Program Review-Drafting TechnologyPage 1 of 43PROGRAM REVIEW: DRAFTING TECHNICIAN &SURVEY TECHNICIAN/CIVIL DRAFTING TECHNICIANFALL 2013Program Review Handbook & Self-Study Template1
Program Review-Drafting TechnologyPage 2 of 431.1 IntroductionThe Drafting program at SCC has been in existence since the school’s founding. The earlyprogram curriculum emphasized manual or hand drafting skills. Since the prevailing trend inindustry has included a shift to utilizing computer technology, the Drafting Technician (DT)program has included curriculum that specifically addresses the application of computer aideddrafting and design technology. The current program includes courses in both two dimensionaland three dimensional drafting concepts. In the Survey Technician/Civil Drafting Technicianprogram, students focus more on civil drafting and design concepts, and also learn surveyingskills by using instruments common in the field.The mission of the drafting program is to provide students with the knowledge and skillsnecessary to qualify for employment as a drafting technician primarily in the fields ofmechanical, electrical, civil and/or architectural drafting. However, drafting workplace skillsare used in other non-traditional drafting fields (For example, AutoCAD is used to createfigures in geological reports). To accomplish these goals, drafting instructors, who haveworked in these specific specialty fields, teach current and relevant concepts, techniques, andpractices.Currently, the drafting program has two options to choose from, the Drafting Technician andthe Survey Technician/Civil drafting Technician. The Drafting Technician program descriptionoutlines its intent of providing students with the basic beginning skills that are common to thefour major fields of drafting. With this diverse background, students are employable in not justone particular field of drafting, but in several fields. This means that graduates are able tosatisfy the employers need to have a worker who could can read and reproduce many types ofengineering documents.The Survey Technician/Civil Drafting Technician major offers specific hands on training insurveying. The surveying principals are then paired with more advanced civil drafting theorywhich gives the student a better preparation for employment in surveying projects out in thefield and/or create civil drawings back in the office. Both majors offer the AS degree and /or thecertificate.Additionally, the drafting program provides those drafters, who are already employed, anopportunity to improve and expand their skills. Historically, computer aided drafting (CAD)was a skill taught on the job as companies transitioned from manual drafting. At that time,people never learned CAD in a systematic and comprehensive way. So by enrolling in SCC1.1 Introduction (cont.)Drafting Technology classes, those individuals can focus on those specific classes to updatetheir CAD skill sets and that fit their specialized needs.2Program Review Handbook & Self-Study Template
Program Review-Drafting TechnologyPage 3 of 43New developments within the program include the addition of a new 3D prototyping printer.Students learn the engineering design concepts, create that design on paper, and are then ableto print a dimensional prototype in which to test the feasibility of the design. The students canthen practice and perfect prototypes, using an industry recognized Design Process:Identification of design problemProblem-solving concepts and ideasAnalogize and design solutionsModel design(s) for prototypesAnalyze and test modelsProduction and working drawingsBy incorporating working models in 3-Dimensions, students are more engaged in the processand have a better understanding of real world techniques.A transfer degree has been not established as this major directs itself to job employment at thecompletion of the program. However, since drafting skills are a necessary for manyprofessions, students can pursue further higher level education in fields that includeengineering, aerospace technology, industrial design, architectural design, and civil planning.1.2 Relationship to College Mission and Strategic Goals.The drafting program at Solano Community College has set its goals and priorities on educatingstudents from the local community, as well as from the surrounding areas, to be trained for avariety of jobs in the drafting field. We strive to meet the needs of student who require new jobskills and also to those who wish to improve existing skills.Program Review Handbook & Self-Study Template3
