GUIDELINES FOR USING SOCIAL MEDIAHarvardHumanResourcesHarvard University recognizes the importance and benefits of communicatingthrough social media. Social media is a powerful vehicle through which Harvard maydisseminate relevant news to the Harvard community, listen to voices andperceptions about Harvard, and connect with our audiences online.Guidelines &Best PracticesHarvard supports the use of social media to share news and engage inconversations with a variety of audiences around the world, and encourages schools,departments, programs, offices and units to evaluate which, if any, social mediaplatforms are appropriate for supporting their overall communication goals, and howthey will handle challenges unique to this new medium.Social media brings with it changing behavioral norms. These norms includepublishing speed, 24/7 connectivity, and a desire for two-way conversations ratherthan one-way promotion. Navigating the world of social media can also be confusingwith constant changes in platforms, technologies, and communities. This can pose achallenge for traditionally organized departments within higher education.These guidelines are intended to provide individuals with the tools to speakeffectively through social media on behalf of the University and its schools and units.However, existing legal responsibilities and University policies remain in place whenHarvard employees use social media, and these guidelines do not supplant or restrictany policy in force.INDIVIDUALS COVERED BY THESE GUIDELINESIndividuals authorized to speak on behalf of the University’s CentralAdministration.Local leadership is encouraged to adopt and adapt these guidelines, as localneeds dictate, for individuals authorized to speak on behalf of individual schoolsor units.Note that although these guidelines cover the appropriate use of social media byindividuals authorized to speak for Harvard, the use of social media by otheremployees remains subject to Harvard policies governing employee conduct.REASONS FOR THESE GUIDELINESTo provide members of the Harvard community with contemporary guidance forusing social media to communicate about the University.To clarify work-related and personal uses of social media.To clarify the relationship between existing University policies and contemporaryuses of social media.GUIDELINESThese Guidelines will provide information for Harvard community members whoare authorized to speak on behalf of the University through social media. Socialmedia forums can include blogs, wikis, social networks (e.g., Facebook, Twitter,YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Tumblr, etc.), personal web sites, and other media yetto be developed in a dynamic communications field.Guidelines for Using SocialMedia – Version 2.0Effective 8/18/20141
Community members may find that many of these Guidelines can be helpfulwhen thinking about personal social media accounts. However, these Guidelines arenot intended to govern or restrict personal presence on the web, nor are theseguidelines intended to restrict employee rights to engage in concerted, protectedactivity with fellow employees over the terms and conditions of employment (seeHARVie for further information about your employee rights under the National LaborRelations Act). Nevertheless, Harvard encourages staff to direct complaints orconcerns about your job or working environment to supervisors, local or Universityadministrators and human resources officers or your union representative usingestablished processes.Similarly, these Guidelines are not intended to abridge or otherwise restrictprinciples of academic freedom, as described in the University-Wide Statement onRights and Responsibilities (1970) and the Statement of the President and Deans onUniversity Rights and Responsibilities (2002).It is also important to note that this will be a living document, which will reflectHarvard’s current needs and adjust to future changes in social media.GETTING STARTEDFirst, review the Social Media section at with your localleadership to determine if a social media account is necessary and beneficial for yourcommunications strategy. Creating a social media account requires approval of yourlocal leadership. Next, identify a manager for the social media account. It is importantto have at least one dedicated employee whose job responsibilities includeoverseeing the day-to-day operation of the account, so that the account does notbecome inactive or inaccessible. This individual should also identify back-uppersonnel with account access (see Access & Security section below).For areas within Central Administration: Once a manager is established, butbefore the account has been created, contact Harvard Public Affairs &Communications (HPAC) Digital Strategy at to: identify the individual’s role in managing the social media accountbriefly explain the purpose of the accountjoin a community of peers to share social media best practicesFailure to contact Digital Strategy before creating a social media account for adepartment within Central Administration may result in delay, further review and, inextreme cases, removal of the social media account. Digital strategy will makereasonable attempts to contact local leadership and discuss any issues before takingcorrective action.Account Agreements: Social media services typically require the user to acceptTerms of Service or other contractual terms and conditions, which are referred tohere as the “account agreement.” Account agreements are legally binding contracts.They should only be entered into – whether by “clicking through” or other means – bysomeone authorized to sign contracts of this sort for your department or unit.Typically, that is the director of the department or unit, or someone specificallyauthorized by the director to act in this regard. Before entering into an accountagreement, the person acting for the department or unit should:Guidelines for Using SocialMedia – Version 2.0Effective 8/18/20142
