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p A C K E TSS T A T .i U .R EG jlS T E RTu c s o n Ama t e ur Pa c ke t Radio Cor por a t i onWinter 2001President’s Corner - Winter 2000/2001Issue # 8 0The last issue o f ASK announced that Greg Jones. WD5IVD, has resignedas TAPR President, a position he’d held since 1993. I’m honored to havebeen selected to follow him. He leaves behind big shoes to fill.Published by:Tucson Amateur Packet Radio8987-309 E. Tanque Verde Rd.#337Tucson. A2 85749-9399Phone: 940-383-0000FAX: 940-566-2544t a p r lapr.orgwww.tapr.orgOffice Hours:Tuesday Friday9:00am-12:00. 3:00-5:00?m CentralIn This Issue.H a m H U D h a s a n e w h o m e . 3G r e e t i n g s from t h e P e n n - O h i oDX S o c i e t y .3TAPR E l e c t s O f f i c e r s . 4E l e c t r o n i c P S R ? .4C o m p a c t F l a s h A d a p t e r II.5T U C - 5 2 / M E T C O N - 2 .6M o d e m s f o r A O - 4 0 . 9I n s i d e t h e K e n w o o d TM-D7Q0D a t a R a d i o .10TAPR D i r e c t o r R o l e s . 10TAPR A p p o i n t s N e w D i r e c t o r s ,S e c r e t a r y .11D i r e c t o r N o m i n a t i o n s S o u g h t . 12M e e t i n g M i n u t e s 9 / 2 2 / 0 0 . 12Online Meeting Minutes:Q u a r t e r 2, 2 0 0 0 .14Q u a r t e r 3. 2 0 0 0 .14Q u a r t e r 4. 2 0 0 0 .17P r o c e e d i n o s No w A v a i l a b l e onC D - R O M .18F H S S R a d i o U p d a l e . 19Digital R a d i o in t h eN e w M i l l e n i u m .2 0TAP R DCD withM X61 4 M o d e m .22TAP R L o ok i ng forV o l u n t e e r s .23W inter 2001 - Issue 80I think TAPR is on die right hack. We know what we are focusing on:"enabling technologies" that provide hams with tools to make their owncontribulions to die an. Ihese technologies range from relatively simple,low cost kils like the PIC H. which can be programmed to do a multitudeo f interesting things, to complex cutting edge projects like die PH SpreadSpectrum radio, or our new efforts to exploit Software Defined Radios("SDRs") lor ham use. In each ease, the end result is not a closed blackbox, but radier a starting point. Rather than being an end in themselves,these projects provide the basis for further experimentation anddevelopment.The Software Defined Radio concept is a case in point. Elsewhere in thisissue, Steve Bible. N7HPR, presents an introduction to SDRs, so I won’trepeat his description here. But after reading Steve's article, you will seethat SDRs have the potential o f moving radio design back into the hands o fLook fo r TAPR at these Upcoming EventsMay 18-20, 2001Sept. 21-23, 2001Sept. 22, 2000Dayton HamVantlonARRL & TAPR Digital Communication ConferenceCincinnati, OhioAnnual Memberehlp Meeting; Cincinnati, OhioPocket Status RcetstcrTuexnn Amateur Parker Radio CorpPO Box SI 114Denton, TX 7(5M6-ftll4PERIODICALPOSTAGE PAID ATDENTON. TXRETURN SERVICE REQUESTEDIP acket Status R egisterPage 1

President's Comer, continued.hams. Want to n y a new mode? With an SDR. you don’tItave to worry about the hardware, because the radio canbe programmed to be whatever you want it to be. Radiodesign won’t depend on the ability to find (and work with)surface mount components, but instead will require onlya device that’s rapidly becoming the most common toolin the hamshack - a computer.Our technical focus is right on. but TAPR does need tomake some other changes. Most o f those stem from thefact that Cireg did far more than provide the organizationwith leadership: he was a one man band who liandledeverything front maintaining the web site to being ourbook editor to monitoring each one o f die dozens o f f APRmailing lists. There’s simply no way that anotherpresident — at least, not this one -- can handle all thosetasks. As a result. I'm going to be looking lor a lot ofhelp, both from the other TAPR Board members, andfront members who want to volunteer.One specific change that will h i in place by the timeyou read this column is that I am asking each TAPR Boardmember to take accountability for a specific role withinthe organization. For exam ple, there w ill he a"Membership Director" whose job is to ensure that we aredoing the right things to grow our membership. TheDirector's job won’t necessarily be to do all the workhimself, hut rather to ensure that the work gets