30 ways withCHICKENYOURGOLDI GUIDEto tastymealsA different chicken recipefor every day of the month
Good food and good memoriesThat’s what you will find inLove Chicken! Like all Astralbrands, Goldi Chicken iscommitted to delivering thebest products so that youcan enjoy delicious mealswithout having to spendhours in the kitchen. Plus,our handy tips will take theguesswork out of buying,storing and cooking chicken.Whether you’re looking forweeknight dinner ideas orwant to impress at your nextparty, chances are you will findsomething to inspire you here.Let’s get cooking!SpicychickendrumsticksScoring the skin allowsthe meat to absorb all theflavours and also helps itto cook a little quicker.A leading Southern African poultry producerAstral was founded inApril 2001 and is a top 100 JSElisted company; is represented in fourSouthern African countries; has more than 4 000shareholders; employs in excessof 11 453 full-time andcontract workers; its operations spans27 000 hectares’ agriculturaland industrial land; has four poultryprocessing plants; processes 5 240 000broilers per week; manufactures 1 410 000tons of animal feed per year; uses 850 000 tons ofmaize per annum; and operates nine feed millsin Southern Africa.Serves 61 tbsp (15 ml) paprika1 tsp (5 ml) cayenne pepper1 tsp (5 ml) cumin1 tbsp (15 ml) mixed herbs3 tbsp (45 ml) vegetable oil10 drumsticksSalsa2 tomatoes, chopped½ onion, chopped½ cucumber, choppeda handful of freshcoriander, chopped¼ cup (60 ml) canola oil3 tbsp (45 ml) vinegar orlemon juice1 tsp (5 ml) sugarPap1½ (375 ml) water1 tsp (5 ml) salt3 cups (750 ml) maize mealPreheat the oven to 180 C.Combine the spices, herbsand oil, and use to coatthe drumsticks. Place thedrumsticks on a baking trayand roast for 30 minutes,turning them once or twice.For the salsa, combineall the ingredients andrefrigerate for 15 minutes.To make the pap, add thewater and salt to a largesaucepan and bring to a boil.Sprinkle the maize meal onthe water, cover and simmerfor 15 minutes. Stir with afork to create a crumblytexture. If you prefer smoothpap, cover and simmer for30 minutes more.3
Herb dumplings80 g butter, cubed2 cups (500 ml)self-raising floura handful of freshparsley, chopped60 g Cheddar, grated4 5 cup (190 ml) milk1 egg yolk, beatenChicken pieServe this rich pie piping hot straight from the oven.Serves 82 tbsp (30 ml) olive oil250 g chicken gizzards2 tbsp (30 ml) flour250 g bacon, sliced2 onions, chopped2 garlic cloves, sliced150 g chicken hearts41 tbsp (15 ml) tomato paste2 bay leavesa handful of freshparsley, chopped3 cups (750 ml)chicken stock250 g chicken livers,cleaned, trimmedand choppedPreheat the oven to 180 Cand heat the oil in a castiron dish on the stove.Coat the gizzards with flourand brown.Add the bacon, onionsand garlic, and cook for5 minutes.Stir through the hearts,tomato paste, bay leavesand parsley.Pour over the stock andbring to a boil. Reduce theheat and simmer for 1 hour.Add the livers and set aside.To make the dumplings,rub the butter into theflour. Stir in the parsleyand 40 g Cheddar.Add the milk and knead tomake a dough. Roll into golfball-sized balls.Pack the balls of dough ontop of the chicken, brush withegg yolk and scatter over theremaining Cheddar. Bakefor 15 minutes or until thedumplings are golden.Chicken biryaniServes 6Marinade1½ cups (375 ml) doublecream yoghurt6 garlic cloves2 cm fresh ginger, grateda handful of freshcoriander, chopped20 cardamom pods, crushed1 tsp (5 ml) turmeric1 tsp (5 ml) mediumcurry powdera pinch of ground cloves2 green chillies8 chicken thighs, halved(crush through the bone)¼ cup (60 ml) vegetable oil5 onions, sliced2 cups (350 g) riceFor the marinade, blitz allthe ingredients in a blender.Score the thighs and pourover the marinade. Coverand marinate at roomtemperature for 1 houror overnight.Preheat the