CALENDAR OF EVENTSFAMILY CAMPCamp iod News, PrescottAugustYOUTH CAMPCamp Good News, PrescottAugust -9, 19683-),1968CONFERENCES:YOUTHMay 3, 1969NISSI ONARYParkview, TucsonMay 19, 1969 - 7:00 P.M.DISTRICTParkview, TucsonMay 20, 1969 - 9:00 P.M.
TABLE OF CONTENTSPagesOfficers and CommitteesMinisterial DirectoryDirectory of ChurchesConference ProceedingsFirst SittingSecond SittingConference RollDistrict Superintendents AddressSuperintendent's Personal ReportAuditor's DeportDistrict Treasurers ReportFinancial Statement of strictEducation and Examining BoardMemoirs CommitteeStatisticians Summary ReportConference Action CommitteeStanding Rc-sdluticnsWomen's Missionary Society ConferenceWomen's hissionary Presidents AddressWomen's Missionary Treasurers ReportWomen's Missionary Resolutions Committee ReportWomen's Missionary Standing Resolutions78-9ic-n12-1316-17181819202122 -2.26-2727282929STATISTICn REPORTS30313232ChurchSunday SchoolYouth SocietyMissionary SocietyPastor's ReportsServicesUnstationed MinistersBeceiptsLocal ExpendituresDistrict ExpendituresGeneral ExpendituresTotal ExpendituresEvaluation33-333637-38394lLJ- 3' -
OFFICERS AND COI4TTTEES for1968-1969DISTRICT COUNCILZip reasurerN. Roberts Way - Tucson, Arizona85716325-5817Advisory MemberE. Weldon Ave1 Phoenix, Arizona85012265-Lji26SuperintendentJohn A. Dunn- 323 E. Coronado Rd. - Phoenix, ArizonaAssistant SuperintendentMelvin D. Lockard - R. R. 2, Box183 - Apache Junction, ArizonaSecretaryN. E. Turner - BoxDenzel Clouse Arthur HunterL31 - Sedona, Arizona1303- 301BOARD OF TRUSTEESKenneth Art (1 year) lL29 Hall Street - Lempe, ArizonaElwood Hunter (2 years) 2156 W. Window Rock Drive - Tucson, ArizonaCharlie Long (3 years) 3001 E. Culver - Phoenix, Arizona967-381762L-029L275-L53LCENTRAL PILGRIM COLLEGE BOARD NEERJohn A. DunnEDUCATI ON AND EXAMINING BOARDOne Year TermTwo Year TermThree Year TermG L. KeeneArthur HunterG, C. AveryCONFERENCE ACTION COITTEEArthur Hunter, ChairmanG, C. Avery, SecretaryMarvin WainscottCharles LongEdwin DiggsSUNDAY SCHOOL BOARDPromotional SecretaryAdvisoryAdvisoryArthur HunterFrancis HarringtonYirman UnderwoodDISTRICT YOUTH COIVIIVflTTEENeil BaileyGary LimpoMelvin LockardVernon ory
MISSIONARY SOCIETY BOARDPresidentVice -PresidentSecretary-Tre asurerAdvisoryAdvisoryFaith TurnerDona LockardWilma DunnHelen StarrLenore ClouseRECEPTION COMMITTEEWillard MetzMOIRS COMMITTEECecile BradleyHelen StarrLenore ClauseSTATISTICIANHarold SlavensAUDI TI MG COMMITTEEHarold SlavensElwood Hunter, ChairnanEQUALIZATION OF TRAVELDenzel ClauseMINISTERIAL DIRECTORYACTI 1L ORDAINED MINISTERS38 E. First StreetG. C. Avery3267 N. Mountain Ave.P. W. BrownllL W. North Lane St.Edwin Diggs323 E. Coronado Rd.John A. Dunn301 P. Weldon Ave.Arthur HunterR. P. 2, Box 183Melvin D, Lockard308 N GardenWillard Netz1920 W. FairmountC. J. Meyers82 W, Eleventh St.Herman UnderwoodTucson, ArizonaTucson, ArizonaPhoenix, ArizonaPhoenix, ArizonaPhoenix, ArizonaApache Junction, Arizona.Roswell, New MexicoPhoenix, ArizonaTempe, 81DENOMINATIONAL SERVICE0. D. Emery320 Birchwood DriveLebanon, IndianaL6O52AVAILABLE FOE WORKWalter CookFrederick CromerLois BarefootDale HaflawayG. L. KeeneDavid F. MillerN, F, TurnerWilma Re 1ffOscar Terry85021850203030 S. Donald Ave.1521 W. VernonBox L316)36 W. Aie1ia Ave.)4836 S. Tenth St.Phoenix, ArizonaPhoenix, ArizonaPrescott, ArizonaTempe, ArizonaTucson, ArizonaPhoenix, ArizonaSedona, ArizonaPhoenix, ArizonaPhoenix, ArizonaEugene Zerby1520 E. WaverlyTucson, Arizona8825 N. 28th Drive201 E. Orchid LaneS8571b85007863368503385OL0
