Nepal is one of the richest countries in the world in terms of bio-diversity due to its uniquegeographical position and latitudinal variation. The elevation of the country ranges from60 m above sea level to the highest point on earth, Mt. Everest at 8,848 m, all within adistance of 150 km resulting into climatic conditions from sub-tropical to Arctic.Nepal occupying only 0.1% of the total landmass of the earth is home to: 2% of all the flowering plants in the world 8% of the world’s population of birds (more than 848 species) 4% of mammals on earth 11 of the world’s 15 families of butterflies (more than 500 species) 600 indigenous plant families 319 species of exotic orchids
eligion:Currency:Political System :Climate:147,181 sq. kmSituated between China in the north and India in the south, east and westKathmandu28.58 millionNepal has more than 101 ethnic groups and 92 spoken languages.Nepali is the national language; travel-trade people understand and speak English as well.Nepal is a secular state with a pre-dominance of Hindu and Buddhist population.Nepali RupeeFederal Democratic RepublicNepal has four major seasons (1) Winter: December-February, (2) Spring: March-May, (3)Summer: June-August, (4) Autumn: September-November. Monsoons are from June tillmid September. Nepal can be visited the whole year round.Summer(May, June, July)PlaceWinter(Dec, Jan, Feb)Max ( C)Min ( C)Rain (mm)Max ( C)Min ( C)Rain hat to Wear: Light weight clothing is recommended from May through October. Warm garments arerequired in October-March. An umbrella or a raincoat is a must for the rainy season.
ENTRY PROCEDURESWhat are needed to get a visa?A valid passport and one passport size photo with a light background . Immigration Department has not specifiedthe size of the passport-size photo. Visa can be obtained only through payment of cash in the following currency: Euro, Swiss Franc, Pound Sterling, US dollar, Australian dollar, Canadian dollar, Hong-kong dollar, Singapore dollarand Japanese Yen.Credit Card, Indian currency or Nepalese currency are not accepted for payment of Visa fee.a. Tourist VisaVisa FacilityDurationFeeMultiple entry15 daysUS 25 or equivalent convertible currencyMultiple entry30 daysUS 40 or equivalent convertible currencyMultiple entry90 daysUS 100 or equivalent convertible currencyb. Gratis (Free) Visa For first visit in one visa year (January to December) , gratis visa for 30 days is available only for nationals of SouthAsian countries like Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. However, visa can be extended fromthe Immigration Department on payment of visa fee as specified above. Indian nationals do not require visa to enter into Nepal.However, nationals of the following countries will not get visa on arrival at the immigration entry points of Nepal:- Nigeria,Ghana, Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Cameroon, Somalia, Liberia, Ethiopia, Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan. They need to obtain visafrom Nepalese Embassies or Diplomatic Missions in their respective countries prior to their visit to Nepal.(For further information, please, contact Department of Immigration, Kalikasthan, Kathmandu,Tel: 00977-1-4433934 / 4429660 / 4438862 / 4438868, Email : ; Web: Indian Nationals:As per the Nepalese Immigration, Indian NationalsTraveling to Nepal must posses any One of the followingdocuments1. License with photoPhoto Identity card issued by a Government AgencyRation Card with PhotoElection Commission Card with PhotoIdentity Card issued by Embassy of India inKathmandu7. Identity Card with Photo issued by Sub- DivisionalMagistrate or any other officials above his rankHowever, please check with your nearest travel agentsfor documents required by the Indian Immigration forIndians traveling to Nepal.