oven to 180 C.Heat the oil in a cast-irondish and fry the onions for30 minutes, stirring often,until golden. Scoop out half.Pour the chicken andmarinade into the dish andstir until it starts to simmer.Cover and roast in the ovenfor 20 minutes or until themeat is tender.Soak the rice in cold waterfor 20 minutes. Bring asaucepan of water to a boil,add the strained rice, bringto a boil and strain.Remove the chicken fromthe oven and turn downthe temperature to 140 C.Spoon out half the chicken,sprinkle half the rice overthe chicken in the dish andseason. Layer the remainingchicken followed by the riceon top.Scatter with the remainingonion. Cover with bakingpaper, then foil, then the lid.Bake for 30 minutes.5
Chicken quarters with potato and cabbageServes 42 tbsp (30 ml) vegetable oil4 chicken quarters2 tsp (10 ml) chicken spice1 onion, chopped150 g baby potatoes¹ ₃ cabbage, shredded1 bay leaf4 5 cup (200 ml) chicken stocksalt and pepper½ cup (125 ml) frozen peasHeat the oil in a saucepanand brown the chicken. Stirthrough the chicken spiceand set aside.Cook the onion untiltranslucent in the samesaucepan. Add the potatoesand cabbage, and stircontinuously while cookinguntil charred.Return the chicken to thesaucepan. Add the bayleaf and chicken stock,cover and simmer for15 minutes or until thechicken is cooked through.Season and stir in the peas.No-fuss chicken with crispy potatoesThis recipe works just as well with a sauce of chopped herbs andolive oil, if you prefer a lighter, fresher taste.Serves 4Crispy potatoes40 g butter, melted300 g baby potatoessalt and pepperTangy sauce1 tsp (5 ml) vegetable oil½ onion, chopped¼ cup (60 ml) tomato sauce1 tbsp (15 ml) vinegar63 tbsp (45 ml)Worcester sauce3 tbsp (45 ml) brown sugar6 chicken thighsand drumsticksPreheat the oven to 180 C.Rub the butter into thepotatoes, place on a bakingtray and season. Roastfor 45 minutes, removefrom the oven, smash,season again and roast for15 minutes more.For the sauce, combineall the ingredients.Rub the sauce all over thechicken pieces.Place on a baking trayand roast for 30 minutesor until the meat iscooked through andthe sauce is sticky.7
STORINGAmasi chicken bakeServes 61½ cup (375 ml) Amasi3 garlic cloves, chopped1 cm fresh ginger, grated1 green chilli, choppeda handful of freshcoriander, chopped1 tsp (5 ml) garam masala1 tsp (5 ml) turmeric1 tbsp (15 ml) lemon juice Always refrigerateor freeze chicken assoon as possible afterbuying it.1 whole chicken, cut intopieces (see page 16)Combine all the ingredients,cover and refrigerate for3 hours or overnight.Preheat the oven to 200 C.Bake the chicken in thesauce for 40 minutesor until cooked throughand tender. If chicken has defrostedand you only want tocook it the next day, patthe meat dry and coverit with clingwrap or foilon a plate. Place it onthe bottom shelf in thefridge so that it won’tdrip on the other food. SHOPPING To defrost chickenin a hurry, put thesealed packet in asink full of cold tapwater. Otherwise leavethe sealed packet ina bowl in the fridgeto defrost slowly. Always look forchicken that havean even colour andno bruises. The meat should nothave a strong smell. The packagingshould be intactwithout any tears. Make sure thatall the pieces arefrozen. None shouldhave defrosted andthere should beno water drippingfrom the packet. Always check thesell-by date.8Creamy chicken liversServes 42 tbsp (30 ml) vegetable oil1 onion, sliced2 garlic cloves, chopped250 g chicken livers, cleaned1 tsp (5 ml) chicken spicea pinch of paprikasalt and pepper1 tsp (5 ml) brown onionsoup powder½ cup (125 ml) creamHeat the oil in a largepan and sauté the onionuntil soft.Add the garlic andlivers, and cook, stirringoccasionally, for 5 minutes.Season with chicken spice,paprika, salt and pepper.Stir in the soup powder,cover and cook for 3 minutes.Pour in the cream and stirthrough. Serve warm.9
