NEWSLETTER OF THE EAST BAY BICYCLE COALITIONWWW.EBBC.ORGVOLUME 40 NO. 3MARCH 2010Active CommunityTransportationIntroduction of ACT FederalTransportation Bill offers hopefor sustainable transportation incommunities across the nationMar 3, 2010 - California Senator Barbara Boxer kicked off work on newTransportation Bill.Mar 3, 2010 - Congressman Earl Blumenauer from Oregon introduced animportant component of the Transportation Bill called Active CommunityTransportation, abbreviated as ACT (HR4722). “The ACT transportation grantswill make it easier for people to get outof their vehicles and onto sidewalks orbikes, boosting heart rates and community vitality,” said Blumenauer.On the eve of the National Bike Summitin Washington DC (March 9-11), bicyclists throughout the county have neverbefore been so optimistic. ACT willenable communities to access 2 billionof funding for transportation options thatbuild livable communities, reduce globalwarming pollution, boost public health,rideOnand create jobs in the process.A delegation of eight EBBC memberswill visit congressional offices in earlyMarch to remind our federal legislators about gaps in regional bikewaysthat will otherwise take over 100 yearsto complete given current rates offunding allocations.The East Bay Bicycle Coalition hascarefully assembled justifications forenhanced federal transportation investments that improve access and safetyfor bicyclists. We have bikeway plansthroughout both Alameda and ContraCosta counties. Advocacy leadersthroughout California are focused likenever before!In the East Bay our Active Transportation goals would create the East BayGreenway--a bikeway extending fromOakland to Hayward that parallelsBART. Safe Routes to Transit projectsare always a priority and we supportextend the Iron Horse Path south ofDublin/Pleasanton BART to Livermore. We also support the MokelumneOvercrossing of SR-4 in Brentwood,the Richmond Greenway Overcrossing, the path through Chevron propertyNext Meetingin Richmond, the OaklandAlameda Estuary Crossing, andthe Ashby Overcrossing of I-880in Emeryville.Rest assured that we will not leaveout completion of the Bay BridgePathway!ACTION ALERT: Ask your congressional representative to support HR 4722. Sample letters at: node/3533Etion Improvement Authority(ACTIA). Together they willpresent “Measure B 2000 Mobility, Access, Accountability” and examine the prospectsto draft a new transportationsales tax measure for theNovember 2012 ballot thatincludes Active Transportation projects. Please join us toparticipate in this vision!EBBC’s General membershipMeeting will take place on the 3rdWednesday, March 17, 7:30-9:30pmat the Rockridge Branch Library,5366 College Avenue in Oakland.We’ll begin with an award ceremonyinvolving Fremont PTA memberswho will acknowledge our BicycleSafety Class instructors. We will formally vote on SB 1061 (see p. 8)At 8:30pm we will welcome guestspeakers Christine Monsen, Executive Director, and Tess Lengyel,Programs and Public Affairs Manager, Alameda County Transporta-Congressman Earl BlumenauerEBBC OfficesChristine Monsen (l) and Tess Lengyel (r) arethe dynamic personalities who guide ACTIA.atFruitvale Village, 3301 E12thSt, Suite 143, Oakland. In Maywe will open our new satelliteoffice in Downtown Berkeley.