Program Review-Drafting TechnologyPage 4 of 431.2 Relationship to College Mission and Strategic Goals. (cont.)Table 1. SCC’s Strategic Directions and Goals4Goal 1: Foster Excellence in LearningProgram EvidenceObj. 1.1 Create an environmentthat is conducive to studentlearning.Courses are offered day, evening, and online. Students areable to select classes that fit into their schedule andparticular learning style. Additionally, the courses aretaught by professionals who have diverse and first-handindustry experience that enables them to provide jobspecific information regarding the major area of drafting:architectural, civil, electrical, and mechanical drafting. TheBlueprint reading course (DRFT079) was offered at theVacaville Center to accommodate students who haddifficulty with transportation.Obj. 1.2 Create an environmentthat supports quality teaching.With the assistance for the members of the AdvisoryCommittee, we have expanded the current class content toinclude the Survey Technician/Civil Drafting Technicianprogram. The department has drafting and design projectsfor the students to expand their skills. A diverse staffspecializes in specific fields of drafting, added technicalapplication of content and skills to improve student trainingneeds.Obj. 1.3 Optimize studentperformance on Institutional CoreCompetenciesRegular review of SLO assessments, along with studentevaluations has helped the faculty to better understandspecific student needs. For the struggling student, tutoringservices are available. When funding is available, theaddition of extra lab hours has helped students to gainmastery over specific concepts and skills. Utilization ofexisting technology, for example MySolano and SolanOnlineeCompanions, to communicate and offer collaboration withstudents keep informed and up-to-date with classassignments, due dates, and assessments.Program Review Handbook & Self-Study Template
Program Review-Drafting TechnologyPage 5 of 431.2 Relationship to College Mission and Strategic Goals. (cont.)Table 1. SCC’s Strategic Directions and Goals (cont.)Goal 2: Maximize Student Access& SuccessProgram EvidenceObj. 2.1 Identify and provideappropriate support forunderprepared studentsReferring students to campus services has provided supportfor students who struggle with course requirement.Tutoring services for math, drafting, English fill the gap formany of the drafting students who because of variouslearning difficulties may need to have some review of pastbasic skills content in order for the student to be successfulin completing specific course content. Tutoring is alsoavailable, and, through the use of grant money, extra labhours were added to the schedule during the 2012-2013school year.Obj. 2.2 Update and strengthencareer/technical curriculaAll courses within the Drafting Technology and SurveyTechnician/Civil Drafting Technology major are taughtusing the most current industry standard versions of CADsoftware. Textbook selections are updated yearly so as tokeep pace with the changes in industry. In the classroom,students use computer work stations, plotters, and printerssimilar to those that are used in industry today. A 3Dprinter provides the opportunity for students to see firsthand and use current technology to examine theengineering process from drawing conception to actualprinted prototype models.Obj. 2.3 Identify and provideappropriate support for transferstudentsN/AObj. 2.4 Improve student access tocollege facilities and services tostudentsWe try to offer classes at a variety of times (and online),however cutbacks (and/or a shortage of qualifiedinstructors) have caused some limitations in this area.Students have access to all basic college wide services.Obj. 2.5 Develop and implementan effective EnrollmentManagement PlanBecause of relatively recent (since fall 2012) administrationpolicies to remove most scheduling and class cancellationdecisions from departmental level coordinators and faculty,individual departments have little, or no, control over thismatter.Program Review Handbook & Self-Study Template5
