Backflow protectiondevicesAll water users demand assurance thatno contaminated or unknown water cansiphon back into the drinking waternetwork. To provide this assurance,Watts Industries delivers backflowprotection devices in different protectionclasses. Watts Industries offers anextensive range of flow protectiondevices and can offer you the mostsuitable solution for each situation.
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BACKFLOW PROTECTION DEVICES4IntroductionLiquids categoriesThe possibility of pollution of drinking water pipelines is a risk not tobe overlooked. In fact, public opinion is very much aware of theproblem, especially after the increased information and concern in theecological field, which has led legislators to gradually adapt theEuropean standards.In this connection considerable resources have been invested intechnological research and manufacture of a range of equipment andaccessories designed to prevent pollution of the water in thedistribution systems.The European Ministry of Health have issued regulations and actsproviding local administrations and private individuals with preventiveand control measures against pollution of drinking water. There aretwo conditions which can give rise to a similar contamination:- contact between non-drinkable water and drinking water- risk of return of pollutants to the drinking water supplyIn normal use fluids which are or canbe in contact with potable water areclassified in five categories asdefined below.The EN 1717 is a protection method based on a classification of waterinto 5 liquids categories and a classification of pressure levels for theconnections between the drinking water network and one of theseliquids categories. Using these parameters, an installation matrix canbe drawn up. Projecting the installation matrix onto the protectionmatrix, which specifies the maximum level of protection for everyprotection device, provides the most adequate security.Category 2:Fluid presenting no human healthhazard.Fluid recognised as being fit forhuman consumption, including watertaken from a potable waterdistribution system, which can haveundergone a change in taste, odour,colour or a temperature change(heating or cooling).1. The installation matrixThe installation matrix offers a method for analysing an existingdrinking water installation, or one that must be designed, specifyinginformation regarding the nature of the connection and the possiblecontact. A coloured dot indicates the existence of the parameter.A white dot indicates that the parameter does not exist.2. The protection matrixThe protection matrix indicates the protection options for specificprotection units, consisting of a protection device (e.g. the Watts CA9D or the Watts BA 009) and the requisite peripheral components,such as ball valves and filters. Obviously, each device has its ownmatrix (see page 6). A coloured dot indicates that security isguaranteed for the parameter for the relevant cell. A white dot meansthat such security is not guaranteed.3. Selecting equipmentIf an installation must be protected against backflow, an installationmatrix should be created for this installation. This enables one toselect the right Watts Industries equipment with the right securityfeatures for this particular installation. In so doing, you must ensurethat the coloured dot in the installation matrix is covered by a coloureddot in the protection matrix.Installation parametersP atmP atm: Atmospheric pressureNo existing or possible reverse pressure from water column (H)or overpressure (P) directly downstream of the selectedinstallation point for the protection device.P atmHBack siphonage: when the pressure in the supply main is lowerthan the branch circuit; for example, owing to a break in thepiping or interruption in the drinking water supply.P atm: Existing or possible reverse pressure from water column(H) or overpressure (P) directly downstream of the selectedinstallation point for the protection device.Backflow: when a non drinkable water circuit, for example aheating system, a pressure is supplied greater than the mainsupply system feeding it.In cases where insignificantconcentrations or substantialamounts of substances are present itmay be appropriate to redefine thesafety measurement.Category 1:Water to be used for humanconsumption coming directly from apotable water distribution system.Category 3:Fluid representing some humanhealth hazard due to the presence ofone or more harmful substances1).Category 4:Fluid presenting a human healthhazard due to the presence of one ormore toxic or very toxic substances1)or one or more radioactive,mutagenic or carcinogenicsubstances.Category 5:Fluid presenting a human healthhazard due to the presence ofmicrobiological or viral elements.The border between category 3and category 4 is in principleLD 50 200 mg/kg body weight inreference to the EU Directive 93/21EEC dated April 27th, 1993.1)In the following tables on page 5 youwill find a few examples of liquidcategory classifications.
