INDEX [hschistoricalsociety.tripod ]

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INDEXAnderson, Robert GeneAndy Floyd's HotelAntiochArbor Oaks Nursing Home. .Arkansas Democrat-Gazette."A Gift of Poetry""Desert Storm""He Touched Me""Key and Allied Families""Our Chandler Family""The Old Military Road""The People News"Arkansas Enterprises for the Blind . XIIIArkansas Gazette"The Silent Commandment" ,. XIIIArkansas Louisiana Gas Company . VIIArkansas State Bar Association . XIV"Uncle Johnny & Aunt Betty Crow Place" . 32"Uncle Nick's Church"Arkansas State Land Office . 82"uss Missouri"1 -1000 Coffee Club67 GrillAbbott, hdr. & Mrs. W.FAbbott, RoyAbbott, VermitaAbbott, William W. "Bill"Abby, Bonita Arm SmithAbercrombie, DorothyAcosta, Mrs. F.RAdair, LutherAdair, Martha JoyceAdams, Cyrus Samuel "Sam"Adams, David221616Arkansas VolunteersArthur, EarlArthur, Marie KArthur, MaryArthur, NortonAsbury, Ronnie Lee16Ashcraft, in35Ashcraft, Willa BessAshley, AgeeAshley, ItorothyAshley, HattieAshley, MaggieAtabrineAtkins, Dora MarshallAdans, FordAtkinson Funeral Home . VIII, XIIAdams, J.H.BAttaway, Mrs. C.MAustin, Charles LAdans, James GeraldAdans, Nathan . 35Austin, Lenora HossfeldAdans, Teny DonAustin, hdr. & Mrs. Gcorge . 15Adcock, AlzadaAdcock,Adcock, JulidaAvant, DwightBabcock Hill RoadBaber, Adrian VanAiken, ElizabethAills, Edward FBabel., AdriarmaBaber, AlissaAlbritton, ovalBaber, Brian AlanBaber, CarolBaber, DomaBaber, Dr. Q.M. Baber, JrBaber, Dr. Quin MOTton, Jr.Baber, Dr. Quin Morton, Sr.Baber, John ErinBaber, LauraBaber, LeichannBaber, Mrs. Q.M. Baber, Sr.Baber, Quin Morton IllBaber, Quin Morton IVBaber, Shirley ArmBaber, SueBaber, Wilhelmina Adrianna.Bagwell, EthelBagwell, MabelBailey, AlmaBailey, DottieAlexander, GenevaAlexander, JudgeAlice Brooks Sunday School Class.AIlen, Andrew DiffeeAllen, Anis ArtAllen, GracieALlen, JamesAllen, ManieAllen, MargieAllen, Mrs. EvaAllen, 0lenAllen, Roy Elbe.rtAllen, Sarch KizerAllen, Zella Gardner . 142,143,144Allsop, Charles LAllsop, Mr. & Mrs. T.NAnderson, Pauline Lola Johnson . 35Anderson, Phyllis Edwards . 35FF-

Bailey, Dr. & Mrs. A. Stanley . IllBailey, June Van DusenBailey, Lecil, JrBailey, NelsonBaker Hill105,IloBaker, Dr. Heny C104Baker, AlbertBaker, Doyle E110103Beeson, HenyBeeson, LewisBeeson, MarthaBeeson, Mary FBeeson, Mary Francis (Warfield).Beeson, Mary MartinBeeson, OliverBeeson, SamuelBeeson, Thomas HBeeson, WilliamBell, CarolynBell, Dr. John HastingsBell, Margaret LouiseBell, William 8., JrBell, William BenjaminBaker, Dr. RodneyBaker, Luvinua Mac WombleBaker, Marell CBaker, MatinBaker, Mrs. Charles JBaldridge, Frieda OsterlohBaldwin, Martha (Mattie)Ballard, AmetteBanks, Alice LucileBanks, HerbertBanks, JoanBanks, Lena AndersonBanks, Letha ArmBanks, PattyBanks, Rev. A.RBarker, Edward HarrisonBarker, LolaBarr, Emalene DorsettBarr, TaylorBarringer, Eldred Eugene148,149,150511919Barringer, Mr. & Mrs. Wesley . 18Barton, KittyBatarmBattle of Malvem Hills (Virginia) . 49Batts, JamesBaumgardner, Joy Van Dusen . 150Baxter, OlaBaxter, W.R. "King"Bean, Shirley Elizabeth Roberts.Bearden, CharlesBearden, DorothyBearden, EvelynBearden, Lutie PhillipsBearden, VirgilBeason, AsterBeason, DanielBeason, MillardBeason, Mr. & h4rs. Columbus F.Beacon, Robert HarveyBeason, William vyayneBeaton CemeteryBeaton Cemetery .BeatonBeaty, Mr. & Mrs. TonyBemett, FredBennett, Lester LBermett, MrsBemett, NellieBerg, Edward VandenBerg, Shirley ThomtonBergen, FusakoBettis, Paul DBiak IslandBig CreekBillos, Lois Van DusenBingham & Morrison's Lumber Mill.Bingham, CarvalBinchan, GertieBinchan, JewelBinghan, MandaBingham, OffiaBin9han, OscarBinchan, William PriceBishop, Edna AndersonBismarck High SchoolBismarck Methodist Church.Bittle, Phillip HarrisonBlack, KinneyBlack, William MBlackstone, William SBlakely, Dr. & b4rs. George W.Blakely, Franklin DewittBlanton, Norma KBlocker, Emie Digby. . ,Bloom, Charlene WebbBlue Bowl Cafe103