ACCESS TO NEPALBY AIR:Nepal Airlines is the national flag carrier of Nepal withflights to/from Delhi, Kuala Lumpur, Dubai, Bangkok,Doha and Hong Kong. Other international airlinesoperating from/ to Kathmandu are Air Arabia (Sharjah),Air China (Lhasa, Chengdu), ArkeFly (Amsterdam),Bahrain Air (Bahrain), Biman Bangladesh (Dhaka),Buddha Air (Paro, Lucknow), China Eastern Airlines(Kunming), China Southern Airlines (Guanzhou),Dragon Air (Hong Kong), Druk Air (Delhi, Paro), EtihadAirways (Abu Dhabi), Flydubai (Dubai), GMG Airlines(Dhaka), Gulf Air (Bahrain), Indian Airlines (Delhi,Kolkotta, Varanasi), Indigo Airlines (Delhi), Jet Airways(Delhi, Mumbai), Jet Lite (Delhi), Kingfisher Airlines(Delhi), Korean Air (Seoul), Oman Air (Muscat), PakistanRouteInternational Airlines (Karachi, Islamabad), QatarAirways (Doha), Silk Air (Singapore), Spicejet (Delhi),Thai Airways (Bangkok) and United Airways (Dhaka) .BY LAND:All visitors coming to Nepal by land can enter throughany of these entry points on the India- Nepal Border:(1) Pani Tanki/Kakarbhitta (2) Raxual/Birgunj (3)Sunauli/Belahiya (4) Rupaidiya/ Nepalgunj (5) Mohana/Dhangadi (6) Banbasa/Mahendranagar, Gaddachaukiand (7) Khasa,Liping/ Tatopani on the Tibet,ChinaNepal border respectively. Overland tourists enteringthe country with their vehicles must possess aninternational carnet or complete customs formalities.Approx. Distance(border towns tomajor cities)Nearest RailwayStation in IndiaSiliguri-Kakarvitta-KTM620 kmsNew Jalpaiguri (NJP)Jogbani-Biratnagar-KTM550 kmsJogbaniRaxaul-Birgunj-KTM280 kmsRaxaul (RXL)Sunauli-Bhairahawa-KTM280 kmsGorakhpur (GKP)Rupaidiya-Jamuna (Nepalgunj)-KTM520 kmsRupaidiyav/ NanparaGauriphanta-Mohana (Dhangadi)-KTM630 kmsGauriphanta/ PaliyaBanbasa-Gaddachauki (Mahendranagar)-KTM715 kmsBanbasa/ TanakpurSunauli-Bhairahawa-Palpa-Pokhara185 kmsGorakhpur (GKP)Sunauli-Bhairahawa- Chitwan145 kmsGorakhpur (GKP)Sunauli-Bhairahawa-Lumbini26 kmsGorakhpur (GKP)
permitted free entry. A tourist may bring in dutiablegoods, such as tobacco and liquors, within the prescribedquantity free of duty. Carrying narcotics, arms andammunition are strictly prohibited (Tel: 4470110/4472266). Visitors can export souvenirs to their respectivecountries. The export of antiques, however, requiresspecial permission from the Department of Archaeology,National Archive Building, Ram Shah Path, Kathmandu(Tel.: 4250686/7).DOMESTIC AIRLINESFOREIGN EXCHANGEForeign currencies must be exchanged only throughthe banks or authorized foreign exchange dealers. Thereceipts from such transaction are to be obtained andretained. Visitors can exchange money at the foreignexchange counter at the airport upon arrival also. Indiancurrency Rs. 500/- and Rs. 1,000/- notes are not allowedto be brought into Nepal, will not be exchanged and willnot be accepted for transaction of any kind.CUSTOMS FORMALITIESNepal Airlines has an extensive network of air services tomajor parts of the country. Besides Nepal Airlines, otherdomestic airlines (there are more than 18 in operation)provide regular and charter services to popular domesticdestinations. Many domestic airlines operate earlymorning, one-hour mountain flights round the year.GETTING AROUNDAll baggage must be declared and cleared through thecustoms on arrival at the entry. Personal effects areMetered taxis are easily recognizable by the taxi sign andblack number plates and can be hailed off the street. Microbuses and battery-run EV tempos cheaper than taxis arealso available. No tip is expected. There are regular busservices within the three cities of the Kathmandu valleyoperating from old bus terminal Ratna Park. Similarly,scheduled bus services for outside the valley operatefrom the Gongabu Bus Terminal. It is also possible to hiremountain or motor bikes at nominal rates.