Program Review-Drafting TechnologyPage 6 of 431.2 Relationship to College Mission and Strategic Goals. (cont.)Table 1. SCC’s Strategic Directions and Goals (cont.)6Goal 3: Strengthen CommunityConnectionsProgram EvidenceObj. 3.1 Respond to communityneedsThe Survey Technician/Civil Drafting Technology major hashelped to address the current and future needs of a waningsupply of individuals trained in the area of Surveying asreported to the Advisory Committee by Stan Schram. SolanoCounty Surveyor. The Drafting Technician program,likewise is responding to the need for more trainedpersonnel for local businesses looking for qualified drafters.Businesses such as CableCom, Blue Mountain Homes, andTEK Systems have been contacting the Drafting Departmentlooking for drafting students and graduates to employ (seeAppendix 1).Obj. 3.2 Expand ties to thecommunityProgram faculty initiate and/or participate in many outreachactivities that help connect the community and prospectivestudents to what is going on in the drafting program:The Career Education Fair held in spring 2011 and2012, brought students and parents into theclassroom to experience what drafting is with handson activities.STEM workshops – Held in January. This eventbrings middle school girls to the SCC campus forhands on experience in different CTE fields.Drafting sponsored CAD classes.Annual Advisory Committee meetings keep staffabreast to changes in the field as well as jobavailability.Drafting Fest is a drafting competition held on theSCC campus for local high school drafting students.Although we have not been able to hold thecompetition the past few years, if funding isavailable, we hope to continue the event in spring2014.Program Review Handbook & Self-Study Template
Program Review-Drafting TechnologyPage 7 of 431.2 Relationship to College Mission and Strategic Goals. (cont.)Table 1. SCC’s Strategic Directions and Goals (cont.)Goal 4: Optimize ResourcesProgram EvidenceObj. 4.1 Develop and manageresources to support institutionaleffectivenessUse and incorporate Perkins funding for student needs.In 2012-2013 grant funding was available to hire a studenttutor to work in the drafting lab for 6-hours per week.Obj. 4.2 Maximize organizationefficiency and effectivenessNAObj. 4.3 Maintain up-to-datetechnology to support thecurriculum and businessfunctions.Drafting department faculty carry out regular curriculumreview; updating class material to reflect industry needs,removing outdated classes and topics and adding newcourses and programs based on industry and advisorycommittee recommendations.1.3 Enrollment.The number of students enrolled remains fairly constant at about 102 students per semester onaverage. The number of sections offered have decreased from 12-13 to 7-9.Draft – Number of sections offeredDraft – Number of students enrolledAVE 102Solano Community College student enrollmentFall 2008Spring2009Fall 2009Spring2010Fall 2010Spring2011Fall 2011Spring2012Fall udentCountStudentCountStudentCount11,850.0088Ave gram Review Handbook & Self-Study Template7
Program Review-Drafting TechnologyPage 8 of 431.3 Enrollment. (cont.)Draft – FTESolano Community College - FTEFall 2008TotalFTES4,084.43.0061Ave .6%Spring2009TotalFTESFall 2009TotalFTESSpring2010TotalFTESFall 2010TotalFTESSpring2011TotalFTESFall 2011TotalFTESSpring2011TotalFTESFall aft – WSCHWe believe the decline in enrollment in Drafting Technology department since spring 2010 hasseveral causes:The statewide economic downturn, which caused a state wide funding cut to Californiacommunity colleges and SCC.A statewide tuition increase from 36 per unit to 46 per unit.Administration scheduling policies that deemphasizes scheduling and class cancellationdecisions on a departmental level.1.4 Population Served.The following data was obtained from Institutional Research and Planning.Enrollment by GenderSemesterFemale in %Spring 200931Fall 200925Spring 201022Fall 201023Spring 201120Fall 201129Spring 201231Fall 201219Spring 2013168Male in %657274717969698083Program Review Handbook & Self-Study TemplateNot Reported423611001
