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.,.4 the Rhein Neckar Apple User Group., . NAUG NewsletterVolume 7, N umber JOVersion 5.1 Offers Users a Featurerich Upgrade for 14.95Microsoft Announces NewVersion of Word for theMacintoshLOS ANGELES. Calif. - Oct. 15. 1992 - MicrosoftCorporation today announced a new upgrade for Microsoft*Word version 5. 1 for the Macint0sh. the word processingleader on the Apple Macintosh platform. Microsoft Wordversion 5.1 for the Macintosh includes a new c11 rOITT1zahletoolbar and will be officiallv unveiled at the Oct0bermeeting of the Mac LA Users group by Microsoft ExecmiveVice President, Mike Maples.The design goal for MicrosoftWord version 5.1 for the Macintoshwas to give users even easier accessto the tools and functions they useevery day. ··we spent a great deal oftime rese trching the ·.vay people us their word processors and the taSksthey want to accomplish,. said PeteHiggins, vice president of thedesktop applications division at Microsoft. "With its newtoolbar, Word 5.1 for the Macintosh gives users one-stepaccess to the tools thev use most often: ·Microsoft Word 5 1 for the Macintosh is also geared toexploit the power of the Macintosh. The new upgradeincludes a special PowerBook installation feature with areduced disk size of 2.2MB and a banery indicator in theruler. QuickTime Support, which allows users to insert andedit movies, is also included in Word 5.1 for the Macimosb .Microsoft has always been dedicated to developing andenhancing applications for the Macintosh.'" said Maples."We're committed to providing applications that fullysupport the Mac platform, and we now have more peopleworking on applications for the Macintosh than everbefore.··See Word 5.1: Continued on Page 3The Rhein-Neckar Apple Users Group is a private organization ofthe 26th Area Support Group IAW USAREUR Reg 210- l.lbe RNAUG Newsle11er is an independem publication 1101 affiliated or otbeiwise associated with or sponsored or sanctioned byApple Computer. Inc. ]be opinions. stalement.s. positions. andviews stated herein are those of the author sl or publisber and arenot intended to be the opinions, s1ate1rents. positions. or views ()fApple Computer. Inc.D ecember 1992J N .,l O E Microsoft Announce , N;;lw6r-d 5 1""";.l'.NE\VtTran Prpg: .111 .; ; ; ;.t ······· .1Financial statement . ;i ;. 2:.e::; ;; f. ::::::: : ::::1"A'pp.,Works Eth:!Ci:itlonal ·Resources Offer.5 : :Mac::Gam.::Rev:iews-.,. . . . .7.4"·SALE;t·.;:. . .;.;. . . ; : . 9 ·"MinUtes ofthe: December·Meeting. 10 .,··For the Apple II LineNEW! TransProg Ill fromSeven Hills SoftwareTransProg III is a time-saving program Launcher. Afterinstallation lhe TransProg ill icon appears at the end of everystandard menu bar. From then on, instead of quit.ting to theFinder each time you want to Stan a different application, jusLselect the application from the TransProg ill menu. The currently-running program is automatically ··quit'"and the application you selected is inunediately launched (completely.bypassing Lhe Finder).In addition to providing quick launching. vanous opttonscan be set for each application. For example, you can specifythe default folder thaLwill appear when you chooseFile/Open after launching an application. You can evenchange slot settings without having to restart the compucer!The TransProg III menu is fully customizable. You canspecify the foreground/background color for each menu itemand arrange the menu items in any order you desire. Bycreating groups you can group similar applications togetheron a hierarchic menu. For example, you could create a groupfor all your word processing applications, or your paintingapplications.TransProg ID also includes a really neat .ThennoConfiguration" option. Using that option you can definebotkeys for applications. Whenever you start the computerthe thermometer screen appears. simply press a letter you·vcchosen and that application launched immediately .bypassing your usual Stan application!''How is TralSPWog Wdll'fennfran TralSPWog 22?'' TransProg ill is fully compatible with System 6. TransProg ill ha ; a real menu in the menu bar. whichmeans you ca.ii access it like any other menu instead ofhaving to click exactly on the icon.See TransProf? III: Continued on Page J

