ATLANTA PUBLIC SCHOOLSProcurement Services130 Trinity Avenue, S.W.4th FloorAtlanta, Georgia 30303INVITATION TO BIDForReplacement of Fixed Auditorium Seating at Mary Linn Elementary SchoolDecember 9, 2014Solicitation Number:010615-01Due Date:January 6, 2015Time Due:11:00 a.m. ETNIGP Commodity Code(s):420-04
ATLANTA PUBLIC SCHOOLSReplacement of Fixed Auditorium Seating at Mary Linn Elementary SchoolADVERTISEMENT FOR INVITATION TO BIDNOTICE TO BIDDERSAtlanta Public Schools invites bids for the replacement of fixed auditorium seating at Mary LinnElementary School.Outstanding solicitations may be viewed at: ferors should read the general terms and conditions at: pre-bid conference will be held on December 16, 2014 at 3:00 p.m., ET at Mary Lin ElementarySchool, 586 Candler Park Drive NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30307. Attendance is not mandatory but is stronglyencouraged.If you are unable to download these documents, you may contact the assigned procurement officer:Joyce Carter at (404) 802-2593 or jcarter@atlantapublicschools.usBids shall be accepted in the Office of Procurement Services of the Atlanta Public Schools, 130 TrinityAve. S.W., 4th Floor Atlanta, Georgia 30303 up to 11:00 a.m. ET January 6, 2015 (as determined by thetime stamp clock in the APS Department of Procurement Services Department).Bids delivered prior to the bids close date and time can be received during normal business hours(between 8:30 a.m. ET and 5:00 p.m., ET) only. Deliveries attempted by any method (including mail,express courier, or in person) before 8:30 a.m., ET or after 11:00 a.m., ET on the date due CANNOT beaccepted; therefore, we suggest that you submit bids well in advance of the date and time due.To ensure proper and timely routing of your bid, packages shall be addressed to the attention of theassigned procurement officer indicated in the solicitation.ATLANTA PUBLIC SCHOOLSRandall SellersDirector, Procurement ServicesTENTATIVE TIMELINEDecember 9, 2014:Release ITB to the marketplaceDecember 16, 2014:Pre-bid conference at 3:00 p.m., ETDecember 17, 2014:Deadline for written questions at 12:00 p.m., ETDecember 19, 2014:Response to questions to be posted to the APS websiteJanuary 6, 2015:ITB due in APS Procurement Services by 11:00 a.m., ETJanuary 6, 2015:Administrative ReviewFebruary 1, 2015:Recommendation to the APS Board of Education2
ATLANTA PUBLIC SCHOOLSReplacement of Fixed Auditorium Seating at Mary Linn Elementary SchoolTABLE OF CONTENTSSpecificationspg. 4Non–Submittal Response Formpg.14Bid Form (pricing)pg.15Bidder Affirmation Formpg.16Bidder Information Formpg.17Bidder Reference Formpg.18Joint Venture Affidavitpg.19Primary Vendor / Subcontractor Utilizationpg.22Promise of Non-Discriminationpg.23Contractor Affidavit of Compliance under O.C.G.A 13-10-91(b) (1)pg.24Subcontractor Affidavit of Compliance under O.C.G.A 13-10-91(b) (3)pg.25Sub-subcontractor Affidavit of Compliance under O.C.G.A 13-10-91(b) (4)pg.26Affidavit of Exceptionpg.27Local Preferencepg.28Contract Signature Pagepg.29Solicitation Checklistpg.30Sealed Bid Labelpg.31Atlanta Public Schools Contractpg.323
ATLANTA PUBLIC SCHOOLSReplacement of Fixed Auditorium Seating at Mary Linn Elementary School1.0 PURPOSE1.1 The Atlanta Independent School System (hereinafter, “Atlanta Public Schools” or “APS”) isrequesting bids from qualified vendors to replace the fixed auditorium seating at May Linn ElementarySchool.1.2 In using this method for solicitation, we are requesting your best effort in seeking the best value forour requirements. To be eligible for consideration, sealed bids shall be presented in accordance with theinstructions of this solicitation and within the timeframe specified. It shall be the responsibility of theselected Offeror to meet all specifications and guidelines set forth herein. Atlanta Public Schools, at itsdiscretion, determines the criteria and process whereby bids are evaluated and awarded. No damages shallbe recoverable by any challenger as a result of these determinations or decisions by Atlanta PublicSchools.2.0 SPECIFICATIONS2.1 Auditorium seating will be delivered and installed at Mary Linn Elementary School, 586 Candler ParkDr., NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30307.2.2 Contractor shall remove and dispose of the existing seating and deliver and install approximately twohundred forty (240) fixed chairs as specified, floor mounted, with self-lifting seat which rises to a uniform3/4 safety fold position.2.3 Contractor will be responsible for providing its own dumpster if necessary.2.4 Contractor shall use it best efforts to reinstall the new seating