Program Review-Drafting TechnologyPage 9 of 431.4 Population Served. (cont.)The trend clearly indicates a greater number of males enrolled in the drafting major by a 1:4ratio. The drafting profession traditionally has employed more males than females. Toencourage and increase the number of females enrolling, the department has participated in theWomen’s Career Day. Groups of middle school female students came and participated in handson activities that they might experience on the job as a drafter. There was an enthusiasticresponse from the group.However, there is some anecdotal evidence that female students are unwilling to enroll in nightdrafting classes because of facility deficiencies. Faculty have recently heard a few femalestudents say that they will not enroll in evening classes out of fear of walking in the dark to theremote bathrooms, and because of the remote location of the parking lots from the draftingclassrooms. The timing of the reduction (by percentage) of females to males, falls into thetimeframe when drafting classes were moved from building 1300 and 1800A, to building 1800Bat a more remote location. Although the extent of this problem is not clear, this could be afactor in why enrollment among females has declined in recent years.However, it can also be hypothesized that an effort to promote classes, like Blueprint Reading(DRFT79) to other departments, especially welding (one that carries a significantly higherproportion of males to females) could also be adding to this trend.Enrollment by AgeSemesterSpring 2009Fall 2009Spring 2010Fall 2010Spring 2011Fall 2011Spring 2012Fall 2012Spring 2013Less than18 in %812162012131317718-20in %15131616151717202120-30in %373640324444434040Over 30in %393928322926282432Other100000000From the data collected, the trends indicate a shift with less student enrollment from the 20-30year old group to a greater enrollment for the 18 to 20 year old group. This could be the result ofusing new brochures to publicize the articulation and transition options available to high schoolstudents. (see Appendix 1A, 1B, 1C)Program Review Handbook & Self-Study Template9
Program Review-Drafting Technology1.4 Population Served. (cont.)Enrollment by EthnicitySemesterAm. Indianor Alas in%Spring 2009Fall 2009Spring 2010Fall 2010Spring 2011Fall 2011Spring 2012Fall 2012Spring 2013010100222Page 10 of 43Asian OrPac Islandin %Black NonHispanic in%Hispanicin WhiteNonHispanicin %363335384045393543Otherin %14181714291618139The ethnic diversity within the Drafting program parallels the ethnic diversity of the college asa whole.The past program review did not discuss the population served by the program with respect togender, age, and ethnicity nor were there any reasons proposed for any trends observedrelating to enrollment.1.5 Status of Progress toward Goals and Recommendations.Table 2. Educational Master PlanEducational Master PlanStatusHire new full time instructor for the SurveyTechnician/Civil drafting TechnicianNot completed due to budget limitationsJob placementsCompleted as requests from employers comeinto the department they are passed on tostudents by e-mail, announcement in class,and classroom posting (see Appendix 2)3.Drafting degrees and certificatesCompleted a review of each of the 2specialties in the major with specificrequirements for each listed in the coursecatalogue.4.Continuation of “2 2” with the high schools inSolano County1.2.10Program Review Handbook & Self-Study TemplateIn process- The articulation agreement is tobe completed by Spring 2013 (seeAppendix 1A, 1B, 1C)
Program Review-Drafting TechnologyPage 11 of 431.5 Status of Progress toward Goals and Recommendations. (cont.)Table 2. Educational Master Plan (cont.)Educational Master PlanStatusMore outreach to local high schools via industryprofessionalsFaculty and staff outreach to area schools.Drafting Fest drafting competition (whenfunding is available). Career Education Fair.6.Successive curriculum reviewCompleted for the Drafting Technician andthe Survey Technician/Civil DraftingTechnician.7.New degree program Civil Drafting and SurveyingCertificate. DevelopProgram approved and is operational. Inneed of more full-time faculty to increasestudent enrollment.8.Continued development of Student LearningOutcomesIn process-plan is to review and revise asneeded all SLOs for the even numberedcourses in the Fall and the odd numberedcourses in the Spring5.Table 3. Program Review RecommendationsProgram Review Recommendations (Previous Cycle)Status1.Develop articulation agreement with local highschoolsThe agreement itself is complete and in theprocess of acquiring signatures for Vallejoand Vanden High School.2.Acquire better CAD workstationsWill be installed Summer 