Blue RIbbon CafeBOsley, BillyBuck, DuffleBuck, Hardy SBuck, Louis BrantBungartner, DixieBundy, Catherine HughesBurchfield, Arma BeaBurkhart, Richard AllenBunks, RandyBosley, IieanBunett CemeteryBostwick, JessieBoudreau, WayneBounds, George LehmanBowman, Lillian Janivee Greeno.Boy ScoutsBoydston, CatherineBoyle House MuseumBozeman, Charles "Richard"Bradley, Dr. JoeBranch, NathanialBranch, Virginia ArmBumett, Venus "Vee" MCLeod.Bums, CecilBob IndianBoers, CharlieBolen, Heny DavidBollen, Lee RBorland, James LawrenceBuns, KayBuns, Mariorie CarterBuns, Mr. & Mrs. E.FBuns, Pearly HBums, Shirley C. Crowder36Branhan, JosieBrashears, Frances DialBray, JOBreckeuridge, Congressman . 57Bremer, Viola BremerBrerman, Angela MasonBrerman, CarolineBrennan, John Terrance "Terry" . 48Breman, JohnBrerman, PaulBrett, Arma LBrickfestBridgers, Elizabeth MannBright, Ruby PowellBrisbin, Holly KBrister, Evelyn JeanBrooks, Dermis SBrooks, Elener KathrynBrosell, PollyBroun, GraceBroun, Hettie BunksBroun, Joyce LyrmBroun, Lillie Jean CaddyBrown, SharpBuns, WandaBurris, MichaelBunough, David PaskelBuroughs, CharlieBoroughs, Ema LoisBunoughs, FredBuroughs, HardyBoroughs, HaroldBurrouchs, VidaBunow, MartinBurton, MirmieBusiness and Professional Women's Club . VIIButler, Heny AButler, IraButler, Major AlexButler, William MeddraButterfieldBuxton, Hany W., JrBuxton, Mr. & Mrs. Hany, Sr . 17Byrd, BettyByrd, LamontByrd, Nancy Bertha Sheppard.Byms, Paul "Randy"Cagle, John HowardCallison, BobCallison, MattieCallison, WesleyCaneron, Robert FCanpbell, JamesCanpbell, JonathanBrush CreekBryant, Elvita "Bea" Kidder.Bryant, Freeman KelsoBryant, GirtBryant, JakeBuchanan, Katherine Virginia.Buchanan, UlrichBuck, Colie27,1 17,I 18Canpbell, KelliCanpbell, Lawton TCanpbell, LouiseCanpbell, RobertCanpbell, WilliamCancibaugh, Nellie

162Clem Mill and GinClem, Ada ArethaClem, Adam, JrCamichael PlaceCarpenter, FloydCarpenter, George Edward. .Carpenter, Hester Boreland.Clem, AdanClem, AdmaClem, Alexander Seaman (Sirce).Carpenter, LaurenceCarpenter, LuddieCarpenter, Mark RCarpenter, MarkCarpenter, Mr. & Mrs. W.R.C arpenter, VirginiaCarson, KitCarter, Janice LavelleCarter, RoyCover, Carthal BuieCarver, CharlesCarver, JuneClem, Alice DelleClem, AliceClem, Alta PayClem, Andrew JClem, Armie Caroline (Carrie).Clem, Armis WClem, BeulchCarver, Mr. & Mrs. Claude . 15Carver, Staff Sgt. Carthal 8 . 13Casebolt, JinCasey, KaraCates, Gladys TroutCausbie, LisaCausbie, MargaretCausbie, MargaretCedar GladesCenter HillClem, BlancheClem, BuckClem, Bun SamuelClem, CaledoniaClem, Carrie (Eliza Caroline).Clem, Charlie EdwardClem, Christiarma MClem, Clam AClem, DaveClem, David CClem, David CrockettClem, DeeClem, DelilaClem, Dermie CarlClem, E? AChaffm, SamChamberlain, George AChamberlain, J.TChamberlain, James "Max"Chamberlain, Joseph EChamberlain, William PChancellor, DanellChancy, Raymond CCharming, GeneralCharles, KermethChase, Olive MarieCheathan, CarolChesser, Zane Leavell (Rev) . 36Childress, ClarkChildress, LeonaChitwood, Mr. & Mrs. Ben . 14Chitwood, Russell 0ChoctawsCity CafeClem, Eliza CarolineClem, ElizaClem, Elizabeth JaneClem, ElizabethClem, EllaClem, EllenClem' EttaClem, Eva RuthClem, Fannie JaneClem, George CClem, George DClem, George EClem, George HClem, George HarveyClem, George HenyClem, Harly MonroeClem, Harold "Doc"Clem, Harold R. "Dock", Jr.Clem, Hazel ArmaClem, Henry cClark, Ella BarbaraClark, Jane A. Mcclure557978Clack, Louise .78Clem, Henry TThomasClark, Nancy PetersClark, Thomas 8Clark, Thomas JClaude Mann StadiumClayton, Myrtle C. DailyClem Bottling Company78Clem, Hiram KingClem, Hiram StellClem, HiramClem, Hush Ark Ovick)Clem, Ida CClem, lnus Matthews81,85,8785,86,87