FACILITIESNepal has every category of accommodation facility, rangingfrom international standard star hotels and resorts to budgetlodges. To ensure safety and quality service, it is advisable touse the services of Government registered hotels, lodges, travelagencies, licensed tour guides and hire only authorized trekkingguides or porters.WORLD HERITAGE SITESThere are four UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Nepal. Twoare in cultural category and two are in natural category. WorldCultural Heritage Sites of Nepal are: Lumbini, the birth placeof Lord Buddha, and seven monuments of Kathmandu valleywithin a radius of 20 km (together counted as one Heritage Site).The World Natural Heritage Sites are Chitwan and SagarmathaNational Parks. Kathmandu valley World Heritage Site comprisesof three historical palaces – Kathmandu, Patan and BhaktapurDurbar Squares; two Buddhist stupas – Swayambhunathand Bauddhanath; and two Hindu temples – Pashupatinathand Changu Narayan. Nepal offers incomparable scope toconnoisseurs of art and culture to see and study differentaspects of fine arts in its paintings, sculpture, wood carving andarchitecture.NEPAL’S UNIQUE TREASURESMt. Everest – Highest Peak on EarthKumari – The Living GoddessLumbini- Birthplace of Lord BuddhaOUTDOORATTRACTIONS & ACTIVITIESFew destinations in the world can match Nepal in the varietyof world-class experience - be it mountaineering, trekking,mountain biking, nature tours, culture tours, pilgrim tours,white-water-rafting, canyoning (cascading), kayaking, canoeing,mountain flights, pony trekking, jungle safaris, bird watching,fishing/ angling, paragliding, ultra-light aircraft ride, bungyjumping; we have it all. Special interest tours like orchidtours, culture trek, honey hunting, village tours, fossil hunting,meditation courses, Shamanism-Panimism tour, cave tours,snow leopard and blue sheep trek and other kinds of toursare carried out for selected groups throughout the year. Fororganizing your tours, please contact: Nepal Association of Traveland Tour Agents (Tel: 4418661, 4419409, Web site: or Nepal Association of Tour Operators (Tel: 4418999,Web site:
TREKKINGNepal is the ultimate destination for the trekkingenthusiast – offering a myriad of possibilities from theshort and easy to the demanding challenges of the snowypeaks. Easy, moderate or rigorous – there is somethingfor every one. Nepal has aptly been called “A Trekkers’Paradise” as her terrain – mountains, hills and the Terai– offer some of the most spectacular trekking routesin the world. The immense contrasts in altitudes andclimates found here support an equally spectacular mix oflifestyles, vegetation and wildlife. Trekking in Nepal is asmuch a cultural experience as a Himalayan adventure. Inthe shadows and foothills of theicy pinnacles of the Himalayas, one passes picturesquecharming villages inhabited by diverse ethnic groups.Treks vary from expeditions, high altitude treks tosimple easy paced walks. For more information abouttrekking; please contact Trekking Agencies' Associationof Nepal (Tel: 4427473, 4440920, Web site: eight of the highest peaks in the world, includingMt. Everest, it is hardly surprising that Nepal has beenthe stage for some of the most outstanding achievementsin the world of mountaineering. The dauntless icy peakshave since decades challenged the bodies and spiritsof the daring ones. All inquiries and arrangements forexpeditions have to be made well in advance at theMinistry of Tourism & Civil Aviation, MountaineeringSection, Bhrikutimandap (Tel: 4256231/2, Fax: 4227281,Web site: where the guidelineshave been laid down.RAFTING/KAYAKING/CANYONINGFew rafting rivers in the world can match the thunderingcourse of the rivers of Nepal originating from the snowmeltdown of the Himalayan terrain. The rivers gushthrough the twisted canyons, winding through calmvalleys where small settlements are perched on the banks,taming out only as they spill out into the Indian plains tomerge with the Ganges. A river-trip is one of the bestways to explore the typical cross-section of the country’snatural as well as the ethno-cultural heritage with massivedoses of adrenaline buzz on our world-class white-waterthrills. An extreme sport popular in Europe, canyoningis now available in Nepal. It involves abseiling, jumping,sliding, climbing along waterfalls and steep cliffs to deeppools, giving the canyoneer the freedom to explorebeautiful under-water landscape.VILLAGE TOURSVillage tours allow visitors to experience a stay in atypical Nepali village. This gives visitors an opportunityto observe the rich Nepali cultural tradition from theclosest quarter and intermingle with the locals. Besides,any expenses made at that level directly contribute to thewelfare of the local community, hence giving the visitora sense of satisfaction. Village tours are conducted inSirubari, Briddim, Ghalegaun, Ilam and other places.ACCOMMODATIONThere is accommodation ranging from 5-star chain hotelsand resorts to comfortable lodges in Kathmandu andmajor tourist destinations. The hotels offer specialtyrestaurants, conference facilities, exclusive health clubsand business centers. You also have the option of home-