20133.Continued research and development of programsto share resources. Ex Fire Technology needingstudents to learn Blue Print ReadingCurriculum scope and sequence is in thedevelopment process1.6 Future Outlook.The program growth has declined or been flat since the economic downturn. However, with anew emphasis on educational spending in general, and CTE funding in particular, and with apromising trend of SCC drafting students being employed in strong numbers at localcompanies, there is no reason to believe that increased enrollment can’t follow. This isespecially true if advisory committee program recommendations (see Appendix 3) areimplemented.Program Review Handbook & Self-Study Template11
Program Review-Drafting TechnologyPage 12 of 431.6 Future Outlook. (cont.)Proposals have been made to add drafting classes (namely, topics in Blueprint Reading, andtopics in civil drafting, including surveying, and possibly new classes) with the Fire Technologyprogram, and more drafting core classes (CAD and architectural drafting) to the Interior DesignProgram. In addition, more students from other disciplines (Welding, Mechatronics, andEngineering) are taking drafting classes because of the close relationship between programs.The addition of more sections that are offered both during the day and evening, and to someextent online, will help to encourage students to enroll in the drafting program.External conditions that might have an impact include the economic rate of recovery. Thebuilding industry is slowly coming back and this will provide more jobs for those who designhomes and use drafters to draw new subdivisions, custom homes and communityinfrastructure. This has been evidenced as we have seen an uptick in local businesses hiringprogram graduates.The Drafting Program also offers students a unique opportunity to gain necessary employmentskills that allow them to apply for positions after only a few introductory courses. Manystudents then take additional courses while working on the job. This method, of learning whileworking, enhances the students learning. By putting new concepts into practice, students can bepromoted to positions of greater skill and responsibility which also has the benefit of highersalary.The following information regarding employment outlook was obtained .asp?pageid 1011OccupationArchitectural and Civil DraftersCartographers and PhotogrammetristsDrafters and Engineering Technicians,All OtherDrafters, All OtherElectrical and Electronics DraftersEngineering Technicians, All OtherMarine Engineers and NavalArchitectsMechanical DraftersSurveying and Mapping TechniciansAreaSolano CountyEast BayNot AvailableOutlook % increase 2010-20202518.2East BayEast BayEast BayNot Available15.419.411.1Solano CountySolano County16.733.3There will be challenges, such as scheduling, and the need for more staffing (See section 5.1),but overall the program is strong, with more potential for growth.12Program Review Handbook & Self-Study Template
Program Review-Drafting TechnologyPage 13 of 43CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT, ASSESSMENT, AND OUTCOMES2.1 Program Level OutcomesTable 4. Program Level Outcomes DRAFTING TECHNICIANProgram Level OutcomesStudents who complete theCertificate ofachievement/Associate Degreewill be able to demonstrate1.proficiency using industrystandard computer aideddrafting/design CAD (AutoCAD)software program.Students who complete theCertificate ofAchievement/Associate Degree2. will be able to demonstrateproficiency at reading, drawingand dimensioning industrystandard mechanical drawings.3Students who complete theCertificate ofAchievement/Associate Degreewill be able to demonstrateproficiency at reading, drawingand dimensioning industrystandard civil drawings.Students who complete theCertificate ofachievement/Associate Degree4. Will be able to demonstrateproficiency at reading, drawingand dimensioning industrystandard electronic drawings.Students who complete theCertificate ofachievement/Associate Degree5. will be able to demonstrateproficiency at reading, drawingand dimensioning industrystandard architectural drawings.ILO (Core 4)How PLO is assessed4cWork placeSince DRFT46 is the advancedAutoCAD class, and the secondin the serious of AutoCADclasses, the PLO will beconsidered successful if 70%complete the class and receive afinal grade of 70% or betterskills4cWork