done.This change is important because TAPR can’t affordto be a one man show. An old boss o f mine used to drivehome the point about knowledge sharing by asking thequestion, "And what happens if you’re hit by a bus on theway home from work tonight?" A volunteer organizationis even more at risk from change (new job, workpressures, or plain old burnout) than a business, and wcneed to design an orgnization that doesn’t rely on oneperson Although Cireg was able to give us enough leadtime to make some plans (wc even titled a working sessionlast year "Life After Greg"), we may not be so lucky inlhe future. Spreading the work load will help us beprepared for a bus crash.I also hope that we’ll see volunteers taking on a biggerrole in the organization. There arc lots of folks out theredoing neat technical stuff, but there are also lots o f TAPRmembers who have the ability to help with other roles,even if they're not great w ilh a soldering iron or debugger.If you’d like to help TAPR, we’d like to hear from you.Finally, one of my other goals is to increase TAPR'smembership. I don’t think w c'vc done a good job orlening the ham community know what we’re all about,and if we spread the word, we should be able to bringmore members into the fold. Increased membershipprovides TAPR not only stronger financial resources, butPegs 2HfllirC content? Copyright C 2001 Tucson Amateur Packet RadioCorp. tiniest otherwise indicated, explicit permission it granted to reproduce any materials appearing herein for non-commercial Amateu: publication* provided that crcdil u given Wboth the author and TAPR. alonguith the TAPR piiooc Dumber (940-1K1-0000). Other reproduction *prohibited without written permission ftwen TAPR.Opinions expressed arc those o f the author* and not necessarily thOSCOf TAPR, the Board o f UirCClOlS. Officer?, or the Editor. Acceptance ofadvestising docs not constitute endorsement. by 1APR. o f the productsaclsertisoJ. APRS is registered to Bob Brunuiga. WR4APRM IC K is a UaJcinaik o f Bob Bruninga. WB4APKPostmatter- Send address ebonites to TAPR. P O. Bax 51114.Denied,IX . 76206-0114.I’askct Stallt» to isttr (1SS\ 1052 3626. USPS 005419):: published quarterly by the fuCSOQAmatenr Packet RaJm CttpOial 0ll. 1418 Ridgecrest. lAntem. TX 76705. Membership in luCSOnAmateur Packet Radio. including a subscriprinn tti PacketStatusis 20.fiOper year in Uic U.S. and Y *se*sions, o lw Inch 12.00 is allocatedto Per Ac.1Status Register. Membership is 20.00 in Canada and Mexico,and 25.00 elsewhere, payable in U.S. fund:. Membership and PacketStatus RtgiSte cnnn.it be separated. Periodical pontage paid at Demon.IX.PSR Editor:Bob I laittcn, K2GDEInternet: pjr j upr.orgAdvertising:Coni act the TAPR office.TAPK Officer*:PresidentJohn Ackarmann, N8URVlca PraaidantSlava Bible, N7HPRGuy Story, KC5G0ISacrataryJim Naaly, WA5LHSTraaaurarT APR Board ofDirwrtor*:Board Me mberJohn Ackarmann, N6URByon Garrabrant, NBBGDoug McKinney,KC3RLStava Blbla, N7HPRBob Hanaan, N2G0EStava Dlmaa, K4HGStava Stroh, N8GNJJohn Koatar, W9DDDMai Whlttan, apr.orgn2gda@tapr.orgk4hg@tapr.orgwd5lvd@tapr.or w9ddd@tapr.or kOpfx@tapr.orgData la expiration of term on Board of Directors.The Tucson Amateur P.tckei Radio Corporation anua-ptofit scicnrific research And development cuiporation [Section 501(c)(3) o f the W.S.rax cixlcj. Contributions are deductible to lhe extent allowed by U.S. taxlaw*. I APR is chartered in tlic Stare o f Arizona fee the piirpnse illdesigning and developing new systems for digital tadio eommunkralajuin the Amateur Radio Sen. icc. and for disseminating information requiredduimg. and obtained from. Such research.Article submission deadlines for upcoming issues:Spring 2001Summer 2001Fall 2001Winter 2001Submission Guldellnss:March IS, 2001June 15,2001September 15,2001December 15,2001TAPR is always interested in receiving information aid articles forpuhlicabun. If you have an idea for an aniete you would like to SCO. oryou. 01 seencone yxiu know, is doing mtactliiitfi that would interest digitalcommunicators, please contact the editee 40 that your wuik can be sharedwiili the Amateur community.The picfcrrcd format lor articles u plain ASCII text: the preferredgraphic lormais are HPCil. or PCX. However, wc can accep* many popularword processor ond graphic loimats All suhniissic-ns on diskette shouldbe formatted for MS-DOS.Packet Status RegisterWinter2001 Issue *80