Clem, Janes EdwardClem, James MClem, James Mason . 80,81,82,87Clem, James NClem, James RoweClem, James Taylor (Dock) . 87Clem, JaneClem, JeanettaClem, JemimaClem, JesseClem, John (Jack)Clem, John EllisClem, John Mason, JrClem, John Mason, SrClem, John MasonClem, JohnClem, SolomanClem, TheodosiaClem, Thomas DavidClem, Ulysses Grant "Dock"Clem, VincentClem, Vinson AllenClem, Virginia BranchClem, VirginiaClem, Wallace GClem, William CClem, William HaveyClem, Willian OctorClem, WilliamCleveland, PresidentClevenger, Mrs. W.EClift, James CalvinClift, James CarlClift, James RClem, Joseph BadgetClem, JosephClem, KathleenClem, LidiaClem, LillianClem, Longstreet C. (Street) . 89Clem, LoraClem, Lou EllaClem, LouellaClem, LouisaClem, LucindaClem, Ludlow LClem, LunaClem, MadaClem, Mae PearlClem, MarthaClem, Mary ElizabethClem, Mary MargaretClem, MaryClem, Mason L. DowClem, MasonClem, Matilda (Tilda)Clem, MaudClem, Melinda JaneClift, Joseph IClift, Joseph 11888789Clift, Mary Agnes petray .90Clift, Mary Ann winters (Or wyandus).Clift, NoelClift, NormanClift, SandraClift, Sarah CollieClift, Willian WClifton, Carrie Estelle Sherron . 36Clifton, Paul80,81,87,90Cliner, Paul Randolph, JrCoates, Elinor SueCobbs Hall, Arma Maurice.Cobbs Smith, ClemCobbs, Arma MauriceCobbs, Clem LewisCobbs, ClemCobbs, Walter HenyCochran, Donald OlonCoe, Faye MasseyCoiner, Jeamine LewisCole, James A "Jim"Collatt, TaylorClem, Milow SanfordClem, Olive (Ollie)Clem, Ollie LClem, Phebe NarcissaClem, PhillipClem, PhoebeClem, PollyClem, Ray HopeClem, Reuben HClem, RosarmaClem, Ruby EstelleClem, Rue DanielClem, Sally CClift, Joseph IllClift, JoyceClift, Louie8990Collie, AnitaCollie, Charles908789Collie, Margaret clackCollins, PaulineCollums, Layne

Cranford, CarleeCravens, J.NColter, Vuel MConfederate Air ForceConley, Ellen MConley, Wanda MacCormell, Dr. F. GladwinContinental ArmyConway, Dr. John RConway, Gov. James SCoogan, MrCook, Mary Elizabeth.Cook, O'NealCook, WayneCooksey, HarmahCooper A/G ChurchCooper Community School.Cooper, Agnes M. Keesee. .Cooper, Capt. William HCooper, CaptCooper, Clara StrongCooper, ClaraCooper, Community School. .Cravens, James LCrawford, Dwight MCrawford, HaskellCrawford, Zilla MaeCraaybear, DomaCriglow, Scottie LeeCripps & Canichael MillCrites, GlendaCrockett, DavyCrow, BillCrow, Cleo NicholsCrow, Cleve Kenneth, SrCrow, HelenCrow, JimCrow, JohnseCrow, Paul DouglasCrow, WillCrowder, George NolanCrowe, Florence MableCrounover, MarshaCooper, Elizabeth Marzee .69,72Cooper, George Washington.Cooper, James Weldon. 74Cullins, Barbara JoyceCullins, Ella MacCullins, Grady 8Cooper, MarzeeCooper, Mrs. F.DCooper, W.HCunincham, Adolph ECooper's HardwareCorregidorCoston, Ralph ACothem, Velma RaileyCotton, Nolen DCotton, Thomas EvandaCotton, W.TCottrell, DarmyCovey, LouieCowser, JimCox, Artie Mae HuffroanCox, BobCunningham, Billie Joe Fite.Cunnincham, Lovie Johnson.146Cox, BrendaCox, CarolynCox, Flossie SinsCox, GaryCox, George 8., JrCox, Gerald AndrewCox' JessCox, JohnCox, Mr. & Mrs. George 8, Sr . 14Cox, Mrs. EvaCox, Sue Van DusenCox, WilbumCraig, John WilliamCraig, Mr. & Mrs. J.DCranford, ArtisCruse, Roy JCunninghaln, Mr. & Mrs. J.F . 18Cuningham, OpalCurtis, FredCuster, General GeorgeDafford, BobDahl, Mary FrancesDammons, DorothyDammons, GertrudeDammons, InezDarmons, PattyDaniel, Odie Mae HackinsDaugherty, Paul RDaura, Joe Arm ByerlyDaven, Deacon BudDavid, Lucille PenningtonDavidson, Fred K., SrDavidson, Harvey JDavidson, James LeeRoyDavidson, Louise