RETIREDN0 A. Elkins:rs. W. A. PikingBert MeadPaul R. Sawdy3116 E. Mulberry3116 E. MulberryL5LJ5 N. Romero Rd.98)41 N. Seventh PlacePhoenix, ArizonaPhoenix, ArizonaTucson, Arizona:Phoenix, Arizona85016850i6INACTIVE OPDAI WED MINISTERSRELEASED FOR WORK OUTSI BE THE DENOMINATI ONJohn MillerBoxE. Louise Van Metre ApartaO)41Marion, IndianaSan Tander, SpainALL ORDAINED MINISTERS NOT OTHERWISE LISTEDMcCullough6908 W. Campbell Ave.Garth Shay3729 W. BelleviewPhoenix, ArizonaPhoenix, ArizonaACTIVE LICENSED MINISTERSPASTORAL SERVICENeil Bailey (3)Charles Gordon (3)Donald Hines (2)3501 E. 23rd St.1100 E. Missouri36)46 N. LathamAVAILABLE FOR WORKHarry Welc37Larry Williams (1)James Willis (1)El Comino Motel-)4th Ave. -Benson Highway Tucson, ArizonaGlendale, Arizona6116 N. OregonTucson, ArizonaSTUDENTSVernon Brown (2)Tucson, ArizonaTucson, ArizonaPhoenix, ArizonaGary Limpo ()8571385009Randall Wainscott (2)INACTIVE LICENSED MINISTERSALL LICENSED MINISTERS NOT OTHERWISE LISTEDert Stonoff (4)8TW. Eleventh St.Tempe, Arizona85281ORDAI NED DRAB ON WES SESACTIVENellie LinderLaura Steinberger1109 N, 2)4th PlaceH. R. 2, Box 858RETIREDMrs. C. J. MeyersRuby H. Parr1920 W. Fairmount1339 N. 37th Ave.TRANSFERSG C. Avery from Michigan DistrictFrederick Cromer from Faith MissionOwen Miller to Pacicic Northwest DistrictOscar Terry from Southern Indiana DistrictJames Willis from Rocky Mountain DistrictPhoenix, ArizonaApache Junction, ArizonaPhoenix, ArizonaPhoenix, Arizona85008852208501585009
DIRECTORY OF CHURCHESandPA3TORL APPOI NTINTSORGANTZE CHURCHESPHONEApache Junction, ArizonaMelvin B. Lockard982-23148Roosevelt and IronwoodR. R. 2, Box 18385220Glendale, ArizonaC. J. Meyers279-710661 Glenn Drive1920 N. Fairmount85015Phoenix, Arizona-CalvaryJohn A. Dunn275-2790180)4 N. 36th Street3523 E. Coronado Rd.85008Phoenix, Arizona-FirstArthur Hunter265-141263801 N. Third St.301 E. Weldon Ave.85012Phoenix, Arizona-Mt. ViewEdwin Diggs91414-14361415th and Peoria Ayes.151)4 N. North Lane St.85021Phoenix, Arizona-WestDonald Hines278-912236)48 N. Latham36146 N. Lathain85009Prescott, ArizonaTo Be Supplied14L5-7214O14)45-31714105 N. Carleton Way8149 TT Danita86301Ternpe, ArizonaHerman Underwood967-69071101 Hardy Drive825 1T. 11th St.85281Tucson, Arizona-FirstG. C. Avery795-31453298-3058N. Pa1 Verde off 3500 F. Speedway857115538 E. First St.ADDRES SZip CodeTucson, Arizona-Rita Manor 29)4-7512Charles Gordon29)4-8793S. 12th Ave. and Elvira Rd.1100 F. MissouriTucson, Arizona-TrinityR. W. Brown6214-62253267 N. Mountain Ave.3267 N. Mountain Ave.85716Rosweli, New Mexicolj11ard Metz623-767)4Fourth and Garden308 N, Garden88201Tucson, Arizona-ParkviewUeil Bailey325-068722nd and Palo Verde Ave.3501 F. 23rd St.85713UNORGANIZED CHURCHES
CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGSFirst SittinThe thirteenth annual conference of the Arizona-New Me,dco strict convened atPhoenix Calvary Church at 9:00 AiMê, May 21, l968The first session opened with words of greeting from our District Superintendentand host pastor, Rev. John DunnCharlie Long led the congregation in singing "Amazing Grace" and "Near The Cross",We were led in prayer by Rev. Galen Anderson, pastor of the East Side Wesleyan Methodist Church of Phoenix.Rev. N. N. Miller, Church Extension Secretary, was introduced to the Conference Hebrought the morning message and was also Chairman for the business session.His message was prefaced by an appeal concerning the importance of the local church,and that it is the pulse of the denomination. In these opening remarks, he urged thechurches to cease making excuses. To move from defenfting the faith to extending it. Toproduce better reports instead of protecting bad ones.Rev. Miller read Psalm 96 and based his message on excerpts from it and the th and97th Psalm also.In these Psalms we see:THE FORM OF WORSHIP"let us sing unto the Lord"9:l9:2"come before His presence""come let us worship andbow down", "let us kneel"9:696:8"bring an offering"THE FOCUS OF ORSHIPexcitement in the Revelation97:1of Godvariety where God is97:2-797:8rejoicing98:1newness "sing a new song"These truths were applied in a practical way to our day.The roll was called with 39 conference members present.The conference bar was set at the first rows of seats and the platform.New ministers were introduced and seated. They were: Oscar Terry from SouthernIndiana, Frederick Cramer from Faith Mission and James Willis from Rocky Mountain.Wesleyan Methodist Ministers, Robert Girard, Galen Anderson and Carl Jackson wereintroduced and given an honorary seat within the bar as was retired Wesleyan MethodistMinister, W. 11 Shelor,8
