Imperial Mission Of The Imperial Judiciary Administration .

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Imperial Great Seal of the Imperial Mu'urish Yamaxi Consular Court:Imperial Mission of the Imperial Judiciary Administrationfor the Imperial Royal Kingdom, uSA/USA:Country of United -states/Imperial Moorish Al Moroccan (American) Empire via His Imperial Majesty's Royal Post pursuant tothe Continental Mu'urish Yamaxi Empire/Imperial CMYE Government for the Republic-Imperial Royal Kingdom, uSA/USA:Brief in Support for the Imperial Mission of the Imperial Judiciary Administration for theCountry of United -states/Imperial Moorish Al Moroccan (American) Empire-Imperial RoyalKingdom, uSA/USA, and here with via the full faith & credit of Emperor-Monarch-INRI:Khufu-Ranub-Zodoq :Sampson-El 'Eighth (8th) Marquis de Maison Rouge :Red-Eagle:Thunder-Fire appearing as :King-Louis :XX', :Śambhũ :Ameni-Re in his lawful status as:The Muur-Moor, Sovereign CROWN Prince, Protector, Sovereign of Mission, ipso facto,ipso jure, interregnum, jus in re propria, jus hæreditatis, jus Imperii, jus Gladii, jus Honorom,jus Majestatis , to the organic sovereign jurisdiction of the accompanying obligations, goodfaith performance and treaties, per the organic America states of the Union known as TheUnited States of America (major), exercising plenary civil power upon the land, pursuant tothe full faith & credit guarantee from the equity contracts: The Constitution for theunited States of America, uSA, dated, 17 September, 1787 - Article. III., Article. IV. SectionI & Section 4, and Article. Vl. 'retroactive to actionable date 4 July, 1776, to actionable date4 July, 1775, to actionable date 14 June, 1775'; and The State of Georgia Constitution of1776/Apostille Receipt Number: GA5604B dated, 6.20.2003 'retroactive to 4 July, 1776, to2.22.1734-35', Decree all Emperial & Imperial Constitutional Rights, Emperial & ImperialHeritage Rights, Emperial & Imperial Allodium (E)state and ESTATE Rights, TerritorialSovereignty, Westphalian sovereign governance, full faith, credit, inherit-White privileges,Amity, Commerce, Navigation, Jurisdictional Immunities of the State/ Foreign SovereignImmunities/ Diplomatic Immunities, and Emperial & Imperial treaty/Treaty Rights, viaWestphalian sovereignty, Self-Determination, Rights to Autonomy or Self-Governance inmatters relating to the Imperial Royal Kingdom's-Internal, International, and Local Affairsincluding the Imperial Judiciary Administration of the Imperial CMYE supreme Courtfor the Imperial Moorish Al Moroccan (American) Empire via His Imperial Majesty'sRoyal Post pursuant to the Activation, Restoration and Implementation of theMoorish 'Al Moroccan' Consular Court for the Country of United -states/United -statesof Morocco via the Imperial Mu'urish Yamaxi Consular Court "13th Territorial'District' Court", established 26 September, 2012 'retroactive to 27 August, 2012 @15:23', for the Continental Mu'urish Yamaxi Empire-Imperial CMYE Government forthe Republic, uSA/USA. The Imperial Mu'urish Yamaxi Consular Court per Emperor'sDirective-0004Z: Imperial Constitution of the Continental Mu'urish Yamaxi Empire/ICCMYE-Imperial Law 25, Part 10: United Nations Universal Declaration of Human RightsArticles 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 17; also ICCMYE-Imperial Law 26, Part 11: The United NationsDeclaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007) – Articles 31, 34, 36, 37, 38 & 39,functions will follow the procedure in Equity Law within the Country of United -states/TheUnited -states in Morocco at North America @ the Embassy of The Kingdom of Morocco/Moroccan Chancery Court at 3508 International Drive NW, Washington, District ofColumbia, 20008; and the Imperial National Court of Appeals will hear appeals fromeither the Imperial National Law Tribunal or Imperial Regional Law Tribunal on allCases concerning Common Law, Admiralty and Maritime Jurisdiction within The UnitedPage 1 of 10 IMYRS-ICMYEsC Number: 000000003 dated, Wednesday, 22 July, 2020, @ 17:14Filed & Recorded in the Annals of the IMYRS and Recorded with the Emperial Royal Annals of the Imperial Moorish Al Moroccan (American) Empire/Imperial Royal Kingdom:

States of America (Major) @ the United States Court of Appeals for the District of ColumbiaCircuit, 333 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington D.C. 20001, pursuant to Emperor'sDirective-0004Z (4.3.2013)-ICCMYE "Imperial Law 11, Part 3 Section 4 f1 Article 1 thruArticle 7 pages 50 thru 53"; The Constitution for the United States of America (3.4.1789),via The Constitution for the united States of America (9.17.1787)-Article. III, per thenotice given to The Kingdom of Morocco on 10.6.1956 'retroactive to 9.15.1956', pursuant tothe treaty of September 16, 1836, per the ratification of the Marrakech Treaty of Peaceand Friendship and additional article dated, 18 July, 1787 'retroactive to 23 June, 1786',and pursuant to (US Code Title 22 FOREIGN RELATIONS AND INTERCOURSE, CHAPTER 2CONSULAR COURTS). The Memorandum/Notice was directed to TheKingdom ofMorocco, Africa, NOT to theCountry of United -states/Imperial Moorish Empire,uSA, neither to the Division of Archives, History and Records Management of the FederalDistrict of El-Eastmoor, uSA, henceforth the Imperial Mu'urish Yamaxi RecordingService-IMYRS for the Imperial Moorish Al Moroccan (American) Empire-Imperial RoyalKingdom. The Country of United -states/Imperial Moorish Al Moroccan (American) EmpireImperial Royal Kingdom will spare no effort to reignite a national capacity for ImperialLaws, Imperial Rights, International Human Rights Law, Amity, Commerce, and thepassion for international trade supported by navigational fluency – from the halls ofMontezuma to the shores of Tripoli. The Imperial Moorish Al Moroccan (American) Empirevia His Imperial Majesty's Royal Post pursuant to the Continental Mu'urish Yamaxi Empire/Imperial Royal Kingdom will resurrect our Emperial & Imperial Honor throughout theWorld "Ta, Tiamat, Earth" from Cambodia west to Hawaii, south from the Arctic toArgentina recognizing and revering the ruins of our numerous cultural variegations; via theImplementation and Restoration of the Imperial Allodium (E)state and ESTATE Rights,supreme Authority, Territorial Sovereignty, Imperial Constitutional Rights, Westphaliansovereign governance, Imperial Heritage Rights, full faith & credit, inherit-White privileges,Amity, Commerce, Navigation, Imperial treaty/Treaty Rights, Jurisdictional Immunities ofthe State, and Diplomatic Immunities, for the Country of United -states/Imperial Moorish(Al Moroccan) Empire, here forth the Country of United -states/Imperial Moorish AlMoroccan (American) Empire-Imperial Royal Kingdom, uSA, on Latitude/Longitude:52.0942532 N 13.131269 W to 26.763177 N 89.117768 W to 34.800272 N 111.843567 Wto 29.977836 N 31.131649 E to 14.701505 S 75.167043 W to 36.256845 N 117.100632 Eto 37.110195 N 25.372281 E to Latitude: 38.8973 Longitude: -77.03654 , including alldisputed Territories between points and treaty privileges of the Imperial Red Flags"nunc pro tunc totreaty of September 16, 1836-effective date 28 January,1837, via theTreaty of Peace and Friendship with His Majesty the Emperor ofMorocco: Mohammed ben Abdallah al-Khatibon 23 June, 1786, and the2ndContinental Congress for the u.S. of A.", to actionable years 1783 1776 1774 1763 to the Treaties of Utrecht with the actionable year 1713, to actionable years 1513 1492 789, to the Emperial & Imperial Allodium (E)state and ESTATE Rights, Emperial &Imperial Heritage Rights, Emperial & Imperial Constitutional Rights, supreme Authority,Territorial Sovereignty, Westphalian sovereign governance, due full faith & credit, inheritWhite privileges, Amity, Commerce, Navigation, Jurisdictional Immunities of the State/Foreign Sovereign Immunities/ Diplomatic Immunities, and Emperial & Imperial treaty/Treaty Rights, inherited