so as to cover the existing anchorlocations.2.5 Contractor shall be responsible for protecting the existing floor and walls from damage.2.6 Materials and Finishes:A. Steel shall meet requirements for ASTM A 36/A 36M plates, shapes, and bars; ASTM A 513mechanical tubing; ASTM A 1008/A 1008M cold-rolled sheet; and ASTM A 1011 hotrolled sheet and strip.B. Cast Iron shall meet requirements for ASTM A 48/A 48M, Class 25, gray iron castings freeof blow holes and hot checks with parting lines ground smooth.C. Cast Aluminum shall meet requirements for ASTM B 85 aluminum-alloy die castings.D. All exposed metal parts shall be powder coated with a hybrid thermosetting powder coatfinish. The powder coat finish shall be applied by electrostatic means to a thickness of 2 - 5mils, and shall provide a durable coating having a 2H Pencil hardness. Prior to powdercoating, metal parts shall be treated with a three-stage non-acidic, bonderizing process forsuperior finish adhesion, and after coating shall be oven baked to cause proper flow of theepoxy powder to result in a smooth, durable finish. Manufacturer's standard color range shallbe used.E. Medium-density fiberboard shall meet requirements for ANSI A208.2, Grade MD, madewith binder containing no urea formaldehyde.F. Concealed plywood shall meet requirements for HPVA HP-1 hardwood plywood.G. Exposed plywood shall meet requirements for HPVA HP-1, Face Grade A, hardwood veneercore with color-matched hardwood-veneer faces, made with adhesive containing no ureaformaldehyde.H. Hardwood lumber and veneer faces shall be maple selected to be free of visible defects.Exposed wood shall be sanded smooth and stained to color selected with low-VOC waterbased stain and top coat to provide with a high quality finish. Color to be chosen frommanufacturer’s standard offering.4
ATLANTA PUBLIC SCHOOLSReplacement of Fixed Auditorium Seating at Mary Linn Elementary School2.7 Fixed Audience Seating:A. Permanent arrangement of fixed audience seating as shown on seating layout drawings.1. Approved manufacturers subject to compliance with requirements outlined herein.2. Basis-of-design for fixed audience seating is Irwin Seating Company model or comparable product by one of the following:a. KIb. American Seatingc. HusseyB. Chair support columns shall be a formed 14 gauge (.0747") steel tube with an integral backwing plate. Column shall exhibit a 10 rearward incline to help conceal back attachmenthardware. Brackets for seat attachment shall be 7 gauge (.1875") steel for superior strength,formed with an integral support buttress. Floor attachment foot shall be formed from 12gauge (.105) steel to 7-1/2” x 2-5/8” in size. All steel components shall be robotic welded forprecise assembly and exceptional integrity. Foot-to-column welds are to be concealed on theinside of the foot for a clean appearance. The standard shall be fabricated to be compatiblewith the floor incline, and to maintain proper seat and back height and angle.C. Aisle end panels shall be keystone-shaped, constructed of medium density fiberboard (MDF)and surfaced with wood veneer stained with a clear lacquer finish. Panels shall be providedwith a seat bracket recess for precise location and support of the panel. Panel is secured to a14 gauge formed steel bracket bolted to the top of the support column and directly to thesupport column with the use of a spacer. Panel bracket assembly is concealed behind a steelshroud attached with a tamper resistant screw.D. Backs shall be non-upholstered, class A veneer surfaced plywood. Backs shall be formedwith a lateral radius in a high-frequency press with 7 cross-banded hardwood plies to athickness 7/16". All edges shall be sanded smooth and finished. Overall length of the backmeasured at the center line shall be 20". The back wings for attaching the complete back tothe standards shall be not less than 14 gauge steel, securely riveted to the back. Assembledchair shall have a nominal back height of 32”. The back assembly shall be certified throughroutine ISO testing to withstand a 250 lb. static load test applied approximately 16” abovethe seat assembly and a 100,000 cycle 40 lb. swing impact test.E. Seats shall be rugged hardwood plywood contoured to fit the form of the seated individual,providing a crown to support the mid-thighs, while curving downward at the front to verygently support the popliteal area. Seats shall be supported by sturdy formed steel seat-liftarms, and shall automatically self-lift to a three-quarter safety fold position whenunoccupied; positioning the uplifted seat within the envelope of the chair armrests. The seatsshall be certified