Army Regulation 870–20Historical ActivitiesArmyMuseums,HistoricalArtifacts, andArtHeadquartersDepartment of the ArmyWashington, DC11 January 1999UNCLASSIFIED
SUMMARY of CHANGEAR 870–20Army Museums, Historical Artifacts, and ArtThis revision-oCompletely revises AR 870-20.oIncorporates AR 870-15, Army Art Collection.oRealigns accountability policy with chapter 2, AR 710-2, Inventory ManagementSupply Policy below the Wholesale Level.oAdds policy for demilitarization requirements for items on static display toFederal and non-Federal entities.oDefines the process for section 2572, title 10, United States Codetransactions; loans and gifts to non-Federal entities; and exchanges (2572(b)), known as the Army Exchange Program.oDefines the duties and responsibilities of the Army Chief Curator.oIdentifies statutory responsibility and authority.oEstablishes new terms including certified museum, museum activity, andhistorical collection.oEstablishes new controls on historical artifacts loaned to Army museums.oEstablishes the Army Museum Information System as the central historicalartifact accounting program for the Army.oEstablishes a Central Control Number for each artifact in the Army HistoricalCollection.oUpdates preservation and conservation standards for historical artifacts.oChanges the requirements for photographing historical artifacts.oEstablishes procedures for handling hazardous and radioactive materialsfound in historical artifacts and equipment.oChanges the requirements for fire suppression systems in museum buildings.oDefines the mission and management of the U.S. Army Historical Clearinghouse.oEstablishes responsibility for the storage of Army flags, colors, guidons,and associated material.
oEstablishes requirements for systematic collection of historicallysignificant materiel during combat and contingency operations.oIncludes the Center of Military History policy: Code of Ethics for Employeesat Army Museums.oIncludes turn-in procedures for organizational historical property frominactivating units.oIncludes the Minimum Requirements Listing when developing a Command SupplyDiscipline Program evaluation.oChanges the Center of Military History, Museum Division, address fromCommander, U.S. Army Center of Military History, ATTN: DAMH-MD, 1099 14thStreet NW, Washington, DC 20005-3402 to Commander, U.S. Army Center ofMilitary History, ATTN: DAMH-MD, Building 35, 103 3d Avenue, Fort McNair,Washington, DC 20319-5058 effective 1 August 1998.
*Army Regulation 870–20HeadquartersDepartment of the ArmyWashington, DC11 January 1999Effective 11 February 1999Historical ActivitiesArmy Museums, Historical Artifacts, and ArtHistory. This regulation on Army museums,historical artifacts, and art has beencompletely revised. It includes severalsignificant changes to the procedures involvedin maintaining accountability of historicallysignificant property, as well as its care andpreservation. These changes will improveartifact accountability and the quality ofindividual museums throughout the ArmyMuseum System.Summary. This regulation prescribes Department of the Army policy governing theContentscollection, preservation, storage, accountability, demilitarization, and valuation of historical artifacts and Army art. It also covers theadministration of Army museums within theArmy Museum System.Applicability. This regulation applies to allelements of the Active Army, the U.S. ArmyReserve (USAR), and the Army NationalGuard of the United States (ARNGUS), including civil works functions in the Corps ofEngineers, and the U.S. Army Reserve Officer Training Corps, and the National DefenseCadet Corps.Proponent and exception authority.The proponent of this regulation is the Director of the Army Staff (DAS). The DAS hasthe authority to approve exceptions to thisregulation that are consistent with controllinglaw and regulation. The DAS may delegatethis authority in writing to a division chiefwithin the proponent agency in the grade ofcolonel or the civilian equivalent.Army management control process.This regulation contains management controlprovisions and identifies key managementcontrols that must be evaluated.Supplementation. Supplementation of thisregulation and establishment of forms otherthan DA forms are prohibited without priorapproval from the Director of the ArmyStaff. Establishment of local forms is prohibited without prior approval from the Commander, U.S. Army Center of MilitaryHistory, ATTN: DAMH-MD, 103 Third Avenue, Fort McNair, Washington, DC20319–5058, unless otherwise specified inthis regulation.Suggested Improvements. Users are invited to send comments and suggested improvements regarding this regulation on DAForm 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms) through the chainof command to the Commander, U.S. ArmyCenter of Military History, ATTN: DAMHMD, 103 Third Avenue, Fort McNair, Washington, DC 20319–5058.Distribution. Distribution of this publication is made in accordance with the initialdistribution number (IDN) 092542, intendedfor command level C for the Active