placeskillsSince DRFT55 is the upper levelclass that focuses on mechanicaldrafting, the PLO will beconsidered successful if 70%complete the class receive a finalgrade of 70% or better.4cWork placeskillsSince DRFT80 is the upper levelclass that focuses on civildrafting, the PLO will beconsidered successful if 70%complete the class with apassing grade of 70% or better.4cWork placeskillsSince DRFT75 is the upper levelclass that focuses on electronicdrafting, the PLO will beconsidered successful if 70%complete the class receive a finalgrade of 70% or better.4cWork placeskillsSuccess criteria: Since DRFT60 isthe upper level class that focuseson architectural drafting, thePLO will be consideredsuccessful if 70% complete theclass receive a final grade of 70%or better.Program Review Handbook & Self-Study Template13
Program Review-Drafting TechnologyPage 14 of 432.1 Program Level Outcomes (cont.)Table 5. Program Level Outcomes SURVEY TECHNICIANProgram Level OutcomesStudents who complete theCertificate of Achievement/Associate Degree will be able to1. demonstrate proficiency usingindustry standard computer aideddrafting/design CAD (AutoCAD)software program.Students who complete theCertificate of Achievement/Associate Degree will be able to2. demonstrate proficiency atreading, drawing anddimensioning industry standardcivil drawings.3Students who complete theCertificate of achievement/Associate Degree will be able todemonstrate basic understandingin using industry standard surveyequipment including Transit,Theodolite, and Level.ILO (Core 4)How PLO is assessed4cWork placeSince DRFT46 is the advancedAutoCAD class, and the secondin the serious of AutoCADclasses, the PLO will beconsidered successful if 70%complete the class and receive afinal grade of 70% or betterskills4cWork placeskillsSince DRFT80 is the upper levelclass that focuses on civildrafting, the PLO will beconsidered successful if 70%complete the class with apassing grade of 70% or better.4cWork placeskillsSince DRFT140 is the upper levelclass that focuses on surveying,the PLO will be consideredsuccessful if 70% complete theclass receive a final grade of 70%or better.2.2 The following table shows how courses support the Program Level Outcomes and at whichlevel (introduced (I), developing (D), or mastered (M))Table 6. Program Courses and Program Level Outcomes DRAFTING TECHNICIANCoursePL01PL02DRFT 045DRFT 046DRFT 050DDIDDIDRFT 055MMDRFT 060DRFT 075DRFT 080MMMMMMIT 140DDIT 151DRFT 125IDID14Program Review Handbook & Self-Study Template
Program Review-Drafting TechnologyPage 15 of 432.2 (cont.)Table 7. Program Courses and Program Level OutcomesSURVEY TECHNICIAN/CIVIL DRAFTING TECHNICIANCoursePL01PL02DRFT 045DRFT 046DDDDDRFT 050IIDRFT 060MMGEOL 010, orGEOG 010,DRFT 080DDMMDRFT 085MMDRFT 140MMIIIT 1512.3 Initially the Drafting Technology department had only 2 PLO’s. They were as follows:Students who complete the Certificate of Achievement/Associate Degree will be able todemonstrate proficiency using industry standard computer aided drafting/design CAD(AutoCAD) software program.Students who complete the Certificate of Achievement/Associate Degree will be able todemonstrate proficiency at reading, drawing and dimensioning industry standarddrawings in the fields of Mechanical, Civil, Architectural and Electronic drafting anddesign.However, in the school year 2011-2012 the drafting faculty came to the consensus that the laterPLO was too broad, making it difficult to measure. As a result, that particular PLO wasseparated into 4 PLO’s. The belief was that each subject was essentially separate from eachother in standards--such as the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), AmericanSociety of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE),American Institute Of Architects (AIA), Association Connecting Electronic Industries (IPC)--andfundamentals (such as the difference in dimensioning, drawing layout, and importance oftopics). For example, dimensioning in Electronic Drafting is, often, not stressed or evenpractice, as drawings such as printed circuit board (PCB) schematics are not scaled. Conversely,dimensioning in Mechanical, Architectural and Civil drafting is vital to the integrity andaccuracy of the drawing and the subsequent product. There can be no way of standardizing allof the disciplines into one outcome; therefore the only solution was to assess each oneindependently.Program Review Handbook & Self-Study Template15
