December, Intro4uc Ory. (Reasons For J Guiry.)--In

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835SU IARY01 R E P O R T S G. 5 A, B, C . D DOF ACCIDENTS TO "X " AEROPLANES.P r e s e n t e d b y t h e Accm , zs C o m I E .Re er 8 and Memoranda, No.629.December, 1918.SUMMAZ '.--(a) Intro4uc ory. (Reasonsfor J guiry.)--In the Spring of1918 the Accidents Department recorded a considerable number of accidents t o " X " aeroplanes which had in common one or other of the two followingfeatures :-(i) The machine was seen to dive at a gradually increasing angleand finally stTike the ground nearly vertically, although onseveral occasions evidence seemed to show that the pilot wasmaking every e ort to right it.(if) In the course of an unsuccessful loop the aeroplane was aptto remain in an inverted position, despite any effort of the pilot.(b) Range of he inv6stigaJion.--The Committee's work can be dividedinto three parts :--(i) A critical analysis of the circumstances in which the accidentstook place. (See report G. 5 A.)(if) After consultation with the designers, suggestions of modifications which on general grounds could be considered likely toincrease the safety of this type of machine. (See reports Nos. G. 5 B and G. 5 C.) These were carried out on two machinesand were found to produce the expected improvement.Off) Finally, an exhaustive experinwntal investigation at the R.A.E.which gave exact numerical values for the most satisfactoryarrangement, both as to rigging, shape of wing, and tail planesetting. (See report G. 5 D.) .(c) Co lusio ts.--The simplest method of improving the longitudinalr mtrol of " X " aeroplanes is to set the taft plane at its largest possible egative angle and to fit an elastic to pull the stick forward with such Qrce as to keep the aeroplane in trim at a suitable speed. The fitting ofsmall chord elevators would increase the improvement sti further.I f a more elaborate set of alterations are to be made the arrangement aso n X10 (type E) appears to be the best.In each case, however, the aeroq3lane will still be unstable longitudinally. If it impossible to move the [ower plane backwards owing to the necessity of redesigning the fuselage,an improvement would be obtained by increasing the area of the fixed.tail plane. (See also p. 847).Rm'O T(PART I) O T H E ACCID .NTS C O M M I T T E E O N A C C I D E N T STO " X " AEROPLANES. (G. 5 A.)I r o d u c t l o n . - - 1 . I n t h e course of t h e i n v e s t i g a t i o n of the ccidents t o " X " a e r o p l a n e s referred t o t h e Accidents Committee,m u c h general i n f o r m a t i o n has b e e n g a t h e r e d a b o u t t h e machine.B5200Ax

836There is considerable evidence to show that the machine" hangs"at the top of a loop its control is, as in all types, lost with comparative ease. The inverted aeroplane immediately loses speedand the controls become ineffective.2. The results of tests on an inverted model wing are givenin Appendix I. These show that the wing resistance of theinverted machine is extremely high, the maximum li /drag ratiois as low as 3, and that the stalling speed is far higher than inthe correct position. Lastly, the maximum lilt coe cient maybe as low as half the normal.3. With regard to the effectiveness of the controls, theoreticalconclusions drawn from a number of full-scale tests made at theR.A.I . on the ef ciency of tail planes and elevators are given inAppendix II. The occurrences foreseen therein have been verifiedin flight by i Iajor A., the 0 / C 53rd Training Squadron, R.I .C.,Captain B., Captain C., /[r. D. and Captain E. (see Appendix HI).4. There appears to be general agreement that control whichwas lost with the machine invertecl is recovered when the engineis cut off, or Cuts itself off, but it .should be noted that the immediately following attitude of the machine is a position of nosediving beyond the vertical. It is probable that when diving overthe vertical, as long as the engine is kept on, this aeroplane cannotbe righted by the action of the pilot on the elev.ator.' 5. These conclusions are supported by :-(a) Theoretical calculations based on the available erodynamical data. (Appendices I and II.)(b) The evidence submitted by two experienced instructors.(Appendix I I I ( ) and (5).)(c) The experimental flights made at the request of theCommittee by three pilots (Appendix I I I ( ), (d), (e)and ( ).)(d) The comparative study of six fatal accidents. (Appendix IV.)6. The machines to which these accidents occurred will bedenoted by X1, X2, X3, X4.X5 not referred toX6 not re erred tothe Department.the Department.I n all these cases the aeroplanes were seen in a nose diveeither vertical or over the vertical, and although there appearedto be ample time to straighten out, the machine finally struck theground vertically ; in all cases it would appear that the enginewas on. A brief report on each of the four accidents referre tothe Committee will be found in Appendix IV.7. I t possible that in some instances the flyer being inexperienced may have committed some error of judgment, but t h e