by all: NAMA/Olmec Kingdom nationals-American StateCitizens/Moroccan-Americans of Al Maghreb al Aqsa for The United -states in Moroccoat North America-The united States of America for the Country of United -states/Imperial Moorish Al Moroccan (American) Empire via His Imperial Majesty's Royal Postper the Continental Mu'urish Yamaxi Empire/Imperial CMYE Government for theRepublic-Imperial Royal Kingdom, uSA/USA, to the Beginning of Recorded History/Our-story as Recorded in the stones at Uaxactun just off the Yucatan Peninsula, andinto the future in perpetuity ad inifinitum, Droit-Droit :Page 2 of 10 IMYRS-ICMYEsC Number: 000000003 dated, Wednesday, 22 July, 2020, @ 17:14Filed & Recorded in the Annals of the IMYRS and Recorded with the Emperial Royal Annals of the Imperial Moorish Al Moroccan (American) Empire/Imperial Royal Kingdom:

The Imperial CMYE supreme Court is the Highest Court in the Imperial JudiciaryAdministration for the Country of United -states/United -states in Morocco at NorthAmerica via the Imperial Moorish (Al Moroccan/American-Amexem) Empire henceforththe Imperial Judiciary Administration of the Imperial CMYE supreme Court for theCountry of United -states/Imperial Moorish Al Moroccan (American) Empire via HisImperial Majesty's Royal Post pursuant to the Continental Mu'urish Yamaxi EmpireImperial Royal Kingdom, uSA/USA. The Imperial CMYE supreme Court is the highestvenue for adjudication in the original sovereign territory of the Imperial Royal Kingdom.The Imperial CMYE supreme Court (ICMYEsC) is also the highest Court in all legal fields(civil and criminal matters, administrative proceedings, labor law and military law), the onlyexception being Imperial Constitutional guarantees and rights, which is monitored bythe Emperial Constitutional Court. The Emperial Constitutional Court is part and parcelof the Imperial Judiciary Administration to provide a global overview of the administrativeassociation, the jurisdictional activities and the functioning of the Emperial ConstitutionalCourt for the Imperial Royal Kingdom. The Imperial Judiciary Administration via theActivation, Restoration and Implementation of the Imperial Mu'urish Yamaxi ConsularCourt shall serve as the Court of Equity and Law, and is the 13th Territorial 'District'Court, established, 26 September, 2012 'retroactive to 27 August, 2012 @ 15:23', for theContinental Mu'urish Yamaxi Empire/Imperial CMYE Government for the RepublicImperial Royal Kingdom, uSA/USA. The Imperial Mu'urish Yamaxi Consular Court viathe Imperial Constitution of the Continental Mu'urish Yamaxi Empire/ICCMYE-Part11, Imperial Law 261: also ICCMYE-Part 10, Imperial Law 252: functions will followthe procedure in Equity Law within the Country of United -states/The United -states inMorocco at North America @ the Embassy of The Kingdom of Morocco/Moroccan ChanceryCourt at 3508 International Drive NW, Washington, District of Columbia, 20008; and TheImperial National Court of Appeals within the Imperial Judicial Administration shall hearappeals from either the Imperial National Law Tribunal or Imperial Regional Law Tribunalon all Cases concerning Common Law, Admiralty and Maritime Jurisdiction which functionswill be adjudicated within the Country of United -states /Imperial Moorish Al Moroccan(American) Empire pursuant to the Imperial CMYE Government for the Republic-ImperialRoyal Kingdom, uSA/USA, @ the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit,Washington D.C., USA, via Emperor's Directive-0004Z dated, 3 April, 2013–ImperialConstitution of the Continental Mu'urish Yamaxi Empire, per The Constitution for theunited States of America dated, 17 September, 1787-Article III; pursuant to the noticegiven to the Kingdom of Morocco on 6 October, 1956 'retroactive to 15 September, 1956',per the treaty of September 16, 1836-effective date January 28, 1837, via the Treaty ofPeace and Friendship dated, 23 June, 1786, also pursuant to (US Code Title 22 