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OUR LADYOF THE LAKE30th Sunday in Ordinary TimeOctober 25, 2020Our Lady of the Lake ParishHendersonville, TN

&b œ œ œ peo - ple,Lord.O& b REFRAIN œœœ3& b 4spirœ- it œof œlove.Gath - eryourŒOne1.broth - ersandVERSES2.need- ingeach3.swords in - to4.wa - ters of&b Œ&b œ1.Draw2.We3.No4.Wash1.walk2.Spir 3.hard 4.flow1.broth 2.need 3.swords4.wa -&b œ&b œœœœinitnessfromersingin tersœœpeo - ple, œOŒœofOnetheon theinthebod- ybread,moun - tainwa - tersyourofoneofofChrist,bod - mthatta - blebod - ymoun - tainwa - tersofofofoflife:Christ,God;life;œœœ eacheachFreewa eewa -œ œ œ toofonin Gath - erœ œ œ œ œœŒœ œ Gath - er your peo - ple, OœLord.sis - ters,oth - er,plow - shares.mer - cy,œFine,Œœ œ œ œ œ œœ œ œŒ œ œ œ ‰ œ œtothe ta - bleoflife:light.vides.heart.side.sis - ters,oth - er,plow - shares.mer - cy,1.walkinyour2.Spir - itpro 3.hard - ness of4.flowfrom yourone71Lord.yourpro ofyourandeachtoofœbod - y,U) Bob Hurd Œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Œœ œ œ Gath-er your peo- ple, O Œ Lord.œ œ œ R YOUR PEOPLEpeo -2.Weple, O areLord.parts3.Nomore harm4.Wash us,Lord,&b œ œ œ œ œ œ& b spir- it oflove.œ œœ ENTRANCE SONG &b Œ œ œœ œ us forth& b œ 1.DrawVERSES,œœ œ œ‰ œ œœthethethethe Œ ofofus,tersœœ (U) Œ light.vides.heart.side. 1991, Bob Hurd. Published by OCP Publications. All rights reserved. Used with permission.ŒœFine to Refrainœtothefromthat to Refrain