the Rhein N eckar Apple User GroupMinutes Continued from Page IOFinancial StatementFor PowerBook owners. GCC Technolo!!ies intro5599.duced their WriteMove II portable prim.er. The W. C. Brown Company has released a 170 pagetree car.alog. of Apple II and Macintosh products.RNAUG will be getting a copy for its reference librarvif au youc is imerested.·The User Group Connection has finally providedRNAUG with System 7.1 and At Ease evaluation disksfor the Macintosh. Unlike previous System softwarereleases. RNAUG cannot make copies or System 7.1. Itmust be bought from Apple and throu2h I FebruarvI 993 there is a special promotional orice of 27.95- forRNAUG members. A sign up list was made available tolhc attendees. Based on .a motion from the floor and approved by asimple ma1omy. the At Ease evaluation disk wasJonated to the Wonns Yout.h Center for use with theirMacintosh LC.At this point in the meeting. enough membersarrived co constitute a t'orum tbr the election of officers.Jim expressed some disappoimmem at the lack offorby Paul KostelnikASSETS (31 Dec 92)Checking Account . :. 648 .08Petty Cash. . 15. 70Raffle Funds. . 0.00Re-Inker Supplies . 78.46. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .·.-.· g:gg§i Public Domain library.50.00TOTAL ASSETS . 792.24TOTAL LIABILITIES . 0.00NET WORTH . . 792.24INCOME (May-Aug)Disk of the Month. 12.00Public Domair. Disks. . . . 0.00Re-Inking Service. . 0.00II :b : ::::::::::: : gresponse to the ballot published in tbe last .ne wsletter.Jim then asked for nominations from the floor for theApple ll System 6 . 0.00Miscellaneous. 1.00Membership DuesApple ll Users. 42.00Macintosh Users . 53.00Teachers. 0.00positions of President. Vice-PresidenL Secretary,Apple II Special Interest Group Chairperson and CoChairperson. and Macimosb SIG Chairperson and CoChairperson. A motion was taken from the floor rorelect all current officers willing to continue. with anvremaining vacancies to be fiJled at the next meeting. ·Tbe motion was seconded and pa sed unanimously. Thevote did leave the positions of me two SIGChairpersons vacant as both Mike Varno of theMa intosh SIG and Alex Siegfried of the Apple II SIGmd1cated tha.t they could not continue due to pressingpersonal busmess. Ned Langston was selected for thepo ition of Macintosh Co-C hairperson. Tech Rep DonWilder will also be depaning in Mav which will leave abig hol in RNAUG's suppovrt side. As a certified Apple1echmc1an. Don has been invaluable in oroviding lowcost. quality repairs and assistance to members. vlo the November minutes, we incorrectly reportedthat Debbie and Mark Hovle were permenantlv leavinl?for the U.S. They are going t0 the U.S. but Debbie wiffrerum giving birth to a new RNAUG member. JohnWothe has volunteered to assume ribbon reinkino duties"'(black ribbons only) until Debbie returns.C:lif Sayer gave bis now regular expose of variousMacintosh topics (see separate article in this issue). Jimshowed the new ads being run bv the Audio-Photoclubs offering the Macintosh Uvl for 2999. This can bespecial or ered only and members can expect a backlogbecause ot the popularity of the new machines.The general membership portion of the meetimlthen closed with the rame. In the Apple ll SIG. JimClark and Alex Siegfried answered members questionson the Apple U series. In the Mac SIG. Hank Lavagninihosted a discussion of several topics with new memberBob McAuley showing his new PowerBook 230. sTOTAL iNCOME. 157.75EXPENSES (May-Aug)Door Prizes. . . 0.00Fees. 0.00Miscellaneous. 4.30Petty Cash Expenses. . 0.00Disks. Ribbons. etc. 905.39TOT AL EXPENSES . . 909.69NET INCOME. (751 .94). . :.: :: i'.·i,.'. . .', j-·;·:Newti:. Ef-'QffiaD:.;: ,:. . '.),. .11li l l l E kten :i /, ' · .! TrP-:."·l00'·1:, .u,:·"8*:·1 , ·K .,·a1: .i '· .,l·a::.· , J .·j:,i'·.li,' :1.,'·ti1:, 1.,'] . : s?it:::': ·:, :".: ;.:. ·.·.· .· ·· . .:' :. !f ;·(.;;;.'fti:i;:· Y · ' , : ;·· ffd :. ,.:.:'·: .:·. '., ;,' .,:1':. .'·TA. :'P?P;·a ;· · .',o· :.,·Jr1.:e·, 'c :S ·j.i,·:·G:.1,·a:'.',· ,., ,m·.:. 9' i·':···,·.1·· .,'.·'!· . '.,. ., .·., 2. :.·.··,G,·"., ,.,·,·,·,'·,".,·: co c·na·:r.fj,.erson: ·· .'.·:··.,d.',:.··nt.'-: ·. ·,,. ,l·.'·,:,·.k. ·,.I;;. K ;v.en:·:·M!o;her·· .'.·l!l·:· : ··