165Diffee, John HendersonDiffee, Johnathan DDiffee, Johnathan RolandDiffee, Johnathan Thompson . 145,146,147Diffee, JohnathanDiffee, Jonathan TDiffee, Jonathan Thompson . 158Diffee, Lee ErmaDavis, ErvieDavis, FranklinDavis, GeorgeDavis, HumpyDavis, J.T., JrDavis, KermethDiffee, LeeDiffee, LettieDiffee, Lillie lonaDiffee, LisaDiffee, LouellaDiffee, LuellaDiffee, Maratha LeormaDiffee, MargieDavis, Mr. & Mrs. J.T., SrDavis, Virginia CashDe Hoyas, SandraDean, Bertha BakerDean, RaymondDiffee, Martha KizerDiffee, Martha LouellaDeem, DeliahDiffee, Mary Elizabeth Cook . 145,158Deere, MarieDeere, Mrs. B.EDeere, Troy 0DeJamatt, Bemice Bartell Baker.Diffee, Mary ElizabethDiffee, Mary Ann Shuffield . 142,143Diffee, Mary Frances . 146,147DeLanar, MarionDeLamar, Mr. & Mrs. Alvin . 20Demin, Glynda JonesDial, DeNora Van Dusen.Dickson, JohnDickson, JoshuaDiffee, AcenaDiffee, AdellDiffee, Albert LeeDiffee, Amy JaneDiffee, Beda EthalDiffee, Cora BellDiffee, CoraDiffee, ComeliusDiffee, DelilahDiffee, Emma ClarrindaDiffee, EmmaDiffee, Euna EttaDiffee, EunaDiffee, GertrudeDiffee, GusDiffee, Harriett AcenaDiffee, Heny ComeliousDiffee, HurshelDiffee, J.RDiffee, Rebecca ElizabethDiffee, Rosa AdellDiffee, RosaDiffee, RosieDiffee, Sarah HarriettDiffee, Sarah JaneDiffee, SarchDiffee, WallaceDiffee, Wanda FayeDiffee, WillisDiggins, Lawrence NeelyDiggs, Arme Marie147145147154154154147Diffee, J.T. General Store . 144Diffee, James HenyDiffee, Jasper NealDiffee, JasperDiffee, JeanDiffee, John ComeliusDiffee, Mary ShuffieldDiffee, Nancy DelilahDiffee, Nancy WadeDiffee, OscarDildy, Mary Ellen Lindvall.Dillard, AlbertDiMario, Marion cDismuke, Eva JonesDitzig, DorothyDixon, EsteneDixon, MaggieDixson, BuddyDixson, Curtis WilliamDobbins, CharlesItollar, J.DDonaldson/Lono RoadDonaldsonDorsey, Cloyce Allen, JrDotson, SybleItouble Deck Cafe145147146154146

Draper, KenDraper, LanceDraper, Nova Jean FosterEwing, BillyDrost, BillieDubois, AbigailDuffle, Col. Matthew Mcclintock.Duffle, Judge A.MDuffle, M.MEwing, Oretha LanbertFain, KentDuffle, Matthew Mcclintock . 51Fallgatter, PhillipDugan, Roy JeromeDupreast, FloydeneDupreast, JamesFarber, KemyFaris, PuddyFarmer' s CafeEason, Lewis ClydeEasterling, Pearl Almeda Johnson.Eckard, Ardenia PartridgeEdenfield, ShirleyEdgell, JamesEdgell, MaryEdie, Hany N., SrEdmonson, BoydXI,XIIEdwards, Rev. JanEdwards, Rev. JanEfird, Alta JeanEfird, BeverlyEfird, BobbyEfird, Jason JEfird, Juanita Van Dusen.Efird, JuanitaEfird, Lowell DaleEfird, MelvinEfird, OdisEfird, Ophelia Branun.4,13,152,153Farrell, Nolan BenFason, Floyd AustinFason, Mattie LooperFaulkner, JimFeazell, BeulahFeazell, LulaFeazell, WalterFedric, Gordon 8Felts, Blanche BeasonFelty, ElizabethFields, SanfordFinch, Bernie PrenticeFinch, JosephineFinch, KatherineFinley, DovieFinley, MelvinFirmey, DonFirst Baptist Church of Malvem.First United Methodist Church. .Fitchugh, CliffordFitchugh, EwellFitzhugh, Sadie Inez EfirdFlanigan, Jimmy Lee "Joe"Flores, Maria LuisaFlowers, Jesse Aaron, JrFloyd, GeorgeFloyd, James Edward "Jimmy"Floyd, Mary MelvinnieFcose, MichaelElite CafeEllerd, Robert EarlEllis, LydiaEllsworth, Judy (Mrs Tom).Elmore, JackElrod, AlvinElrod, RalphEmerson & Guggenheim' s Mercantile Store.Emerson, Elbert EEmerson, JosephEmerson, Samuel AEmerson, Samuel HEmerson, Sanuel HenyFairchild, Verda MFairplay Cemetery49Ford, Bertha Mae willis Gordon . 38Ford, ClarenceEmory, BillieEmory, Peminery Elvina. 147Ford, Fannie King General . 38Erwin, ClydeErwin, Edmon150,152Ford, IreneFord, MaggieFord, Mr. & Mrs. DialFordyce, John RErwin, HenyEtchieson, MeeksEubanks, JOAnn RobbinsEudy, Dessie V. Parish17301756Forga, Norma G. Rowe Parrow . 38Forrest, Loren R

