HDFC MEMBER NEWSFALL 2019 #70 THE RESILIENCY ISSUEPara Español, vuelta a la página 7Para español vuelta a la página 11THE 39TH ANNUAL CNYC HOUSING CONFERENCEUHAB partners with the Council of New YorkCooperatives and Condominiums for their 39th AnnualCNYC Housing Conference. HDFC shareholders areinvited to join UHAB and co-op and condo buildingleaders at the conference which offers 61 seminarsand 51 exhibits, including special UHAB-sponsoredworkshops on Sunday, November 17, 2019.“job description” to tap and recruit future leaders ofthe corporation. This is the “soft” corporate structurewhich is just as important to maintain and upgrade asthe “hard” physical structure of the building itself. Ahealthy co-op has financial reserves and future leaders“in reserve” as well. In this workshop, UHAB TrainerKenny Soto reveals the six “R”s of participation.Local Law 64: NYC Council has amended theAdministrative code pertaining to housing portalsrequiring lotteries for affordable housing. Thisnew code requires the Housing Preservation andDevelopment Department (HPD) to develop a portalfor building owners to list vacancies in a co-op orrental building to then be rented or sold via a websitelottery. This workshop will address what these rulesAsk UHAB: Operating and maintaining a successful mean for HDFC co-ops.HDFC co-op takes time, effort, and commitment.In this interactive class, UHAB staff members will Visit CNYC’s website for the Housing Conferencediscuss Elections, and the process to satisfy the brochure [www.]. HDFC shareholders can60/40 security agreement. If you miss this important attend at the discounted fee of 70 per person; 195session, be sure to attend our Ask UHAB clinic on for three.Monday, November 18th at 185 East 163 Street in theBronx to work one-on-one with our Co-op Preservation Is your building a Member of UHAB?Member benefits include special discounts, and yourteam and staff on any matters your co-op is facing.shareholders can attend at the price of 45 per person,Increase Participation and Avoid Burnout:or 120 for three people for additional savings!Promoting and sustaining meaningful participation isthe job of the current leaders in any co-op. If co-op You must register through UHAB with your workshopleaders don’t have a plan and implementation strategy selections by Thursday, October 17th in order to getspecial registration discounts, so call today!to build participation, member involvement may not theever materialize. It is hard and under-appreciated work To register or learn more about membership, contactfor which leaders do not often get credit. Boards and Eliza at (212) 479-3346 or and Emily atOfficers do however need to make it a part of their (212) 479-3318 or more than forty years, UHAB has providedtechnical assistance, training, and services for HousingDevelopment Fund Corporation (HDFC) cooperativesthroughout New York City. UHAB partners with CNYCto offer a special workshop track for HDFCs at theAnnual Housing Conference. Here are some highlightsfrom this year’s workshops:
UHAB Member News - Fall 2019BE READY, BE RESILIENTNew Yorkers face sudden emergencies often, andwith the climate changing due to global warming,we’re likely to see more extreme weather eventslike Hurricane Sandy down the line. From blackoutsto fires to storms, these emergencies can comesuddenly and in various forms. Having a plan torespond to emergencies will help you and your HDFCbounce back faster and stronger when an emergencyhits, and some emergencies may be preventedentirely. With proper preparation, a powerful storm ora blackout can be just an inconvenience, and not adisaster.Flash floods caused by heavy downpours can posea serious risk to a building’s financial and structuralwell-being. Evaluate your flood risk by checkingif you are in a designated flood zone. However,even buildings outside of flood zones should beprepared, as where it can rain, it can flood. FEMAFlood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) are the nationalstandard for flood prediction. They categorize NYCneighborhoods from moderate to high risk. AfterHurricane Sandy, when many HDFCs in the LowerEast Side were flooded, we saw that these mapsgrossly underestimated the risks. Since 2012, FEMAhas updated FIRM for NYC. However FIRM onlyshows a snapshot of current risks and does notreflect change; with the changing climate causingsea levels to rise, flood zones are ever expanding.Luckily for the many HDFCs located in flood zones,the Center for New York City Neighborhoods has aguide to resilience strategies and available programsand benefits at This resourcealso