rideOn2.Upcoming Bicycle Safety ClassesAll are free. Complete the two-dayclass and earn a front/back bikelight setCLASSROOM WORKSHOPSCHEDULE:Fremont - Tuesday, March 9,2010, 6:00-9:30pm Fremont FamilyResource CenterWomen's class in EmeryvilleThursday, March 25, 2010, 6:009:30pmTitle Nine business office,6201 Doyle Street, Emeryville, CACEQA GuidelineAmendmentsThe Office of Administrative Lawfiled the Guideline Amendments withthe Secretary of State. The Amendments become effective on March 18,2010. The text of the adopted Amendments and other rulemaking documents are available on the web atNatural Resources AgencyIt's official, the CEQA TransportationGuideline amendments we fought forover the past two years have beenadopted by the State of California. Anexcerpt of changes to section XVI.Transportation/Traffic was publishedin rideOn, January 2010 on page 4.In order to reduce Greenhouse GasEmissions, existing bicycle plans andaccess must be considered in anydevelopment proposal that goesthrough an Environmental ImpactReview in California.Among the EBBC members we canthank are Jason Patton, Michelle DeRobertis, and Dave Campbell who participated in a panel discussion onCEQA during the 2008 TransFormsummit. Thanks to TransForm forresponding to our appeal to publiclyexpose the inadequacies of CEQA.And finally, Dave was at his legal bestwhen we testified before the CEQArulemaking committee in Sacramentolast August 18. He noted that addressing “roadway capacity in EIRs is astumbling block, we need to focus onaccess and safety.”-Robert RaburnTo respond tostudent requests,we are holdingthis class for selfidentified womento create a supportive, comfortable space forwomen to participate in learning cycling skills. Ledby Diane Serafini & Bonnie Wehmann, local League of AmericanBicyclists Certified Cycling Instructors.March 2010Oakland - Tuesday, April 6,2010, 6:00-9:30pmKaiserOakland Medical Center3701Broadway, 2nd floor PhysicalTherapy Conference RoomROAD CLASS SCHEDULE:Oakland - Saturday, March27, 10am-4:30pmJoseph P.Bort Metrocenter, 101 EighthSt at Oak, next to Lake MerrittBART StationRegister at: MEMBERS GET DISCOUNTS AT OVER 50 AFFILIATED SHOPSAlameda Bicycle 1522 Park St, Alameda(incl. Fruitvale & Berkeley Bike Stations)Alamo Bicycles 1483 Danville BlvdBay Area Bikes 2424 Webster St, & rentalsat Jack London Square, OaklandThe Bent Spoke 6124 Telegraph Avenue,OaklandBicycle Garage 5006 Mowry Ave, FremontBicycles! Pleasanton 537 Main St.Bikes 4 Life 1344 Sunset Dr., AntiochBikes 4 Life-OneFam 1600 7th St, OaklandBrentwood Bike Company 7750 Brentwood Blvd. – Suite CB. Spoke Tailor Temescal Farmers’ MarketCal Bicycles 2053 First St., LivermoreCalifornia Pedaler 495 Hartz Ave, DanvilleCastro Valley Cyclery 20515 Stanton AveClayton Bicycle Center 5411 Clayton RdCrank2 5480-9 Sunol Blvd., PleasantonCycle City 1433 High St., AlamedaCycle Sports 3530 Grand Ave, OaklandCycle Path 337 Main St, PleasantonCycles of Change APC Bike Shop, 650 W.Ranger Ave, Alameda & The Bikery, 2285International Blvd, OaklandDanville Bike 175 Hartz Ave, DanvilleDublin Cyclery 7001 Dublin Blvd, DublinEden Bicycles 3318 Village Dr, Castro ValleyEncina Bicycle Center 2901 Ygnacio Valley Rd. Walnut CreekHank & Frank Bicycles 3377 Mount Diablo Blvd, LafayetteHank & Frank Bicycles 6030 College Ave,OaklandHayward Bicycles 22420 Foothill BlvdLeft Coast Cyclery 2928 Domingo Ave,BerkeleyLivermore Cyclery 7214 San Ramon Blvd,Dublin & 2752 First St, LivermoreManifesto Bicycles 421 40th St, OaklandMike’s Bikes 2161 University Ave, BerkeleyMissing Link 1988 Shattuck Ave, BerkeleyMontano Velo 4266 Piedmont Ave, OaklandThe Pedaler 3826 San Pablo Dam Rd., ElSobrantePegasus Bicycle Works 415 Railroad Ave,DanvillePioneer Bike Shop 11 Rio Vista Avenue,OaklandPleasant Hill Cyclery 1100-C Contra CostaBlvd, Pleasant HillRecycle Bicycle 3121 Sacramento St,BerkeleyrideSFO 1724 Mandela Pkwy, OaklandRobinson