to withstand a front-of-seat 600-pound static load, laterally distributed 3"from the leading edge of seat. The seat shall also be certified to pass a 100,000 cycle seatoscillation test, ASTM Designation F851-87 Standard Test Method for Self-Rising SeatMechanisms.1. Seats shall be fabricated of 7-plies of 1/16” thick hardwood veneer, symmetrical crossbanded construction, with maple veneer top and bottom exposed surfaces, and formedto fit the contour of the seated human form. All edges of the seats shall be sandedsmooth and lacquer finished. The rear edge of seat shall be shaped to conform to thecurvature of the back.2. Self-lifting seat support arms shall be constructed of deep-formed steel for superiorstrength, and shall be through-bolted to the plywood seat with bolts having bright-platedexposed decorative heads. Seat uplift shall be accomplished automatically by means ofa thoroughly tested and certified spring uplift system with cushioned up-stops anddown-stops. Seat-lifting system shall cause seat to quietly and automatically rise to a3/4 fold position when unoccupied, and store within the envelope created by the chairarmrests. Seat support arms shall be formed and MIG-welded 12 gauge (0.105”) steelproviding an unobtrusive hinge and uplift mechanism.5
ATLANTA PUBLIC SCHOOLSReplacement of Fixed Auditorium Seating at Mary Linn Elementary SchoolF. Chair width shall vary to accommodate sightlines and row lengths.G. Back height and pitch shall be fixed and set to meet proper sightlines for the facility.H. Center standards shall be provided with a glass-filled polypropylene armrest supportstructure capable of surpassing a 200 lb. vertical static load test applied 3” from the frontedge of the armrest. Armrest support shall be attached to the support column with an integralribbed post that binds into the steel support column and locked in place with a concealedsecurity screw. Support structure is capped with a flat solid wood armrest attached withconcealed hardware. Aisle end armrests are to be attached to the 14 gauge aisle panel bracketwith concealed hardware.I. Accessible Seating:1. Shall be designated on the seating layout drawings and designed to allow an individualto transfer from a wheelchair to the theatre chair. The aisle standard shall be equippedwith an armrest capable of lifting to a position parallel with the support column,opening sideways access to the seat. Aisle standards so equipped shall be provided witha label, displaying an easily recognizable "handicapped" symbol. Decorativerequirements of aisle standards are waived for the handicapped access standards.2. Chairs located as shown in the contract drawings shall be mounted upon moveable steelbases. The steel bases shall be available for sections of two (2), or three (3) chairs. Thebases shall be fabricated from 3/16" x 3-1/2" x 15-1/2” steel, with cross memberssecurely fastened to the horizontal base members via Tec screws. Holes shall beprovided for the attachment of the chair standards. Moveable bases are secured to thefloor when the seating is in use with reverse anchors.J. The awarded firm shall furnish extra materials from the same production run that matchproducts installed and that are packaged with protective covering for storage and identifiedwith labels describing contents.1. Furnish two (2) complete seat and back assemblies for each type and size of chair seatand back.2. Furnish eight (8) additional armrests.3. Furnish four (4) additional end panels.2.8 FabricationA. The awarded firm shall fabricate floor attachment plates to conform to floor slope, if any, sothat standards are plumb and chairs are maintained at same angular relationship to verticalthroughout project.2.9 ExaminationThe awarded firm shall perform the following tasks:A. Prior to layout and installation examine floors, risers, and other adjacent work andconditions, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements and other conditionsaffecting performance of the work including, but not limited to, plumb of riser faces andconcrete conditions.B. Examine locations of electrical connections.C. Examine locations of HVAC supply ducts.D. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.2.10 InstallationThe awarded firm shall perform the following tasks:A. Install seating in locations indicated and fastened securely to substrates according tomanufacturer's written installation instructions.B. Use installation methods and fasteners that produce fixed audience seating assemblies withindividual chairs capable of supporting an evenly distributed 600-lb static load applied 3”6