has information about flood insurance, whichis required for buildings in flood zones and adds toHDFCs’ financial resiliency. This insurance, however,does not usually come packaged with other typesof building insurance. It is important to evaluateyour HDFCs flood risk when incorporating floodinsurance. UHAB’s Fire and Liability InsuranceProgram (FLIP) can include flood coverage forHDFCs.Although we can prepare for floods, we cannotprevent them. Other types of emergencies, such asfires, may be prevented altogether. Fires in buildingscan have many causes, including cooking, heating,smoking, candles, and electrical fires. Electricalfires are mostly caused by over loaded outlets.According to the Fire Department of New York, twothirds of all electrical fires begin in plugs or cordson appliances such as refrigerators, air conditionersor lamps. Knowing and not exceeding your outlets’load capacity can go a long way to preventing fires.Seasonal appliances such as space heaters and airconditioning units are common culprits because theyneed lots of power to stay on. Make sure to unplugor at least power down these appliances when theroom is unoccupied.Residents may be more familiar with the risks of gasthrough sensational articles of burst pipelines andexploding stoves. Gas leaks can be detected by thesmell of rotten eggs or a hissing noise from yourstove. If you smell gas, act fast: leave the area, callyour gas utility, and do not switch any appliance,flash light, or vehicle on or off. Make sure to find moreinformation and emergency response resources onthe FDNY website or by calling 311.Smoke detectors are a simple, life-saving tool for allbuildings. Through the Red Cross you can get freesmoke detectors in your home. Visit to find out more.Smoke detectors are an essential tool for fire safety,but they do not detect the presence of carbonp. 2
UHAB Member News - Fall 2019monoxide in your home. Carbon monoxide (CO)is an invisible danger that, unlike gas, does nothave a distinct smell. CO poisoning is deadly butcan be prevented. The CDC describes symptomsof CO poisoning as headache, dizziness, andweakness, upset stomach, vomiting, chest pain,and confusion. The symptoms are often describedas ‘flu-like.’ People who are sleeping or drunkcan die from CO poisoning before they havesymptoms. CO detectors are a lifesaving tools thatcan help individuals and whole HDFCs to be moreresilient in case of sudden emergencies. Boilersor furnaces are common culprits in releasing thisnoxious chemical, but your mandated yearly boilerinspection will tell you if there are problems withCO. Additionally you should not be using any fuelburning items including electrical generators ormotor vehicles in closed quarters without properventilation. Make sure your rooms, apartments, hallways and common areas are ventilated properly.This can prevent buildup of CO and gas, and canensure safety for all residents in the building.Evacuation plans are another important safetytool for floods, fires, and gas leaks. The cityhas evacuation zones and plans for specificemergencies. With regards to flooding, again, youmust first check whether you are in a flood zone.For an emergency evacuation, NYC Department ofEmergency Management recommends using masstransit, listening carefully to news reports, leavingearly, and considering your medical and dietaryASK UHABCome troubleshootproblems in your HDFCwith our staff andpartners onNovember 18th6 PM at185 East 163rd Stin the Bronx.needs. Storms do occur with warning, so payattention to storms’ development and be preparedto evacuate if necessary.In addition to these city-wide evacuation plans,have a plan in place for your building and yourfamily: Where would you meet in the case of anemergency? What would you bring with you? It isimportant to create a plan that is easy to follow forthe whole family. Creating a “go bag” that containsall the supplies you might need in an emergency isanother important step in preparedness. A “go bag”is a small, sturdy container like a backpack keptsomewhere in your home. It should be personalizedto your needs and contain things like essentialmedications, nonperishable snacks such asgranola bars, water, copies of your most importantdocuments, contact information for your family,and basic toiletries. On the building level, HDFCsshould publicly display their evacuation routes andhave clearly visible unobstructed exits. Havingthese plans can prepare you and your HDFC to beready during sudden emergencies and be resilient inpreventing or reacting after a disaster.Disaster planning is easy to put off, but takingsimple steps now