Wheelworks 1235 MacArthurBlvd, San LeandroThe Roll Up 4401 San Leandro St, OaklandSan Leandro Cyclery 471 E 14th St, SanLeandroSchwinn City 814 A St., AntiochSharp Bicycle 969 Moraga Rd., LafayetteSolano Avenue Cyclery 1554 Solano Ave,AlbanySports Basement 1881 Ygnacio ValleyBlvd, Walnut CreekStone’s Cyclery 2320 Santa Clara Ave,AlamedaTip Top Bike Shop 4800-A Telegraph Avenue, OaklandTraction Bikes 1150 Contra Costa Blvd,Pleasant HillVelo Sport 1615 University Ave, BerkeleyWheels of Justice Cyclery 2024 MountainBlvd, Oaklandwheelgirl 1400 San Pablo Ave, BerkeleyWitts Bicycle Shop 22125 Mission Blvd,Hayward
March 2010rideOn3.SHORT REPORTSVOLUNTEER - EBBC has a greatseason of events scheduled for 2010. Weespecially appreciate the large number ofvolunteers who make these events bothproductive and enjoyable! for details on the events:SAT Mar 27-28 Oakland MarathonWhen you pick up your registrationpacket at the Oakland Marriott on Mar27, please visit EBBC at the Health andFitness Expo to learn the latest aboutActive Transportation. On SUNDAY,Mar 28, runners and neighbors willenjoy 26 miles of streets closed to traffic,but note that bicycles are not permittedon the course.SAT Apr 5, 5-11pm Taste for ArtisansThe East Bay Express is celebratingthings handmade by throwing a party for100s of Artisans at Oakland’s JackLondon Square with free admission.Learn about making cool stuff and enjoymusic, food, and drink. EBBC willsupport their efforts with free bike valetparking.ONGOING Preparing for the BestBike to Work Day ever (May 13)Every year, hundreds of volunteers makeBike to Work Day the best day ever forthousands of cyclists in the East Bay.There are lots of ways to get involved:stuffing our famous musette bags,greeting bicyclists at your neighborhoodenergizer station, getting food & drinkdonations, rounding up goodies for themusette bags, putting up posters andflyers around town, getting the word outabout Bike to Work Day to media,hauling equipment with a bike trailer,helping out at our fabulous Bike Awayfrom Work Party, and much more. Plus,everyone who volunteers for Bike toWork Day will be invited to a specialthank you party in June. You can be apart of the fun - to join in, please contactour Outreach Coordinator, CarrieHarvilla,, at510-533-7433BAY TRAIL DETOUR DANGER The unfair closure of the Bay Trail inOakland, between High Street and 66thAve by the East Bay Regional ParkDistrict (EBRPD) continues to generatecomplaints from commuters andrecreational users. The alternative toride on Oakport St is dangerous! Theclosure was featured in articles in theOakland Tribune (1/30/10) and EastBay Express (2/3/10). An inexpensiveand safe detour has been proposed byJason Patton, Oakland’s BicycleCoordinator. Remind your electedEBRPD representative that thisshortcut detour is needed immediately.COLLIER CANYON BIKEFRIENDLY BUSINESS Recreational riders are enjoying thewelcome mat at an unlikely ruralbusiness, EJ's on Carneal Rd.BART BICYCLE PATROL BART riders have started noticingofficers on board trains. More changeis coming. Lt Bill Shultz expressedthanks to the EBBC and BARTBicycle Advisory Task Force forsupporting a successful application forProp 1B funds to purchase a fleet of 30patrol bicycles and train personnel. LtSchultz noted that officers will not beon peak-hour trains with their bikes.BART SEISMIC WORK &OHLONE GREENWAY - On May1, 2010 the BART Bicycle AdvisoryTask Force invited city staff andbicyclists from El Cerrito, Albanyand Berkeley to review plans for thedisruptive seismic construction slatedto take three years, beginning this fall.EBBC promotes that the OhloneGreenway be treated as atransportation facility that will requiresigned detours. In El Cerrito, thenorthernmost Greenway near BaxterCreek/Key Route Blvd is the mostproblematic area to provide a detour.We also seek to carefully plan thereplacement of the popular path.Review