Fort DixFoster, CarlFoster, CharlesFoster, MelvinFoster, PatriciaFox, Norma Jean Dickinson . 38Frances, Ada ChrysteenFrancois 39Franklin, LucilleFranklyn, ChristopherFranklyn, Joyce LyrmFreeman, Ruby HippsFriendshipFrost SchoolFry, Edith A. KinseyFuller, PaulFuller, Susie NellFurlow, Lutir LadellFurlow, Margaret SpearFurlow, WilliamFun, EdwardG.I. Joe CafeGadie,. Frank Lee, JrGallagher, PatrickGalletta, Joseph RGibbs, John K„ SrGibbs, John KGibbs, John Kenneth, Jr.Gibbs, John PaulGibbs, Margaret (Martha)Gibbs, MargaretGibbs, Mary EGibbs, ThomasGibbs, Washington Leander (Lon).Gibbs, William JGibbs, William PearsonGibson, Col. LorenzoGibson, DemisGibson, W.HGibson's CreekGifford, Jessie C. LirmGiffordGillespie, BerthaGillespie, DorothyGillespie, Tom MGilliam, Bemice Hindman.Gillian, CarrollGilliam, Edward william (Teddy) . XIVGillian, IsabelGalloway Women' s College.Gammell, VivianGilliam, Mary EvaleeGilliam, Matthew SevierGardiner, Beuford EugeneGardner, CliffordGardner, OmaGillian, RichardGilliam, Rosamond Logan.Gilliam, Ruby LamberiGardner, TermieGardner, ThomasGilliam, William CGardner, Walter AGilliam, William Carroll Ill . XIVGardner, ZellaGarner, ArmaGanett, CharlesGanett, Garland "Pete"Garrett, Jirmie RayGarrett, MargaretGarett, Pearl (Mrs. Bob)Garrett, TessGarrett, Thomas EugeneGates, Schuyler LeArmeGatewood, E.LGatliff, George & BonnieCause, IdaGettes, ThomasGibbs TavernGibbs, Abigail DuboisGibbs, Catherine (Celilia)Gibbs, DelilaGibbs, ElaineGibbs, Elizabeth JaneGibbs, Harmon 8Gillian, William C87323838Gilliam, William CarrollGilmore, NatalieGivens, Col. A.RGivens, HarrietGivens, Sarah MargaretGlen Rose ChurchGlen Rose CormunityGlen Rose Fire Department.Glen Rose School DistrictGlen RoseGodsby, Opal TaylorGolden, Marjorie Louise Spears.Goldsberry, Wanda Alexander. . .Goodman, HaroldGcodman, Mrs. L.MGoodman, PaulineGOuld, JayGoza, Ada WilliamsGoza, Dixie

Goza, Felix Dotson (Dott) . 102Goza, LeonardGoza, Mrs. F.D. (Dott)Goza, PaulGoza, William PaulGoza, William Thomas.Graham, CassieGraham, Dr. A.JHall, DonaHall, Eliza Arm92,94,95,102Hall, ElmerGrchan, EligeGraham, Mary Ella Dixson.Graham, MildredGraham, NettieGraham, 01a FayeGrand Duke AlexisHall, HattieHall, HomerHall, John OliverHall, Joseph CHall, LillieHall, Martha Arm Heny.Hall, MaryHall, Mr. & Mrs. EdHall, MyrtleHall, NevaHall, OdieHall, PatriciaGrant, ChlodineGrant, James SamuelGrant, Mr. & Mrs. WalterGraves, Alice ClemGraves, RussellGray, DudleyGray, EdwardGray, PrestonHall, TerrieHall, VenaHall, William KasnerHallmark, Trinity LeichHaltom, ClarenceHaltom, FannieHamby, Don Curtis, SrGray, T.H. "Squeaky"Green, Dell M. MorrisGreen, GonerGreen, MargeGreen, Matthew & StacieGreen, NolaGreen, WarrenGriffro, Albert MGriffin, NovellaGriffin, WilliamGriffith, FanellGriflTh' s FarmGriggs, Mary AnnGriggs, OllieGrigsby, Prirmie LGriswold, CarmelaGruen, HiramGruen, SusamahGuerin, Sarah (Sally)Gulley, EloiseGulpha CreekGuyce, ElnoreGuyce, TempleGuyse, EdithGuyse, PaulineHainan IslandHalbert, Comelia. . .Halbert, Miller JeanHall, AdaHall, AlvinHall' ArmHall, CarrieHall, CharlieIll18Ill14713613 8Ill1521543813913913938Hand, Theresa Dianne wuertz Miller.Hankins, Ila RheaHanlin, Emmitt, JrHanscomb, Lewis BHansford, Harold Dean (Rev).Harbison, Dweneth Hope creel.Harboum, John RobertHardage, LloydHardage, LloydHardy, BettyHardy, RustyHargis, Ruth MHargis, Ruth Marie ware.Harkins, Mary LucyHarmon, Brother MarionHarp, AnnHarp, Pauline DickinsonHarper, MarkHarper, Shari Sue Cummings .,. 38Harrington, J.W. & Pauline . IVHarrington, Virginia Finley.Harris, ThomasHarrison, BenjaminHarrison, Teny LyrmHart, Thomas MHarvey, JoanHathcock, Dorothy Mae MCDonald.38