Program Review-Drafting TechnologyPage 16 of 432.3 (cont.)Subsequently, it was decided that, since industry standard (ANSI, ASME, ASCE, AIA, IPC)practices are taught in each related class, and standards can vary greatly per organization, andeach related class (DRFT55, DRFT60, DRFT75, DRFT80) has suitable prerequisites (DRFT45,DRFT50, IT150, depending on the course) that using each class as a PLO would be adequate inthe assessment process.Both the Drafting Technician and Survey Technology program assessments will be complete inSpring of 2014, when PLO5, and PLO3 are complete.Faculty and industry advisors have been pleased with the outcome of the assessments that havetaken place to this point.Table 8. Program Level AssessmentsDRAFTING TECHNICIANProgram LevelOutcomes1.2.3.16ResultsAction PlanFall 2012Of the 13 students who took theclass, 8 passed with a 70% orbetter. However, 2 of thesestudents stopped attending classafter the last date to drop. So,although statistically, this PLOwas not a success, based on thenumber of students whocompleted, it was.DRFT46 was taught in ahybrid format. It wasdecided to offer the class ina face-to-face format andnote any changes inoutcome. As a result,further analysis will takeplace after Fall 2013.Spring 2013Of the 21 students whocompleted the class, 18 studentsfinished the class with a 70% orbetter.The PLO was considered asuccess. No further actionwill be taken at this time.Fall 2012Of the 10 students who completed The PLO was considered athe class, 10 passed with a 70% or success. No further actionbetter.will be taken at this time.4.PLO4Fall 2011Of the 12 students whocompleted the class, 11 passedwith a 10% or better. This PLO isconsidered a success.5.PLO5Spring 2014PLO 1PLO2PLO3Dates AssessedTBDProgram Review Handbook & Self-Study TemplateThe PLO was considered asuccess. No further actionwill be taken at this time.TBD
Program Review-Drafting TechnologyPage 17 of 432.3 (cont.)Table 9. Program Level AssessmentsSURVEY TECHNICIAN/CIVIL DRAFTING TECHNICIANProgram LevelOutcomes1.PLO 1Dates AssessedFall 20122.PLO2Fall 20123.PLO3Spring 2014ResultsAction PlanOf the 13 students who took theclass, 8 passed with a 70% orbetter. However, 2 of thesestudents stopped attending classafter the last date to drop. So,although statistically, this PLOwas not a success, based on thenumber of students whocompleted, it was.This class was taught in ahybrid format. It wasdecided to offer the class ina face-to-face format andnote any changes inoutcome. As a result,further analysis will takeplace after Fall 2013.Of the 10 students whocompleted the class, 10 passedwith a 70% or better.TBDThe PLO was considered asuccess. No further actionwill be taken at this time.TBDStudent Learning Outcomes2.4 The full-time instructor facilitates SLO development, with input from adjunct faculty. Thecontribution of adjunct instructors is especially important in, SolidWorks, Civil Drafting,Architectural Drafting and Surveying Courses, which are not the specialty of the current fulltime faculty member.Like courses (for example, all DRFT50 and DRFT45 sections) all use the same assessmentmethods, including exam questions, drawings and/or p
drafting and design technology. The current program includes courses in both two dimensional and three dimensional drafting concepts. In the Survey Technician/Civil Drafting Technician program, students focus more on civil drafting and design concepts, and also learn surveying skills by using instruments common in the field.
Drafting Survey and Civil Drafting Technician Program Description This program is designed to provide students with entry-level skills in the fields of Surveying Technician, Civil Drafting Technician, and/or mapping technician. Certificate of Achievement and Associate Degree
SETTING UP AUTOCAD TO WORK WITH ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTING STYLE You will need to make some changes to AutoCAD to use it as a drafting tool for architectural drawings. AutoCAD “out-of-the-box” is set up primarily for mechanical drafting: drawing small parts for machinery using the metric system because that is the type of drafting is the most practiced in the world. However, making drawings of .
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