the Rhein Neckar Apple User GroupWord 5 Continued f rom Pa e 1TransProg Ill Continued.from Page 1What's New in Word5.1 for the Macintosh? Tt:eToolbar! Microsoft Word 5.1 for the Macintosh is lhe firstword processor for the Macintosh to ship with a customizable. 30 Toolbar that has the following features:* Aummaticallv installs 19 buttons on 9-inch monitors.25 buttons on 13-ioch monitors and up to 30 buttons on J 6inch or larger monitors.* Docks on the top. left or right of the monitor screen.*Customizable wilh more than 150 button faces and 300Word command.' . TransProg DI now deals with groups of applications anduses hierarchic menus tor easier use. Usim TransPro!? Ill is much easier because all the configurationvoptions are available right on the TransProg illmenu--no separate configuration programs to use 1 Many customization options have been added toTransProg Ill menu item coior aoa order. system coniiguralion options. etc. J. Arranging the TransProg ill menu is ea y because youcan Copy/Cut/Paste applications, groups and dividers. TransProg 2.2 could not launch documents for new*Automatic Bullets.* One click buttons to Nest and Unnest paragraphs orSystem 6 applications (e.g. Teach). TransProg III does.TransProg m was entirely\'.-Titt.en in assemblv lanimageCTP2.2 was written in C l andmemory management has beenoprimized.By the way, if you are stillusing TransProg 2.2. TransProgIll can impon your existingconfiguration intonnation suvou won't have tO create yourmenu from scratch'TransProg ill works withSvstem 5.0.4 and Svstem o. andbulleted lists.* OddJEven Printing forreproducingdouble.::-sidedcopies.* QuickTime support nowincorporated in the product(wa availab.le as a separateplug-in module ir. version 5.0l* En elope addressing andprinting.* Chan11e case.* increase or decrease fontsize.* Add borders.* Open. save or prim filesi;;. 39.95 suggested· retail.It isavailable immediately fromSeven Hills Software (addS3.50 shipping and handling),and will be available verv soonthrough the usual sources(Quality Computers, IMSPeripherals, Big Red. etc.).NOTE: Regisrerea owners ofTransProg 2.2 (shareware fromBrainStorml will be receivingan update notice through the mail at a reduced cost. tiwithonemouse-clickPowerBook Install.* 2. 2MB installation.*Battery Indicator.* Designed to maximizebattery life by accessing thehard drive less frequently FindFile bv Folder.* Gives users t.be ability tosearch for files in a specifiedfolder instead of searchin!!over an entire network or drive.Pricing and Availability: Microsoft Word 5.1 for theMacintosh will be offered for u suggested retail price ofTidBITS#1 56/14-Dec-92S495, with a special upgrade price of 14.95 for Word 5.0for the Macintosh users. The upgrade price for users ofversion 4.0 and earlier is 129. Microsoft Word 5.1 for theMacintosh is scheduled to be available in early November.Microsoft Word 5 .1 for the Macintosh is expected to ship insix languages by the end of the year, including English versions for Australia the United States and the UnitedKingdom. as well French, French-Canadian and Germanversions. Releases in Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Italian.Norwegian, Ponuguese. Swedish and Turkish versions arealso planned.System Requirements: Macintosh Plus, SE. Classic.Ponable, PowerBook, LC. ll-family, or Macintosh Quadra,personal computer. One 800K disk drive, and a hard drive.Trojan Horse Warningby Frederic Rlnaldt-71170.2111@compuserve.comFrederic Rinaldi wams:··I have been told that a TrojanHorse HyperCard stack named Hermes Optimizer 1.1 hasbeen distributed through the Olympus BBS. The addressesappearing in the Hbout menu are 70142,210 (CompuServe-my mail was read but 1 received no reply) andFARRADA Y 1 (AppleLink - this address seerrn not toexist). I have received the stack and