of the plans revealed manyimprovements. Most liked Berkeley’sadditional lighting, but objected to theproposed proliferation of bollards inthe path of riders. Also, the lack ofwayfinding signage represents aserious omission for a regionalbikeway.E-BART - The extension of BARTeast of Pittsburg/Bay Point willinclude two new stations. The Antiochstation will be in the uninvitingmedian of SR 4. TransForm’s ChrisSchildt and EBBC’s Bruce “Ole”Ohlson are working to includebikeway planning and wayfindingsigns in the planning process forAntioch’s Hillcrest Station. ContactChris at 510.740.3150 x305.LAKE MERRITT 12th ST - thecrown jewel of Measure DD approvedby the voters in 2002 was at risk offurther delay. EBBC’s Rick Rickardhelped lobby City Council to approvethe contract on May 2, 2010 forreconstruction of 12th St at LakeMerritt. In just about 500 days, thepeople of Oakland and the East Baywill celebrate a reconstructed 12th Stto replace “the world’s shortestfreeway” with bicycle and pedestrianaccess. An expanded shoreline parkwill be another benefit of the 34million project.REGIONAL BIKE NETWORK A coalition of partners have beenworking to keep the 3-year allocationof 19.5 million from being cut by 20percent We reached agreements withthe Contra Costa TransportationAuthority and the Alameda CountyCongestion Management Agency(CMA) to allocate the funds to buildbikeways. We were surprised on Feb25, 2010 that CMA staff had altered anearlier decision. Quick action roundedup speakers from TransForm andUrban Habitat and led to a vote byelected officials to protect the funds.BIKE-FRIENDLY BUSINESSES You can nominate an East Baybusiness that caters to bicyclists.EBBC will shine a spotlight on modelbusinesses as we ramp-up activities for2010 Bike to Work Day. Contact DaveCampbell, BTWD Program Director, YOUR BUSINESS inour Bike to Work Day Guide. TheBTWD Guide is an 8-12 page insert inthe May 5 issue of the EAST BAYEXPRESS. Contact Dave Campbell,BTWD Program Director,
4.rideOnBay Area Bridge CommutersThere's an unspoken camaraderieamong cyclists who cross the SanFrancisco Bay. Some depend on acombination of public transit and bikeways. Some pedal from shore-toshore. Bridge commuting, similar tocyclocross racing, involves hoistingbikes up and down stairs, or on and offbuses. Transitioning from paths andbikeways to frontage roads and surfacestreets, cyclists negotiate swiftlychanging terrain, sometimes on footand sometimes in the saddle. Fresh airfetishists, rule-bending pathfinders,all-terrain trailblazers, explorers, navigators, they are everything that SUVsclaim to be, but are not.Rob Powell, a 63-year-old from Vallejo,formerly on the board of the Bay Trail,rides across the Carquinez Bridge twicea week. “I don't do performance riding,”March 2010cisco, has been bicycling to work for15 years. A short film producer, shebikes to work eight miles every dayfrom San Francisco to Alameda, taking AC Transit. Rene upgraded to afolding bike to take inside the bus. Shebikes to the Transbay terminal, thentakes the O bus across theBay Bridge, pedaling onto Alameda Point. As faras cycling on the WestSpan, “I can't wait untilthere is a bike lane thatgoes all the way across,”she says. “I know the BayBridge is a long bridge tocross. But, if you bike towork every day, you getreally fit.”A bicycle commuter forBicyclists and pedestrians can crossthe past 30 years, Ericfour of the East Bay’s seven State TollMorris is a music teacherbridges: Antioch, Benicia/Martinez,living in San Lorenzo.Carquinez and Dumbarton. Each has“I've seen a lot ofits own rules and transit links, makingchanges, most of them forbridge commuting a “Phantom Tollthe better. People areBooth-like puzzle.” But with increasmore conscious of bicying frequency cyclists are able to enjoy Rob Powell rides across the Carquinez Strait.cles. Transit is more fora continuous ride by traversing a bikegiving.” Eric