even more importantly gives tis a larger pool o f smartfolks who can help us advance the state of the art.another nrn o f the kits. Until then, we're only taking"hold your place in line" orders for the T-238.DCC 2000The FHSS radio project continues to move alongslow ly. The red esig n that w as forced by thediscontinuation o f many critical parts has really moved usbackwards; the team is now debugging problems on thenew design that didn't cause us to bat an eye on the oldboards. But progress is heing made, even if it’s slowgomg-O rlando gave th e 19th A R R L /TA PR D igitalCommunications Conference a big welcome. Florida isa hotbed o f APRS activity, and F rid ay 's APRSsymposium showed it. with about 100 people inattendance.Following the APRS program, the Packet Radio UsersGroup ("PRUG") o f Japan sponsored a reception andprovided an update on their activities, which include ad e m o n stratio n o f th e p o s sib ilitie s o f low costInternet-connected sensors and software mobile agenttechnology. PRUG also introduced the TINI-AMEDES.a Java based one-board computer with Flhemct interfacewhich supports the Dallas Sem iconductor I-wireinterface, and provided an update on their 2.4Ghz spreadspectrum radio, which was shown at the PRUG DCCforum two years ago and has now .been commercializedby Root, Inc. We’re very glad that PRUG has been ableto join us at the DCC for the last foul' years; their worknever fails to impress.About 135 attended the presentation o f technicalpapers and beginners' sessions on Saturday. The papersincluded several advanced descriptions o f spreadspectrum techniques, as well as the (now expected) slewo f new ideas from APRS authors Bob Bruninga and theSproul brothers. Saturday evening's banquet featuredDoug Campbell o f Triton Networks, Inc. who describedthe technology his company uses to pn vide liber-oplicdata rates using RF links as high as 90 (!) GHz.About 70 people got up early on Sunday morning toattend the PIC development seminar; hopefully, thepopularity o f this event (which we also did at last year’sDCC in Phoenix) will lead to even more cool PIC-basedprojects showing up.Geoff Dick, WA41K.Q, who was also the DCC's localvolunteer coordinator, won the grand prize drawing onSaturday evening. He walked away with a TM-D700APRS-capable mobile rig. courtesy o f Kenwood.The next DCC will be held in Cincinnati on September21-23, 2001. Mark your calendars now!P ro je ct UpdateThe good news is that our first run of the T-238 APRSWeather Station kits sold out quickly, and demand formore units is strong. The bad news is that DallasSem iconductor has dropped the w eather sensors(anemometer, etc.) which are kind o f important to puttingthe kit to use. Rumours abound o f an alternative sourcefor the sensors, and we’re standing by to see if theybecome available again. If they do, we’ll put togetherWinter2001 Issue a80Packet S tatus R egister - A n E le ctro nic Future?Elsewhere in this issue o f PSR you’ll find a surveyasking your views about whether we should conlinue lopublish PSR in paper form. We’d really appreciate yourinput; we know tliat receiving PSR is an important part ofTAPR membership, but we also know tliat the paperversion consumes resources that could be used to provideother services. Please let us know what you think!Thanks!The DCC ended up being really successful, althoughthere were a few nervous moments along the way. I'dlike to thank our coordinators, Steve (N8GNJ) and TinaStroll, and local volunteer leader Geoff Dick. WA4IKQ,for their hard work and persevcrcncc. It really paid o ftLocal volunteers Aaron Morrison, AF.4KO, and KeithKotclt. KF4BXT, also did a lot o f hard work behind thescenes lo help make the show succeed.Thanks lo ihem as w ell.7 3 for now ,JohnHamHUD has a new home: hamhud.netSteve Urogg.K ASMVAka niva&qsl.rtClThe HanxHUD project (a minimalist APRS(tm) mobileterminal with SmariBeuconing) has a new website:http://www.hamhud.net Top levelhttp:/,‘hh2.hamhud.net HamHUD 11 (current)http://hh3.hamhud.net HamHUD III (in design)Greetings from the Penn-Ohio DX Society(PODXS)Jay. N3DQUGreetings from the Penn-Ohio DX Society (PODXS).Please pass the word to die PSKers in your group aboutour free 7 Club PSK award program. Inlb about the 7 Clubcan be found at our cket Status RegisterPage 3