Army,the Army National Guard of the UnitedStates, and the U.S. Army Reserve.Chapter 2Accountability of Historical Artifacts, page 5(Listed by paragraph and page number)Chapter 1General Information, page 1Purpose 1–1, page 1References 1–2, page 1Explanation of abbreviations and terms 1–3, page 1Responsibilities 1–4, page 1Statutory authority 1–5, page 2Request for clarification or deviation 1–6, page 2Waivers 1–7, page 2Command Supply Discipline Program 1–8, page 2Inspections 1–9, page 3Inventories 1–10, page 3Accountability for historical artifacts 1–11, page 3Filing 1–12, page 3Implementation 1–13, page 3Performance standards 1–14, page 3Safety Program 1–15, page 4Hazardous Materials Management Program 1–16, page 4Section IBasic Principles, page 5Scope 2–1, page 5Accounting requirements 2–2, page 5Accountability of organizational historical artifacts 2–3, page 5Section IIRegistration and Cataloging, page 6Receiving Historical artifacts and associated items 2–4, page 6Acquisition of historical artifacts 2–5, page 6Incoming loans 2–6, page 7Automated accountability — The Army Museum InformationSystem 2–7, page 7Manual accountability 2–8, page 7Additional documentation 2–9, page 8Temporary transfers and outgoing loans 2–10, page 8Donations 2–11, page 9Storage of historical artifacts and associated items 2–12, page 9Special inventory and security requirements for weapons andsensitive items 2–13, page 9Inventories and adjustments 2–14, page 9*This revision supersedes AR 870-20, dated 9 January 1987; and AR 870-15, dated 4 March 1987.AR 870–20 11 January 1999UNCLASSIFIEDi
Contents—ContinuedAsset reporting 2–15, page 10Excess property and disposition of historical artifacts 2–16,page 10Disposition of organizational historical artifacts, flags, colors, andassociated items 2–17, page 10Shipping of historical artifacts 2–18, page 11Ordering/Contracting Officer 2–19, page 11Chapter 3Museums, Museum Activities, and Historical Collections,page 13General 3–1, page 13Objective 3–2, page 13Museum activity 3–3, page 13Historical collection 3–4, page 13Establishment of museums 3–5, page 13Administration 3–6, page 13Museum support articles 3–7, page 14Staffing 3–8, page 14Required support of museums 3–9, page 15Funding for Army museums 3–10, page 15Private organizations 3–11, page 16Volunteer programs 3–12, page 16Gift shops 3–13, page 16Mission, scope, and story line 3–14, page 16Exhibits 3–15, page 17Security and public safety 3–16, page 17Reference materials 3–17, page 18Preservation and conservation 3–18, page 18Programs 3–19, page 19Certification 3–20, page 19Closing of a museum or museum activity 3–21, page 20Chapter 4Center of Military History, page 20Section IMuseum Division Range of Duties, page 20Army art central collection 4–1, page 20The Army Artist Program 4–2, page 21U.S. Army Historical Clearinghouse 4–3, page 21War and military operations other than war (MOOTW) 4–4,page 21Section IIThe Army Exchange Program, page 22General 4–5, page 22AppendixesA.References, page 28B.Selected Bibliography on Museum Operations, page 29C.Museum Certification Checklist, page 31D.Classification System for Registering Artifacts, page 36E.Nomenclature, page 38F.Museum Standards of Conduct and ProfessionalismGuidelines, page 39G. Organizational Historical Property Turn-In from Inactivatedand Redesignated Units, page 40H.I.Command Supply Discipline Program, page 42Management Control Evaluation Checklist, page 42GlossaryiiAR 870–20 11 January 1999
Chapter 1General Information1–1. PurposeThis regulation prescribes policies, procedures, and assigns responsibilities for governing the collection, preservation, storage, accountability, demilitarization, and valuation of historical artifacts and artused for training, research and development, and interpretation ofthe Army’s military and cultural heritage. Also, it prescribes policiesand procedures for the establishment and effective administration ofmuseums and historical collections within the Army MuseumSystem.a. Commanders, civilian supervisors, and managers at all levelswill ensure compliance with applicable policies prescribed by thisregulation.b. All government and contractor employees will properly use,care for, and safeguard government property. They will seek themost efficient and economical means of accomplishing assignedtasks and will limit requests for and use of materiel.1–2. ReferencesRequired and related publications and prescribed and referencedforms are listed in appendix A.1–3. Explanation of abbreviations and termsAbbreviations and special terms used in this regulation are explained in the consolidated glossary.1–4. Responsibilitiesa. The Chief of Military History (CMH), is the Commander, U.S.Army CMH, which is a field operating agency (FOA) with generalstaff supervision provided by the DAS. The CMH will—(1) Be the principal adviser for material culture and organizational historical artifact matters to the Secretary of the Army (SA),the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army (AASA),the Chief of Staff, Army (CSA), DAS, and Army component commanders in combat and military operations other than war.