BACKFLOW PROTECTION DEVICESDrinking water without additionsin the following situationsWater from the public networkWater under high pressureCooled waterWarm waterDemineralised waterDrinking water with additives or water in contactwith liquids other than from category 1Softened water (ion exchange)Water with anti-corrosive additivesWater with antifreezeWater with liquid foodstuffs (juices, coffee,non-alcoholic drinks, soups)Water with alcoholic drinksWater with washing productsWater with disinfectantsWater with cleaning agentsWater with cooling agentscategory11222Drinking water to be used as/for.categoryCooking food2Washing produce and fruit3Washing or pre-washing eating orcooking utensils5* Depends on LD 50Rinsing eating or cooking utensils3Central heating water without additives3Sewage and waste water5Washing the body5Washing clothing5Water in the WC tank3Drinking water for animals5Swimming pool waterPressure in case of any backflowLiquid categoryP atm123P atm4512345Risk of contamination** Indicate the risk of contamination by checking one of the circles.When doing this, please pay attention to the column in which the check marksare placed.- In column P atm a check mark means that only the risk of siphoning backexists.- In column P atm a check mark means that there is a risk of backflow.Always assume a fixed connection (Pc -situation) on the drinking waterinstallation.Installation matrixcategory23 4*3 4*223 4*3 4*3 4*3 4*Note:In terms of the contactbetween drinking water andcontamination resulting fromsuch contact, it is assumedthat this connection ispermanent.Thus, when employing therisk analysis method, onemust always assume thesituation Pc(Permanent/Continual).The other two contactsituations (Pnc and T) are nolonger involved in the riskanalysis at this moment.5
BACKFLOW PROTECTION DEVICESProtection matrix6BABA 909BA 009BA BS MICROCACA 9CPressureLiquid categoryprotection unitsP atmP atm1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5Backflow preventerwith controllablereduced pressurezonePressureLiquid categoryprotection unitsP atmP atm1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5Backflow preventerwith differentnon controllablepressure zonesDADA 288APressureLiquid categoryprotection unitsP atmP atm1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5In line anti-vacuumvalveEACONTROLLABLECHECK VALVESEBPLASTICCHECK VALVESHAHA S8CHA NF8HDHD N9HD NLF9PressureLiquid categoryprotection unitsP atmP atm1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5Controllableanti-pollutioncheck valvePressureP atmP atmLiquid categoryprotection units1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5Non-controllableanti-pollutioncheck valveOnly permitted for specific domesticapplications and as front protection fordomestic water installations (pattern inhome water meters)PressureLiquid categoryprotection unitsHose unionanti-vacuum valveP atmP atm1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
BACKFLOW PROTECTION DEVICESBA 909 DN 20 (3 4") through DN 50 (2")The solution: BA 909 backflow protector with air supply to the intermediate zone,equipped with a KIWA certificate in conformance with KIWA inspectionguidelines BRL-K647.This solution means that now the BA 909, with KIWA certificate, can be used ineven more cases as the interruption alternative advised by water companies.An attractive alternativeThe BA 909 does not use any energy and theacquisition costs are considerably lower thanthose for an interruption unit.The BA 909 is appropriate for backflow and backsiphon cross connections.Basic principleThe BA 909 backflow protector offers completeprotection of the water supply network against thedanger of back-siphoning or backflow ofcontaminated water on the outlet side of thedevice. The BA 909 functions by maintaining apressure level in the middle chamber (reducedpressure zone) that is lower than that on theinflow side of the device (see also operation).Figure 1 depicts the most serious situation thatcan occur in practice: there is reverse pressure on the outlet side there is under-pressure on the inflow side neither check valve closes completely as theresult of contamination.In this situation, under-pressure can also occur inthe middle