can save your building headachesin the future. By evaluating your flood risk andsigning up for flood insurance, reducing your firerisk through measures like smoke alarms and COdetectors, and having an emergency plan in place,you can prevent or mitigate disasters.UHAB ENERGY SERVICESDo you have problems with your heating system?What fuel do you use? Is your boiler expiring in the next fiveyears? UHAB wants to know!UHAB wants to know about your building’s heating systemso we can let you know about current and future upgradeopportunities that may be of use to you. If you’re thinking aboutmaking your building more energy efficient and/or reduce fuelconsumption, give us a call!Call or email David at (212) 479-3374 / avina@uhab.orgfor more p. 3
UHAB Member News - Fall 2019“BUILDING FOR US” STORIES OF HOMESTEADING ANDCOOPERATIVE HOUSINGThis Fall, UHAB is collaborating with InterferenceArchive (a volunteer-run archive of socialmovements) to illustrate the rise of cooperativehousing in the 1970s and 1980s. This exhibit featuresthe families and people who built their homes andfought to turn vacant buildings into vibrant co-ops.Their stories illuminate the origins of New YorkCity’s limited-equity cooperatives and the work thatresidents put into saving and preserving the City’shousing stock, one building at a time. This exhibitionhonors both the vibrant history of cooperativehousing in NYC and sheds light on the hard workand community spirit it takes to create and sustaincooperatively owned housing.Here are some of our favorite pieces from thearchive to give you a sneak peek, but be sure tocome see them in person at Interference Archiveat 314 7th St in Brooklyn. The exhibit is free andopen to the public through January. Check outthe insert for a list of events!“This cookbook was made with recipes contributedfrom HDFC shareholders across the city to celebrate theTenant Interim Lease program’s twenty year anniversary.Through the Tenant Interim Lease Program, residentsreceived the training to run their own buildings and becamehomeowners. Many shareholders were new to New YorkCity; they came from places like the South, the Caribbean,Mexico, and China. This diversity is reflected in our co-opsand at our kitchen tables. TIL gave many new residents theirapartments, but it took shareholders coming together as acommunity to turn those apartments into homes.”-Eliza, Member Services“This demolition handbook from UHAB is of my favoritepieces from our exhibit because it shows how everydayNew Yorkers built something better from the housingconditions they inherited. UHAB provided the training andresources, but the New Yorkers who would become HDFCshareholders through their own hard work and dedicationwere the ones who took back the city from corruptlandlords. Today, we’re providing tools and resources forsustainability and financial stability like Connected Book and Co-ops Go Solar, not demolition handbooks, but thepower of people taking control of their housing is the same.”-Clara, Member Servicesp. 4
UHAB Member News - Fall 2019GET TRAINED TO MAKE YOUR BUILDING MORE COSTEFFECTIVE AND COMFORTABLE FOR FREEAs heating season approaches supers andshareholders across the city are taking steps toprepare for winter, from replacing insulation on hotwater pipes to installing door sweeps and taking airconditioners out of windows. Small steps like thesecan save your building money on heating costs, aswell as cut emissions of harmful greenhouse gasesthat lead to global warming.Learning about your building’s energy usage andequipment, from heating to appliances, is the firststep in identifying where energy is being wasted,and where your building can save money. This Fall,one group of HDFC board members and supers aregetting the training to keep their buildings runningsafely and efficiently by attending Building OperatorTraining.Building Operator Training is a free thirty-hourcourse from CUNY’s Building Performance Lab onbuilding systems and energy efficiency. BuildingOperator Training covers safety, compliance,emergency management, preventative maintenance,and building systems such as heating, water, andelectrical. It can help your building prepare forcompliance codes such as the new Local Law 97,which mandates energy upgrades for HDFCs overthe next five years. Completing the program canresult in energy cost savings of 5 to 20% simplyfrom changes like adjusting boiler controls andadding insulation in key areas.You can get on the waitlist to send a board memberor super to a future session of Building OperatorTraining by contacting Clara at weinstein@uhab.orgor (212) 