Hatley, EdwardHatley, Martha Rebecca Edwards . 157Higgs, ZachHichsmith, J.DHatley, NancyHatley, SherwoodHawkins, Tressie KeysHill. Frank EllisHill, JohnHawks, Sa-ie HillHindehofer, RIckHawthorne, C.E., JrHawthorne, DarrellHirons, J.WHitchcock, E.RHitchcock, Edwin LHayes, SandraHaynes, Mary PollyHazzard, StellaHeath, ElizaHeidenreich, Francis Shepard.Heitman, OpalHelm, Charles Albert "Pete"Hitchcock, George WH inderhofer, JamesHitchcock, Laura VirginiaHitchcock, Lconidas PHitchcock, Lorenzo AHitchcock, Milan JHitchcock, Nancy Elizabeth (Nannie).Hite, FloraHenderson, Jinanda EHenderson, Andrew JHobbs, ArlonHobbs, Dorothy TaylorHobbs, Nattie LouHenderson, Billy GlenHenderson, Euna DiffeeHenderson, J.MHenderson, Lee HiramHenderson, MirandaHenderson, WillardHenderson-Brown CollegeHendrix, BarbaraHendrix, BobHendrix, Elmo CecilHobgood, Muriel JesterHoflinan, Anthony SHogan, Joyce T. CarrollHenry, AmaHeny, Betty 8Heny, Cala SueHeny, CliftonHeny, James DanielHeny, JudgeHeny, KenHenry, MalthaHollingsworth, EltonHollingsworth, IsaacHo I I ingsworth, NoahHol lingsworth, asieHolloway, Beady Kemp Efird.Holland, Darrell "Dick"Hollingsworth, Ardle Ben, Jr.Hollingsworth, DocieHolly, ArmetteHolly, Joseph ErnestHolly, oho AlexanderHolmes, Amie LydiaHenry, Minerva Ann "Mana" Harrison.Heny, Natalie SHeny, Robert WilliamHenry, Samuel E., JrHolmes, DonaldHolt, Jeanette GardnerHolt, KatyHoneycutt, BillieHooper, MorrisHoover, AprilHoover, Rev. John LHeny, Sanuel EwellHeny, William NatHerring, James AlbertHerrington, Elizabeth Emory.Hester, Frank EHomaday, BobbyHomaday, George WHomaday, NancyHorrceks, Jean MHester, Mrs. ClydeHickok, BillHickory Grove CemeteryHicks, Bertha Ellen Walker.Hicks, Leon LHicks, Wanda FrancesHiggs, HaltomHiggs, LindaHiggs' MiltonHot Spring County Historical Society.VII,K,X,XIHot Spring County Historical Society . XIIHot Spring County Library . XIIIHot Spring County Medical Center . VII,XIII119Hot spring county

House, Martha SueHouse, Morris EHouston, SamHowell, Josie Gladys Monow.Howell, hfro. T.M.Howell, OttoHowell, WaldoJackson, Kermeth AlbertJackson, SamJacobs, Bryson AllenJacobs, Myrtle BrayJames, JesseJeflhies HotelJenkins, Marthalermings, MaryJenvey, AmandaHowerton, BeulchHowerton, LeonaHowerton, SylvesterHowgtaling, SusanHoyt, Dr. JenyJohnse Crow RoadJohnson, Edith Mary Hagedom.Johnson, Helbert Lee, JrHSC Center for Exceptional Children . XIIIJohnson, HemanHSC Extension Homemakers Council . 59Johnson, James RobertJohnson, Joe P., JrJohnson, Joe P., SrJohnson, Mary KeenJohnson, Mrs. EleanoraJohnson, SaphronaJohnson, Susan ElizabethJohnson, Wilbur RiskeJohnson, William LJones, Aline Lafay Blackbum.Jones, BeckyJones, BobbieHuckaby, GracieHucka]by, WilmaHuckelby, WilmaHudson Motor CoHuff, DanielHuff, Martha GHuff, MollieHufhan, Marcia G. Reaves . 39Huggins, LulaHuggs, Harold LoydHughes, DarrelHughes, Floyd WHughes, HelenHushes, Lyndal LeeHughes, Mary MatildaHughes, Mildred StinbridgeHushes, Terrance TyroneHughes, William MarionHuneycutt, Laura BurisHunt, PaulHunter, Ermis NobleJones, Mary JaneJones, SamJones, Saral RJones, Senator James KJordan, BillJordan, EllenJordan, EunaJordan, Eva KizerJordan, PhilipJordan, VemonHunter, HanyJordan, WilliamHunter, Mapr Frances Wilson . 39Junior & Senior Babe Ruth Programs . XIIIHunter, SapJustus, Dr. ThomasHunter, W.HIe Shima IslandKadel, Eula Mae YokIngles, JohnInglis, EstelleInglis, HelenInternational Paper Company .Irvin, Lucille Yarbrough Thacker.Isom, Billy DewayneKatie Speer Pavilion and Gardens.Keesee, Joe DavidKeisler StoreKathryn, BillyKeith Memorial Church . 150,151Keith' JoeKeith, John LouisKeith, Mavin N., JrIvy, LavelleKeith, Mr. & Mrs. Marvin N., Sr . 16J.A. Funk Funeral Home .,.,. VIIKeith, Ruby ThomasonKeith, Tina Marie YorkJackson, AndewKelley, litJackson, Cliff & GayleJackson, DormaKelly, Gary Nelson