chamber, making it difficult orimpossible for the backflow to be discharged.When this water reaches the first check valve, itcan even be siphoned back into the water supplynetwork. Thus, it is extremely important toprevent the occurrence of under-pressure in themiddle chamber. The BA 909 achieves this byallowing air into the chamber via a separatechannel that opens into the top of the chamber.A patent, U.S. patent no. 4.241.752 has beenawarded for this so-called air-in/water-outprinciple.7Intermediate zoneInletOutletFirstcheckvalveSecond checkvalveRelief valveAir inWater outFigure 1Pressure-TemperatureAppropriate for a maximum system pressure of 1000 kPa(10 bar) and for a maximum temperature of 60 C. Forhigher temperatures a “hot water” model is available (max.90 C) in dimensions from DN 20 through DN 50.MaterialsBronze body, plastic seats for the check valves, other partssuch as the relief valve with seat and stainless steel flangebolt, extended life rubber for the check valves and bronzetest valves.Further technical specifications upon NDNDNDNConnection Dimensionsmm mmAB20 3 4"3429525 1"363 11632 11 4"433 12140 11 2"457 14550 2"483 170mmC221221295295295mmD102102127127127Widthmm mmE1199811998168 133168 133168 133Weightkg6.77.116.517.118.6ABDCE
BACKFLOW PROTECTION DEVICESkPa1008OperationThe BA 909 backflow protector thatprovides air to the intermediate zone,provides complete protection of thewater supply network against thedanger of back-siphoning and/orbackflow of contaminated water.In part due to the air chamber, theBA 909 offers optimum protectionbased on the so-called air-in/water-outprinciple.9080DN 20706050000.08 0.16 0.24 0.32 0.40 0.48 0.56 0.64 l/s288 576 864 1152 1440 1728 2016 2304 l/hkPa1009080DN 25706050000.12 0.24 0.36 0.48 0.60 0.72 0.84 0.96 l/s432 864 1296 1728 2160 2592 3024 3456 l/hkPa10090Water flowThe first and the second check valveare opened so that water can flowthrough the device. The pressure in thewater supply network against thediaphragm of the relief valve keeps thevalve closed. The pressure in themiddle chamber is a minimum of50 kPa lower than the water pressure.Static stateBoth check valves are now closed.Because the pressure on the inlet sideis approximately 50 kPa higher thanthe pressure in the middle chamber,the relief valve is always kept closed.80DN 32706050000.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 l/s720 1440 2160 2880 3600 4320 5040 5760 l/hkPa1009080DN 40706050000.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 l/s1080 2160 3240 4320 5400 6480 7560 8640 l/hkPa1009080DN 5070contamination60Back-siphoningWhen the pressure in the water supplynetwork falls, both check valves close.The relief valve is opened and thewater from the middle chamber isdischarged via the water outlet. Thereis an atmospheric “interruption”between the water supply network andthe contaminated or unknown water atthe outlet side of the device.BackflowWhen downstream backflow occurs,the first check valve closes and thewater supply network is protectedagainst backflow. Simultaneously therelief valve opens and discharges aquantity of water, so that the pressurein the middle chamber remains lowerthan the pressure in the water supplynetwork. Because under normalcircumstances the relief valve does notpermit any water to flow through, waterescaping from the relief valve is also asignal that something is wrong. Whencontamination occurs in the first and/orsecond check valve, in case of reversepressure no backflow can take placebecause of the patented Watts airin/water-out principle.50000.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 l/s1800 3600 5400 7200 9000108001260014400 l/hApprovalsThe BA 909 backflowprotection device has beencertified by Kiwa inconformance with BRL-K647.“Adjustable backflowprotection devices for backsiphon or reverse pressurecross connections, combinedwith air flow to the reducedpressure zone”. The approvalhas been recorded in KIWAcertificate K 6086. The devicehas been tested and approvedin the U.S.A. by variousagencies including A.S.S.E.,A.W.W.A., C.S.A., U.C.F.,F.C.C.C.H.R. (California),S A, U.L., U.P.C. and others.It has also been officiallycertified in various Europeancountries (such as NF, KIWAand SVGW).