FOREIGNRELATIONS AND INTERCOURSE, CHAPTER 2-CONSULAR COURTS), Droit-Droit: 1 Emperor's Directive-0004Z, established 3 April, 2013, Imperial Constitution of the Continental Mu'urish Yamaxi Empire, Part 11 - Imperial Law26: Adopted The Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, G.A. Res. 61/295, U.N. Doc. A/RES/47/1 (2007), into our Imperial Constitutionof Indigenous Peoples – Articles 34, 37, 38 and 39 included: Article 34 - Indigenous peoples "NAMA/Moroccan-Americans" have the right to promote,develop and maintain their institutional structures and their distinctive customs, spirituality, traditions, procedures, practices and, in the cases where theyexist, juridical systems or customs, in accordance with international human rights standards. Article 37 - 1. Indigenous peoples "NAMA/MoroccanAmericans" have the right to the recognition, observance and enforcement of treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements concluded withStates or their successors and to have States honour and respect such treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements. 2. Nothing in thisDeclaration may be interpreted as diminishing or eliminating the rights of indigenous peoples contained in treaties, agreements and other constructivearrangements. Article 38 - States in consultation and cooperation with indigenous peoples "NAMA/Moroccan-Americans" shall take the appropriatemeasures, including legislative measures, to achieve the ends of this Declaration. Article 39 - Indigenous peoples "NAMA/Moroccan-Americans" have theright to have access to financial and technical assistance from States and through international cooperation, for the enjoyment of the rights contained in thisDeclaration, Droit:2 Emperor's Directive-0004Z, established 3 April, 2013, Imperial Constitution of the Continental Mu'urish Yamaxi Empire, Part 10 - Imperial Law25: Adopted The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, into our Imperial Constitution of Indigenous Peoples – Articles 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and17 included: Article 3. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person. Article 6. Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as aperson before the law. Article 7. All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled toequal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination. Article 8. Everyone has theright to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law. Article9. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile. Article 10. Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by anindependent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him. Article 11. (1) Everyonecharged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all theguarantees necessary for his defense. (2) No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penaloffence, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable atthe time the penal offence was committed. Article 17. (1) Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others. (2) No oneshall be arbitrarily deprived of his property, Droit:Page 3 of 10 IMYRS-ICMYEsC Number: 000000003 dated, Wednesday, 22 July, 2020, @ 17:14Filed & Recorded in the Annals of the IMYRS and Recorded with the Emperial Royal Annals of the Imperial Moorish Al Moroccan (American) Empire/Imperial Royal Kingdom:

The Imperial CMYE supreme Court is the highest venue in the original sovereignterritory for the Imperial Royal Kingdom. The mission of the ICMYEsC: is tointerpret the Imperial Laws & Imperial Rights; to determine the Constitutionality of theImperial Laws & Imperial Rights pertaining to the ICCMYE; applying the Imperial Laws toindividual cases as need arises; give advisory opinions on legal issues referred by inferiorcourts; adjudicate and settle lawful & legal disputes between parties; carrying out theadministration of justice in accordance with Imperial Laws and Imperial Rights of individualcases; and