stay where you can stay in local houses with the localpeople and enjoy their traditional food.For further REKKERS’ INFORMATIONMANAGEMENT SYSTEM (TIMS)Where & how to obtain TIMS Card?Tourists of all nationalities including Indians, who areinterested to visit general trekking areas of Nepal,are required to receive TIMS Card through one of thefollowing offices: Kathmandu (NTB office, TAAN office and Governmentregistered trekking companies) Pokhara (NTB office, TAAN office and Governmentregistered trekking companies) To obtain a TIMS Card you need a photo copy of yourpassport details and two passport-size photographs. 20 US equivalent Nepalese Rupees must be paidto obtain TIMS Card from NTB offices or TAANoffices which issue TIMS card only for Free IndividualTrekkers (FIT) who do not take the services of bothGuide and Porter. However, 10 US equivalent Nepalese Rupees mustbe paid for obtaining TIMS card for Group Trekkers(GT- who take the services of both Guide and Porter)only from registered trekking agencies in Nepal. The TIMS card is non-transferable, non-endorsableand valid only for one entry for prescribed area andduration.For more information, please contact: Nepal TourismBoard (NTB) , Telephone 9771-4256909 extn 224 orTrekking Agencies' Association of Nepal (TAAN) Tel:4443003, 4440920,Web site: HOURS TIMS counter at NTB offices will remain open fromSunday to Friday from 10 am to 4 pm exceptSaturdays and Public Holidays when it is closed. TIMS counter at TAAN opens seven days a weekfrom 10 am to 5 pm . It is also open on Saturdaysand Public Holidays from 10 am to 12 pm. DuringOctober, November and December workinghours are from 10 am to 4 pm.OTHER ACTIVITIESFor those who cannot withstand the rigorousness ofmountain climbing there are mountain flights which flyaround Mt. Everest and other summits providing a closeup view of the top of the world. For others, Pokhara,the lake city of Nepal provides endless opportunities forfishing, swimming, canoeing and boating along PhewaLake. Air sport options like paragliding and flying inultralight airplanes to see the spectacular views are alsoavailable in Pokhara.JUNGLE SAFARIChiwan national Park, Bardia National Park, ShuklaphantaWildlife Reserve and Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve offerexciting safari holidays. Jungle activities here includeventuring into deep jungle on elephant back or four-wheeldrive to view wild animals in their natural habitat, canoerides along the jungle rivers, nature walks, bird watchingand village tour excursions.A RICH NATURAL HERITAGEThanks to Nepal’s extensive and effective parks andreserves system, the country has managed to preservemore endangered species of flora and fauna than anyother area in Asia. Now, the protected areas in Nepalinclude ten national parks, three wildlife reserves, onehunting reserve and six conservation areas and elevenbuffer zones covering an area of 34,186.62 sq. km that is23.23% of the total area of the country.
UNESCO NATURAL WORLD HERITAGE SITES1. Chitwan National Park2. Sagarmatha National ParkOTHER NATIONAL PARKS1. National ParkBardiya National ParkKhaptad National ParkLangtang National ParkMakalu-Barun National ParkRara National ParkShey-Phoksundo National ParkShivapuri National ParkWILDLIFE RESERVES1. Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve2. Parsa Wildlife Reserve3. Shuklaphanta Wildlife ReserveCONSERVATION AREAS1. Conservation AreaApi Nampa Conservation AreaBlackbuck Conservation AreaGaurishankar Conservation AreaKanchenjunga Conservation AreaManaslu Conservation AreaHUNTING RESERVE1. Dhorpatan(932 sq. km)(1,148 sq. km)(550 sq. km)(225 sq. km)(1,710 sq. km)(1,500 sq. km)(106 sq. km)(3,555 sq. km)(159 sq. km)(175 sq. km)(499 sq. km)(305 sq. km)(7,629 sq. km)(1,903 sq. km)(15.95 sq. km)(2,179 sq. km)(2,035 sq. km)(1,663 sq. km)(1,325 sq. km)For more information, please contact the Department of NationalParks and Wildlife Conservation(Tel: 4220850, 4220912, Fax: 4227675Web site: DESTINATIONS Kathmandu is popular for its UNESCO World Heritage Sites,historical monuments, festivals and cultural splendour. Pokhara is famous for its close-up mountain views, pristine nature,sparkling lakes, limestone caves, deep gorges and waterfalls. Chitwan is popular for jungle safari and Terai-life experience.On a clear day, the hill resorts of Dhulikhel (30 km from Kathmandu), Nagarkot (28 kmfrom Kathmandu) and Daman (80 km southwest of Kathmandu) afford magnificentviews of Himalayan range. These hill stations are very popular for nature lovers andhoneymooners.