loryG /G# # Final2 j œ j Gj œ /G j‰ jjG. lory‰ œG& # 42 œjœœœj œ . ‰ œ œ œjj#‰jœ & # 42 Gloœj - ry toœj God.œ . œ œ‰ œj œ œj œ . ‰ œj œ œj# œ toœa Dios.& # 42 orytoGod.Glorytoœœ.œjjœœwill.A- ‰ men.Amen.#œj - riaœ aj Dios. ‰ Gloj-ria ajœ toœa A Dios.& # # 4ñor.œ --ria. - mén.GloGloœGloryGod.GloGod.Glo - rytoœ‰ - ry A -toœœ mén.œœœœœœ.& # œ Gloœœœœœœ--riaa Dios.Glo--riaaDios.Glo--riaaœœœGlorywe blesstoGod.GlorytoGod.Gloryto1. � teœbendecimos,œ Dios.œ Gloœ - est,œ . Glo&we# adoreœ- riaweœœ aœyou,glorifyœtete adoramos,œ gracias,aœ you,Dios.- riaaGlo- riaonGodinthehighandonearthpeace,œwe os‰œ enœ.œ earthœ elœ King,&Lordœ œ-- est,œen Dios,œœa loscielo,yandla Reytie- rrapaz# # DiosSeñorcelestial,God, heav’nlyœœGodin thehighonpeace,onœ‰Dios PadreO God,œalmightyFather.œ-- est,œ todopoderoso.œ.&œœœœœtoa Verses/œDiosenelcielo,yanden onlatierrapazlosœ -Jesucristo;œ peace,Godinthehighearthœ1-4 on2. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son,2. Señor, Hijo único,Lord DiosGod, LambFather,Señorde Dios,HijodelPadre;enelof God,cie Son of-- theest,lo,yanden Dios,la Corderotie - rrapazaEstrofaslosa las1-4Godawayin thethehighonearthpeace,on# #taketú que quitas el pecado del mundo,to Verses/yousins of the world,œenpiedadœla deœ nosotros;mercyenon us;el cielo,ytentie - rrapazlosa lasaEstrofas&have1-4# Diosœœœ thesinsoftheworld,œour prayer;œœ œ œœœa las arthpeacetopeopleofgoodwill.œ œœœtú que estás sentado a la derecha, to Verses/are seated at the righthand,#œœœ queœ ofœadel- Padre,&youa las Estrofasa la derechatherightof theFather, a loshomhand- bres,pazhom-- bresmael Se- will.ñor.#œœearthpeacetopeoplegoodœ œœœ#tenpiedadde nosotros.have mercy on us.œ œa los hom - bresœœ&œatú -eresmahombres,pazqueñor.œ el Seœ - will.Finalearthpeacepeo-3. plegoodPorque sóloofSanto,3. For youaloneœare theHoly One, toœ , peacepaza losque ofa - mael Se - will.ñor.Final -areto hompeo -- bresplegoodsólotú Altísimo,Jesucristo,you#earthalonethe Most High, &Jesus Spirit,# # homcon elqueEspírituChrist,with theHoly - bres,paza œlosœ hom- bresa Santo- mael Se - ñor. Padre.Final enlagloriadeDiosinthegloryofGodtheFather. & # Final will.A-œ œ men.A - men. # & # will. h permission.ñor.AAmén. men.AAUS --Conferencemen. text,English — SpanishMisalRomano,terceraedición 2014,of Catholic Bishops# & ConferenciaEpiscopalAllreserved.Used gloriawith permission.ñor.A--œ œ mén.Amén. rights1. We praiseyou,we bless1. Poralabamos,men.will.Ayou, Mexicana.Atu --inmensamen. teDaniel L. Schutte. Music:Dan Schutte; adapt. for Spanishby Jaime Cortez, 2007,2009, 2017,te bendecimos, te adoramos,we adore you, we glorify you,hom - bres,pazaMass of Christ the Savior/Misa Cristo Salvadora - ma el Se - ñor.Dan Schutteto odMassloriaof Christ the Savior/Misa Cristo SalvadorDan Schutteto odMassloriaof Christ the Savior/Misa Cristo SalvadorDan SchutteMassofChristtheSavior/MisaCristoGlo - ryto God.Glo - ry Salvadortolos hom - bres quePublishedby mén.OCP. 1.AllPorrightsñor.A-- glory,A--inmensamén.1. Wepraiseyou,we blesste alabamos,will.Ayou,Atureserved.men. gloriamen.teglorificamos,te damosgracias,we giveyouthanksfor ifyyou,SeñorDios,Reycelestial,Lord God,heav’nlyKing,ñor.Ayou,great- glory,mén.1. teAtu -inmensamén. gloria1. Wepraiseyou,weblessPorte alabamos,glorificamos,te damosgracias,wegiveyouthanksfor yourDiosPadre todopoderoso.O God,almightyFather.te bendecimos,adoramos,we adorewe glorifySeñorDios, Reytecelestial,LordGod,you,heav’nlyKing, you,2.Hijo único,2.JesusChrist,OnlyBegotten1. LordWepraiseyou,weblessyou,greatSon,1. Señor,PortuPadreinmensagloriate alabamos,teglorificamos,te Jesucristo;damosgracias,wegiveyouthanksfor yourglory,Diostodopoderoso.O God,almightyFather.SeñorDios,Corderode Dios, Hijo del Padre;LordGod,LambofGod,SonoftheFather,te bendecimos,adoramos,we adorewe glorifySeñorDios, Reytecelestial,LordGod,you,heav’nlyKing, you,2. túSeñor,Hijo único,2. LordJesusChrist,OnlyBegottenSon,quequitasel tworld,te glorificamos,te Jesucristo;damosweGod,giveyouthanksfor eDios,Hijo del Padre;tenpiedaddenosotros;havemercyonus;Señor Dios, Rey celestial,Lord God, heav’nly King,2. túSeñor,Hijo único,Jesucristo;2. elmundo,youtakeawaythesinsoftheworld,Dios Padre todopoderoso.O God, almighty Father.SeñorDios,Corderode Dios, Hijo del Padre;LordGod,of God, Son of the Father,tenpiedaddenosotros;havemercyon us;atiendenuestrasúplica;receiveourLambprayer;2. Señor,Hijo único,Jesucristo;2. domundo,you takeawaythesinsoftheworld,estás sentado a ladelderecha,are seated at the right hand,SeñorDios,CorderodeDios,Hijo del ;ala derechadel súplica;Padre,therightourhandof the sinsoftheworld,estásdesentadoa la derecha,seatedten piedadnosotros.havearemercyon atus.the right rasúplica;receiveourprayer;a la piedadderechaPadre,the righthandthe Father,3. Porquesólo túeresSanto,3. waysinsof theworld,túestása ntadonosotros.havearemercyon nuestrasúplica;receiveourprayer;a la derecha del Padre,the right hand of the Father,3. Porquesólo túeresSanto,3. Foryoualonearethe rightHolyOne,sólotú estásAltísimo,Jesucristo,youareMostHigh,túa la nearetheLord,conel EspírituJesusChrist,theFather,Holy Spirit,a la derechadelSantoPadre,the righthandwithof the3. sóloPorquesólodetú DioseresSanto,3. her.tenlapiedadde onearetheLord,con el Espíritu SantoJesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit,3. sóloPorquesólodetú DioseresSanto,3. areHigh,en latúgloriaPadre.in thegloryof theGodMosttheHolyFather.English2010, ICEL. All rights reserved.Used withpermission.sóloeltúEspírituSeñor,you alonearewiththeLord,conSantoJesusChrist,the textHoly Spirit,Spanishtext,MisalUSConferenceof Padre.Catholic Bishops h, tercera edición 2014,enlagloriade DiosinthegloryareofGodtheRomano,Father.Englishtext thcon el Espíritu Santopermission.Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit,Spanishtext,MisalRomano,terceraedición te;adapt.forSpanishbyJaimeCortez, 2007,2017,DanielBishopsL. Schutte.en lade2009,DiosPadre.in the glory of God the Father.PSALMGOSPEL ACCLAMATIONEnglish text 2010,ICEL. byAll erenciaEpiscopalMexicana.All ed.Spanishtext,Misal Romano,edición 2014,US ConferenceCatholic—Music:DanSchutte;adapt. forterceraSpanishby JaimeCortez,2007, 2009,of2017,DanielBishopsL. Schutte.English text 2010,ICEL. byAll erenciaEpiscopalMexicana.All ed.Spanishtext,Misal Romano,edición 2014,US ConferenceCatholic—Music:DanSchutte;adapt. forterceraSpanishby JaimeCortez,2007, 2009,of2017,DanielBishopsL. Schutte.