ATLANTA PUBLIC SCHOOLSReplacement of Fixed Auditorium Seating at Mary Linn Elementary Schoolfrom front edge of the seat without failure or other conditions that might impair the chair'susefulness.C. Install seating with chair end standards aligned from first to last row and with backs andseats varied in width and spacing to optimize sightlines.D. Install riser-mounted attachments to maintain uniform chair heights above floor.E. Install chairs in straight rows.F. Install seating so moving components operate smoothly and quietly.2.11 Field Quality ControlThe awarded firm shall perform the following tasks:A. Perform tests and inspections.B. Prepare test and inspection reports.2.12 AdjustingThe awarded firm shall perform the following tasks:A. Adjust chair backs so that they are properly aligned with each other.B. Adjust self-rising seat mechanisms so seats in each row are aligned when in upright position.C. Verify that all components and devices are operating properly.D. Repair minor abrasions and imperfections in finishes with coating that matches factoryapplied finish.E. Replace upholstery fabric damaged during installation.2.13 Quality AssuranceA. Source Limitations:1. The awarded firm shall obtain each type of fixed seating required, including accessoriesand mounting components, from a single manufacturer.2.14 Project ConditionsA. Environmental Limitations:The awared firm shall not deliver or install seating until spaces are enclosed and weathertight, wet work in spaces is complete and dry, work above ceilings is complete, andtemporary or permanent HVAC system is operating and maintaining ambient temperatureand humidity at occupancy levels during the remainder of the construction period.B. Field Measurements:The awarded firm shall take field measurements to verify or supplement dimensionsindicated on contract drawings prior to manufacturing.2.15 Project CoordinationThe awarded firm shall adhere to the following:A. Not deliver or install seating until space is free of lifts and/or scaffolding used by othertrades which may interfere with installation and/or damage seating.B. Coordinate layout and installation of electrical wiring and devices with electrical contractorto ensure that floor junction boxes for electrical devices are accurately located for finalconnection to the building’s power supply by the electrical contractor.C. Coordinate layout and installation of seating with HVAC contractor to ensure that vents arelocated in a manner that will not interfere with seating installation.D. Coordinate wood floor requirements needed for proper installation.E. All work must be done during non-school hours.7
ATLANTA PUBLIC SCHOOLSReplacement of Fixed Auditorium Seating at Mary Linn Elementary School2.16 Warranty:A. The awarded firm must provide a manufacturer's warranty covering the material andworkmanship for the specified warranty period from date of final acceptance.B. Warranty Periods:1. Structural Components: five years.2. Operating Mechanisms: five years.3. Plastic, Wood and Painted Components: five years.4. Upholstery Fabric: one year.5. Electrical Components: one year.3.0 GENERAL INFORMATION3.1 All communications regarding this solicitation must be with Joyce Carter, the assigned procurementofficer for APS.3.2 All questions or requests for clarification must be sent by email to jcarter@atlantapublicschools.us3.3 By submitting a response to this request, the offeror accepts the responsibility for downloading,reading and abiding by the terms and conditions set forth in the General Terms and Conditions found onthe APS web site at: All addendums related to this solicitation will be posted on the APS website at, Quick Links, Purchasing, Outstanding Solicitations. It is the offeror’sresponsibility to check the APS website for any addendums, responses to offeror questions or othercommunications related to this solicitation.3.5 Vendor is not required to submit proof of insurance with bid but must submit within five (5) businessdays after receiving a letter of intent. The insurance requirements are included in section 7 of the GeneralTerms and Conditions.3.6 The ACORD certificate of insurance must list Atlanta Public Schools as the additional insured.4.0 VENDOR REQUIREMENTS4.1 APS policy requires that all contractors, consultants, or vendors providing services on APS premisesbe fingerprinted and submit to a criminal record check initiated by APS prior to providing services toAPS. There is a fee of 44.25 per individual payable by money order associated with the backgroundcheck. The payment of this fee is the sole responsibility of the contractor, consultant, vendor or theemploying company. Any contract awarded pursuant