479-3337.CO-OP ACCOUNTING SERVICESUHAB has been providing monthlybookkeeping and tax assistance services toHDFCs for over 20 years. Sign up for UHABBookkeeping Services for the efficiency andexpertise of UHAB Bookkeepers, for less thanthe cost of other bookkeepers.Connected Book : The online tool that allowsyou to track your HDFC finances yourself! Itfeatures an intuitive and user-friendly setup thatguides you through data entry and report creation.Connected Book makes bookkeeping sosimple, anyone can do it.We have a number of options to meet the needsof your HDFC:Contact Fabio Eugenio at (212) 479-3355 for more information, or toreceive a price quote today!Monthly Bookkeeping services: Mail yourbuilding’s monthly checks, deposit slips, bankstatements and other financial records to UHABand we will track the HDFC’s finances regularlyand reliably, and provide you with monthly reports.With UHAB Bookkeeping Services you’ll receiveaccurate and organized financial statements.A range of tax assistance services: Takeadvantage of our tax assistance services forQuarterly Payroll Taxes, or Annual CorporateTaxes, or to address NYS Department of Laboror Workers Comp p. 5
UHAB Member News - Fall 2019IMPROVE EFFICIENCY AND SAVE MONEY WITH MFEEP:THE MULTI-FAMILY ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROGRAMWould you like to save money on energy bills andimprove your building’s efficiency rating? Oneof the easiest ways to start is by upgrading yourHDFC’s lighting. Con Edison is offering the MultiFamily Energy Efficiency Program (MFEEP) thathelps multifamily buildings reduce their energycosts through incentives for cost-effective energyefficiency improvements.that dim or turn off the lights in areas like stairwellsor laundry rooms when nobody is there. The rebatesare designed to cover about 70% of project costs.UHAB can help you fill out an application for MFEEPto get these incentives.Through the program, shareholders of HDFCco-ops can get free LED lightbulbs in theirapartments. LED bulbs last 15 years and have awarm, pleasant glow. They also use significantlyless energy than traditional lightbulbs! HDFCs canalso get rebates on upgrades to their common arealighting, including LED bulbs and lighting sensorsAdditionally, certain buildings in Queens andBrooklyn are eligible for free lighting upgradesin common areas. Even if you aren’t eligible forfree lights, you can still get up to 70% of the costcovered by Con Edison. If you’re a Con Edison gascustomer, you’re eligible for even more incentives forthings like air sealing and boiler upgrades.Contact Eliza at (212) 479-3346 or klein@uhab.orgfor more information.AN UPDATE ONCO-OPS GO SLARAN UPDATEONIn the past threeyears HDFCs have taken amazing strides in leading theCO-OPS GO SLARcity’s transition to cost-saving renewable energy.We won’t stop here! If you’re curious about solar, now is the time to reachout. UHAB can walk you through the process of adopting clean energy.Contact Eliza at or (212) 479-3337.In the past three years HDFCs havetaken amazing strides in leading thecity’s transition to cost-saving renewable energy.24 HDFC co-opsIn the past3 years,HDFCsWe won’tstop here!If you’re curious about solar,now issignedupthefortimesolarto reachhave takenamazingstridesin the process of adopting clean energy.out. UHABcan walkyou throughContactElizatransitionat klein@uhab.orgleading thecity’sto or (212) 479-3337.10,577 tons of CO2cost-saving renewable energy.avoided over the panels’ lifetime24 HDFC co-opsWe won’t stop here! signedIf you’reup for solar522 kW-DCcurious about solar, now isof clean energy produced over panels’ lifetimethe time to reach out. UHABand Solar One can walk you210,577tonsofCOin savingsthrough the processof over the panels’ 4,997,629avoidedlifetimeoverthe panels’ 25-year lifetimeadopting clean energy.Contact Eliza: klein@uhab.org522 kW-DCor (212) 479-3346.793 familiesbenefitting from solarof clean energy produced over panels’ lifetimep. 6 4,997,629 in savings