HONORARY NEPALESE CONSULATEGENERAL/CONSULATESAUSTRALIAMr. Michael T Wile OAM,Honorary Consul General of NepalLevel 7, 344 Queen Street, Brisbane, QLD 4000,Queensland, AustraliaTel: 61-7-3220-2007Fax: 61-7-3211-9885Mr. Lenore M GuthrieMr. Chandra Bahadur YonzonHonorary Consul of Nepal,Level 7, 28-32 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne VIC3000, Victoria, AustraliaTel: 96508338, 0422315959 (Mob),Fax: 0061-3-96502020Email :,Website: Laxmi YonzonMr. Deepak KhadkaHonorary Consul of NepalLevel 1, 28 Tower Sqare, 155 Miller Street,Sydney, NSW 2060, New South Wales, AustraliaTel: 0061 2 9460 0388, Fax: 0061 2 9460 0322Email:,Website: Lisa KhadkaAUSTRIAMr. Leopold Hannes HeimlichHonorary Consul General of NepalAkaziengasse 30, A-1230, ViennaTel: 43-1-2880-0100Fax: 43-1-2880-0111E-mail : consulat@nepal.atBELARUSDr. Upendra MahatoHonorary Consul General of Nepal45, Avenue Masherova, Minsk, 220035Republic of BelarusTel: 375-17-2893088Fax: 375-17-2112873E-mail : lumbini by@yahoo.comBELGIUMMr. Andre De JonckheereHonorary Consul of NepalMechelese Stenweg 212B-2018 Antwerpen, BelgiumTel: 32-3-293-0066Fax: 32-3-293-0077E-mail : nepal@pandora.beDr. Goren RogerHonorary Consul of NepalVeldkantstraat 343, 1850 Grimbergen,Wallania, Wavre, BelgiumCANADADr. Kunjar M. SharmaHonorary Consul General of NepalSuite 707 Toronto, 120 Eglinton AvenueToronto, Ontario M4P 1E2Tel: 1-(416) 975-0910Fax: 1-(416) 322-2928E-mail : kusharma@totonto.bdo.caMr. Christopher M. ConsidineHonorary Consul General of NepalInternational House, Suite 700-880 Douglas St.,Victoria BC, V8W 2B7, CanadaTel: 1- (250) 381-7788Fax: 1- (250) 381-1042E-mail : cconsidine@tnet.netCHINAMr. Wu JianmingHonorary Consul of Nepal16A, No.669 Beijing Road (W)Shanghai, China 200063Post code: 200041Tel/Fax: 86-21-6272-0159E-mail : ncshanghai@hotmail.comCOSTA RICAMs. Ana Victoria Badilla V.Honorary Consul of NepalP.O. Box 2154, 1002, San JoseTel: 506-234-2550 Cell: 506-381-7079Fax: 506-234-2550E-mail: cnepalcri@hotmail.comCYPRUSMr. Pavlos ChristoforouHonorary Consul of Nepal32 Stassinos Str., Acropolis, Nicosia 2003P. O. Box 20618, Nicosia 1661Tel: 357-2-378-940, 357-2-884-605Fax: 357-2-237-8432E-mail : cyCZECH REPUBLICMr. Rajendra Bahadur ShresthaHonorary Consul of NepalSovakova 8/650190 15 Praha 9 - SataliceTel: 312-945Fax: 420-2727-05710E-mail : shrestha@quick.czFRANCEMr. Gerard BaumontHonorary Consul General of NepalB P 80522, 31005 Toulouse Cedex 6, FranceTel: 06 07 23 3093Fax: 33 46 22 90 73Telecopy: 01 44 53 43 96E-mail : gbnep@wanadoo.frDr. Didier BenardHonorary Consul of Nepal2 Rue Victor Morin, 76130Mont Saint Aignan, FranceTel/Fax: 33-2-35-07-1812E-mail : consulat.nepal@wanadoo.frGERMANY, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OFMrs. Ann-Katrin BauknechtHonorary Consul General of NepalBoersenstrasse 3, 70174 StuttgartTel: 49-711-181 2683Fax: 