171Kenney, Jettie M. Stroope Daniel . 40IVKester, Dorothy PhillipsKey, AbrahamKey, Adeline ElizabethKey, Albert BrounKey, Bunel PeeplesKey, Caleb WittKey, Wesley F.B.CKidder, Bo Dillon DidderKidder, Vema BeasonKi8ht, JackKight, James EdwardKight, Mrs. JackKilpatrick, WilliamKimsey, JoeKing, ClaraKing, CurtisKing, EllisKing, J. EllisKey, Demaris Louisa Adams . 78King, JenyKey, Demaris WKey, ElizabethKey, EvieKey, Flora SteelKing, LauraKey, HenyKing-Street, Nettie Looper.Kimaird, ElsieKinnaird, J.GKirmaird, WalliceKinzey, MerrileeKing, Nettie .,. 155King, NormanKing, W.N., JrKey, James BartonKey, James HendersonKey, John WalterKey, John, JrKey, JohnKey, Joseph LawrenceKey, Joseph, JrKey, JosephKey, JoshuaKey, Judith WattsKirkpatrick, JessieKirkyatrick, TalmageKey, Julia Frances Rebecca . 78Key, Laura LenoreKey, Lena LucilleKey, Louise ClarkKey, Major John CKey, Marcus MalvinKey, Margaret CatherineKey, Margaret Sarah Matilda.Key, Marich AlvireyKey, Martha Arm JonesKizer, Cora MaeKizer, EvaKizer, JesseKizer, LeoKizer, MarthaKizzar, CoraKizzar, Eva .Kizzar, MarthaKizzar, SarahKnickerbocker, W. RalphKnight, CharleneKoller, Billy JoeKey, Martha Floretah . 78Key, Martha GreenKey, Martha TandyKey, Mary Adaline Elizabeth.Key, Nancy PhilipsKey, Permelia EmalineKey, R.B.F., JrKey, R.B.FKey, Richard Childress77787778797978Key, Robert Benjamin Franklin . 78Key, Sarch RKey, Tandy WattsKey, Thomas AsbenyKey, Thomas DanielKey, Thomas WesleyKey, Thomas154,155King, Fawn Merlette Mcculler . 40Kover, Peter, JrKratz, BertKratz, BrendaKratz, BryanKratz, ChrisKratz, DelphiaKratz, DouglasFhatz, EdgarKratz, FriedaKratz, GleamKratz, Helen HarmondKratz, HerbertKratz, JesseKratz, Leonard

Kratz, NathanielFhatz, NealKratz, RichardKhatz, RileyKhatz, RobinKrutsch, Elva M. BaggettKryszak, Jean RushKutait, Rebecca NicoleKyle, Mrs. GeorgeLa Bouff, Beverly LLake CatherineLake WinonaLake, EdnaLewis, LisaLewis, RubyLightner, Nicholas RheaLanbert, BernieLinan, GordonLambert, DavidLambert, Doris L. MartinLinam, HelenLinam, LoreneLinan, WileyLindahl, BobLindahl, HanyLindahl, HerbertLindsey, Joe M., JrLindsey, Kemeth RLingayen GLion's ClubLisenbey, Robert ILittle, Verma J. WilliamsLively, MaryLloyd's CafeLock, James TLcek, Mr. & Mrs. J.RLanbert, EdwardLambert, GeorgeLambert, Hazel Lillian Harper.Lambert, Hazel Wade Gentry . 40Lanbert, Jeny JLambert, Merttie 8. Maxwell.Lambert, NaomiLanbert, PatrickLambert, Roger Mac Arthur.Lambert, SilasLambert, Vera Jean FosterLarm, CynthiaLancaster, Jane KellyLane, Julian CLangley, JosephLangston, Frank ALanier, Lona Aline AyersLock, Zella LeeLoeb, HelenLone HillLarge, HaLzelLong Branch SaloonLarsen, DubLaster, PatLong, Riley E. JrLcokadoo, ira SheetsLcoper, Addie FayeLaunius, Wesley MelvinLauridsen, Florence Beason.Lawrence, Doris ThomasLaurence, HaroldLawrence, Homer.Lawrence, HortonLawrence, IvaLawrence, Mary Evelyn.Lax, ErwinLayman, Donald ELe' Fraiz CemeteryLeanons, HelenLecompte, Clinton ELecompte, Mrs. MollieLedbetter, CharlesLedbetter, JesseLedbetter, Mrs. O.SLedbetter, PeteLooper, AliceLooper, Anna Bea 9Lcoper, CalvinLooper, CarlLooper, Charles VLooper, Clifton HLooper, CliftonLooper, DoyleLooper, Eddie154.156,158157Looper, EmaLcoper, Fannie Jane158Looper, Fannie156Looper, FloydLooper, FredLcoper, Freddie LouLooper, G. WayneLooper, George Wayne158

