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AMENDMENT ONE (1)FORACQ1028DATE AMENDMENT ISSUED: November 6, 2017The State of Ohio, through the Department of AdministrativeServices, Enterprise IT Contracting, for the Ohio Department ofCommerce is requesting proposals for:Motion F5M Rugged Tablet PC and AccessoriesThe attached is an Amendment for the ITB Solicitation listedabove. Please use the replacement page(s) contained in theAmendment to replace the corresponding page(s) previously inthe ITB Solicitation.Specifications and requirements that have been revised arehighlighted, bolded, surrounded by **bolded double asterisks**and, when applicable, strikethrough.

INVITATION TO BIDITB NUMBER:DATE ISSUED:ACQ1028October 27, 2017The State of Ohio, through the Department of Administrative Services, Enterprise ITContracting, for the Ohio Department of Commerce, is requesting bids for:Motion F5M Rugged Tablet PC and AccessoriesINQUIRY PERIOD BEGINS:INQUIRY PERIOD ENDS:OPENING DATE:OPENING TIME:OPENING LOCATION:October 27, 2017**November 3, 2017 November 9, 2017****November 15, 2017 November 17, 2017**1:00 P.M.Department of Administrative ServicesGeneral Services Division4200 Surface RoadColumbus, Ohio 43228This ITB consists of five parts and eight attachments, totaling 34 consecutively numbered pages. Pleaseverify that you have a complete copy.Amended Replacement Page – Issued November 6, 2 0 1 7ENTERPRISE IT CONTRACTINGITB SOLICITATION1

Objectives. The State has the following objectives that it wants the Contract to serve, and it will be theContractor’s obligation to ensure that the Deliverables meet these objectives:The State of Ohio, by the Department of Administrative Services, Enterprise IT Contracting (the "State"), isreleasing this Invitation to Bid to enter into a single Contract to acquire Motion Computing Tablets andaccessories as specified herein. The State or its Cooperative Purchasing Partners may purchase additionalequipment during the term of the Contract. However, the State makes no guarantee that the State willmake any purchases pursuant to this ITB or that the actual amount of Deliverables the State purchasesunder the Contract will meet the estimates.Per-unit pricing must include delivery.Overview of the Deliverables. The specifications for the Deliverables are provided in Attachment Oneof this ITB. This section only gives a brief description of the Deliverables. If there is any inconsistencybetween this description and Attachment One, the attachment will govern.Bidders must offer only the specific equipment and quantity listed below:QTYUnitManufacturerProduct NumberProduct 07140Each**307.052.01300018**F5m – VAD touch – Win 10 Pro 64 bit - 256GBSSD – 8GB RAM-–Intel Corei7 vPro - TCGTrusted Platform Module (TPM) 1.2 –Computrace Complete - US power - integratedmobile broadband (Gobi 4GXLTE) – IntegratedCamera3 YEAR WARRANTY SUBSCRIPTIONCOMPUTRACE COMPLETE - 3 YEARC5/F5-SERIES 3 YEAR ACCIDENTALDAMAGE PROTECTION - 3-YR STDEXTENDED TO 3-YEAR COMBLACK F5-SERIES DOCKING STATION w/US POWER140Each507.201.02BLACK F5 - SERIES ADDITIONAL BATTERY125Each**601.532.01601.530.02**12V AUTO/AIR ADAPTER BY LIND70Each504.500.01BLACK ADDITIONAL DIGITIZER PEN70Each**504.552.01420009**USB MOBILE KEYBOARD - US**LS423482822343LU528582422343**The order must be delivered to the following location within 30 days after receiving a purchase orderDepartment of CommerceFiscal OfficeATTN: Joy McKee6606 Tussing DriveReynoldsburg, Ohio 43068Amended Replacement Page – Issued November 6, 2 0 1 7ENTERPRISE IT CONTRACTING ITB SOLICITATION3

Calendar of Events. The schedule for the bid process is given below. The State may change thisschedule at anytime. If the State changes the schedule before the Bid due date, it will do so through anannouncement on the State Procurement Website’s question and answer area for this ITB. The Websiteannouncement will be followed by an amendment to this ITB, also available through the StateProcurement Website. After the Bid due date and before the award of the Contract, the State will makeschedule changes through the ITB amendment process. It is each prospective Bidder’s responsibility tocheck the Website question and answer area for this ITB for current information regarding this ITB and itsCalendar of Events through award of the Contract.Dates:Firm DatesITB Issued:Inquiry Period Begins:October 27, 2017October 27, 2017Inquiry Period Ends:**November 3, 2017 @ 8:00 a.m. November 9, 2017**Bid Due Date:**November 15, 2017 @ 1:00 p.m. November 17, 2017**Estimated DatesContract Award:November 27, 2017Delivery Date:within 30 days after receiving a purchase orderThere are references in this ITB to the Bid due date. Prospective Bidders must assume, unless it isclearly provided to the contrary in this ITB, that any such reference means the date and time (Columbus,Ohio local time) that the Bids are due and not just the date.Amended Replacement Page – Issued November 6, 2 0 1 7ENTERPRISE IT CONTRACTING ITB SOLICITATION4

ATTACHMENT SEVENCOST SUMMARYBidders responding to the ITB must submit a complete Cost Summary.Any corrections or changes made to the figures in the SINGLE UNIT COST or TOTAL COST columns ofthe Table must be initialed or the bid will be disqualified.THE GRAND TOTAL FOR ALL LINE ITEMS WILL BE THE BASIS FOR DETERMINING THECONTRACT AWARD.The cost includes F.O.B. destination, free inside delivery to the location designated by the Agency atmutually agreeable times with inside delivery to areas of the Agency(s) choosing. Costs must include allpacking, transportation and insurance charges.A cost must be provided for each item on the cost summary. Failure to provide a cost for any requiredline item will result in the disqualification of the bidder’s response. Additionally, the cost summary mustnot include exceptions, additional terms and conditions or assumptions.Additional purchases made after the initial order will be procured at the single unit cost.Manufacturer ProductNumberSingle UnitCostProduct DescriptionEstimatedQuantityTotal CostMotion F5M Rugged Tablet PC and Accessories**LS423482822343LU528582422343**F5m – VAD touch –Win 10 Pro 64 bit 256GB SSD – 8GBRAM-–Intel Corei7vPro - TCG TrustedPlatform Module(TPM) 1.2 –ComputraceComplete - USpower - integratedmobile broadband(Gobi 4GXLTE) –Integrated Camera X140 Amended Replacement Page – Issued November 6, 2 0 1 7ENTERPRISE IT CONTRACTING ITB SOLICITATION33


Motion F5M Rugged Tablet PC and Accessories The attached is an Amendment for the ITB Solicitation listed above. Please use the replacement page(s) contained in the Amendment to replace the corresponding page(s) previously in the ITB Solicitation. Specifications and

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