BACKFLOW PROTECTION DEVICESBA 909 DN 65 through DN 250 (2 1 2"-10")Pressure - TemperatureAppropriate for a maximum system pressure of 1000 kPa (10 bar) and for amaximum temperature of 45 C.Material specificationsBody:Check valve seats:Test valves:Relief valve:Relief valve stem:9cast iron with epoxy coatingbronzebronzebronze / cast iron with epoxy coatingstainless steelFurther technical specifications upon request.BA 909Dimensionsmm 11379565Flange boring in conformance with DIN ronironironkPakPa909090808080DN 657060501.2043202. 12960 17280 21600 25920 30240 34560l/s50l/h002461012168147200 14400 21600 28800 36000 43200 50400 57600l/s50l/hkPakPa909080808070605070DN 200600072128354256491425200 50400 75600 100800 126000 151200 176400 201600l/sl/h500090DN 15014516018024029835618181822222260kPa70Bolt holediameter(mm)DN 10070DN 80600Boltpitch(mm)Measurements subject to change without notice.kPa70Flangesnumberof bolts xbolt thread(mm)4 x M 168 x M 168 x M 168 x M 208 x M 2012 x M 20369151824122110800 21600 32400 43200 54000 64800 75600 86400l/sl/hDN 2506000122436607296488443200 86400 129600 172800 216000 259200 302400 345600l/sl/h5000204060100 120 140 1608072000 144000 216000 288000 360000 432000 504000 576000l/sl/h
BACKFLOW PROTECTION DEVICES10InstallationThe BA 909 backflow protector must beinstalled so that it is easily accessiblefor maintenance and in order to verifythat it is operating properly.It must be installed horizontally with astrainer on the inflow side of the BA909, in such a way as to protect thevalves against unnecessarycontamination. Moreover, a shut-offvalve must be installed both upstreamand downstream of the device in thewater line. The overflow opening canbe connected to the drain via an airgaptundish set.If installed without a drain, the devicemust be installed at a height of aminimum of 2 x DN 20 mm above thesink hole. This may only be installedafter the pipe system has been cleanedin the normal method.Installation exampleInstalling two devices inparallel makes it possible toperform maintenanceproperly without disruptingthe water delivery.
BACKFLOW PROTECTION DEVICESAccessoriesAirgap tundish set 171711A type 1717 airgap tundish set can be used to mount a discharge pipe to therelief valve. This can be mounted directly to the body.The 1717 airgap tundish set is developed in conformance with NEN-EN 1717and EN 12729.The 1717 airgap tundish set can be easily connected to Ø 32 mm, 50 mm or75 mm discharges using PVC glue.TK 9A Control SetThe control set consists of a pressure differential manometer with modifiedconnection hoses and nipples. Using this set, the installed protector can beregulated quickly and easily. The method described in the Watts TK9-AOperation and Control Methods Manual can be used as a guideline for this.BA Backflow protection devices must be checked regularly.ACB0differentialpressure gauge0.250.5 0.75BARlowpressurehose(red)high pressure hose(yellow)test valvesshutoff valve41(blue)213shutoff valve5OpenClosed
BACKFLOW PROTECTION DEVICESBA 009 DN 15 UP TO DN 80Water companies demand assurance from all users that no contaminated orunknown water can siphon back into the drinking water network.To provide this assurance, Watts Industries provides backflow protection devicesin different protection categories.The BA 009 series (DN 15 - DN 80) is just one of the many possible versions.12Basic principle of the BA 009(DN 15 - DN 80)The BA 009 protection device consistsof two check valves connected inseries, with a space between in whicha relief valve is installed. The deviceoperates by maintaining reducedpressure in this intermediate zone (seefigure). Even if there is reversepressure on the outlet side of theBackflow can occur because, as thedevice and both check valves areresult of a calamity, the pressure in acontaminated, the device preventsnon-drinking water system temporarilyexceeds that of the main water supply. contaminated water from entering theline. In such a situation, the relief valveBack-siphoning can arise if the network will open and, in so doing, ensureatmospheric separation between thepressure falls below the originaldrinking water and the user pressure due to suddenThe figure depicts this situation.extremely large consumption. In bothcases contaminated water can flowProduct featuresback into the drinking water network,Easy to disassemble check valves:with all the risks that such an eventThe first check valve, the second checkentails.valve and the relief valve are all quiteIntermediate zonesimple to disassemble, which facilitatesmaintenance.Epoxy coating: The DN 65 & DN 80executions are coated with a highquality epoxy.Security of the drinking waterThe BA 009 backflow protectors withreduced pressure zone are speciallydesigned to prevent drinking watercontamination. They must be installedwhere there is a risk that contaminationcan occur due to back-siphoning orbackflow.OutletInletSecond check valveFirst check valveRelief valveBA 009 - pressure loss curvesDN 15DN 20DN 25DN 40DN 50DN 65DN 32DN 80