NOTICIAS DE MIEMBROSOTOÑO 2019 #70 PAPEL DE RESILIENCIAFor English, turn to page 1SHARE YOUR BUILDING’S STORYCNYC CONFERENCIA DE HOGARUHAB se une al Concilio de Cooperativas y Condominiosde Nueva York para su 39 Conferencia Anual de ViviendasCNYC. Accionistas de HDFC’s están invitados a unirsecon UHAB y líderes de cooperativas y condominios enla conferencia que ofrece 61 seminarios/cursillos y 51exhibiciones, incluyendo talleres especiales patrocinadospor UHAB, el domingo 17 de noviembre 2019.Por más de cuarenta años, UHAB ha provisto asistenciatécnica, entrenamiento, y servicios para HousingDevelopment Fund Corporations (HDFC) por toda laCiudad de Nueva York. UHAB se unió con CNYC paraofrecer talleres especiales para HDFC en la Conferenciade Anual de Viviendas. Aquí hay cursillos que resaltan esteaño.Pregúntale a UHAB: Operando y Manteniendo unacooperativa HDFC exitosa toma tiempo, esfuerzo ycompromiso. En esta clase interactiva, personal de UHABvan a discutir elecciones, y el proceso para satisfacer elAcuerdo de Seguridad 60/40. Si no puede asistir a estaclase importante, asegurase a asistir a clínica gratis de AskUHAB (Pregúntale a UHAB) el Lunes 18 de noviembre en el185 E 163 Street en el Bronx para trabajar uno a uno connuestro departamento de preservación de cooperativasy otros empleados para cualquier cosa su cooperativanecesite.Aumentar Participación y Prevenir el Cansancio/Agotamiento: Promover y sostener participaciónsignificativa es el trabajo de los líderes actuales de cualquiercooperativa. Si los líderes de una cooperativa no tienenplan o estrategias a implementar para aumentar asistencia,participación de miembros quizás nunca se realizará.Es difícil y poco apreciado el trabajo de los líderes, quefrecuentemente no reciben crédito. La Junta de Directoresy Oficiales, sin embargo, necesitan hacer parte de “sudescripción de trabajo” el identificar y reclutar futuroslíderes de la cooperativa. Esto es estructura ‘suave’ de lacorporación, lo cual es tan importante mantener y actualizarcomo lo es la estructura “fuerte” física del edificio en sí.Una cooperativa saludable mantiene reservas financieras ylíderes para el futuro también en reserva. En este cursillo, elentrenador de UHAB Kenny Soto, demuestra las seis “R’s”de participación.Ley Local 64: El Concejal de Nueva York ha enmendadoel código administrativo perteneciendo al portal de casasrequiriendo loterías para vivienda asequible. El nuevocódigo requiere al Departamento de Conservación yDesarrollo de Viviendas (HPD) desarrollar un portal paradueños de edificio donde puedan anotar/enumerar plazaslibre en cooperativas y viviendas de alquiler para luegorentar o vender por lotería en la red. Este taller se enfocaen lo que este código significa para cooperativas HDFC.Visite la página/sitio de CNYC para el folleto de laConferencia de Casas []. Accionistas deHDFC pueden ir con entrada en descuento de 70 porpersona; 195 por tres.¿Su edificio es miembro de UHAB?¡Beneficios de membrecía incluye descuentos especialesy sus accionistas pueden entrar a 45 por persona o 120por tres persona para ahorros adicional!Debe registrarse por UHAB con su selección de cursilloshasta jueves 17 de octubre para asegurar su descuentoespecial de registro, ¡llame ahora!Para registrarse o aprender más de membrecía, contacte aDavid por teléfono (212) 479-3374 o
UHAB Noticias de Miembros - otoño 2019ESTÉ LISTO Y RESISTALos neoyorquinos nos enfrentamos a emergenciasrepentinas muy a menudo, y con el cambio climáticodebido al calentamiento global, es probable que en elfuturo veamos eventos climáticos más extremos comoel huracán Sandy. Desde apagones hasta incendios ytormentas, estas emergencias llegan inesperadamentey en varias formas. Tener un plan de emergencias teayudará a ti y a tu HDFC a recuperarte más rápido ymás fuerte cuando llegue una emergencia, y algunasemergencias se pueden prevenir por completo. Con lapreparación adecuada, una poderosa tormenta o unapagón pueden llegar a ser solo un inconveniente, y noun desastre.Las inundaciones repentinas causadas por fuertesaguaceros pueden suponer un grave riesgo para elbienestar financiero y estructural de un edificio. Evalúesu riesgo de inundación y confirme si se encuentraen una zona de inundación designada. Sin embargo,los edificios fuera de las zonas de inundación tambiéndeben de estar preparados, donde llueve siempre hayriesgo de inundación. El Programa de Mapas de Riesgode Inundación de FEMA conocido también por sussiglas en inglés como (FIRM) es el estándar nacionalpara la predicción de inundaciones. FEMA clasifica losvecindarios de la ciudad de Nueva York desde riesgomoderado a alto. Después del huracán Sandy, cuandomuchos HDFC en el bajo Manhattan se inundaron,vimos que estos mapas subestimaban gravemente losriesgos. Desde el 2012, FEMA ha actualizado los mapasde riesgos (FIRM) para NYC. Sin embargo, (FIRM) solomuestra una foto instantánea de los riesgos actuales y norefleja cambios; los cambios climáticos hacen que el niveldel mar aumente, y las zonas de inundación están enexpansión constantemente.Afortunadamente para los muchos HDFC ubicados enzonas de inundación, el Centro para Vecindarios de laCiudad de Nueva York tiene una guía con estrategiasde resiliencia, programas