with installation instructionsowners manual 2 0 1 0 gale ban k s engineeringBanksMonsterExhaustSystem 1998-2002 Dodge 5.9L Cummins(24-valve) ISB Pickup TrucksTHIS MANUAL IS FOR USE WITH Monster exhaust, systems 48635/48636 monster exhaust w/ power elbow, systems 48637/48638 power elbow, assembly 48639Gale Banks Engineering546 Duggan Avenue Azusa, ca 91702(626) 969-9600 Fax (626) 334-1743Product Information & Sales: (800) 438-7693Customer Support: (888) 839-5600Installation Support: (888) 839-2700bankspower.com08/11/10PN 96421 v.3.0
Also Available from Banks Power98-02 Dodge 5.9LBanks Monster-Ram98-02 (P/N 42764)- Increased flow from intercooler- Raises boost without increasingbackpressure at the turbineBanks QuickTurbo94-02 (P/N 24052, 24053)- More boost through the powerband- Does not over-boost- Turbo-diesel efficiencyBanks Exhaust Brake(P/N 55219, 55221)- Increases the stopping power ofyour truck and extends the servicelife of your brakesBanks BigHead Actuator98-02 (P/N 24329)- Achieves a higher peak boost overstock and gives you precise boostcontrol that gives you crisp accelerationand more mid-range pulling power.Banks SmartLock98-02 (P/N 55262)- Reduces wear on transmission- Locks Torque Converter and raisestrans-line pressure- Works with Banks Exhaust BrakeBanks Diesel Tuner98-02 Big Hoss (P/N 62781-62783)- Adds power safely to your vehicle- Engine and transmissionsafeguards- Change power levels on-the-flyThermocouple- Add a temperature limiting functionto your Diesel Tuner .Banks Billet Torque Converter94-07 (P/N 72515)- Higher torque capacity overstock- Lockup clutch is slip-resistant sotransmission fluids stay cooler andtransmission life is prolonged.Banks Git-Kit Systems98-02 (P/N 49357-49362)Contains:- Monster Exhaust- OttoMind TunerBanks Stinger Systems98-02 (P/N 49363-49374)Contains:- Ram-Air Filter- Monster Exhaust- OttoMind Tuner- Big Head Wastegate Actuator- GaugesBanks Stinger-Plus Systems98-02 (P/N 49320-49323, 49351,49352)Contains:- Ram-Air Filter- Monster Exhaust- OttoMind Tuner- Big Head Wastegate Actuator- Gauges- Quick TurboBanks PowerPack Systems98-02 (P/N 49330-49335, 49353-49356)Contains:- Ram-Air Filter- Monster-Ram- Monster Exhaust- OttoMind Tuner- Big Head Wastegate Actuator- Gauges- Quick TurboFor More Information please call (888) 635-4565or Visit us online @ www.bankspower.com2 96421 v.2.0
General Installation PracticesDear Customer,If you have anyquestions concerningthe installation ofyour Banks MonsterExhaust System,please call ourTechnical ServiceHotline at (888) 8392700 between 7:00am and 5:00 pm(PT). If you have anyquestions relating toshipping or billing,please contact ourCustomer ServiceDepartment at(888) 839-5600.Thank you.1. For ease of installation of4. Pay particular attentionyour Banks Monster ExhaustSystem, please read this8 page Owner’s Manualbefore starting any work.Become thoroughly familiarwith all components andphases of the installationbefore beginning any work.See Figure 1 for a completecomponent listing.to the routing of wires.Keep them away fromexhaust heat, moving partsand sharp edges that maycause damage. Route ortie away from critical areasas required. Keep all wiresa minimum of 6” from hotexhaust parts, 8” or moreis recommended wheneverpossible.2. Inspect all componentssupplied for any foreignmaterial that may haveentered during shipping andhandling.3. The installation shouldbe performed at a timewhen the vehicle has beenallowed to completely cool.This installation requires theinstaller to work near surfacesthat may remain hot after thevehicle has been run. Failureto allow the vehicle to coolmay result in personal injury.Warning! Never work underany vehicle supported onlyby a jack of any kind. DONOT USE concrete blocks orother masonry items thatmay collapse under thevehicle weight.96421 v.2.03 96421 v.2.0 3