to this solicitation is contingent upon compliancewith this requirement and a satisfactory background check as determined by APS.4.2 Vendor must have proven experience in providing and installing fixed auditorium seating.4.3 Vendor must have adequate equipment, qualified personnel and the financial ability to provide thegoods and services specified in this solicitation.4.4 Use of Subcontractorsa. If subcontractors will be used in the performance of this contract, vendor must complete andsubmit with its response the Primary Vendor/Subcontractor Utilization form.b. Vendor shall not assign any duties to perform services nor to provide goods to APS under thiscontract to a subcontractor that is not listed in vendor’s response to this solicitation.c. If a subcontractor is removed from the contact at any time during the term, vendor must notifyAPS Procurement Services in writing with name of subcontractor, reason for removal andeffective date.8
ATLANTA PUBLIC SCHOOLSReplacement of Fixed Auditorium Seating at Mary Linn Elementary Schoold. If vendor desires to add a subcontractor at any time during the term of the contract, vendor mustsubmit to APS Procurement Services in writing the following information on the subcontractor;company name, address, telephone and fax number, service they will be providing and proposedeffective date. Subcontractor may not begin providing service until approved by APS.e. Vendor is responsible for ensuring that all subcontractors who provide goods or services underthis contract comply with the terms and conditions of the contract.f. Vendor shall give APS immediate notice in writing of any claim, action or suit filed againstvendor by any subcontractor.g. APS reserves the right to require that a subcontractor be removed from the contract.4.5 Vendor must complete and submit with their proposal the applicable documentation related toGeorgia House Bill 87 (commonly known as the “Illegal Immigration Reform and Enforcement Act of2011”).4.6 Information on Georgia House Bill 87 may be viewed on the APS web site at: Quick Links Procurement E-verify4.7 Failure to provide the required Georgia House Bill 87 documentation may result in the offeror’sresponse to the solicitation being deemed non-responsive and ineligible for evaluation.4.8 The Atlanta Board of Education desires that the Atlanta Public Schools operate in the most ethical andconscientious manner possible. Employees are expected to not only avoid any direct conflict of interestbut also to avoid even the appearance of impropriety. In an effort to comply with Board policy and toensure that our relationship with vendors is above reproach, vendors are prohibited from giving any APSemployee any gift, favor, loan, reward, political contribution, gratuity, entertainment, transportation,lodging, or meal except those of nominal value (less than 50.00), which must be disclosed to theimmediate supervisor and the Department of Internal Auditing. Advertising items and instructionalproducts that are widely distributed may be accepted. (Refer to Policy GAG and GAJB).4.9 All contractors and vendors desiring to do business with the APS and/or to participate on APScontracts shall be required to comply with Board policy GAG, Staff Conflict of Interest. All vendors andcontractors doing business with the APS shall provide all persons with equal opportunity without regardto race, color, sex, religion, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, age, or disability.5.0 SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS5.1 Bid shall be submitted as follows:A. Pricing (Bid Form)1. The original (marked as such) bid form and three (3) hard copies of the bid form in a separatesealed envelope labeled pricing.2. All hard copies should be submitted on loose leaf paper, front only.1. Pricing should be saved on two (2) CD-ROMs or Flash Drives. All CD-ROMs/Flash Drivesshould be labeled with the company name, bid name and bid number. All information on CDROMs/Flash Drives should be provided in a single PDF file format. Note: pricing and therequired documents should be submitted on the same CD-ROMs/Flash Drives.B. The following required documents must be submitted with your bid:1. Bidder affirmation form2. Bidder information form3. Bidder reference form9
