Emco WheatonDelivering the best solutions for more than 100 years
COMPANYPROFILEWith more than 100 years’ experienceworking within the fluid transferindustry, Emco Wheaton has the pedigreeand knowledge, along with the innovativeattitude and skills required to produceworld leading equipment.From Marine Loading Arms used to safely and efficientlytransfer hazardous liquids and gases from ship to shore,Distribution Loading Arms, Dry-Break couplers,adaptors, petroleum road tanker equipment and a rangeof refuelling systems used to refuel fleets of buses,we are proud of our wide-ranging product offering andcontinue to meet and exceed the growing demands of thetransportation, oil, gas and chemical industries we serve.Our products, which are designed and manufactured atour four plants strategically placed around the globe, havebeen recognised as class leading for decades with clientsreturning time and time again safe in the knowledge thatthey are buying the best products from one of the world’smost well respected and recognised brands.Our manufacturing plants in Houston Texas, USA; OakvilleOntario, Canada; Kirchhain, Germany and Margate, UK aresupported by sales offices in Paris, France; Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia; Manama, Bahrain; Vienna, Austria; Shanghai,China and Moscow, Russia; as well as a network of trusteddistributors covering more than 100 countries globally.
Our product portfolioOur comprehensive product portfolio offers a plethora ofproducts that provide the equipment required to transportvirtually all fluids and gases: Marine Loading Arms Top Loading Arms Bottom Loading Arms Speciality Loading Arms Loading Arm Accessories Gantry Access Equipment Safety Release systems DRY-BREAK Couplers and Adaptors API Couplings and Adaptors Bus, Rail and Aviation Refuelling Systems Swivel Joints Tank Truck Systems and ComponentsThe recognised globalleader in the supply oftotal solutions for the safetransfer and storage ofbulk hazardous liquidsand gases.1
Product rangeMarine Loading ArmsOur specialist project managers and engineers areavailable to work with you to ensure the solutions weproduce answer your needs. Our arms are appropriatefor the transfer of almost any liquid or compressed gasproduct to and from river barges, ships and ocean goingsuper tankers.Top Loading ArmsEmco Wheaton has designed and manufactured loadingarms for more than 60 years. Our technically advancedsolutions suit almost any application and liquid in theworld. Available in carbon steel, carbon steel / aluminium,stainless steel, low temperature carbon steel, hastelloyand titanium they can also be supplied with PTFE andvulcanised rubber linings.2
Bottom Loading ArmsLoading Arm AccessoriesBottom Loading Arms allow for the simultaneous loadingof several tank compartments, increasing speed andefficiency of loading. Bottom loading is easily adaptable tovapour recovery systems.Our catalogue of accessories is extremely wide ranging andis unparalleled within the industry, from Control Systemsto Telescopic Drop Tubes with many designed as a directresult of an enquiry from a customer. If we don’t offer whatyou need, let us know and we will create a safe and costeffective solution that meets your needs.Speciality Loading ArmsGantry Access EquipmentOur engineers design a range of arms for specialisedservice applications and constantly develop new armsto meet your specific needs. If you have an unusualapplication simply let us know and we will be able to help.We understand that safety and comfortable access is ofvital importance when staff are accessing the top of tankertrucks. For that reason we offer a range of equipment thatcan be configured to meet your needs.3
Product rangeSafety Release systemsOur safety release systems automatically disconnectfrom a loading arm or hose if a tanker accidentallydrives away. The product flow is simultaneously shut offpreventing spillage.DRY-BREAKEmco Wheaton invented the term ‘DRY-BREAK ’ in the1960s and our products have since become recognised inthe industry as the leading brand of couplings that allowfor spill-free disconnection. Along with TODO DRY-BREAK,Emco Wheaton’s sister brand, we offer the world’s widestrange of couplings.API CouplingsOur family of API Couplers is the most comprehensiveavailable on the market. Each incorporates a host ofpatented features, which provide trouble free operation andalso ensure a clean, spill free loading rack.4