TAPR Elects Officers at 19th Annual DigitalCommunications ConferenceJohn Ackerm ann, N8UR, was elected the newpresident o f TAPR at the 19ih ARRI.TAPR DigitalCommunications Conference held in Orlando September21-24. 2000.135 hams, including a dozen from outside the US,attended the annual event, which includes presentation o ftechnical papers, hands-on dem onstrations, andbeginner's sessions. Over 100 people attended Fridayafternoon’s APRS seminar, and 70 were present for ateclinical symposium on programming PIC chips heldSunday morning.Ackcmiann succeeds Greg Jones, WD51VD, who hadserved as president since 1993, with. Steve Bible, N7HPR,replacing Ackcnuann as vice president. Bob Hansen,N2GDE, will continue to serve as secretary, and JimNeely, WA5LHS. remains treasurer. The elections wereheld atTAPR’s annual board meeting, held in conjunctionwith the DCC."Greg Jones led TAPR through a period o f growth andinnovation," Ackermann said. "On his watch, we broughtsignificant new products to market, including the DSP-93digital signal processing unit Totally Accurate Clock,and Mic-E and Pic-E data encoders. Greg also laid diegroundw ork for our Frequency H opping SpreadSpectrum Radio project. He guided us into the Internetage, along the way creating the TAPR SIG mailing liststhat now handle thousands of messages per month. Gregis also responsible for our increased publishing activities.His retirement leaves a void in TAPR that will be hard tofill."Ackermann said that his primary objective will be toensure that TAPR remains on the cutting edge o f radiotechnology, with a special emphasis on emergingconcepts such as Software Defined Radios. He will alsofocus on increasing membership and Optimizing theorganization’s management structure.Ackermann (ex-AG9V). who lives in Dayton, Ohio,has served on the TAPR Board o f Directors and as vicepresident since 1995. He was first licensed in 1974 andhas helped build packet tadio networks in Ohio andWisconsin. Ackermann is active on APRS, runs aL inux-based In tern et site at his home, and canoccasionally be found on CW chasing DX.Bible lives in Kingsland, Georgia, and has been aTAPR Board member since 1996. He was projectmanager for TAPR’s Totally Accurate Clock (TAC-2),EV.V1 Radio Interface. PIC Encoder, and DGPSReference Station kits. Bible is leading TA PR’sdevelopment o f a road map to develop Software DefinedRadio Technology for amateur use.Page AIn other news from the DCC: TAPR announced that it will be offering the"EasyTrak" satellite rotor and radio controller ThisPlC-bascd unit will control azimuth and elevationrotors for satellite use. as well as nine popular radiosfor Doppler correction. PRUG, die Packet Radio Users Group o f Japan, demonstrated the possibilities oH ow cost Inlemel-conncctcd sensors and software mobile agent technology. PRUG also introduced the T1N1-AMEDES, aJava based one-board computer with Ethernet interface which supports the Dallas Semiconductor I-wireinterface, and provided an update on their 2.4Ghzspread speemtm radio, which has been commercialized by Root. Inc. Geoffrey Dick. WA4IKQ, was winner o f the grandprize awarded at the Saturday evening banquet.Geoff won a TM-D700 APRS-capable mobile radiodonated by Kenwood.DCC 2001 will be held in Cincinnati, Ohio fromSeptember 21-23,2001. Conference coordinators will beSteve and Sheila Bible assisted bv local coordinator HankGrceb, N8XX.Should the Packet Status Register Move toElectronic Format?We know from your comments tint receiving the PSRis an important benefit o f being a TAPR member.However, you may not be aware that printing and mailingthe PSR is one of the biggest expenses wc incur. The laborrequired to handle each issue is also a significanteffort.The TAPR Board has been considering for somelime whether we should move the PSR to an electronicformat. In addition to reducing our costs, an electronicPSR could be more timely and could take advantage ofmultimedia -- for example, we could print color photos,include audio or video clips, and