ATLANTA PUBLIC SCHOOLSReplacement of Fixed Auditorium Seating at Mary Linn Elementary School4. Joint venture affidavit (if this will not be a joint venture, check the appropriate box on theform and return with your response)5. Primary vendor / subcontractor utilization (if subcontractors will not be used, check theappropriate box on the form and return with your response)6. Promise of non-discrimination7. Contractor Affidavit of Compliance under O.C.G.A 13-10-91(b) (1), if applicable8. Subcontractor Affidavit of Compliance under O.C.G.A 13-10-91(b) (3), if applicable.9. Sub-subcontractor Affidavit of Compliance under O.C.G.A 13-10-91(b) (4), if applicable10. Affidavit of Exception, if applicable11. Local Preference Form12. Copy of Occupation Tax Registration Certificate, (if applicable, refer to section 9 LocalPreference)13. Copy of local or state business license or permit (if firm does not qualify for local preference)14. Signature page to APS contractC. The required documents should be submitted as follows:1. The original (marked as such) document and three (3) hard copies of the document in aseparate sealed envelope labeled required documents.2. All hard copies should be submitted on loose leaf paper.3. All documents saved on two (2) CD-ROMs/Flash Drives. All CD-ROMs/Flash Drives shouldbe labeled with the company name, bid name and bid number. All information on CDROMs/Flash Drives should be provided in a single PDF file format. Note: the requireddocuments and pricing should be submitted on the same CD-ROMs/Flash Drives.4. Required documents should be saved on the CD-ROM’s/Flash Drives as follows:Required Documents (enter company name)D. The following additional bid documents and samples information should be submitted with yourbid:1. Product data for each chair model specified to include construction details, materialdescription and finish options.2. Seating layout (shop drawings) developed from the contract drawings which show aislewidths, chair spacing for each row, row-lettering and chair-numbering scheme, chairdimensions and back pitch.3. Samples for verification & finish selection to include:a. Initial finish selections to be made from manufacturer’s standard color and fabric guides.b. Final powder coat selection to be approved from manufacturer’s standard-sized samplesnot less than 1” x 3”.c. Final laminate selection to be approved from manufacturer’s standard-sized samples notless than 2”x 2”.d. Final plastic color selection to be approved from manufacturers standard-sized samplesnot less than 2” x 3”.e. Final wood finish selection to be approved from manufacturers standard-sized samplesnot less than 4”x 3”.Final upholstery fabric selection to be approved from fabric millsstandard swatch size if available.4. Maintenance instructions and inspection guidelines furnished for each chair model specified.5. Manufacturers standard warranty.6. Catalog photograph of the auditorium seating that is being bid.5.2 Bids, in the format requested in 5.1, shall be submitted together in a sealed package with the sealedbid label attached to the outside of the package.5.3 Failure to submit the required number of CD-ROMs/Flash Drives or hardcopies may cause the bid to10
ATLANTA PUBLIC SCHOOLSReplacement of Fixed Auditorium Seating at Mary Linn Elementary Schoolbe deemed non-responsive.5.4 APS shall not be liable for any costs associated or incurred by offeror in conjunction with preparationof bid response.5.5 No telephone, electronic or faxed bids will be accepted.5.6 Any bid received after the designated time and date due will not considered by APS.5.7 Bids cannot be withdrawn after they are delivered to APS unless offeror makes a request in writing tothe Director of Procurement Services prior to the time set for receiving bids, or unless the Director ofProcurement Services fails to accept or reject the bids within one hundred and twenty (120) days after thedue date of the bid.5.8 Bids which contain irregularities of any kind and/or do not comply fully with requirements stated inthe solicitation documents may be rejected at the discretion of the Director of Procurement Services.5.9 APS reserves the right to waive any minor informality or error in the solicitation or offerors bid whichwill not adversely affect competition.5.10 By submitting a response the offeror certifies that this bid is made without prior understanding,agreement or connection with any corporation, company or person submitting a bid for the same serviceand is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud; that collusive pricing is understood to be aviolation of state and federal law and can result in fines, prison sentences and civil damage awards. It isfurther agreed that offeror agrees to abide by all conditions of the solicitation, notice of award and/orpurchase order(s) of APS and that the person signing this bid is duly authorized to bid on behalf of theofferor.5.11 If additional information is required to demonstrate responsibility such as copies