/Faze Haze/Training Smoke FR, Velocity/Cryo Freeze/QuickBlast/Training Smoke Q, Techno Fog/Beam Splitter, Neutronic Haze, DaFiddy, Swamp Juice 2009 Formula, Light Fog,prepared by ENVIRON International Corporation for Froggy’s Fog, October 2014.Updated: July 9, 2015

THEATRICAL SMOKE, FOG, AND HAZE TESTINGTIME AND DISTANCE GUIDELINESPage 17 of 75ANTARIFluidFroggy’s FogBackwood Bay FluidTIME-AND-DISTANCE GUIDELINESX-515Time (in sec) After Which Air Concentrations AreReleaseMachineBelow Guidance Level (40 mg/m3)DurationSetting(sec)5 ft10 ft15 ft20 ft25 0404040000404000000*Machine ran at reduced output volume after 45 seconds, machine turned off for37 seconds during runFroggy’s FogAmusement ParkFluidFroggy’s Fog BogFog 6050300025%12060503000*Machine ran at reduced output volume after 45 seconds, machine turned off for37 seconds during 0†25%1208040000*Machine runs at reduced output volume after 25 seconds†Machine runs at reduced output volume after 4 secondsFroggy’s FogVelocity 0000000*Machine ran at reduced output volume after 20 secondsFroggy’s Fog CryoFreeze FluidUpdated: July 9, 2015100%100%100%65%51530*3002020200020100000

THEATRICAL SMOKE, FOG, AND HAZE TESTINGTIME AND DISTANCE GUIDELINESPage 18 of 75ANTARIFluidTIME-AND-DISTANCE GUIDELINESX-515Time (in sec) After Which Air Concentrations AreReleaseMachineBelow Guidance Level (40 mg/m3)DurationSetting(sec)5 ft10 ft15 ft20 ft25 00000000000000*Machine ran at reduced output volume after 20 secondsFroggy’s Fog QuickBlast 020202020200000201010100000000000*Machine ran at reduced output volume after 20 secondsReference: Calibration Factors and Time-And-Distance Guidelines for Use of Theatrical Fog Equipment: Bog Fog/Krazy Haze/Training Smoke XD, Backwood Bay/Faze Haze/Training Smoke FR, Velocity/Cryo Freeze/QuickBlast/Training Smoke Q, Techno Fog/Beam Splitter, Neutronic Haze, DaFiddy, Swamp Juice 2009 Formula, LightFog, prepared by ENVIRON International Corporation for Froggy’s Fog, October 2014.Updated: July 9, 2015

THEATRICAL SMOKE, FOG, AND HAZE TESTINGTIME AND DISTANCE GUIDELINESPage 19 of 306012030601203060120TIME AND DISTANCE GUIDELINESZ-350 with Froggy’s Fog Beam Splitter FluidTime (in sec) After Which Air Concentrations Are Below GuidanceLevel (40 mg/m3)Machine Setting2 ft5 ft10 ft15 ft20 ftFan MaxMax100000Fan MaxMax100000Fan MaxMax200000Fan MaxMiddle00000Fan MaxMiddle100000Fan MaxMiddle100000Fan MiddleMax200000Fan MiddleMax200000Fan MiddleMax200000Fan MiddleMiddle00000Fan MiddleMiddle100000Fan MiddleMiddle100000Fan MinMax200000Fan MinMax200000Fan MinMax200000Fan MinMiddle200000Fan MinMiddle200000Fan MinMiddle200000*No output at minimum settingReference: Calibration Factors and Time-And-Distance Guidelines for Use of Theatrical Fog Equipment:Bog Fog/K-razy Haze/Training Smoke XD, Backwood Bay/Faze Haze/Training Smoke FR, Velocity/CryoFreeze/Quick Blast/Training Smoke Q, Techno Fog/Beam Splitter, Neutronic Haze, DaFiddy, Swamp Juice2009 Formula, Light Fog, prepared by ENVIRON International Corporation for Froggy’s Fog, October 2014.Updated: July 9, 2015

THEATRICAL SMOKE, FOG, AND HAZE TESTINGTIME AND DISTANCE GUIDELINESPage 20 of 75BARCO/HIGH END SYSTEMSFluidTIME-AND-DISTANCE GUIDELINESHigh End Systems F-100Time (in sec) After Which Air Concentrations AreReleaseMachineBelow Guidance Level (40 mg/m3)DurationSetting(sec)3 ft6 ft9 ft12 ft15 ft18 ftAtmosphere ColdFlow ere sphere StageFormulaFull/Med15000000Reference: Equipment-Based Guidelines for the Use of Theatrical Smoke and Haze, prepared by ENVIRONInternational Corporation for the Equity-League Pension and Health Trust Funds, June 8, 2001.FluidAtmosphere HQFormulaAtmosphere StageFormulaTIME-AND-DISTANCE GUIDELINESBarco/High End Systems FQ-100Time (in sec) After Which Air Concentrations AreReleaseMachineBelow Guidance Level (40 mg/m3)DurationSetting(sec)6 ft9 ft12 ft15 ft18 0025159090909080Reference: Calibration Factors and Time-and-Distance Guidelines for the Use of Theatrical Fog Equipment, Barco FQ100 with Atmospheres Stage Fluid and Barco FQ-100 with Atmospheres HQ Fluid, prepared by ENVIRONInternational Corporation for Barco Lighting Systems , December 2010.Updated: July 9, 2015