carefully traced it. Thestack claims to'·ctecrease the level of fragmentation in yourHermes Shared file", but it m fact RENAMES ALL FILESon the hard disk. MOVES DIRECTORIES and thenDELETES THEM ALL To do its dis!!ustinu stuff. the stackuses many of my XCMDs/XFCNs. and special !banks formy externals appear ( ! n. along with my name. Please notethat I bave nothing to do with this, and was never contactedby this criminal fool before its release. Watch Oll t for it." tiasSystem 6.0.2 to 6.0.8, Finder 6.1 or higher, a minimum of!MB of memory (2MB required for use with lhe grammarchecker) Under System 7. minimum of 3MB of memory 4MB recommended for use with the !Oolbar or grammarchecker). Microsoft Graph module requires System 7. ti3

the Rhein Neckar Apple User GroupBUGS and TIPSA Mouse for PC T r ansporter (.IlCS)--Gctting a mouseby Hank LavagniniLinked Printing with Word (Mac)- Let' s sav you redealing with a paper in Microsott Word 4.0 which·could getrather large. You ·ve broken up the paper imo separate documems but you wam to prim it all together with the next filepriming right after the end of the previous file, and not starta new page.Click on Ne1 t File under the menu Format in theDocument dialogue box. It will let you select a file to printafter the first file. with page numbers and footnotesnumbered correctly. It requires a little experimentation. butbasically it works.Note that one problem with Word for larger files is thar ··if you wam to see the actual pages t i.e. with headers. pagenumbers. looters. etc.). then the Page View can be incrediblyslow several minutes to look atend of a 50 page paper vn an SE).to nm requires two things. First. you bave to install theappropriate mouse driver on the Apple side for loading atboot up. This is similar to loading drivers for your printerand modem ports. The driver is called MOUSECOM. In theIlGS. you specify slot 4 for the mouse.Two, you have to install a mouse driver on the MS-DOSside. This is done wicb a line in the CONFIG. SYS file:DEVICE: MSMOUSE .SYS/2You need to bave the me MSMOUSE.SYS suppl.ied withthe PC Transporter in your root directory. The /2 is necessary to specify the COM2 port (wbich is where the AppleSide drivers install themselves). A driver called MOUSE isalso provided for the Apple side, but the Microsott mousedriver for the MS-DOS side is not-Copyright y'know. It isprobably only needed if you have a piece of MS-DOS so ftware mat doesn't like 1.he MSMOUSE driver.Another FileShare lncompatibility (Mac)-Virex 3.7works correctly with AutoDouhler except when runningSystem 7 and FileSbare. Virex will cause compressed itemson che desktop to appear with DiskDoubler generic iconsumil file sharing scans up ami updates the desktop. If fi!e .,sharing is not turned on then the desktop icons will update ·when the Finder updates tne desktop.A System 7.1 Change, Not Bug (Mac)-lfyou installedSystem 7.1 and your font styl.ing program ce.g., Broderbund's TypeStyler) can't find your fonts any more . .It's not a·'bug." System 7.1 changed where fonts are located. andclearly some programs can' t find them now. It's not a bug.lt's just a change in how things are done. Try opening thefonts with the latest version of Suitcase (2.1. 2),MasterJuggler or try the shareware utility, Carpetbag.Apple's Compatibility Checker Mac)-can be usefulbut it depends on information from other vendors.Unfonunacelv, it tends to tell vou LO remove thines it doesn' tknow about. if it tells vou tO remove a newer version of aprogram. try it out for 'yourself first.Svstem 7.1/Suitcase 2.1.2/ATM 2.0.3 (Mac)-Thiscombination should work fine. but only if you don' t useSyscem 7. 