KEEPINGIT CLEAN a pinch of salta pinch of onion powdera pinch of cinnamona pinch of nutmeg2 eggs200 g pumpkin, cookedand mashed½ cup (125 ml) milk20 g butter, meltedoil, for deep-fryingChicken stew with pumpkin frittersYou can also fry the fritters the traditional way, in a pan.Serves 62 tbsp (30 ml) oil1 kg Goldi chickensoup pieces1 onion, chopped2 carrots, chopped1 red pepper, deseededand diced101 tsp (5 ml) ground cumin1 red chilli, deseededand chopped4 cups (1 L) chicken stock3 tomatoes, choppedPumpkin fritters1½ cup (375 ml) flour2 tsp (10 ml) baking powderHeat the oil in a largesaucepan over medium heat,brown the chicken piecesin batches and set aside.Cook the onion, carrotsand pepper in the samesaucepan, stirringcontinuously, until soft.Return the chicken tothe saucepan, add theremaining ingredients andsimmer for 20 minutes.For the fritters, mixthe dry ingredients inone bowl and the wetingredients in another.Add the dry ingredientsto the wet ingredientsand mix well to makea smooth batter.Heat the oil until very hot.Drop tablespoonfuls ofbatter into the hot oil inbatches and fry until golden. Once chicken hasbeen defrosted, donot refreeze it. Keep raw chickenseparate from otherfood, raw and cooked. Wash your hands,utensils and surfaceswith warm soapywater after workingwith raw chicken. Always make surethat chicken is cookedthrough and that it isno longer pink on theinside to ensure thatall harmful bacteriathat may have beenpresent are destroyed.Chicken and lentil stew with riceServes 61 tbsp (15 ml) vegetable oil500 g chicken breast fillets,cut into pieces2 onions, chopped1 tbsp (15 ml) mediumcurry powder1½ cup (375 ml)chicken stock100 g red lentils150 g spinach250 g riceHeat the oil in a saucepanand brown the chicken overhigh heat for 5 minutes.Add the onions and fry for3 minutes while stirring.Reduce the heat, stir in thecurry powder and cook for1 minute.Add the stock and lentils,cover and simmer for 15minutes. Stir in the spinachand remove from the heat.Bring a saucepan of waterto the boil. Rinse the rice,add to the boiling water andsimmer until cooked.11
Mzansi Amasi fried chickenTo get really crispy chicken, make sure that the oil is hot enough. Test it by dropping a littlebatter into the oil. If it starts to bubble and the batter slowly rises to the top, it is ready.Tomato and chicken relishwith steamed breadServes 4-82 tbsp (30 ml) paprika8 chicken thighs2 cups (500 ml) Amasi2 cups (500 ml) flour1 tbsp (15 ml) baking powderoil, for deep-fryingCombine the paprika,chicken and Amasi.Cover and refrigeratefor 30 minutes.Mix the flour and bakingpowder.Remove the chicken piecesfrom the Amasi and roll inthe flour mixture to coatthem all over. Place on awire rack.Heat the oil and whenit’s ready, gently drop thechicken pieces into the oil inbatches. Cook for 6 minutesor until crispy and cookedthrough. Serve withvegetables or salad.Serves 101 kg tomatoes, diced2 red onions, chopped200 g chicken hearts500 g chickengizzards, cooked3 garlic cloves, chopped¼ cup (60 ml) olive oilsaltjuice of 1 lemon4 gherkins, chopped(optional)Preheat the grill in the oven.Combine the tomatoes,onions, gizzards, hearts,garlic and oil. Season andgrill for 10 minutes.Tip into a bowl and stirthrough the lemon juice,gherkins and parsley.Serve with steamed bread.(Turn to p30 for our recipe.)Chicken-neck potServes 61 kg chicken necks1 tsp (5 ml) vegetable oil5 carrots, diced1 onion, chopped2 tbsp (30 ml) tomato paste1½ cup (375 ml)chicken stock1 tsp (5 ml) cayenne pepper2 tsp (10 ml) chicken spicesalt and peppersamp or pap, to serve12A handful of freshparsley, choppedHeat the oil in a saucepanover medium heat and cookthe necks for 5 minutes,stirring continuously.Add the carrots and onions andcook until the onions are soft.Stir in the tomato paste,stock, cayenne pepper andchicken spice. Simmer for15 minutes to reduceSeason and serve withsamp or pap. (Turn to p3 forour pap recipe.)13