y beneficios disponibles Este recurso también tiene informaciónsobre seguros contra inundaciones, que se requiere paraedificios en zonas inundables e incrementa la capacidadde recuperación financiera de los HDFC. No obstante,este seguro generalmente no viene incluido con otrostipos de seguros de edificios. Es importante evaluar elriesgo de inundación de su HDFC al incorporar un segurocontra inundaciones. El Programa de seguro contraincendios y responsabilidad civil de UHAB (FLIP) puedeincluir cobertura contra inundaciones para HDFC.Aunque podemos prepararnos para las inundaciones,no podemos evitarlas. Otros tipos de emergencias,como incendios, pueden prevenirse por completo. Losincendios en los edificios pueden tener distintas causas,como cocinar, calefacción, fumar, velas e incendioseléctricos. Los incendios eléctricos son causados principalmente por enchufes sobrecargados. Según elDepartamento de Bomberos de Nueva York, dos terciosde todos los incendios eléctricos comienzan en enchufeso cables en electrodomésticos como refrigeradores, airesacondicionados o lámparas. Conocer y no exceder lacapacidad de carga de sus enchufes puede ser de granayuda para prevenir incendios. Los electrodomésticosde temporada, como los calefactores y las unidadesde aire acondicionado, son causantes muy comunesporque necesitan mucha energía para mantenerse enfuncionamiento. Asegúrese de desenchufar o al menosapagar estos electrodomésticos cuando la habitación estédesocupada.Los residentes pueden estar más familiarizados con losriesgos de gas a través de artículos sensacionales detuberías reventadas y estufas explosivas. Las fugas degas se pueden detectar por el olor a huevos podridoso un silbido de su estufa. Si huele a gas, actúe rápido:abandone el área, llame a su proveedor de servicios degas y no encienda ni apague ningún electrodoméstico,foco o vehículo. Asegúrese de encontrar más informacióny recursos de respuesta a emergencias en el sitio web delFDNY o llamando al 311.Los detectores de humo son una herramienta simple queayuda a salvar vidas en los edificios. A través de la Cruzp. 8
UHAB Noticias de Miembros - otoño 2019Roja puede obtener detectores de humo gratis en su hogar. Visite obtener más información.Los detectores de humo son una herramienta esencial para la seguridad contra incendios, pero no detectanla presencia de monóxido de carbono en su hogar. El monóxido de carbono (CO) es un peligro invisible que, adiferencia del gas, no tiene un olor distinto. La intoxicación por CO es mortal pero se puede prevenir. El Centro Parael Control Y Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) describe que algunos síntomas de intoxicación por CO incluyendolor de cabeza, mareos y debilidad, malestar estomacal, vómitos, dolor en el pecho y confusión. Los síntomasa menudo se describen como “similares a la gripe”. Personas que estén durmiendo o borrachas pueden morir deenvenenamiento por CO antes de tener síntomas. Los detectores de CO son herramientas para salvar vidas quepueden ayudar a las personas y a su HDFC completo a ser más resistentes en caso de emergencias repentinas.Las calderas o los hornos son culpables comunes del escape de este químico nocivo, pero la inspección anualobligatoria de la caldera le dirá si hay problemas de CO. Además, no debe usar ningún elemento que quemecombustible, como generadores eléctricos o vehículos automotores en espacios cerrados sin la ventilaciónadecuada. Asegúrese de que sus habitaciones, apartamentos, pasillos y áreas comunes estén bien ventilados. Estopuede evitar la acumulación de CO y gas, y puede garantizar la seguridad de todos los residentes del edificio.Los planes de evacuación son otra herramienta de seguridad importante para inundaciones, incendios y fugas degas. La ciudad tiene zonas de evacuación y planes para emergencias específicas. Con respecto a las inundaciones,nuevamente, primero debe verificar si está en una zona de inundación. Para una evacuación de emergencia,el Departamento de Manejo de Emergencias de Nueva York recomienda usar el transporte público, escucharatentamente los informes de noticias, salir temprano y considerar sus necesidades médicas y dietéticas. Lastormentas ocurren con advertencia, así que preste atención al desarrollo de las tormentas y esté preparado paraevacuar si es necesario.Además de estos planes de evacuación de la ciudad, tenga un plan para su edificio y su familia: ¿Dónde se reuniríaen caso de una emergencia? ¿Qué se va a llevar? Es importante crear un plan que sea fácil de seguir para todala familia. Crear una “bolsa de viaje” que contenga todos los suministros