1·s Fonts folder. or have Suitcase open up a font inthere. Tbe problem with ATM 2.0.3 and System 7.1 is thatATM won·t look inside the Fonts folder. The new ATM 3.0will.System 7.1 and Adobe Fonts Mac lnstalling 7.1theIlGS Hard Disk Woes .IJGS)-Say you have a IIGSwith a Vulcan hard drive which vou iust total1v reformattedleaving the tlrst -partition on the drive as tbe boot drive. Butwhen vou restart. the syscem mes to lead from the harddrive.in whic h case it obviouslv can. t find Pro DOS. If YOUdeactivate slot 7 (where the drive is) and load from a floppydisk, the svstem can't find the hard drive. A Catch 22?Go into the comrol panel open-apple, control. andescape keys1 and set the startup slot to slot 5, in tbe samemenu where you de- and re-activating slot 7. You'll findyou probably have it either set to 7 or to "scan". either ofwhich woutct cause yom· the problem.AutoDoubler Exclusion Shortcut (Mac)- AutoDoubler lets vou exclude files from beinl? automaticallvcompressed by going to the AD Control Panel and designating each tile or folder. Bue Aucodoubler also let's youexclude files based on the label they have. In Svstem TsLABELS control panel. you can designate a label as ADExcluded. then in the AD control panel you check on thatlabel to be excluded from compression. This gives you aquick way m keep files from being compressed wilboucgoing into the control panel.Norton No Help with AD (Mac)-You'd better notlose any valuable files if you use AutoDoubler and arerelying on Symamec's Norton·s Utilities for the Mac.Norton cannot recover AutoDoubled files. Fortunately, ADhas a lot of built-in safeties to protect vour files, but thingsdo happen.over yo ur current system. the Adobe Postscript Type 1 Fonu;get replaced with an Apple set, but only tl1e Roman versionsremain (also called Regular or Plain). Tbere are TrueTypeFonts that have 2 or 4 styles that come with 7.1 and these getadded also, but you lose a Jot of your Type l bolds, italics,etc. To avoid problems, merge your Adobe Fonts back inafter installing 7. l or get them out of the way before doingthe 7. l install.Support for Ehman Drives-Were you left with anorphaned bard drive when Ehman, Inc. wem belly-up? Well,Mr. Ehman reorganized under a new name and has promisedcontinued support . Contact their answering machine atBridgette Inc. Technical Support Division at (619) 441-6990or write to Bridgette Inc. 1466 Pioneer Way #9. El Cajon.CA 92020. C4

Complete Resources For Learning AppleWorksAvailable Through The WORKSMake your class a success with these AppleWorks Resources- \:\ -Buy this complete introductoryAppleWorks package and save 20.00!AppleWorks in YourClassroom StarterPackageodnGrodM 7·1 2. Here's everything you need to introduceyout students to AppleWorks quickly and smoothly with aminimum of time and prepar.u.ioo on yout pan. We've combined our extremely popub.t AppleWorlrs in Your Qassroom:A Sludem lmroducricn with the brand new AppeWori'S inYour Clam-oom: Teacher &iilion to give you an unbcaublecombin.o:ion cf hands-on swdent :aaivitics and oomprchen·sive teacher resources. (Sec descriptions of individwl components below.) You'll ave 18% off lhc regul2t combinedpurchase price when you order this complete package.1 Apple data d.lsk; l teacher l"CSOW'(;C dhk; rcproducibkbook, approx. 19S pp.; 1 SCJdcnt book, 159 pp.5y,- dhk.s 19·9091A·Z43'!." disks 29-9092A-Z4 89.95 89.9SAddJtlonal aipics of the student book01·907l·Z4 9.9S10 or more copies, each 8.9Sf'-jrcbase includes per-mission to ma.Ira enougb ccpies ofthe studerJ di.dr and student pages of lhe reproduciblebooir for tbe classes of or:. laaeber.I 131ESTSIEl.1.IEI Teaching on introductory AppleWorkscourse hos never been easier!AppleWorks in YourClassroom:A Student Introduction 0 . GtaclH 7·12. You'll get great re.rults when you use thisdislclworktext combination to help your students ma.stet 1 «"! - AppleWorks. The text is organized into self-paced, interactive activities that focus on the word processor, the daubase, and the spreadsheet programs.First, the worktext teaches the overall structure and con· cepts of Apple\rorks. Activilies help .students learn how to useAll::::.:.