837impulse to elevate would be so natural that one must assume tha in almost every case during the period of dive, the flyer w a sexerting a large, if not his maximum, pull on the control columnto right the machine.8 . B a s e d on three lines of independent evidence (a) modelexperiments and aerodynamieal caiculations, (b) full-scale experiments made by several independent pilots, (c) critical analysis ofthe series of accidents, the Accidents Committee has come to theconclusion that as at present rigged and constructed the machinecan get into a position in which it is impossible to right it byany effort on the elevator control so long as the engine is keptfull on.9. The effort on the elevator required to keep the machineon a steady path increases as the path becomes steeper and thespeed greater. With the engine on there appears to be a definitecritical angle oi descent (possibly 70 to 80 ) beyond which thoelevator control becomes inadequate, and once past this angle, inspite of any effort the pilot may make, the steepness and speedof the dive will increase until finally the machine is over thevertical.10. Two semi-stable attitudes are then possible :-(a) A nearly vertical path with the axis of the machinevertical.(b) A glide at between 300 and 40 with the aeroplane onits back.The machine will pass easily from (a) to (b), but as long a the engine is on, only with an e/ ort from (b) to (a).11. Assuming the pilot to be making every effort to rish the machine, but having left the throttle open and the spark o the former of the two paths alone is stable.12. With the machine inverted the petrol supply stops andeventually the engine fails, and by failing restores control to thepilot. The machine then swings back, and tends to right itself,but before the aeroplane can pass the critical angle, the speed hasagain risen and the engine started, locking the machine oncemore between position (a) and (b).13. It would appear that in practice either of the two positionsmay initiate trouble.I/ a dive is allowed to increase in steepness, position (a) isfirst reached. If the aeroplane fails to complete a loop it firstlocks on position (b).14. All the evidence available with regard to the six accidentsdetailed m Appendix IV harmonises with one or other of thesealternatives. It is probable that the aeroplane comes out ofthese positions without much di eulty if the engine is switchedoff. It depends on the effectiveness of the l teral control whetherit can be got out b y rolling.