also facilitates all dealings with NAMA/Moroccan-American national affairs toensure the rights of NAMA/Moroccan-American nationals are not infringed upon by anyForeign States3, De Facto Governments or Corporations. The ICMYEsC-ConstitutionalAuthority exist pursuant to the full faith and credit, accompanying obligations, goodfaith performance & treaties via the equity contracts: Imperial Constitution of theContinental Mu'urish Yamaxi Empire dated, 3 April, 2013; per The Constitution forthe United States of America dated, 4 March, 1789-Article III; via The Constitutionfor the united States of America, uSA dated, 17 September, 1787-Article III.; and TheState of Georgia Constitution of 1776/Apostille Receipt Number: GA5604B dated,6.20.2003 'retroactive to 7.4.1776, to 2.22.1734-35'. The ICMYEsC via the ImperialJudiciary Administration role is to settle disputes, per the Imperial Laws & ImperialRights of the ICCMYE, and settle lawful & legal disputes submitted to the ICMYEsC.The Imperial Judiciary Administration, formerly known as the Imperial JudiciaryHouse, and the Imperial CMYE supreme Court was established with the founding ofthe Continental Mu'urish Yamaxi Empire-CMYE on 18 July, 2007 'retroactive toYNAG4-19 June, 2003; to the treaty of September 16, 1836-effective date January 28,1837', via the actionable signing and sealing for the Marrakech Treaty of Peace andFriendship on 23 June, 1786; to the actionable dates for the Treaties of Utrecht,1713, to the Beginning of Recorded History as Recorded in the stones at Uaxactunjust off the Yucatan Peninsula, and into the future in perpetuity ad infinitum. TheICMYEsC, was Officially Systematized via the Activation, Implementation andRestoration of the Imperial Mu'urish Yamaxi Consular Court "13th Territorial 'District'Court", dated, 26 September, 2012 'retroactive to 27 August, 2012 @ 15:23' for theCountry of United -states/Imperial Moorish Al Moroccan (American) Empire pursuantto the Continental Mu'urish Yamaxi Empire-Imperial CMYE Government for theRepublic, uSA/USA, per the full faith & credit guarantee of Emperor-Monarch-INRI:Khufu-Ranub-Zodoq :Sampson-El'Eighth (8th) Marquis de Maison Rouge :Red-Eagle:Thunder-Fire appearing as :King-Louis :XX' , :Śambhũ :Ameni-Re in his lawfulstatus as: The Muur-Moor, Sovereign CROWN Prince, Protector, Sovereign of Mission,ipso facto, ipso jure, interregnum, jus in re propria, jus hæreditatis, lus Imperii, lusGladii, lus Honorom, lus Majestatis, to the organic sovereign jurisdiction of theaccompanying obligations, good faith performance and treaties, per the organic Americastates of the Union known as The United States of America (major), exercising plenary civilpower upon the land, and into the future in perpetuity ad inifinitum , Droit-Droit:The Emperial CROWN Prince Ramesses Adel Bey for the (Empire Washitaw) deDugdahmoundyah created5 a venue6 for the United Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah on3 The original sovereign jurisdiction of the CMYE-Imperial Royal Kingdom, uSA/USA, supersedes all foreign states, De Facto Governments andCorporations jurisdiction, Droit-Droit:4 YNAG–The Yamassee Native American Government-UN: 208-1992 was established and Officially Recognized by:The State of Georgia (major)Apostille Receipt Number: 5604B on 20 June, 2003, via Mt. 'Arafat Embassy and the 'Sovereign State' United Washitaw de Dugdamoundyah-UN:215-1993, uSA/USA; and also Authenticated by: the United States of America (minor)-Apostille Verification Number: 04010010-1 on 11 February,2004, via "the third (3rd) witness signature on the Constructive Agreement–Contract/Claim between The Yamassee Native American Government viaMT. 