Make clear in the registration process that the account is beingestablished, and the account agreement is being entered into, by thespecific department or unit in question – for example, “the HarvardUniversity Office of Public Affairs and Communications”; andRead the agreement both to determine that there are no terms that areunacceptable and to identify any terms that the department or unit will needto take steps to comply with.Note: Before posting on social accounts that act as the “voice” of a Harvard school,department, or office, please consult with your local leadership on proper messaging,and your account’s role in the event of an emergency. Consult the Transparencysection below for further guidance.Once a social media account is created and active, email Digital Strategy to addthe account to the University’s Social Media Directory.PRINCIPLESWith these parameters in mind, here are some principles to guideindividuals authorized to use social media to speak on Harvard’s behalf:Confidentiality – Do not post confidential or proprietary information aboutHarvard, its faculty, its students, its schools and units, its alumni or itsemployees.University and local policies, applicable federal and state laws andregulations such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of1996 (HIPAA) and the Family Educational Rights Privacy Act (FERPA)(among others), and your supervisors should be consulted for guidance onrestrictions related to the release of confidential information.Privacy – Do not post anything that you would not present in any public forum.In particular, do not discuss a situation involving named or pictured individuals ona social media site without their knowledge or permission.Permanence: Remember that whatever you share (either on theUniversity’s behalf or your own personal account) may be public for anindefinite period of time, even if you attempt to modify or delete it.Audience: Be careful what personal information you share online.Many social networking websites are not secured and information is availableto anyone with access to a computer and the internet.Association: Keep in mind that on many social networking websites,your name and photo/icon appear next to the content that you post and willbe associated with you or with the University when you are representingHarvard or its schools and units on the web in an official capacity.“Do No Harm” – Harvard encourages the use of social media to enhance itseducation and research through collaboration, communication, and promotion ofresearch and programs. You must ensure that your authorized use of socialmedia does not harm or otherwise injure the University, its faculty, its students,its alumni, or its employees.Guidelines for Using SocialMedia – Version 2.0Effective 8/18/20143
Here are some examples of situations where using social media can createunintended harm to Harvard or a member of the Harvard community, or mayviolate laws, regulations or Harvard policies:HIPAA/FERPA violation: You are a staff assistant in UniversityHealth Services, and you use your cell phone camera to take a picture ofsome colleagues in your workspace and post the picture to the Department’sFacebook page. However, the picture contains the image of a studentreceiving medical services in the background, and some confidential medicaldocuments are legible on your desk area. In this situation, you should havetaken steps in advance to prevent the exposure of confidential medical orstudent information.Activist Groups: You “retweet” a Twitter message posted by anactivist group using your Department’s official Twitter account. However, thetweet contains a link to an outside website that disparages Universityleadership. In this situation, you should have taken advance steps to ensurethat material you posted to authorized social media accounts at theUniversity did not contain material that reflects negatively on the University ormembers of the University community.Anonymous Comment Boards: You are a senior administrator in oneof Harvard’s graduate schools. You read a story on The Harvard Crimsonwebsite about a new University policy and post an assumed “anonymous”comment questioning the policy’s goals. However, you did not realize thatyou were logged into the Crimson website with your personal screen namewhen you posted your comment, and subsequent viewers were able to seeyour name and make assumptions from your position as a senioradministrator that your school would not support the new policy. In thissituation, you should have taken steps to ensure that you were transparent instating