Bus, Rail and Aviation Refuelling SystemsTank Truck Components and SystemsKnowledge gathered during our long operating lifespan hasallowed us to develop a range of automatic shut-off fuellingsystems developed specifically for transit buses, miningand other off-highway vehicles, gantry cranes,and locomotives.Our catalogue of components including a range of manholecovers and accessories, emergency vales and vapourtransfer & recovery equipment is tailored to fit a hugerange of vehicle and bulk plant requirements. Designed tomaintain optimal operation even in the most hazardous ofenvironments our equipment complies with many industrystandards and recommended practices.Our overwing fuelling solutions have been developed forboth general aviation and military fuelling.Our Electronic Pump Metering Systems, Air ControlSystems and Sealed Cargo Systems to name but a few,are all designed to work reliably in hazardous conditions,ensuring that your product is delivered without danger tothe driver, spillage or contamination to the environment.Swivel JointsRigid pipelines can be made movable by using swiveljoints. This is ideal when hoses are not suitable. Clientsuse our tried and tested swivel joints when easy handling,operational safety and low-wear characteristics arerequired.5
Industry expertiseDecades of working within the transportation, oil, gas andbulk chemical markets have taught us vital lessons, andmeans we have gathered the knowledge required to meetthe wide ranging needs of our clients.We develop equipment specifically for these industries andoffer it built using a range of materials designed to copewith the varying characteristics of the product you need totransfer.Putting ourcustomers firstFrom the person who picks up the phone to ourknowledgeable technical sales team and the globalnetwork of trained technicians and installers we areproud of our people and the first rate level of customerservice they deliver.We are constantly striving to further improve levels ofcustomer service and provide continual training to ourglobally based technicians in order to reduce the amount oftime you have to wait should you require assistance.We understand that safety is of paramount importanceto you, as it is to us. For that reason our staff are trainedto the highest standards and continually create riskassessments in conjunction with local operators to ensurea safe working environment for personnel and equipment.When you install a product we take pride in the assistancewe offer and work closely with your staff to ensureequipment is installed safely, quickly and at the lowest costpossible. Our engineers are available anywhere in the worldto supervise this vital job.We are keen to build long term relationships with you thatwill help us add value to your process whilst ensuring thesafety of your operators and plant. By supporting you in thefield we aim to provide peace of mind.6
Aftermarket provisionOur Aftermarket team is an integral part of EmcoWheaton. It offers assistance to ensure you get the mostout of your equipment by helping to prelong it’s lifecycle.Our Aftermarket provision includes: Commissioning e carry out safety checks to ensure your newWequipment is correctly installed and fit for use. Training e always ensure clients are fully trained at theirWsites but we also offer a series of training eventsat our plants. These are to ensure you are awareof the developments we have in place and toprovide a broad knowledge of our products andservices. Spare Parts Upgrades e are proud to say that many of our productsWwill continue to work well for many years ifcorrectly maintained, but during this time itis likely that technology will move forward.Upgrades may be the ideal way to add even morelifetime to the equipment. Upgrades could be inthe form of hardware or software. Service Exchange Refurbishment e believe it is vital to use spare partsWthat originate from the original equipmentmanufacturer as using third-party parts canadversely affect the performance of equipment,potentially cause irreparable damage and maywell create safety issues. ome of our equipment may require a completeSoverhaul during its lifetime in order to prolong it.Our engineers will review your requirements andprepare a report and quotation. Where technologyhas not changed too much this is a cost-effectiveway of maintaining service.We are the world’sleading manufacturerof fueling systems forfleet vehicles.7I n some cases, we offer a service exchangeprogram for key components. Our serviceexchange program reduces potential downtimeand improves the return on your investment. Thisprogram is an integral part of our commitment toproviding excellent customer care.