(2) Control and ensure accountability of all Army historical artifacts and art per statutory requirements as follows:(a) Designates representative examples of historical artifacts, including obsolete and contemporary military equipment and objectsthat document daily soldier life.(b) Provides for the designation and recovery of historical artifacts required to document combat and military operations otherthan war, including joint and multinational operations in which theArmy is an active participant, through the appointment and deployment of a historical property recovery coordinator and recoveryteams from the CMH.(c) Provides, through the Army Artists Program, for the creationof works of art for the Army Art Central Collection, includingexamples of locally produced soldier art, that document Army life,training, combat, and operations other than war, including joint andmultinational operations in which the Army is an active participant.(d) Provides staff supervision of the Army Museum System, establishing and enforcing standards, issuing guidelines, and coordinating the execution of matters relating to Army museums andhistorical collections.(e) Supervises the Army Museum Certification Program.(f) Controls and ensures accountability of historically significantunit property, Army flags, colors, and guidons that have been retiredor from units during periods of inactivation or while at zerostrength. This includes their storage, identification, valuation, preservation and conservation, registration, loan, transfer, disposition, ordisposal per AR 840–10 and this regulation.(g) Provides guidance and support to the SA, the AASA, theCSA, the DAS, Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA)principal officials and their staffs, HQDA FOAs, Major Army Commands (MACOMs), installation commanders, and other Army organizations and agencies on issues relating to the use of Armyhistorical artifacts, art, and museum management.(h) Promotes the use of Army material culture and art in training,research, and the teaching of military history.b. The Chief Curator will—(1) Be the principal adviser to the CMH for all matters relating toArmy material culture, and is the Chief, Museum Division, U.S.Army Center of Military History. The Chief Curator is responsiblefor all matters pertaining to the daily management of the ArmyHistorical Collection, the Army Art Central Collection, and theArmy Museum System.(2) Manage the automated and manual programs designed to provide daily tracking and visibility of all historical artifacts, unit historical artifacts, and art within the U.S. Army. This includes allprocesses for the collection, identification, valuation, designation,preservation and conservation, registration, cataloging, receipt/issue,loan, transfer, disposition, storage, or disposal of all historical artifacts, unit historical artifacts, and art works.(3) Serve as the Artifact Accountable Officer (AAO) for theArmy Historical Collection, and will subsequently appoint in writingall the individuals that will serve as the Artifact Responsible Officer(ARO) at the Army museums, museum activities, provisional museums, historical collections, and at the Clearinghouse.(4) Manage the Army Museum Certification Program.(5) Manage the Army Artists program.(6) Manage the control and accountability of Army flags, colors,and guidons that have been retired or are from inactivated or zerostrength units, which includes their storage, identification, preservation and conservation, registration, loan, transfer, disposition, ordisposal per AR 840–10.(7) Promote the use of Army material culture and art in training,research, and the teaching of military history.(8) Provide for the designation and recovery of historically significant artifacts that document combat and military operations otherthan war, including joint and multinational operations in which theArmy is an active participant, by coordinating the appointment anddeployment of a historical property recovery coordinator and recovery teams from the CMH.c. The MACOMs and Operational Commanders, including thosewith overseas commands will—(1) Provide supervision and support to Army museums and historical collections within their commands and coordinate Army artactivities.(2) Ensure accountability of all Army historical artifacts and artin the custody of museums or organizations within their commandsby:(a) Establishing and publishing policy defining the duties andresponsibilities of their individual museums and historical artifactprograms.(b) Ensuring that Major Subordinate Commands (MSCs) and Major Subordinate Units (MSUs) with historical artifacts appoint AROsso that all regulatory guidance is followed.(c) Ensuring that Command Staff Inspections or Command Logistics Review Programs (CLRPs) of MSCs or MSUs require compliance with regulatory requirements in regard to the care andaccountability of historical artifacts and art.