1 Banks Power Elbow (1)*2 Monster T.O.P (Turbine Outlet Pipe) (1)3 Intermediate Pipe (1)4 Extension Pipe (Extended-Cab Only) (1)5 Dynaflow Muffler (1)6 Monster Tail Pipe (1)7 Polished 5 inch Exhaust Tip (1)8 4 inch Exhaust Clamps (3 provided on Extended Cab system) (2)9 4 inch Exhaust Hanger/Clamp (1)10 7 16-14 x 2” Bolt (2)*11 7 16 SAE Washer (2)*12 5 16 AN Washer (5)*13 M8 x 1.25 x 25mm Bolt (4)*General Assembly DiagramAnti-Seize Compound (1)Owner’s Manual (1)Warranty Statement (1)* Included with Systems 48637 & 48638 only14 M8 x 1.25 x 40mm Bolt (1)*15 Urocal, “Banks Power” (2)Figure 196421 v.2.0 4
Monster Exhaust System Installation1.As a precaution,disconnect the ground of thebattery (if there is more thanone battery, disconnect both)2.Raise the vehicle andsupport it with properly weightrated safety stands, ramps ora commercial hoist. Followthe manufacturer’s safetyprecautions. Take care tobalance the vehicle to preventit from slipping or falling.When using ramps, be surethe front wheels are centeredsquarely on the topsides;place the transmission in park;set the parking brake andplace blocks behind the rearwheels. CAUTION: DO NOTWORK UNDER ANY VEHICLESUPPORTED ONLY BY AJACK. SEVERE INJURY MAYRESULT.WARNING! The followingstep requires the use of atorch and/or saw. Propersafety equipment should beused. Failure to use propersafety equipment mayresult in severe injury.3.Under the vehicle, removethe entire factory exhaustsystem. Starting at the rearof the vehicle, remove eachcomponent by either cuttingthrough the pipe near theclamps or by removing theclamps and heating the jointsto a red-orange color to allow5 96421 v.2.0the crimped pipes to separate.Remove the pin-type hangersfrom the rubber frame mountsby prying with a pry-bar orby pressing the pin out ofthe rubber with large waterpump pliers. A soapy watersolution or a penetratinglubricant will ease the removalof pin-type hangers fromthe rubber frame mounts.Remove the two bolts thatattach the turbine outlet pipeto the turbine outlet elbowand remove the turbine outletpipe from the vehicle. Keepthese bolts for later use. Toremove the turbine outletpipe, it may be necessary tocut the pipe just to the rearof the pin hanger that slidesinto the hanger bracket on thetransmission mount.NOTE: If a Banks Power Elbowis being installed along withthe Monster Exhaust, continuewith step 4 otherwise skip tostep 8.4.Remove the air cleanerbox assembly (including theblack flex hose) from thepassenger side of the vehicle.5.Remove the five (5) 8-mmbolts that attach the factoryturbine outlet casting to theturbine housing. Remove theturbine outlet casting andgasket.6. Install the Banks PowerElbow casting on the outlet ofthe turbine housing using thefive (5) 8-mm bolts and flatwashers provided. SeeFigure 2.NOTE: Do Not re-use the stockturbine outlet gasket. Thefully-machined mating surfaceon the Banks Power Elbowdoes not require a gasket foradequate sealing. Use thesupplied anti-seize compoundon the bolts and tighten themevenly. Torque each bolt to160 in-lbs.7. Position the supplied BanksMonster T.O.P. turbine outletpipe onto the turbine outletelbow ball flange. See Figure1.A. If the Banks Power Elbowis being installed, attach theBanks Monster T.O.P. turbineoutlet pipe to the PowerElbow using the supplied 7 16bolts and washers. Applysupplied Anti-seize to threads.Do not completely tightenthe bolts at this point in theinstallation.B. If the factory outlet elbowis being re-used, install thepreviously removed attachingbolts to hold it in place, but donot tighten them at this pointin the installation.