commutesfriendly bridge.regularly over the SanRob says, “I do fitness riding, because IMateoBridge.He bikes four miles toKevin Cleary, President and COO of have osteoarthritis and I need to keepChabot College, then takes AC TransitClif Bar, commutes from Marin across going.” After crossing the bridge, Robline M to Oracle in Belmont. FromtakestheWestCatBusServicetoElthe Richmond Bridge to his office inthere he bikes another four miles to hisCerritoBARTcontinuingonintoSanBerkeley. It takes him 35 minutes tojob teaching music at Notre Dame deget to the bus depot in San Rafael. The Francisco. “Since I'm retired I have aNamur University. Rain or shine this istotally different outlook,” he says. “Ibus is usually on time. He getshis itinerary. Eric says walking is toodon'tmeasureridessomuchinmilesasdropped off in Point Richmond. Fromslow. “As a matter of fact it's no coinintime.”HesaysifCaltransdoesn'tthere he jumps on the Bay Trail. “I trywant to deal with a road hazard, he'll fix cidence that there are bicycling mesto do it as a very easy, casual ride,”sengers delivering important papers init himself.Kevin says, “but with three kids atevery urban environment in thehome now it's usually a sprint.” HeBridget May is a Bay Bridge commuterlikes the idea of opening up the shoul- from San Francisco. A former road racer, world.”der of the Richmond Bridge toshe now races to work in the East Bay. “I John Destefano, a software engineercyclists, “to have that flexibility would was concerned about having to commute at NetApp has been bicycle commutbe outstanding,” he says. “Through my to Berkeley,” she says. “I like going over ing for15 years, primarily for fitness.commute,” Kevin says, “I got in good the Bay Bridge on the shuttle, because it He rides a loop between Newark andenough shape to start racing.” “TheSunnyvale with the wind at his back,only costs a dollar.” A reverse comstory of Gary Erickson coming up with muter, her fellow shuttle riders going in four days a week during the drythe idea for Clif Bar while riding histhe opposite direction are often bumped, months. In the mornings, he ridesbike,” he says is “very much a part of but she always finds a spot.down the east side of the bay. In thewho we are.”evenings he takes Caltrain up to PaloRene Rodriquez, a resident of San Fran-
rideOnMarch 20105.Alto. From the station he bicycles eastboundacross the Dumbarton Bridge home. Whenasked to describe his bridge crossing he says,“I'm not sure 'fun' is the right word. I do viewit as the safest part of my commute.” John'scomplaint is that roadside debris usuallyends up in the bike lane of the bridge. Hedoesn't like jumping construction ladderswith his bicycle.Bay Area Bridge commuters' dreams forbicycling beyond the shorelines are manifold. Kevin's wish is “for us to be able to do afull circle around the bay.” Rob says thatwhile bridges that cross the bay are vital,he'd like to see improvements to bridges thatcross freeways. Bridget says, “I think youshould be able to ride your bike anywhere.Not everyone has a car.” Rene thinks itmakes sense to have a pedestrian and bikelane on every bridge. Eric says, “I'd love toride across the San Mateo Bridge. It'd be agas.” Going beyond expectations, Bay AreaBridge commuters hurry forward while thetraffic stands still.-Terri SaulRene Rodriquez bicyclesto the transbay bus overthe Bay Bridge, but wishesthat she could ride.EClif Bar’s bicycle storage room gives KevinCleary a secure parking area at work.Bridget May elects to ride the Caltrans Commuter Bicycle Shuttle from San Francisco’s Transbay Terminal to MacArthurBART instead of taking BART. Unlike the majority of commuters who cannot board BART with bicycles in the peak morningcommute from the East Bay to San Francisco, Bridget’sreverse commute gives her options.Erik Morris gets over the San Mateo Bridge onboard the Line M transbay bus betweenChabot College and Belmont.