que pueda necesitar en una emergenciaes otro paso importante en la preparación. Una “bolsa de viaje” es un contenedor pequeño y resistente como unamochila guardada en algún lugar de su hogar. Debe personalizarse según sus necesidades y contener cosas comomedicamentos esenciales, refrigerios no perecederos como barras de granola, agua, copias de sus documentosmás importantes, información de contacto para su familia y artículos de tocador básicos. En el nivel del edificio, losHDFC deben mostrar públicamente sus rutas de evacuación y tener salidas sin obstáculos y claramente visibles.Tener estos planes puede prepararlo a usted y a su HDFC para estar listos durante emergencias repentinas y serresistentes para prevenir o reaccionar después de un desastre.Es fácil posponer la planificación de desastres, pero tomar medidas simples ahora puede ahorrarle dolores decabeza en el futuro. Al evaluar su riesgo de inundación y suscribirse al seguro contra inundaciones, reducir suriesgo de incendio a través de herramientascomo detectores de humo y detectores de CO,y contar con un plan de emergencia, puedeprevenir o aliviar los desastres.PREGUNTALE A UHABPor favor de venir y le daremosconsejos y asistencia tecnica sobresus problema de HDFC. El lugar seraen 185 East 163rd Street en el Bronx,Noviembre 18th, a las 6 – 8 PM.SERVICIOS DE ENERGÍA DE UHAB¿Tienes problemas con tu sistema de calefacción?¿Qué combustible usas? ¿Su caldera se expira en lospróximos cinco años? ¡UHAB quiere saber!UHAB quiere saber sobre el sistema de calefacción de suedificio para poderle informar sobre oportunidades de mejorasactuales y futuras que pueden serle útiles. ¡Si está pensando enhacer que su edificio sea energéticamente eficiente y / o reducir el consumo de combustible, llámenos!Llame o envíe un correo electrónico a David (212) 479-3374 / para más informació p. 9
UHAB Noticias de Miembros - otoño 2019CONSTRUYENDO PARA NOSOTROS: CU
for building owners to list vacancies in a co-op or rental building to then be rented or sold via a website lottery. This workshop will address what these rules mean for HDFC co-ops. Visit CNYC’s website for the Housing Conference brochure [www.]. HDFC shareholders can attend at the discounted fee of 70 per person; 195 for three.
Source: Annual Reports of SBI and HDFC of various years From the above table is observed that operating profit has a hiking trend for both SBI and HDFC over the years and mean of operating profit of SBI is higher than HDFC. Table-4:Net profit of SBI and HDFC Bank during the year 2013-14 to 2017-18 Rs. in Crore Particu lars 201 3-14 201 4-15
HDFC Balanced Advantage Fund is similar to that of erstwhile HDFC Prudence Fund, the track record (i.e. since inception date, dividend history, etc.) / past performance of erstwhile HDFC Prudence Fund have been considered, in line with SEBI circular on Performance disclosure post consolidation/ merger of scheme dated April 12, 2018.
Hindi News NDTV India 317 Hindi News TV9 Bharatvarsh 320 Hindi News News Nation 321 Hindi News INDIA NEWS NEW 322 Hindi News R Bharat 323. Hindi News News World India 324 Hindi News News 24 325 Hindi News Surya Samachar 328 Hindi News Sahara Samay 330 Hindi News Sahara Samay Rajasthan 332 . Nor
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I would like to thank Mr. Vikas Tuteja, the Branch Manager at HDFC Bank, GK-1 Branch, New Delhi for . 7-8 per cent in FY 2017-18. 4 About HDFC Bank The HDF ank was incorporated on August 1994 by the name of ‘HDF ank Limited’ with its registered office in Mumbai, India. HDFC Bank commenced operations as a scheduled Commercial Bank in January 1995. The Housing Development Finance .
ü Resident satisfaction with life in co-op ü Difference living in HDFC has made in life. CSF – HDFC Report 8 II. Research Design A community survey was administered by CUNY Graduate Center research assistants to Clinton HDFC residents in the summer of 2002. An advisory committee was
HDFC House, 165-166 Backbay Reclamation, H. T. Parekh Marg, Churchgate, Mumbai – 400 020. Trade Logo displayed above belongs to HDFC Ltd and ERGO International AG and used by the Company under license. UIN: Optima Plus - HDHHLIP21336022021 HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company Limited Policy Wordings Optima Plus Policy
Course Title: Basics Engineering Drawing (Code: 3300007) Diploma Programmes in which this course is offered Semester in which offered Automobile Engineering, Ceramic Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environment Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, Metallurgy Engineering, Mining