BACKFLOW PROTECTION DEVICESOperationTraffic flowThe first and the second check valveare open. The water pressure abovethe diaphragm of the relief valve keepsit closed. The pressure in the middlechamber is a minimum of 50 kPa lowerthan the outlet pressure.Static state(no water being used)Both check valves are now closed.The pressure in the middle chamberremains 50 kPa lower than the outletpressure, which keeps the relief valveclosed.Back-siphoningWhen the pressure in the water supplynetwork falls, both check valves close.The relief valve is opened and thewater from the middle chamber isdischarged via the water dischargeoutlet.An atmospheric 'interruption' is createdbetween the water supply network andthe contaminated or unknown water onthe outlet side of the device.contaminationBackflowIf back-pressure arises on the outletside, reverse pressure is created andthe first check valve closes, the reliefvalve opens and a quantity of water isdischarged, so that the pressure in themiddle chamber remains lower thanthat in the water supply network.Because under normal circumstancesthe relief valve does not permit anywater to flow through, in addition toproviding security, the escape of waterthrough the relief valve serves as asignal that something is wrong.13
BACKFLOW PROTECTION DEVICESTechnical informationInstallation dimensions DN 65 & DN 80Installation dimensions DN 15 through DN 50GH205GBA14HE245DC470Art. no.ADN15 405015010 45DN20 405020010 45DN25 405025010 45DN32 405032010 75DN40 405040010 75DN50 405050010 75B C D E50 95 35 11045 80 60 14045 80 60 14075115 90 22575115 90 22575115 90 235F G H205 G1 2 14305 G3 4 14305 G1 18455 G11 4 14455 G11 2 13470 G2 14I138225225342342342115TypeBA 009BA 009BA 009BA 009BA 009BA 009190IF245Flange boring in conformance with DIN 2532.InstallationThe BA 009 backflow protectors must be installed System specificationsin such a way that they can be easily accessedMax. system pressurePN 1000 kPa (10 bar)for maintenance and to verify proper operation.Max. water temperature60 C (standard)The device must be installed horizontally with a90 C (upon request)strainer on the inlet side, in such a way as toprotect the valves against unnecessaryMaterial specifications DN 15 t/m DN 50contamination (see installation examples).Body:bronzeMoreover, shut-off valves must be installedCheck valve seats:plasticupstream and downstream of the device in theRubber parts:siliconwater line.Seat relief valve:stainless steelThe relief opening can be connected to a drainvia an airgap tundish set.Material specifications DN 65 & DN 80If installed without at drain, the devices must beBody:cast iron with epoxy coatingplaced at a height of a minimum of 2 x DN 20Flange boring:in conformance withmm above a sink hole. See installation examples.DIN 2532 PN 10The device may not be installed until the pipeOther:idem as DN 15 through DN 50system has been cleaned using the customarymethod.ApprovalsThe BA 009 backflow protection device has been certifiedby KIWA in conformance with KIWA BRL-K646 (certificatenumber K 6117). The device has been tested and approvedin the USA by the following agencies: ASSA, AWWA,FCCCHR and IAPMO. It has also been certified in variousEuropean countries (such as NF, KIWA and SVGW).
BACKFLOW PROTECTION DEVICESInstallation examplesShut-off valveStrainerShut-off valveStrainerShut-off valveStrainerBackflow protectorType BA 009Backflow protectorType BA 009Backflow protectorType BA 00915Shut-off valveShut-off valveShut-off valve