The time for adjournment was set at 12:00 noon, reconvening at 1:30 P.M. and continuing until the close of business8The following were appointed as ushers: Vernon Brown, Harold Slavens and Rick Patece1lThe District Superintendent's report was given. This report was prefaced by introducing Mrs. Josephine Coffman to the conference and honoring her for sixty-five years ofmembership in the Pilgrim Holiness Church. She was given an honorary seat within the bar.Rev. Dunn exhorted the conference fervently from the seven points listed in his prepared report. Rev. Dunn recommended that the conference adopt as it's motto: "Eiend,Don't Defend". His report was adopted with a hearty "amen".Assistant District Superintendent, Melvin Lockard, gave a verbal report of his laborsin cooperation with Superintendent Dunn.The Auditor's Report was read which auproved the annual report and books of theDistrict Treasurer.The District Treasurer, Denzel Clouse, presented the annual financial report witha financial statement of the District Corporation. A motion was heartily approved toaccept this fine report.The District Sunday School Secretary read a summary report of Sunday School statistics.The Statistician's Report was read by Melvin Lockard in the absence of StatisticianDavid Miller. This report was received by acclamation.The Education and Examining Committee report was read by Melvin Lockard and receivedby motion.The report of the Conference Aion Committee was read, discussed and amended asfollows: Be It Resolved to delete the statement under BUDGED #2, "Be it Resolved thatthe District Treasurer receipt the local church quarterly, giving credit on the amountof tithe paid by their pastor. The District Superintendent's tithe shall be receiptedto the church of his choice."The Conference Action Committee Report was then adopted as amended.A motion carried to change the time of recess to 11:30 A.M. and to reconvene at1:00 P.M. and that the first order of business be the reading of the Comity CommitteeReport.The First Sitting was closed with prayer.9
Second SittingThe afternoon session began with the singing of the lively gospel song, "VJonderful".Prayer was offered by Willard Netz.Rev. Miller gave a stirring account of God's workings, in answer to prayer, in anotherChurch Extension District.The Comity Committee presented it's report of action concerning district boundariesin the merged church.The resolution of the Arizona-Mew Menico Comity Committee was readand a motion was made and seconded to receive it. It read as follows:"BE IT RESOLVED that the Arizona-New Mexico District continue with it's presentdistrict boundaries within the Department of Church Extension. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEDthat we welcome and invite the two Wesleyan Methodist Churches of Scottsdale and EastPhoenix to be a part of the Arizona-New Mexico District.FURTHERMORE, it is our hopethat the matter of district boundaries can be resolved so as not to impair but to enhance the united front of the New WESLEIAN CHURCH".After much discussion by Ministers and lamien alike, a motion to cease discussion andvote on the resolution carried. By secret ballot, the recommendation of the Comity Committee was carried with 37 "yes" votes and one "no" vote.Stetson hats were presented to two pastors, Rev, Undeiood and Rev. Bailey, as awardsfor reaching prescribed goals in their local churches.Rev. Robert Girard made a statement expressing interest toward merging the WesleyanMethodist Churches in Arizona with our District after merger of the Denominations iscompleted.The District Council presented a resolution as follows:"BE IT RESOLVED that, should the Scottsdale and East Phoenix WesleyanMethodist Churches unite with our District, the two pastors, RobertGirard and Galen Anderson, be seated as members of the District Counoil for the balance of the conference year." This recommendation wasreceived with overwhelming favor.The Memoirs Committee brought a report of the death of one member of our districtthis year. Prayer was offered by C. J. Meyers.After a ten minute recess, Rev. Miller presented the three star certificates to fourof our churches: Apache Junction, Glendale, Phoenix Calvary and Tucson Parkvicw.The next order of business was the election of officers. Two nominations were broughtfrom the General Board for the office of District Superintendent. They were: John Dunnand Melvin Lockard.John Dunn was elected on the first ballot.Melvin Lockard was elected as Assistant Superintendent on the first ballot.