even include softwareon oceasion.Now, we'd like to hear from you. Please letas know —bv email to tapr@tapr.org, comments on thetapr web site, or even plain old snail mail vvliat directionyou'd like PSR to go:1. Continue with a paper PSR. (If this is your choice,please let us know honestly - whether moving to artelectronic-only publication would cause you to drop yourT APR membership.)2. Drop the paper version and make the PSR availablethrough a "members only" page at the tapr web site (Ifthis is your choice, please let as know whether you’d wantan email notification that a new issue is available.)3. Send the PSR content via email (probably a PDF filewith links to other resources embedded).Your input will help us make the right decisionPacket Status RegisterWinter2001 - Issue *80

CF socket:Type U socket with guides, no ejection button.Compact Flash Adapter - IIS um m aryTAPR is pleased to announce a new and improvedversion o f the Compact Hash Adapter card. The -11version accepts Type IT Compact Flash cards. This willallow the use of the IBM Micnxlrivc and supports the useo f DMA with the Microdrive. Also new with die -IIversion is the option of a user supplied and installed 2.5"inch IDE (44 pin 2mm pitch) connector.Mini FAQW hat is it?A small circuit board which has a socket to accept aCompact Flash memory card. It also has an IDE driveconnector and power connector.Price 59. available once the current supply of Typc-1adapters is exhausted.What does it do?It allows one to build a diskless l’C system. TheCompact Flush card provides 100% hard drive emulation.H is to ry - Type I A d apterAbout two years ago a CompactFlash (Type I) Adapterwas developed to fill a need for a rugged boot disk forequipment located in harsh environments. It is a passivedevice that simply maps the signals from the 50 pinCompactFlash connector to the 40 pin IDE connector and4 pin power connector. Approximately 400 o f these havebeen sold.How do I use it?You plug in power and IDF. cahlcs from your PC andplug in a Compact Flash card. Initialize the CompactFlash card and install the operating system just as youwould on a regular hard drive.W hy a Type II A dapter?Shortly after the first few original adapters were sold,we started getting emails with suggestions on how toimprove the product or "why didn't you do it this way"?As valid as all the comments were, none were compellingenough to trigger a new version, until this question: "Willit work with the IBM Microdrivc?" Some Of thesequestions were coming from within IBM. Well, we hadto brash up on the changing CFA specification. We did alayout o f a new hoard incorporating the changes neededfor Type II cards and hopefully including all thesuggestions made curlier. The Type II adapter has beentested with an IBM Microdrive in an IBM facility and ison their IBM Microdrive Compatibility Matrix.General In fo rm a tio nSize:2.6” x 3.065” x 0.5” (66mm x 77.8mm x 12.7mm)Mounting hole size and pattern:0.14" (3.56mm) diameter on a 2.3" x 2.6” (58.4mm x66mm) pattern.Power requirements:Voltage: 5 VDC via 3.5" floppy style power connector or die 44 conductor "2.5 in." IDF. cable.Current: None for the adapter, total depends on cardinserted.What operating systems may I use?Both Linux and DOS 6.22 have been tested. The onlytheoretical limitation is the Compact Flash card capacity,(e.g. Windows 95 wouldn't lit on an 8Mb Compact Flushcard.) However, now that you can use an IBMMicrodrive, that shouldn't be a problem.Where do you get the CompactFlush curd?At any store that carries digital cameras or digitalcamera accessories.U sing th e A dapterThe flash adapter board is supplied assembled. To usethe adapter, you need the following: A CompactFlash card (size depends on the operatingsystem and applications to be loaded) A spare connector on your IDE ribbon cable An unused power connector compatible with thecommon 3.5" floppy drive A place to mount the cardReference material for the Compact Flash specificationis a v a ila b le at the C o m p actF lash A ssociation( w w w .c o m p a c lfla sh .o rg ) w eb site . R eferen ceinformation I'or the IBM Microdrive is available at theIBMM ic ro d riv eD e v e lo p e r’sC o rn er(www.storage.ibm.com).CompactFlash is a trademark o f the CompactFlash Association.Midodrive is a trademark of IBMIDE Interface:40 pin 0.1" pitch IDE connector, optionally the purchaser may install a 44 pin 2mm pitch "laptop" IDEconnector.Winter 2001 - Issue *80Packet Status RegisterPapa 5