Mushroomchickenand mashServes 6-81 kg chicken portions2 tbsp (30 ml) chicken spice2 tbsp (30 ml) vegetable oil150 g mushrooms, sliced2 onions, chopped2 garlic cloves, crushed1 tbsp (15 ml) cream ofchicken soup powder2 cups (500 ml)chicken stock1 kg potatoes, peeled¼ cup (60 ml) milksalt and pepperSweet-and-sour chicken necksThe secret to getting the full sweet-and-sour taste, is to reduce the liquid completelyso that the sauce is nice and sticky.Serves 6¹ ₃ cup (80 ml) floursalt and pepper500 g chicken necks¼ cup (60 ml) vegetable oil½ cup (125 ml) applecider vinegar¼ cup (60 ml) honey1 cup (250 ml) tinnedpineapple pieces and juice3 tbsp (45 ml) tomato sauce142 tsp (10 ml) brown sugar½ onion, sliced1 each red, green and yellowpepper, slicedSeason the flour and use tocoat the chicken necks.Heat half the oil in a panover medium heat andcook the necks in batches,turning occasionally,until cooked through.Combine the vinegar,honey, pineapple piecesand juice, tomato sauce andsugar. Season with salt.Heat the remaining oilin same pan and cookthe onion and peppers,stirring occasionally.Add the necks and thevinegar mixture, andcook until the saucehas thickened.Season the chicken withchicken spice. Heat the oilin a saucepan over mediumheat and brown.Add the mushrooms,onions and garlic, andcook for 3 minutes whilestirring continuously.Mix the soup powder with alittle water to make a pasteand add to the saucepan.Add the stock and simmerfor 30 minutes to reduce it.For the mash, boil thepotatoes and strain. Turndown the heat, return thesaucepan with the potatoesto the stove, add the milkand season.Simmer and mash.15
KNOW YOUR CHICKEN CUTSHALF ABREASTWHOLEWINGFILETHALF ACHICKENMISCELLANEOUSPRODUCTS izzardsG ecksN Hearts Livers Heads FeetHALF ABREASTSpatchcockchicken onthe braaiTHIGHServes 6LEGQUARTERDRUMSTICK1 whole chicken4 tbsp (60 ml) vegetable oilHow to spatchcock a chickenPlace the chicken with the breastbone down. Use kitchen scissors to cut along both sidesof the backbone and remove it. Turn the chicken over, press down firmly on the breastboneto break it and flatten. Remove the wing tips.116234Basting sauce1 onion, finely chopped½ cup (125 ml)tomato sauce3 tbsp (45 ml) brown sugar¼ cup (60 ml)Worcester sauce1 tbsp (15 ml)barbecue spiceTomato relish1 tbsp (15 ml) vegetable oil1 onion, sliced2 large tomatoes, chopped3 garlic cloves, crushed1 tbsp (15 ml) tomato sauce1 tbsp (15 ml) chutney1 tsp (5 ml) chilli flakes1 tsp (5 ml) Worcester sauceFire up the braai until theflames have died down.Spatchcock thechicken (see page 16 forinstructions), rub with oiland place in the middle ofthe grid, skin side down.Braai for 20 minutes,turning the grid regularly.In a saucepan, cook all thebasting sauce ingredientsfor 5 minutes and baste thechicken every time you turn it.For the relish, heat theoil and fry the onion untilsoft. Add the remainingingredients and simmerfor 10 minutes. The relishshould still be chunky.Serve with steamed bread(Turn to p30 for our recipe.)17
4 BRAAIMARINADESIt’s as easy as 1, 2, 3:mix everything, add thechicken, refrigerate for30 minutes or overnight.Lemon andorange2 tbsp (30 ml) lemon juice2 tbsp (30 ml)orange juice2 tbsp (30 ml) oil1 sprig rosemaryLemon yoghurtBRAAI TIPS The best temperaturefor the meat: Alwaysallow chicken to reachroom temperature beforebraaiing it. That way, it willcook evenly. (Chicken cansafely be left out of thefridge for 2 hours.) Size: The size of the piecesor chicken will determinethe cooking time. Meat onthe bone takes longer, too. The coals: The coalsshould be a moderateheat. To test them, holdyour hand above them for1810 seconds. If you can’t,it’s too hot and the chickenwill burn on the outsidebefore it is cooked through. Technique: Turn the gridor pieces frequently so thatthe meat cooks evenly. Checking the meat seeif it’s done: Use a skeweror thin knife to pierce themeat at the thickest part.The juices should run clear,. Cheat: First par-cook thechicken and then braai it forthat charred look and taste.