-"-, , each program and how to integrate all three components.Now-a new teacher edition of thisbestselfer makes introducing AppleWorkseasier than ever!AppleWorks in YourClassroom:Teacher Edition OAppk Worh in Your Classroom just bcamc an even morevaluable teaching tool for you! This new te2Cher edition provides everything you need to teach all aspects of Apple·Works quickly and easily.Tnc reproducible teacher book gives you an introductionto the AppleWorks program, wit.h notes for using theAppleWorks 3.0 version; the complete srudent text; detailedlesson plans; extension activities; evaluation guidelines; 19reproducible masters for making handouts or tr.a.nsparencies;4 reproducible tests; complete a11swcrs; and resource lists.The resource disk contains files of information that srudent.5 can ma:1ipulate according to the insu-uctions in thestudent book. The disk ali;o provides sugg c:d answers. otc: You must already have the AppleWorks programin order 10 we the AppleWorks in Your Classroom disk.(By Dave ChC Cbro\lgh)Student book. 1S9 pp., 8'!.'' x 11"01.9071.zt10 or mon: copies, each1 Apple data dlsk5't, disk 11·9074A-Z43y, disk 21·90iSA·Z4 9.9S 8.95 39.95 39.9SPurchase includes permission to make enough disJr copies Ifor all studenl.S of one U!acber.The accompanying teacher resource disk contains addi·tional files for use in teaching AppleWorks, additional student acti\'itics and suggested solutions, and a comprehensivehands-on final exam with a complC'.e answer key.Note: You must have the AppleWorks program in ordetto use the AppkWo'*5 in Your Classroom teacher resourcedisk. (By David E. Chescbrough)Reproducible book, approx.195 pp.Ol-908S-Z4 20.951 ApplcWorks teacher resource disk5y. disk 11-9088A-Z4 39.953y, disk 21-9087A-Z4 39.95Purchase indu.tkt pttrmission to ma.lw mcugb copies ofthe di.sltt and student pages for the classes of one '-CherI

AppleWorks for theTeacher:Time-Saving Tips, Insights,and Techniques O dnIf you u.se AppleWorlcs, you need AppleWori:sfor-tbeTeacher. This book and a.ccompanying data disk enable youto use the nuny fea.1Jres of the powerful a:'ld popularAppleWorks program.The teacher-tested tips, teaching sugge.ltions, and classroom appli.Cllions were gleaned from The WORXS, anewsleaer dedicated to exploring the uses of AppleWorks ineducation since October 1986. You also get reviews, a glossary, and lists tluc put you in touch with useful texts, software, templates, h:ardware, newsletters, and user groups.Selections are grouped according to level and topic andcover both beginning and intennediate skills. The BegiMer'sSection focuses on concepts and teehniques needed foe thewOtd processor, data base, and spreadsheet modules ofApple\t\:Jrks. For experienced usel' , there arc guides to the- 1)program's powerful advanced features,I 1sophisticated appli.Cllion techniques, and -., ,: \:\ I resources for personal or classroom use. 1· - ;) ;.,:"';:.:;.;; 1:A::: :::-;1--iThe disk proviclcs useful templates,:.data s. and word processing and spread.sheet files bothfor you, the teacher, and 41 for U C with your sudcnu.Also included are files detailing AppleWorks eduationalresources, a dau. base of products and their sources, andexamples of top public domain files.Here's all the help you need to fully utilize the capabilities of AppleWorks and gain access to hard-to-findsupport resources.Note: You must have the AppleWorks program inorder to use the AppltWorltsfor the Teacher d2.U disk.(By ve Chesebrough).I:r.-1Ap.P.JeWo kr s1 Apple data dLsk; teacher book, 181 pp. sYa x trsv.· disk 12-9020A·Z43V." d1sk 22-9020A·Z4 4MS 49.9SPurchase permission to ma.V m.owgb dislt copi4sfor all students of one teacher.Order FormNaine ---------------------- - Title ----------School I School Address - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -StateCityZip. Phone (Subscriber ID# (from your mailing label, needed for 10% d i s c o u n t ) - - - - - - - -DescriptionItemNumberQuantityITotalPriceEachThe AppleWorks Educator Subscription 35.00III Purchase Orders accepted. However, pleaseadd 3.00 billing charge if payment notincluded.Send order with P.O. and/ or checkor money order to:The WORKS, Dept. BooksP.O. Box 72, Leetsdale, PA 15056or call 412/741-4110.SubtotalSubtract The AppleWorks Educator 10% Discount(Subscription Ordered or ID# required)Shipping & Handling (8% or 2.50 Minimum)PA residents add 6% Sales TaxIBilling ChargeTotal enclosedI