of licenses, permitscertificates, etc., the offeror will be notified in writing and given five (5) days from notification to providesuch information.5.12 After the closing date and time, Procurement Services will conduct an administrative review of allbids received to determine responsiveness. Bids that are deemed to be responsive will be evaluated. Bidsthat are deemed to be non-responsive will not be evaluated or considered for award.6.0 AWARD6.1 A contract shall be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder whose bid is determinedto be in the best interest of APS.6.2 The contract will be conditional upon the offeror’s ability to comply with requirements set forth in thesolicitation document(s).6.3 APS reserves the right to award to more than one vendor.6.4 If a specific brand or model is requested and listed as only, no substitution will be considered.6.5 If a specific brand or model is requested and listed as equal to, APS will consider other brands ormodels that meet or exceed the specifications of the model or brand listed.6.6 If an awarded brand/model is discontinued during the contract term, the vendor may offer areplacement that is equal to the brand /model being discontinued. APS reserves the right to accept or11
ATLANTA PUBLIC SCHOOLSReplacement of Fixed Auditorium Seating at Mary Linn Elementary Schoolreject the replacement item.6.7 APS has selected as its owner’s representative, the Executive Director of Facilities Services Afteraward, supervision of the contract will be performed by the owner’s representative.6.8 This contract is a one time purchase with no available options to renew.6.9 Offeror shall not provide goods or services until a purchase order has been issued by APS’sDepartment of Procurement Services.6.10 The original and one (1) copy of itemized invoices must be submitted to:Atlanta Public SchoolsAccounts Payable DepartmentP. O. Box 465
2.7 Fixed Audience Seating: A. Permanent arrangement of fixed audience seating as shown on seating layout drawings. 1. Approved manufacturers subject to compliance with requirements outlined herein. 2. Basis-of-design for fixed audience seating is Irwin Seating Company model Crusader or comparable product by one of the following: a. KI b.
CONTRACT INFORMATION: Method of Solicitation: Request for Proposal (RFP) Award Effective Date: TBD . Contract Period of Performance: TBD . Solicitation Number: USAC-20-093. Solicitation Issue Date: March 11, 2022. Offer Due Date: April 11, 2022. April 29, 2022. CONTRACT TO BE ISSUED BY: Universal Service Administrative Co. 700 12. th
Amendment of Solicitation . Date of Issuance: 3/29/2019 Solicitation No. 6280000005 Requisition No. 6280001182 Amendment No. 1 Hour and date specified for receipt of offers is changed: No Yes, to: 5/8/2019 3:00 PM CST Pursuant to OAC 260: 115- 7-30( d), this document shall serve as official notice of amendment to the solicitation
programs maneuvering out of the way for new and innovative 3P Programs. RFA 85902 Page 5 C. RFA SOLICITATION OVERVIEW As described in PG&E's Solicitation Plan and in the Solicitation Decision, PG&E will utilize a 2-stage solicitation process for soliciting third-party program designs. The first stage will be
Synopsis: This is a combined synopsis/solicitation for commercial items prepared in accordance with the format in FAR Subpart 12.6, as supplemented with additional information included in this notice. This announcement constitutes the only solicitation; offers are being requested and a written solicitation will not be issued.
Scott Brechtel, CPPO 843-953-2737 DESCRIPTION: The Citadel seeks to solicit bids for commercial dry cleaning and laundry equipment for installation in the Laundry Services building on campus. The Term "Offer" Means Your "Bid" or "Proposal". Your offer must be submitted in a sealed package. Solicitation Number
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Food & Beverage Operator Solicitation . June 16, 2021 . Proposals are due to the Authority Administrative Offices no later than . 3:00 p.m. ET on August 27, 2021 . AUTHORITY SOLICITATION CONTACT PERSON: Diane Harris . Business Manager . Raleigh-Durham Airport Authority . P. O. Box 80001, 1000 Trade Drive . RDU Airport, NC 27623-0001 . Phone .
Keywords with the- Agile software development, Scrum I. INTRODUCTION Scrum [16, 29] is the most often used [6, 30, 31] agile [10] software development methodology among teams that utilize an agile methodology. A large-scale survey [31] deployed in the software engineering industry from June/July 2008 received 3061 respondents from 80 different countries. For the question “Which Agile .