your authority to speak on behalf of the institution and whether thecomments were limited to your personal views on the matter.Access and Security – As with maintaining any digital property, it is vital toeducate yourself and your team on the importance of strong security measures.Password guidelines: It is important to use strong, uniquepasswords when establishing social media accounts. Online tools, like ThePassword Meter, help to show you the strength of a password. Be sure touse a password that does not match other account passwords, like yourpersonal email account.At the time of publishing Version 2.0 of these guidelines, contemporary bestpractices suggest changing your access password(s) every three (3) months.Social media account access: Digital Strategy recommends that aminimum of three staff members have access to the login information and/oradministrator access to a social media account. If individuals will haveaccess to your official social account(s) on mobile devices (through apps likeTwitter), it is imperative that you can clearly distinguish personal posts fromposts to Harvard accounts (see Personal Responsibility and Liabilitysection below).Digital Strategy recommends that individuals use different apps for eachaccount — one for a personal account (if applicable), and one for a HarvardGuidelines for Using SocialMedia – Version 2.0Effective 8/18/20144
account. A number of ‘accidental’ Tweets sent by companies were due toemployees mistakenly posting from corporate accounts instead of their ownpersonal accounts. Individuals should always check which social mediaaccount they are actively logged into before posting.Personal Responsibility and Liability – Communications made via socialmedia are not exempt from the expectations and obligations set forth inHarvard’s policies or from the laws and regulations that govern personal liabilityacross general and traditional forms of communication. You are responsible forwhat you post on your own site and on the sites of others, and should only poston behalf of Harvard or its schools and units in an official capacity where youhave been explicitly authorized to do so. Nothing in this policy shall be read torestrict your ability to engage in concerted, protected activity with your fellowemployees regarding the terms and conditions of your employment.Here are some practical tips for representing Harvard online and in an officialcapacity:Affiliation: Disclose your affiliation if you talk about work relatedmatters that are within your area of job responsibility.Be sensitive about confidentiality: Do not post confidential orproprietary information about the University, and be aware of non-disclosureagreements.Accuracy: Take a moment to think about what you are posting (bothpersonally and professionally) before you hit the publish/post button. Thinkabout the content: is it relevant and topical? Are you reviewing andmaintaining the content you provide through social media on a regular basis?Proofread for spelling and grammar.Be aware of what you say and of your connections in social medianetworks. For example, a comment you make on a colleague’s Facebookwall is visible to anyone that person is connected to, but you might not beconnected to those individuals and therefore unable to control access oranticipate further distribution of your comments. Be thoughtful and discreet.Avoid infringement: You should only include in your posts materialthat you have written or created or that you otherwise have the right to use inthis way. For example, be wary about incorporating third party photographsor video that Harvard does not own and that you have not obtainedpermission to use, because doing so could infringe the third party’s copyright.If you wish to point people to third party content, it is generally better to link toit, rather than copying it yourself. Also bear in mind that most social mediaaccount agreements require that the account holder grant the service abroad license to redistribute content posted by the account holder. Materialyou have created, as well as third party material you have incorporated, mayend up being used in ways you did not originally foresee.Transparency and Endorsement – To both protect the Harvard name and buildtrust with users, social media such as blogs, Facebook pages, Twitter feeds, etc.that are established on behalf of Harvard entities should be explicit and accurateregarding their relationships with Harvard. As a social media representative ofthe University, you should clearly state your position within the University and thelimits of your authority to speak on behalf of the University. Similarly, in keepingwith Harvard’s non-profit status, social media should not be used to promote orGuidelines for Using SocialMedia – Version 2.0Effective 8/18/20145