BACKFLOW PROTECTION DEVICESBA BS MicroThe BS Micro backflow protectiondevice is developed especially for lowflow rate applications. This uniqueprotector is used specifically in systemswith a low flow. The device isespecially appropriate for dental chairsand soap dispensers. The BS Microoffers optimum protection inconformance with liquids class 4.16DimensionsStandardsThe BA BS Micro was developed inconformance with EN1717.Installation guidelinesInstall the BA BS Micro inconformance with your nationalinstallation guidelines.BAPressure los curve36Delta BS008BS01060A 8"1 4"3 8"40120000,20,40,60,811,21,4Flow (m3/h)BS006Putting the deviceinto operationPut the BS Micro intooperation by opening theshut-off valve up- anddownstream of the device.Then open the test cocks tobleed the device.After retightening the valves,the device is ready tooperate.Checking the deviceAccording to the nationalstandard, backflow protectiondevices must be checked atleast once a year.BS008BS010EN 12729 DN6EN 12729 DN8EN 12729 DN10InstallationInstall the BS Micro after cleaning the pipe system.To prevent contaminated water from flowing back into the potable water system,the BS Micro is installed upstream of the devices. Install the device in an easilyaccessible place: this simplifies inspections and maintenance.Ensure that the device is installed horizontally and is not under tension. Place astrainer on the inlet side of the device: this protects the valves againstunnecessary contamination. Moreover, shut-off valves are installed bothupstream of the strainer and downstream of the device. The discharge vent canbe connected to a drain via the integrated funnel.Material specificationsBodyBrass (DZR)Check valvePolymerSealingRubberSpringStainless steelFunnelPolymerTechnical specifications1Connection DN6 8"1Connection DN8 4"Connection DN10 3 8"Lenght x height143 mm x 110,5 mmOperating pressure PN 10Max. temperature 65 CApprovalsDVGWNFOther approvals in progress
BACKFLOW PROTECTION DEVICESCA 9CThe CA 9C offers a simple and anefficient protection against pollution ofthe drinking water supply system.This protection device preventsbackflow of polluted water from flowingback into the drinking water supplysystem (fluid class 3). The CA 9C hasa double non-return valve constructionwith an intermediate relief valve andoffers protection with regard to backsiphoning as well as backflow.The CA 9C was especially developedfor smaller connections to the watersupply system.StrainerStandardizationThe CA 9C protection device has beendeveloped in conformity with EN1717.17Installation instructionsInstall the CA 9C protection deviceaccording to national installationinstructions.CAFirst check valveSecond check valveDiaphragmDischarge openingSeatWater flowThe pressure in the water supply network ensuresthat the diaphragm keeps the discharge openingclosed; then the first check valve is released fromthe diaphragm. The water flows to the secondcheck valve via the middle chamber and lifts itfrom its seat.Static stateBoth check valves are now closed. The dischargeopening is always held closed.Back-siphoningWhen the pressure in the water supply networkfalls, the second check valve closes against theseat. The first check valve closes against thediaphragm, the discharge opening opens to theintermediate zone, once enough overpressure iscreated. This creates an atmospheric"interference" between the water supply networkand the contaminated water downstream. If thecheck valve is contaminated, seepage isdischarged via the opening. This preventscontamination of the drinking water.
BACKFLOW PROTECTION DEVICESDimensionsPressure loss curve DN 15 and DN 2018Ø 40 mm3Debit /debietFlow m/hM /HArticle number407015290407020290ItemAØCA 9C 1 2" bi x bi*CA 9C 3 4" bi x bi*Lmm121151Hmm129129Weightkg.0,590,66* device is supplied incl. funnel setOperationYou can start to use the CA 9C byslowly opening the stop cock for theCA 9C.InspectionAccording to national standards a CAbackflow protection device must beinspected at least once a year.Functional testsIt is possible to test the CA 9C to seewhether it functions correctly.AssemblyAssemble the CA 9C after the water supply system has been cleanedin the prescribed way. Install the CA 9C in front of the dangerousappliance. This prevents polluted water from flowing back into thedrinking water system. Install the CA 9C horizontally and when thesystem is dead.The integrated filter on the inlet side of the device sees to it that thenon-return valves and relief valve are protected against unnecessarypollution. Regularly clean this filter.In conformity with the national installation instructions, a stop cock (1)with draining device (2) must be placed in front of the CA 9C. Therelief opening must be connected to a discharge pipe via the enclosedfunnel.12Material specificationsBodyBrass (DZR)SpringStainless steelSealingRubberFunnelPlasticTechnical specificationsDiameter nominal DN 15, DN 20ConnectionF 1 2", 3 4"Working pressure PN 10Max. temperature 65 CConnection tundish Ø 40 mmApprovalsBELGAQUAKIWASVGWNFWRAS