(3) Provide for the designation and recovery of historically significant artifacts that document combat and military operations otherthan war, including joint and multinational operations in which theArmy is an active participant, through the appointment and deployment of a historical property recovery coordinator and recoveryteams from the CMH.(4) Ensure procedural matters such as those concerning the establishment, closure, funding, and personnel resources of museums,historical collections, art activities, and the Clearinghouse are transmitted through command channels to the CMH.(5) Promote the use of Army historical artifacts and art in technical study, training, research, and the teaching of military historywithin their commands.(6) Publish guidance to ensure that all regulatory requirementsare followed so that inactivating units properly transfer their historical property to the Army Historical Clearinghouse. Appendix GAR 870–20 11 January 19991
provides guidance for the transfer of organizational historicalproperty.d. The Commander, Army Materiel Command (AMC), will—(1) Support the CMH upon request in identifying available excess, obsolete or condemned Army equipment by serial number andvalue. Also, the AMC will ensure that demilitarization is accomplished as required only on obsolete or condemned equipment to beexchanged outside of Army control in accordance with section2572, title 10, United States Code, (10 USC 2572) and forward theapplicable demilitarization certificate to the CMH. Specifically, theU.S. Army Tank-automotive and Armaments Command (TACOM)will qualify recipients of Army equipment for static display; authorize appropriate MSCs to execute donation and/or loan transactions;and identify obsolete or condemned equipment by serial number anddollar value necessary for static display or in support of the CMHexchange program. The TACOM will also account and track allmateriel transferred outside Federal control and will subsequentlyconduct site inspections at non-Army agencies and civilian museums. The TACOM will also process all CMH requests for DefenseReutilization and Marketing Service (DRMS) issues.(2) Control and manage the U.S. Army Historical Clearinghousebuildings located at the Anniston Army Depot (ANAD), Anniston,AL. Management will consist of providing a Clearinghouse managerto lead in the logistics efforts in operating the warehouse to ensurethat all artifacts are properly received, screened, inventoried, accounted for, cared for, and made available for issue as stated in theMemorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the AMC and theCMH.e. Installation Commanders will—(1) Report to the CMH, through installation museum directors,those objects or works of art that have been designated as beingsignificant. If no museum exists on the installation, the commanderwill appoint an ARO to accept responsibility and care for historicalartifacts. A copy of the appointment will be sent to the Commander,U.S. Army Center of Military History, ATTN: DAMH-MD, 103Third Avenue, Fort McNair, Washington, DC 20319–5058.(2) Provide support for museums and historical collections undertheir control, and coordinate Army art activities on theirinstallations.(3) Ensure that the museums under their control are used fortraining, education, and public enlightenment.(4) Accept responsibility for and care for all items issued by theCMH for training, education, display, and public enlightenment.f. Unit Commanders will—(1) Notify the CMH of any historically significant and lineagerelated objects or works of art, identified as being of particularsignificance to their organization, which they wish to exhibit ordisplay, that has been acquired through service, including capturedenemy equipment. (Note: captured enemy equipment is U.S. Government property.)(2) Identify, secure, maintain, preserve, and accept responsibilityfor historical artifacts and art in their custody as an organizationalcollection that is part of the Army Historical Collection.(3) Appoint an ARO and provide a copy of the appointment tothe Commander, U.S. Army Center of Military History, ATTN:DAMH-MD, 103 Third Avenue, Fort McNair, Washington, DC20319–5058. Upon change of Unit Commanders, if the same AROis to continue, then that individual will be reappointed by the UnitCommander.g. Museum Directors will—(1) Be the principal adviser to their commander, for all mattersrelating to Army material culture and museum operations. Authorityis delegated to the Museum Directors for all matters pertaining tothe daily management of their Army museum. Museum Directorsare authorized direct communication with the CMH and the ChiefCurator on all matters pertaining to their museum.(2) Control and ensure acco
historical collection. o Establishes new controls on historical artifacts loaned to Army museums. o Establishes the Army Museum Information System as the central historical artifact accounting program for the Army. o Establishes a Central Control Number for each artifact in the Army Historical Collection.
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