rideOn6.Minutesof the Board & General Membership Meetings on Feb, 172010. Rockridge Branch Library, 5366 College AveDraft for ApprovalMinutes of the Board Meeting onFeb. 17, 2010. Rockridge BranchLibrary, 5366 College Ave.,OaklandBoard members present: Tom Ayres(chair), Dave Favello (Vice Chair),Leo Dubose, Craig Hagelin, MorganKanninen, Sylvia Paull, Hal Keenan,Bill Pinkham, Rick Rickard, SusanStewartStaff: Carrie Harvilla, Dave Campbell, Robert RaburnAlso: Ricardo Pedevilla, AlamedaTom Ayres convened the meeting andthe February minutes were approved.An anonymous donor has given us 6,000 to hire Erik Jensen as a contractor for six months at the rate of 1,000 per month to help with technical web site and database work. Amotion was passed to accept this donation, which was restricted to hiringJensen.The board approved the 2010 EBBCContributions Budget for 2,500,which represents no major changesfrom last year’s budget. Rick Rickardprepared the budget.A proposal to change the bylaws sothat we could reduce the number ofannual general meetings to six andboard meetings to four was withdrawnby Tom. Leo Dubose and othersobjected to the proposed change,which he argued would not help growmembership.The board approved a proposal tomake voting via email synonymouswith voting in writing.Minutes of the General Meeting,Feb. 17, 2010. Rockridge BranchLibrary.Sargeant Shawn Maples, supervisor ofthe El Cerrito Bike Patrol, announceda Bike the Bridges Special OlympicsJune 6 to fund athletes for the SpecialOlympics. He’d like EBBC volunteers ( He is working to get moreBART officers on bicycles usingfunds from a new 100,000 BARTgrant.Carrie Harvilla asked new subcommittee chairs to introduce themselves and said at future meetingsthere would be reports from thesenew subcommittees.It was announced that there will beno changes in board and generalmeeting schedules.Robert Raburn announced that StateSenator Loni Hancock has introduced a bill to allow the Bay AreaTransit Authority (BATA) to fund abicycle-pedestrian maintenancepathway on the West Span of theBay Bridge – SB 1061. He also saidthere are plans for a Gateway Park atthe East Span entrance to the BayBridge, which would include 11acres of “world-class access.” Robert and Dave Favello will be visitingSenator Barbara Boxer’s office during the National Bike Summit inWashington, D.C. March 9-11 andtalk to her (or her staff) about theWest Span.Dave Campbell said we would havethe “Biggest and Best Bike to WorkDay” ever. Included for the first timeare Bike to Market Saturdays, withdiscounts at markets for participating cyclists. Contact Dave if you’dlike to enlist a market. Bike toSchool Days are May 5 to 15, andthere are also Bike to Movie Nights,which communities can select.There will be a guide in the East BayExpress with ads for participatingbusinesses, and there is a new awardfor the most Bike Friendly Business,with nominations open on our website through March 26. March 13,the actual Bike to Work Day, shouldbe our biggest day of the year, withmore energizer stations handing outmusette bags, and asking cyclists toidentify new bikeways they’d like tosee in their community as a way ofMarch 2010engaging new riders directly.Robert reported that the EBBC isinsuring the 1 billion allocated to theRegional Bike Network is not beingdiverted for non-cycling projects.Recently, we managed to recover 20%of the funding for Alameda Countythat was at risk.Carrie said the annual retreat in January drew 40 people and strengthenedmembership and our coalition building. We announced our 2010 campaigns – the TransportationReauthorization Act, Sunday Streets inOakland, and bicycle training programs – and set up chairs for old andnew subcommittees on advocacy,membership, hazards and theft,finance, media/PR, and events. Eventsthis year include a fall fundraiser,probably in Jack London Square, and aholiday party at the end of the year.Robert also said that this year “Weintend to become the Amco of bikeparking.”Robert reported that thanks to the urging of the EBBC, AC Transit is nowadding a third space on bicycle racksfor all of its 290 buses. And finally, theEBBC is encouraging communitiesalong the Ohlone Greenway, whereBART is undertaking a three-year longseismic project, to provide good bicycle and pedestrian detour paths.Stephanie Reed gave a presentation ona 250-mile trip she and her husbandmade on the Bay Trail, which now has290 completed miles and is projectedto be 400 miles long. Her slidesshowed how 30 percent of the currenttrail is unpaved levee and dirtpath .or just plain dead end, especially parts in Oakland and SanLeandro, which are closed for construction. The paths in Benicia, Richmond, and Sunnyvale were especiallypristine, and Stephanie’s slides showedbirds and vistas that gave gravitas toher description of the five-day ride astraveling in the “urban wilderness.”- Secretary Sylvia Paull