CAUTION: The followingstep involves cuttinga stainless steel tube.Safety glasses should beworn during any cuttingoperation and care shouldbe taken to avoid injury dueto sharp edges and burrs.NOTE: Once a pipe has beencompletely engaged in a slipjoint, it should be markedwith a marker, scribe ortape for reference whentightening clamps later inthe installation. Each slipjoint in the system should bemarked in this fashion. Whenthe exhaust system is beingadjusted to align the hangers,the slip joints can be adjustedso that the reference mark isno more than 1 4” away fromits original position.8.Place a 4” mufflerclamp onto the outlet ofthe turbine outlet pipe, andthen slide the intermediatepipe into the hanger at thetransmission mount, and ontothe turbine outlet pipe. Note:on extended cab short bedmodels, it maybe necessaryto shorten the intermediatepipe. Install the muffler andtailpipe without clamps anddetermine how much totrim based on the hangerposition. The remaining lengthof extension pipe should beapproximately 10” long.9.On extended cab/quad-cablong bed models only, positionanother 4” clamp onto theoutlet end of the intermediatepipe, and install the extensionpipe onto the intermediatepipe.10.Install the mufflerassembly onto the end of theextension or intermediatepipe. Temporarily support themuffler and install the hangerclamp at the front of themuffler. Snug the nuts, but donot fully tighten them.11.At the rear of themuffler, slip a 4” clamp overthe outlet of the muffler.Install the tailpipe up overthe axle, and into the muffleroutlet. Place the hanger pinsinto the rubber frame mountsbehind the axle. Slip the5” Monster tailpipe tip on.Keep the wrapping on untilinstallation is complete. Thetip should be rotated so theclamp nut is pointing down.Install the 5” tip so that ithangs past the end of thetailpipe by 1” for fleet-sidetrucks and 21 2” for duallies orwhere aesthetically pleasing.Figure 296421 v.2.0 6
12.13.A. If the Banks PowerElbow was installed, Torquethe two (2) 7 16” turbineoutlet pipe attach bolts to15 ft-lbs. NOTE: Do not usean impact wrench on thesefasteners. The wide span ofthe two-bolt spherical flangecreates sufficient clampingforce when 15 ft-lbs isused. Exceeding this torquespecification will not increasethe sealing performance.Starting from the frontof the exhaust system andworking back, evenly torqueeach of the nuts on theexhaust clamps to 35 ft-lbs.Make sure that each slip jointis fully inserted ( 1 4 inch), andthat all frame mount hangersare hanging in the forwardposition. See Figures 3 and4.B. If the factory turbine outletelbow was utilized, torquethe turbine outlet pipe attachbolts to 23 ft-lbs.15.Figure 37 96421v.2.014.Lower the vehicle.Remove protectivecovering from tailpipe tip.CAUTION: Failure toremove protectivecovering from tailpipetip may lead to severepersonal injury or damageto the vehicle. Theprotective covering mayignite and burn if notremoved prior to runningthe engine.16.Re-connect batteryterminals if previouslyremoved.17.Monster exhaust systeminstallation is now complete.
Figure 4Gale Banks Engineering546 Duggan Avenue Azusa, ca 91702(626) 969-9600 Fax (626) 334-1743Product Information & Sales: (800) 438-7693Customer Support: (888) 839-5600Installation Support: (888) 839-2700bankspower.com
08/11/10 PN 96421 v.3.0 Banks Monster Exhaust System 1998-2002 Dodge 5.9L Cummins (24-valve) ISB Pickup Trucks THIS MANUAL IS FOR USE WITH Monster exhaust, systeMs 48635/48636 Monster exhaust w/ power elbow, systeMs 48637/48638 power elbow, asseMbly 48639 ow n E r S M an u a L with installation instructions Gale Banks Engineering
akuntansi musyarakah (sak no 106) Ayat tentang Musyarakah (Q.S. 39; 29) لًََّز ãَ åِاَ óِ îَخظَْ ó Þَْ ë Þٍجُزَِ ß ا äًَّ àَط لًَّجُرَ íَ åَ îظُِ Ûاَش
Collectively make tawbah to Allāh S so that you may acquire falāḥ [of this world and the Hereafter]. (24:31) The one who repents also becomes the beloved of Allāh S, Âَْ Èِﺑاﻮَّﺘﻟاَّﺐُّ ßُِ çﻪَّٰﻠﻟانَّاِ Verily, Allāh S loves those who are most repenting. (2:22
Precedence between members of the Army and members of foreign military services serving with the Army † 1–8, page 5 Chapter 2 Command Policies, page 6 Chain of command † 2–1, page 6 Open door policies † 2–2, page 6 Performance counseling † 2–3, page 6 Staff or technical channels † 2–4, page 6 Command of installations, activities , and units † 2–5, page 6 Specialty .
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