THEATRICAL SMOKE, FOG, AND HAZE TESTINGTIME AND DISTANCE GUIDELINESPage 21 of 75BLUE HAZE ENTERTAINMENT (BHE)FluidFroggy’s FogBackwood BayFluidTIME-AND-DISTANCE GUIDELINESBHE 1550Time (in sec) After Which Air ConcentrationsReleaseMachineAre Below Guidance Level (40 mg/m3)DurationSetting(sec)5 ft10 ft15 ft20 ft25 0300025%12060503000*Machine ran at reduced output volume after 45 seconds, machine turned off for37 seconds during runFroggy’s FogAmusementPark FluidFroggy’s FogBog Fog 6050300025%12060503000*Machine ran at reduced output volume after 45 seconds, machine turned off for37 seconds during 025%120†8040000*Machine runs at reduced output volume after 25 seconds†Machine runs at reduced output volume after 4 secondsFroggy’s FogVelocity 000*Machine ran at reduced output volume after 20 seconds100%100%Updated: July 9, 20155150200000

THEATRICAL SMOKE, FOG, AND HAZE TESTINGTIME AND DISTANCE GUIDELINESPage 22 of 75BLUE HAZE ENTERTAINMENT (BHE)FluidFroggy’s FogCryo FreezeFluidTIME-AND-DISTANCE GUIDELINESBHE 1550Time (in sec) After Which Air ConcentrationsReleaseMachineAre Below Guidance Level (40 mg/m3)DurationSetting(sec)5 ft10 ft15 ft20 ft25 00025%600000025%12000000*Machine ran at reduced output volume after 20 secondsFroggy’s FogQuick 0000*Machine ran at reduced output volume after 20 secondsReference: Calibration Factors and Time-And-Distance Guidelines for Use of Theatrical Fog Equipment: BogFog/K-razy Haze/Training Smoke XD, Backwood Bay/Faze Haze/Training Smoke FR, Velocity/Cryo Freeze/QuickBlast/Training Smoke Q, Techno Fog/Beam Splitter, Neutronic Haze, DaFiddy, Swamp Juice 2009 Formula,Light Fog, prepared by ENVIRON International Corporation for Froggy’s Fog, October 2014.Updated: July 9, 2015

THEATRICAL SMOKE, FOG, AND HAZE TESTINGTIME AND DISTANCE GUIDELINESPage 23 of 75CHAUVETFluidFroggy’s FogBackwood BayFluidTIME-AND-DISTANCE GUIDELINES1800 FlexTime (in sec) After Which Air Concentrations AreReleaseMachineBelow Guidance Level (40 mg/m3)DurationSetting(sec)5 ft10 ft15 ft20 ft25 Full60*6060505040Full120*6060505050*Machine ran at reduced output volume after 18 secondsFroggy’s FogAmusement ParkFluidFroggy’s Fog BogFog achine ran at reduced output 0304040605060506050after 18 0200000025 ft2020404030 ft0204040*Machine ran at reduced output volume after 20 secondsFroggy’s FogVelocity 0303030303030303030*Machine ran at reduced output volume after 10 secondsFroggy’s FogCryo Freeze 0303030303030303030*Machine ran at reduced output volume after 10 secondsFroggy’s FogQuick Blast 0303030303030303030*Machine ran at reduced output volume after 10 secondsFroggy’s FogTechno FluidUpdated: July 9, 2015FullFullFullFull515*30*60*7 ft3030505015 ft3030505020 ft20304040


Jul 09, 2015 · Tiny-Fogger/Tiny F07, Tiny-Compact/Tiny C07 Tiny-Fluid 42 Tiny FX Tiny-Fluid 42 Tiny S Tiny-Fluid 43 Unique 2.1 Unique-Fluid 43 Viper NT Quick-Fog Fluid 44 Viper NT Regular-Fog Fluid 45 Viper NT Slow-Fog Fluid 46 Martin K-1 Froggy’s Fog K-razy Haze Fluid 47 Magnum 2000 Froggy’s Fog Backwood Bay Fluid 48

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The section on illustration greatly benefited from Lys Drewett s ten years experience teaching archaeological illustration at the Institute of Archaeology and as illustrator on all my archaeological projects. Most of the illustrations derive from my field projects but, where not, these are gratefully acknowledged under the illustration. To any other archaeologists who feel I may have used .