'Arafat Embassy and The State of Georgia (major)-5604B"/Nayya: Khufu Ranub Zodok Sampson-El a/k/a Chief: Maku: Thunder-Fire perYamassee Native Americans/ Muurs , Droit:5 Imperial CMYE Declaration - Imperial CMYE Government Decree, Registration Number: ICMYEDGD-02212019/0831196355, dated, 21 February,2019, pages 19 & 20, revised: WHEREAS: Emperial CROWN Prince Ramesses Bey Created a Venue for the United Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah on20 March, 2003, with the "Treaty of Peace And Friendship" between Mount 'Arafat Embassy via The Yamassee Native American Government, and theUnited Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah because the Indigenous Emperial Washitaw Nation of the (Empire Washitaw) de Dugdahmoundyah had neitherPage 4 of 10 IMYRS-ICMYEsC Number: 000000003 dated, Wednesday, 22 July, 2020, @ 17:14Filed & Recorded in the Annals of the IMYRS and Recorded with the Emperial Royal Annals of the Imperial Moorish Al Moroccan (American) Empire/Imperial Royal Kingdom:

20 March, 2003, with the "Treaty of Peace And Friendship" between Mount 'ArafatEmbassy via The Yamassee Native American Government and the United Washitaw deDugdahmoundyah7, henceforth the Treaty of Amity, Commerce, Navigation &Resurrection between the Amurru Waxitaw Muurs de Dugdahmoundyah and HisImperial Majesty's Royal Post via Mount 'Ararat Embassy pursuant to the ContinentalMu'urish Yamaxi Empire; which has been re-venue per the Jurisdictional Immunitiesof States and Their Property of the ICCMYE-Imperial Royal Kingdom pursuant to theEmperial Sovereign Authority of the Emperor-Monarch-INRI: who establishedaforementioned venue under the Imperial Judiciary Administration as the EmperialConstitutional Court for the CMYE-Imperial Royal Kingdom, uSA/USA, Droit-Droit.The ICMYEsC pursuant to the Imperial Judiciary Administration exist to exerciseWestphalian sovereign governance8 and perform full faith & credit9, in accordance with thegood faith performance, accompanying obligations and treaties via the equity contracts:Emperor's Directive-0004Z: Imperial Constitution of the Continental Mu'urish YamaxiEmpire dated, 3 April, 2013; The State of Georgia Constitution of 1776/Apostille ReceiptNumber: GA5604B dated, 20 June, 2003 'retroactive to 22 February, 1734-35', via USASD-Apostille Number: 04010010-1 dated, 11 February, 2004, per The Constitution for theUnited States of America dated, 4 March, 1789-retroactive to actionable date 4, July 1776,via The Constitution for the united States of America, uSA dated, 17 September, 1787retroactive to actionable date 4, July 1776, to actionable date 14 June, 1775-Americancontinental army, per the treaty of September 16, 1836-effective date January 28, 1837!full faith, credit or venue in that day and time! In fact the Treaty of Peace And Friendship was the pathway that Emperial CROWN Prince Ramesses Beyused to establish the Allodium (E)state & ESTATE with Venue; and because the status of the Indigenous Emperial Washitaw Nation of the (EmpireWashitaw) de Dugdahmoundyah had NO Venue OR full faith and credit from any 'Sovereign State' or 'Country'! In the creation of the "Treaty of PeaceAnd Friendship" between Mount 'Arafat Embassy via The Yamassee Native American Government and United Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah, EmperialCROWN Prince Ramesses Bey Created: (1) the first Sovereign State 'Allodium Estate', (2) an Office for the Emperial CROWN Prince with full faith &credit, (3) re-established the Washitaw/Turner-Tunica Emperial bloodline of Joseph de Bourbon with full faith, credit & venue as per EmperialSovereignty, Emperial Allodium Estate & Heritage Rights, Emperial Claim of Rights, Privileges, Inalienable Birth Rights, Natural Laws, TreatyRights, Inherit and Inherent Rights in support of all Emperial Sovereignty, Emperial Land Grants & Rights, Claims, Constructive Agreements,Contracts, Natural Laws, International Laws, Treaties and Immunities being held over/under the Amurru Uaxashaktun/Washitaw-Waxitaw Muurs deDugdahmoundyah, and (4) Venue: "A place such as a Sovereign State, Nation or Country in which a legal action arises - the pathway to Power is whatenables Authority to become Jurisdiction" for the first time ever as of 20 June, 2003, and 11 February, 2004 'retroactive to 20 March, 2003'; by way ofthe Constructive Agreement–Contract/Claim between The Yamassee Native American Government via MT. 