¹ ₃ cup (80 ml) doublecream yoghurt¼ cup (60 ml) olive oiljuice of 4 lemons4 garlic cloves, crushed3 tbsp (45 ml)mixed spicesalt and pepperPaprika1 tbsp (15 ml) olive oil2 tbsp (30 ml) lemon juice1 tbsp (15 ml) paprika1 tsp (5 ml) onion powder2 garlic cloves, crushed1 lemon peelsalt and pepperBeer3 tbsp (45 ml) beer2 tbsp (30 ml) honey3 garlic cloves, crushed1 green chillisalt and pepperWhole chicken inside a pot breadThis is the best 2-in-1 padkos and works just as well in the oven as on the Weber.Serves 62½ cups (625 ml) flour2 tsp (10 ml) yeasta pinch of salt1 tsp (5 ml) sugar1½ cups (375 ml) water1 whole chicken2 tbsp (30 ml) braai spice2 tsp (10 ml) mixed herbsCombine the flour, yeast,salt and sugar. Slowlypour in the water whilestirring continuously toform a firm dough.Dust a work surface withflour, place the dough on itand knead for 5 minutes.Place the dough in a bowl,cover and leave in a warmspot to rise for 40 minutes.Prepare the coals inthe Weber to createmoderate heat.Cook the chicken in theWeber for 25 minutes oruntil almost cooked.Line an enamel bowl orsaucepan with half thedough, place the chicken inthe center and cover with theremaining dough. Seal thedough along the sides.Sprinkle with braai spice andmixed herbs.Cover with foil and cook inthe Weber for 30 minutes.19
Stickychicken feetThis is a beautiful mealmade for sharing. Puta large bowl full in thecentre of the table andwatch them disappear!Serves 81 kg chicken feet, cleaned1 red chilli, deseeded andfinely chopped3 tbsp (45 ml) vegetable oil3 tbsp (45 ml) honey2 tbsp (30 ml) applecider vinegar2 tbsp (30 ml) steak andchops spice½ cup (125 ml)chicken stockPlace all the ingredients ina saucepan, bring to a boiland simmer for 15 minutesor until the chicken feet arecooked through and thesauce is sticky.Serve with achar andpap (Turn to p3 for ourpap recipe.)Chicken sisheboServes 6800 g chicken braai pack2 tbsp (30 ml) chicken spice2 tbsp (30 ml) vegetable oil1 onion, chopped3 carrots, sliced3 potatoes, cubed2 tsp (10 ml) mediumcurry powder2 cups (500 ml) chicken stock202 tbsp (30 ml) cream ofchicken soup powder2 tsp (10 ml) vinegara pinch of sugar1 green pepper, deseededand choppedSeason the chicken withchicken spice. Heat the oilin a saucepan over mediumheat and brown the meat.Add the onions, carrots andpotatoes, and cook whilestirring for a few minutes.Stir in the curry powder andadd the stock.Combine the soup powder,vinegar and sugar, and addto the chicken. Simmer for40 minutes or until reduced.Stir in the green pepperand season.21
Pan-fried chicken and papServes 43 tbsp (45 ml) vegetable oil2 tsp (10 ml) mixed herbs3 tbsp (45 ml) chicken spice1.5 kg mixed chicken pieces1 chicken stock potCurried cabbage2 tbsp (30 ml) vegetable oil1 onion, sliced½ cabbage, shreddeda pinch of turmeric1 tbsp (15 ml) curry powderChicken in spicy gravyIf you don’t have a mortar and pestle, simply cover seedswith clingwrap and crush them with a rolling pin.Serves 42 tbsp (30 ml) vegetable oil4 chicken quarters1 tbsp (15 ml)mustard seeds2 tsp (10 ml) fennel seeds2 tsp (10 ml) cumin seeds22a pinch of turmeric1 tsp (5 ml) chilli powder1 bay leaf2 curry leaves (optional)1 garlic clove, chopped2 cm fresh ginger, grated2 cups (500 ml)chicken stockHeat the oil in a saucepanover medium heat andbrown the chicken pieces inbatches. Set aside.Roast the seeds in a dry panover low heat and grind orcrush them.Mix the crushed seedswith the turmeric andchilli powder, and roastin the same saucepan for2 minutes.Add