Looper, HarveyLooper, HazelLooper, Henry Emerson.Looper, HollisLooper, John ClarenceLooper, JohrmyLooper, Kathrine155,156147,158155158156155Magnet CoveMalin, SeneaMalvem Daily RecordMalvem High SchoolMalvem Little LeagueMalvem National BankMalvemLooper, Lizzie Mac Phillips . 155ManilaMann, Besse BlackmanMarm, ClaudMarm, ClaudiaLooper, Lizzie PhillipsLooper, Lwana VelmaLooper, Mary Elizabeth Diffee.Looper, Mattie CLooper, Nettie MLooper, RormieLooper, ViolaLooper, Walter VLooper, WalterLcoper, WayneMain, Mrs. ClaudMann, Tom154,155Looper, William DoyleLooper, William Thompson.Looper, WilliamLooper,CliftonLoser, Harold AlbertLove, David GainesMartin, Clarence V., JrMartin, William CMason, Claudia Marm . I,120,129Mason, Dr. Stephen HMason, Elizabeth Jane "Betsy" . 48Lowery, HulonLowery, JarLourey, Clem FLoy, ClaudieLoy, Delmer & RenaeMason, Frances Rodella (Della) Martin . 135Mason, J.RMason, Lucile Goodman . IV,48Mason, Norman Henry, JrLoy, Ethel Marie Montgomery . 41Loy, HarleyLoy, Wilson LMason, Norman HenyMason, SharronMasonic Lodge HallMassa, Lois Beatrice RayMassey, Charles & SusanMassey, Dr. James GMassey, EuniceMasterson, BatLunsford, LindaLuper, Cullen WLuper, Delly MLuper, Elizabeth "Betsy"Luper, FrancesMastroni, Irene GMatlock, in. Carl FMatlock, Heny HuieLuper, Heny EmersonLuper, JanesLuper, John William "Wiley" . 157Matlock, TormyLuper, JohnLuper, Louiza "Eliza"Luper, Mary/Nancy or Martha.MCAllister, Char]eneMccallister, Dr. JesseMccauley, Alma Jean Ellis.Luper, Nancy IsabellMccauley, Virginia 8Mccelland, Gertrude Rue Edith.Mcclain, FrancesMcclain, Lee CalvinMcclain, MaimieMcclain, Mr. & Mrs. L.SMcclellan, Juanita PierceLuper, Rebecca "Susan"Luper, SarahLuper, SherwoodLuper, William SLuron IslandLyons, William W. "Buster"Mackey, TomMacon, PriscillaMagby, Cora DiffeeMagby, William ErnestMagnet Cove SchoolMcclellan, Maxwell Eldon . 14Mcclellan, Senator & Mrs. John L . 14Mcclung, Erie MatthewMcclung, Mach Randall32,117

Mcclung, Phillip AaronMcclung, Thomas AshbyMccormell, GeorgieMcCool, H.HMcCool, James RMccormick, EdwardMccoy, Arma SueMccoy, Dr. GeorgeMccoy, JackMccranie, Dr. J.SMccraw, Fannie TatumMCDaniel, ArmindaMCDougal, FletcherMCDougal, J.DMCDougal, MarthaMCDougal, MaryMCDowell, Jeff RMCFarland, ElizabethMCGhee, Vickie Winona Smith.MCGlaun, DorisMCGuire, Geneva KizziarMCGuire, Michael KMCGuire, Raymond Pete"MCGnyer, AshleyMCGuyer, Elizabeth "Betsy" Mason.MCGuyer, Eric NMCGuyer, ErinMCGuyer, MasonMCGuyer, Robert TMCGuyer, RyneMCKay, SheilaMCKenzie, Donald ReberMCKinley, PresidentMCKirmey, Any Sanders.MCLaughlin, KathleenMCLean, Frances Caldwell.MCLeod, Leah RogersMCMahan, Paul NathanelMCMillan, EdithMeyer, Loretta Catherine Thomton . 67Meyer, LouisMeyer

Aiken, Elizabeth Aills, Edward F Albritton, oval Alexander, Geneva Alexander, Judge Alice Brooks Sunday School Class. AIlen, Andrew Diffee Allen, Anis Art Allen, Gracie ALlen, James Allen, Manie Allen, Margie Allen, Mrs. Eva Allen, 0len Allen, Roy Elbe.rt Allen, Sarch Kizer Andy Floyd's Hotel Antioch Arbor Oaks Nursing Home. . Arkansas Democrat .

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scope, a versatile high-performance spotting scope offering a wide range of terrestrial viewing. Mounting tHe Scope on tHe tripoD First, fold open the mini tripod's legs and place it on a sturdy, level surface. Attach the spotting scope to the included mini tripod by turning the mounting screw on the top of the tripod clockwise

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2. Using the bubble level on the mount (see Figure 1), level the mount by adjusting the length of the tripod legs as needed. 3. either case you will not need the included dovetail bar. Strap the included hand controller bracket to a tripod leg above the tripod center support

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administrim publik pranë fakultetit “Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs” të Universitetit të Sirakuzës. Dmitri është drejtues i ekipit të pro jektit për nënaktivitetin e kuadrit të raportimit financiar pranë programit PULSAR. FRANS VAN SCHAIK : Profesor i plotë i kontabilitetit, Universiteti i Amsterdamit Dr. Frans Van Schaik është profesor i plotë i .