TUC-52 / METCON-2TAPR announces the release o f the TUC-52 kit whichis an 80C32-bascd controller. Features o f the TUC-52include the following:Real Time ClockEPROM based Basie32 kb SRAM32 kb EPROM2 85C55 parallel I/O chips2 serial pons (TTL levels)Price 139Metcon-2TAPR also announces the release o f the Metcon-2option for the TUC52.The Mctcon-T2hoard provides:'Power control relaySignal conditioning for 8 digital inputs.RS232 level converters for 2 serial portsRS485 level converterThe Metcon-2 connects to the TUC-52 via a 50conducter ribbon cable.Price 105O p tio n s to r Metcon-2/TUC-52MULRLY board provides 8 isolated relay (SPDT)contact outputs.Price 79Metcon-1 options may also be used with Metcon-2.Sec the aniclc elsewhere in this issue for moreinformation about the TUC-52 and the Metcon-2.TUC-52 and MetCon-2[This article was compiled from web pages authored byFoul Newlancl. ad7i: additional material and editing byJohn K os ter. w9dddjSeveral years ago TAPR introduced MFTCON. atelemetry and control system. Unfortunately, that systemis no longer available for new applications. TheM ETCON-2 system is a replacem ent for and animprovement to the original METCON system.The METCON-2 system is functionally similar to theoriginal METCON system, however there are somedifferences. First, instead of using a single IC 8751 as themicrocomputer system, the METCON-2 uses the newTAPR Universal Controller 8052 (TUC-52). This is aPage 6small single board computer that is capable o f runningBASIC with a rudimentary Hie system (as well asassembly coded application programs). The TUC-52 isdescribed below.lhc METCON-2 system consists o f several boards,some o f which are optional. In its most basic form,METCON-2 consists of a TUC-52 controller board and aMETCON-2PB personality board. These two boardsrecreate the original METCON functionality, which is 8bits o f binary ovcr-voltage-protcctcd inputs, frequencycounter for each o f the binary inputs, and 8 bits o f controloutput. Additionally, the METCON-2 will provide theability to program the system in BASIC for advancedcontrol and measurement functions.One item missing from METCON-2 is the isolatedform A (SPST) relay contacts. To save money and spaceMETCON-2 provides open collector current sink outputsinstead o f dry relay contacts. However, for thoseapplications drat require dry relay contacts, a newmultiple relay module, the MULRLY board, has beendesigned. Tliis module is designed to connect directly tothe METCON-2PB personality hoard and provide 8relays with form C (SPOT) dry contact outpuLs. Anadditional change provided by METCON-2 versus tireoriginal METCON. as requested by many users, is that allconnections to tire outside world are by means o f screwterm inals rather than the lever wire-compressionterminals. Tliis should improve interconnections in thoseenvironments where vibration is a problem.METCON-2 is fully compatible with the originalMETCON ADC (analog to digital converter) module, theVTF (Voltagc/Tcmpcrature to Frequency converter)module and die FTP (Elapsed Time Pulser) Module.The minimum METCON-2 system consists o f dieT U C -52 (TAPR U niversal C o n tro lle r) and theMETCON-2PB (METCON-2 Personality Board) To theminimum system you may add additional modules orboards such as the ADC. VTF. ETP and MULRLY. Eacho f these will be described briefly.METCON-2PBlhc METCON-2PB is a 4.5" by 6" circuit board dratcontains the circuitry needed to make the TUC-52 acomplete METCON-2 system The board is easily addedto the TUC-52 by means of a 50 conductor ribbon cableconnected between 50 pin headers on each hoard. Thefunctions provided by the METCON-2PB arc: Powerc o n d itio n in g and c o n tro l. 8 inputs w ith signalconditioning, schnriu trigger (74I1C14) and 8 inputmultiplexer. 2 MAX232 line driver-receiver interfaces, aRS485 transceiver, a simple two wire serial bus interface,and a watch dog timer.Packet States RegisterWinter 2001 - issue #80