49-711-181-2685E-mail : hgknepal@t-online.deMr. Ludwing-Alexander GreisslHonorary Consul General of NepalOttostrasse 9, 80333 MunchenTel: 49-894-410-9259Fax: 49-894-587-2525E-mail :,Marion BechtelHonorary Consulate of NepalBüschstraße 12, 20354 HamburgTel. : 49 40 35 71 33 40Fax: 49 40 35 71 33 41E-mail : info@honorarkonsulat-nepal.deMr. Bodo KrugerHonorary Consul General of NepalJohanna Melber Weg-4, 60599, Frankfurt am MainTel: 49-696-270-0608 Fax: 49-696-270-0611E-mail : konsulat.nepal@t-online.deMr Ram Pratap ThapaHonorary Consul General of NepalHolenzollern Ring 26, 50672 CologneTel: 49-221-233-8381Fax: 49-221-233-8382E-mail :
GREECEMr. Theodore SarantopoulosHonorary Consul General of Nepal8 Herodotou Street, 106-75, AthensTel: 30-210-412-4731 (O)Fax: 30-210-400-9888ISRAELMr. Illan NirHonorary Consul of Nepal1 Shaar palmer St., P.O. Box 33232, Haifa31332, IsraelTel: 972-3-645-0900Fax: 972-3-644-2406E-mail : Kunio ImanishiHonorary Consul General of NepalImanishi Building 3F,6-9-21 UehonmachiTennouji-ku, Osaka 543-0001Tel: 81-6-6776-0120Fax: 81-6-6779-3325Mr Mitsuhiko SinokumaHonorary Consul of Nepal1-12-6 Akasaka, Chuo-kuFukuoka 811-0042Tel: 81-92-771-2754Fax: 81-92-771-2773JORDANMr. Yousef Haider MuradHonorary Consul General of NepalSports City Circle-17,Queen Rania StreetP.O. Box 1255, Amman 11821Tel: 962-6-566-7666Fax: 962-6-568-8388Mobile : 962-777429909E-mail : Godfrey W. KaruriHonorary Consul General of NepalGateway Place, Milimani RoadP.O. Box 59288, Bishops Road, NairobiTel: 254-20-2713131-7, 254-20-4348149 (R)Fax: 254-20-2713-138, 961 1 396002Email : J. Issa EI-KhouryHonorary Consul General of NepalBadaro Street-Nadim Comair Bldg, BeirutTel/ Fax : 961-1-386-690/ 691, 961-1-396-002E-mail : GMr. Guy AachHonorary Consul General of Nepal9 Rue des CapucinsL-1313 LuxembourgPostal Address: B.P 66, L- 2010Tel: 352-22-7327(0)Fax: 352-47-3772E-mail : tapis-hertz@team.luSINGAPOREMr. M. N. SwamiHonorary Consul General of NepalNo 1, North Bridge Road,#18-05 High Street CentreSingapore 179094Tel: 65-6336-1677 /0545Fax: 65-6337-1737E-mail : Sergio Jack Assael MisrachiHonorary Consul General of NepalAvellanos, No. 24,Jardines De San Mateo,Naucalpan 53240Tel / Fax: 52-55-5560-5568E-mail : nepalcons@netscape.netSLOVENIAMr. Aswin Kumar ShresthaHonorary Consul of NepalInternational Centre for Promotion ofEnterprizes (ICPE)Post Box: 2592, 1001 LjubljanaTel: 386-1-5682331Fax: 386-1-5682775E-mail : aswin.shrestha@nepconsulate.siNETHERLANDSMr. Casper F. De StoppelaarHonorary Consul General of NepalKeizersgracht 463, 1017 DK, AmsterdamTel: 31-20-624-1530Fax: 31-20-624-6173E-mail : : www.nepal.nlNEW ZEALANDMrs. June Martha Mulgrew (Lady Hillary)Honorary Consul General of Nepal278 A Remuera Road, Auckland 5Tel: 64-9-5203-169Fax: 64-9-5207-847PAKISTANMr. Mushtaq K. ChhapraHonorary Consul General of Nepal301-302 Mehdi Towers 115 -A, S.M.C.H.S301-303 Shahrah -e-Faisal, KarachiTel: 92-21-453-3611-14 (O), 92-21-452-5164 (R)Fax: 92-21-4550-041E-mail : Jesus M. Zulueta Jr.Honorary Consul General of Nepal5th Floor, Attenaeum Building, 160, Levist St.Salcedo Village, Makati City , Metro ManilaTel: 63-2-816 2466-7Fax: 63-2-817-2543E-mail : Maria Theresa de Matos Marta da CruzHonorary Consul of NepalRua Latino Coelho, 54 4000-313 PortoTel: 351-22-537-8059Fax: 351-22-510-0079Email : info@leiloirainvicta.ptSPAINMr. Lluis BelvisHonorary Consul of NepalC/Arago, 18408011 Barcelona, SpainTel: 34-93-452-6360Fax: 34-93-451-2148E-mail : nepalcon@arrakis.esMr. Victor Gonzalez FraguasHonorary Consul of NepalPlaza de los Mostenses No. 1328015 MadridTel: 34-91-541-8787Fax: 34-91-542-9949E-mail :consuladodenepal@telefonica.netSWEDENMr. Ronald DahlmannHonorary Consul of NepalBox 7199 Se- 103 88, StockholmTel: 46-8611-9032Fax: 46-8611-9140E-mail : r.dahlman@dab.seWebsite : www.nepalsgeneralkonsulat.seTURKEYProf. Dr. Ms. Fatma Gunseli MalkocHonorary Consul General of NepalKucuj Su Mah, Evern Sok,1/1/ Kandilli Uskudar, IstanbulTel: 90-216-460-1450Cell : 90-533-668-7878Fax: 90-216-460-1415E-mail :
UNITED STATES OF AMERICADr William C. CassellHonorary Consul General of NepalP.O. Box: 1688, Sun ValleyIdaho, ID 83353Tel: 1 (208) 726-4733Fax: 1 (208) 726-1092E-mail : wcassell@sunvalley.netMr. Richard C. BlumHonorary Consul General of Nepal909, Montgomery St, Suite 400San Francisco, California, CA 94133Tel: 1 (415) 434-1111Fax: 1 (415) 434-3130E-mail : skelly@blumcapital.comMr. Marvin A. BrustinHonorary Consul General of Nepal100 West Monroe Street, Suite 500Chicago, Illinois, IL 60603Tel: 1 (312) 263-1250Fax: 1 (312) 263-3480/1722E-mail :,Mr. Robert C. SagerHonorary Consul General of Nepal151 Tremont Street, Apt No. 21 LBoston, Massachusetts, MA 02111Tel: 1 (617) 948-9449, Fax: 1 (617) 948-9448Mr. Prem Raja MahatHonorary Consul of Nepal515 Walker Ave, Baltimore, MD 21212Tel: 443-759-9383(O)Cell : 410-916-4237Email : premraja@hotmail.compremmaha@gmail.comHONORARY NEPALESE CONSULATE GENERAL/CONSULATES EMBASSIES OF NEPALAUSTRALIAEmbassy of NepalSuite 2.02, 24-Marcus Clarke StreetCanberra City, ACT 2601GPO Box No. 2889Tel: 61-261-62-1554, 1556Fax: 61-261-62-1557E-mail : b :, PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OFEmbassy of NepalUnited Nations Road, Road No. 2Baridhara, Diplomatic EnclaveDhaka-1212Tel: 880-2-9892-490, 568Fax: 880-2-8826-401E-mail : eondhaka@dhaka.netWebsite :www.nepembassy-dhaka.netBELGIUMEmbassy of NepalAvenue Brugmann- 2101050 BrusselsTel: 32-2-3462-658, 3466-638Fax: 32-2-3441-361E-mail : embn@skynet.beWeb : www.nepalembassy.beBrazilEmbassy of NepalSHIS Q111 Cojunto 03,Casa 20, Lago Sul, BrasiliaTel: 55-61-35411232, 228Fax: 55-61-35411229CANADAEmbassy of Nepal408 Queen StreetOttawa, Ontario KIR 5A7Tel: 1 613-680 5513, 5623Fax: 1 613-422 5149Email : nepalembassy@rogers.comCHINA, PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OFEmbassy of NepalNo 1, San Li Tun Xi Liu JieBeijing 100600Tel: 86-10-6532-1795, 2739, 5729Fax: 86-10-6532-3251E-mail : of NepalSvanemollevej 92, DK 2900 HellerupTel: 45- 44-44-4043, 4026Fax: 45-44-44-4027Email : site : www.nepalembassydenmark.orgEGYPT, ARAB REPUBLIC OFEmbassy of Nepal23, El-Hassan Street, Mohandessin-Dokki, CairoTel: 202-37603-426, 37612-311Fax: 202-33374-447E-mail : ne@nepalembassyegypt.comWeb : www.nepalembassyegypt.comFRANCE, REPUBLIC OFEmbassy of Nepal45 bis, rue des Acacias75017, ParisTel: 33-1-4622-4867Fax: 33-1-4227-0865E-mail : nepalinparis@noos.frWeb :, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OFEmbassy of NepalGuericke Strasse-2710587 Berlin-CharlottenburgTel: 49-30-3435-9920/21/22Fax: 49-30-3435-9906E-mail : berlin@nepalembassy.deWeb : www.nepalembassy-germany.deINDIA, REPUBLIC OFEmbassy of NepalBarakhamba RoadNew Delhi-110001Tel: 91-11-2332-9969, 7361,9218, 8066Fax: 91-11-2332-6857, 9647E-mail : nepembassydelhi@airtelmail.inWeb : www.nepalembassy-india.comISRAELEmbassy of Nepal7th Floor, Textile Center Building, 2Kaufman St., Tel Aviv 68012Tel: 972-3-5100111, 5168085Fax: 972-3-5167965E-mail : ANEmbassy of Nepal20-28, Shimomeguro, 6-ChomeMeguru-Ku,Tokyo 153-0064Tel: 81-3-3713-6241/42Fax: 81-3-3719-0737E-mail : nepembjp@big.or.jpWeb :, REPUBLIC OFEmbassy of Nepal
244-143, Huam DongYongsan-gu SeoulTel: 82-2-3789-9770/1, Fax: 82-2-736-8848E-mail : :, STATE OFEmbassy of NepalSouth Surra, Al-ZahraBlock-08, Street-804Building 184Tel: 25243254,57,75 Fax: 25243250Email : of NepalSuite 13A.01, 13A FloorWisma MCA, 163 Jalan Ampang 50450Kuala LumpurTel: 60-3-2164-5934, 9653Fax: 60-3-2164-8659Email : :, UNION OFEmbassy of Nepal16, Natmauk Yeiktha, YangonTel: 95-1-545-880, 557-168Fax: 95-1-549-803E-mail :, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OFEmbassy of NepalHouse No. 11-A, Street No. 13, F-7/2IslamabadTel: 92-51-265-5139,5182,51 83Fax: 92-51-265-5184E-mail :, STATE OFEmbassy of NepalAbu Hamour Area- Masaimeer, DohaTel: 974-467-5681/3Fax: 974-467-5680E-mail : y of Nepal2nd Neopalimovsky Pereulok 14/7, MoscowTel: 7-499-2528-215/2419-311Fax: 7-499-252-8000E-mail : nepalemb@mtu-net.ruWebsite: www.nepalembassyrus.orgSAUDI ARABIA, KINGDOM OFEmbassy of NepalAl Urubah Street, Near Sulemania HotelAl-Jouf RoadP. O. Box: 94384, Riyadh-11693Tel: 966-1-4611-108, 4645-170Fax: 966-1-4640-690, 4651-823E-ma
DOMESTIC AIRLINES Nepal Airlines has an extensive network of air services to major parts of the country. Besides Nepal Airlines, other domestic airlines (there are more than 18 in operation) provide regular and charter services to popular domestic destinations. Many domestic airlines operate early morning, one-hour mountain flights round the year.
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