- 10 -
Nominations were brought to the Conference from the District Council for the electionof the other officers.N. B. Turner was elected District Secretary on the first ballot.Denzel Clouse was elected District Treasurer on the first ballot.The advisory member of the District Council was not elected on the first ballot.second ballot elected Arthur Hunter.For a three year term on the Board of.Trustees, Charlie Long was elected on thefirst ballot.G. C. Avery was elected to the Education and Examining Board.The appointments by the District Council were read.The Conference Action Committee brought in a final resolution:"BE IT RESOLVED that this annual conference express it's disappointmentthat General Superintendent Abbott was detained by matters of Merger andwas unable to chair our conference. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that with realtIanksgiving and appreciation we thank Church Extension Secretary, W. N.Miller, for his able direction and leadership".This resolution was received with expressions of thanks.It was moved and carried to have the Distridt Council approve the minutes ofthis Conference,The delegates to the International and the Merging Conference were introduced.The Conference was dismissed with prayer bir Rev. . N. Miller.Signed by the Secretary,N. B. Turner
CONFERENCE ROLLORDAI NED MINISTERS0. 0. AveryLois BarefootB. N. Brown1rTaiter CookFrederick CromerEdwin DiggsJohn DunnN. A. BikingMrs. 1J A. Elkin0. D. EmeryLaTh HnllavTayArthur HunterG. L. KeeneN. B. LockardBert MeadWillard NetzC. J. MeyersDavid MillerJohn MillerWilma ReiffPaul SawdyOscar TerryN. E. TurnerHerman UndexioodE. Louise Van MetreEugene ZerbyLI CENSED MINI STERSNell BaileyVernon BrownKenneth EngleCharles GordonDonald NinesJanes WillisGary LimpoGerald PollardRandall WainscottHarry WelchLarry WilliamsORDAI NED DEACONNESSESRuby ParrLaura SteinbergerNellie LinderMrs. C. J. MeyersDISTRICT REPRESENTATIVESTrusteesHenry FridenrnakerKenneth ArtzElwood HunterConference Action CnrnitteeCharlie LongAuditing ComnitteeHarold SlavensMissionary PresidentFaith TurnerDistrict TreasurerDenzel CluseSunday School BoardFrancis Harington- 12 -
DELEGATIONApache JunctionGlendalePhoenix CalvaryPhoenix FirstPhoenix Mountain ViewPhoenix WestPrescottTempeTucson FirstTucson ParkviewTucson Rita ManorTucson TrinityRalph SteinbergerMary YoungEmma CookCecile BradleyJohn AlbeckOpal RidnerStella WhiteKenneth ArtzPhyllis O'NealEunice FenderFrancis SimpsonLois CollinsRuth SappVernice Slavens
C ONFEHENCE REPOP.TSADDPESS OF THE DISTRICT SIJPEFINTENDENTTO THE DISTRICT CONFEEETTCE SESSION--Nay 21, 1968T the thirteenth annual conference of the Arizona-New Mexico District of the PilgrimHoliness Church, to our presiding officer and General Secretary of Church Extension, Rev.W. N. Miller, Ministers, Delegates and Friends Greetings in His name who has redeemedus by His blood.It is proper that we take time to give thanks unto God who has made our service toHim this past year possible. He has given special strength for the varied conferenceduties. It has been a pleasure to work in this area of the Vineyard under the leadership of the Holy Spirit.Again, we would thank the untiring efforts of our denomination to lift the load forus through the Department of Church Extension. We have appreciated the counsel of ourGeneral Superintendent, Rev. J. D. Abbott. The watchful care of Rev. W. N. Miller, ourGeneral Secretary, coupled