transact any third-party commercial business, including revenue from advertising,nor should any staff with administrative responsibilities realize any personalmonetary profit from Harvard-related social media.Your social media profile should include descriptions of themission/work of the Harvard entity, as well as the kinds of information onecan expect to receive by “liking” or “following.”"Liking" or "following" sites or feeds should reflect the opinions of Harvard.Refrain from "liking" or "following" sites or feeds for personal interest orcommunication.When sharing information from other users via links or “retweeting,”making sure that the information is relevant to the audience.When sharing via links, “retweets” or blog posts, avoid promotingvendors or other commercial operations not related to Harvard entities oractivities and bear in mind that under the primary principle of itsEndorsement Guidelines, Harvard (including its schools and units) does notendorse the products or services of third-parties with which it has, or hashad, business relationships.Use of the Harvard Name – In meeting the requirements set forth in theUniversity’s policy on The Use of Harvard Names and Insignias, there are uniquechallenges associated with using the Harvard name in social media, such as thepotential need to (accurately) abbreviate the name of a Harvard program or entityfor a Twitter account. When addressing challenges of this nature, please keepthe following points in mind:When bearing the Harvard name, the name of a Harvard Program orentity must always accurately represent the program or entity and itsrelationship with the University – and, by extension, any variations of thename of a Harvard Program or entity, including abbreviated names, mustalso serve as accurate representations of the program or entity and itsrelationship with the University.Use of the Harvard shield is not permissible as a profile photo or ona blog unless express written permission is granted by the HarvardTrademark Program and neither is the use of a School or Unit shield (or logo)without the express written permission of the School or Unit to which theinitiative/office/department reports.The Harvard Trademark Program administers Harvard’s “Use ofName” policies, which were established by the University to ensure thatHarvard’s various trademarks (names and insignias) are used appropriatelyand accurately by the Harvard community and in accordance with theprinciples and standards contained in the policies. Questions about thepolicies should be submitted to the Trademark Program’s email account attrademark In addition, HPAC Digital Strategy canassist with social media naming conventions; and review for furtherassistance.Guidelines for Using SocialMedia – Version 2.0Effective 8/18/20146
Accessibility - Harvard University is committed to ensuring effective access tocommunications materials for all members of the University community, includingindividuals with disabilities.Individuals who are blind or have low vision or other disabilities may confrontsignificant barriers when accessing certain information through social media.Accordingly, individuals that maintain social media on behalf of the Universityshould take steps to reduce barriers to access for individuals with disabilities.For example, screen reader compatibility, captioning and descriptive tags onimages can help reduce barriers to accessing information for individuals withdisabilities. Most major social media platforms (including Facebook, YouTubeand Twitter) provide access solutions for individuals with disabilities, includingapplication programming interfaces (API) that enable the ability to createapplications that enhance accessibility of content.It is important, however, to keep in mind that APIs do not eliminate or resolveall accessibility challenges. For additional and more current resources onimproving access to Harvard-related social media and Harvard websites forindividuals with disabilities, please contact Digital Strategy.For Recruiters – While Social Media continues to evolve and develop as aneffective tool for advertising positions at the University and for recruitingcandidates, it does not replace or otherwise eliminate the need to use theUniversity’s existing recruitment systems and processes for posting positions,collecting applications, conducting background checks, making offers ofemployment and other related activities. In addition, Social Med
Harvard University recognizes the importance and benefits of communicating through social media. Social media is a powerful vehicle through which Harvard may disseminate relevant news to the Harvard community, listen to voices and perceptions about Harvard, and connect with our audiences online.
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3.3.4 The role of Social Media in Marketing 27 3.4 Social media marketing - Platforms of online communication and the impact of social media on consumer behaviour 29 3.4.1 Most popular social media platforms 30 3.4.2 Social media platforms by zones 35 3.4.3 Social Media Marketing Strategies 39 3.5 Significance of social media for branding 40
Index Terms—social media; social media marketing; strat-egy; sufficient, e-word-of-mouth; Starbucks I. INTRODUCTION N MODERN society, social media is one of the essential factors in a media sector and marketing. It is said that so-cial media is a new measure for media over the world, which has a vast difference with public media. I
Social Media Marketing 6 Social media is a fusion of sociology and technology Social media is user-controlled, which means that sociologic components play a large role in any company‟s social media business strategy. The limits of social media are only set by the limits of the tec