rideOnMarch 2010COALITION PARTNERSCONTACT EBBCw w w.e b b c . o rgAFFILIATED RIDE CLUBSFruitvale Vi l l a g e , 3 3 0 1 E 1 2 th St , #1 4 3MAIL: PO Box 1736, Oakland 94604Executive Director . . . . . . . . Robert Raburn510-533-7433robertraburn@ebbc.orgOutreach Coordinator . . . . . Carrie m Director . . . . . . . . . Dave Campbell510-701-5971 . . . . . . . dcampbel@lmi.netEBB C OFFICERS &BO ARD ME MB ERSChair Tom Ayres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kensington510-528-4941 . . . TJAyres@sbcglobal.netVice Chair “BikeDave” Favello Walnut Crk925-939-9462davevelo@mac.comSecretary Sylvia Paull . . . . . . . . . . . . Albany510-547-1116 . . . . . whoisylvia@aol.comTreasurer Rick Rickard . . . . . . . . . . Oakland510-482-5968rrick1@mindspring.comLeo Dubose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OaklandCraig Hagelin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walnut CreekSusan Stewart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OaklandMorgan Kanninen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OaklandBruce “Ole” Ohlson . . . . . . . . . . . . .PittsburgBill Pinkham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RichmondJustice Baxter . . . . . . . . Oakland (Montclair)EBB C VO LUNTE ERSHazard Elimination Reports Ian MacDonald510-832-6300ian@roymcdonald.comEBBC Map DistributionDerek Liecty510-339-2345spoker@sbcglobal.netWeb Eric McCaughrin webmaster@ebbc.org7.Berkeley Bicycle Clubwww.berkeleybike.orgBicycle Trails Council of the East Bay510-466-5123www.btceastbay.orgBrentwood Bike Club http://brentwoodbikeclub.orgCherry City Cyclists Steve Delta Pedalers Dave Stoeffler925-634-1793http://www.deltaped.orgDiablo Cyclists http://www.diablocyclists.comDifferent Spokes Derek Liecty510-339-2345Fremont Freewheelers Jeff Girard510-414-0114 http://fremontfreewheelers.orgGrizzly Peak Cyclists Al Forkosh 510-655-4221http://GrizzlyPeakCyclists.orgGolden Gate Cyclistshttp://www.goldengatecyclists.orgHikanbyke Niels Poulsen510-375-1521http://www.hikanbyke.orgOakland YellowjacketsFred McWilliams lowjackets.orgVelo Raptors (Montclair)Ron Scrivaniscrivanir@aol.comSanta Rosa Cycling ClubBill Oetingersrcc@metro.netStrada Sempre Duro Rick De Gette 925-944-7049Valley Spokesmen Jim Kohnen EDORGANIZATIONSAlbany Strollers & Rollers www.albanystrollroll.orgNick Pilch510-525-4841Bay Area Bicycle Coalition www.bayareabikes.orgAndrew Casteel, ED andrew@bayareabikes.orgBay Trail Project Thompson, Proj Mgr ucy Gigli510-595-4690Bicycle-Friendly Berkeley Coalition (BFBC)Phil Mortonwww.bfbc.orgCA Association of Bicycling fornia Bicycle Coalition (CBC) www.calbike.orgDavid Hoffman, Exec Dir 412-576-5982Cycles of Changewww.cyclesofchange.orgGreenbelt Alliancewww.greenbelt.orgCristina Wongcwong@greenbelt.orgRichmond alition.orgStuart Cohen, Exec Dir510-740-3150Urban Ecologywww.urbanecology.orgUrban Habitathttp://urbanhabitat.orgWalk Oakland Bike Oakland (WOBO)www.walkoaklandbikeoakland.orgWaterfront Action www.waterfrontaction.orgCOMMUNITY REPS & ADVOCATESBART Bicycle Advisory Task Force Reps:Dave Favello (Chair) davevelo@mac.comCraig Hagelinchagelin@astound.netAlameda Co Reps:Mike Jonesmkjcal@hotmail.comJanel Sterbentz janel@bayareabikes.comBrentwood Dave Stoeffler925-634-1793Fremont Michael 25-299-1522Bart CarrBart Carr@yahoo.comMartinez Dick Anderson925-372-5889Pittsburg Bruce “Ole” Ohlson925-439-5848bruceoleohlson@hotmail.comJoin your local Bicycle Advisory CommitteeYou can help in any of 33 cities in the East Bay.EAST BAY BICYCLE COALITIONannual membership formKeep current! Send your tax-deductible donation to EBBC, PO Box 1736, Oakland, CA 94604EBBC’s accounting methods assure that your early payment will extend your membership by a year.Membership TypeSustaining ( 25)Household ( 40)NameAddressCity, State, ZipHalf-century ( 50)Century ( 100)Introductory ( 12)4hr Pledge ( 6)Endow ( )Phone/FaxE-mail Address (EBBC guards your ringTransit User Other bicycling interests?NewRenewalNever share myname with othersOnly share withEBBC affiliates