with his inspiration and advice has been a tremendous boost.Also, we could not function properly without duly elected and appointed officers to assist in the work load of the district. I am deeply indebted to my Assistant, Rev. MelvinLockard, and the District Council for their cooperation and dedicated efforts from startto finish. We are further thankful for every faithful pastor who has labored hard andlong and, for the most part, without much recognition or remuneration. Surely God willreward OU greatly in the Great Last Day. Then, nur good lay people have stood by thestuff each week of the year. "We thank God upon every remembrance of you".So far as accomplishments are cncerned, they necessarily fall into two categories:spiritual and physical. Eternity alone will reveal the spiritual accomplishments. Thereare some evidences along the way that show good progress in this the most important partof our work. The pastor's reports will highlight the victories won and the battles presently engaged in. The physical accomplishments are on the surface and can readily bedetected.Parkview purchased a parsonage near the church.Apache Junction began construction of a Multi-purpose building.Calvary began construction of their new Sunday School unit.We further consolidated our indebtedness at Rita Manor.For all areas of accomplishnent, we can Praise God.Let us move on to areas for concern1, Evangelism First and Last.12. Sunday School Development3. Church Membership - Junior Membership)4. Additional Facilities. Financial Strength6. Pastor's Support7.Budget Payrneni- lL -
District SuperintendentTs Report (continued)Finally, important matters are before us today for consideration and action. Operational and miscellaneous resolutions will be presented. The annual election of officersand appointment of committees. The resolution of the Comity Committee which will bringto you their recommendation relative to our future in the new Wesleyan Church. As weweigh these important matters, let us seek wisdom from on High.In some of the closing words of Jesus to His disciples, we hear Him say, "Pece beunto you as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you". With the same authority andcommission of our Lord, "we preach as dng man to dying men, and never sure to preachagain". Let us not fail.SUPEPINTENDENT ! S PERSONAL REPORTTo the best of my ability, I have cared for the responsibilities of the office ofDistrict Superintendent. To my knowledge, all matters of church business were caredfor with the aid of my good Assistant, N. D. Lockard.Respectfully Submitted,John A. unnAUDITOR'S REPORTThis is to acknowledge that we have examined the books and. related financialstatements of the District Treasurer and find them to be correct,Auditing Committee,Elwood HunterHarold Slavens
FINA1JCIAL FEPORT OF THE DISTRICT TREASURERArizona-New Mexico DistrictApail 1, 1967 - March 31, 1968Balance Brought Forward, April 1,RECEIPTSDistrict Budget:Apache x-Mt. ityRoswell1967ll,)469. 56L988.6o32O.71073.1797.O612 .0033Li.21097.2)423)4,)41262.O130.82Transferred from Special (D.S. & Pastor's Tithe)790.7076)42. 5AllocationTransferred from SpecialDenomination:Church ExtensionS. S. and YouthU. S. F.ETorld l Pilgrim College727 .8)4SpecialFlagstaff)412.50Interest Income610.69Interno.tional Conf.100.00Pastor's Tithe97.29Tucson Parkview Loan6)4.6Parkview Sale Equity 3116.13869.l7Total Receipts2,0)4)4.l8Total Cash36,5l3.7)4
District Treasurerts Report ue CrossCar ExpenseConference JournalsContingencyCouncil SalariesDistrict TelephoneOffice SuppliesPension - D. S.S. S. PromotionSupt's. SalaryYouth 8283.85225.00117.221500.0030.00Allocation:Apache JunctionSupt's. SalaryRoswellTucson-ParkviewTucson-Rita 422)4.73Denomination:Church ExtensionS. S. & YouthU. S. F.World MissionsL62 2.33782)4.81)4875. 3235.00130.8)41177.213532.27727.8)4Central Pilgrim CollegeSpecial:Trans. to Allocation 150.00Trans. to Operation790.70Tucson Parkvjew Loan65)4.56Par. Eq. to Parkview 3116.13Rita Manor Note2000.006711.392)4 761.69Total DisbursementsBalance, Cash on Hand, March 1,1968all,752.05ACCOUNT TRIAL BALANCESMarch 31, 1968Bank Account BalanceSavings Account SpecialRespectfully Submitted,- 17 -Deazel A. Clause3,cY35.3358 8,628 ,2211,7 2.0