83815. T h e C o m m i t t e e h a v e records tha# t h e designers of t h i sm a c h i n e h a v e for s o m e t i m e b e e n a w a r e t h a t t h e a e r o p l a n e ism o r e easily controlled w h e n a n a d j u s t m e n t of rigging dJffereni f r o m t h e one used for s t a n d a r d t e a c h i n g is a d o p t e d , a n d it a p p e a r st h a t t h e m a n u f a c t u r e r s h a v e since N o v e m b e r , 1917, b e e n usinga specially rigged " X " a e r o p l a n e as a h a c k machine. A t a b o u tthis d a t e s o m e " X " aeroplanes c a m e t o b e t e s t e d b y t h e F a r n b o r o u g h A . I . D . Staff a n d similar i n f o r m a t i o n was p u t on recordas t h e result of t h e s e i n d e p e n d e n t tests.(Signed)M. O ' G o A ,Lt.-Co .,Clmirman Accidenta Committee.12th March, 1918.INDEXTO APPENDICES.Appendix I . . . .Wing coefficient at Negative Angles.Appendix I I . . . .lZ.A.E. Report and Technical Dept. Report.Appendix I I I (a) Major A.'s Report.(5) O/C's Report (53rd Training Squadron, lZ.F.C.). Co) Captain B.'s Report.Captain C.'s Report.(,) Mr. D.'s Report.(D Captain E, of Tralnlug Division.Appendix IV.- . Note on Accidents to X1, X2, X3, X4.APPENDIXI.Expe mcntal data on wings at eg ive angus of incide ,e.mThe appendedcurves (Fig. 1) by the N.P.L. to the Advisory Committee for Aeronauticsgive the forces and moments on an inverted wing. The experiments werecarried out on the wing section R.A.F. 14, which differs considerably fromthat used in the " X " aeroplane, but the following characteristics areprobably common to all wing sections when inverted.1. The lift coefficient is less than half that of the wing in the normalattitude and at the corresponding angle of incidence.2. The maximum ratio of lift to drag is less than one quarter.The stalling speed of the machine when upside down will; therefore,be 40 per cent. lower than when in normal flight, and control will be lostif the aeroplane is flown horizontally for any distance when inverted.APPENDIXII.Results of heoreticalinvestigation.--Lieut. Wood, of the R.A.E., attendedat the Accidents Committee Meeting of the 26th February, 1918. Hestated that the " X "aeroplane, Irom calculations made at the l .A.l -.,would stall at about 35 miles an hour and trim at its normal speed of levelflight, but is unstable. When at a high speed in a vertical or over verticalclive with the engine on, a force on the control column in excess of theeffort which the pilot can make or the controls withstand would be required to right the machine. Its elevator control has been found byexperiment to fail at 75 lbs. pull by the buckling of the control column.

i,839DReport A. 698 from D (C) the technical department of the inis rystates t h a t the fore and aft balance of the machine has been looked into.The results show t h a t the machine is unstable in the region of 3 andalso be.low 0%I t is also uncontrollable below -- 2 , as the elevator angle required forbalance is 12 a t -- 2 on the main planes. This is excessive and as -- 2 on t h e wings corresponds to a speed of about 95 miJes per hour, assuminga total weight of 1,900 lbs., accidents such as XI and X2 are to be expectedon this machine.APPENDIXIII.ABSTRACT OF W-VIDENCE OF VARIOUS PILOTS.A. Maj o r A., 0.C., 15th T.S., R . F . C . - - I have looped a B.E. 2C.and 2 E about a hundred times or so and was prepared to t r eat " X " in thesame manner. I started th e loop at 1,200 ft. and everything seemed.allright ill I had got just over the top and the stick back as far as it wouldgo, b u t the nose would not come down. The throttle was still full openand the machine was going downwards upside down very rapidly. I movedt h e stick backwards and forwards, b u t the movement of the elevator hadno effect whatever and the machine was still in the same position. I thendecided the only thing to do was to switch off, which I did, and the nosea t once came down, completing the loop at under 50 ft. from the ground.H a d I kept the throttle open another two or three seconds I should havehi t the ground. I t seemed to me t h a t when in t h a t position the elevator wasworking in a vacuum I talked to several people who saw X4 crash, andthere seems little doubt the same thing happened, as the machine wentdownwards upside down with engine full on. I attach diagram showingroughly the angle at which I was coming down.B. O.C. 53rd T.S., R . F . C . q A s requested I am forwarding directattached report of the experiences of Major A. in looping " X . "Thisobviously how Lieut. H. and 2nd Lieut. J. had fatal accidents inJanuary, 1918, respectively. On experiment myself, I find the very samething happens, as long as the engine is on.C.Cc ptai z B.,R.F.C Flyi g Os ce ,, Accidents Depc riment. Generally speaking, if th e nose of the machine be slightly above the flyinglevel position the machine will stall in every case, whether the engine ison or off. If the nose of the machine is slightly below the flying level itwill gradually get into a steep nose dive, in which the speed of the machinerises very rapidly.There is a certain difficulty in getting out of a nose dive between 90and 100 miles an hour, b u t it is not considered dangerous. Although themachine appears quite safe it seems probable t h a t the control would bev e r y aifficult if it got into a high-speed vertical nose dive.