'Arafat Embassy, uSA/USA, and TheState of Georgia, USA, since 20 June, 2003, also by way of The united States of America, uSA, per the United States of America (minor), Departmentof State, since 11 February, 2004 'retroactive to 9 May, 2003', "According to the United States Department of State Authentication office, the statement onour certificates conferring 'full faith and credit' is in acknowledgement of the States certificate to the document, and has sufficient legal value through State andfederal sevels for use in other countries and in this country"; and THEREFORE, so be it Ordain by: Imperial Decree # 1B Emperor's Directive-0013Z/ICMYEDGD-02212019/0831196355 on 21 February, 2019 'retroactive to Emperor's Directive-0004Z dated, 3 April, 2013' via Imperial Constitutionof the Continental Mu'urish Yamaxi Empire, per the Declaration of Independence for the Continental Mu'urish Yamaxi Empire dated, 25 March,2013/NAMA-0135-Z ICCMYE-RB 443 700 805 US-04032013831196349 to CMYE-2007.18.7/USASD04010010-1 2.11.2004/Claim-of-Life 2004.4.3RR 846 573 735 US/GA5604B-6.20.2003/YNAG-YNAM 2002.31.8/Life-Birth 1963.31.8 789 6 to the Beginning of Recorded History ; Emperor'sDirective-0003Z/Notification of Diplomatic Arrival, Notice of Apostille, Live Act of State dated, 9 April, 2009; Privileges and Immunities of missionof nonparty to Vienna Convention, including treaty/Treaty Privileges & Territorial Sovereignty from the Imperial Red Flag, pursuant to theTrusteeship Office of the Moorish Grand Vizer Chair for the Imperial Moorish 'Al Moroccan/Amexem-American' Empire, National Trust(s), via thetreaty of September 16, 1836-effective date 28 January, 1837 'retroactive to the Treaty of Peace and Friendship with His Majesty the Emperor ofMorocco established, 23 June, 1786, and the 2nd Continental Congress for the u.S. of A.', to the Beginning of Recorded History/Our-story asRecorded in the stones at Uaxactun just off the Yucatan Peninsula, and into the future in perpetuity ad inifinitum, Droit:6 Venue: A place such as a Sovereign State, Nation or Country in which a lawful or legal action arises - the pathway to Power is what enablesAuthority to become Jurisdiction.7 Imperial CMYE Declaration - Imperial CMYE Government Decree, Registration Number: ICMYEDGD-02212019/0831196355, dated, 21 February,2019, page 21, revised: WHEREAS, Emperial Prince Ramesses Bey under his Authority as Emperial CROWN Prince for the United Washita deDugdahmoundyah appointed Chief: Maku: Thunder Fire "Washitaw Muur" to become Secondary Chief-for-Life/Protector over the TerritorialSovereignty, Emperial Land Rights, Allodium Estate and Heritage Rights for the Sovereign State-United Washita de Dugdahmoundyah, and who was, isand forever be a "party" to the "Treaty of Peace And Friendship" between Mount 'Arafat Embassy via The Yamassee Native American Government andthe United Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah 'whose position was that of a Double Chiefdom' Chief: Maku: Thunder Fire (Amurru Uaxashaktun/WashitawWaxitaw Muur de Dugdahmoundyah), Secondary Chief-for-Life/Protector of the Emperial Estate for the Empire/United Washitaw Muur de Dugdahmoundyahof the Indigenous Emperial Washitaw Nation, also Distinctive Appellation (Deputy Consul) :Nayya: Khufu Ranub Z Sampson El (Nibiruan-Yamassee/YamaxiMuur-Al Moroccan Moor), was, is and will forever be the third (3rd) witness signature on the Constructive Agreement–Contract/Claim between theYamassee Native Americans 'Muurs' for The Yamassee Native American Government via Mount 'Arafat Embassy and The State of Georgia (major), GA5604Bdated, 20 June, 2003 'retroactive to 22 February, 1734-35', pursuant to The united States of America, uSA, per the (UNITED STATES) United States ofAmerica (minor), State Department, USASD04010010-1 dated, 