FINANCIAL STATEI1ENT OF TUE DISTRICT COUNCIL OF THEPILGRIM HOLINESS CHURCH OF ARIZONA, INC.ASSETSCash on deposit in bank, MarchAccounts Receivable:Flagstaff PropertyTotal Accounts Receivable31, 196611,752.0776.31776.31357,7)46.L9Real Estate EquitiesTotal Assets37O,27Li. 85LIABILITIES0.00Total LiabilitiesRECONCILIATI ONt37O,2Th.85TOTAL ASSETS0. 00TOTAL LIABILITIES37O,27L. 85TOTAL NET WORTHI certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief this statement is a trueand correct record of the financial condition of this corporation.Dated March 31, 1968Denzel A. Clous,Corporation AuditorEDUCATI ONAL AND EXAMINING BOARD REPORTThe Board of Education and Examining recommend the following for licensing:Charles Gordon -- Third Year LicenseDonald Hines -- Second Year License-- First Year LicenseJames WillisLicense were recommended upon the contingency that continued progress be made in theprescribed course of study and that each canc1i date put the gifts and calling of Godfirst in their lives.All other candidates will retain their present license until further review.Respectfully Submitted,Arthur HunterMelvin LockardG. L. Keene- 18 -
CONFERENCE MEMOIRS CONTITTEE REPORTWe wish to pay tribute to one of our departed members, Mrs. Cora Wilson. Shepassed from this life on October 9, 1967 at the age of 80. She was a member of theFirst Pilgrim Church in Phoenix. She was an inspir.stion in the local church and herpresence and testimony is sadly missed. Her faithfulness and sweet spirit will continue to be a source of strength to all who knew her. We who look for the hope ofHis coming know she has entered her eternal home.Respectfully Submitted,Helen StarrCecile BradleyLenore ClouseNOT LOST, BUT GONE BEFOREHow mournful seems, in broken dreams,The memory of the day,When icy Death hath sealed the breathOf some dear form of clay.When pale, unmoved, the face we loved,The face we thought so fair,And the hand lies cold, whose fervent holdOnce charmed away despair.Oh, what could heal the grief we feelFor hopes that come no more,Had we neter heard the Scripture word,"Not lost, but gone before."--Hon. Mrs. Norton
STATISTICIANS S1ThTJARY REPORTPASTORS REPORTSrmons PreachedSeekersPastoral CallsAverage Calls per PastorTotal Cash SupportCHURCH STATISTICAL REPORTresent MembershipMembership Last ReportMembership LossPercentage LossNumber of Churches This ReportNumber of Churches Last Reportl,297O2,T19632633711313114CHURCH FINANCIAL REPORTTotal OfferingsAverage Per Capita Giving714,lS8.11227.24.8PROPERTY ,878S137,7146149YOUTH REPORTSocietiesTotal Receipts3;2245.37SUNDiY SCHOOL REPORTAverage Attendance This ReportAverage Attendance Last ReportNet LossPercentage LossNumber of Schools This ReportNumber of Schools Last Report56. . .691313114MISSIONARY SOCIETY REPORTSocietiesTotal Receipts113,6O-78FINANCIAL SUIIIARY - ALL PURPOSESBal Cash on Hand, April 1, 1967Total Receipts - All Depts.LoansOther IncomeTransfersGrand TotalTotal Expenditures - All Depts.BaL Cash on Hand, March 31, lRespectfully Submitted,- 20 David F. Miller,Statistician
CONFERENCE ACTION COMNITTEE REPORTMay 21, 19681. CONFERENCEBE IT RESOLVED that the general heading in the Conference Minutes known as StandingResolutions of Previous Conferences be changed to read: Standing Reol-etions andBE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all current actions of the Conference be edited and inserted under this heading, (Carried)2. CONFERENCEBE IT RESOLVED to delete number 9 under Conference, page 22. (Carried)3. CONFERENCEBE IT RESOLVED to delete number 1)4 under Conference, page 22. (Carried))4.BUDGETBE IT RESOLVED that the projected eenditures for District Oneration from a 10%budget be as follows:Superintendent's SalaryCar EenseOffice SuppliesDistrict TelephoneConference JournalsAdministrationCouncil SalariesSunday School PromotionTravel Outside DistrictContingencyBlue CrossPension for D. S.Youth Promotiona,%OO.co1,200.0012%. 