OFFERTORYONLY THIS I WANTDan SchutteRefrainOn ly thisI want:and to bear his cross,but to know the Lord,so to wear the crown he wore.Verses1. All but this is loss,2. I will run the race;3. Let your heart be glad,worth less ref useto me,Iwill fight the good fight,al ways glad in the Lord,to Refrain1. for to gain the Lord2. so to win the prize3. so to shine like starsis to gainof the king domin the dark nessall I need.of my Lord.of the night.Text based on Philippians 3:7–16; 2:15, 18. Text and music 1981, OCP. All rights reserved.

##& ##&##& ##&HOLYHOLYMass of Christ the SaviorDan SchutteMass of Christ the Savior3 SchutteDan4 œ44 œ 4 Hoœ œ- ly, œ œœœ areearth# #earth are& ## œ œœ œ& san# # san & ## œ œœ& heœ whoHo -œ œ3 œœ œ œ . œjj œ œ œœ œœ œ - enœ andœ Heavœ œ- ly,œ œ God of hosts.Ho Hoœ . - lyœ Lordly, Ho - ly, Ho - ly Lordœ . œHeavœ - en‰andjœ œ œ œ œ Godœj ‰of œhosts.Œœ Œ œ œ œ œ œj ‰ œ œ . œ œ œ ‰ œjœ œ Ho - san - na! Ho areœ full of your glo - ry.œfull,3full, are full of your glo - ry.Ho (Fine)- san - na! Ho 3œœ ‰ j œ œ(Fine) œœœœœœ œ ‰ œj œ œ œ œ œ œœ - ed isœna!Ho - san - na in thehigh - est.Blessna!Ho - san - na in thehigh - est.Bless - ed isj‰ œ œ .Œœ œ œ œ œ œ œj ‰ œ œ . Œ œ œ œ œ œ œœ Lord. œ Ho œ comes in the name of thecomes,whohe who comes,who comes in the name of the Lord.Ho-Text 2010, ICEL. All rights reserved. Used with permission.Music 2007, 2009, Daniel L. Schutte. Published by OCP. All rights reserved.Text 2010, ICEL. All rights reserved. Used with permission.Music 2007, 2009, Daniel L. Schutte. Published by OCP. All rights reserved.WE PROCLAIM YOUR DEATH#& # 44 œ œ#& # œWe pro - claimœjœœ.œ œœ your Death, O‰Res - ur - rec - tionLord,jœ œun - tilœMass of Christ the SaviorDan SchutteœJŒ œ œœ.œ œwand pro - fessœyou comea-yourgain.Text 2010, ICEL. All rights reserved. Used with permission.Music 2007, 2009, Daniel L. Schutte. Published by OCP. All rights reserved.AMEN## 4& 4 œœA- men.œœA- men.Mass of Christ the SaviorDan SchutteœAœœ-œ œwmen.Music 2007, 2009, Daniel L. Schutte. Published by OCP. All rights reserved.LAMB#& # 44 . Lambœ . œj Œof God,œOFGODMass of Christ the SaviorDan Schutteœ œ œ . œ 42 œJyou take a - waytheFinal# # 4 1, 2.ŒŒ. . Œ & 4 œ œ œ .world, have mer - cyonus.world,grantsinsœ œ 44of theŒ œwusMusic 2007, 2009, Daniel L. Schutte. Published by OCP. All rights reserved.peace.

COMMUNION PROCESSIONThis AloneTim ManionRefrainOnethingIask,thisdwell in the house of the Lordday with in your tem pleLord,bring mea loneIseek,toall my days.healsevFor one’ry day ato your dwelllone.Oing.Verses 1, 31. Hear,OLord,the Lord,3. Wait onthe sound of myandhope in hiscallmering.cy.to Refrain1. Hear,3. Wait onOLord,the Lord,and show me your way.and live in his love.Verse 22. The Lord is my lightand hope of salva tion.Theto Refrain2. Lordis myref uge;whom should Ifear?Text: Based on Psalm 27. Text and music 1981, OCP. All rights reserved.

Age to AgeJanet VogtRefrain: 1st time: Cantor, All repeat; thereafter: AllAge to agewe willwake with you.Inlove you.to nightwe willDawn ing lightwe willfol low you.We willVerseslove you age1. flies2. field3. wea4. faithtogle1. As the ea2. As the lil ies of the3.Come, all youlet my4.Lord,age.to the heav’ns above,onwings ofnei ther toilnor spin, whatsplendor wery,foryouare blessed. God will lighten yourin youbere vealed.On ly say the21.2.3.4.faith Godfindinbur denword andwilltheandIbearlovegiveshallyouGodyoubeto Refrainup.gives.rest.healed.Text: Based on Isaiah 40:31; Matthew 6:28; 11:28–30. Text and music 1996, 1997, Janet Vogt.Published by OCP. All rights reserved.

RECESSIONALTake The Word of God WiTh YouChristopher keTakeTakethethethethethe wordthe peacethe joythe GodwithwithwithwithyouyouyouyouasasasasGod’s wordGod’s peaceGod’s joyGod’s Goin peace to serve the world,Take the love of God, the love of God within peace to serve the world.you as you*Add other words if needed, such as “faith,” “hope,” etc.Text 1991, James Harrison. Music 1991, Christopher Walker.Text and music published by OCP. All rights reserved.go.

Oct 30, 2020 · One bread, one bod - y, one, &b spir-it of love. Gath-eryour peo-ple, O Lord. ( U ) Fine &b VERSES 3.No 2.We 1.Draw 4.Wash us, us are more Lord, forth parts harm to of in on the the the the ta wa bod moun y ble tain ters----of of of of life: life; God; Christ, &b 4.wa 2.need 1.broth 3.swords in ers ing - ters--to of and each-sis oth plow mer .

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