840D. c ptain C.--The machine has been dived at varying speedsmp to 105 m.p.h. Considerable difficulty is experienced in straighteningout on these dives if the engine is kept full on, b u t instant]y the engineis shut off it pulis out immediately.E. Mr. D. stated in an interview that his experience led him tobelieve t h a t it would be difficult if not impossible to pull a standardrigged " X " out of a vertical nose clive while the engine was on. Theaeroplane was more easily handled when the top plane was staggeredbackwards.F. Captain E., R.F.C. Training Division.--Attended at the AccidentCommittee Meeting of the 12th March, 1918. He stated t h a t he had hada considerable experience of most of t h e machines at present in use a n dmore particularly of the standard form of " X " as used in the TrainingDivision. W i t h this machine he had carried out all usual evolutions,including : - 1. Looping.2. Spinning.3. Diving.4. stauing.1. Looping.--The machine with standard rig tends to hang a t top ofthe loop. If the speed is low the controls are sloppy ; if the speed is highthe controls are unduly stiff ; at all speeds it is difficult or impossible toget the machine over the top of the loop unless the engine is cut off.2 Spinning. The machine with standard rig cannot be made to spinin the regular manner.3. Diving.--When dived the pull on the controls to bring the standardmachine out of the dive with the engine on is very considerable a t a speedof 75 miles an hour, and increases with the speed. He had not attemptedthe manceuvre at a higher speed.4. Stalling.--It is practically impossible to stall accidentally themachine of standard rig, a considerable effort being required to effect this.Generally speaking it m a y be said that the machine as usually rigged isunsatisfactory for training purposes. The low landing speed and the freedomfrom danger b y stalling was likely to lead to accidents when the pupilwas transferred to service machines.APPENDIXIV.Z. 26. ACCIDENTTO Xl, WADDINGTON, JANUARY, 1918.Brief dcscription.---2nd Lieut. F. was flying XI fitted with 90 h.p.R.A.F. engine, at about 2,000 ft., when the machine was seen turning a n dimmediately afterwards nose diving with the engine full on. I t struckthe ground with its longitudinal axis practically vertical, and was wrecked.The pilot and passenger were both killed.Opinion.--The Committee is of opinion that during the final dive toearth the aeroplane was out of control. The evidence given above indicatest h a t i n the attitude in which the machine s and at the speed it wouldsoon attain, no effort which the pilot could exert on the elevator would beeffective unless the engine was switched off. This was not done.Z. 28. ACCIDENTTO X2, WADDINGTON, JANUARY, 1918.Brief description.--Cadet G. was flying X2 fitted with 90 h . p . R . A . F .I A engine and was stated to have been seen in various positions b yseveral witnesses, one of whom said he distinctly saw the machine a t a b o u t2,000 it. gilding upside down, emitting a trail of smoke. All are agreedt h a t it finally dived vertically to the ground with the engine running. Thel lot was killed.