002 %0 .00100.00600.00300.00200. 00200.00%O0,OO60.0022%.00200.00, )46000BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the budgetary system be as follows;1. Each Church will pay monthly to the District Treasurer 10% of all regularchurch offerings and regular Sunday School offerings. The 10% will notapply to monies raised for building fund, land fund, or any special offerings raised for a department supported by these budgets. No otherexceptions are to be made,2. That 60% of the Pastor's tithe and 100% of the District Superintendent'stithe on total income shall be paid directly to the District rreasurer'soffice monthly. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the District Theasurer receiptthe local church quarterly, giving credit on the amount of tithe paid bytheir pastor. The District Superintendent's tithe shall be receipted tothe church of his choice. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that %o% of the Pastor'stithe and 100% of the District Superintendent's tithe shall be applied toDistrict Operation. (Carried as iimended)Respectfully submitted and recommended,CONFERENCE ACTION COMNITTEEN. D. Lockard, Chairman Denel ClouseN. E. Turner, Secretary Charlie LongNeil Bailey
STLJTDITJG RESOLUTIONSLOCAL CHURCHl. The local churches shall provide modern cooling, cooking and heating facilitiesfor the personage, the type of facilities to be suitable to the locality where theparsonage is situated, and all churches in the conference shall pay the utilitiesfor the personages,2 Each local church is urged to raise a subscription list to the Pilgrim HolinessAdvocate equal to its total family membership. (Revised 1965)3, BE IT RESOLVED that all local indebtedness involving an expenditure of morethan 500, where financing is involved, be approved by the District Council. (1960)) BE IT RESOLVED that all non-Pilgrim Evangelist must first have the approval ofthe District Superintendent or the District Council before being celled for evangelistic activity in our churches. (1960)5 BE IT RESOLVED that no church may borrow from its pastor or District Superintendent, nor may any pastor underwrite loans for a church so as to make himselflegally responsible as an individual, without the prior consent of the DistrictCouncil. (1961- Revised 1967)6. BE IT RESOLVED that a call pastor meeting be conducted between the first twoSundays of March, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in the absence of the DistrictSuperintendent, the Church Secretary conduct said meeting. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEDthat the pastor present a letter of answer to the District Superintendent within15 days of' acceptance or rejection of Ccli. It is understood that each pastor enters into a moral contract when accepting a cell to a church and should do everything possible to honor the term of his call. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that retiringpastors terminate their services on the Tnd Sunday in June. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEDthat the Church Secretary count the ballots and notify the pastor and. DistrictSuperintendent at the close of the election, (1965)In the. interest of' good business practice, BE IT RESOLVED that the offerings re7ceived in the local churches be counted cooperatively by both the Secretary and theTreasurer of the Congregation or designated parties appointed by the local churchboard and that the pastor consistently he informed of' offering receipts each Sunday.(1965)8. BE IT RESOLVED that budget monies he forwarded to the District Treasurer by thelocal church treasurers no later than the 10th of each months (1965)9. In order to present the privileges and responsibilities of Church Membership,THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that each church conduct Church Membership Classes, witha minimum of four sessions for adult membership, The instruction is to be in thefollowing areas: 1. Articles of Faith. 