BACKFLOW PROTECTION DEVICESDA 288A(C)Anti-siphon vacuum breaker19Anti-siphon vacuum breakers prevent backflow caused by contaminated waterbeing siphoned back into the drinking water network.DA 288AAnti-siphon devices with atmospheric vent prevent back caused by contaminatedwater being siphoned back into the drinking water network. One distinctivecharacteristic of these atmospheric vents is the lightweight valve, which isappropriate for temperatures up to 90 C, that closes the vent opening, thuspreventing water from escaping.ApplicationDA 288A is also recommended for equipment withsmall tap capacities, such as lab equipment, forexample. In drinking water installations toequipment in which the water supply runs belowthe overflow level. In such a situation, the deviceis installed downstream of the shut-off valve, andis thus not under constant pressure.No shut-off device can be placed downstream ofthe DA.AC2Advantages1. Silicon rubber seal2. Bearing3. Large flow-through for maximum capacity andminimum resistance4. Lightweight valveModel/dimensionsDA 288A connection sizes 1 4" through 3" in bronzeDA 288AC connection sizes 1 4" through 1" inchromed bronze (polished)Max. pressure.:Max. temp.:14B10 bar90 C3Further technical specifications upon request.DimensionsTypemin.300 288A(C)288A288A288A288A288AConnection Amm1 4"433 8"431 2"513 4"571"7311 4"7311 2"922"10521 267.77
BACKFLOW PROTECTION DEVICESEA & EB check valvesStandardizationThe controllable check valvesWatts Industries brass and cast iron check valves EA has been developed inprevent back-siphoning of potable water or water conformity with EN 1717.of unknown quality. The drain and regulationInstallation instructionsoptions allow you to check the operation of theInstall the check valves EAdevice and its imperviousness to leaks withoutaccording to nationaldisassembling the check valve. The brass andinstallation instructions.cast iron check valves can be applied inboth interior applications and otherEAapplications.20Special characteristicsKIWA, DVGW, NF and/or BELGAQUA approvalsComplies with the CEN-norm EN 13959Safety class EAVery low resistanceLong lifeHammer-free operationNoise-free operationMaterialsBody
ab cd e ba 909 dn 20 3 4" 342 95 221 102 119 98 6.7 ba 909 dn 25 1" 363 116 221 102 119 98 7.1 ba 909 dn 32 11 4" 433 121 295 127 168 133 16.5 ba 909 dn 40 11 2" 457 145 295 127 168 133 17.1 ba 909 dn 50 2" 483 170 295 127 168 133 18.6 a b d e c figure 1
WATTS Backflow Preventer WATTS Water Pressure Reducing Valve WATTS Pressure Gauge WATTS DET/PLT Water Expansion Tank Water Heater WATTS Tempering Valve† WATTS T&P Relief Valve WATTS Vacuum Relief Valve Tempered Water to Fixtures† Hot water to dishwasher and washing machine WATTS Temperature Gauge Water Meter WATTS Floor Drain WATTS Shutoff .
watts watts watts watts watts watts watts watts watts watts Power Pack NOTE: When necessary, divide large systems into 2 or more smaller systems using additional Power Packs. In which case, total only the bulb wattages for each fixture within each smaller systems to determine th
4000 Peak Watts / 3500 Running Watts PORTABLE GENERATOR Owner’s Manual and Operating Instructions . . phase loads requiring up to 14.6 A or 3500 Watts of power. If an L14-30P plug is wired for only one 120 Volt leg (3-wire connection) . Running Watts Watts .
principle fire protection backflow assembly High or low hazard Backpressure or backsiphonage Sizes 3/8" – 16 "ASSE 1013, AWWA C511, CSA B64.4, CSA B64.4.1 Reduced pressure detector fire protection backflow prevention assemblies High or low hazard Backpressure or backsiph
608.2 Plumbing fixtures. The supply lines and fittings for plumbing fixtures shall be installed so as to prevent backflow. Plumbing fixture fittings shall provide backflow protection in accordance with ASME A112.18.1/CSA B125.1. 608.3 Devices, appurtenances, appliances and apparatus.
d) A shutoff valve may be installed on the line downstream of a PVB and a SVB but shall not be installed downstream of an AVB. 3. APPROVED BACKFLOW PROTECTION: Any backflow protection assembly required herein shall be approved by MWC and the State of Oregon Department of Human Ser
Square Footage of House X 3 3 watts/sq. ft. KITCHEN CIRCUITS 9 Kitchen Circuits 3,000 watts 3,000 Electric oven 2,000 watts Electric stove top 5,000 watts Microwave 1,500 watts Garbage Disposal under kitchen sink 1,000 watts Automa
26 - 26 Watts 32 - 32 Watts 42 - 42 Watts 52 †- 52 Watts 64 - 64 Watts † 84 - 84 Watts † Guard: G - Guard provided Blank - Guard not provided Options: L - Lamps Provided F - Fused Z - Zone 1 Exd IIB H2 V Code Master PLT Factory Sealed Luminaires Explosionproof, Dust-Ignitionproof