ii:.:." ".8 1JO o .--TheCommittee is of the opinion : 1. T h a t after partially completing a loop t h e machine got into avertical nose dive.9. T h a t during the dive t h e engine was full on.3. T h a t under these conditions the pilot would not have su icientpower on t h e elevator to right the machine.Z. 34.Accz T TO X3, HAZLAXTON, JAI UARY, 1918.B i f desc pffo . 2nd Lieut. H. was flying X3, fitted with 90 h.p.R.A.F. engine, eight or ten'miles from the Aerodrome. H e had previouslya s k e d his Instructor how to loop this t y p e of machine a n d it is presumedhe tried to do so.The only eye-wihmss said his attention was a t t r a c t e d b y t h e sound ofthe engine, a n d he saw the machine when quite low, coming down vertically.The aeroplane was wrecked and the pilot was killed.O p i 0 n . T h e Committee is of t h e opinion t h a t : I. While practising looping the pilot got the aeroplane into a verticalnose dive.2. T h e pilot left t h e engine full on a n d did not make a n y effectivea e m p t to right it before it reached an altitude and speed a twhich i t was uncontrollable.Z. 35.ACCIDENT TO X4, HAZLAXTON, JANUARY, 1918.B '@f descr/lbtio .w2nd Lieut. J. was flying X4 fitted with 90 h.p.R.A.F. engine a t Harlaxton. H e h a d gone up to practise turns and spirals.A t 4 p.m. t h e aeroplane was seen diving over the vertical a t a b o u t 3,000 ft.F o r a short period t h e descent appeared t o have become less steep, t h enmchine gliding on its b a c k ; finally it dived vertically from 1,000 ft. tot h e ground. O iniot .wThe Committee Js of t h e opinion : 1. T h a t while practising a steep spiral t h e pupil got the aeroplaneinto a vertical nose dive, from which it turned on to its back.2. T h a t t h e power of the controls was adequate to swing t h e machineb a c k t o t h e vertical, b u t t h e engine being on, i t was insufficientto right it.The following accidents were not specially referred to t h e Committee,b u t appear to have arisen under similar conditions.ACCIDBNT TO X5, YAT SBURY, I C] BBR, 1917.Lieut. K., R.F.A., R.F.C., was flying X5 fittedwith a 90 h . p . R . A . F , engine fitted a t Yatesbury. The aeroplane was firstseen diving steeply a t 1,000 it. ; i t then turned on its back. The pilotB ief des ,i i .--2ndeared t o be t r y i n g t o r i g h t the machine, b u t was n o t able t o do soi t crashed to t h e ground.ACCIDENT TO X 6 ,B ef c o # . - - 2 n d90 b p. R.A.F. engine.HUNTINGDON, R U A R Y ,1918.Lieut. L., R.F.C., was flying X6 fitted with aA t S.30 t h e machine was seen in a vertical nose dive with t h e engine on.I t b u r s t into fiames on hitting t h e ground.

842R .POR (PART II) O TKe AccID rrs COM r . . O ACCID I rSTO,cX " AEROPLANES. (G. 5 B.)16. Instability in instructional aeroplanes such as " X " ifdesirable, can of course be attained by a modification of any oneor of all. of the important factors of design of a n originaily s ablemachine, but the full effects of such modifications are not easyto foresee, and if arbitrarily carried out they may frequentlyresult in making the aeroplane uncontrollable in one or moreattitudes.17. In the case under discussion the machine is unbalancedin a fore and aft. direction, the centre of gravity heinE too farback. The resulting tendency of the aeroplane to fly tail downat low speeds and nose dive at high speeds may have been foreseenand was possibly desired, but it was less easy to predict thatunder certain conditions an angle and speed might be reached at hich the elevator would cease to be effective. A similar undesiredcomplication might attend the introduction of any other form ofinstability.18. Should it be thought desirable that at some s age of histraining the pupil should tly an aeroplane having certain definiteforms of h tab/lity, it is necessary to consfder carefully the effecf the modifications wi

(Appendices I and II.) (b) The evidence submitted by two experienced instructors. (Appendix III ( ) and (5).) . lZ.A.E. Report and Technical Dept. Report. Major A.'s Report. O/C's Report (53rd Training Squadron, lZ.F.C.). Captain B.'s Report. Captain C.'s Report. Mr. D.'s Report. Captain E, of Tralnlug Division. Note on Accidents to X1, X2, X3, X4. APPENDIX I. Expe mcntal data on wings at .

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