Innovation and developmentWe have grown and maintained a reputation forinnovation during our decades of operation andcontinuously develop new products requiredby our clients. We also use our wide reachingindustry knowledge to anticipate new needswithin the market and prepare to meet themaccordingly.We have teams of engineers researching and developingcustomised solutions for transferring hazardous liquidsand gases that meet the specific needs of our clients.We continually strive to enhance products and regularlylaunch innovative equipment into the market with the aimto provide a one-stop-shop for our clients where you canpurchase all the equipment you need to efficiently andsafely transfer your product.8
Emco Wheaton GmbHPresnenskaya emb. 10Block C – Embankmemt Tower – of. 526123317 MoscowRussiaPhone 7 495 9677612Fax 7 495 9677600MANUFACTURING FACILITIESSALES OFFICEEmco WheatonChannel Road,Westwood Industrial Estate,Margate,Kent,CT9 4JR UKPhone 44 1843 221521Fax 44 1843 295444Emco WheatonChannel Road,Westwood Industrial Estate,Margate,Kent,CT9 4JR UKPhone 44 1843 221521Fax 44 1843 295444Emco Wheaton Corp.2390 South Service Road West,Oakville,Ontario,L6L 5M9CANADAPhone: 905-829-8619 Fax: 905-829-8620Emco Wheaton Corp.2390 South Service Road West,Oakville,Ontario,L6L 5M9CANADAPhone: 905-829-8619 Fax: 905-829-8620 Gardner Denver International LtdPO Box 30804Diraz, ManamaEmco Wheaton GmbHBahrainEmcostraße 2-4,Phone 973 1781318735274,Fax 973 17813186Kirchhain,Emco Wheaton GmbHEmcostraße 2-4,35274,Kirchhain,GermanyPhone 49 6422 84-0 Fax 49 6422 5100Emco Wheaton USA, Inc.9111 Jackrabbit Road,Houston,Texas,77095USAPhone 1 281 856-1300Fax 1 281 856-1325GermanyPhone 49 6422 84-0 Fax 49 6422 5100Emco Wheaton USA, Inc.9111 Jackrabbit Road,Houston,Texas,77095USAPhone 1 281 856-1300Fax 1 281 856-1325Emco Wheaton FranceEmco Wheaton DivisionImmeuble le Miroir15-17 Bld du Général De Gaulle92542 Montrouge CedexFrancePhone 33 1 46 12 41 41Fax 33 1 46 12 41 61Emco Wheaton GmbHBlue Danube Park,Objekt 60,2100 Korneuburg,AustriaPhone 43 2262 64281-0Fax 43 2262 /2013 v2Emco Wheaton Asia Pacific21-5F IOI Business Park, Bandar PuchongJaya,Puchong, 47170,Selangor, MalaysiaPhone 603 8075 7500Fax 603 8075 4100Email cwhu@emcowheaton.com
Emco Wheaton uSa, Inc. 9111 Jackrabbit road, Houston, Texas, 77095 USA Phone 1 281 856-1300 Fax 1 281 856-1325 Emco Wheaton France emco Wheaton Division Immeuble le Miroir 15-17 Bld du Général De Gaulle 92542 Montrouge Cedex France Phone 33 1 46 12 41 41 Fax 33 1 46 12 41 61 Emco Wheaton
Emco Wheaton GmbH Emcostraße 2-4, 35274, Kirchhain, Germany Phone 49 6422 84-0 Fax 49 6422 5100 Emco Wheaton USA, Inc. 9111 Jackrabbit Road, Houston, Texas, 77095 USA Phone 1 281 856-1300 Fax 1 281 856-1325 SALES OFFICE Emco Wheaton France Emco Wheaton Division Immeuble le Miroir 15
Emco Wheaton USA, Inc. 9111 Jackrabbit Road, Houston, Texas, 77095 USA Phone 1 281 856-1300 Fax 1 281 856-1325 Emco Wheaton France Emco Wheaton Division Immeuble le Miroir 15-17 Bld du Général De Gaulle 92542 Montrouge Cedex France Phone: 33 146 1241-50 Fax 33 1 46 12 41 61 Emco Wheaton
EMCO Maier Ges.m.b.H. P.O. Box 131 A-5400 Hallein-Taxach/Austria Phone 43-(0)62 45-891-0 Fax 43-(0)62 45-869 65 Internet: www.emco.at E-Mail: service@emco.at CAD CAM NC EMCO CAMConcept T Instrucciones de software Versión de software desde 2.0 Instrucciones de software EMCO
EMCO WHEATON GmbH Emcostraße 2-4 · 35274 Kirchhain · Germany Phone 49 6422 84-0 · Fax 49 6422 5100 EMCO WHEATON USA, INC. 9111 Jackrabbit Road · Houston, Texas 77095 · USA Phone 1 281 856-1300 · Fax 1 281 856-1325 EMCO WHEATON Corp. 2480 Bristol Circle · Oakville, Ontario L
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All Emco Wheaton accessories are applicable making it adaptable to all types of loading situation. Offering long-term cost savings with low maintenance and a long life expectancy, the range also offers excel
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