the Rhein Neckar Apple User GroupTidBITS#156/14-Dec-92There's a warning on me box tO the effect that theis uul responsible for lost slc::ep. TI1c::y're right.Don· t buy this game if you have somethin!! imoonam to dowithin the next week. You can't get to the ';iexi level withineach difficulty rating without completing the level before,and it is easy to want to solve iust one more level. andwhen you complete these. be ready for "Oh No! MoreLemmings!" (more levels) and "Lemmings II" (samepremise. different actions and idea. ), cooling soon. If youlike a combination of fast reflexes and puzzle solving, tbis isfor you.Available in stores and mail order houses.Company: Psygnosis Price: 29 mail orderOverall: 5 Repeat Playability: 3, once solved Value: 5 u11ipa11yMac Game Reviewsby Adam Engst and Richard RubelGames can be hard to review, since thev're so individualin their appeal. Nonetheless, I've tried to say what I thinkand wby I think it. In addition. Richard Rubel bas contributed several reviews. We'll stan with Richard's reviews.move on to a few short ones from me. and finish off withsome longer reviews.Richard's rating scale is simple: One means the game isworthless. Five means it is arcade quality and you shouldhave bought it already. The Overall rating is how much he .enjoyed the game. and how much he thinks others will. TheHellcats & Hellcals: Missions at LeyteGulfRepeat Playability rating is based on bow long you shouldenjoy playing this game. Value iswhether it's a good deal for the money.! haven't had time to check outsome or tbese programs as fully as Iwould have liked, but such is life. I alscdon't want to imply that only newgames are good-Spaceward Ho! stilloffers tremendous play, and I feel thatSimCity rates as best of the Sim seriesbecause it's tbe only one we can identifywith on a gut level rather than an imeilectual level.By the way, Wordtris is one of thegames I miss most. having bad wriststhat require extra care, and I sincerelyask that if your hands start hurtinl? whileplaying Wordtris or any other- game,scop! It's not worth hurting yourself,perhaps for life.Lemmings!------------- but toofmuch 0 thepackagefeels like agrade 8remake Of"Captai·n K"i ,.kMTeetS heFly1· ngby Richard RubelHellcats has to be tbe best flight simulator for the Mac today. It combines256-color, 3-D, shaded graphics witbextremely fast, smooch scrolling andmilitary-simulator-quality avionics andcreates a fast-paced arcade game.There are eight missions to fly,ranging from bombing an enemyrunway to protecting an Allied carrierfrom Japanese attack. Your plane isthe F6F Hellcat, equipped withmaclline guns and a pair of bombs.Eacb target you obliterate gives youpoints towards promotions through theranks, but be forewarned: dying in thegame is like dying in real life. Yourcharacter is gone, and you start againwith a new recruit.The game is best played with a joystick but works fine with a mouse.There are a few bugs, most noticeablya blind search party; bail out near yourbase, and chances are the rescue pany will still pass you by.A program exists called "HeilcatS Rescue" (available viaanonymous FIP from sumex) that exhumes dead pilots,leaving their scores intact. This is useful when Hellcats pullsa fast one on you.Missions at Leyte Gulf . the sequel to the smoothestflight imulator on the Mac auds more goodies. In auililiunto eight more missions, it features rockets (though not completely historically accurate, they are fun), moving targets(ships, trucks, tanks), and smarter fighters. Gameplay seemseven faster on my Ilci than the original Hellcats. Note thatthis is only a missions disk - you sWJ need the originalprogram.Toasters."by Richard RubelThis game started on t.he Amiga,moved to the PC. and eventually found its way to the Mac.!t was well worth the wait. Full 256- color graphics (playsm any dept

toolbar, Word 5.1 for the Macintosh gives users one-step access to the tools thev use most often:· Microsoft Word 5 1 for the Macintosh is also geared to exploit the power of the Macintosh. The new upgrade includes a special PowerBook installation feature with a reduce

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