rideOn8.March 2010Bay Bridge progress on multiple fronts!Legislation introduced by Senator Loni Hancock - Gateway Park planning launched with big crowdThe final component of the East Span Pathway--theself-anchored-suspension tower--is now being constructed with completion expected by 2013. Our goalfor a “world class” shore-to-shore pathway receivedtwo major boosts in February. First, Senator LoniHancock (Berkeley) introduced State Senate Bill1061to permit bridge tolls to complete the path. Next, onFebruary 25 the MTCAuditorium was againfilled with a crowd ofover 100 to participatein planning the bridgeapproach and take place in May. You will have an opportunity tohelp consider the possible park design features. Manyparticipants were excited by the prospects of a historical museum, nature interpretation, and viewing of portactivities. The world-class bridge pathway approachfrom 40th and Shellmound is certain to be built. However, EBBC seeks quality access for West Oaklandneighbors and from West MacArthur BART. Visit: introduction of SB 1061 marks a significant steptoward moving the West Span bicycle-pedestrianmaintenance pathway from the planning stage towardconstruction. Needless to say, SB 1061 will be ourState legislative priority for 2010.Gateway Park will consist of over 11-acres at thebridge touch-down site near the toll plaza. The parkwill represent a significant expansion of public accessto the shoreline and provide a memorable accesspoint for bicyclis
Women's class in Emeryville Thursday, March 25, 2010, 6:00-9:30pmTitle Nine business office, 6201 Doyle Street, Emeryville, CA The Office of Administrative Law filed the Guideline Amendments with the Secretary of State. The Amend-ments become effective on March 18, 2010. The text of the adopted Amend-ments and other rulemaking docu-
e Ocial ewsletter of the Parfairfax nit Owners Association July Volume , Issue In this month’s pet-related article, Tux, a domestic shorthair, dispenses advice on how to handle these sensitive situations. It’s a tough one: Your downstairs neighbor has a dog that barks for extended periods of time when the humans are gone.
APOM EWSLETTER EWSLETTER FOR OHSU NESTHESIOLOG N PERIOPERATIV MEDICNE WWW.OHSU.EU 3 Dr. Schulman and team develop standard protocol for post-surgery atrial fibrillation The OHSU Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine team is now using rate or rhythm control to prevent atrial fibrillation after cardiac surgery, which occurs in about 5. Berkeley: Ninth St Bicycle Boulevard Connection Matt Nichols 6. San Leandro: Greenway continuation 35,000,000 Reh-Lin Chen 510.577.3438 7. Fremont: Fremont Blvd to Dixon Landing (highest priority project in their bike plan) 535,700 Rene Dalton 510.494.4535
the end of the 2015-2016 school year, and that was what the District does with the 50 activity fee it charges students in grades 7-12 for participating in athletic and extra-curricular activities. The District reluctantly began charging this 50 fee beginning with the 2011-2012 school year, when State funding for education was drastically reduced.
September 22, 1997 holds the date for the next Sabbat: Mabon (pronounced "MAY-bon") marks the Second Harvest of the Celtic/Pagan year. *Background Information: Mabon marks the Second Harvest, the end of the grain harvest (which begun at Lughnasadh), and rests on the Autumn Equinox. The Equinox mirrors dwindling of life (and eventual progression
Aerospace Retirees’ Club (- Name of Board Member -) P.O. Box 2194 El Segundo, CA 90245 Call the ARC voicemail: 310-336-5454, Box 12582 NOTICE The expressions of opinion in the Aerospace Retirees’ Club Newsletter are the opinions of the writers and not necessarily those of the Aerospace Retirees’ Club or The Aerospace Corporation.
Aerospace Retirees’ Club Board of Directors FY 2014-2015 2-yr Term Ends From the Editor. . . Jim Carroll Welcome to the fall 2014 Aerospace Retiree’s Club (ARC) Newsletter. My name is Jim Carroll and I’ve been elected as your new editor. First of all I want to thank Linda Stephenson for doing such an
AutoCAD education, and apply them right away to your fi rst real drawing. Let us take a look at the Layers Properties Manager. This is AutoCAD’s Layers dialog box, where everything important related to layers happens. Open a new fi le and, if you decide to use toolbars, also bring up the Layer toolbar. We take a closer look at that toolbar in Section 3.3 , but for now you need only the .