11 February, 2004 'retroactive to 4 July, 1776'; and WHEREAS, Emperial CROWN PrinceRamesses Bey (PBUH) did successfully negotiate the "Treaty of Peace And Friendship" between Mount 'Arafat Embassy via The Yamassee NativeAmerican Government and United Washitaw de Dugdamoundyah for the Washitaw Muurs Sovereignty, Allodium Estate & Venue on 20 March, 2003,with the signatures of Grand Matron, Renee B. Sanders El, and Consul-Grand Master, Dr. Derrick H. Sanders El, and Ambassador, Amun Rafi El/AmunEl, and Chief Justice (Deputy Consul), Nanya Haadhiq El "Secondary Chief/Protector: Maku: Thunder Fire-Washitaw Muur via Emperial CROWNPrince Ramesses Bey & on behalf of Ambassador, Amun El and Nanya, Hadhiq El" from Mount 'Arafat Embassy via The Yamassee Native AmericanGovernment; and the signatures of Emperial CROWN Prince Ramesses Bey, and Principle Chief Tawhida-El, and Principle Chief Zakur-El, and PrincipleChief Maluk-El, and Principle Chief Shahiyd Dubois, and Principle Chief Davina Pierece El from the United Washitaw de Dugdamoundyah: see ICMYEDGDdated, 21 February, 2019, for further reading.8 Westphalian sovereignty, or state sovereignty, is a principle in international law that each state has exclusive sovereignty over its territory.Political scientists have traced the concept to the Peace of Westphalia (1648), which ended the Thirty Years' War. Westphalian system: A globalsystem based on the principle of international law that each state has sovereignty over its territory and domestic affairs, to the exclusion of allexternal powers, on the principle of non-interference in another country's domestic affairs, and that each state, no matter how large or small hasan equal right to sovereignty.9 full faith & credit means the state of complete and timely satisfaction of ALL obligations by a government, which leads into unfettered borrowingand trading power of a government, printing money to pay its debts and pledged in complete trust.Page 5 of 10 IM

Jul 22, 2020 · Imperial Great Seal of the Imperial Mu'urish Yamaxi Consular Court: Imperial Mission of the Imperial Judiciary Administration for the Imperial Royal Kingdom, uSA/USA: C ountry of United -states/ Imperial Moorish Al oroccan (American) Empire via His ajesty's Royal Post pursuant to

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̶The leading indicator of employee engagement is based on the quality of the relationship between employee and supervisor Empower your managers! ̶Help them understand the impact on the organization ̶Share important changes, plan options, tasks, and deadlines ̶Provide key messages and talking points ̶Prepare them to answer employee questions

Dr. Sunita Bharatwal** Dr. Pawan Garga*** Abstract Customer satisfaction is derived from thè functionalities and values, a product or Service can provide. The current study aims to segregate thè dimensions of ordine Service quality and gather insights on its impact on web shopping. The trends of purchases have

Chính Văn.- Còn đức Thế tôn thì tuệ giác cực kỳ trong sạch 8: hiện hành bất nhị 9, đạt đến vô tướng 10, đứng vào chỗ đứng của các đức Thế tôn 11, thể hiện tính bình đẳng của các Ngài, đến chỗ không còn chướng ngại 12, giáo pháp không thể khuynh đảo, tâm thức không bị cản trở, cái được

97 8 24th & imperial auto repair 2401 imperial av yes no n/a no 85 8 2509 imperial ave 2509 imperial ave yes yes unknown no 40 8 2644 island ave. property 2644 island av no yes open no 151 8 28th and webster avenue no no n/a no 84 9 3193 imperial ave 3193 imperial ave yes yes unknown no 84 9 3193 imperial ave. transformer location 3193 imperial .

ASTM D 3379 ASTM D 4018 Zkouška jednosměr. laminátu ASTM D 3039 3 f f V Vlastnost Vlastnost 100 [%] 0 Matrice Tah ASTM D 638 Tlak D 695 (prizma, válce, tenké vzorky) Smyk ASTM E 143, ASTM D 5379 4 s m sy m su Fm,F,G tu m t m t m ty m tu Fm,F,E, , cu m c m c m cy m cu Fm,F,E, , Druhy zkoušek – laminy, lamináty Tah (ASTM D 3039) Tlak (ASTM D 3410, ASTM D .