the garlic and ginger,and cook for 2 minutes.Return the chicken, addthe stock and cook until themeat is cooked through.Serve with soft white bread.well as ¼ cup (60 ml) water.Cover and simmer until thechicken is cooked through.For the curried cabbage,heat the oil in a mediumsized saucepan over highheat. Sauté the onion untillightly browned.Add the cabbage andcontinue to sauté untilslightly charred. Addthe turmeric and currypowder, and cook,stirring continuously,to amalgamate thespices. Season.For the tomato salsa,mix all the ingredients andrefrigerate for 30 minutes.Serve the chicken, cabbageand salsa with pap. Drizzlethe chicken juices overthe pap. (Turn to p30 for ourpap recipe.)Tomato salsa4 tomatoes, chopped1 green pepper, deseededand chopped1 o
Remove the chicken from the oven and turn down the temperature to 140 C. Spoon out half the chicken, sprinkle half the rice over the chicken in the dish and season. Layer the remaining chicken followed by the rice on top. Scatter with the remaining onion. Cover with baking paper, then foil, then the lid. Bake for 30 minutes. 1 tbsp (15 ml .
Spicy Fish Grilled Fish Chicken Biryani Hyderabadi Biryani TANDOORI CHICKEN The most popular variation of grilled chicken in the Indian Cuisine! INGREDIENTS METHOD Chicken 1 No. Lemon juice 3 tsp. Red chili powder 2 tsp. Curd (Yogurt) As per taste Garlic paste 1 tsp. Ginger paste 1 tsp. Garam masala powder ½ tsp. Mustard oil 1 tsp. Oil For basting
Chicken breast topped w/ spinach, eggplant & fresh mozzarella in a light marinara sauce Chicken Cardinale Chicken breast sautéed w/ roasted peppers, prosciutto & artichoke hearts topped w/ fresh mozzarella & red sauce Chicken Piccata Chicken breast sautéed w/ fresh mushroom, capers & white wine in a cream white sauce Chicken Broccoli Scampi
chicken 16 Facts: Chicken meal is primarily chicken necks and backs - has more ash per unit of protein compared to real chicken Real chicken is derived from striated muscle of chickens 17 Chicken 60 Dried egg product 43-48 Rice gluten meal 40-50 Corn gluten meal 60-64 Soybean meal 46-50 Fish meal 60-65 Lamb meal 48-55 Chicken meal 63-67
Backyard Chicken Coop I made this little chicken barn a few years ago to house 3-5 laying hens in my back yard. I'm in town and had to design a "pretty" one to keep people from having a chicken coup (ha ha). This one was inspired by some Kansas barns I've seen. I spent about 40 when fully completed. Chicken wire, some 2x4s and damaged siding were
halves and garlic in chicken cavity. Tuck wings under chicken; tie drumsticks together. Place chicken over vegetables in slow cooker, breast side up. Mix rosemary, lemon juice, oil, paprika and remaining salt; rub over chicken. 2. Cook, covered, on low 6-8 hours. 3. Remove chicken to a serving platter; tent with foil. Let stand 15 minutes .
Bonus Recipes: Beef, Turkey and Chicken 43 Shepherd’s Pie 44 Savory and Sweet Stuffed Cabbage 45 Fall Vegetable Beef Roast 46 Asparagus Sweet Potato Skillet 47 Creamy Basil and Chicken 48 Broccolini Chicken and Rice 49 Marinated Beef and Broccoli 50 The Easiest Crock Pot Chicken 51 Grilled Chicken with Blackberry Salsa 52 Quinoa Tacos 53
stand 10 minutes. 3. Arrange chicken, onion, and bell pepper on grill rack coated with cooking spray. Cook vegetables 4 minutes on each side or until tender. Cook chicken 6 minutes on each side or until done. Remove chicken and vegetables from grill; coarsely chop vegetables. Let chicken stand 5 minutes; thinly slice chicken. 4.
present document. Grade-specific K–12 standards in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language translate the broad (and, for the earliest grades, seemingly distant) aims of the CCR standards into age- and attainment-appropriate terms. The Standards set requirements not only for English language arts (ELA) but