2. Church History. 3'. Church Organiza(1966)tion and Finance. Lj. The Church CovenantCONFERENCEll The District Council and the following committees and boards shall meet atleast 30 days prior to the Annual Conference to take care of such work as theyhave at hand: Conference Action Committee and the Educational and Examining Board.2. In order that the relatives and friends may know the bet time for the ordainingof ministers, BE IT RESOLVED that the Ordination Service take place at L:OO P.M.the first day of Conference. (1957)3. The Education and Examining Boards shall he combined and this Board shall consist of three members, one being elected for a period of three yeers, one for twoyears and one for one year,22 -
Standing ResolutionsConference (continued). There shell be a Memoirs Committee which shell annually list departed members byname, date of decease and church for inclusion in the Conference Journal. In case ofministers, there shall be a picture and a brief resume of ministerial labors. BE IT RESOLVED that the district furnish credential forms to each local churchconference delegate and alternate to be filled out and signed
201 E. Orchid Lane 3030 S. Donald Ave. 1521 W. Vernon Box L31 6)36 W. Aie1ia Ave. )4836 S. Tenth St. Phoenix, Arizona Phoenix, Arizona Prescott, Arizona Tempe, Arizona Tucson, Arizona Phoenix, Arizona Sedona, Arizona Phoenix, Arizona Phoenix, Arizona Tucson, Arizona 85021 85020 8571b 85007 86336 85033 85OL0 Eugene Zerby 1520 E. Waverly S
Warm-Up Task 3 minutes 5 minutes Game Procedures Review 5 minutes 5 minutes Research and Argument Building 5 minutes 15 minutes Round 1 (eight contenders) 15 minutes 25 minutes Round 2 (four contenders) 10 minutes 20 minutes Round 3 (two contenders) 7 minutes 15 minutes Reflection and Assessment 5 minutes 5 minutes Total 50 minutes 90 minutes
1968 Colors of the Month 1968 Gold Nugget Special 1968 Sprint (A & B) 1968 Cardinal Special 1968 California Special GT/CS 1968-1969 Rainbow of Colors 1968 ½ Cobra Jet Other Mustang Oddities 1965-67 Mustero 1965-68 Mustang Wagon 1965-66 Mustang Limousine
Grade K 120 minutes Grade 1 120 minutes Grade 2 120 minutes Grades 3-6 90 minutes Grades 3-6 120 minutes Grades 3-6 60 minutes MCGRAW-HILL WONDERS. . 5 Minutes Grammar 15 Minutes Research and Inquiry SMALL GROUPS 35 Minutes ELL:Approaching Level: 15 Minutes 10
Highland Elementary School 10:20 11:00 45 minutes Science/Social 50 inutes 12:25 Science/Social 50 minutes Science/Social 10:15 Third Grade Science/Social Lunch/Recess 154 minutes 155 minutes 70 minutes Lunch/Recess 60 minutes 45 minutes 100 minutes 11:25 30 minutes 45 minutes 2:20 Master Schedule – Reading/Writing 8:50 – 9:50 Reading .
PROOF MARKS: GERMAN PROOF MARKSPROOF MARKS: GERMAN PROOF MARKS, cont. GERMAN PROOF MARKS Research continues for the inclusion of Pre-1950 German Proofmarks. PrOOF mark CirCa PrOOF hOuse tYPe OF PrOOF and gun since 1952 Ulm since 1968 Hannover since 1968 Kiel (W. German) since 1968 Munich since 1968 Cologne (W. German) since 1968 Berlin (W. German)
same a/a ΙΧ Α . Α ΦΑΗ ΑΔΑ ΚΙΝΗΤΗΡΑΣ Α . Α ΦΑΗ 1 italia dt / 1 29,7 e/212 - 1968 2 centauro dt 54,91 e/239 - 1968 3 atlanta dt 41,61 e/240 - 1968 4 480 ariete dt 85,1 e/280 - 1968 5 leone dt / 1 67 e/281 - 1968 6 mini tauro 4 rm Δ 44,20 e/376 - 1969 7 delfino 32 gran - luce Δ 27,68 e/491 - 1972
2 Minutes SAN ANTONIO 72 Minutes ABIA 6 Minutes HWY 183 5 Minutes HOUSTON 2 Hours 22 Minutes SH-130 9 Minutes IH-35 5 Minutes DALLAS 3 Hours 6 Minutes MOPAC 10 Minutes PHASE TWO E PO PLEASE CONTACT Mark Emerick Senior Vice President 512.499.4934 mark.emerick@cbre.com John Barksdale Senior Vice President 512.499.4976 john.barksdale@cbre.com Ace .
Current 6th Grade Schedules 2-Person Team 3-Person Team Kilbourne MS Homeroom (15 minutes) Block 1 - Math (85 minutes) Block 1 - ELA (88 minutes) Block 1 - Math/Sci. (125 minutes) Block 2 - ELA (85 minutes) Related Arts (44 minutes) Block 2 - ELA/SS (35 minutes) Lunch and Recess (45 minutes) Bloc