TUC-52 D escrip tio nIntroductionTins board serves as a universal controller based on the8051/8052 architecture. The constraints arc to have aboard that is capable o f operating with internal maskedrom or external EPROM, and that the memory mapprovide both Harvard (separate code and data) or VonNeuman (combined code and data) addressing modes.RAM sites arc provided such that up to 64K. o f RAM canbe addressed on the board and both RAM sites may bebattery backed up. There are several pre-programmedmemory maps that the user can choose by placing shuntson shorting blocks. One particular memory map willallow the operation olTNTEL's MCS BASIC-52, a standalone "tiny basic" system that includes floating pointcalculations and a rudimentary file system for storing andreceiving basic programs as well as the ability' to beginexecuting a user developed preprogrammed basicprogram at reset, without any operator intervention.Plenty o f bit I/O has been provided for so that bussignals do not need to leave the board. However,provision is made for a limited bus to be conveyed toanother closc-by board.CPU and Associated GlueIC1 is die CPU socket that holds most any member o fthe 8052 family that uses a 40 pin DIP package, includingthe Dallas DS80C320. 1C1 typically is stuffed with an80C32 (the rom-lcss version of the 80C52). Y1 providesa standard clock frequency o f 11.0592 MHz that allowsfor common baud rates on die serial UART port.Serial communications with die CPU via an on-board"poor man's" RS-232 interface or un off-board RS232lin e d riv c r/r c c c iv c r su ch as p ro v id e d by theMETCON-2PBThe CPU may execute code from it’s internal maskedprogram memory or from an external EPROM. Thechoice is determined by the positioning o f a shunt.Many different memory installations arc possible widtTUC52. At the bare minimum (and we really neverexpected to operate this way) it’s possible that TUC52could operate with only internal code and data within the8051/8052, leaving IC4. IC5 and IC6 unpopulated. Morelikely is that IC4 will contain an EPROM with code andthat the 256 bytes ol'RAM internal to an 8032 will be usedfor read/write storage. Most simple applications can runin this mode.M oving up the scale o f com plexity, the nextcmbellishcmcnt would be to have a RAM device at IC6.In this configuration IC4 could be mapped for code spacefrom OH to 7FFFH while IC6 could be mapped for codeAND data from 8000H to EFFFH.Winter 2001 - issue *80When TUC52 is used for MCS BASIC-52 programdevelopment a RAM device would be added at IC5 whichwould be configured for data space from 0 to 7FFFH. Inthis case 1C5 serves as working program memory whileIC6 serves as the file system Tor storing programs anddata. When TUC52 is used as a stand-alone mountain-topMCS BASIC-52 program execution system. IC6 willhold a ROM that contains the user’s BASIC source codeprogram. A ROM is used in this case instead o f BBRAMbecause it’s more reliable.I/OThere are two main types o f I/O for TUC-52: processorI/O and memory mapped auxilary I/O. Processor I/O isI/O provided by the processor IC itself while auxilary I/Ois that provided by memory mapped 82c55 parallel ports.First consider processor I/O.Iliere are two processor I/O ports available: P 1 and P3o f 8 bits each. The PI port usually provides generalpurpose bit I/O while P3 has special features associatedwith each lead. However, the special features o f P3 canalways be disabled and the ports used for simple bitinput/outputl/O. For advanced processors (like the DallasDS80C320) even the PI port has special featuresassociated with it.The features o f P3 arc always as follows (in additionto general purpose bit I/O):P3.0RXDUART Data InputP3.1TXDUART Data OutputP3.2P3.3P3.4P3.5P3.6P3.7INTO* Interrupt 0 InputINTI* Interrupt I InputTO Timer 0 InputTlTimer 1 InputWR* Bus Write (not available for bit I/O)RD* Bus Rear! (not available for bit I/

designing and developing new systems for digital tadio eommunkralaju in the Amateur Radio Sen. icc. and for disseminating information required duimg. and obtained from. Such research. Article submission deadlines for upcoming issues: Spring 2001 March IS, 2001 Summer 2001 June 15,2001 Fall 2001 September 15,2001 Winter 2001 December 15,2001

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